HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 5 l ' I !l LLC H ELECTRIC, ITtiEl cszsE OMIDMCE CITY OP PRIENDSVMMI UM S , BE IT ORDAINED BY .SFiE CUM COUNCIL ,OF. THE CITY OF PRIENDSWOODo ' TEW15 a 1. Parties. `1'hhe My of Friendsaood, Toxas, herein called tho City,, a Guaiclpol corporation created under Title 28 of the Texao Revised Civil SLatuteso_ hereby grants--the -nonce exclusivo rights privileges and franchise herein stated to Community Public Sorvlco Companyo a corporation, its successors and asslgns,, heroin celled Grantee. I 2. Nature of Grento She City acting pursuant to Chapters 4 end 10 and osier pertinent Chapters of Title 28 of the" Sentasg Revised Civil Statutes and Artie lea 1436 and 1436a of said Statutes hereby grants to GrenteQ a nonexclusive . ri•ghto privileges and franchise to oreeto maintains operate,, " and raniove ,e,lectric linos ,and pertinent facilities over, under, acroaa,, upon,, and. along thie otrodtso allays, and other public 'ir3 proparGy in the City. _ 3, ZpXpoaeq. .'This fVenchlse is granted for the purposee .o$ providing electric service salthin the City end adjacent areas end transporting `olectric energy too fvOmo and beyond the City, . 4. - Te m. Thlo franchise_ shall exist for a term of 9- years from date of passage. 5, Lacatlon of Paclllties. ' Granteaas poles and other fact 114lee ohal,l be, placed and erected in such canner as not to Interfere traft$co and the location# relocation, y construction,, and manner. of 'erection of ,ouch poles and fact lllp ties ahali at all times be subject to the pollee poser of the City. 6. Excavations and Obstructlons. Any and all 'excd. , vations and obstructions In and upon the streets, alloys, une other public places in the City caused by Grantee' s operatlons under this prdinanae shell be repaired end removed by Grantee as quietly as is reasonably possiblao' under the circumstances. ' Hndemn#tye Thd'Q�enteo shall hold the City harmless from any liability ar$oigg from any negligent act, , or omission off' Grantee in the erection, maintenancoa and operation of ito faetilitios In the City: 8. Street Rent, '$he Qrantoo shall report and pay during Januaryo Aprilp 3ulyo and ®ctobor of each year during . the term of thin ffranchlsa ordinance a ntroot- rent equal to two per cent (2%) of the gross receipts of the sale of oleo- tricity for domeetic and commercial use within the corporate limits of the City for the nont preceding throe months$ psriod, soleQ of electricity to the City and other governmeatnl apeneiea and oubdivisAvna and to industraal uoers as classified by Grantee oliall• not be Included In or subject to such ©troet rent or fraaashA66 -eiargcq '%he first repot and payment under this paragraph 8 ,ohell be made during April# 1961, and shall be based, on ity during the first quarter 4. 19610 The charge herein made- shall be in lieu of, to the extent pemltted by lawo any other charges or fees of any hind by the City based ono connected mitt,? or incident to the exescled of the nonexclualye, rHghto nrivilegeo and ffrenchiao ;- herein grc iPado but. ehdl,*60 ,17terforo with collection of ad valorem tEdtea by the CAtyo 9. Ac2tion. Passed and adopted with all necessary' procsed6ral gormalItIce by the City Council of the City of " F'riendox'rOodo oxap'o' at . a regular meeting hold at..tho regular, plecep •at.wUlab meeting a quorum vias,•present throughouto andl approved by the Mayor, on this day ofo 1961e AT1''EM aYor • y acre ary 1: em AN ORPRIANCE PRISCRIPM-FtATES TO 09 rMARM DV PEM9.64,:S9ftV1W'G014PANV FOR ME OF OF FRIENDMOD C 0191 V611TV ASo A90 CIRPEALIND ALL OTHER ORDINAMRS AND Tr%X N CO NFLICT MAMIT04 PARTS- OF ORDIPIMCMI BE WORDAMPRO BY 714K GITV COUNCIL OF TIP. CITY OF ValgODGWOODs GAMSTOM 4011M. VV TEINAS3 Se T Oil 1, The rater aet fortif In tho ottazhed 3�Ft to MM"L maled Exhibit �� ' -60V residential servicio '. and gduM irm -W e cared service Aarob established as the. rates.tea be charged by' do!a�tjnyty. Pubi la Service 00inpany for the 