HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2001-02 � O � � RESOLUTION N0. R2001-02 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ADOPTING TIiE GROUND WATER REDUCTION PLAN DATED JANUARY 2001 AS PREPARED BY KLOTZ ASSOCIATES. * * * * * * * * BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City of- Friendswood adopts the Ground Water Reduction Plan dated January 2001 as prepared by Klotz Associates and authorizes the City Manager to submit to the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District, a (HGCSD) for their acceptance. Section 2. This Groundwater Reduction Plan will meet the requirements of the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District, Regulatory Plan of a conversion to 80% surface water supply with the City of Friendswood Groundwater Withdrawal Permit beginning October 2002. PASSED, APPROVED AND RESOLVED this the 22nd day of January, 2001. Harold L. Whitaker Mayor ATTEST: C : . � Deloris McKenzie, TR C City Secretary R2001-02/LST03 ENGINEERING REPORT � FOR � GROUNDWATER REDUCTION PLAN � CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD JANUARY 2001 ,��•..��� ����cE o�rF�e� � S..•••••..........:�s��� � � � �.'.:..........�....... �#,d ...... .. \\"� �. JF.:viE� 4�� KELLER � �te�QO•.� 7� 721.... .qo ►'�F'•F��sT�aE.�; ,� ,.� ������o '�'' `� �;�� �°� � Prepared by '� HIotz Associates, Inc. 1160 Dairy Ashford, Suite 500 ,_ Houston, Texas 77079 Klotz Associates Project No. 40701 KLOTZ � ASSOCIATES, I N C. �o�s��r,N� ENG�NEERS ENGINEERING REPORT � GROUNDWATER REDUCTION PLAN CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD � TABLE OF CONTENTS „� Pa_ge No. ExecutiveSummary.............................................................................................................1 � Section 1 -Introduction.......................................................................................................4 l.l Authorization � 1.2 Scope 1.3 Background Information 1.3.1 HGCSD District Regulatory Plan �,. 1.3.2 City of Friendswood Planning Report Section2-Population.........................................................................................................5 .,�, 2.1 Existing Population 2.2 Population Density 2.3 Population Projections Section 3 -Historic Water Use............................................................................................8 3.1 Water Pumping Records �-. 3.2 Per Capita Water Use Rates 3.3 Annual Rainfall -- Section 4-Future Water Demand.......................................................................................9 4.1 Projected Future Water Demand through 2030 4.2 Annual Consumption -- 4.3 Future Demand Considerations Section 5 -Operating Scenarios........................................................................................12 °- 5.1 Historic Data 5.2 Factors Affecting Future Operations 5.2.1 Ground Water Use — 5.2.2 Limitations of Existing Ground Water Facilities 5.2.3 City of Houston Surface Water Supply 5.3 Future System Operations "�' S.4 Future Surface Water Needs Klotz Associates Project No.40701 TOC- 1 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ ,�„ ASSOCIATES, I N C. �oNS� �T�N� EN�,NEERs Pa� "_" Section 6—Proposed Improvements...................................................................................15 6.1 Beamer Road Pump Station 6.2 Trunk Water Main �"" 6.3 Other Water System Improvements 6.3.1 West Side Elevated Storage Tank 6.3.2 Blackhawk Pump Station—Ground Storage Tank '� 6.4 Proposed 2003 Water System Improvements 6.4.1 Southeast Water Treatment Plant Capacity 6.4.2 Distribution System Improvements � 6.5 Proposed 2005 Water System Improvements 6.5.1 Beamer Road Pump Station Phase II � 6.5.2 Distribution System Improvements 6.5.3 Booster Pump Station—Valves and Controls Section 7— Schedule and Finance .....................................................................................19 � 7.1 Water Department Operating Budget 7.2 Capital Projects Construction Cash Flow � 7.3 Project Financing Section 8 —Conservation Measures...................................................................................23 8.1 Water Use Restrictions � 8.2 Public Education and Information 8.3 Water Fixtures and Appliances �,,, 8.4 Meter Repair and Replacement and Universal Metering 8.5 Leak Detection and Repair 8.6 Recycling and Reuse ,,_, 8.7 Water Rates 8.8 Recommendations _. Section 9—Water Rate Study............................................................................................25 9.1 Historic Water Consumption 9.1.1 Water Pumping Records .�.. 9.1.2 Billing Records 9.1.3 Water Consumption Records 9.2 Water Department Cost Projection — 9.3 Rate Increase Alternatives 9.4 Rate Recommendations -- Section 10—Groundwater Reduction Plan........................................................................32 10.1 Surface Water Supply 2002 10.2 Surface Water Supply 2007 � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 TOC-2 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ � ASSOCIATES, I N C. �oN ���r�N� ENGINEERS List of Tables � 2-1 Population Projections 3-1 Historical Pumpage Data �, 3-2 Historical Peaking Factors 4-1 Estimated Future Annual Consumption at 136 GPCD 4-2 Future Water Demand at 136 GPCD �,,,, 5-1 Groundwater Supply 5-2 Future Water Usage Year 2030 6-1 Southeast Water Treatment Plant Co-Participant Costs—Friendswood m,,, 7-1 Construction Cash Flow 7-2 Future Water Operations Expenditures Including Debt Service 9-1 Current Billing Rate Levels ,� 9-2 Water Use per Billing Rate 9-3 Future Water Operations Expenditures Including Debt Service 9-4 Water Rate Comparison _. 9-5 Water Rate Study 9-6 Projected Water Bills with the Current and New Rate Structure 10-1 Construction Schedule ,... 10-2 Anticipated Surface Water and Groundwater Demand Exhibits 1 Area Map Proposed Improvements 2 Proposed Beamer Road Pump Station � Appendices •-- A Water Pumpage Records for 1995 to 2000 B Water Billing History Summary C Future Water Consumption Possibilities -- D Cost Estimates E Water Operations Expenditures F Design Calculations �" G Rate Study � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 TOC-3 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ .�, ASSOCIATES, I N C. CONSU �,T�NG EhG!NEERS ENGINEERING REPORT GROUNDWATER REDUCTION PLAN "' CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD '�" Executive Summary This report was prepared in accordance with the District Regulatory Plan adopted the Harris- �'" Galveston Coastal Subsidence District for reduction in groundwater withdrawal as required by Senate Bill 1 (1997 Texas State Legislature) and certified by the Texas Water Development Board in August of 1998. This report reviewed the existing facilities and " service needs of the City of Friendswood, projected the future water demands, and identified the necessary improvements to reduce the groundwater withdrawal to 20% of the total water � demand. Three population projections were evaluated for this report based on various growth rates. Due to the land-locked nature of Friendswood, a build-out population of 57,400 was � determined, and the projection rates show build-out occurring between 2012 and 2020. For planning purposes the population projections from the City's Vision 2020 report were used. ""'" The historical water usage was examined to determine future trends in water use. Historically, the water use per capita is directly related to the amount of rainfall received each year, and it fluctuates from year to year based on the rainfall amount. A per capita �' consumption rate of 136 GPCD was used to project future water demand for the City of Friendswood. �' The design maximum water demand was calculated based on the build-out population and the per capita rate of 136 gallons per capita per day (GPCD). This demand was used as the � base of design for all improvements. Based on maximum day conditions for future usage and the Subsidence District requirements, the total supply required by the City of Friendswood at the build-out population would be 16.8 million gallons per day (MGD). � The City of Friendswood is currently using approximately 62% surface water and 38% ground water. The existing wells, storage tanks, and booster pumps were assessed to � determine their maximum safe yield production, storage, and distribution abilities. The existing Friendswood wells have a capacity of 8.0 MGD and a safe long-term yield of 5.0 MGD. The total booster pump capacity is 12.0 MGD, and the ground storage tank capacity ,,,_ is 2.65 MG. These values were used to calculate the maximum ground water available to the system. The surface water supply from the City of Houston was reviewed to determine the maximum surface water available. The future demand will be met with 11.8 MGD of surface water and 5.0 MGD of ground water. The proposed improvements to the system were determined by the difference between the „.. amount of water needed for build-out conditions and the safe yield of the existing supply Klotz Associates Project No.40701 1 City of Friendswood,Texas s'� January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ _ ASSOCIATES, I N C. �ONS��,iN� ENGiNEERS from wells and surface water supply lines. A plan was prepared to complete construction of the proposed improvements between 2001 and 2005 that would cover the future water °°�" demand of the City. The plan incorporated plans by the City of Houston to construct a new surface water supply line. Friendswood is buying more surface water capacity from the City of Houston. The proposed improvements for the next five years include several facilities. To meet the ground water reduction requirements the following will be required: `�` • A new pump station on Beamer Road would be constructed in two phases. Phase I will have the capacity to transfer 6.0 MGD, of surface water into the City of Friendswood water distribution system. Phase I of the pump station would include a one million- � gallon ground storage tank, two 4000 gallon per minute (GPM) variable speed pumps, one 4000 GPM constant speed pump, an emergency generator to operate two pumps, and � the associated building, electrical equipment and necessary piping. This phase would be completed in 2002. � • Phase II of the Beamer Road Pump Station includes improvements to increase the capacity of surface water to 12.0 MGD. It would include the addition of a second one million-gallon ground storage tank and a 4000 GPM variable speed pump. These �, improvements would be operational in 2006. • A new trunk water main would be constructed to carry the water from the new pump },�„ station. This 24-inch main would run from the pump station along Beamer Road south to FM 2351, then west to the intersection of Blackhawk and Edgewood where it would tie in to the existing 16-inch and 12-inch mains. The trunk water main would be ,�. installed and complete in 2002. Other water system improvements need to meet the build out demand include: .�. • A new one million-gallon elevated storage tank would be erected on the west side of town to meet the TRNCC elevated storage requirements for the current and build-out population. This tank would be located at the existing water plant in Sun Meadow � Subdivision, and it would be placed in service in 2002. • An additiona10.5-MG ground storage tank would be added to the Blackhawk Pump t° Station in 2002. As recommended in the City water plan prepared in 1998, three projects to improve the ^- distribution system would begin construction in 2003. • These include a 14-inch water main on West Bay Area Boulevard from FM 528 to Clear Creek, an 8-inch water main from Bay Area Boulevard to the Blackhawk Wastewater " Treatment Plant, and a 12-inch water main in Rancho Viejo from West Bay Area Boulevard to FM 518. �� Klotz Associates Project No.40701 2 City of Friendswood,Texas ^�— January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan K LOTZ „�, ASSOCIATES, I N C. C O N 5 U l T i N G ENGiNEERS • Distribution system improvements to upgrade 13,000 feet of existing 12-inch lines to "" eliminate leaks and improve circulation are scheduled for 2005. • The installation of valves and controls and various booster pump stations to adjust the operation due to the increased surface water usage will occur in 2005. The cost for each project described above was estimated to determine the necessary revenue to finance the necessary improvements. Taking into account the growing population of " Friendswood and the inflation rate, the proposed projects will be paid for with three proposed bond issues. The three bond issues would be $5,977,000 in 2001, $10,278,080 in 2003, and $2,233,000 in 2005. In addition to the proposed improvements, conservation measures are recommended to � reduce the overall demand of water in the City. Water use restrictions will be implemented to regulate the amount of water used to irrigate landscaping, and educating the water customers on simple water-saving methods could possibly reduce consumption. � The operating expenses and debt service costs for the Friendswood Water Department were projected through the year 2010. An increase in water rates of 15%will be required to � insure adequate revenue through the year 2010. It is recommended that the rate structure be changed to a uniform or constant rate structure as opposed to the existing descending rate structure. The proposed rates lower the base rate minimum to $12.00 per month for the first � 3000 gallons of water used, with a rate of$2.61 per 1000 gallons for all water above 3000 gallons per month. � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 3 City of Friendswood,Texas � January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ ,� ASSOCIATES, i N C. �oNS� �T��� ENGiNFERS Section 1 —Introduction � l.l Authorization This report was prepared in accordance with the Klotz Associates proposal dated June 14, '°` 2000. A contract based on that proposal was subsequently approved by the City of Friendswood City Council and executed by the Mayor of Friendswood, Harold Whitaker, on June 20, 2000. 1.2 Scope " The purpose of this project is to develop a Groundwater Reduction Plan for the City of Friendswood that will meet the criteria of the District Regulatory Plan adopted by the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District. In this report, estimates of the population of Friendswood and the annual water consumption through the year 2030 are presented, and the capital improvements required to accomplish �` the required reduction of groundwater withdrawal are defined. This report presents recommendations for water conservation measures, and it develops a revised water rate structure to finance the operation, maintenance, and capital improvements for the City of � Friendswood water utility. 1.3 Background Information 1.3.1 HGCSD District Regulatory Plan � The Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District prepared a District Regulatory Plan that was adopted on April 14, 1999. This plan establishes the policy in regard ,� to groundwater regulation,permits, and enforcement, and it defines the District regulatory areas and the requirements for each area in the District. � The District's Regulatory Plan has been developed through the year 2030 with an overall goal to reduce groundwater withdrawal to no more than 20% of the total water demand for permittees in Area 2. This is in accordance with Senate Bill 1 ,,,._ (1997 Texas State Legislature)that was certified by the Texas Water Development Board in August of 1998. � The Groundwater Reduction Plan for the City of Friendswood is designed to meet these regulations. