HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 26 ORDINANCE NO. 26.
Section I: A permit will be required to do any electrical construction of any
character, install any electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment, or make extensions
or changes, to existing wiring systems installed for the utilization of the service of
the supply Company in providing electrical,energy for lights, heat or power within
or attached to any building. Application for such permit, describing the work to be
done, shall be made in writing to the Electrical Inspector by person, firm or
corporation installing the work. The application shall be accompanied by such
plans, specifications and schedules. as may be necessary to determine whether the
installation as described will be in conformity with the requirements and if the
applicant has complied with all provisions of this ordinance, a permit for such
installation_shall be issued.
S,ectitin II: Permits, to do electrical work of all kinds of electrical installations.
and construction shall be issued only under the provisions of this ordinance unless
otherwise stated.
HOME OWNERS RIGHTS: Nothing herein contained shall prohibit any bonafide
home owner from personally installing electrical conductors or equipment within
his, own home provided the owner shall file with the Electrical Inspector as to his.
ability to install electrical wiring ; apply for and secure a permit; pay required fee;
do work in accordance with this ordinance; apply for an inspection and receive
certificate of approval.
Personal installation by an owner under these Home Owner Rights shall be Iby
himself, for himself, on his own homestead premises, without compensation, and
no person shall be employed�to sist him in any way on such work.
&fiction ilI: Permit sh"all not be 'ssued by the City Inspector until after thel
following fee shall have een paid, pr vided however, the minimum fee for
issuance of permit shall a $10. 00.
,Section IV : .For-"the .pu e of this ordinance, to regulate the issuing of
permits, and in fixing the inspection fees covering same, each recording watt
hour meter and all subfeeder wires and branch circuit wires connecting the same
shall be considered as one service and a,,—. separate permit must be issued
for each. service.
Section V: All.electrical construction, and.all materials, and appliances used
in connectionwith the installation, maintenance and operation of electrical wiring,
apparatus,, or equipment for the utilization of the service for the Supply Company
in providing electrical energy for light, heat or power inside or attached to-
buildings. or property within the limits,of the City of Friends-wood shall conform to
such special rules:and,regulations as may be embodied in this or other ordinances
of the City of Friendswood,, and to the latest regularly published rules. and
regulations. of the .National Board of Fire Underwriters. (National Electrical Code
for the installation of,wiring and apparatus for electrical purposes,, as they are-
now established.and such.rules, and regulations ,are hereby adopted and approved
as part of this ordinance.
Section.VI: Approved metallic raceways (such as rigid conduit or .steel
tubing), underfloor cast-in-place raceways, or BXL,shall be required for all
wires used to conduct current for light, heat or power$ in the wiring of all new
buildings and in all old buildings or additions thereof within the fire limits of the
City, as they are now or may hereafter be established and in.apartment houses !
of more than three apartments, churches, schools, hotels, theatres and commercial
buildings within the limits of the.City of Friendswood, Texas. )
Gasoline filling stations will be wired according to the latest rules, and
regulations.,of the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
The use'of BX cable' is not permitted except for short S21 maximum flexible
connection to motors or other devices.
Fimergencywiring .may be permitted for a period not to: exceed 30 days and
application for same must be accompanied by a letter to the Electrical inspector.
.signed both.by the Electrical Contractor applying for the permit and by the owner
or occupants of the building desiring installation, .signifying that the emergency,
work will .be promptly removed by the Electrical Contractor on.or before the
expiration-of 30 days_or lessor period of time that.may be disignated by the
Sectioxr.VII: The service conduit and wires leading from.the outside of the
customerts -building .tor the metes cabinet and main line switch are to be supplied,
owned,and controlled by the property owner but the installation of service drops. '
and the connection of these wired to.the .supply lines. is.to be,made by the Electric'
Public Service Company owning and. operating the supply lines. The owner must
provide a location for brackets or other attachments- to the building to which the ,
service wires are to be connected. . Such a location to be not more than 18.inches"
from the service. conduit outlet. . On residences of two stories or more, the
location shall be as high as is practical. on the building, but in no event shall it be
more than_252 for less than 10t from the ground. In the business district,. where'
the service is fed from alley construction, the location should be, at the ceiling. of
the first floor, .if notless-''than10t from the ground. The location for the service)
bracket must be on the building,at a point nearest to or most as:se'ssible to the.
supply lines of the Electric Public Service Company.