6000 of ele-vevloft. y and electric sirvi= for rasidentgag and wool cAgnordlal service witbin the City of Friend Tempo unt I I" further order of the City Gatinnilt, obtfjo 'Abl-1 be affem�ttiva on al I to a* bit 1619O .'a ter the de of this ordInew 0 Rj -All ordinancoeb resolutic'nap or Parts titerr n can liat imecwilth ere hereby expressly rapsolsd, PASS90 AND APPROVED On this day of ATTEST $ I k THE STATE OF TEXAS I I COUNTY OF GALVESTON I City Secretary of the City of Friendswood, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true copy .of an Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, duly passed by the City Council and approved by the Mayor on the day of , 1961, and now appearing in the records of Ordinances of the City of Friends- wood , Texas. Given under my hand and seal of the City of Friendswood , this Z day of a 1961. Citl 1 y Secre ELECTRIC FRANCHISE ORDINANCE. . CITY .OF' FRIENDSWOOD, TEYAS .BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, "TMS: ', . . I.- Parties: The City of Friendswood, Texas, . herein called. the City, a' municlpal corporation created under Title 28 of;,the Texas Revised 'Civil Statutes' hereby,; grants the non.. exclusive right, privilege, and franchise heroin 'stated to Community Public Service Company, a corporation, Its -successors and assigns# heroin called, -Grantee. 2. , Nature of Grant. The City acting pursuant to Chapters ,4jaind 10 and other pertinent Chapters' oP Title 28 of the Texas Revised Clvii .Statutes, and Articles 1436 and 1436a of said Statutes hereby grants to Grantee 'a nonexclusive. right, privileges and -franchise to erect ' maintain$' operate, end remove -electric lines and.•pertinent facilities over, under,.. ',acros6s ' upon;, and aiong" the streets, alleys, 'ana 'other public property 'In the City. 3..' • PurAosea. This franchise is granted for -the x purposes of providing 'electrlc service within the City and adjacent- areas and transporting electric energy, to, from, ' - ' and beyond-the e1ty. 4. -Term. This franchise 'shal'l exist f or" a term of 2� years from'date of passage. 5. Location' of Facilities: Grantee+ s poles and other facilities shall be placed and erected in such manner as, not to interfere with •traffic', and the loeatio'n'. relocations. construction, and menner. of•'erection of such poles- an& facili- ies shall at all- times be subject to the police po'Wer of the City. ' 6..' Excavations and Obstructions. Any and all exca" vations and obstructions ln. and upon the streets, alleys, and other -public places in the, City caused by Grantest,s operations t . ..2r .. under this: Ordinance shaft. be repai red ,and removed by Grantee as, quickly•as is reasonably possible, under the circumstances. 7. Indemnity.'. .The Oontee shall hold the City, `harmless From any liability arising from any negligent act; , or- omission of Grantee In the erection, maintenanoe,. and, operation of its facili Uds' 1W the City. 8. . Street Rent, The Grantee shall report and :' ' during January, April, Julys and October ,of each year during , .' the term of. this franchise ordinance ,a 'street rent equal' to ti4o per cent (29) of the gross',recelpts of.-the sale of elec. . ' tricity for domestic,and. commercial use 'withln 'trig corporate. limits of the City for the next preced,irig three monthsv period' , Sales' of electricity to `the City and other governmental- agencies and subdivisions and to industrial, users as classified by Grantee shall not;be included .in or subject to such street ' rent or franchise,charga. , The first report and, payment,,under , ', this paragraph 8 shall be made during April# 1961, and shall be based on such salsa of 'eiectrlcl.ty during the first quarter '.of 196,1: The charge herein made shall be' in lieu of, to the extent permitted by, law,# any .other charges or fees- of any' kind --. by. the City based on# conneeted .with, or incident to the exercise of the' nonexcluslve right, .privilegai and Franchise ' herein granted, but shall , not interfere with. collection of ad :valorem taxes by the City. , 9. Adoption. Passed and adopted with all necessary , procedural formalities by 'the City' Counoil 'of the City of, , . " Friendswoodi- Texas, at, a cegalar. 