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 4 City of Friendswood,Texas -- January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ ,,� ASSOCIATES, I N C. �aNS� �,��� ENGiNEERS w 1.3.2 City of Friendswood Planning Report �- The City of Friendswood prepared a planning report entitled "Vision 2020, Strategic Vision for Friendswood, Texas" in November of 1998. The purpose of this report was to develop a strategy for guiding the ultimate development of Friendswood. '�' Vision 2020 proposes suggestions to maintain the quality of life as the city becomes built-out. Some information from the Vision 2020 report was used for this Groundwater Reduction Plan. Section 2-Population '"" 2.1 Existing Population No current census information on the existing population was available. The existing � population was projected from the 1989 census data using the three different growth rates defined in Section 2.3 Population Projections. In preparation of the Vision 2020 Report, the City staff developed the existing population information used in the analysis of the water "� demand data. 2.2 Population Density The City of Friendswood has maintained a unique quality of life. The City's zoning � ordinance requires larger lot sizes than are typically found in neighboring cities in Galveston, Brazoria, and Harris Counties. The larger lot size has created a distinctive ambiance for Friendswood, and the larger lot size results in a lower population density � compared to surrounding suburban cities. Friendswood is land locked by Houston, League City, Pearland and Alvin. It is estimated � that the City of Friendswood will reach complete build out between 2010 and 2020. 2.3 Population Projections •.- Three different population projections were evaluated for this report. The City of Friendswood determined that the population of Friendswood at complete build out would be ,,_, 57,400. Three growth rates were used to predict the future annual populations until the maximum population was reached. This is shown in Table 2-l. ,.., The Vision 2020 report cited a projected growth rate of 4.80%. This would result in build out in 2012. A memo prepared by Chief Jared D. Stout of the Police Department dated February 13, 1998, was used in the Vision 2020 report. The meino cited the 1989 census ..� population, and the estimated populations based on the number of new dwellings through 1997. Klotz Associates Project No. 40701 5 City of Friendswood,Texas — January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ p,� ASSOCIATES, I N C. �oNS��r�N� ENGiN: ERS ...k The historic growth rate from 1990 to 1998 is 3.04%based on Chief Stout's memo. Build out would occur in 2020 using this growth rate. The Texas Water Development Board's "° projection uses a rate of 3.75%with build out occurring in 2017. � � � � M � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 6 City of Friendswood,Texas -- January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan "` Table 2-1 Population Projections City of Friendswood °- Groundwater Reduction Report -- Date Vision 2020 Re ort Historic Growth TWDB -Re ion H Growth Rate Po ulation Growth Rate Po ulation Growth Rate Po ulation 1989* 22,814 22,814 22,814 -- 1990 23,564 23,564 1991 24,718 24,718 1992 25,762 25,762 ,�, 1993 26,552 26,552 1994 27,356 27,356 1995 27,835 27,835 � 1996 28,602 28,602 1997 29,053 29,053 1998 4.80% 30,448 3.04% 29,936 1999 31,909 30,846 '�" 2000 33,441 31,784 32,416 2001 35,046 32,750 2002 36,728 33,746 "� 2003 38,491 34,772 2004 40,339 35,829 2005 42,275 36,918 -- 2006 44,304 38,040 2007 46,431 39,197 2008 48,659 40,388 .- 2009 50,995 41,616 2010 53,443 42,881 44,762 2011 56,008 44,185 3.75% 46,441 ,.., 2012 57,400 45,528 48,182 2013 46,912 49,989 2014 48,338 51,864 � 2015 49,808 53,808 2016 51,322 55,826 2017 52,882 57,400 2018 54,490 "� 2019 56,146 2020 57,400 ,� * The population for 1989 is the census determined population and not an estimate. � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 7 City of Friendswood,Texas "" January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan KLOTZ ,_, ASSOCIATES, I N C. COniSUl71NG ENGiNEERS Section 3-Historic Water Use 3.1 Water Pumping Records °�- The water pumping records from previous years were evaluated to analyze the existing system, determine the current water needs, and to identify trends to estimate future water demands. Based on these records, Friendswood has averaged approximately 62% surface °" water and 38% ground water. The following table summarizes the pumpage data. Table 3-1 `` Historical Pumpage Data City of Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan Year Surface Water Ground Water Total Pumpage Per Capita Use 1993 63% 37% 1,168,000,000 gal 121 GPCD � 1994 66% 36% 1,154,576,000 gal 116 GPCD 1995 62% 38% 1,249,171,000 gal 123 GPCD 1996 67% 33% 1,301,243,000 gal 125 GPCD 1997 63% 37% 1,231,014,000 gal 116 GPCD 1998 54% 46% 1,509,535,000 gal 136 GPCD ,,,, 1999 63% 37% 1,561,570,000 gal 134 GPCD The peaking factors for each year were also calculated to determine the trend of peak water ,.,,, usage. The ratio of average daily flow to maximum daily flow is consistent with a typical water system. The following table summarizes the peaking factors. .-. Table 3-2 Historical Peaking Factors City of Friendswood � Groundwater Reduction Plan Year Avg Daily Flow (MGD) Max Daily Flow (MGD) Peaking Factor -- 1995 3.42 7.14 2.09 1996 3.57 7.32 2.05 1997 3.37 6.99 2.07 ^- 1998 4.14 9.31 2.25 1999 4.28 9.95 2.33 Average 3.76 8.14 2.16 The complete Water Pumpage Records and graphs illustrating the usage from 1995 to 2000 ,�.. can be found in Appendix A. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 8 City of Friendswood,Texas .... January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ � ASSOCIATES, I N C. �otis��r�N� Eti�� NEERs 3.2 Per Capita Water Use Rates � The water used each day per person was calculated for the past five years using the total amount of water pumped for the year and the estimated population for that year. The per °" capita water use ranged from 116 to 136 gallons per day (gpd). The usage in 1998 and 1999 showed a marked increase from the previous years due to the dry conditions during those years. These per capita rates were used to evaluate trends in water use with consideration to '� the increases in population over the years. Historically, 85%of the water produced by the City of Friendswood is accounted for with "" 15% being lost to leakage and maintenance activities. 3.3 Annual Rainfall The water demand for the City of Friendswood is directly related to the rainfall received each year. The Harris County Office of Emergency Management rainfall data for the rain — gauge on Clear Creek at FM 528 shows the correlation between the annual rainfall and the annuai water use. In recent years, the rainfall has decreased, and therefore the water use has � increased significantly. In 1997, Friendswood received mare than 90 inches of rainfall, and that year showed the � lowest usage level in recent years, 116 gallons per person per day. Conversely, Friendswood had just over 35 inches of rainfall in 1999, and the usage level was 134 gallons per person per day. Conservation efforts and basic awareness are important each year, but � they must be emphasized during years of lower rainfall. Section 4—Future Water Demand � 4.1 Projected Future Water Demand through 2030 ,,,r, The HGCSD District Regulatory Plan requires that the groundwater reduction plan include water demands through the year 2030. All three of the population projections show that build out for the City of Friendswood will be reached before 2030. Therefore, the future ,,,_ water demand is projected until the build out year, and subsequent years should have similar water needs as the final year with minor fluctuations. ,,., 4.2 Annual Consumption The annual consumption for the future water demand was calculated based on per capita � usage rate and projected population. The low and high values for per capita usage and growth rate of the population were used give a range of consumption that can be evaluated as best and worst-case scenarios. Klotz Associates Project No. 40701 9 City of Friendswood,Texas — January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ ,�„ ASSOCIATES, I N C. CONSU�TirvG ENG�NEERS The water usage records for 1995 to 2000 were reviewed to establish trends in water use to predict future usage. In the past five years, the lowest per capita use was 116 gallons per — day, and the highest was 136 gallons per day. Three methods are described in Section 2.3 to predict the future population. The slowest °�` growth rate is the historic growth rate, and the fastest growth rate is the Vision 2020 growth rate. Both of these rates were used to evaluate future water needs. "' In designing water supply facilities, worst case conditions must be taken into account in determining the capacity required to meet future demand. In 1998 and 1999 the per capita demand was 136 and 134 GPCD. While the consumption records for 2000 are incomplete at "' this time it appears that the annual average will again be in the 135 GPCD range. For design purposes in determining the capacity required to meet future water demand for "` the City of Friendswood, a per capita consumption rate of 136 GPCD will be used. Table 4-1 summarizes the future annual consumption using 136 GPCD, using the historical growth rate (3.04%) and the Vision 2020 projected growth rate (4.80%). Table 4-1 � Estimated Future Annual Consumption at 136 GPCD City of Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan � Year Historical Growth Rate Vision 2020 Growth Rate 2000 1,660,011,000 gallons �,,, 2001 1,625,710,000 gallons 1,739,670,000 gallons 2003 1,910,693,000 gallons 2005 1,832,610,000 gallons 2,098,520,000 gallons _, 2006 2,199,251,000 gallons 2009 2,531,392,000 gallons 2010 2,128,613,000 gallons 2,652,890,000 gallons -- 2012 2,849,336,000 gallons (build out year) 2015 2,472,469,000 gallons 2,849,336,000 gallons 2020 2,849,336,000 gallons (build out year) 2,849,336,000 gallons �'- 2030 2,849,336,000 gallons 2,849,336,000 gallons 4.3 Future Demand Considerations � The Texas Water Development Board-Region H Water Planning Group has predicted that there will be shortages in water supply in Region H (Southeast Texas) through the 2050 � planning period. Seasonal and annual water conservation measures should be implemented to lessen the impact of shortages in water supply in the future. � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 10 City of Friendswood,Texas �- January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ � ASSOCIATES, I N C. �oNS� �r��� EN�,NEERs For planning purposes, 136 gallons per capita per day (GPCD) will be used. The Vision 2020 population projections reflected the fastest growth rate and will be used for planning "' purposes. The annual demand, average day demand, max day demand, and max hour rate were "" calculated based on the projected population,projected per capita consumption, a max day peaking factor of 2.15, and a max hour peaking factor of 1.5. The following table summarizes the future water demand using a projected per capita consumption rate of 136 "` GPCD. Table 4-2 "` Future Water Demand at 136 GPCD City of Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan Year Estimated Annual Average Day Max Day Max Hour Population-Vision Demand in Demand in Demand Demand in � 2020 Report MG MG in MG MG 2000 33,441 1,659.99 4.55 9.78 14.67 � 2001 35,046 1,739.67 4.77 10.25 15.37 2002 36,728 1,823.18 5.00 10.74 16.11 2003 38,491 1,910.69 5.23 11.25 16.88 ,_ 2004 40,339 2,002.40 5.49 11.79 17.69 2005 42,275 2,098.52 5.75 12.36 18.54 2006 44,304 2,199.25 6.03 12.95 19.43 ... 2007 46,431 2,304.81 6.31 13.58 20.36 2008 48,659 2,415.44 6.62 14.23 21.34 2009 50,995 2,531.38 6.94 14.91 22.37 - 2010 53,443 2,652.89 7.27 15.63 23.44 2011 56,008 2,780.23 7.62 16.38 24.57 2012 57,400 2,849.34 7.81 16.78 25.18 "" 2015 57,400 2,849.34 7.81 16.78 25.18 2020 57,400 2,849.34 7.81 16.78 25.18 2025 57,400 2,849.34 7.81 16.78 25.18 ""� 2030 57,400 2,849.34 7.81 16.78 25.18 � � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 11 City of Friendswood,Texas �- January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ ASSOCIATES, `� I N C. �oNS����N� E N G i N E E R 5 Section 5—Operating Scenarios �° 5.1 Historic Data The City of Friendswood maintains water production records for the volume of water �` produced by each ground water facility on a daily basis as well as the volume of surface water received from the City of Houston. As the per capita consumption rate increases, distribution of water usage on a monthly basis changes with the monthly peaks increasing. "` The percentage distribution of water demand by month for 1998 (136 GPCD) was used to evaluate various operational scenarios. °' S.2 Factors Affecting Future Operations The requirements of the new legislation and the available water resources must be °' considered to determine how the future water system will work. The source of water, type of water, and the time of year the water is used are all important factors that will affect future operations. 5.2.1 Ground Water Use '� To conform to the HGCSD Regulatory Plan, the City of Friendswood along with all other permittees must reduce their ground water use to 20% of their total water use. " 5.2.2 Limitations of Existing Ground Water Facilities. � The following table summarizes the capacity of the facilities at each of the City of Friendswood's Ground Water Facilities. � .... Klotz Associates Project No.40701 12 City of Friendswood,Texas *-- January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan K LOTZ ,,,,�,,, ASSOCIATES, I N C. C O N 5 U l i!ni G E N G�N E E R S Table 5-1 Groundwater Supply �'" City of Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan ""� Well Capacity Storage Capacity Booster Pump (MGD) (gallons) Capacity (MGD) "�' Well Number 2 0.766 250,000 1.728 Well Number 3 1.179 500,000 1.440 Well Number 4 1.369 210,000 1.440 � Well Number 5 1.356 1,210,000 3.600 Well Number 6 1.620 210,000 1.656 ,_„ Well Number 7 1.696 273,000 2.232 Totals 7.986* 2,653,000 12.096 * Assume safe well long term yield of 5.0 MGD. � The ground water facilities are able to produce a safe yield of 5.0 MGD of well water over an extended period of time. The booster pumps are able to deliver water into ,_ the distribution system at a rate of 12 MGD. 2.653 MG of water is available to meet max hour demands. ,.. 5.2.3 City of Houston Surface Water Supply Currently the City of Friendswood is purchasing 6.0 MGD of surface water from the �.. City of Houston's Southeast Water Plant. This means the City of Houston will deliver 6.0 million gallons of water to the City of Friendswood over a 24-hour period. The City of Houston will not increase the delivery rate to meet the City of �-- Friendswood's maximum hour demand. 5.3 Future System Operations At a build out population of 57,400 and a consumption rate of 136 GPCD, the average day demand would be 7.81 MGD as shown in Table 4-1. The following assumptions were used -- to develop the operational scenario summarized in Table 5-2: • Each month, a minimum of 5% of the water consumed would be produced from ground "` water. • On an annual basis, 80% of the water demand would be met using surface water. • 5.0 MGD is available from ground water. � • The monthly distribution of water demand is based on the 1998 production records. • Maximum day demand is 2.15 times the average day demand. • 85% of the water produced is accounted for. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 13 City of Friendswood,Texas � January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan � a � � � m �a,� ovo�o� � °0 `�' 0�°..� �o�o�o� ° O• A i: y o0 [� 00 � N V N � � 01 00 00 \O N C� rr w .-y .-r .-� �I'1 � O � � C� �k ,.�. � �k � � .� .--� 00 .--� O O O O N O� O O� � o � C� 00 00 �O o0 t� O l� [� O �O v7 O � \ y O c'� M � N �--� N N �O �O d�O� p � �� 00 N 00 Vi N v'1 N N l�00 01 00 p�p p ..M-� � �, V'� � �O O N �--� N N C� 00 �O �D N o0 wr � �--i �--� ^" N N N N N �--i �--� ^' N O � � � vi � � +c 3 •� o A � 00 M [� 01 � C1' � 0�1 M \O �O V7 � pp � M M [^ � •-+ •-, N N O� �� � � 'O � M A C y�,� rn v� �n �n t� � � � ° �O �O v� v� � � o U � � ° c°�i � 0 � � C a Q V o 0 �.. � M ° o �' � � e� a+ �' � � ° � Y � '�' � b0 ar .� 'O v� }� •--� pp .-. p .-. p .-., .-. p ...� p .-. � �n ;� � y C� � y � O M N M M M M M M M M M M � �rj '� �- � i � a G�, A � � ° � a� o .+ �., o �o c, � �:, � o c, � on a. � �^o :� �o �°o v � a � �j � o .� �no� 000v �ccvo� 000, � o � ,,� � � O r7 O O [� N o0 'ct M I� N O O� �O O� 'O �.-i � 00 N O� M � � �--� O �n M l� � � 3 �'' � f" i! �D O� I� �n �n � oo Oi o0 00 00 l� O � '� (, � w .r � � [� .--� V �O �' � O 01 t� [� ¢' � y� @! �--� .-. �--� N f� M M M N '-+ �--� �--� �'N F" � AQCaLI � � � � C7 C7 C7 C7 �, � >, � � � � �.o 0 `n U 'O b0 O �O �O �O �D �O �D �O �D �D �O �D �O >,'J O � 0 M M M M M M M M M M M M � � � M M M M M M M M M M M M ,� � p � Y O �pp G� O� O� O� O� O� O� C� O� O� G�C� � O . � t�. � p� .r i! Q cf' � � � ci' <7' � � � � � (� �G � � p �.. � � � � 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 '� ^' � y O � � N N N N N N N N N N N N p 3 � '� •� ,C � 3 � � � � � � � �--� t, N V'1 � c * w k 3 �� ° �'n a � >, � � � n... y � 0�0 N N v'� '-" � fV N �M O� N N cC c� � � � � b�,p � � � v'� �n �O I� � '-N. � .