HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2016-12 i (Title: An Ordinance amending Appendix D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of , Friendswood.) ORDINANCE NO.2016-12 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL, AMENDING APPENDIX D OF ; THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE TO ESTABLISH THE i RATES TO BE CHARGED BY THE CITY FOR WATER � AND SEWER UTILITY SERVICES. iF % dt .4 X i: '�F X % Af I WHEREAS, Elppendix D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas establishes water and sewer rates for utility services provided by the City and i I WHEREAS, in arder to ensure the City's ability to meet its annual revenue requirements I for utility operational costs, cuirent debt service obligations and anticipated debt service needs to fund utility projects included in the City's capital improvements plan, the City Council deems it I necessary to revise the City's fee schedule utilities section for fiscal years 2016 — 2019 as set j forth in this ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED BY TAE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix D of the Friendswood City Code, and also being the fee schedule ordinance of the City, is hereby amended in accordance with the ; tei7ns and conditions set out in the attached Exhibit"A". Section 2. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a couit of coinpetent jurisdiction, it G . shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole ar any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of I Fxiendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same I � notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, whether there be one or more parts. PASS�D AND APPROVED on first reading this lst day of Februarv,2016. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on second and final reading this 7th day of March, 2016. Kevin M. Hol Mayor ATT�ST: ` ,�IIMiYp�, � �2R�c� :.o� ����Nq�•.. Melinda Welsh, TRMC ;.a, ; ''S'!y •, City Secretary ��:: �t�L :* � :v ; � N�, r7f: '�� : ••�9TF OF'(E�P'�� o�a. zoi�-�z 2 City of Friendswood ' Water&Wastewater Utility Rates Recommendation ; WATER UTILITY RATES-REFLECTED ON BILLS DATED ON OR AFTER MAY 30,2016 Mon[hly Minimum Charge-Single Famlly ResidenNal Me[er Size May 30,2016 Up to 1" $15.50 ''��� I 1/2" $U.90 � T' $4495 3" $44.95 I 4" $44.95 6" 544.95 � Volume[tic Rates-Single Family Reslden0al �' Ver 1,000 gailons 0-3,000 gallons $0.00 3,001-30,000 gallons $2.90 ' 10,001-25,000 gailons $3.15 Above 25,000 gallons $3.40 .� Manthly Minimum fharge-Commercial,Multi-uni('(residential m mmmercial),Irrigatlon/Sprinkler I� Me[er Size May 30,2016 5/8" $15.50 � 1" $21J0 1 S/2" $2].90 .. 2" $44.95 3" $4495 4" $4495 6" $94.95 Volumetdc fta[es-Commertlal,Mulli-uNt•(resltlenHal or mmmercial) �' Per 1,000 galions $290 Monthly Minimum Charge-IrrigaHOn/Spdnkler Me[er Slze May 30,2016 � 5/8" $I5.50 I� 1" $21]0 11/2" $2].90 2" $44.95 3" $49.95 4" $4495 6" $4495 '�, Volume[dc Rates-IrrlgaHOn/Sptlnqler �� Per 1,000 gallons May 30,2016 0-3,000 gallons $0.00 3,001-30,000 gallons $4.00 10,001-25,000 gallons $425 �; Above 25,000 gallons $q.50 "'�., WASTEWATER UTILITY RATES-REFLECTED ON BILLS DATED ON OR AFTER MAY 30,2016 Monthly Minimum fharge May 30,2016 Single Family Residential 515.00 , Residential(multi�unit') $15.00 �I Commertial�single&mulH-uNN) $15.00 