HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 23 ) THE STATE OF TEXAS ) (No. 23 COUNTY OF GALVESTON ) CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ) ----------------------^----------- BE IT REMEMBERED that on this the 1st day of April, A. D. 1963, the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas , convened in its Regular Session at the City Hall in the City of Friendswood, Texas , with the following members present: Leon Brown C. C. Bost Gene Greathouse Harry Hatcher i i Pete Workman With the following members absent: None constituting a quorum , at-which meeting the following proceedings were had and held: Councilman Leon Brown introduced an Ordinance and moved the Chairman that it be passed. The Motion was seconded by Councilman Harry Hatcher The said Ordinance was read in full. ` The Motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Five (5) NOES: None The Mayor announced that the Ordinance was passed: The ORDINANCE passed is as follows: ORDINANCE # 23 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: rr 11 SECTION I- DEFINITIONS �J 0 T, t 8 1965 A. Subdivision The term "Subdivision" means the division of any tract of Land into two or more parts for the transfer of ownership or building develop- ment into urban use, as against rural or agricultural use, and as further defined in Article 974 of Vernon's Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, B Streets and Alleys The term "Street" means a way for vehicular traffic, whetheri designated as a street, highway, road, avenue, or however, 1, "Major" or "Arterial Streets and Highways" are those primarily used for fast or heavy traffic, 2, "Collector" or "Secondary" streets are those which carry traffic from minor streets to major streets or highways, 3, "Minor" or "Local" streets are those which are used pri- marily for access to abutting properties , 4, "Alleys" are minor ways used primarily for vehicular access to the bank of lots having frontage on a street, SECTION II- PROCEDURE I A. Pre-AppLication Procedure 1, Previous to the filing of a Preliminary Plat, the Subdivider shall submit to the Planning Commission such data as is specified in Section V-A, 2, Within 14 days after the next monthly meeting of the Planning Commission, the City Secretary shall inform the subdivider as to whether or not the data submitted meets the objective of these regulations, B. Preliminary Plat Procedure 1. Having complied with Section A above , the subdivider shall prepare a Preliminary Plat and supplementary data as specified in Section V-2, Z. Five copies of the Preliminary Plat and supplementary data specified shall be submitted to the PLannig Commission with written application for conditional approval at Least sevenidays -1- prior to the meeting at which it will be considered. Private utilities shall be consulted for easements required, 3. After a review of the Preliminary Plat and supplementary material for conformity with these regulations and the comprehensive plan, the Planning Commission shalt within at least thirty days , act upon the submittal and shaLL express in writing to the developer, by the City Secretary, its condi- tional approval with (or without) conditions of such approval or shall express its disapproval and its reasons therefor, 4. The action of the Planning Commission shall be duly noted on two copies of the Preliminary Plat, One copy shall be returned to the subdivider and one copy retained by the Planning Corn-� mission, I 5, Conditional approval of the Preliminary Plat shalt not constitute approval of the Final Plat. Rather, it shalt be an expression of the Layout submitted on the Preliminary Plat as a guide to the preparation of the Final Plat, which is to be submitted for approval to the Planning Commission and for recording upon fulfillment of the requirements of these regulations and the con- ditions of conditional approval, if any, C; Final Plat Procedure 1. ,The Final Plat shalt conform substantially to the Preliminary Plat as approved, except that it may constitute only that portion of the approved Preliminary Plat which the developer proposes to record and develop at that time, providing that such section- ing is approved by the Planning Commission, \y Z. AppLication for approval of the Final Plat shall be submitted in writing to the Planning Commission at Least seven days prior U Iy� to the meeting at which it is to be considered, \ 3, Five copies of the Final Plat and other exhibits required for Qv approval shall be prepared as specified in Section V-3, and shall be submitted to the Planning Commission within six months J after approval of the Preliminary Plat; otherwise such approval U Z shall become null and void unless an extension of time is applied for and granted by the Planning Commission, SECTION III - DESIGN STANDARDS A' Streets 1, The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade, and location of all streets shalt conform to the Comprehensive Plan and shall be considered in their relationship to existing and planned streets , to topographical conditions , to public j -2- I convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of Land to be served by the streets, Z. The street arrangement within the subdivision shall provide for the continuation or appropriate projection of existing streets in adjoining areas or as approved by the Planning Commission to meet a particular situation where topographical or other conditions make continuation or conformance to existing streets impracticable, 3. Minor streets shall be so Laid out that their use by through traffic will be discouraged, 4. Where 'a subdivision abuts a highway or contains a major j street, the Planning Commission may require that abutting Lots front on another street without vehicular access to the said highway or major street, 5. Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be pro hibited except where their control is placed with the City, 6. Street jogs with center line offsets of*Less than one hundred and twenty-five feet shall be avoided. I 7; 'A tangent at Least fifty feet Long shall separate reverse curves on secondary or major streets, 8'. Streets shall be so laid out'as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles , and in no case, shall be Less than 60 degrees, 9. Property Lines at street intersections shall be rounded by a radius of ten feet, or greater, where required by the City. 10. Street right-of-way widths shall be as shown in the Compre- hensive Plan and where not shown shall not be Less than the following: Street Type Right of Way width Major-Arterial 80 feet Collector, Secondary 60 feet Minor, Local 50feet 11. Half streets shall be prohibited except where approved by the Planning Commission and it is practical to require the dedication of the other half street on the adjoining property. 12. Dead end streets, or cul=de-sacs-shall not be longer than 600 feet and shall be provided at the closed end with a turn around having an outside roadway diameter of 80 feet and a right-of-way diameter of one hundred feet (1001 ). 13. No street names shall be used which will duplicate or be con- fused with the names of existing streets except where they,are continuations of those streets. -3- 14, Street Grades shall not be excessive, nor shall they be Less than necessary for adequate drainage, or a minimum of .25 per cent s Lope, 15, Any deviation will require special approval, B. Alleys 1, Alleys shall not be provided in residential areas unless deemed necessary by the City, 2, Alleys may be required in commercial and industrial areas, 3. The width of an alley shall be 20 feet for a non-residentiaL area, 4. Alley intersections and sharp changes in alignment shall be avoided, but where necessary, corners shall be rounded sufficiently to permit safe vehicular movement, C; Easements 1, Utility Easements centered on rear or side lot lines shaLLI be provided where necessary and shall be at Least 12 foot wide centered on the lot Line, 2, Where a subdivision is traversed by a water course, drainage way, channel or stream , there shall be provided a storm water easement or drainage right of way conforming with the Lines of the water course and such further width as will be adequate for the purpose, D' Blocks 1, The Lengths , widths, and shapes of blocks shall be determined with due regard to provision of adequate building sites , zoning requirements , and needs for convenient access , circulation, control and safety of street traffic, Z. BLock Lengths shall not exceed 1,200 feet, nor shall be less than 400 feet. , I E; Lots 1, The Lot size, width, depth, shape and orientation, and the minimum building set back lines shall be appropriate for the location of the subdivision and for the type of deveLopement and use contemplated. 2. Lot dimensions shall conform to the following: a, Residential Lots where served by public sewer shall not be -4- less than 80'feet wide at the building set back line nor less than 916,06 square feet in area. b. Residential lots where served by other than public sanitary sewers shalt not be Less than 90 feet wide nor less than 120 feet deep. c. No Lot shalt be Less than 12(0 feet in depth and the general desirable Lot shall be at Least 90 feet wide,by- 120 feet-deep. d. Depth and width of properties reserved or Laid out for - commerciaL and industrial purposes shall be adequate to provide for the off-street service and parking facilities required by the type of use and development contemplated. i 3. ALL Lots shall have a 25 foot building set back from the property Line while corner Lots shall have an additional width to pro- vide this set back from both streets. 4. The subdividing of the Land shall be such as to provide each Lot with satisfactory acdess on a public street. 5. Double frontage and reverse frontage Lots shall be avoided; 6: Side Lot lines shall be at right angles or radial to street Lin Ies. 7. ALL Lots shall have a 7.5 foot•buiLding set back from side Lot 8. All lots shal avlinesminimum rear building set back of 20 fee from the rear lot line, detached garages, swimming pools, cabanas, etc. are excepted and will be considered on an individual basis. F. Public Sites and Open Spaces 1. Where a proposed park, playground, school, or other public use is Located in whole or in part in a subdivision, the Planning Commission may require the dedication or reservation of such area within the subdivision as the Planning Commission deems reasonable. 2. Where deemed essential by the Planning Commission, such other sites may be required as necessary for the area being developed. SECTION IV - REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS A. Monuments I 1. Iron rods 5/8 inch by 3 feet long shall be placed at at[ boundary corners , block corners , angle points , points of curves in streets , and at such intermediate points as re- quited by the City. All Lot corners to be staked with a 3/8 i_ inch by 18 inch iron rods. -5- a. Residential lots, where served by public sewer, in' s given subdivision must average 70' in 'width; that the minimum width of the lots on each ,lot be not less than 601 ; that the minimum area will be at least '7000 square feet per lot and that the width of any lot may not vary more than 10' from any contiguous lot. b. ' Residential lots where served by other than public sanitary sewers shall not be less than 90 feet wide nor less than 120 feet deep. c. No lot shall be less than 115 feet in .depth "and the general desirable lot shall be at least 60 feet wide, by 115 feet deep. d. Depth and width of properties reserved or laid out for commercial and industral purposes shall be adequate to provide for the off-street service and parking facilities required by the type of use and development contemplated, 3. All lots shall have 25 foot building set back froth the property line while corner lots shall have an additional width to provide , this set back from both streets . 