-. � �D �O �O Q Q � � � c� w" y C y bD(� c�-'d � O � :^ aN �¢ � 3 �� � � ��. � � � � �. � II � � ca ea y U Q �� �, � � °' � > �. a� a� y ¢. � � � � a � � °° c. � > v Q Q v� � � �c -o _ � '� w � ¢ � titi ¢ � ozQ � ¢ ¢ 3 � * � iF M it� �7F iF .-. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 14 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan KLOTZ ,�„ ASSOCIATES, I N C. �ONS��T��NG E N G I N E E R S Based on these assumptions and reflecting the historic demand patterns, a total supply of 16.8 MGD, or 11.8 MGD surface water supply, would be required to serve the Friendswood "�` build out population at a consumption rate of 136 GPCD. 5.4 Future Surface Water Needs The City of Friendswood is obtaining the surface water from the City of Houston. The tables in Appendix C indicate the surface water supply needs for various years. Table No. "° Appendix G-5 indicates that to meet the ultimate build out demand Friendswood will need a surface water supply capacity of 11.78 MGD. The City of Friendswood currently has purchased 6.0 MGD of capacity in the City of Houston's Southeast Surface Water Treatment Plant. The City of Houston is offering for sale capacity in an expansion of the southeast plant that will come on line in 2005. rv� It is recommended that the City of Friendswood purchase an additional 6.0 MGD of capacity from the City of Houston. This will provide Friendswood with 12.0 MGD of surface water supply. Section 6—Proposed Improvements � Over the next five years, a number of water system improvements will be required to enable the City of Friendswood to meet the groundwater reduction regulations and the ultimate � water supply needs of a fully developed city of 57,400 population. The location of the various improvements described below are shown on Exhibit 1. � 6.1 Beamer Road Pump Station The City of Houston has authorized design of surface water transmission main on Beamer � Road. Houston expects that the construction of this water main will be complete by year- end 2001. Looking at the past history of bidding and construction award cycles for the City of Houston, a completion date of second quarter calendar year 2002 may be more realistic. � The specific location where Friendswood will tie into the Houston surface water transmission main has not been identified. For the purposes of estimating project costs, the ,..,, following assumptions for the site have been used. • The required site would be 1.5 acres in size. �- • The land cost would be $40,000 per acre. • The site would be located on the west side of Beamer Road, 500 feet off Beamer Road. • The site would be located 2000 feet north of FM 2351. The Beamer Road Pump Station will have the capacity to pump 100% of the surface water supply from the City of Houston since the new Beamer Road surface water transmission line will have greater reliability than the mains feeding the Blackhawk Pump Station. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 15 City of Friendswood, Texas — January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ � ASSOCIATES, i N C. C O N$U l i I N G ENGiNEERS The proposed Beamer Road pump station would be constructed in two phases. Phase I will '�" have the capacity to transfer 6.0 MGD from the City of Houston surface water transmission system into the City of Friendswood water distribution system. Phase II will increase the City of Houston surface water capacity to 12.0 MGD. The Phase I GPCD Beamer Road Pump Station would include the following: �" • 1-1.0 MG concrete ground storage tank • 2-4000 GPM- 250 hp variable speed pumps � • 1-4000 GPM-250 hp constant speed pump • 1- Emergency generator capable of operating two pumps • Concrete or masonry building to house pumps, generators and electrical equipment. � The estimated construction cost for the Phase I Beamer Road pump station is $2,333,000. A detailed cost estimate can be found in Appendix D. Phase I of the Beamer Road pump ._ station would be operational in September of 2002. Phase II of the Beamer Road pump station will include the following improvements: • 1- 1.0 MG Concrete Ground Storage Tank • 1- 4000 GPM-250 HP Variable Speed Pump The estimated construction cost far the Phase II Improvements to the Beamer Road Pump Station is $933,000. A detailed construction cost estimate can be found in Appendix D. Phase II of the pump station would be operational first quarter of 2006. The preliminary site plan for the Beamer Road Pump Station is shown in Exhibit 2. •-- 6.2 Trunk Water Main A 24-inch water main would be constructed from the pump station along Beamer Road °�- south to FM 2351, then west to the intersection of Blackhawk and Edgewood, connecting to the existing 16-inch water main on Edgewood and the 12-inch on Blackhawk. The estimated construction cost for the 24-inch Transmission Main is $1,343,000. A detailed "" construction cost estimate can be found in Appendix D. The proposed trunk water main will be operational in September of 2002. " 6.3 Other Water System Improvements Additional water system improvements will be required to meet the water systems needs of " the City of Friendswood as it approaches its build out population of 57,400. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 16 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ �,� ASSOCIATES, I N C. ��N 5� �T�N� ENGINEERS 6.3.1 West Side Elevated Storage Tank �" The Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) has established regulations determining the volume of elevated storage required for a public water system. This requirement as stated in the Texas Administrative Code per 30 TAC �°` 290.45(b)(D)(iv) is: "an elevated storage capacity of 100 gallons per connection is required for systems with more than 2500 connections." `""" Friendswood has a 1.0 MG elevated tank located adjacent to the high school. Currently there are 9638 service meters to the Friendswood water system. The TNRCC defines connections as the number of units connected to the system. With "" the master metered multi-family units in the City of Friendswood, TNRCC has rated the Friendswood water system as having over 10,000 connections at this time. An additional elevated tank is required at this time. At the build out population, it is � estimated that Friendswood will have 16,900 connections. � To meet the ultimate needs for elevated storage for Friendswood as required by TNRCC, an additional 1.0 MG elevated tank will be required. From a system of operation standpoint, the new elevated tank should be on the west side of the city to be most effective in meeting peak demands. A good potential location for the proposed elevated tank would be at the water plant � in the Sun Meadow Subdivision. The booster pump and chlorination equipment at this location would be used to insure freshly circulated water was available from the elevated tank. � The estimated construction cost for a 1.0 MG elevated tank is $1,838,000. A detailed construction cost estimate can be found in Appendix D. The elevated tank „_, would be placed in service in 2002. 6.32 Blackhawk Pump Station—Ground Storage Tank To provide for increased flow through the Blackhawk Surface Water Pump Station, an additional 0.5-MG ground storage tank will be required. The estimated ,_, construction cost of$300,000 is detailed in Appendix D. � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 17 City of Friendswood,Texas -^- January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ ,�, ASSOCIATES, I N C. ��N 5��,�N G ENG�NEERS 6.4 Proposed 2003 Water System Improvements �"°` 6.4.1 Southeast Water Treatment Plant Capacity The City of Friendswood is committed to purchase additional surface water from the �"' City of Houston. The additional surface water supply will be required to meet the future water demand in Friendswood as well as allowing the City of Friendswood to accomplish a reduction in groundwater use to 205 of the total. It is anticipated that in °"� 2003, Friendswood will execute a contract with the City of Houston to purchase an additiona16.0 MGD of capacity in the Southeast Water Treatment Plant expansion. We expect this additional capacity to be available to the City of Friendswood to meet "`" the summer months higher demand in 2007. The projected costs to purchase this future capacity are as shown in Table 6-1. � Table 6-1 Southeast Water Treatment Plant � City of Houston Co-Participant Costs - Friendswood � Item Capacity Cost Per Gallon Total Cost Plant Capacity 6.0 MGD $1.146646 $6,879,876 Pumping Capacity 8.52 MGD $0.19069 $1,624,679 ,,_, Distribution Capacity 8.52 MGD $0.04701 $400,525 Total $8,905,080 ,.� 6.4.2 Distribution System Improvements In 1998, the engineering firm of Wayne Smith& Associates prepared an evaluation �- of the City of Friendswood water distribution system. As a result of this study, the City of Friendswood has scheduled three water distribution system projects to be constructed in 2003. Those three projects are as follows: 1. West Bay Area Boulevard—Install a new 14-inch water main from FM 528 to Clear Creek. The estimated construction cost for this project is $909,000. -- 2. WWTP Water Line—Install a new 8-inch water main from Bay Area Boulevard to the Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant. The estimated construction cost for the project is $51,000. °- 3. Rancho Viejo Water Line—Install a new 12-inch water main from West Bay Area Boulevard to FM 518. The estimated construction cost is $413,000. "� Detailed construction cost estimates for each of the scheduled water distribution system projects can be found in Appendix D. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 18 City of Friendswood,Texas °'°' January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ ,�, ASSOCIATES, I N C. �oNS��r� N� EN��NEEas 6.5 Proposed 2005 Water System Improvements `�°` 6.5.1 Beamer Road Pump Station Phase II The improvements proposed in Phase II of the Beamer Road pump station are `�" described in Section 6.1. These improvements will complete the ultimate development of the Beamer Road pump station. The estimated construction cost for this project is $983,000. The detailed construction cost estimate is included in °' Appendix D. 6.5.2 Distribution System Improvements As the City of Friendswood approaches the build out population, the capacity of the water distribution system in some areas of the city will require upgrading. The City '� of Friendswood has an ongoing program to replace water mains that experience breaks and continuing leaks. The $1,000,000 estimated construction cost under this � item is to cover the replacement of 13,000 feet of existing water mains with 12-inch water mains to eliminate leaks and improve the distribution capabilities of the Friendswood water system. � 6.5.3 Booster Pump Station—Valves and Controls � As the City of Friendswood converts to 80% surface water usage, the operation of the existing booster pump station will change. This item includes $250,000 for the installation of valves and controls at various booster pump stations to provide for � flexibility and efficient operation to fill the ground storage tank with surface water during off peak hours. � As part of the engineering for the 2002 water system improvements, an engineering study should be undertaken including a water distribution system analysis to define the design criteria for all of the proposed water system improvements. � Section 7—Schedule and Finance ,„„ 7.1 Water Department Operating Budget The water department operating budget was analyzed for 1997, 1998, and 1999. Each line ,_, item was broken down on a per capita basis using the estimated population at year end. The results of this evaluation are shown in Appendix E. The 99-00 fiscal year is used as the base for projecting future water department expenditures. The estimates for future annual water , department expenditures increase the individual line items based on the annual population increase compounded by a 3%per year allowance for inflation. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 19 City of Friendswood,Texas »�- January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ �„ ASSOCIATES, I N C. �oNS��r�N� ENGiNEERS 7.2 Capital Projects Construction Cash Flow �"' The annual estimated capital project cost by project and the project bond sales are shown in Table 7-1. Depending on what level the new water rates are set and when they go into effect, the capital project scheduled to be constructed in 2005 may be paid for from water ` department fund surpluses. 7.3 Project Financing A 15% increase in the overall water rates will provide sufficient revenue to fund the water department operating budget and debt service through the year 2010. It is assumed that the City of Friendswood will finance the water system capital improvements with 20-year bond issues at an interest rate of 6%. Three bond issues would � finance the water system improvement projects. The first would be in 2001 for$5,977,000. The City of Friendswood previously authorized $3,529,988 of this amount. Therefore, an additional bond amount of$1,447,012 will need to be authorized. In 2003, the sale of bonds � in the amount of$10,278,080 will be required. A $2,233,000 bond issue will be necessary in 2005 to complete all the of the water projects. � As Appendix G shows, surplus funds will be generated if operating and revenue projections are met. This may enable some of the distribution systems improvements scheduled for � 2003 and 2005 to be paid out of cash flow saving the City of Friendswood finance costs. Table 7-2 shows the future water department operations expenditures including debt service �, for the three proposed bond issues. .�. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 20 City of Friendswood,Texas ^� January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan 3 � � � � 1 1 � � � � � � � � � � � � G � � � � � � °o ° �, �. R � N b (9 � � 0 A 0 � 0 � N .� G � ao e M � Ky w � �. � a � o � o o• a � � �v k � � Table 7-1 Construction Cash Flow Future Water Bond Requirements City of Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Report 136 GPCD 2001 2002 2Q03 2004 2005 Construction Cost Cash Flow Beamer Road Pump Station Phase I $500,000 $1,996,Q00 24-inch Trunk Water Main $350,000 $993,000 1.0 MG Elevated Tank $1,000,000 $838,000 $8,945,080 Future COH Surface Water Capacity $909,000 Bay Area Blvd 14" Waterline $51,000 WWTP 8" Waterline $413,000 Viejo Waterline $983,OOQ Beamer Road Pump Station Phase II $1,000,000 Future Distribution Improvements $100,000 $200,000 0.5 MG Ground Storage Tank at Blackhawk Pump Station $250,000 Booster Pump piping and controls Cash Flow $1,950,400 $4,027,000 $10,278,080 $p $2,233,Q00 Bond Sa1es $5,977,000 * $10,278,084 $0 $2,233,000 $521,102 $896,09Q $0 $194,683 Annual Debt Service @ 6%-20yr * $3,529,988 previously authorized bonds/$1,447,012 additional bond authorization required for 2001. � i � � i i 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 i i t i � � � 0 w Fi � a N �' � O A ►, �. io ro ., o. � � " z 0 � 0 � 0 � N N o n I � `� � � � � .