'meeting held, ai-the: regular ,place, at which meating 'a quorum' was present throughout, and approved by.the-Mayor, on;-this (�V, day, of ' u ,. 19614 -ATTEST? Mayor 1 city becrie arY . _ I .�. COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY FORT WORTH ELECTRIC BUILDING FORT WORTH 2, TEXAS May 15, 1961 Mr. Linn C. Eignus City Secretary Friendswood, Texas Dear Mr. Eignus: Community Public Service Company hereby accepts the electric franchise granted to it by the City Council of the City of Friendswood on May 8, 1961. This company expresses its appreciation for the confidence reposed in it by the city officials of Friendswood. Please call this acceptance to the attention of the Mayor and the other city officials . Very t ly yours, T S BLS/ej Vice President and Secretary i ELECTRIC RATE BROINAkE AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIGII16 RATES TO t!E CHAAGEO BY_ COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERV:ICI: COMPANY FOR SALE OF ELECTRICITY WITHIN -THE CITY OF, FRIENDSW0D()r-.' TEXAS, AND REPEAL114G ALL OTHER ORDINANCES. A6 'PARTS''QF,ORD I NAMES. I N ;CONFLICT, HEREWITH. BE-. IT_ ORDAINED IlY THE GITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY CtI" FRIENDSWOOD, -GALVESTON COUNTY,.'•TEXAS= SECTION 1 . The rit®s. set forth in the attached ache es mar and Exhibit 'IA4, :-for- resldentiai service ' and.general scarvice"ara;itreby. establ i shad as the rates to be charged by'-,ConMnity Public Service Company for the ,salo of electricity. and electric servicefor. residential- and small eowirclel service within. the City of 'Friendswood, Texas,. ,.until further order of the City Council ,, Said mites shsi-1 be effective on at I. bil.�ings often -the data of, this ,ordl once. SECTION 2. All ordinances, r*sgl.utlons,, Or, parts thereon, n Q fl1et ,herewl the;are hereby ,expressly rcpoaled. PASSED AND APPROVED on Is' -.s ;,;. day o$ i9Gt . rsyor,' i•ty._o . r en swop , exas city ecret EXHIBIT � al COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE CO. RATE SCHEDULE 217 (2R) EFFECTIVE May, 1961 • _ SOUTHEAST DIVISION Cancelling 1 Rev. 217 s GENERAL SERVICE Applies to Friendswood Available for This schedule is applicable to all alternating current electric service when all service is taken through one meter at a single point of delivery. Three phase service furnished under this schedule will be considered to be not less than 5 KW for billing purposes. Fluorescent lighting, Neon signs, or other equipment with similar load characteristics shall have installed, by a the customer in connection therewith, auxiliaries or other means to p correct the power factor of such equipment to not less than 90% lagging. Not applicable to resale, in whole or in part, temporary, breakdown, stand-by or seasonal service. Type of Service Single or three phase, 60 cycles, 120/240 voltsior any available primary voltage. Where entire serv- ice cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standard type meter, it will be measured at primary voltage. Rate $1 . 00 net per month which includes 15 KWH 3t net per KWH for next 585 KWH used per month *2.5fi net per KWH for additional KWH *However, all kilowatt-hours used per month in excess of 200 KWH per KW of load, or 1000 KWH, whichever is greater, but only such excess KWH shall be billed at 1 .5� per KWH. PLUS the proportionate part of any present andIr new tax, or increased rate of tax, or governmental imposition (exciept state, county, city and special_ district ad valorem taxes and any income taxes) levied or assessed against the company or upon its electric business, as the result of any present and/or new or amended laws after September 1 , 1955 . Fuel Adjustment The energy charge shall be increased or decreased 0.01G for each 0.5C