The service outlets. shall be no more than.251 nor less that from the ground
and must be so located as.not to be within reach from any porch or stairs.landing,
and shall be so,located as, to afford direct unobstructed space for stringing the
service drops, from-the service outlet to the Electric P ibL%c Service Gompanyts.
service mains.
No:.se.rvice wire of a size sxriall'er than o. 8 B & S. f�wage. will be allowed
between.the point where the -service drops. o the Power. C4nipany terminate on
the owners premises and the main line entranc hand such wire shall be
closed in rigid metal conduit.
Not less than,three feet of each conductor shall be left at the service head for.
connection to service wire from the Public Service Company's service drop
The service entrance conduit shall not be smaller than 3,/4" and shall be
protected from corosion.by the galvanized proceas Steel tubing will not be
permitted for use as service conduit.
The service entrance conduit of residences., apartments, and combination
residences and, commercial or industrial establishments may be run exposed on
the outside of the building from the point where said conduit contacts the service'
drops, of the Electric Public Service Company to the meter of the Electric Public
Service Company, or the service conduit may be buried in an outside wall of i
the building.
Section,VM : The aervice entrance switch must be placed not less- than
41 6" nor more than 72 from floor switch handle.
The following table will be the minimum service, and feeder conductor :sizes
that will be permitted on 3 wire be permitted on.a3. wire .110/220 volt
lighting panel:
Number of-Circuits Minlmum Size Wire
4 to 6 circuits 3. No. .8 .conducters.
8 to 10 .circuits 3 No; 6,.conductors
12 to 16 circuits 3, No. 4.conductors
18..to 24 circuits 3 No. 1 conductors
26 to 32 circuits 3 No. .1=0 conductors
Section IX: The service ;switches if of non-weather-proof type, shall be placed
so as: to be fully protected,from,the weather. If located on an open porch or on the
outside of a building, the switch shall be of weatherproof type and rust-resisting.
Section X: All meter loops. for the installation of electric meters to measure
the service rendered by the Electric Public Service Company shall be in meter
cabinets furnished by the Electric Public Service .Company and installed by the owner
or his agent. .Said meter loop must be ahead of or :on. the line side of the main line switch
Meters installed to measure the service .rendered to resddences,, apartments,
and combination residences and commercial or industrial establishments shall be
set on. the outside of. the building at point not more than 61 .nor less than 5' from
the ground to the dial, of the meter. Closed-in rear or front porches: are not
considered as outdoor Locations.
For convenience of ready.access, all meter cabinets shall be located on oust-
side walls of.building nearest the point of service except in cases,.where exposure
to mechanical injury by vehicle,, as in the commercial section, make same impractical,
or by nature of the location of the premises, than location shall be designated by the
City Inspector.
Where changes ,or additions are being -made to existing electrical installations,
necessitating changes or additions to the service entrance or to. the service switch
or to the meter loop, the service .entrance conduit and main line switch and meter
loop shall be changed to conform to the provisions. of this ordiannce.
Section XI: Any Public Service Company, firm or persons furnishing,electric
current to the public under franchise granted by the City of Friendswood for lighting,
heating or power, shall have the right to install and connect or disconnect and remove
their meters and their protective devices, at their ;option without permit.
Where meters-are now installed at inaccessible places in houses or buildings,
and the Electric Public.Service Company desires to relocate said meter loop for the
convenience in rendering its. service .or for the purpose of standardization of its
service in the public interest, it may, upon request to the City Inspector have a
licensed, electrical contractor re-install meter loop, at a point desiired by it and all
suchwork so done at the request of the Electrical Public Service :Company shall be
performed at its 'own expense without cost to. the .owner.
On a 15 amp. branchcircuit in commercial installations,, not over five
consuming outlets' per circuit will be .allowed except in the wiring of display
windows- and awning lights, in which latter, not over eight outlets per circuit will,
be allowed. Border-or decorative lighting must comply with the National
Electric Code.