�, co :b a c � � o o•a � y � X � N Table 7-2 Future Water Operations Expenditures Inctuding Debt Service Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Water Operations $ 875,361 $ 944,895 $1,060,374 $1,144,623 $1,235,544 $1,333,689 $1,439,650 $1,553,994 $1,677,455 $1,810,720 COH Water $ 346,610 $ 494,014 $ 528,082 $ 564,504 $ 603,429 $ 645,038 $ 689,526 $ 737,065 $ 787,899 $ 842,236 Capital expenses $ 309,000 $ 318,270 $ 327,818 $ 337,653 $ 347,782 $ 358,216 $ 368,962 $ 380,031 $ 391,432 $ 403,175 Administration $ 485,510 $ 524,076 $ 565,709 $ 610,656 $ 659,162 $ 711,522 $ 768,052 $ 829,055 $ 894,921 $ 966,018 Sub-Total $2,016,481 $2,281,254 $2,481,983 $2,657,435 $2,845,916 $3,048,465 $3,266,191 $3,500,145 $3,751,708 $4,022,I 50 Debt Service Current Debt Service thru 2000 $ 739,542 $1,088,931 $ 801,184 $ 801,288 $ 798,195 $ 467,900 $ 475,066 $ 482,024 $ 478,910 $ 523,677 Future Water Bonds 2001 Bond Issue $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 2003 Bond Issue $ 896,090 $ 896,090 $ 896,090 $ 896,090 $ 896,090 $ 896,090 $ 896,090 2005 Bond Issue $ 194,683 $ 194,683 $ 194,683 $ 194,683 $ 194,683 Debt Service Sub-Total $ 739,542 $1,610,033 $1,322,286 $2,218,480 $2,215,387 $2,079,775 $2,086,941 $2,093,899 $2,090,785 $2,135,552 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,756,023 $3,891,287 $3,804,269 $4,875,915 $5,061,303 $5,128,240 $5,353,132 $5,594,044 $5,842,493 $6,I 57,702 Annual water consumption @ I 36 1739.67 1823.18 1910.69 2002.4 2098.52 2199.25 2304.81 2415.44 2531.38 2652.89 The future opperating costs shown on this table are developed in detail in Appendix E. KLOTZ ,�, ASSOCIATES, I N C. C O N 5 U L T i N G ENG�NEERS Section 8—Conservation Measures 8.1 Water Use Restrictions �`" There are several conservation methods that could be put in place to reduce the amount of water being used in the community. One option is to create a City Ordinance to restrict certain types of water use at particular times. Watering yards and washing cars could be "" limited to certain days of the week, and violation of the Ordinance would result in a fine. Restrictions could be in place throughout the year or for certain times of the year when water use is at a peak. In addition to the ordinance to restrict irrigation use, homes with water conserving landscaping could be given a discount on their water bill. This would be difficult to define, � and each home would have to be evaluated to determine if they were eligible for the discount. � 8.2 Public Education and Information � Another proven conservation method is public education and information. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) offers a variety of brochures with suggestions to conserve water in the home, tips on effective lawn watering, and landscaping to minimize water use. � These brochures can be obtained for a nominal fee, and they can be inserted in billing envelopes. _ Schools in the Friendswood area could be encouraged to incorporate conservation into the science curriculum to get students involved. Informing the public about the diminishing water supply to demonstrate the severity of the problem could be helpful. If the people in the community are knowledgeable about the water problems and possible ways to conserve water, they could help the situation and lower the demand for Friendswood. ,,,_ 8.3 Water Fixtures and Appliances The average single family home can reduce water use by approximately 32% by installing .,,. readily available water efficient fixtures and appliances and by taking measures to minimize leaks. Installing items such as ultra-low flush toilets or low-flow showerheads can reduce water use. Water efficient clothes washers and dishwashers are available in every appliance ,_, store. Periodically checking for leaks and replacing leaking toilet flappers, worn valve seats, faucet washers, and "o" rings saves water. � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 23 City of Friendswood,Texas �— January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ .�. ASSOCIATES, I N C. COrvSU�iiNG E N G I N E E R 5 All of these water-reduction methods are reasonable, but the City has little control over whether the homeowners choose an efficient appliance or check for leaks in their homes. " The City could require the use of water-conserving plumbing fixtures and devices in new construction and retrofit programs to improve water use efficiency in existing buildings, but it would be difficult to enforce, and the homeowners and builders are going to buy whatever '" is available and inexpensive. 8.4 Meter Repair and Replacement and Universal Metering Friendswood is undergoing a program of ineter repair and replacement throughout the City. Ensuring that the water is being measured correctly would monitor use more accurately. 'r Better monitoring may result in higher bills for some water customers, and the higher bills may cause some customers to reduce their water use. � Universal metering consists of inetering the water at the storage facilities. Metering the water being distributed through the system in conjunction with accurate metering at the �... users' end of the system can determine how much water is unaccounted for. If the amount of water is significant, additional steps would be taken to figure out where the missing water is going, whether it is being lost through leaks, flushing or other means. � 8.5 Leak Detection and Repair Leak detection and repair in City and private water lines will save water. Leaking water lines may represent a significant loss in potable water throughout the distribution system as it has in 2000. Evaluating the distribution mains for possible leaks would be the first step in _„ this process because the majority of the water flows through these lines. The service lines could also be evaluated for possible repairs. ,_, 8.6 Recycling and Reuse Recycled water can be used for irrigation purposes on large areas like parks or golf courses. ,,,�„ Effluent from wastewater treatment plants can be piped directly to areas where irrigation is needed. Cooling water used in industrial applications can be recycled for irrigation. Recycling is not practical for small cities. It requires an extensive piping system, and it is ,.. only economic for large amounts of water. Recycling cooling water from industries is not a valid solution because there are no industries in the area. � Reuse of water, or gray water, is another common water conservation measure. A common example of this is using water from sinks to flush toilets. This requires special piping from the sink to the toilet, and it is not cost effective on a small scale. � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 24 City of Friendswood,Texas � January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ ,�„ ASSOCIATES, I N C. CO�v$UIT�NG E t�G i!v E E R 5 8.7 Water Rates "' Possibly the most effective method to reduce water use is to implement conservation- oriented water rate structures. �' 8.8 Recommendations In 2000, the City of Friendswood experienced another record year of per capita water �'" consumption. It is estimated that the per capita water consumption will be between 145 and 150 GPM. This high rate is due to two factors related to the dry year: 1) increased irrigation and 2) a large number of water main leaks. The City of Friendswood is aggressively """ pursuing a leak repair and prevention program. Initially, a three-pronged program is recommended to encourage conservation and control the increasing consumption of water in Friendswood. First, a City Ordinance restricting water use certain days of the week would help lower the "� water demand. This water-reducing option is the one area where the City can make a significant difference in water use. A year-round ordinance would be more effective than an � ordinance that is only in place certain times of the year. If the ordinance lasts through the year, then the citizens of Friendswood will get in the habit of not watering their lawns certain days of the week. The second part of the program includes changing the water rate structure to a uniform rate for each of the current consumption levels above the base billing minimum. This will „� provide a financial incentive to use less water. Third, although it is an indirect conservation measure, educating the community about the � water problem is also an effective aid to the problem. Possibly the simplest way would be to insert brochures into the billing statements. The brochures are already prepared and inexpensive, and this would send the message to t�ie people who need it most, your water � customers. Section 9 - Water Rate Study 9.1 Historic Water Consumption „.. 9.1.1 Water Pumping Records In Appendix A the water pumpage records for the City of Friendswood for 1993 to ... 2000 can be found. The records include the monthly pumpage totals, ground water pumpage and surface water pumpage as well as the calculated average day consumption, maximum day demand and annual per capita consumption. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 25 City of Friendswood,Texas �— January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ *� ASSOCIATES, I N C. C O N 5 U L T I N G . E N G i N E E R 5 9.1.2 Billing Records "' In Appendix B a summary of the water billing records can be found. The data is tabulated for two time periods October 1997 to September 1999 and October 1999 to September 2000 coinciding with the use of two different records software systems. 9.1.3 Water Consumption Records "" The City of Friendswood water billing history was reviewed for the past three years. At the beginning of this past fiscal year, the utility department began using new billing records software. The City of Friendswood currently has four billing rate �'° levels in the water rate ordinance. Table 9-1 Current Billing Rate Levels City of Friendswood � Groundwater Reduction Plan Level Monthly Water Use Cost � Base 0-3000 gallons/month $12.50/min Con 1 3001-50,000 gallons/month $2.15/1000 gal Con 2 50,001 — 100,000 gallons/month $1.55/1000 gal ,,,, Con 3 100,001+ $1.25/1000 gal During the period of October 1997 through September 1999, the total metered sale of water was 2,962,635,000 gallons. For the period October 1999 through September 2000, the total metered sale of water was 1,817,267,000 gallons. For those periods, the breakdown of water use by consumption level was as follows: Table 9-2 Water Use per Billing Rate City of Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan � 10/97—9/99 % Total 10/99—9/00 % Total (1000 gal) (1000 gal) Base 579,657 26.6% 382,858 24.8% "" Con 1 1,356,534 62.2% 1,043,692 67.6% Con 2 79,685 3.7% 46,991 3.0% Con 3 163,964 7.5% 70,568 4.6% � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 26 City of Friendswood, Texas �-� January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ ,� ASSOCIATES, I N C. �o�s��r,N� ENGiNEERS Since the largest percentages of use are occurring in the Consumption 1 and the Base levels, this is where conservation efforts should be concentrated and also where �' additional revenue could be gained. 9.2 Water Department Cost Projection � The water department's operating costs were analyzed on a per capita basis and projected through 2010 as discussed in Section 7 of the Groundwater Reduction Plan. The schedule of ` capital projects and projected bond issues were outlined in Table 7-1. The annual projected operating budget and annual payments for the three bond issues are shown in Table 9-3. The debt service for the future bond issues is based on 6% - 20 year constant payment "" financing. � � � � � � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 27 City of Friendswood,Texas -- January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan i � i � � � l i t �, . i i � � 1 t i � � � 0 m Fi � Y N v' O y O c�-� ,r w. � N b °. � � ., z 0 � 0 � 0 N I00 o n � � � `' ° � �' �. � � � a � � � o o•a � � b � � � Table 9-3 Future Water Operations Expenditures Including Debt Service Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Water Operations $ 875,361 $ 944,895 $1,060,374 $1,144,623 $1,235,544 $1,333,689 $1,439,650 $1,553,994 $1,677,455 $1,810,720 COH Water $ 346,610 $ 494,014 $ 528,082 $ 564,504 $ 603,429 $ 645,038 $ 689,526 $ 737,065 $ 787,899 $ 842,236 Capital expenses $ 309,000 $ 318,270 $ 327,818 $ 337,653 $ 347,782 $ 358,216 $ 368,962 $ 380,031 $ 391,432 $ 403,175 Administration $ 485,510 $ 524,076 $ 565,709 $ 610,656 $ 659,162 $ 711,522 $ 768,052 $ 829,055 $ 894,921 $ 966,018 Sub-Total $2,016,481 $2,281,254 $2,481,983 $2,657,435 $2,845,916 $3,048,465 $3,266,191 $3,500,145 $3,751,708 $4,022,150 Debt Service Current Debt Service thru 2000 $ 739,542 $I,088,931 $ 801,184 $ 801,288 $ 798,195 $ 467,900 $ 475,066 $ 482,024 $ 478,910 $ 523,677 Future Water Bonds 2001 Bond Issue $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 $ 521,102 2003 Bond Issue $ 896,090 $ 896,090 $ 896,090 $ 896,090 $ 896,090 $ 896,090 $ 896,090 2005 Bond Issue $ 194,683 $ 194,683 $ 194,683 $ 194,683 $ 194,683 Debt Service Sub-Total $ 739,542 $1,610,033 $1,322,286 $2,218,480 $2,215,387 $2,079,775 $2,086,941 $2,093,899 $2,090,785 $2,135,552 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,756,023 $3,891,287 $3,804,269 $4,875,915 $5,061,303 $5,128,240 $5,353,132 $5,594,044 $5,842,493 $6,157,702 Annual water consumption @136 1739.67 1823.18 1910.69 2002.4 2098.52 2199.25 2304.81 2415.44 2531.38 2652.89 � � 0 w � � � N y � O � .-, w. N � b o. � A M z 0 � 0 � 0 N �a on ao � �' w �� � � a c � � o o•a � � �o k � y Table 9-4 Water Rate Study Water Rate Comparison Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Stud No. Rate Increase Ca ital Pro'ect Fundin Results 1 0% 2001 Bond Issue Positive Cash Flow 2002-2003 2003 Bond Issue Rate Increase Required 2004 2005 Bond Issue 2 10% 2001 Bond Issue Positive Cash Flow 2002-2003 2003 Bond Issue Negative Cash Flow 2004-2005 2005 Bond Issue Positive Cash Flow 2006-2010 Cumulative Su lus 2010-$3,693,127 3 15% 2001 Bond Issue Positive Cash Flow 2002-2010 2003 Bond Issue 2005 Bond Issue Cumulative Su lus 2010-$4,165,757 4 15% 2001 Bond Issue Positive Cash Flow 2002-2003 2003 Bond Issue Negative Cash Flow 2004-2006 2004$500,000 Water Lines-Current Funds Positive Cash Flow 2007-2010 2005$1,233,000 Beamer Road Phase II&Booster Cumulative Surplus 2010$2,4336,542 Pump Stations—Current Funds 2006$500,000 Water Lines—Current Funds 5 20% 2001 Bond Issue Positive Cash Flow 2002-2004 2002 Elevated Tank Current Funds Negative Cash Flow 2005 2003 Bond Issues Positive Cash Flow 2006-2010 2005 Bond Issues Cumulative Surplus 2010 $5,151,109 $1,000,000 Beamer Road Pump Station 0.5 MG Ground Storage Piping and Controls Current Pum s KLOTZ ,,J, ASSOCIATES, I N C. COnISUtiiNG ENG�NEERS � 9.3 Rate Increase Alternatives "" For the purpose of analysis, it is assumed that new water rates would be in place at the beginning of 2002. The effects of rate increase of 0%, 10%, 15% and 20%were evaluated. With a rate increase of 15% and 20%, surplus funds were generated that could be used to ``" decrease borrowing. Table 9-4 compares the five alternate rate increases and capital improvement funding alternates. Annual revenue for the various rate increases and capital project funding scenarios are shown in Appendix G. 9.4 Rate Recommendations "` As stated in Section 7 of this report, a 15% increase in rates will be required to provide the revenue required to cover the operating costs and debt service through the year 2010. In � Section 8 of this report, a constant per gallon rate structure is recommended to encourage conservation. � To take some of the burden off the residents on fixed incomes that are using less than the minimum billing amount of 3000 gallons per month, it is recommended that the base monthly bill be reduced to $12.00. With a$12.00 base billing rate and a uniform or constant ,.�. rate for water use above 3000 gallons per month, a uniform rate of$2.61 per 1000 gallons will be required to generate a 15% increase in revenue. A comparison of revenue at the current and proposed rates is shown in Table 9-5. � This proposed rate increase and uniform rate would result in only a modest increase in water bills for those households using lesser amounts of water. � .�. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 30 City of Friendswood,Texas ^— January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan � x 0 w � � a N y � °o c°, � �. � co y � o. co � � 0 A 0 � 0 .r w on c � � �' � � � �. �d y. � o �• a o - � � b � x � y � � �� � � � � i � � �, � � � r i i � Revenue 2005 - Consumption at 136 GPCD 85%of water is accounted for Annual Water Production in MG=2,098.52 Population=42,275 Connections= 12,079 Base COriS 1 Cons 2 Cons 3 Water Sold Annual Revenue Annual Expenditures Revenue per 1000 Gallons Table 9-5 Water Rate Study 15% Rate Increase City of Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Report Amount Revenue 1000 Current Rates 15%Increase 15% Increase Uniform Rate Distribution Gallons Rate Total Rate Total Rate Total 26% 463,773 $12.50 $1,811,776 $14.38 $2,083,542 $12.00 $1,739,305 65% 1,159,432 $2.15 $2,492,779 $2.47 $2,866,696 $2.61 $3,026,118 3% 53,512 $1.55 $82,944 $1.78 $95,386 $2.61 $139,667 6% 107,025 $1.25 $107,026 $1.44 $153,848 $2.61 $279,334 1,783,742 $4,494,525 $5,199,472 $5,184,424 $5,128,240 $2.52 $2.91 $2.91 KLOTZ ,� ASSOCIATES, �N C. �o�s��r�N� E N G I N E E R S w.