variation above 10� or below 7� per million BTU in the average cost of fuel burned in the next preced- ing calendar month and/or the application of fuel adjustment clauses in company ' s purchase power agreements for changes in fuel cost after September 1 , 1955 . Load The KW supplied during the 15-minute period of maximum use during the month. Minimum Bill $ 1 .00 net per month but not less than $1 .00 per KW for connected loads up to and including 5 KW. For connected loads in excess of 5 KW the minimum charge shall be $1 .00 per KW of measured load established during the current month (minimum 5 KW) but not less than $ . 75 per KW of the highest measured load established in the preceding 11 months. • e Form 414 AEET N0 216 11 J(S � Revlsed COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE CO. CANCELLING SOUTHEAST 1 Original� 216 DIVISION SHEET NO. LARGE GENERAL SERVICE I Revised —2 4 Available in Alvin, Angleton, Brazoria, La Marque, Sweeny, Texas City and West Columbia. Applicable to Any customer for all alternating current electric service supplied at one point of delivery and meas- ured through one meter. Not applicable to temporary, breakdownl, stand-by or resale service. Type of ice For loadSery less than 500 KVA: Single or three phase (where three phase facilities are adjacent to property served) , 60 cycles, 120/240 volts or any available primary voltage. Service may also be furnished at 208 or 480 volts when special arrangements are made in advance .with company. Where entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standard type meter, it will be measured at primary voltage. ' For loads of more than 500 KVA: Three phase, 60 cycles and any available primary voltage. Rate Demand Charge: $42.50 for the first 15 KW or less 1 .80 per KW for the next 15 KW 150 per KW for the next 170 KW 1 : 40 per KW for all additional KW Energy Charge: 2.0C per KWH for the first 1 ,500 KWH 1 .50 per KWH for the next 3,500 KWH . 8� per KWH for the next 40,000 KWH .6t per KWH for all additional KWH PLUS the proportionate part of any present and/or new tax, or in- creased rate of tax, or governmental imposition (except state, Icounty, city and special . district ad valorem taxes and any income taxes) levied or assessed against the company or upon its electric business, as the result of any present and/or new or amended laws after September 1 , 1955. Fuel Adjustment The energy charge shall be increased or decreased 0.010 for each 0.5C variation above 8G or below 7� per million BTU in the average cost of fuel burned in the next pre- ceding calendar month and/or the application of fuel adjustment clauses in company' s purchase power agreements. Minimum Bill The demand charge but not less than $1 .50 per KW of the highest billing demand established in the l twelve months ending with the current month. Billing Demand The KW supplied during the 15-minute period of maxi - mum use during the month subject to power factor adjustment. Power Factor For average power factors of less than 80%, lagging Adiustment or leading, the measured demand will be multiplied by the ratio of 90 to the actual power factor. t Contract Period Not less than one year. Alvin-2-19-6C DATE OF ISSUE Marrh 1 _ 196n DATE EFFECTIVE Others-10-1 -55 ISSUED BYki-6S-t- ' �� Stout V ig President FortdaWorth, Texas _ Fotm 414 4 �� SHEET NO 21 7 • _ {Revised _ COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE CO. CANCELLING SOUTHEATDIVISION ET-{RAAMI�SHEET NO_ZLO (Revised 1 Original 217 Applies to Alvin, Angleton, Brazoria, La Marque, Sweeny, Texas City and West Columbia Available for General Commercial Service This schedule is applicable to all alternating current electric service when all service is taken through one meter at la single point of delivery. Three phase service furnished under this schedule will be considered to be not less than 5 KW for billing pur- poses. Fluorescent lighting, Neon signs, or other equipment with similar load characteristics shall have