�Ori.a.15 amp, branch circuit in residentail installations, not more than ten-
consuming outlets per circuit will be Iallowed.�
Section MI: . All grounding for service entrance equipment must be in
accordance.with the National Electric .Code.
Wiring under house. and in unfurnished basements not over six feet from ground
shall be run in conduit or non-metallic sheathed cable. bored through or run along
joists and sills.
(a), It shall be the duty of the City Clerk or any duly authorized
assistants. to issue permits .and the duty of the City,Inspector or any authorized
assistant to inspect all'-electrical wiring, apparatus. or equipment for the
utilization-of the Service.Supply Company in providing electrical.energy for lights.,
heat and power inside of or attached to the buildings. or other structures within
the limits. of the City of Friendswoo.d and to look after the enforcement of laws,
rules. and regulations relating to same and to exercise a general supervision
.over all electrical construction and and over all electrical contractors and eleo;t-
tricians, licensed to carry on their busineas,or. trade under the provisions of
this ordinance.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use
any ;.electrical current in or through any wiring,,apparatus or fixtures installed
after this, ordinance takes effect for the utilization of the service of the Supply
Company in;. providing electrical energy for lights-, heat or power in .or on any
building or structure within the limits of the City of Friendswood until the same
shall have been inspected and.,approved by the City Inspector and the Certificate
hereinafter provided for shall have been issued therefor.
(o) It shall be unlawful for any Electrical Supply Company.operating
under a franchise granted by the City of Friendswood or from any person, firm
or corporation-furnishing' electric current for light, heat and power to. connect
his, theirs or its,distribution system with any installation of wiring apparatus or
fixtures installed after this ordinance becomes effective in, or to any building or
other structure within the- limits of the City of Friendswood, without having,firs:.t
received written permission from the City Inspector .to furnish. current for such
wiring, apparatus, or fixtures; such.permis-sion shall be given by the City
Inspector at any time after the certificate hereinafter provided for shall have
been issued.
(d) When any electrical wiring, apparatus or fixtures covered by-.a
permit shall be found,.on inspection,by the Electrical Inspector, .or,his. duly
authorized assistant to conform to the rules and regulations.provided by this i
ordinance, the; City Inspector shall issue a final certificate of inspection certifying
that the wiring apparatus_ or fixtures Have been inspected and ..found, to comply
with thei terms of this ordinance, but no such .certificate shall be issued until
such equipment is, made to conform. to, such rules- and regulations.
(e) The .City Inspector may also before such certificate is issued, give
temporary Permission to connect and furnish electric to any wiring, apparatus-or
fixtures for a period of not exceeding thirty(3.0)-days, if, in his. opinion, such
wiring, apparatus_ or fixtures, are in such condition that current may be safely
connected therewith, and there exists an urgent necessity for such use, when
written application is filed with him requesting such permission.
(f) The City Inspector or any duly authorized assistant, is. hereby
empowered to inspector reinspect all interior wires. and apparatus.conducting
or using electric-current for.lights, heatorpower, and when said conductors
or apparatus are found to:be unsafe to life .or property he shall notify the person,
firm or corporation owing; using or operating them to.place the same in a safe
and securecondition with twenty-four. (24) hours. or within such further time as:.the
City Inspector shall determine is necessary. Any person, firm or corporation'
failing or refusing, to repair or, remove the same within .twenty (U)'hours or within
such further time as the City Inspector shall determine is necessary, after the
receipts, of'such notice, shall be subject to the penalty hereinafter provided.
(g) Dangerous wiring. Whenever .any electrical conductor or
appliance used for any'purpose in or` on building is, in the .opinion of the City
Inspector, contrary to the.provisions of this. ordinance, he shall cause written
notice to be.served on that person, firm, or corporation:using such a conductor
or appliance to discontinue the use of same and to correct the defective condition,
hazards or violation.of this ordinance within forty-eight (48) hours or within ten'
(10') days., as,he may decree necessary, and upon failing to conform with such
notice,. the City Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to cause the electrical
service wires supply such unsafe .conductor or appliance to be disconnected or cut
off and requiring the same to remain cut off until such defects, hazards or
violations of this ordinance are remedied; and that no:person, whether proprietor$
agent or employee, whether furnishing .or using such conductor orappliance, without
first obtaining written:permission to do so from the .City Inspector.