+ Table 9-6 Projected Water Bills with the Current and New Rate Structure """ City of Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan Current Rate Proposed Rate Increase per % Month Increase At 3,000 Gallons per Month � Base $12.50 $12.00 - $0.50 - 4.2% At 6,000 Gallons per Month � Base $12.50 $12.00 Rate 3,000 gal @ $2.15 3,000 gal @ $2.61 per 1000 gal per 1000 gal Total $18.95 $19.83 $0.88 4.6% At 9,000 Gallons per Month Base $12.50 $12.00 „� Rate 6,000 gal @ $2.15 6,000 gal @ $2.61 per 1000 gal per 1000 gal Total $25.40 $27.66 $2.24 8.8% -- At 12,000 Gallons per Month Base $12.50 $12.00 Rate 9,000 gal @ $2.15 9,000 gal @ $2.61 --� per 1000 gal per 1000 gal Total $31.85 $35.99 $3.64 11.4% At 15,000 Gallons per Month " Base $12.50 $12.00 Rate 12,000 gal @ $2.15 12,000 gal @ $2.61 per 1000 gal per 1000 gal '°� Total $33.30 $43.32 $5.02 13.1% � These projected rate increases will not be a burden on the average customer. Section 10-The Groundwater Reduction Plan ...., 10.1 Surface Water Supply 2002 ,�..., The City of Friendswood previously has purchased 3.0 MGD of capacity in the Southeast Water Purification Plant (SEWPP) from the City of Houston and has supplied over 60% of its total water demand from this source of surface water. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 32 City of Friendswood, Texas � January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ �„ ASSOCIATES, I N C. �oNS��r� N� ENGiNEERS In the year 2000, the City Council undertook action to increase its surface water supply from Houston's SEWWP to 6.0 MGD. The City Council of the City of Friendswood passed °' resolution R200-13 on February 21, 2000 authorizing purchase of 1.5 MGD of capacity in SEWPP from the City of La Porte. Also on February 21, 2000, City Council passed resolution R2000-17 authorizing the mayor to execute a cost-sharing water project contract with the City of Houston for an additional 1.0 MGD of additional capacity at the SEWPP. Then on April 3, 2000, the Friendswood City Council passed resolution R2000-26 "' authorizing the purchase of 0.5 MGD of capacity in SEWPP from Harris County Municipal Utility District (HCMUD)No. 55. ""` The contracts with HCMUD 55 and the City of La Porte have been executed by both parties. Friendswood has signed the contract with the City of Houston and has been advised that the Houston City Council will act on the cost-sharing contract in January 2001. The City of Houston has started construction of the project at SEWPP to increase its capacity to 120 MGD. It is anticipated that the construction of this phase will be on-line in the second quarter of 2002. The City of Houston has authorized design of the Beamer Road Surface Water Transmission Water Main, and the completion of construction is scheduled for December 2001. The City Council of the City of Friendswood will authorize the engineering design of the � Beamer Road Pump Station and the Beamer Road/Edgewater Trunk Water Main projects in March of 2001 following the acceptance of the Groundwater Reduction Plan by the Harris- Galveston Coastal Subsidence District at its February board meeting. These improvements, � which will be required to insure that sufficient surface water can be delivered to the City of Friendswood, will be completed in September 2002. A detailed schedule of the City of Houston and City of Friendswood construction projects is shown in Table 10-1. � The City of Friendswood will have 6.0 MGD of surface water supply available and the facilities to deliver the surface water to the city for the October 2002-September 2003 d,,., groundwater permit year. � � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 33 City of Friendswood,Texas �- January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan � � 0 w F'i � a N �' O �' o ° � �. � c� � o, � � 0 .p 0 � 0 .r w � o n � �' w � � � 7y a � a � o•a � y b k � � � � i i � ID Task Name 1 SEWPP expansion Construction 2 Beamer Road SWT Main Design 8�Award 3 Beamer Road SWT Main Construction 4 Friendswood City Council Approves GRP 5 HGCSD Accepts GRP 6 Friendswood Authorises Design 7 Beamer Road Pump Station Design 8 Beamer Road Trunk Main 9 Advertise,Bid&Award Punp Sta 10 Advertise,Bid&Award Trunk WM 11 Pump Station Construction 12 Trunk WM Construction 13 80%Surface Water Supply Task Split Progress Milestone � � � � � � Table 10-1 Construction Schedule Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood :a:::::::::::::::::::::::�= �15 1 �s/ia 3/5 � � � � � - _-= Summary Rolled Up Progress .........:.:.:...............:.:.:.: Rolled Up Task :::=: .:: •s= Extemal Tasks °� ��� '' ��,.:�,,�; „���������,������� �..�_ Rolled Up Split ������������������ Project Summary �� ♦ Rolled Up Milestone O KLOTZ � ASSOC�ATES, I N C. �O N 5 U l i I N G EtiGiNEERS 10.2 Surface Water Supply 2007 The City of Friendswood has notified the City of Houston of its intent to purchase an additional 6.0 MGD in capacity from the Southeast Water Purification Plant expansion °—' project. Based on current schedules Friendswood anticipates Houston will be able to deliver the additiona16.0 MGD or a total of 12.0 MGD to Friendswood to enable Friendswood to meet the summer peak demand in 2007. Table 10-2 outlines the anticipated surface water and groundwater demands for 2002 through 2007. After the City of Houston completes the Beamer Road Surface Water Transmission Line and the current expansion of the Southeast Water Purification Plant, Friendswood will be able to meet the Groundwater Reduction Plan goal through the year 2006. The City of Friendswood will be dependent on Houston completing the next phase of "�` the Southeast Water Purification Plant to meet the water demands in Friendswood as well as meet the Groundwater Reduction goals. � �.. � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 35 City of Friendswood,Texas .-- January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan l 1 � 1 � 1 1 ! 1 t 1 � i l 'i 1 i � � � � 0 � � � a � °o ° _. �,. � � y b �'1 o, � � �, z 0 A O � 0 W � o n � `� aa � �' w � � �. � �. G� � p �•a0 � � bX � � Table 10-2 Anticipated Surface Water and Groundwater Demand Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Year Total Annual Max Day Demand Total Annual %Total Total Annual %Total Demand (MGD) Surface Water Ground Water (gal x 1000) (gal x 1000) (gal x 1000) 2002 1,823,178 10.74 1,632,935 89.6% 190,426 10.4% 2003 1,910,693 11.25 1,675,891 87.7°/a 234,993 12.3% 2004 2,002,428 11.8 1,720,922 85.9% 281,707 14.1% 2005 2,098,531 12.36 1,768,096 84.2% 330,645 15.3% 2006 2,199,251 12.95 1,817,534 82.6% 381,935 17.4% 2007 2,304,835 13.28 1,869,363 81.1% 435,702 18.9% �----------------------------------------� �- ; � I I , , _ , , , , IpRNEWAY ( � TURN AROUND � � � � � TMIK j 240' x 240' I �� Z ( SITE � � � � � . � . � - - -1 , � ; � , ; -- I I , , , , , , I � ' I , I , , I , � PUMP � I BUILDING � I � � � � � � � I TANK � I PHASE 1 I � � � t � I ( I � PARKING � 1 1 1 � �----------------�-- - - � ---------------J f � _; � � � o� ,Y.r � i • U s I i 16' k � � GCESS ; ROAD ... � i ' S0' � /R.D.W. `� � � I ,�.�. ���. _____e____..__�-'� � BEAMER "� ROAD � 0 r _.� �.�_.— .�� _.�, �.—._____ � � Z PROPOSED SURFACE WATER � TRANSMISSION UNE � � m GROUNDWATER REDUCTION PLAN _ x W CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD _ � m _ W PROPOSED � � KLOTZ BEAMER ROAD o ASSOCIATES, PUMP STATION � I NC PROJ. N0. 40701 EXHIBIT . '� � C O N S u � T I N G SCALE: 1'=50� � E N G I N E E R S DATE: JAN. 2001 � KLOTZ .W ASSOCIATES, I N C. C O N S U l T i N G ENGiNEERS � r �, Appendix A Water Pumpage Records for 1995 to 2000 � � � � � � ,,.., Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan � �t 1 �! � �i � i l � l 1 �l i t � 1 � � � � � a y � O � �. CD b ., o_ c� � � z 0 � 0 J O o n � � � � w 'T� � �. :n a G� � 0 �• a o � � � ro X � H MONTH JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JIJNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER TOTAL PERCENT DAILY AVERAGE (MGD) MAX DAILY DEMAND(MGD) MAX DAY/AVG.DAY AVG ANNUAL CONNECTIONS PER CAPITA WATER USE ESTIMATED POPULATION SERVED 1993 APPENDIX A-1 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD TOTAL WATER PUMPAGE 1993 SURFACE WATER GROUND WATER TOTAL PUMPAGE NUMBER OF DAILY MAX GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 CONNECTIONS GAL x 1000 51,008 25,410 76,418 7,615 3,162 46,759 28,332 75,091 7,615 3,516 46,437 36,096 82,533 7,650 3,202 70,499 17,186 87,685 7,657 3,274 77,656 10,066 87,722 7,693 3,856 73,099 17,530 90,629 7,725 4,544 74,285 60,194 134,479 7,730 7,547 56,757 99,288 156,045 7,754 7,240 69,171 38,674 107,845 7,781 4,672 66,622 32,594 99,216 7,790 4,934 55,369 29,663 85,032 7,814 3,421 53,319 31,989 85,308 7,839 3,357 740,981 427,022 1,168,003 63% 37% 2.03 1.17 3.20 7.55 2.36 7,722 121 26,552 T i 1 l � 1 } � � � 1 t � � 1 1 1 � � � � 0 � a N �' H � O �, �. � CD b o. � � z 0 � 0 � 0 o n � � � � w � ' �, � a c � � ° '. o o• a a ,� b � � � MoNTx JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JLJNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER TOTAL PERCENT DAILY AVERAGE (MGD) MAX DAILY DEMAND(MGD) MAX DAY/AVG.DAY AVG ANNUAL CONNECTIONS PER CAPITA WATER USE ESTIMATED POPULATION SERVED 1994 APPENDIX A-2 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD TOTAL WATER PUMPAGE 1994 SURFACE WATER GROUND WATER TOTAL PUMPAGE NUMBER OF DAILY MAX GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 CONNECTIONS GAL x 1000 43,595 38,646 82,241 7,860 3,174 52,925 21,474 74,399 7,875 3,188 56,233 27,280 83,513 7,893 3,488 55,951 28,953 84,904 7,911 3,670 74,308 20,149 94,457 7,947 4,022 68,489 20,927 89,416 7,966 3,529 79,930 70,211 150,141 7,982 7,612 57,054 58,261 115,315 8,005 6,235 71,717 33,139 104,856 8,031 4,799 69,858 33,500 103,358 8,033 6,135 69,108 17,322 86,430 8,032 3,780 57,865 27,681 85,546 8,048 3,532 757,033 397,543 1,154,576 66% 34% 2.07 1.09 3.16 7.61 2.41 7,965 116 27,356 t 1 i 1 i I � �� ) � 1 � � 1 1 1 1 t � � � 0 � Y � o ° �. �. '. co � b o. � � z 0 A 0 � 0 � o n ao � `' w �� � � a � o � o•a � � b � � � APPENDIX A-3 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD TOTAL WATER PUMPAGE 1995 MONTH SURFACE WATER GROUND WATER TOTAL PUMPAGE NUMBER OF DAILY MAX GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 CONNECTIONS GAL x 1000 JANUARY 56,948 26,209 83,157 8,061 4,186 FEBRUARY 50,795 23,755 74,550 8,088 3,307 MARCH 53,483 29,066 82,549 8,107 3,599 APRIL 55,154 32,390 87,544 5,119 3,863 MAY 69,046 46,298 115,344 8,126 5,558 JiJNE 69,119 47,946 117,065 8,148 6,611 JULY 67,733 59,661 127,394 8,162 6,566 AUGUST 60,402 56,791 117,193 8,176 5,871 SEPTEMBER 82,337 64,103 146,440 8,210 7,140 OCTOBER 79,310 32,533 111,843 8,219 4,817 NOVEMBER 65,791 26,911 92,702 8,229 4,129 DECEMBER 65,058 28,332 93,390 8,226 3,644 TOTAL 775,176 473,995 1,249,171 PERCENT 62% 38% DAILY AVERAGE(MGD) 2.12 1.30 3.42 MAX.DAILY DEMAND(MGD) 7.14 MAX DAY/AVG.DAY 2.09 AVG ANNUAL CONNECTIONS 8,156 PER CAPITA WATER USE 123 ESTIMATED POPULATION 27,835 SERVED 1995 �� � � � t � a � � � � �� �� � � � t � � � � � 0 w � � a N y � O � � �. .�. cD � b 0 u. � � z 0 � 0 � 0 �. G� n � � � M P� � � �. :h a c� � 0 �� a o - � � 'b x � � APPENDIX A-4 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD TOTAL WATER PUMPAGE 1996 MONTH SURFACE WATER GROUND WATER TOTAL PUMPAGE NUMBER OF DAILY MAX GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 CONNECTIONS GAL x 1000 JANUARY 63,544 28,979 92,523 8,220 4,721 FEBRUARY 51,565 37,850 89,415 8,246 4,017 MARCH 59,555 38,011 97,566 8,256 4,387 APRIL 88,635 30,605 119,240 8,285 5,312 MAY 94,379 40,606 134,985 8,321 5,792 JUNE 84,529 46,757 131,286 8,350 6,592 JULY 93,876 47,630 141,506 8,351 7,323 AUGUST 76,219 38,059 114,278 8,372 5,967 SEPTEMBER 69,731 22,716 92,447 8,382 3,829 OCTOBER 69,996 28,316 98,312 8,380 4,182 NOVEMBER 64,655 28,846 93,501 8,418 3,928 DECEMBER 56,093 40,091 96,184 8,426 3,904 TOTAL 872,777 428,466 1,301,243 PERCENT 67% 33% DAILY AVERAGE (MGD) 2.39 1.17 3.57 MAX.DAILY DEMAND(MGD) 7.32 MAX DAY/AVG.DAY 2.05 AVG ANNUAL CONNECTIONS 8,334 PER CAPITA WATER USE 125 ESTIMATED POPULATION 28,602 SERVED 1996 1 1 1 t 1 � 1 { i I ) � 1 1 1 1 t 1 � � x � a N v' � O n � �. � � ro o, � � � z 0 � 0 � 0 � o n � �' w 'n ; �. � a. � � 0 �• a o � � y 'd k � � APPENDIX A-5 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD TOTAL WATER PUMPAGE 1997 MONTH SURFACE WATER GROUND WATER TOTAL PUMPAGE NUMBER OF DAILY MAX GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 CONNECTIONS GAL x 1000 JANiJARY 64,990 25,550 90,548 8,435 3,570 FEBRUARY 57,140 21,315 78,455 8,453 3,776 MARCH 66,653 22,426 89,079 8,451 3,633 APRIL 54,287 31,687 85,974 8,464 3,671 MAY 63,157 33,058 96,215 8,473 3,967 .NNE 67,957 30,322 98,279 8,491 4,372 JULY 73,345 54,440 127,785 8,513 5,335 AUGUST 70,875 69,551 140,426 8,529 6,635 SEPTEMBER 73,035 60,611 133,646 8,534 6,985 OCTOBER 60,556 36,883 97,439 8,565 4,130 NOVEMBER 63,298 28,256 91,554 8,573 4,152 DECEMBER 65,827 35,787 101,614 8,585 3,563 TOTAL 781,120 449,886 1,231,014 PERCENT 63% 37% DAILY AVERAGE(MGD) 2.14 1.23 3.37 PERCENT 63% 37% MAX DAILY DEMAND(MGD) 6.99 MAX DAY/AVG.DAY 2.07 AVG ANNUAL CONNECTIONS 8,506 PER CAPITA WATER USE 116 ESTIMATED POPULATION 29,053 SERVED 1997 � 1 1 � � ! i 1 t i � i 1 1 i 1 1 1 # a � 0 � � � a N �' w O � � �. .�. � b o. � � z 0 � 0 J 0 on � � � � � � ; �. � a G � � o o•a � � ro � � � MONTH JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JIJNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER TOTAL PERCENT DAILY AVERAGE(MGD) MAX DAILY DEMAND (MGD) MAX DAY/AVG.DAY AVG ANNUAL CONNECTIONS PER CAPITA WATER USE ESTIMATED POPULATION SERVED 1998 APPENDIX A-6 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD TOTAL WATER PUMPAGE 1998 SURFACE WATER GROUND WATER TOTAL PUMPAGE NUMBER OF DAILY MAX GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 CONNECTIONS GAL x 1000 61,088 27,037 88,125 8,611 3,757 31,294 48,090 79,384 8,644 3,509 46,419 47,413 93,832 8,684 3,688 66,437 47,955 114,392 8,730 4,712 76,203 106,720 182,923 8,758 7,271 87,009 106,072 193,081 8,769 8,590 100,023 84,609 184,632 8,816 8,071 89,824 79,306 169,130 8,839 9,310 62,146 48,002 110,148 8,893 4,641 71,437 33,827 105,264 8,916 4,130 66,586 27,840 94,426 8,917 3,631 61,327 32,871 94,198 8,935 3,563 819,793 689,742 1,509,535 54% 46% 2.25 1.89 4.14 9.31 2.25 8,793 136 30,448 � 1 1 i i i i 1 ) ! 3 i � ! t � 1 � � � � � a � °o ° � �. ., � H b M � � � z 0 � 0 � 0 o n ao � �' w "� � �. � N. K p t� o•a a ,� b � w X � N MONTH JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER TOTAL PERCENT DAILY AVERAGE(MGD) MAX DAILY DEMAND(MGD) MAX DAY/AVG.DAY AVG ANNUAL CONNECTIONS PER CAPITA WATER USE ESTIMATED POPULATION SERVED 1999 APPENDIX A-7 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD TOTAL WATER PUMPAGE 1999 SURFACE WATER GROUND WATER TOTAL PUMPAGE NUMBER OF DAILY MAX GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 CONNECTIONS GAL x 1000 65,138 26,021 91,159 8,936 3,784 57,599 25,825 83,424 8,947 3,658 62,370 36,812 99,182 8,956 4,105 66,972 50,187 117,159 8,989 5,661 79,695 58,385 138,080 9,007 6,447 64,354 40,106 104,460 9,068 5,847 84,268 37,343 121,611 8,087 5,367 118,501 79,811 198,312 9,141 8,910 105,136 103,970 209,106 9,123 9,949 86,555 50,474 137,029 9,200 5,349 101,354 44,880 146,234 9,234 6,192 85,708 30,106 115,814 9,252 4,580 977,650 583,920 1,561,570 63% 37% 2.68 1.60 4.28 9.95 233 8,995 134 31,909 � � i � � t � � � � i � t � � � � � � � � � � o � a � o ° � �,. � b o. c� � z ', 0 � ' ° I � o � o n � �' w �� � � a � o � o�a � � b � x � N MONTH JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JLJIVE NLY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER TOTAL PERCENT DAILY AVERAGE (MGD) MAX.DAY DEMAND(MGD) MAX DAY/AVG.DAY AVG ANNUAL CONNECTIONS PER CAPITA WATER USE ESTIMATED POPULATION SERVED 2000 APPENDIX A-8 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD TOTAL WATER PUMPAGE 2000 SURFACE WATER GROUND WATER TOTAL PUMPAGE NUMBER OF DAILY MAX GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 GAL x 1000 CONNECTIONS GAL x 1000 99,757 28,787 128,544 9,282 5,021 101,773 4,914 106,687 9,312 4,657 113,306 15,123 128,429 9,357 5,866 96,597 26,914 123,511 9,402 5,685 105,916 32,160 138,076 9,420 6,004 112,899 39,564 152,463 9,475 8,159 124,309 130,848 255,157 9,518 10,381 108,946 129,628 238,574 9,561 10,413 99,617 69,482 169,099 9,611 10,896 90,200 26,416 116,616 9,638 5,768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,053,320 503,836 1,557,156 68% 32% 2.89 1.38 N/A 10.38 10,896 7,881 NA 33,441 KLOTZ .�. ASSOCIATES, I N C. C O N S U 1 i I N G ENGiNEERS .