Volumelric Pates-Single Family Residential Basetl on W QA`• May 30,P016 Per 1,OOD gallons $i13 Volumeo-ic Rates�Commertlal(single�,Multi-unit•�resitlential&commerciaq "'., Basetlon100%wa[erconsumpllon May30,2016 �'�, Per 5,000 galions $2.13 'Mul�i-unitaFa�ged yer unit "Wn1e�QVae�er/aveiage I i City of Friendswood Water&Wastewater Utility Rates Recommendation , WATER UTILITY RATES-REFLECTED ON BILLS DATED AFTER OCTOBER 1,2016 Monthly Minimum Charge-Single Family Residential Meter Sixe Ottober 1,2036 i Up to 1" $15.50 , 11/2" $2J.90 �' 2" $49.95 I 3" $44.95 9" $94.95 6" $4495 Volumetri[Ra[es-Single family Residential � Per 1,000 gallons �' 0-3,000 gallons $0.00 3,001-10,000 gallons $2.90 10,001-25,OOOgallon5 $3.15 Hbove 25,�00 gallons $3.40 �� Man[hly Mlnimum Charge-COmmerHal,Mulll-uN['(resitlentlal ormmmercial�,Irrigation/Sprinkler li Me[erSixe Oc[ober1,2016 5/8" $I5.50 1" 521.]0 1 I/2" $D.90 2" $4495 3" $44.95 4" $44.95 6" $44.95 Volumehic Rales-Commercial,MWti-unit`(residen[ial or mmmeralal) Per1,000gallons $2.90 � Monthly Minimum Charge-Irrigation/Sprinkler I Mete�Size ORObe�I,2016 5/8" $15.50 1" $21J0 1 1/2" $2].90 � 2" $44.95 "'�,, 3" $4495 ''.� 6" $44.95 6" $44.95 Volume[ric Ra[es-Irrigation/Sprinkler Per1,000gallons OROber1,2016 0-3,OOOgallons $0.00 �; 3,��1-30,000 gallons $439 "'�, 50,001-25,000 gallons $4.64 �I, Hbove 25,000 gallons $4.89 i WASTEWATER UTILITY RATES•REFLECTED ON BIlLS DATED AfTER OCTOBER 1,2016 Man[hly MlMmum Charge OROber 1,2016 ��; Single Family Residential $15.00 "'�. Residential(mul[i�onit•) $35.00 � Commercial�single&mW[i�unit`) $15.00 Volume[ric Rares-Single Family Residential Based on wM" ORaber 1,2016 � Per 1,000 gallons $222 Volumehic Rates-Cammercial(singl¢�,Mulli-unit*(residen[ial&commercial� "�, Bazetlan100%waterconsump[ion OROber3,2016 ' Per 1,000 gallons $232 'Mulli�uMl aharged pe�unit "Wn�erQvatlerAVerage I I � ' � I ' City of Friendswood I Water&Wastewater Utility Rates Recommendation ! WA7ER UTILITY RATES-REFLECTED ON BILLS DATED AFTER OCTOBER 1,20ll � ' Mon[hly Minimum Charge-Single Famlly ResltlenHal Meter 51¢e ottober 1,20ll Up[01" $15.50 : 1 3/2" $2].90 j 2" $44.95 3" $4495 4" $4A.95 6" 544.95 i Volumehlc Ra[es-Single Family ResitlenHal ! Per 1,000 gallons 0-3,000 gallons $0.00 3,��1-10,000 gallons $2.90 30,001-25,000 gal lons 53.15 Hbove 25,000 gallons $3.40 Manthly Minimum Charge-fommercial,Mul[i-uniP(residen[ial or comme¢ial�,Irrigation/SpHnkler ( MeterSke octoberi,20ll 5/8" $I5.50 P' S�i.�a � i i/z° S��.ea z^ Saa.ss '�, 3" $44.95 �i 4" $4495 6" $94.95 Volumetrlc Nates-Commercial,Multi-uniP(residential or mmmercial� Pet 1,000 gallore $290 "; i Monthly Minimum Charge-Irrigation/Sprinkler I MeterSize October3,201J 5/8" $15.50 1" $21.J0 11/2" $2).90 � 2" $44.95 "'�; 3" $94.95 � 4" $4495 6" 544.95 Volumehic Ra[es-Irrigatlon/Sprinkler i Per 3,000 gallons October 1,201] , 0-3,000 gallons $0.00 ''� 3,001-30,004 gallons $4.91 10,001-25,000 gallons $5.16 Above 25,000 gailons 55.91 WASTEWATER UTILITY RATES-REFLECTED ON BILLS DATED AFTER OCTOBER 1,2017 ! Monthly Minimum Charge OROber 1,201] j Single Family Residential $15.00 Residen[ial(multi�oni[') $55.00 I Commercia1�singie&multi-unit`) $I5.00 Volumehic Ra[es-Single Family ReSidential � Based on WqA•' Oclober1,201] �'�, Per1,000gallons $2.92 � il Volumehic Ra[es-CommerGal(single�,Multi�uni["�residential&commerclal) Basetlon100%waterwnsumpHOn OROber3,20ll Per 1,000 gallons $2.92 'Mulli-uni�chargedper�init '' "WnterQuar�erAVerage "': II � i I City of Priendswood , Water&Wastewater Utility Rates Recommendation I . WATER UTILITY RATES-REFLECTED ON BILLS DATED AFTER OCTOBER 1,2018 Monthly Minlmum Charge-Single Family Residential ��,' Me[er Size OROber 1,2018 �I, Up[01" 535.50 � 11/2" $D.90 2" $94.95 3" $4495 4" $4495 ! 