HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 84-29 t�s:ZD1'iJt1<�CL; ?5U. o�-2a
t�'i3 �R�Ti�til3ixC�, UF TtI� .�"..Z`i'Y f�r FT2IEi�JDSt'TO(�� 1�i'�ir,YvDIIvG
Jki)I1yA�`3CE i�0. �'4-15 Pr�iSSED i�l�IJ APPR�VEI� �S t�I' T�iUVi;t�iBI;R 1�
1984, A�1�3 �tr7U�r�a I�S THE ZOiJIivG Ok�Il��ivCE ��' �'HE CI`.�Y, �`�
CI3AP��II•dG rrHL Z�i�II��J� �F C�F?'1'i�Ic1 �A�CELS t��' LA��ID FRfli�I SFk
C.`'.�C� O�ll� i{�FI�-i-� AI'jL SFR �PL;CII�,L U:i}�i � 3 21 E��:�A T�2ACT OF
Lt�I:�ID �E"�TvE�7 ��Y 1:7E31i CORPO�t�rl'TOT:1t Lt)CA�I'ED Oi�T TFfL SO�JTFi STT�E
OF Fl�� 52 8 AiJI7 BI SECTED �Y 811�' r��tL?� BUULEV�II:D.
V����r''.�'�iyj� L1i@ �I:iC'.IIluSWOOc;i �IL�' C011I1Ci� c�i1U i..11� F�iena�w�a�
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��.arir��:�n� anu Zoizzrzy Co�i�un�.�s�.on ��izuucf:eu a �o�.�f� Nuk�i�c �z�ariri�
oi� Decer:�u�r 20,19F�4, 'to consic��r i�Fie re�o3linc� oz t�3e i�er�inai:i�er
�i�scr�;�e� Naxce�s o� la�i�i �:rol�� �FFt to CSC, OF!), C�?FIZ-iI anu SFR
SI'�,CI�1L OS�; arYu
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laws c�� i:;ie St�i�� of: Tc:::as anu i7r��naric;e i�3o. ��-3� af tr,� City o�
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F�zen��wooa, anc.7 t�.at in �uciz Y�earinc� a�i �a�rsc�n� afii:e�z�liny ua�r�
ai:I.o�vLU i:c� ae iieard on i:iiL �ue�tior� c�r ca�tiettier or i�ot �a7�
rc;�oning ot sai�r t�ro��rLy �r�m �F�t co CSC, OPD, i�1F��-H a�ic� ��'H
SPECIAL USE ��aou:1� a�i�c� t�7e �ui�lic i�ea��ii, sat�ty, ,nora:i�,
conv�riieilc� or ��n�ra�� cv�:�fare a� tii� ci�iGens or Fri�:nusvaoou,
�riU F�iy�ic�ler ar rYa� sucri r�zonAny ��ou�c� vio�i��ce ti7� ric�iits oi: �riy
lYl`LE:ZE.':i�:-t3U �iE.-'i50T1'�y-'J r.ii1U
iv"FI'�L�EAS, a� a reaui�. o� ta�2 saia �u�iic ���arz.ZC� anc�
��co�:�ri��izc�a�iorl fror:� �.',i� Frienc�s�aooc� Zuaiin� Coi,u,ii�sion, t:i� C:��cy
CouiZCil :�inua i:.`tlat :�uc�i r��oni:ig ia no�: ae�tri�nen�al to �tzc
co�,ianun:��y; ;io�r, cri�:r�:iore,
�l'; ��l' ��iDr'yl.���'� ��� rl'�1'� Cl�.L'Y I�:UUl`f�1I, vF' �.'H� C�'�'Y ��''
F'I�l�:,Pdi�SfiJUOT7� ..�`>`t'E�`'1'E Ji�' �.�'i'�X.�1J:
Sc:ct:�c�ri l. Licy oi Frien�t�wo�u, T�:sas, Jruinanc�: No.
f34-15, ��a;;�;;eci anG a���rove� on i�lovc�r�l�c:�: l:, 1�a�4 ane� }:no�an as �n�
Goniny Orciinanc�, :�a ii�:rei�y arct,nu�u �y ci�aiz�i�Zy i.izr� zon:�ny
c:�as�i�ic��tion of �rie ioliowiny u�scri;��a �ro��s:�i.�s �ror;� SFI2 �co
CSCi OPi�, IiF'�Z-Ii �1P31� SF�2 S�k;CI�L USE: (;=;}i:3IF3I"1' t�,B,C,1�1`dD !�
A'1`TACH�J r3?�t;:::i� F�Tdt7 i le�D� Ei PE���T 'r3 Et:Ec�i. )
S�c�c:�on 2. TFie o:�iicia� zonin�� z:la�3 0� the� City �riall b�
r�vi��ra to :�r�c�ca 'cize a��ovL ue:�cri;�z� �L-ract� rc��oncu irorz� SFI� TO
C5C P JFD� i=1r�`t-i� �`yi�717 SF'I? SP GL'CT?aI� IJS�,.