� Appendix B Water Billing History Summary �-- Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswuod,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan � APPENDIX B „� CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD SUMMARY OF WATER BILLING October 1997-September 1999 Water Billing Base Cons 1 Cons Z Cons 3 Total `�` Base 48,297 48,297 Level 1 517,668 1,202,365 1,720,033 Leve12 4,620 72,380 27,945 104,945 -- Leve13 2,484 38,916 41,400 151,076 233,876 573,069 1,313,661 69,345 151,076 2,107,151 .o... %Total 27.2% 62.3% 3.3% 7.2% 100.0% Sprinkler Billing Base 696 696 Levell 4,782 25,483 30,265 Leve12 756 11,844 4,440 17,040 Leve13 354 5,546 5,900 12,888 24,688 6,588 42,873 10,340 12,888 72,689 %Total 9.1% 59.0% 14.2% 17.7% 100.0% "' Totals Base 48,993 0 0 0 48,993 Levell 522,450 1,227,848 0 0 1,750,298 -- Leve12 5,376 84,224 32,385 0 121,985 Leve13 2,838 44,462 47,300 163,964 258,564 � 579,657 1,356,534 79,685 163,964 2,179,840 %Total 26.6% 62.2% 3.7% 7.5% 100.0% � October 1999-September 2000 Base Cons 1 Cons 2 Cons 3 Total Water Billing 377,464 1,002,477 35,585 47,934 1,463,460 %Total 25.8% 68.5% 2.4% 3.3% 100.0% Sprinkler Billing 5,394 41,218 11,407 22,635 80,654 %Total 6.7% 51.1% 14.1% 28.1% 100.0% Totals 382,858 1,043,695 46,992 70,569 1,544,114 %Total 24.8% 67.6% 3.0% 4.6% 100.0% Note billing totals in 1000 gallons � Avg% 26% 65% 3% 6% 100% ,p Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan KLOTZ r� ASSOCIATES, I N C. COrvSUITiNG ENGiNEERS u�+ �. Appendix C Future Water Consumption Possibilities � .-. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan � x � o � a N y N � O '� w' �o N � 0 c� � z 0 � 0 � 0 ., o n ao � �' � � � �. � a � o � o•a � � �v � r� N APPENDIX C-1 Future Water Usage Year 2002 Consumption Rate 136 GPCD Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.40701 Month Percent of Total Usage Monthly Usage Days in Average Daily Monthly Surface Monthly Ground Total** (gal x 1000) (�al x 1000) Month Consumption Water Usage Water Usage* Jan 5.84 1,823,178 106,474 31 3,435 101,150 5,324 Feb 5.26 1,823,178 95,899 28 3,425 91,104 4,795 Mar 6.22 1,823,178 113,402 31 3,658 107,732 5,670 Apr 7.58 1,823,178 138,197 30 4,607 131,287 6,910 May 12.12 1,823,178 220,969 31 7,128 186,000 34,969 Jun 12.79 1,823,178 233,184 30 7,773 180,000 53,184 Jul 12.23 1,823,178 222,975 31 7,193 186,000 36,975 Aug 11.20 1,823,178 204,196 31 6,587 186,000 18,196 Sept 7.30 1,823,178 133,092 30 4,436 126,437 6,655 Oct 6.97 1,823,178 127,076 31 4,099 120,722 6,354 Nov 6.26 1,823,178 114,131 30 3,804 108,424 5,707 Dec 6.24 1,823,178 113,766 31 3,670 108,078 5,688 1,632,935 190,426 Average Daily Flow 5.00 MGD 89.6% 10.4% Max Day=Avg Day x 2.15 ]0.74 MGD Avaliable Groundwater 5.00 MGD Surface Water Required 5.74 MGD 136 GPCD *Assume that minimum of 5%of monthly usage supplied by ground water to excersize all wells. **Water percentages per month correspond to year in which per capita rate occurred. 136 gpd per capita rate occurred in 1998. Population served 36,728 � � 0 � Fi � a N �' y O � �. �. � � � b 0 c� � ..» z 0 A 0 � 0 .- o n � �' w 'T� � �. ti � � a � o � o a• a a ,� bk a � APPENDIX G2 Future Water Usage Year 2005 Consumption Rate l36 GPCD Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.40701 Month Percent of Total Usage Monthly Usage Days in Average Daily Monthly Surface Monthly Ground Total** (gal x 1000) (gal x 1000) Month Consumption Water Usage Water Usage* Jan 5.84 2,098,531 122,554 31 3,953 116,426 6,128 Feb 5.26 2,098,531 110,383 28 3,942 104,864 5,519 Mar 6.22 2,098,531 130,529 31 4,211 124,003 6,526 Apr 7.58 2,098,531 159,069 30 5,302 151,116 7,953 May 12.12 2,098,531 254,342 31 8,205 186,000 68,342 Jun 12.79 2,098,531 268,402 30 8,947 180,000 88,402 Jul 12.23 2,098,531 256,650 31 8,279 186,000 70,650 Aug 11.20 2,098,531 235,035 31 7,582 186,000 49,035 Sept 7.30 2,098,531 153,193 30 5,106 145,533 7,660 Oct 6.97 2,098,531 146,268 31 4,718 138,955 7,313 Nov 6.26 2,098,531 131,368 30 4,379 124,800 6,568 Dec 6.24 2,098,531 130,948 31 4,224 124,401 6,547 1,768,096 330,645 Average Daily Flow 5.75 MGD 84.2% 15.8% Max Day=Avg Day x 2.15 12.36 MGD Avaliable Groundwater 5.00 MGD Surface Water Required 7.36 MGD 136 GPCD *Assume that minimum of 5%of monthly usage supplied by ground water to excersize all wells. **Water percentages per month correspond to year in which per capita rate occurred. 136 gpd per capita rate occurred in 1998. Population served 42,275 � � 0 w � � a N �' � O � "r w' r. � � 'd 0 � � z 0 � 0 J O .r o n �o � �' w � � �. 7y a � � � � o o•a � y bk a �' APPENDIX C-3 Future Water Usage Year 2010 Consumption Rate 136 GPCD Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.40701 Month Percent of Total Usage Monthly Usage Days in Average Daily Monthly Surface Monthly Ground Total** (gal x 1000) (gal x 1000) Month Consumption Water Usage Water Usage* Jan 5.84 2,652,911 154,930 31 4,998 147,184 7,747 Feb 5.26 2,652,911 139,543 28 4,984 132,566 6,977 Mar 6.22 2,652,911 165,011 31 5,323 156,760 8,251 Apr 7.58 2,652,911 201,091 30 6,703 191,036 10,055 May 12.12 2,652,911 321,533 31 10,372 217,000 104,533 Jun 12.79 2,652,911 339,307 30 11,310 210,000 129,307 Jul 12.23 2,652,911 324,451 31 10,466 217,000 107,451 Aug 11.20 2,652,911 297,126 31 9,585 217,000 80,126 Sept 7.30 2,652,911 193,662 30 6,455 183,979 9,683 Oct 6.97 2,652,911 184,908 31 5,965 175,663 9,245 Nov 6.26 2,652,911 166,072 30 5,536 157,768 8,304 Dec 6.24 2,652,911 165,542 31 5,340 157,265 8,277 2,163,221 489,955 Average Daily Flow 7.27 MGD 81.5% 18.5% Max Day=Avg Day x 2.15 15.63 MGD Avaliable Groundwater 5.00 MGD Surface Water Required 10.63 MGD 136 GPCD *Assume that minimum of 5%of monthly usage supplied by ground water to excersize all wells. **Water percentages per month correspond to year in which per capita rate occurred. 136 gpd per capita rate occurred in 1998. Population served 53,443 � x 0 w f3 � Y � o ° '_' w. � � 'd 0 � � z 0 � 0 � 0 .r o n � o � �' w 'T� � �. `� �' tu � G n O o•a � a b � � y APPENDIX G4 Future Water Usage Year 2030 Consumption Rate 136 GPCD Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.4070] Month Percent of Total Usage Monthly Usage Days in Average Daily Monthly Surface Monthly Ground Total** (gal x 1000) (gal x 1000) Month Consumption Water Usage Water Usage* Jan 5.84 2,849,336 166,401 31 5,368 158,081 8,320 Feb 5.26 2,849,336 149,875 28 5,353 142,381 7,494 Mar 6.22 2,849,336 177,229 31 5,717 168,368 8,861 Apr 7.58 2,849,336 215,980 30 7,199 205,181 10,799 May 12.12 2,849,336 345,340 31 11,140 186,000 159,340 Jun 12.79 2,849,336 364,430 30 12,148 180,000 184,430 Jul 12.23 2,849,336 348,474 31 11,241 186,000 162,474 Aug 11.20 2,849,336 319,126 31 10,294 186,000 133,126 Sept 7.30 2,849,336 208,002 30 6,933 197,602 10,400 Oct 6.97 2,849,336 198,599 31 6,406 188,669 9,930 Nov 6.26 2,849,336 178,368 30 5,946 169,450 8,918 Dec 6.24 2,849,336 177,799 31 5,735 168,909 8,890 2,136,640 712,983 Average Daily Flow 7.81 MGD 75.0% 25.0% Max Day=Avg Day x 2.15 16.78 MGD Avaliable Groundwater 5.00 MGD Surface Water Required 11.78 MGD 136' GPCD *Assume that minimum of 5%of monthly usage supplied by ground water to excersize all wells. **Water percentages per month correspond to year in which per capita rate occurred. 136 gpd per capita rate occurred in 1998. Population served 57,400 w � � o w � � Y � oc°� � �. .-. � y � 0 c� � z 0 A 0 � 0 � o n ao E M w '� � �. � a � o � o•a � � b � � � APPENDIX GS Future Water Usage Year 2002 Consumption Rate l50 GPCD Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.40701 Month Percent of Total Usage Monthly Usage Days in Average Daily Monthly Surface Monthly Ground Total** (gal x 1000) (gal x 1000) Month Consumption Water Usage Water Usage* Jan 5.84 2,010,858 117,434 31 3,788 111,562 5,872 Feb 5.26 2,010,858 105,771 28 3,778 100,482 5,289 Mar 6.22 2,010,858 125,075 31 4,035 118,821 6,254 Apr 7.58 2,010,858 152,423 30 5,081 144,802 7,621 May 12.12 2,010,858 243,716 31 7,862 186,000 57,716 Jun 12.79 2,010,858 257,189 30 8,573 180,000 77,189 Jul 12.23 2,010,858 245,928 31 7,933 186,000 59,928 Aug 11.20 2,010,858 225,216 31 7,265 186,000 39,216 Sept 7.30 2,010,858 146,793 30 4,893 139,453 7,340 Oct 6.97 2,010,858 140,157 31 4,521 133,149 7,008 Nov 6.26 2,010,858 125,880 30 4,196 119,586 6,294 Dec 624 2,010,858 125,478 31 4,048 119,204 6,274 1,725,060 286,000 Average Daily Flow 5.51 MGD 85.8% 142% Max Day=Avg Day x 2.15 11.84 MGD Avaliable Groundwater 5.00 MGD Surface Water Required 6.84 MGD 150 GPCD *Assume that minimum of 5%of monthly usage supplied by ground water to excersize all wells. **Water percentages per month correspond to year in which per capita rate occurred. 136 gpd per capita rate occurred in 1998. Population served 36,728 w � � o w C� � Y N �' y � O '_' w. .+ � � 'C1 o. � � �» z 0 � 0 J 0 ., o n � �' � � � �. � a � � � o o•a � � bX � � APPENDIX C-6 Future Water Usage Year 2005 Consumption Rate I50 GPCD Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.40701 Month Percent of Total Usage Monthly Usage Days in Average Daily Monthly Surface Monthly Ground Total** (gal x 1000) (gal x 1000) Month Consumption Water Usage Water Usage* Jan 5.84 2,314,556 135,170 31 4,360 128,412 6,759 Feb 5.26 2,314,556 121,746 28 4,348 115,659 6,087 Mar 6.22 2,314,556 143,965 31 4,644 136,767 7,198 Apr 7.58 2,314,556 175,443 30 5,848 166,671 8,772 May 12.12 2,314,556 280,524 31 9,049 186,000 94,524 Jun 12.79 2,314,556 296,032 30 9,868 180,000 116,032 Jul 12.23 2,314,556 283,070 31 9,131 186,000 97,070 Aug 11.20 2,314,556 259,230 31 8,362 186,000 73,230 Sept 7.30 2,314,556 168,963 30 5,632 160,515 8,448 Oct 6.97 2,314,556 161,325 31 5,204 153,259 8,066 Nov 6.26 2,314,556 144,891 30 4,830 137,646 7,245 Dec 6.24 2,314,556 144,428 31 4,659 137,207 7,221 1,874,134 440,653 Average Daily Flow 634 MGD 81.0°/a 19.0% Max Day=Avg Day x 2.15 13.63 MGD Avaliable Groundwater 5.00 MGD Surface Water Required 8.63 MGD 150 GPCD *Assume that minimum of 5%of monthly usage supplied by ground water to excersize all wells. **Water percentages per month correspond to year in which per capita rate occurred. 136 gpd per capita rate occurred in 1998. Population served 42,275 a � 0 w � � Y � °o c°� �, w. c� y b 0 � � z 0 � 0 � 0 o n � M w � � �. � �. c � n o•a a ,� ro � � � APPENDIX C-7 Future Water Usage Year 2010 Consumption Rate 150 GPCD Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.40701 Month Percent of Total Usage Monthly Usage Days in Average Daily Monthly Surface Monthly Ground Total** (gal x 1000) (gal x 1000) Month Consumption Water Usage Water Usage* Jan 5.84 2,926,004 170,879 31 5,512 162,335 8,544 Feb 5.26 2,926,004 153,908 28 5,497 146,213 7,695 Mar 6.22 2,926,004 181,997 31 5,871 172,897 9,100 Apr 7.58 2,926,004 221,791 30 7,393 210,701 11,090 May 12.12 2,926,004 354,632 31 11,440 232,500 122,132 Jun 12.79 2,926,004 374,236 30 12,475 225,000 150,000 Jul ]2.23 2,926,004 357,850 31 11,544 232,500 125,350 Aug 11.20 2,926,004 327,712 31 ]0,571 232,500 95,212 Sept 7.30 2,926,004 213,598 30 7,120 202,918 10,680 Oct 6.97 2,926,004 203,942 31 6,579 193,745 10,197 Nov 6.26 2,926,004 183,168 30 6,106 174,010 9,158 Dec 624 2,926,004 182,583 31 5,890 173,454 9,129 2,358,773 568,287 Average Daily F►ow 8.02 MGD 80.6% 19.4°/a Max Day=Avg Day x 2.15 17.24 MGD Avaliable Groundwater 5.00 MGD Surface Water Required 12.24 MGD 190 GPCD *Assume that minimum of 5%of monthly usage supplied by ground water to excersize all wells. **Water percentages per month correspond to year in which per capita rate occurred. 136 gpd per capita rate occurred in 1998. Population served 36,728 KLOTZ �.. ASSOCIATES, I N C. C O N S U l T I N G ENGINEERS M.+ _ Appendix D Cost Estimates � ,� � � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan '°" APPENDIX D- 1 Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate Beamer Road Pump Station-Phase I - Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood � Unit Total Description Quantity Unit Price Price ,.. General Requirements 1 LS $125,000 $125,000 Property off Beamer Road 1.5 AC $40,000 $60,000 One Million Gallon Concrete Storage Tank 1 EA $500,000 $500,000 � Flow Tube Mag Meter 1 EA $28,270 $28,270 Mag Meter Converter 1 EA $3,450 $3,450 24-inch Altitude Valves 1 EA $25,000 $25,000 � 24-inch Butterfly Valves 5 EA $7,500 $37,500 12-inch Butterfly Valves 8 EA $2,000 $16,000 12-inch Check Valves 3 EA $30,000 $90,000 24-inch Ductile Iron Pipe for Yard Piping 750 LF $130 $97,500 " 30-inch Ductile Iron Pipe for Yard Piping 20Q LF $150 $30,000 4,000 GPM Horizontal Pumps at 185 TDH,250 HP. 3 EA $60,000 $180,000 Pump Station Piping 1 LS $120,000 $120,000 °�- Pump Station Building 1 LS $160,000 $160,000 Electrical 1 LS $475,000 $475,000 Concrete Access Road 750 SY $48 $36,000 -- 6-foot Chain Link Fence with 3 Strands of Barbed Wir� 1000 LF $12 $12,350 6-foot Swing Double Gate 16 feet Wide 1 EA $600 $600 Subtotal $1,996,670 Professional Services and Contingency $499,330 Total $2,496,000 �,� .,r � �-- Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan APPENDIX D-2 Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate �-- Beamer Road Pump Station-Phase II Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood � Descri�tion Quantity Unit Price Price ,,,,, General Requirements 1 LS $50,000 $50,000 One Million Gallon Concrete Storage Tank 1 EA $500,000 $500,000 24-inch Ductile Iron Pipe for Yard Piping 50 LF $130 $6,500 � 24-inch Altitude Valves 1 EA $25,000 $25,000 12-inch Check Valves 1 EA $30,000 $30,000 4,000 GPM Horizontal Pumps at 185 TDH,250 HP. 1 EA $75,000 $75,000 � Electrical 1 LS $100,000 $100,000 Subtotal $786,500 '"' Professional Services and Contingency $196,500 Total $983,000 � � � � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan APPENDIX D-3 Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate -° 24 Inch Trunk Water Main Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood � Unit Total .,,,, Description Quantity Unit Price Price General Requirements 1 LS $60,000 $60,000 24-inch Ductile Iron Pipe for Off-Site Piping 7,800 LF $130 $1,014,000 ,�.. Subtotal $1,074,000 Professional Services and Contingency $269,000 Total $1,343,000 � ... � � � f— � ,,,,, Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan � APPENDIX D-4 Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate � West Side 1.0 MG Elevated Tank Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood „�. Unit Total .,,,,, Description Quantity Unit Price Price General Requirements 1 LS $50,000 $50,000 1.0 MG Elevated Tank 1 LS $1,325,000 $1,325,000 � Yard Piping 1 LS $75,000 $75,000 Site Improvements 1 LS $20,000 $20,000 "� Subtotal $1,470,000 Professional Services and Contingency $369,000 � Total $1,839,000 � � � � � �.. r- � ,,,,, Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan APPENDIX D-5 Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate �- Bay Area Blvd 14" Water Main Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Unit Total .,,� Description Quantity Unit Price Price General Requirements 1 LS $45,000 $45,000 14-inch Water Main-Open Cut 10,900 LF $42 $457,800 � 14-inch Water Main-Augered 2,000 LF $65 $130,000 14-inch Water Main-Bored and Jacked 700 LF $135 $94,500 " Subtotal $727,300 Professional Services and Contingency $181,700 Total $909,000 ,-- Based on data from"Evaluation of Water Distribution System"Perpaired by Wayne Smith&Associates,May 1998. �, ,„.;� � � � ,,.. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan � APPENDIX D-6 Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate �-- WWTP 8" WaterLine Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Unit Total � Description uantity Unit Price Price General Requirements 1 LS $4,000 $4,000 8-inch Water Main-Open Cut 850 LF $30 $25,500 � 8-inch Water Main-Augered 100 LF $60 $6,000 8-inch Water Main-Bored and Jacked 50 LF $100 $5,000 � Subtotal $40,500 Professional Services and Contingency $10,500 � Total $51,000 ,_ Based on data from"Evaluation of Water Distribution System"Perpaired by Wayne Smith&Associates,May 1998. .... �.. ... � po.. ,.. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan APPENDIX D-7 Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate -- Rancho Viejo Waterline Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Unit Total „�, Description Quantity Unit Price Price General Requirements 1 LS $20,000 $20,000 12-inch Water Main-Open Cut 7750 LF $38 $294,500 M.. 12-inch Water Main-Augerer 150 LF $65 $9,750 12-inch Water Main-Bored and Jacked 50 LF $130 $6,500 "�` Subtotal $330,750 Professional Services and Contingency $82,250 ,�.. Total $413,000 Based on data from"Evaluation of Water Distribution System"Perpaired by Wayne Smith&Associates,May 1998. � � .