HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2016-11 (Title: An ordinance rezoning two tracts of land consisting of approximately 1.0299 acres of land (44,863 square feet) described as Lots 1 and 2 of Morningside Office Park, a subdivision of land out of Lot 9, Block 2, Friendswood Subdivision, Abstract No. 151, Galveston County, Texas, located at 312 Morningside Dr. and 121 Magnolia St., Friendswood, Texas, (as more fully described herein), from Light Industrial (LI) to Office Park District (OPD). ORDINANCE NO. 2016-11 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX "C" "ZONING", OF TH� CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, BY AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR TWO TRACTS OF LAND CONTAIIVING 1.0299 ACRES DESCRIBED AS LOTS 1 AND 2 OF MORNINGSIDE OFFICE PARK, A SUBDIVISION PLAT OF RECORD AT PAGE 115B OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF THE CLERK OF GALV�STON COUNTY, TEXAS, LOCATED AT 312 MORIVINGSIDE DRIVE AND 121 MAGNOLIA STREET, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS; AlVIENDING THE ZONE CLASSIFICATION FROM LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (LI) TO OFFICE PARK DISTRICT (OPD), ALL AS MORE SPECIFICALLY PROVID�D HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PROVIDING A PENALTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. X X X X X iF * Y X X WHEREAS, Morningside Management, Ltd. is the Owner of two tracts of land consisting of approximately 1.0299 acres of land and described as Lots 1 and 2 of Moiningside Office Park, a subdivision plat of recard at Page ll5B of the Plat Records of the Clerk of Galveston County, Texas, located at 312 Morningside Dr. and 121 Magnolia St., Friendswood, Texas, as more fully shown in the survey, zoning map, location and aerial maps in the attached E�ibit"A", (the"Property'); and WHEREAS, the Owner previously made application to the City to change the zoning classification of the Propeirty from Light Indush-ial (LI) to Office Park District (OPD); and I WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have , conducted, in the time and manner required by law and the City Code of Ordinances, a public hearing on such request, allowing all persons attending to be heard on the question of whether I i the changes of the uses being requested would affect the public health, safety, or general welfare of the citizens of Friendswood; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has filed its written report with City ; Council, which recommends approval of the application, subject to any certain conditions made the subject of said recommendation; and � i WHEREAS, the City Council deems it appropriate to grant such request, subject to applicable regulations, restrictions, exceptions and conditions; and WHEREAS, City Council has determined that all public notices have been posted and published, all required hearings on this matter have been held, and that this Ordinance complies with the applicable provisions of the City Charter, City Code and all other applicable laws; � I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ; FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are , hereby found to be true and correct and incoiporated by refexence, including the representations of Applicant, (as referenced in its Zone Change Application), the final report fi•om the Planning & Zoning Commission, and the minutes of City Council, which City Council is specifically ' relying upon in adopting this Ordinance, as provided hereafter. Section 2. The Friendswood City Code, Appendix C, "Zoning," Section 3, i "Provision for Official Zoning Map," is hereby amended, rezoning the Property identified in the attached Exhibit "A", fi•om Light Industrial (LI) to Office Park District (OPD), but otherwise I Ord 2016-1 I 2 consistent and subject to the cun�ent Zoning Code, and related conditions contained therein. Section 3. The Zoning District Map of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amended to show the designation of the Property, as described and as provided in Section 2 above, with the appropriate reference thereon to the number and effective date of this Ordinance, and a brief description of the nahu�e of the change. Sectiou 4. This Ordinance shall in no manner amend, change, supplement or revise any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood, save and except the change in zoning classitication of said Property as conditioned and described above. Section 5. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstauce shall for any reason be adjud�ed invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstihrtional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus dedared to be invalid or unconstitutional, or whether there be one or more parts. Section 6. Any person who shall willfully, intentionally, or with criminal negligence violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, Lipon conviction thereof, shall be flned in an amoLmt not to exceed $2,000.00. Eacl� day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. PASSED AND APPROVED on first re�ding this lst day of Februarv, 2016. PASSED, APPROVEll, and ADOPTED on second and final reading this 7th day of March, 2016. �� Qa,iro���KevinM. H 'and ATTEST: :`Cp� ����11/��'�Yal' . '•,�Q•, ` � ,. . � .,� . r •� � Melinda Welsh, TRMC ;� ', ;*: City Secretaiy : ��•, ' • �•.. . •• � ' Ord 2016-�1 1 ••�TF O F���P.' 3 • � Exhibit"A" , 1. Application 2. Deed � 3. Plat � 4. Aerial Map � 5. Location Map ' 6. Zoning Map I i I I � I , I ! i I i I I Ord 2016-II 4 � � i _ _ _ _ , � City of Friendswood — Community Development � � ' . 910 S. Friendswood Drive j r Friendswood, 7X 77546 � "��_ . Phone:281-�96-3201 Fax: 281-896-3260 �� ,;` , ww.ci.friendswood.bc.us ���, Zone Change Application CURRENT ZONE OF PROPERTY: LI TYPE OP ZONE CWANGE(check one): � Land Use Change io Zone: oPO ❑ Specific Use Permit Option 1 ' ❑ Pianned Unit Development Opfion 1 ❑Specific Use Permit Optlon 2 ❑ Planned Unit Development Option 2 SUP for Use(s)#: i PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION: Addf@S5: 312 Morningsida�rive and 121 E Magnolia Friendswood,TX 77546 Plaited Land—Piat Name: Momin9sida o�n�Panc Lot: 9 61ock: 2 Unplatted Land—Attach a certified mefes and bounds descrfption OWNER NAME: Momingside Management,LTD. Ph0118: 2a� 996 0344 Owner's Mailing Address: Po eox&9oest Clty: Houston St2te: Tx Zlp; 77289 F�; 281 996 007fi Owner's Email Address: asttexas@aol.wm AGHNT'S NAME : Phone: � AgenYs Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Fax: ' AgenYs Emall Address: In authorizing an agent to represent Uie owner, ihe owner attests that hislher agent may make verbal or written representations antllor declarations on the ownsr's behalf and ths owner understands and acknowledges ihat the , City of Friendsvrood shalt rely upon ihe agenYs representations in malters pertatning to fhe apova described i property. The designation of an ageni in this matier in no way absolves 1he owner of any of the owner's responsibllitles outlined by ihe City oi Friendswood. The owner musi be the legal owner of record of the property at the time o(submiAal of ihe application. The undersigned hereby requesl approval by ihe City Council on the above identified zone change. '� Owner'sSignaiure—.'�'� �� Date: tz��ai2ot5 � AgenYs Signature: Date: �} t'�/1� !� App(ication Number: �� °Z�'3�7 Received By: �1������i� Y11.1��Yi�1� Received Dete: �'��� y Date of Public Hearing: •E Newspaper Notice: (1 Property Owner Notices: Sign on Property: • L .� ) Revised 10-28-15 Page 1 of 2 ( i IIIIIIII!Illllllllll.11lllllllllllllllllllllillllllflllllllll DeED z00�011444 ; " 3 PGS TII� STAT�OI'T�XAS . . HIYOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEIVTS: COiJNTY OF GALVESTON . GENERAL WARRANTY DEED NOTICE OI+`CONFIDENTIALIT'Y ItIGFTTS: IF YOU ARE A NA'L`URAL PEI2SdN,YOU MAY ItEMO'�E Ol2 STRII�ANY OF THE FOLLOWING INFOI2MATION FROM THIS i INSTRiJMENT BEFORE IT FS FIL�D FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: � YOUR SOCIAL SECUItITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIV�R'S LIC�NSE NUMBER. That we, MICIIAEL R CRAGIN and wife, JOYCE CRAGIN, of Galveston County, Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AIHD NO/100 DOLLARS($10.00)and other good and valuable consideration to the undersi�med paid by Grantee herein named,the receipt of I which is hereby acknowledged,have GRANTED,SOT,D AND CONVEYED,and by these presents do G12ANT, S�LL AND CONVEX unto MORNINGSIDE MANAGEMEIVT,LTD., a Texas limited partnership, of 607 