S�ction 3. Ta�z� nruinanc� siiall in no way reciuc�, am�n�i,
su�;�leit��ni., or ci�an�� any �:rovi:�io:� of any oruii�aizc� of riie City
of Fric:n�iswoo�i o�:l�er �r�an to acco�t��li:�i� ��ii� r�:zoniny ai t;»
i:taCi:S Ciie�CribeCC:i �n ,°�eCi:].Ori 1 f�oi�� SF'I� i0 CSC� :�P',.�� I�iF�t-�i r'1iJD SFF.
APPROVE� 0�1 FII25T I:EAD1-IJU TH�S 7th D11Y OF January , l�£�5.
I�PP.Z�V�D OY� S�COND READIi�G TE�TS 21st D�Y UF Jarnlary , 1�8�.
PASSED, t'�P�'I:OVED t"1P1�7 A�OP2'ED UId T�iI�tD REt��I�1G TiiIS 4th DAY OF
February , 1�85 •
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3.7� ORIS i^�'iCKET �
CI�1'Y SLC�-:E`I'A�.Y
� `� �� DESCRIPTION , �
. � ' .
. . OF . . . -
A 38.9270 acre tract of land located in the Thomas Choate, A-12, and Sarah McKissick,
A-549 Surveys, Friendswood, Harris Co�nty, Texas and being more fully described by
metes and bounds as follows:
BEGINNING at the intersection of the South line of F.M. 528 (100 foot right-of-way)
and the East line of the Thomas Choate Survey, A-12, also being the Northeast corner
of the herein described tract;
THENCE South 03° O1 ' O1" East, a distance of 326.66 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 81° 12' 47" West, a distance of 882.04 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 08° 47' 13" East, a distance of 225.00 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 81° 12' 47" West, a distance of 1580. 10 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE northerly along a curve to the left, with a central angle of 00° 42' 19",
a radius of 2050.00 feet, a distance of 25.23 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 81° 12' 47" West, a distance of 1063.31 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 08° 47' 13" West, a distance of 525.00 feet to a point for corner
in the South line of F.M. 528 (100 feet wide) ;
THENCE North 81° 12' 47" East, along tF►e South line of F.M. 528 (100 foot right-
of-way) , a distance of 150.00 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 08° 47' 13" East, a distance of 158.00 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 81 ° 12' 47" East, a distance of 138.00 fe�t to a point for corner;
THENCE North 08° 47' 13" West, a distance of 158.00 feet to a point for corner
in the South line of F.M. 528 (100 foot right-of-way) ;
THENCE North 81° 12' 47" East, along the South line of F.M. 52$ (100 foot right-
of-way) , a distance of 3266.89 feet to the POINT OF BEGIPdNING and containing 38.9270
acres of land.
� .,, �- DES CR I PT I ON
� OF
A 59.6045 acre tract of land located in the John Dickinson, A-15 and Sarah McKissick,
A-549 Survey,s Friendswood, Harris County, Texas and being more fully described by
metes and bounds as foilows:
COMMENCING at the intersection of the South line of F.M. 528 (100 foot right-of-way)
and the East line of the Thomas Choate Survey, A-12, Thence South 81° 12' 47" West,
along the South line of F.M. 528 (100 fqot right-of-way) , a distance of 3554.89 feet,
Thence South 08° 47' 13" West, a distance of 1115.59 feet; Thence South 00° 55' S4"
East, a distance of 116.17 feet; Thence South 14° 46' 44" West, a distance of 116. 17
feet; Thence South 30° 2g' 21" East, a distance of 116. 17 feet; Thence South
38° 22' 13" West, a distance of 1199.89 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING for the
herein described tract;
THENCE South 51 ° 37' 47" East, a distance of 57�+.79 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE Southerly along a curve to the Left, with a central angle of 38° 07' 03",
a radius of 2470.00 feet, a distance of 1643.22 feet to a point of tangency;
THENCE South 18° 4g' S4" East, a distance of 188.5g feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 71° 10' 06" East, a distance of 420.00 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 18° 49" 54" East, a distance oP 771 .65 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 41° 41 ' 13" �est, a distance of 115.01 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 18° 51 ' 48" West, a distance of 768.25 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 41 ° 39' 04" West, a distance of 1519.75 feet to a point for corner
in the Northeasterly high bank of Clear Creek;
THENCE along the meanders of the Easterly high bank of Clear Creek as fotlows:
North 65° 30' 48" West, 70.22 feet to a point;
North 72° 40' 19" West, 253.55 feet to a point;
North 89° 42' S8" West, 93.55 feet to a point;
South 88° 38' 13" tJest, 93.87 feet to a point;
� North 75° 14' 35" West, 115. 12 feet to a point
North 64° 39' 16" West, 64.47 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 41° 35' 39" East, a distance of 737.60 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 48° 29' 22" West, a distance of 19�+.99 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 41 ° 35' 39" West, a distance of 709.88 feet to a point for corner on
the Easterly high bank of Clear Creek;
THENCE along the Easterly high 6ank of Clear Creek as follows:
North 20° 20' 27" West, 129.06 feet to a point;