4 4. The subdividing of the land shall be such as to provide eachr lot with satisfactory access on a public street, 5. Double frontage and 'reverse frontage -lots shall be avoided. o. Side lot lines shall be at right angles or radial to street fines . 7. All lots shall have a 7,.5 fo_ot building set back from side lot lines. 8. All lots shall have a minimum rear building set back of 20 feet from the rear lot line;. detached garages, swimming pools, cabanas, etc., -..are .,excepted and will be considered on an individual basis. F. Public Sites and Open Spaces 1. Where a proposed park, playground, school, or other public use is located in whole or in part in a subdivision, the Planning Commission may require the dedication or reservation of such area within the subdivision as the Planning Commission deems reasonable. 2. Where deemed essential by the Planning Commission, such other, sites may be required as necessary for the area being developed. SECTION IL - REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS A. Monuments 1. Iron rods 5/8 inch by 3 feet long shall be placed at all boundary corners, block corners, angle points as required by the City. All lot corners to be staked with a 3/8 inch by 18 inch iron rodI. , -5- B, Utility and Street improvements 1. UtiLity and street improvements shall be provided in each new subdivision in accordance with the standards specified below and at the expense of the developer. I 2; Public water improvements shall be as required by the State Health Department and the State Fire Commission, and approved by the Water Control and Improvement District, 3. Sanitary sewer improvements shall be as required by the State Health Department, and approved by the Water Control and Improvement District. 4, ALL streets are to be paved. The minimum paving standard shall be a six inch select compacted base overlaid by either a double bituminous surface treatment using limestone rock or one inch asphaltic shell plant mix. ALL streets with lot dimensions of Less than 90 foot width are to be concrete with concrete curbs and gutters, 5. Major streets , with curb and gutter , shalt have a minimum pavement of 53 feet back to back of concrete curb in an 801 right of way. I 6, Major streets with open drainage ditches shall have a minimum of 53' base with 37' of pavement in an 801 foot right of way, 7. Collector streets , with curb and gutter shall have a minimum pavement of 38' back to back of concrete curb in a 60' right of way, 8. Collector Streets with open drainage ditches shall have a minimum of 37' base with 20' of pavement in a 601 right of way, 9. Local streets shall have a minimum pavement of 271 back to back of concrete curb in a 50' right of way, 10. Local streets with open drainage ditches shall have a minimum of 27' base with 16' of pavement in a 50' right of way. 11. Grading and center Line gradients of streets to be as per plans and profiles approved by the City. 12. Storm sewer system or other drainage improvements to be as per plans approved by the City, where required, 13. ALL street intersections to have appropriate street name signs as approved by the City. SECTION V; - PLATS AND DATA A. Pre-Application Plans and Data 1. General Subdivision Information shall describe the existing -6- conditions of the site and the proposed development to be undertaken. This information should describe existing covenants, Land characteristics , and available community facilities and utilities; and general information describing the number of residential Lots , typical Lot width and depth, price range, business areas , public areas , proposed pro- tective covenants , and proposed utilities and street im- provements, Z. Location Map shall show a sketch of proposed subdivision related to the surrounding general area, as well as develop- ment name, and major features in surrounding area; scale, north arrow and date, 3, Sketch Plan on topographic survey shall show in simple sketch form the proposed Layout of streets, Lots , and other features in relation to existing conditions, B Plats and Data for Conditional Approval 1. Topographic Data required as a basis for the Preliminary ' Plat, B-2 below, shall include existing conditions as follows: a. Boundary Lines: bearings and distances; b. Easements: Location, width, and purpose; c. Streets on and adjacent to the tract; name and right of way width and Location, type, width and elevation of surfacing; center line elevations; walks , curbs , gutters , culverts , etc, d. Utilities on and adjacent to the tract; Location, size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm , and combined sewers; Location and size of water mains; Location of gas lines; fire hydrants , electric and telephone poles , and street lights; if water mains and sewers are not on or adjacent to tract, indicate the direction and distance to , and size of nearest ones , showing invert elevation of sewers. e. Ground