6" $44.95 �I Volume[ric Rates-Single Family Residential I Per 1,U00 gallans 0-3,000 gallons $0.00 ( 3,001-10,000 gallons $2.90 � 10,001-25p�0 gal lons $3.15 �' Nbove 25,OODgallons $3.90 � Monthly Minimum Charge-COmmercial,Mulll-unlN(residen[ial or cammer�ial�,Irriga[ion/Sprinkler Meter Size October i,2U38 � 5/e" $15.50 ' 1" $21.]0 �I 11/2" $2].90 2" $44.95 3" $4495 4" $44.95 6" $44.95 i Volumenic Rates-COmmercial,Mul[i-uM['(resltlentlal m wmmercial) I Per 1,000 gallons $2.90 Monthly Minimum Charge-IrrigaHOn/Sprinqler Me[er Size Ottober 1,2018 , 5/8" 515.50 �'� 1" $21J0 I 11/2" $2J.9� 2" $44.95 3" $44.95 4" $J4.95 6" $44.95 �; Volumettic ftates-Irrigation/Sprinkler '�,, Per 1,000 gallons Octaber 3,2038 I 0-3,000 galions $0.40 3,001-10,000 gallons $4.94 I 30,001-25,000 gallons $5.19 � Above 25,000 gallons $5.69 '�.,' WASTEWATER UTILITY RATES-REFLECTED ON BILLS DATED AFTER OCTOBER 1,2018 ''� Manthly Minimum Charge OROber 1,2018 Single Family Residential $15.00 ResidenNal(mN[i-uMt") $I5.00 , Comme¢lal(single&mNtl-uniY) $15.00 "'�, Volumehic Rates-Single Famlly ftesitlentlal '� Based on WQA'* oRaber i,2018 Per 1,000 gallons $3.09 Valume[rlc fta[es-Commercial�single�,MUlti-unit•(residential&mmmercial� Basetlon100°hwarermnsumption October1,2038 �; Pet1,00�gallons $3.09 �'�, 'Multi-uni[aM1a�getl per miit I "Wn[erQuarterAVemge � i City of Friendswood , Water&Wastewater Utility Rates Recommendation WATER UTILITY RATES-REFLECTED ON BILLS DATED AFTER OCTOBER 1,2019 � Mon[hly Minimum Charge-Single Family Residential , Me[er Size ORaber 1,2039 ; Up[01" SS5.50 �I 11/2" $2].90 Z" 544.95 3" $44.95 4° $44.95 � 6° $4495 Valume[ric Ra[es-Single Family Residen[ial �',, Per 1,000 gallons '�I 0-3,OOOgallons $0.00 3,001-30,QOOgallons $2.90 10,001-25,000 gallons $3.15 Above 25,000 gallonz $3.40 Monthly Minimum Charge-COmmercial,Multi-uNt'(resltlenHal or rommer�ial�,IrrigaHan/Sprinkler �I Me[er Size OROber 1,2019 ��I 5/8" $15.50 1" $23J0 11/T' $D.90 2" $44.95 � 3" $44.95 4" $44.95 .�: 6° $49.95 "'� Volume[ric Ra[es-COmmercial,Multi-uni["(residentlal or mmmercial� Per 1,000 gallons 52.90 Mon[hly Minlmum Charge-Irrigation/Sprinkler Meter 51¢e October 1,2039 � 5/8" $15.50 "'; 1" $21J0 �'' 11/T' $2].90 2" $49.95 3" $94.95 4" $44.95 6" $44.95 VoWmetric Rales-Irriga[lon/SprinNler , Per 1,000 gallons OROber 3,2019 �; 0-3,OOOgallons $0.00 '�, 3,001-IO,OOOgallons $q.96 "'�, 30,001-25,000 gallons $5.21 � qbove 25,OOOgallons $5.4fi WASTEWATER UTILITY RATES-REFLECTED ON BILLS DATED AFTER OCTOBER 1,2019 � i MoNhly Minimum Lharge October 1,2019 '�; Single Famlly Residential 515.00 "'��. Residentia1�mWei-unit') $15.00 �'�, Commercial�single&multi�unit') $15.00 �I Valumetdc Rates-Single Family ResidenHal Basetl on W QA" Ottober 1,2019 Per 1,000 gatlons 53.1] Volumetric Rates-COmmercial�single�,MWti-uni['�residential$commercial� � Basedon100%watermnsumpHOn Oclober1,2015 i Per 1,000 gallonz $3.1] "'�., •MuIII-u�I�cM1aeyedpc�Vnil II ^Wnterquart¢rAVerage . i, l