installed, by the customer in connection therewith, auxiliaries or other means to correct thelpower factor of such equipment to not less than 90% lagging. Not applicable to resale, in whole or in part, temporary, breakdown, stand-by or seasonal service. Type of Service Single or three phase, 60 cycles, 120/240 volts or any available primary voltage. Where entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standardltype meter, it will be measured at primary voltage. Rate $1 .00 net per month which includes 15 KWH 3t net per KWH for next 585 KWH used per moith *2.5t net per KWH for additional KWH i *However, all kilowatt-hours used per month in excess of 200 kilowat hours per kilowatt of load, or 1 ,000 kilowatt-hours, whichever is greater, but only such excess kilowatt-hours shall be billed at 1 .5t per KWH. PLUS the proportionate part of any present and/or new tax, or in- creased rate of tax, or governmental imposition (except state, county, city and special district ad valorem taxes and any income taxes!) levie or assessed against the Company or upon its electric business, !as the result of any present and/or new or amended laws after Septembeir 1 , 1955. Load The KW supplied during the 15-minute period i of maximum use during the month. Fuel Adjustment The energy charge shall be increased or decreased 0.01t for each 0.5t variation above lOt or below 7t per million BTU in the average cost of fuel burned in the next preced- ing calendar month and/or the application of fuel adjustment clauses in company ' s purchase power agreements for changes in fuel cost after September 1 , 1955 . Minimum Bill $1 .00 net per month but not less than $1 .00 per KW for connected loads up to and including 5 KW. For connected loads in excess of 5 KW the minimum charge shall be $1 .00 pe KW of measured load established during the current month (minimum 5 KW) but not less than $ . 75 per KW of the highest measured load estab- lished in the preceding 11 months. All Others - 10=1 -55 DATE OF ISSUE arc DATE EFFECTIVE Alvin _ 2_1 n_60 , ISSUED BY President H. SmeVirr, address Fotm 414 i - <0 it 81� - 1 O 1` SHEET' N - Revised - COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE CO. CANCELLING SOUTH�ST DIVISION —��i�SAEET NOLO-7 Revised 1 Original 109 Applies to Alvin, Angleton, Brazoria, La Marque, Sweeny, ; Texas City and West Columbia Available for General Domestic Service This schedule is applicable to domestic customers in single family dwellings and in flats and apartments separately metered by the company for single or three phase (where three phase facilities are adjacent to property served) , 60 cycles, 120/240 volt alternating current. Not applicable to resale, in whole or in part, temporary, breakdown, stand-by or seasonal service, nor to hotels or apartment houses where more than one apartment is measured through one meter or any location where business is regularly conducted, nor to single phase motors in excess of 5 horsepower individual capacity. Rate $1 .00 net per month which includes 15 KVIH R net per KWH for next 85 K'!dH used per month '2C net per KWH for next 100 K'dH used per month 1 .5C net per KWH for all KWH used per monthiin excess of the above PLUS the proportionate part of any new tax, orlin- creased rate of tax, or governmental imposition (except state, county, city and special district ad valorem taxes and any federal tax on net income) levied or assessed against the company or upon its electric business, as the result of any new or amended laws effective after September 1 , 1958, and/or the application of tax adjustment clauses in company ' s purchase power agreements in Brazoria and Galveston Counties. Fuel Adjustment The energy charge shall be increased or decreased 0.01 � for each 0. 5C variation above 10� or below 7C per million BTU in the average cost of fuel burned in the next pre- ceding calendar month and/or the application of fuel adjustment 'clauses in company ' s purchase power agreements for changes in fuel cost after September 1 , 1955 . Minimum Bill $1 . 