elevations of the tract based on a datum plan approved by the City; for Land that sLopes Less than approxi- mateLy 2 percent slope show spot elevations at all breaks in grade, along all drainage channels or swaLes , and at selected points not more than 100 feet apart in all directions; for Land that slopes more than approximately 2 percent either show contours with an interval of not more than 5 feet if ground slope is regular and such information is `sufficient for planning purposes, or show contours with an interval of not more than 2 feet, if necessary, because of irregular Land or need for more detailed data for preparing plans and construction drawings. i f. Sub-Surface conditions on the tract; if required by the Planning Commission; location and results of testers made -7- to ascertain sub-surface soil, rock, and ground water conditions; depth to ground water unless test pits are dry at a depth of 5 feet; Location and results of soil percolation tests if individual'sewage disposal systems are planned, g. Other conditions on the tract: water courses , marshes, rock outcrop, wooded areas , isolated preservable trees one foot or more in diameter, houses , barns , shacks , and other significant features. h. Other conditions on adjacent Land: aproximate direction and gradient of ground slope, including any embankments or retaining walls; ' character and Location of buildings; railroads , power lines , towers , and other nearby non- residential Land uses or adverse influences; owners of adjacent unpLatted Land; for adjacent platted land refer to subdivision plat by name, -recording , date, number and i show approximate pereent build up, typical Lot size and dwelling size and type, i i. Several photographs of tract, i ' j, Zoning on and adjacent to tract; k. Proposed public improvements; highways , or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future construction on a near tract, L L. Key plan showing Location of tract, m . Title and Certificate: present tract designation according to official records in the office of the County Clerk; title under which proposed subdivision is to be recorded, with names and addresses of owners , notation stating acreage, scale, north arrow, datum , benchmarks, certification of registered civil engineer or licensed surveyor, date of survey. Z. Preliminary Plat shall be at the scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger. It shall show aLL existing conditions re- quiied above in B-1, Topographic Data, and shall show all proposals including the following: a. Streets: Names , right-of-way and roadway widths , approximate grades and gradients. b. Other rights-of-ways or easements: Location, width and purpose, i I c. Location of utilities , if not shown on other exhibits, d. Lot lines , Lot numbers and block numbers, e. Sites , if any, to be reserved or dedicated for parks , playgrounds , or other public uses, _g- f, Sites , if any, for multi-family dwellings , shopping centers , churches , industry or other non-public use exclusive of sing Le-famiLy dwellings; g. Minimum building set back Lines h. Site data, incLuding number of residential lots , typical Lot size and acres in parks , etc. i. Title , scaLe, north arrow, and date, 3, Other Preliminary Plans: When required by the Planning Commission, the Preliminary Plat shall be accompanied by profiles showing existing ground surface and proposed street grades , including extensions for a reasonable distance beyond the Limits of the proposed subdivision; typical cross sections of the proposed grading, roadway, and sidewalk and preliminary plans of proposed sanitary and storm water sewers with grades and sizes indicated. ALL elevations shall be based on a datum plan approved by the City. i 4. Draft of Protective Covenants whereby the subdivision proposes to regulate the land use in the subdivision and otherwise protect the proposed developments. C. Plats and Data for Final Approval. 1. The Final Plat shall be drawn in ink on tracing cloth at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch. Where necessary the Plat may be on several sheets accompanied by an index sheet showing the entire Subdivision, For Large subdivisions , the Final Plat may be submitted for approvaL,progressiveLy in contiguous sec- tions satisfactory to the Planning Commission. The FinaL Plat shall show the following: a. Primary control points approved by the City, or description and ties to such control points , to which all dimensions , angles , bearings , and similar data on the Plat shall be referred, b. Tract boundary lines , right of way lines of streets , easements and other rights of way, and property Lines of residential Lots and other sites; with accurate dimensions, bearings or de- flection angles , and radii, arcs , and central angles of all . curves. c. Name and right of way width of each street or other right of way. d.. Location, dimensions , andpurposes of any easements; e. Number to identify each lot or site, f. Purpose for which sites , other than residential lots , are dedicated or reserved. -9- g. Minimum building set back lines on all Lots and other sites. h. Location and description of monuments. i. Names of record owners of adjoining unplatted Land. j. Reference to recorded subdi'vsion plats of adjoining platted land by record name, date, and number. k. Certification by licensed surveyor or registered engineer certifying to accuracy of survey and plat. 1. Certification of title showing that applicant is land owner. m. Statement by owner dedicating streets , rights-of-way, and and any sites for public uses. i n. Title, scale, north arrow and date. 2. Cross Sections and Profiles of Streets showing grades approved by the City. 3. A Certificate by the City certifying that the Subdivision hasi complied with one of the following alternatives: II a. AIL improvements have been installed in accordance with the requirements of these regulations and with the action of the Planning Commmission giving conditional approval of the Preliminary Plat, or b. A bond or certified check has been posted, which is available to the City, and in sufficient amount to assure such completion of all required improvements. 