North 13° 34' S9" West, 91 .03 feet to a point,
North 07° 59' 37" West, 67.2g feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 41° 35' 39" East, a distance of 554.47 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 48° 21 ' 28" West, a distance of 319•44 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 41 ° 35' 39" West, a distance of 327.16 feet to a point for corner in
the Easterly high bank of Clear Creek;
r- e - i _
THENCE along the Easterly high bank of Clear Creek as follows:
North 06° 07' 11 ' East, 128.87 feet to a point;
North 29° 25' 07" East, 96.29 feet to a point;
North 35° 15' 32" East, 9�.35 feet to a point;
North 54° 32' 33" East, 171 .73 feet to a point;
North 65° 14' 35" East, 76.58 feet to a point ;
North 70° 08' 32" East, 165.74 feet to a point;
North 86° 29' 12" East, 133. 13 feet to a point;
South 73° 55' S2" East, 47.39 feet to a point ;
North 80° 44' 40" East, 106,09 feet to a point;
North 71 ° 22' 32" East, 118.94 feet to a point;
North 63° 10' 27" East , 84.87 feet to a point;
North 44° 34' 30" East, 92.08 feet to a point;
North 39° 43' 22" East, 86. 14 feet to a point;
North 28° 56' 12" East, 266. 10 feet to a point;
North 09° 54' 13" East, 149.73 feet to a point;
North 21 ° 57' �+3" West, 132.41 feet to a point;
North 41 ° 13' S7" West, 101 .08 feet to a point;
North 71 ° 09' 11" West, 119.03 feet to a point;
North 76° 32' 59" West, 105.74 feet to a point;
North 62° 55' 37" West, 106.g8 feet to a point;
North 50° 14' 20" West, 172.66 feet to a point;
North 23° 19' 03" West, 114.20 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 38° 22' 13" East, a distance of 834.76 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING
and containing 59.6045 acres of land.
_ . .. � . , .
" , ,� � r. + . .
A 138.8891 acre tract of land located in the Thomas Choate, A-12, John Dickinson,
A-15 and Sarah McKissick, A-549 Surveys, Friendswood, Harris County, Texas and
being more fully described by metes and bounds as follows :
COMMENCING at the intersection of the South line of F.M. 528 (100 foot right-of-way)
and the east line of the Thomas Choate Survey, A-12, Thence South 03° Ol ' Ol"
East, a distance of 326.66 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING for the herein described
THENCE South 03° O1 ' O1" East, a distance of 287.32 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 41° 00' 11" West, a distance of 1414.35 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 41° 43' 25" West, a distance of 124.07 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 81 ° 12' 47" West, a distance of 1701 .34 feet to a point for corner on
the Easterly line of proposed Bay Area Boulevard (100 foot right-of-way) ;
THENCE South 22° 12' 47" West, along the Easterly line of proposed Bay Area Boulevard
(100 foot right-of-way) , a distance of 1422.85 feet to a point of curvature;
THENCE Southerly along a curve to the Left, with a central angle of 11 ° 35' 42", a
radius of 1950.00 feet, a distance of 394.62 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 84° 22' 22" East, a distance of 646.98 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 41 ° 43' 25" West, a distance of 980.00 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 48° 17' 41" East, a distance of 1059.28 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 41 ° 41 ' 13" West, a distance of 746.04 feet to a point for corner
in the westerly line of proposed Bay Area Boulevard (100 foot right-of-way) ;
THENCE North 18° 49' S�+" West, along the westerly line of Bay Area Boutevard, a
distance of 771 .65 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE South 71 ° 10' 06" West, a distance of 420.00 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE northerly along a curve to the right, with a central angle of 38° �7' 02",
a radius of 2470.00 feet, a distance of 1643022 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 51 ° 37' 47" West, a distance of 57�+079 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 38° 22' 13" East, a distance of 1199.89 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 30° 29' 21" East, a distance of 116.17 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 14° 46' 44" East, a distance of 116, 17 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 00° 55' S4" West, a distance of 116017 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 08° 47' 13" West, a distance of 590.59 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 81 ° 12' 47" East, a distance of 1063.31 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE Southerly along a curve to the right, with a central angle of 00° 42' 19",
a radius of 2050.00 feet, a distance of 25.23 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 81 ° 12' 47" East, a distance of 1580. 10 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 08° 47' 13" West, a distance of 225.00 feet to a point for corner;
THENCE North 81 ° 12' 47" East, a distance of 822.04 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING
and containing 138.8891 acres of land.