�.. � w— Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan APPENDIX D-8 Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate �- Blackhawk Pump Station 0.5 MG Ground Storage Tank Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Unit Total Description Quantity Unit Price Price General Requirements 1 LS $10,000 $10,000 0.5 MG Ground Storage Tank 1 LS $220,000 $220,000 �,,, Yard Piping 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 Site Improvements 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 � Subtotal $240,000 Professional Services and Contingency $60,000 � Total $300,000 � ,•- � ... � ... �.— Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan APPENDIX D-9 Preliminary Construction Cost Estimate � Future Waterline Replacement and Upgrades Friendswood Groundwater Reduction Plan City of Friendswood Unit Total Description Quantity Unit Price Price General Requirements 1 LS $50,000 $50,000 12-inch Water Main-Open Cut 6,400 LF $38 $243,200 �, 12-inch Water Main-Augerer 6,800 LF $65 $442,000 12-inch Water Main-Bored and Jacked 500 LF $130 $65,000 "� Subtotal $800,200 Professional Services and Contingency $199,800 � Total $1,000,000 ,., � � �,.. �- � "' Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan KLOTZ ..- ASSOCIATES, I N C. C O N 5 U l T i N G ENGiNEERS � � � �. Appendix E Water Operations Expenditures �M � � � � _ � ,�.... Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan � � � o � a N �' y O � � �. � � b � 0 � � �» z 0 .A 0 v 0 o � � � � � m �� � � a G p � o�a' � � 'ti co k � y � �r � Water Oaerations Personnel Services Cost per Capita Supplies Cost per Capita Repairs and Maintenance Cost per Capita Other Services and Charges Cost per Capita � COH Water 1000 gal/yr Avg MGD $/1000 gal-2%Inflatio Capital expenses Sub-total Administration Personnel Services Cost per Capita Suppiles Cost per Capita Repairs and maintenance Cost per Capita Other services and charges Cost per Capita Capital outlay Cost per Capita Sub-total Debt Service Debt Service Reserve Sub-total TOTAL Estimated Population Assume annual inflation 3% 't �� ► [ � �� t i � �l 1 � � APPENDIX E Water Operations Expenditures Friendswood Groundwater Heduction Plan City of Friendswood Kiotz Associates Project No.40701 December 6,2000 i'��BiQI�G'd�EX�81'!S@$ `i B83@ " PrCj�i�i"; �� , �� . r � . .�.W,...�___ . ..a,_,__ .. .,..,,.M �, 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-OS 05-06 06-07 07-OS OS-09 09-10 241,191 295,993 328,877 334,410 360,974 389,647 420,602 454,019 490,083 529,013 571,043 616,398 665,369 718,229 8.30 9.60 10.28 10.00 10.30 10.61 10.93 11.26 11.59 11.94 12.30 12.67 13.05 13.44 46,309 53,812 90,585 75,242 81,219 87,671 94,635 102,154 110,269 119,028 128,485 138,689 149,708 161,602 1.59 1.74 2.83 2.25 2.32 2.39 2.46 2.53 2.61 2.69 2.77 2.85 2.94 3.02 69,977 123,799 140,738 133,764 144,390 155,859 168,241 181,608 196,033 211,605 228,417 246,559 266,148 287,292 2.41 4.01 4.40 4.00 4.12 424 4.37 4.50 4.64 4.78 4.92 5.07 522 5.38 206,847 219,263 306,620 267,528 288,779 311,718 376,897 406,842 439,159 474,043 511,706 552,348 596,230 643,598 7.12 7.11 9.58 8.00 8.24 8.49 9.79 10.09 10.39 10.70 11.02 11.35 11.69 12.04 564,324 692,867 866,820 810,944 875,361 944,8951,060,374 1,144,623 1,235,544 1,333,6891,439,650 1,553,994 1,677,455 1,810,720 285,497 303,380 224,638 324,251 346,610 494,014 528,082 564,504 603,429 645,038 689,526 737,065 787,899 842,236 782,183 831,178 553,840 842,212 882,634 1,233,3261,292,528 1,354,584 1,419,595 1,487,728 1,559,153 1,633,969 1,712,4121,794,616 2.14 2.28 1.52 2.50 2.42 3.38 3.54 3.71 3.89 4.08 4.27 4.48 4.69 4.92 0.365 0.407 0.407 0.385 0.393 0.401 0.409 0.417 0.425 0.434 0.442 0.451 0.460 0.469 130,623 187,663 634,947 300,000 309,000 318,270 327,818 337,653 347,782 358,216 368,962 380,031 391,432 403,175 980,444 1,183,910 1,726,405 1,435,196 1,530,972 1,757,179 1,916,274 2,046,780 2,186,754 2,336,943 2,498,138 2,671,090 2,856,786 3,056,132 312,144 236,155 248,345 267,528 288,779 311,718 336,481 363,215 392,066 423,210 456,834 493,118 532,295 574,583 10.74 7.66 7.76 8.00 8.24 8.49 8.74 9.00 9.27 9.55 9.84 10.13 10.44 10.75 14,368 31,440 50,511 40,129 43,317 46,758 50,472 54,482 58,810 63,482 68,525 73,968 79,844 86,188 0.49 1.02 1.58 1.20 1.24 127 1.31 1.35 1.39 1.43 1.48 1.52 1.57 1.61 6,861 7,500 2,600 6,688 7,219 7,793 8,412 9,080 9,802 10,580 11,421 12,328 13,307 14,365 024 0.24 0.08 0.20 0.21 021 022 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.25 026 027 133,824 119,631 101,586 130,420 140,780 151,962 164,035 177,067 191,132 206,315 222,707 240,395 259,494 280,109 4.61 3.88 3.18 3.90 4.02 4.14 4.26 4.39 4.52 4.66 4.80 4.94 5.09 524 0 3,054 8,045 5,016 5,415 5,845 6,309 6,810 7,351 7,935 8,566 9,246 9,981 10,773 0.00 0.10 025 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.1 S 0.19 0.20 0.20 467,197 397,780 411,087 449,781 485,510 524,076 565,709 610,656 659,162 711,522 768,052 829,055 894,921 966,018 962,193 1,125,688 1,027,518 739,542 1,088,931 801,184 801,288 798,195 467,900 475,066 482,024 478,910 523,677 518,362 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 962,193 1,125,688 1,027,518 739,542 1,188,931 901,184 901,288 898,195 567,900 575,066 582,024 578,910 623,677 618,362 2,409,834 2,707,378 3,165,010 2,624,519 3,205,412 3,182,438 3,383,271 3,555,630 3,413,816 3,623,531 3,848,215 4,079,055 4,375,385 4,640,512 29,053 30,846 31,990 33,441 35,046 36,728 38,491 40,339 42,275 44,304 46,431 48,659 50,995 53,443 � KLOTZ ,� ASSOCIATES, I N C. C O N 5 U l T I N G ENGiNEERS .w+ ..�. � � � Appendix F Design Calculations � � � � � � ,,. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan � City of Friendswood 40701 .... Surface Water Pump Station �WK Design Calcs 11/6/00 PHASE I - 136 GPCD � Groundwater Supply 5.0 MGD COH Surfacewater Supply 6.0 MGD TOTAL AVALABLE �1.0 MGD .� C� 136 GPCD demand can be met to year 2003, Max Day= 11.25 MGD ,� Max Hour= 16.88 MGD Assume the following consumption pattern: � 8hr 0.5 x Daily Demand=0.5 x 11.25= 5.63 MGD 8hr 1.0 x Daily Demand= 1.0 x 11.25= 11.25 MGD � 8hr 1.5 x Daily Demand= 1.5 x 11.25= 16.88 MGD Assume ground storage filled to capacity at night Wefls produce 5.0 MGD � Ground Storage Capacity 2.653 MG ,.. Rate to distribution system from storage over 8 hrs = 7.96 MGD Booster Pump Capacity controls 12.00 MGD � Max Hr Demand Rate 16.88 MGD Ground Water Delivery Rate 7.96 MGD Required surface water delivery rate MGD Surface water delivery rate from COH 6.00 MGD __� 2.92 MGD � Required Storage at Beamer Rd take point= 0.97 MG use 1.0 MG ground storage � Pump capacity 9.00 MGD= 6,250 GPM Pump Discharge Head 185 ft Use 2 pumps + 1 standby HP= 185 3,125 = 182 use 150 HP "'" 3,960 80% � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas � January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan � ,.. City of Friendswood 40701 Surface Water Pump Station JWK Design Calcs 11/6/00 � PHASE II - 136 GPCD " 2005 Max Day Demand 12.36 MGD 2005 Max Hour Demand 18.54 MGD � Groundwater Supply 6.5 MGD Available from Groundwate�Storage 8.0 MGD ,,_, Groundwater Pumping Capacity 12 MGD COH Surfacewater Supply 6.0 MGD Available from Surfacewater Storage 3.0 MGD � TOTAL AVALABLE MGD Max Hour avalable °` Assume ground storage filled to capacity at night Wells produce 5.0 MGD ,,.. Ground Storage Capacity 2.653 MG Supply rate to distribution system over 8 hrs= 7.96 MGD � Beamer Road Capacity Firm Pump Capacity 2 pumps � 4000gpm 11.52 MGD Total 19.48 MGD ... will meet 2006 Max Hr projected demand � � � �.. � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas "� January 20Q 1 Groundwater Reducrion Plan — - � _._ . ___ ____ __.___.. �.- City of Friendswood 40701 ,_, Surface Water Pump Station JWK Design Calcs 11/2/00 PHASE III - 136 GPCD "� Groundwater Supply 5.0 MGD COH Surfacewater Supply 12.0 MGD TOTAL AVALABLE C 136 GPCD build out demand , Max Day= i6.78 MGD ,.... Max Hour= 25.18 MGD Assume the following consumption pattern: �.- Shr 0.5 x Daily Demand=0.5 x 16.78= 8.39 MGD 8hr 1.0 x Daily Demand= 1.0 x 16.78= 16.78 MGD � Shr 1.5 x Daily Demand= 1.5 x 16.78= 25.17 MGD Assume ground storage filled to capacity at night We11s produce 5.0 MGD Ground Starage Capacity 2.653 MG ,�„ Rate to distribution system from storage over 8 hrs= 7.96 MGD Booster Pump Capacity 8.00 MGD "r Max Hr Demand Rate 25.17 MGD Ground Water Delivery Rate 8.00 MGD Required surface water delivery rate MGD ... Surface water delivery rate from COH 12.00 MGD _� 5.17 MGD .�- Required Storage at Beamer Rd take point= 1.72 MG use 2.0 MG ground storage � Pump capacity 17.17 MGD= 11,924 GPM Pump Discharge Head 185 ft "'" Use 3 pumps + 1 standby HP = 185 3,975 = 232 use 250 HP � 3,960 80% ,,,, Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan KLOTZ ,_ ASSOCIATES, I N C. ��N 5��T i N G ENGINEERS r � � r ,r"" � Appendix G Rate Study � � �. � � � � � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan TABLE G-1 WATER RATE STUDY -- 10°/.Rate Increase City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.40701 December 6,2000 Revenue 2002-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Wa1er Production in MG 1,823•18 85%of water is accounted for Population 36,728 �.. Reve�ue distribu6on Connections 1000 At At Gallons Curtent 10% Rates Increase 1.10 "� Base 26% 10,494 402,922.43 $ 12.50 $1,574,058 $ 13.75 $1,731,463 Cons 1 65% 1,007,306.07 $ 2.15 $2,165,708 $ 2.37 $2,382.279 ... Cons 2 3% 46,491.05 $ 1.55 $ 72,061 $ 1.71 $ 79.267 Cons 3 6% 92,982.10 $ 1.25 $ 92,983 $ 1.38 $ 127.850 1,549,701.65 $3,904,810 $4,320,860 "� Annual Expenditures $ 3,891,287 1,823,178.41 $ 2.14 $ 2.37 Cumulitive Surplus $ 429,573 ,.. Revenue 2003-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 1,910.69 85%of water is accounted for Population �,491 � Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 10% Rates tncrease 1.10 " ' Base 26°/a 10,997 422,262.71 $ 12.50 $1,649,612 $ 13.75 $1,814,574 Cons 1 65% 1,055,656.77 $ 2.15 $2,269,662 $ 2.37 $2,496,628 �,,, Cons 2 3% 48,722.62 $ 1.55 $ 75,52(1 $ 1.71 $ 83,072 Cons 3 6% 97,445.24 $ 1.25 $ 97,446 $ 1.38 $ 133,987 1,624,087.33 $4,092,241 $4,528,261 a-- Annual Expenditures $ 3,604,269 1,910,690.98 $ 2.14 $ 2.37 Cumulitive Surplus $ 1,153,565 Revenue 2004-Consumption at 736 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,002.40 85%of water is accounted for Population 40,339 ,..., Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 10% Rates Increase 1.10 ^'� Base 26% 11,525 442,531.32 $ 12.50 $1,728,794 $ 13.75 $1,901,673 Co11S 1 65% 1,106,328.29 $ 2.15 $2,378,606 $ 2.37 $2,616,466 ,... Cons 2 3% 51,061.31 $ 1.55 $ 79,145 $ 1.71 $ 87,060 Cons 3 6% 102,122.61 $ 1.25 $ 102,124 $ 1.38 $ 140,419 1,702,043.52 $4,288,668 $4,745,618 Annual Expenditures $ 4,875,915 2,002,404.14 $ 2.14 $ 2.37 Cumulitive Surplus $ 1,023,268 �«- Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas '""' January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan TABLE G-1 WATER RATE STUDY � 10y.Rate Increase City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.4a7U1 December 6,2000 Revenue 2005-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,098.52 85%of water is accounted for Population 42,275 Revenue distribulion ConneCtions 1000 At At Gallons Current 10% Rates Increase 1.10 � Base 26% 12,079 463,772.92 $ 12.50 $1,811.776 $ 13.75 $1.992,953 Cons 1 65% 1,159,432.30 $ 2.15 $2,492,779 $ 2.37 $2,742,057 ^'� Cons 2 3% 53,512.26 $ 1.55 $ 82,944 $ 1.71 $ 91,238 Cons 3 6% 107.024.52 $ 1.25 $ 107,026 $ 1.38 $ 147,159 1,783,742.00 $4,494,525 $4,973,408 "� Annual Expenditures $ 5.061,303 2,098,520.00 $ 2.14 $ 2.37 Cumulitive Surplus $ 935,372 ,... Revenue 2006-Consumption at 136 GPCD An�ual Water Production+n MG 2,199.25 85%of water is accounted for Population �.3� ..� Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons CuRent 10% Rates Increase 1.10 � Base 26% 12,658 486,033.91 $ 12.50 $1,898,741 $ 13.75 $2,088,615 Cons 1 65°/a 1.215,084.79 $ 2.15 $2,612,432 $ 2.37 $2,873,676 --- Cons 2 3% 56,080.84 $ 1.55 $ 86,925 $ 1.71 $ 95,618 Cons 3 6°l0 112.161.67 $ 1.25 $ 112.163 $ 1.38 $ 154.222 1,869,361.21 $4,710,262 $5,212,131 ` Annual Expenditures $ 5,128,240 2,199,248.48 $ 2.14 $ 2.37 Cumulitive Surplus $ 1,019,263 Revenue 2007-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,304.81 85%of water is accounted for Population 46,431 � Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 10% Rates Increase 1.10 "` Base 26°!0 13,266 509,363.54 $ 12.50 $1,989,881 $ 13.75 $2,188,869 Cons 1 65% 1,273,408.86 $ 2.15 $2,737,829 $ 2.37 $3,011,612 ,_. Cons 2 3% 58,772.72 $ 1.55 $ 91,098 $ 1.71 $ 100,207 Cons3 6% 1t7,545.43 $ 1.25 $ 117,547 $ 1.38 $ 161,625 1,959,090.55 $4,936,354 $5,462,313 ""' Annual Expenditures $ 5,353,132 2,304,812.41 $ 2.14 $ 2.37 Cumulitive Surplus $ 1,128,444 ,�. Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan TABLE G•1 WATER RATE STUDY '""` 10Y.Rate Increase City of Friendswood Klotz Assxiates Project No.40701 December 6,2000 Revenue 2008-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2.415.44 85%of water is accounted for Population 48,659 � Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Curcent 10% Rates Increase 1.10 � Base 26% 13,903 533,812.99 $ 12.50 $2,085,395 $ 13.75 $2,293.934 Cons 1 65°10 1,334,532.48 $ 2.15 $2,869,245 $ 2.37 $3,156,169 -� Cons 2 3% 61.593.81 $ 1.55 $ 95,470 $ 1.71 $ 105,017 Cons 3 6% 123,187,61 $ 1.25 $ 123,189 $ 1.38 $ 169,383 2,053,126,89 $5,173,299 $5,724,504 �" Annual Expenditures $ 5,353,132 2.415,A43.40 $ 2.14 $ 2.37 Cumulitive Surplus $ 1,499,816 �.- Revenue 2009-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,531.38 85%of water is accounted for Population 50,895 � Revenue distribution Connedions 1000 At At Gallons Current 10% Rates Increase 1.10 �' Base 26% 14,570 559,436.02 $ 12.50 $2,185,494 $ 13.75 $2,404,043 Cons 1 65% 1,398,590.04 $ 2.15 $3,006,969 $ 2.37 $3,307,665 ..�» Cons 2 3°/a 64,550.31 $ 1.55 $ 100,053 $ 1.71 $ 110,058 Cons 3 6% 129,100.62 $ 1.25 $ 129,102 $ 1.38 $ 177,513 2,151,676.98 $5,421,617 $5,999,280 "' Annual Expenditures $ 5,353,132 2,531,384.69 $ 2.14 $ 2.37 Cumulitive Surplus $ 2,145,965 Revenue 2010-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,652.89 85°l0 oP water is accounted for Population �.�3 � Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Galfons Current 10% Rates Increase 1.10 " Base 26°!0 15,269 586,288.94 $ 12.50 $2,290,398 $ 13.75 $2,519,437 Cons 1 65% 1,465,722.36 $ 2.15 $3,151,303 $ 2.37 $3,466,433 „�, Cons 2 3% 67,648J2 $ 1.55 $ 104.856 $ 1.71 $ 115.341 Cons 3 6% 135,297.45 $ 1.25 $ 135,299 $ 1.38 $ 186,034 2,254,957.48 $5,681,855 $6,287,246 "' Annual Expenditures $ 5,353,132 2,652,891.15 $ 2.14 $ 2.37 Cumulitive Surplus $ 3,080,079 Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas ^- January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan TABLE Ca-2 , WATER RATE STUDY 15X Rate Increase City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.40707 December 6,2000 Revenue 2002-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 1,823.18 ,,,,, 85%of water is accounted for Population 36,728 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15% Rates Increase ° 1.15 Base 26% 10,494 402.922.43 $ 12.50 $1,574,058 $ 14.38 $1,810,166 CAns 1 65% 1,007,306.07 $ 2.15 $2,165,708 $ 2.47 $2,490,564 'M Cons 2 3% 46,491.05 $ 1.55 $ 72,061 $ 1.78 $ 82,870 Cons 3 6% 92,982.10 $ 1.25 $ 92,983 $ 1.44 $ 133,662 .-. 