00 net per month. Special Terms Open order and subject to the company' s terms and and Conditions conditions for the sale of electric service. Alvin , 0 DATE OF ISSUE DATIATIPF"WS Feb.g10i 19-59 9 ISSUED BYHj L STOUT vice President Fort Worth, Texas name title address r • Fatm H14 � - SHEET NO.�16 r • Revised COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE CO. CANCELLING SOUTHEAST DIVISION �SIIEET NO.Original 216 LARGE GENERAL SERVICE 1Revised —2-r4 Available in Alvin, Angleton, Brazoria, La Marque, Sweeny, Texas City and West Columbia. Applicable to Any customer for all alternating current electric service supplied at one point of delivery and meas- ured through one meter. Not applicable to temporary, breakdownpi stand-by or resale service. Type of Service For loads ot less than 500 KVA: Single or three phase (where three phase facilities are a jacent to property serve , 60 cycles, 120/240 volts or any available primary voltage. Service maylalso be furnished at 208 or 480 volts when special arrangements are made in advance with company. Where entire service cannot be measured at one utilization voltage with one standard type meter, it will be measured at primary voltage. For loads of more than 500 KVA: Three phase, 60 cycles and an� available primary voltage. Rate Demand Charge: $42.50 for the first 15 KW or less 1 .80 per KW for the next 15 KW 1 .50 per KW for the next 170 KW 1 . 40 per KW for all additional KW 1 Energy Charge: 2.0G per KWH for the first 1 , 500 KWH 1 .5t per KWH for the next 3,500 KWH . 8� per KWH for the next 40,000 KWH .6� per KWH for all additional KWH PLUS the proportionate part of any present and/or new tax, orl in- creased rate of tax, or governmental imposition (except state, county, city and special district ad valorem taxes and any income taxes) levied or assessed against the company or upon its electric business, as the result of any present and/or new or amended laws after September 1 , 1955. Fuel Adjustment The energy charge shall be increased or decreased 0.01{ for each 0.5� variation above 8� or below 7t per million BTU in the average cost of fuel burned in the nextlpre- ceding calendar month and/or the application of fuel adjustment clauses in company' s purchase power agreements. Minimum Bill The demand charge but not less than $1 .50 per 'KW of the highest billing demand established in the twelve months ending with the current month. Billing Demand The KW supplied during the 15-minute period of maxi - mum use during the month subject to power factor adjustment. Power Factor For average power factors of less than 80%, lagging Adjustment or leading, the measured demand will be multiplied by the ratio of 90 to the actual power factor. Contract Period Not less than one year. Alvin-2-19-60 DATE OF ISSUE March 1 , 1960 DATE EFFECTIVE Others-10-1 -55 ISSUED BY H 6 Steut V i t Pres i dent Fort y�nrrh, .Texas name Wtle nddresa RATE SC$EDULh 703 , COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE CO. EFFECTIVE June, 1960_ SOUTHEAST DIVISION MUNICIPAL STREET LIGHTING SERVICE Applies to Brazoria, Texas Rate $3.75 net per month for each 20,000 lumen mercury vapor lamp mounted on suspension bracket 1 . 50 net per month for each 2, 500 lumen incandes- cent lamp mounted on suspension bracket . 60 net per month for each 1 , 000 lumen incandes- cent lamp mounted on suspension bracket F G LL PLUS the proportionate part of any new tax, or i increased rate of tax, or governmental imposition (except state, county, city and special district ad valorem taxes and any federal! tax on net income) levied or assessed against the company or upon its electric business, as the result of any new or amended laws effective after May 1 , 1960, and/or the application of tax adjust- ment clauses in company' s purchase power agreements. Special Terms Renewals of lamps and glassware to be furnished and Conditions and installed by Community Public Service Company. Contract SE-758 I i