Section II: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, to
hinder or interfere with City Inspector,a= or any electrcal inspector in the
scharge of his. duties under this ordinance.
In '
,.Section III: All plumbing and other piping,or tube work must belplace,
on work to be concealed before .the electrical wiring is inspected,: and no such
wiring will be considered as. completed until all such plumbing is in place.
Upon making inspection of any electrical wiring or equipment when same
if found to:have been installed in a satisfactory manner, and in accordance with
the provisions.of the ordinance, the inspector shall place a notice as service
switch or other suitable place, stating that the electrical work has been inspected
and found, to be .in.accordancw with the rules as prescribed in the provisions of this
ordinance. It shall.be unlawful to lath, seal or in Any-manner conceal any
electrical,wiring or equipment until the same has been inspected and the notice
posted as herewith required, i
When the electrical work.in any building .or other structure for which
a permit has been obtained is ready for inspection notice in wiaiting Fsad properly
filled,in upon blanks furnished at the .office .of the City Inspector, stating the
location;of the work, the name of the .owner, the name.of the electrician doing the
Work,. shall be filed at the office of the City Inspector.
As. soon..as. possible thereafter the .City Inspector will notify the
electrician in-charge to fht work when he will inspect the same, and the Inspector
will test the work in the presence of the'electrician in any manner and in
.accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.
In large andcomplicated jobs,, the work may be inspected and tested in
sections on the approval of the Inspector.
Notices that the work is ready for inspection must be given at the office
of the City Inspector, for morning inspections, before five o'clock p, in. the
proceeding day, and for afternoon inspections, before twelve o'clock noon the
same day. . A period of forty-eight (48) hours, exclusive of Sundays and holidays
will be required in which to,make inspection and report.
If after the first visit to a.job: on written notice to inspect same, if
is necessary to return to reinspect same, or it is,necessary to reinspect any
work, whether from.a,defect or the work, not being ready, the Inspector will
return.only on-another written notice, andnot less than twenty-four (24) hours
thereafter, and shall charge-a,fee of one dollar ($1. ,00)-for so doing, all other
akDc notices. taking precedence.
After the entire completion of the work, a notice in the form hereinabove
provided shall be given.the- Inspector for a final inspection and if he finds that
the work has.been satisfactorily done,. he shall issue' a final certificate of
inspection on the request:of the electrical contractor' holding the permit, as.
provided for in-Dart 3., Sectionl-d of this.:ordimance.
Final certificate of inspection shall not relieve the electrical contractor
of his responsibility for any defective work.
All electrical work .shall be done in-a.workmanlike manner, and to the
entire satisfaction of the City,Inspector.
Section-IV: Any person violating.any-.of the provisions of this. ordinance,
.shall, upon conviction before theCorporation.Court,; be punished by a
fine of not less than.Five ($5. 00) Dollars nor more .than One Hundred Dollars
($100, 00) and each day the said violation shall continue shall be deemed a
separate offenwe.
Section V: . All ordinances, or part of Ordinances in.consistance herewith,,
or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, shall be and same are hereby
Section;VI: Invalidity of any part or provision. or requirement of this,
ordinance., or invalidity of the same as to any particular person or class of persons
shall not affect the :ralidityof other parts:, provisions,'and requirements, or its,
validity to-other persons or class.of persons, as to,whom it may validly apply.
THERE. IS HERESY declared to be an emergency within the limits- of the City
of Friendswood, and, the. requirements for reading this Ordinance on three
separate dayshaving been.waived by maj ority vote of the City:Council, the
same is passed, .approved and adopted on this the 14t day-.of July, 1963, and shall
become effective'immediately upon.publication as presented by law.
Kenneth M.. .amp; Mayor
-City of Friendswood,
'Gene'Oreathouse, -City Secretary