1,549,701.65 $3,904,810 $4,517,263 Annual Eupenditures $3,891,287 1,823,178.41 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $ 625,976 ..,+ Revenue 2003-Consumption at 138 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 1,910.69 � 85%of water is accounted for Populatio� 38,491 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15% Rates Increase � 1.15 Base 26% 10,997 422,262.71 $ 12.50 $1.649,612 $ 14.38 $1,897,054 Cons 1 65% 1,055,656.77 $ 2.15 $2,269,662 $ 2.47 $2,610,111 """ Cons 2 3% 48,722.62 $ 1.55 $ 75,520 $ 178 $ 86,848 Cons 3 6% 97,445.24 $ 1.25 $ 97,446 $ 1.44 $ 140,078 1,624,087.33 $4,092,241 $4,734,091 Annual Expenditures $3,804,269 1,910,690.98 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $1,555,798 Revenue 2004-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,002.40 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 40,339 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15% Rates Increase +�+► 1.15 Base 26% 11,525 442,531.32 $ 12.50 $1,728,794 $ 14.38 $1,988,113 Cons 1 65% 1,106,328.29 $ 2.15 $2,378,606 $ 2.47 $2,735,397 ^� Cons 2 3% 51,061.31 $ 1.55 $ 79,145 $ 1.78 $ 91,017 Cons 3 6% 102,122.61 $ 1.25 $ 102,124 $ 1.44 $ 146,801 1,702,043.52 $4,288,668 $4,961,328 Annual Expenditures $4,875,915 2,002,404.14 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $1,641,210 Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan TABLE G•2 � WATER RATE STUDY 15X Ratelncrease City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.40701 December 6,2000 Revenue 2005-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,098.52 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 42,275 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15°/a Rates Increase "° 1.15 Base 26% 12,079 463.772.92 $ 12.50 $1,811,776 $ 14.38 $2.083,542 Cons 1 65% 1,159,432.30 $ 2.15 $2,492,779 $ 2.47 $2,866,696 �"' Cons 2 3% 53,512.26 $ 1.55 $ 82,944 $ 1.78 $ 95,386 Cons 3 6% 107,024.52 $ 1.25 $ 107,026 $ 1.44 $ 153,848 ,� 1,783,742.00 $4.494.525 $5,199,472 Annual Expenditures $5,061,303 2,098,520.00 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $1,779,379 Revenue 2008-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,199.25 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 44,304 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15% Rates Increase -- 1.15 Base 26% 12,658 486,033.91 $ 12.50 $1,898,741 $ 14.38 $2,183,552 Cons 1 65% 1,215,084.79 $ 2.15 $2,612,432 $ 2.47 $3.004,297 "" Cons 2 3% 56,080.84 $ 1.55 $ 86,925 $ 1.78 $ 99,964 Cons 3 6% 112,161.67 $ 1.25 $ 112,163 $ 1.44 $ 161,232 1,869,361.21 $4,710,262 $5,449,046 ` Annual Expenditures $5,128,240 2,199,248.48 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $2,100,185 Revenue 2007-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,304.81 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 46,431 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15% Rates Increase 1.15 Base 26% 13,266 509,363.54 $ 12.50 $1,989,881 $ 14.38 $2,288,363 Cons 1 65% 1,273,408.86 $ 2.15 $2,737,829 $ 2.47 $3,148,503 +� Cons 2 3% 58,772.72 $ 1.55 $ 91,098 $ 1.78 $ 104,762 Cons 3 6% 117,545.43 $ 1.25 $ 117,547 $ 1.44 $ 168,972 ,v 1,959,090.55 $4,936,354 $5,710,600 Annual Expenditures $5,353,132 2,304,812.41 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $2,457,653 Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas "'� January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan TABLE G-2 e� WATER RATE STUDY 15%.Rate Inaease City of Friendswood Klo�Assoeiates Project No.40707 December 6,2000 Revenue 2008-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,415.44 � 85%of water is accountecl for Population 48,659 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gailons Current 15% Rates Increase "' 1.15 Base 26°/a 13,903 533,812.99 $ 12.50 $2,085,395 $ 14.38 $2,398,204 Cons 1 65% 1,334,532.48 $ 2.15 $2,869,245 $ 2.47 $3.299,632 ` Cons 2 3% 61,593.81 $ 1.55 $ 95,470 $ 1.78 $ 109,791 Cons 3 6% 123,187.61 $ 1.25 $ 123,189 $ 1.44 $ 177,082 » 2,053,126.89 $5,173,299 $5,984,709 Annual Expenditures $5,594,044 2,415,443.40 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $2,848,318 Revenue 2009-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,531.38 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 50,995 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15% Rates Increase - 1.15 Base 26% 14,570 559,436.02 $ 12.50 $2,185,494 $ 14.38 $2,513,318 Cons 1 65% 1,398,590.04 $ 2.15 $3,006,969 $ 2.47 $3,458.014 "" Cons 2 3% 64,550.31 $ 1.55 $ 100,053 $ 1.78 $ 115,061 Cons 3 6% 129,100.62 $ 1.25 $ 129,102 $ 1.44 $ 185,582 ,,,,, 2,151,676.98 $5,421,617 $6,271,975 Annual Expenditures $5,842,493 2,531,384.69 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $3,277,800 Revenue 2010-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,652.89 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 53,443 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15% Rates Increase .� 1.15 Base 26°/, 15,269 586,288.94 $ 12.50 $2,290,398 $ 14.38 $2,633,957 Cons 1 65% 1,465,722.36 $ 2.15 $3,151,303 $ 2.47 $3,623,999 �- COnS 2 3% 67,648.72 $ 1.55 $ 104,856 $ 1.78 $ 120,584 Cons 3 6% 135,297.45 $ 1.25 $ 135,299 $ 1.44 $ 194,490 ,,,� 2,254,957.48 $5,681,855 $6,573,030 Annual Expenditures $6,157,702 2,652,891.75 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $3,693,127 Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan TABLE G-3 WATER RATE STUDY �°� 15%Rate Increase-2005 Capital Projects paid from Surplus Funds City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.407U1 Revenue 2002-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 1,823•�8 85%of water is accounted for Population 36,728 �-- Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15% Rates Increase 1.15 "~ Base 26% 10,494 402,922.43 $ 12.50 $1,574,058 $ 14.38 $1,810,166 Cons 1 65% 1,007,306.Q7 $ 2.15 $2,165,708 $ 2.47 $2,490,564 ,..�. Cons 2 3°le 46,491.05 $ 1.55 $ 72,061 $ 1.78 $ 82,870 Cons 3 6% 92,982.10 $ 1.25 $ 92,983 $ 1.44 $ 133,662 1,549,701.65 $3,904,810 $4,517,263 ""` Annual Expenditures $3,891,287 1,823,t78.41 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $ 625,976 Revenue 2003-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 1,910.69 85%of water is accounted for Population 38,491 � Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15% Rates Increase 1.15 '° Base 26/ 10,997 422,262.71 $ 12.50 $1,649,612 $ 14.38 $1,897,054 Cons 1 65% 1,055,656.77 $ 2.15 $2,269,662 $ 2.47 $2,610,111 Cons 2 3% 48,722.62 $ 1.55 $ 75,520 $ 1•78 $ 86,848 Cons 3 6% 97,445.24 $ i 25 $ 97,446 $ 1.44 $ 140,078 1,624,087.33 $4,092,241 $4,734,091 -•- Annual Expenditures $3,804,269 1,910,690.98 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $1,555,798 Revenue 2004-Consumption ai 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2.002.40 85%of water is accounted for Population 40,339 � Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Gurrent 15°/ Rates increase 1.15 ^"� Base 26% 11,525 442,531.32 $ 12.50 $1,728,794 $ 14.38 $1,988,113 Co�s 1 65°!0 1,106,328.29 $ 2.15 $2,378,606 $ 2.47 $2,735,397 Cons2 3% 51,061.31 $ 1.55 $ 79,145 $ 1.78 $ 91,017 Cons3 6% 102,122.61 $ 1.25 $ 102,124 $ 1.44 $ 146,801 1,702,043.52 $4,288,668 $4,961,328 --- Annual Expenditures $5,375,915 2,002,404.14 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $1,141,210 Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas "' January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan TABLE G-3 WATER RATE STUDY �- 159'o Rate Increase-2005 Capital Projects paid from Surplus Funds City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.40701 �- Revenue 2005-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,098.52 85%of water is accounted for Population 42,275 � Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15°/a Rates Increase 1.15 "�` Base 26°/ 12,079 463,772.92 $ 12.50 $1,811,776 $ 14.38 $2,083,542 Cons 1 65% 1,159,432.30 $ 2.15 $2,492,779 $ 2.47 $2.866,696 „.., Cons 2 3% 53,51226 $ 1.55 $ 82.944 $ 1.78 $ 95.386 Cons 3 6% 107,024.52 $ 1.25 $ 707,026 $ 1.44 $ 153,848 1,783,742.00 $4,494,525 $5,199,472 t"` Annual Expenditures $6,294,303 2,098,520.00 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $ 46,379 Revenue 2006-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,199•25 85%of water is accounted for Popufation �.3� � Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15% Rates tncrease 1.15 "' Base 26% 12,658 486,033.91 $ 12.50 $1,698,741 $ 14.38 $2,183,552 Cons 1 65% 1,215,084.79 $ 2.15 $2,612,432 $ 2.47 $3,004,297 Cons 2 3% 56,080.84 $ 1.55 $ 86,925 $ 1.78 $ 99.964 Cons 3 6% 112,161.67 $ 1.25 $ 112,163 $ 1.44 $ 161,232 1,869,361.21 $4,710,262 $5,449,046 .- Annual Expenditures $5,433,557 2,199,248.48 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $ 61,868 Revenue 2007-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,304.81 85%of water is accounted for Popuiation 46,431 � Aevenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15°1 Rates Increase 1.15 �-- Base 26% 13,266 509,363.54 $ 12•50 $1,989,881 $ 14.38 $2,288,363 Cons 1 65°f 1,273,408.86 $ 2.15 $2,737,829 $ 2.47 $3,148,503 Cons 2 3% 58,772.72 $ 1.55 $ 91,098 $ 1.78 $ 104,762 Cons 3 6% t 17,545.43 $ 1.25 $ 117,547 $ 1•44 $ 168,972 1,959,090.55 $4,936,354 $5,710,600 w.. Annual Expenditures $5,158,449 2,304,812.41 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $ 614,019 Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas '� January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan TABLE G-3 ,� WATER RATE STUDY 15°�Rate Increase-2005 Capital Projects paid from Surplus Funds City of Friendswood Klo�Associates Project No.40701 Revenue 2008-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,415.44 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 48,659 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 15% Rates Increase ..- 1.15 Base 26% 13,903 533,812.99 $ 12.50 $2,085,395 $ 14.38 $2,398,204 Cons 1 65°/ 1,334,532.48 $ 2.15 $2,869,245 $ 2.47 $3,299,632 ^ Cons 2 3% 61,593.81 $ 1.55 $ 95,470 $ 1.78 $ 109,791 Cons 3 6% 123,187.61 $ 125 $ 123,189 $ 1.44 $ 177,082 ,�, 2,053,126.89 $5,173,299 $5,984,709 Annual Expenditures $5,399,361 2,415,443.40 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $1,199,367 Revenue 2009-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,531.38 85%of water is accounted for Population 50,995 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gatlons Current 15°/a Rates Increase ,.,. 1.15 Base 26%, 14,570 559,436.02 $ 12.50 $2,185,494 $ 14.38 $2,513,318 Cons 1 65% 1,398,590.04 $ 2.15 $3,006,969 $ 2.47 $3,458,014 .�. Cons 2 3% 64,550.31 $ 1.55 $ 100,053 $ 1.78 $ 115,061 Cons3 6% 129,100.62 $ 1.25 $ 129,102 $ 1.44 $ 185,582 2,151,676.98 $5,421,617 $6,271,975 "' Annual Expenditures $5,647,810 2,531,384.69 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $1,823,532 Revenue 2010-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,652.89 85%of water is accounted for Population 53,443 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Galions Current 15°/ Rates Increase 1.15 � Base 26% 15,269 586,288.94 $ 12.50 $2,290,398 $ 14.38 $2,633,957 Cons 1 65% 1,465,722.36 $ 2.15 $3,151,303 $ 2.47 $3,623,999 ,,,.. Cons 2 3% 67,648J2 $ 1.55 $ 104,856 $ 1.78 $ 120,584 Cons 3 6% 135,297.45 $ 1.25 $ 135,299 $ 1.44 $ 194,490 2,254,957.48 $5,681,855 $6,573,030 °"' Annual Expenditures $5,963,019 2,652,891.15 $ 2.14 $ 2.48 Cumulitive Surplus $2,433,542 � Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan TABLE G-4 ,,�„ WATER RATE STUDY 20Y.Rate Increase City of Friendswood Klo�Associates Project No.40701 Revenue 2002-Consumption at 138 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 1,823.18 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 36,728 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 20% Rates Increase °�°� 1.20 Base 26% 10,494 402,922.43 $ 12.50 $1,574,058 $ 15.00 $1,888,869 Cons 1 65% 1,007,306.07 $ 2.15 $2,165,708 $ 2.58 $2,598,850 '"'° Cons 2 3% 46,491.05 $ 1.55 $ 72,061 $ 1.86 $ 86,473 COns 3 6% 92,982.10 $ 1.25 $ 92,983 $ 1.50 $ 139,473 ,.. 1,549,701.65 $3,904,810 $4,713,665 Annual Expenditures $ 3,891,287 1,823,178.41 $ 2.14 $ 2.59 Cumulitive Surplus $ 822,378 Revenue 2003-Consumption at 138 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 1,910.69 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 38,491 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 20% Rates Increase --- 1.20 Base 26% 10,997 422,262.71 $ 12.50 $1,649,612 $ 15.00 $1,979,535 Cons 1 65% 1,055,656.77 $ 2.15 $2,269,662 $ 2.58 $2,723,594 "" Cons 2 3% 48,722.62 $ 1.55 $ 75,520 $ 1.86 $ 90,624 Cons 3 6% 97,445.24 $ 1.25 $ 97,446 $ 1.50 $ 146,168 � 1,624,087.33 $4,092,241 $4,939,921 Annual Expenditures $ 3,804,269 1,910,690.98 $ 2.14 $ 2.59 Cumulitive Surplus $ 1,958,030 Revenue 2004-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,002.40 85%of water is accounted for Population 40,339 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Curcent 20% Rates Increase „r 1.20 Base 26% 71,525 442,531.32 $ 12.50 $1,728,794 $ 15.00 $2,074,552 Cons 1 65% 1,106,328.29 $ 2.15 $2,378,606 $ 2.58 $2,854,327 '-- Cons 2 3% 51,061.31 $ 1.55 $ 79,145 $ 1.86 $ 94,974 Cons 3 6% 102,122.61 $ 1.25 $ 102,124 $ 1.50 $ 153,184 � 1,702,043.52 $4,288,668 $5,177,037 Annual F�cpenditures $ 4,875,915 2,002,404.14 $ 2.14 $ 2.59 Cumulitive Surplus $ 2,259,153 Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas "� January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan TABLE G-4 �.. WATER RATE STUDY 20•/.Rate Increase City of Friendswood Klotz Associates Project No.40701 Revenue 2005-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,098.52 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 42,275 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 20% Rates Increase ^"` 1.20 Base 26% 12,079 463,772.92 $ 12.50 $1,811,776 $ 15.00 $2,174,131 Cons 1 65°/a 1,159,432.30 $ 2.15 $2,492,779 $ 2.58 $2,991,335 ""°' Cons 2 3% 53,512.26 $ 1.55 $ 82,944 $ 1.86 $ 99,533 Cons 3 6% 107,024.52 $ 1.25 $ 107,026 $ 1.50 $ 160,537 ...., 1,783,742.00 $4,494,525 $5,425,536 Annual Expenditures $ 5,061,303 2,098,520.00 $ 2.14 $ 2.59 Cumulitive Surplus $ 2,623,386 Revenue 2006-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,199.25 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 44,304 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 20% Rates Increase --W- 1.20 Base 26% 12,658 488,033.91 $ 12.50 $1,898,741 $ 15.00 $2,278,489 Cons 1 65% 1,215,084.79 $ 2.15 $2,612,432 $ 2.58 $3,134,919 ° Cons 2 3°/, 56,080.84 $ 1.55 $ 86,925 $ 1.86 $ 104,310 Cons 3 6% 112,161.67 $ 1.25 $ 112,163 $ 1.50 $ 168,243 � 1,869,361.21 $4,710,262 $5,685,961 Annual Expenditures $ 5,128,240 2,199,248.48 $ 2.14 $ 2.59 Cumulitive Surplus $ 3,181,107 Revenue 2007-Consumptfon at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,304.81 85%of water is accounted for Population 46,431 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 20% Rates Increase ,... 1.20 Base 26% 13,266 509,363.54 $ 12.50 $1,989,gg1 $ 15.00 $2,387,857 Cons 1 65% 1,273,408.86 $ 2.15 $2,737,829 $ 2.58 $3,285,395 ,�.. Cons 2 3% 58,772.72 $ 1.55 $ 91,098 $ 1.86 $ 109,317 Cons 3 6% 117,545.43 $ 1.25 $ 117,547 $ 1.50 $ 176,318 1,959,090.55 $4,936,354 $5,958,887 �"` Annual Expenditures $ 5,353,132 2,304,812.41 $ 2.14 $ 2.59 Cumulitive Surplus $ 3,786,862 ,„�, Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reducrion Plan TABLE G-4 „A., WATER RATE STUDY 20•/.Rate Increase City of Friendswood Klott Associates Project No.40701 Revenue 2008-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Prod�ction in MG 2,415.44 � 85°k of water is accounted for Population 48,659 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Curtent 20°/a Rates Increase "" 1.20 Base 26°k 13,903 533,812.99 $ 12.50 $2,085,395 $ 15.00 $2,502,474 Cons 1 65�0 1,334,532.48 $ 2.15 $2,869,245 $ 2.58 $3,443,094 '""� CO�s 2 3% 61,593.81 $ 1.55 $ 95,470 $ 1.86 $ 114,564 Cons 3 6% 123.187.61 $ 1.25 $ 123,189 $ 1.50 $ 184,781 . 2,053,126.89 $5,173,299 $6,244,914 Annual Expenditures $ 5,353,132 2,415,443.40 $ 2.14 $ 2.59 Cumulitive Surplus $ 4,678,643 Revenue 2009-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,531.38 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 50,995 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Current 20% Rates Increase -- 1.20 Base 26% 14,570 559,436.02 $ 12.50 $2,185,494 $ 15.00 $2,622,593 Cons 1 65% 1,398,590.04 $ 2.15 $3,006,969 $ 2.58 $3,608,362 "" Cons 2 3°/, 64,550.31 $ 1.55 $ 100,053 $ 1.86 $ 120,064 Cons 3 6°/a 129,100.62 $ 1.25 $ 129,102 $ 1.50 $ 193,651 ,,,,,,, 2,151,676.98 $5,421,617 $6,544,669 Annual Expenditures $ 5,353,132 2,531,384.69 $ 2.14 $ 2.59 Cumulitive Surplus $ 5,870,181 Revenue 2010-Consumption at 136 GPCD Annual Water Production in MG 2,652.89 � 85%of water is accounted for Population 53,443 Revenue distribution Connections 1000 At At Gallons Curtent 20% Rates Increase ,.A 1.20 Base 26% 15,269 586,288.94 $ 12.50 $2,290,398 $ 15.00 $2,748,477 Cons 1 65% 1,465,722.36 $ 2.15 $3,151,303 $ 2.58 $3,781,564 � Cons 2 3% 67,648.72 $ 1.55 $ 104,856 $ 1.86 $ 125.827 Cons 3 6% 135,297.45 $ 1.25 $ 135,299 $ 1.50 $ 202,946 �„ 2,254,957.48 $5,681,855 $6,858,814 Annuai Expenditures $ 5,353,132 2,652,891.15 $ 2.14 $ 2.59 Cumulitive Surplus $ 7,375,862 ,... Klotz Associates Project No.40701 City of Friendswood,Texas January 2001 Groundwater Reduction Plan