4. Protective Covenants in form for recording. 5. Other data as may be hereinafter required by the Planning Commission in the enforcement of these regulations. SECTION VI'- VARIANCES A Hardship Where the Planning Commission finds that extraordinary hard- ships may result from strict complhnce with these regulations , it may vary the regulations so that substantial justice maybe done and the public interest secured; provided that such variation will not have the effect of nullifying the intent and purpose of these regulations. B. Conditions In granting variances and modifications , the Planning Commission -10- may require such conditions as will, in its judgment, secure substantially the objectives of the standards or requirements so varied or modified, SECTION VII FILING FEE FOR APPROVAL In order to defray a portion of the costs incurred by the City in the approval of such Plats and the incidental expenses attendant thereto' there shall be a charge of $1,00 per Lot or portion thereof, for each and every Lot included in any proposed Subdivision, such fee of $1. 00 per Lot to be paid to the City Secretary upon final approval of such Plat and Subdivision and failure on the part of the owner, subdivider or party presenting and responsible for the same shall be sufficient grounds for withholding final approval by the City Council, SECTION VIII. If any portion, paragraph or part of this Ordinance shall be held to be illegal or unconstitutional then such hoLding shall in no wise affect the remainder of such Ordinance and the same shall remain in full force and effect as if such portion so held to be unconstitutional had never been questioned. SECTION IX' The further fact that the City of Friendswood, Texas , now has no adequate subdivision ordinance or regulation and because of the rapidly growing area and influx of people and the need for suitable regulations, constitutes an imperative public necessity and the requirement that such Ordinance be read on three separate occasions be, and the same is hereby suspended and this Ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and approval and it is so ordered, PASSED AND APPROVED this the P,57day of �j✓,g�L A. D. 1963. I CITY OF FRIENDSW�OOD, TEXAS � ?f Al i ST `i \ By l Kenneth Camp, Ma r _City Sec'retZ-�ry_ 11- AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 23 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING LOT SIZE REQUIREMENT AS SET FORTH IN ORDINANCE NO. 23, SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, SECTION III. ; ENTITLED LOTS, SUB • PARAGRAPH 2, SUB SECTION a. and c. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Sub Sections a. and c. of Sub Paragraph 2 of Subdivision regulations,, ` Section III. , entitled Lots, set forth below and bracketed, are hereby amend- ' ed to read as set forth hereunder and underlined. a. Residential lots, where served by public sewer, in a given subdivision must average 70' in width; that the minimum width of the lots on each lot be not less than 601; that the minimum area will be at least 7, 000 �,^• square feet per lot and that the width of any lot may not vary more than 10' from any contiguous lot. a. Residential lots, where served by public sewer shall I - not be less than 75 feet wide at the building set back line nor less than 9, 000 square feet in area. c. No lot shall be less than 115 feet in depth and the -' general desirable lot shall be at least 60 feet wide by 115 feet deep. _ c. No lot shall be less than 120 feet in depth and the general desirable lot shall be at least 75 feet wide p 'F by 120 feet deep. ! - Passed on First reading this Z day of -r� 1966. i Passed on Second reading this d-day of , 1966. ; Passed and finally adopted on third reading this �— day of , +' ` :J•` 1966. APPROVED: �V' ,l�,��.�/1��� ��C�-C-mil �-`.1. �•„ I ' MAYOR ,{,; t` i THE STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF GALVESTON ) CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ) ----------------------------- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING �. To the residents , qualified electors, contractors , subdividers , real estate brokers and all other parties of the City of, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, please take notice that the City Council will • donduct a public hearing on the matter of adopting a subdivision Ordinance pertaining to the minimum qualifications of streets , alleys , Plats , the procedure for filing thereof, and all other matters concerning or pertaining to a Subdivision.Ordinance within the City of Friendswood, will be held in the City of Friendswood on the Z/ day of A. D. 1963. ALL persons interested in such Subdivision regulations as are proposed to be adopted by the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas , are requested to appear at said meeting. Information pertaining to the proposed Ordinance may be obtained from any Member of the City Council or the Mayor of the City of Friends- wood, CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS By: KENNETH CAMP, MaVjor • l� V I j