Park Lanc, Friendswood, Galvesfon County, Texas 77546, the fallowing described real property in Galveston County,Texas,to-wit: TRACT 1: Lut 1 of Morningside Office Park, a subdivision in Galveston County, Texas, according to the Map or Plat thereo£at Page 115B in the P1at Records iw the office of the ; County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas, together with �I all improvements located thcreon,more commonty known I as 312 Morningside,Friendswood,Texas. ( TRACT2• I Lot 2 of Morniogside Oftice Park, a subdivision in I Gaiveston County, Texas, according to the lVlap or Plat thereof at Page J l5B in the Plat Records in the o�ce of the ; County Clerk of Galveston County, 'Texas, together wfth � all improvements locatetl therean,more commouly known � as 121.1VIagaolia,Friendswood,Teaas. � {00060776.DOC) 'I I i i � TitACT 3: � Lot 8, Block 8 of Harwood Subdivision, a subdivision in i Galvesfon Counly, Texas, according to fhe Map or Plat thereof at Page 115B in the Plat Recards in the office ok'the County Clerk of Galveston County, Texas, togethor with i all improvements located thercon,more commonty known as 403 Morningaide,Friendswood,TexTS. This conveyance is made and accepted subject to the followiag matters,to the eactent same aze in effect at this time: Any and all restrictions, reservations, covenants, conditions apd easements,if � any, relating to the hereinabove described properiy, but only to the extent fhey are still in effect, ; shown of record in Galveston County,Texas,and to all zoning laws,regulations,and ordinances o£ municipal and/or other governmental authorities, if any,but only to the extent that they are stilt in effecting,relating to the hereinabove described properiy. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above desoxibed premises,together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances theteto in anywise belonging, unto the said MOI2NINGSIDE I MANAGEMENT,LTA.,a Texas limited partnership,its successors and assigns forever,and we do hereby bind ourselves,our heirs,executors and adtninistrators,to WATtRANT AND FOI2EVER � D�FEND all and suigulaz the saifl premises unto the said MORNINGSIDE IVIANAGEMENT, � LTD.,a Texas limited partnership,its successors and assigns,against every person w�oinsoever lawfully claiming or to claiun the same or any part thareof. f E�CUTED this_�_day of e U ,2007. I r�Ct��L��v� �1C � �. MICIIAGL R. CIiAGIN , I JOYCE CRAGIN I [00060976.DOC) � ' , i, I i ii I I � THE STATE OF TEXAS § § � COUNTY OF GALV�STON § Z7ais instrument was acknowledged before me on � �✓ 2007, b ' > Y ' MICHAEL R. CRAGIN and wife,JOYCE CRAGIN. I �� �.�_ m, P� :�,'�'"`�� oraN�te.aoae ='� °' hIYCOMMISSIONEXPINES Noiary Public,Sfate of exas � �"i••• �� Febma to,z000 Mycommissionexpires:�_ (O— �1Q �,fh��� 'Y PI2�PAR�D IN THE OFFICE OF: ' BETTI$ON,DOYLE,AP�FEL& GUARINO,P.C. 6710 Stewart Road, Suite 300 Galyestan,Texas 77551 ; AFTEI2 RECORDING RETiJRN TO: B�T'I'ISON,DOYLE,APFFEL&G[TARINO,P.C. i 6710 Stewart Road,Suite 300 Qalveston,'I'exas 77551 ' IIDAGDRD-RE�MORNINGSNEGENERALWARRANTYDFEU-kq , ' .. � ��dL�4I. P9�6! ��4VPC�.Ii:,N � y,�p�e oF ,, r� OFFICTFlL PU6LSC RECOR�S i ;��� '��'� �1(�l� ,��.d._ � 2087011444 FeUruary 21, 2007 04:16:48 PM '�, FEE: $24.00 Mary Rnn Dalgle, County Clerk . Gatvestnn County, TEXRS (00060776.iX)C} I i j - - - � I— -- .,. % � a�� ��..� o,.. o«...�..,� i w n9��,..�.., 3€Y ..............:........�.....�.r....„....ti��...e........,m.....v..........ti,..�......�.. o_. ...... - .,,._,._ _.._. _ ,.,.,�_._...�„_....... .; I �,...,,..0'.,:...�,,........e..•..,,.�::Mu....a..�.�.:�.�d9:C9�.mbm.::.',im.::i"' I ..........�........ . , . , .c. . ...�.. I � — ;� — — — —�.,.._ — ;�o`— —��?w�, . e�n.e�. °e SUBOMS\ON I V p I HpOVER�,�,cnawnd"^ � �� I � �o�m�w°" YCINM MPP: 1'= 1I2 MItE ���� I T�B'�@��� u..��auwm nn.nw na��e>e.w.r rs* �oN - -- — µ.....�. �.�,....,.,„m.................�,.....,..,.w�.. '°'° S1100M`+ . �..«....�.w.......�.,.�.,.,...,.�,.,rv,�.. SWO�Wan.oan. i .....�w�.�..�......a.�.....�_,....,....... .«.,�..,�»...�......,.,..�.�......,..u.,_. .a......�o...m�,.�...,m..�......m.,...... .�.......e.,..,..,..,.��.,�w...� �,,e..�,....,,.,.._..,...,..._,...«„»...s N...,.....,......,-_...�.................. 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