HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2015-07-13 Regular 07/13/15 4441 STATE OF TEXAS )( ' CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( JULY 13, 2015 )( MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, JULY 13, 2015, AT 4:30 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR KEVIN HOLLAND MAYOR PRO-TEM JIM HILL COUNCILMEMBER STEVE ROCKEY COUNCILMEMBER BILLY ENOCHS COUNCILMEMBER PAT MCGINNIS COUNCILMEMBER JOHN SCOTT COUNCILMEMBER CARLGUSTAFSON CITY ATTORNEY ARNOLD POLANCO CITY MANAGER ROGER ROECKER DEPUTY CITY SECRETARY MICHELLE PEREZ(Left at 5:15 PM) CITY SECRETARY MELINDA WELSH (Arrived at 5:15 PM) REGULAR SESSION Mayor Holland called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Pastor Moe Mays with First Baptist Church. Mayor Holland led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Mayor Holland asked if anyone would like to speak. No one spoke. WORK SESSION Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding the City's budget and Capital Improvement Plan. Administrative Services Director Cindy Edge presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the City's' proposed Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget with proposed General Fund revenue of$24.6 Million, consisting of revenue from property tax based on the Effective Tax Rate with only growth from new values, sales tax, mixed drink tax, franchise tax, fines, permits, intergovernmental, charges for services, inter-fund transfer, and miscellaneous interest/rental fees. The projected Effective Tax Rate is $0.5451, preliminary values are based off of estimates, approximately $0.0463 less than current tax rate, projected new construction value of$71 Million, and tax debt service obligation of$2.2 Million. Proposed General Fund Expenses of$24.4 Million, consisting of personnel $16.8 Million, non-personnel $7.6 Million, available for Forces at Work and Decision Packages $228,000. Proposed Water and Sewer Fund Budget projected revenue will come from water revenue, sewer revenue, other utility fees, and interest. Projected current services expenditures consist of personnel needs, equipment needs, and facility improvement needs. Staff is currently working with numbers but do not currently see operating funds available for Forces at Work or Decision Packages from the Water and Sewer Fund. The Utility Cost of Service and Rate Study was completed in 2014. Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2016 are no changes to the minimum rate charges and an increase to volumetric charge for irrigation/sprinkler and sewer services. Ms. Edge ' discussed key dates in the budget process based on the Effective Tax Rate being used, proposed budget delivery will be July 31, 2015, budget work sessions on August 03, 2015, and September 14, 2015, proposed budget Public Hearing on September 14, 2015, and budget and tax rate adoption on October 05, 2015. Staff is asking for direction on the tax rate and budget priorities from Council. 07/13/15 4442 Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding that the City was able to reduce ' conservation of electricity over the past year and the savings would be reflected in the proposed budget. The City used funds from the above 90-day fund to settle the Wight lawsuit, and the current balance of the above 90-day fund after all obligations are paid is $1.9 Million. The City has learned that City Hall is in need of roof repairs, and Staff is requesting Council's approval to spend $323,000 from the above g0- day fund for the roof repairs. The proposed Effective Tax Rate of$0.5451 could decrease if property tax revenue is increased after the many disputed appraisals. If a sales tax increase was approved by voters in a November election, the City would see a nominal amount of the proceeds in Fiscal Year 2016. The consensus of Council was for Staff to place the roof repair for City Hall on the agenda for the August Council meeting. Administrative Services Director Cindy Edge introduced Bob Treacy with Arthur Gallagher and Company, to discuss employee group medical insurance. Mr. Treacy presented an Adobe presentation regarding the City's Fiscal Year 2016 Group Medical Plan, provided Council with a handout of the presentation, cities are pooled together to leverage risk, combine smaller cities together to spread out the risk. The federal government has placed medical plans into four buckets which are platinum, gold, silver, and bronze. Since 2006, the FWD Interlocal Group has been able to obtain a gold standard plan, average increase in rates over the past nine years is only 4%, for the first time the group is upside down on the premium, there is an incredible number of large claims within the group, and questions are being asked as far as where the spike is coming from. The Plan Year 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 cost indication sheet was discussed, City of Friendswood and City of Webster had a higher number of claims in the group, needed to start thinking as a group what the solution would be. The FWD Interlocal Group decided to go out for unofficial proposals, attacked it with all four major carriers, reviewed the data and the Request for Proposals (RFP). A response from the different healthcare providers showed that some cities were better off going individually on healthcare providers. The Interlocal Group asked the healthcare providers about the cities remaining as a group but being managed at different rates according to the city. City of ' Friendswood and the City of Webster would receive a budgeted rate and sustain a gold standard plan, strategies are in place to make it budgetable, looking at plan changes, could be a total replacement plan for all employees or could offer a dual option, preference is to find a plan for the City and if an employee wanted a more advanced plan the employee would buy up. Under Obamacare, the Interlocal Group is considered a large group and some carriers will not even bid on the City. Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Bob Treacy with Arthur Gallagher and Company regarding the potential for the City of Friendswood to offer a silver and gold plan to employees in the future, the City would pay 100% for the silver plan, if the employee would like the gold plan the employee would pay a portion of the premium, currently the City does not have a high deductible health plan but could provide one in the future, similar to a health savings account, becoming more popular with employers, and is considered a bronze plan. Due to Obamacare in 2018, health care plans considered Cadillac Plans will be taxed at a high rate, and employers will have no choice but to slide down towards a bronze plan. Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding Downtown streetscape improvements for City Hall, Fire Station No. 1, and Stevenson Park. Planning Manager Nick Haby presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Downtown District streetscaping improvements to City Hall, Fire Station No. 1, and Stevenson Park. Mr. Haby stated that at the June Council meeting the Community and Economic Development Committee brought the idea to Council concerning the extension of the Downtown District steetscaping along FM 518 in the Downtown corridor, and the Mayor requested the item be placed on an agenda for further discussion to place the amenities in front of City Hall, Fire Station No. 1, and Stevenson Park. The City's Zoning Ordinance requires property zoned in the Downtown District to have a minimum 15-foot wide parkway adjacent to the street, an unobstructed eight-foot brick paved sidewalk, seven-foot wide landscape area, minimum two lights and two benches per lot inside the seven foot landscape area, and a tree every 25 feet. There is a section of the ordinance that states, "If sidewalks ' cannot be placed wholly within the right-of-way and must be placed on private property, easements of the appropriate width shall be required". Examples of the required benches, pavers, and lights were shown from the Design Criteria Manual. Pictures were shown of how the 15-foot buffer area could look in front 07/13/15 4443 I of Stevenson Park and an aerial view of the proposed City facilities to add the amenities to approximately ' 877 linear feet would consist of the eight-foot wide pavers, 15-foot wide parkway, trees, benches, and lights required by the Zoning Ordinance. The cost to install the eight-foot pavers at City Hall would be $36,485, Fire Station No. 1 $18,398, and Stevenson Park $51,465. The cost to install the eight-foot' pavers with the benches, lights and trees at City Hall would be $51,626, Fire Station No. 1 $24,423, and Stevenson Park$73,915. The total paver cost for all three facilities would be $105,348. Total cost to do pavers, benches, and lights at all three facilities would be $127,748. If all amenities including pavers, benches, lights, and trees were done at all three facilities the total cost would be$149,963. Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding if the City is going to set the example in the Downton District amenities, the pavers, benches, and lights should be done at the proposed Cityl facilities. For the Stevenson Park amenities the suggestions were made to use solar lights and to merge the existing trail with something that would be aesthetically pleasing, solar lighting and using existingi landscape could be cheaper, there is a possibility that bond money for park improvements at Stevensonl Park could be used towards the proposed project, and the consensus of Council was for Staff to place thei item on the August Council agenda in order for Council to vote on the item. Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding a potential sales tax election. City Manager Roger Roecker stated now is the point on the calendar to schedule an election, and an ordinance would be needed at the August Council meeting if Council desires a November sales tax election. The consensusi of Council at previous meetings was a sales tax election in November, consisting of a '% cent for Street Maintenance, 1/8 cent for Municipal Development District, and 1/8 cent for Fire Control Prevention and Emergency Medical Services. There will be a change in legislation, effective September 1, 2015, will give more latitude in City's portion of sales tax. If a sales tax election is called in August the legislative changes effective September 1, 2015, would not apply, if Council is happy with what has been discussed before Staff will move forward for a November election. ' Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding the % cent for street maintenance allows people who use the roads to assist in paying for the roads, concern regarding a sales tax increase for the economic development portion since for years the City of Friendswood's lower sales tax rates have been an advantage for economic development. The suggestion was made for Council to vote separately on each sales tax item that would appear on the ballot. The legislation changes effective September 1, 2015, will remove some limitations, currently % cent is the maximum allowed for street maintenance, new legislation does not have the same restriction, with the change in legislation the City is allowed a total of 2 cent sales tax and it can be split any way, and the legislation change does not apply, to the Municipal Development District. If an ordinance is passed in August calling an election, the City is limited from using the benefits of the legislation changes per Texas Municipal League's Legal Department, benefits can be utilized in May and November 2016 elections. The consensus of Council was to wait on a sales tax election since legislation changes would allow for possibly more funding for streets and due to the recent increase in citizen's appraisal values. Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding a Pavement Management Survey. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Patrick Donart presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the potential of a City wide pavement management program. City of Friendswood has approximately 40,000 people, a small two lane road could be built from Friendswood to Wichita, Texas, with the amount of paved roads located in the City of Friendswood. Pavement management is done to assist Council and Staff in getting a better understanding of the pavement life cycle of the City's roadways. Understanding the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), shows the condition of the roadway as it decreases over a 50 year time period. PCI rating of 0 to 30 is classified as very poor with base and/or structural failures, rutting and excessive cracking. Past the point of overlay based rehabilitation, rehab is often driven by citizen complaints, and safety become's a concern. PCI rating of 50 to 60 is classified as fair with progressive cracking, few base failures, and localized distresses. This is an optimum timing for thin to moderate overlay, there are many benefits to selecting these streets earlier for lower cost resulting in a greater return less grinding and drainage. PCI rating of 70 to 85 is classified as very good with very few distresses, no rutting, and no base failures. Cracks are sealed with surface treatment, maintains existing drainage, and extends pavement life at lowest cost. PCI rating of 85 to 100 is classified as excellent and have like new conditions. Tools used to 07/13/15 4444 rate the streets were when Claunch & Miller completed a visual survey in February 2008, the survey produced a numerical condition index based on a visual inspection, accomplished by walking each road ' and measuring the cracks in the pavement. There are companies that provide objective surveys, validates GIS street lengths, captures roadway imagery, integrates with City's GIS, focuses on conditions such as fatigue/alligator cracking, wheel path rutting, transverse, longitudinal, block cracking, roughness, distortion and weathering, patching and potholes. The condition results from the survey would show areas of concern and strengths, analysis results to assist Council with pavement concerns in the budget, and rehabilitation needs in order to optimize priorities. Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding that $1.75 Million would be the projected amount of sales tax revenue collected if the total '% cent increase was approved, currently the City budgets $500,000 yearly for street repairs and maintenance, contractors are needed to work on the City's streets. Repairs to streets are currently evaluated from the 2008 study and reports from Superintendents that are out on the streets. The suggestions made were to wait on the Pavement Management Survey until the street repairs from the 2008 study had been completed, place the idea on the five-year and beyond improvement plan, or spread the survey out over a five to ten year period. Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding Old City Park layout and trails. Assistant City Manager Morad Kabiri stated the recent bond election has allowed for improvements at Old City Park. Staff has been working on a trail system to connect Stevenson Park and Old City Park. The City has acquired some land adjacent to Old City Park, and the additional land will allow for the expansion of the park. Separate from the Old City Park project, Staff has been working on a Dog Park at 1776 Park but due to floodway regulations costs were projected to be high for fencing on the Dog Park. Council directed Staff to pursue Old City Park to house the Dog Park. Mr. Kabiri presented a layout of the overall improvements at Old City Park which include a Dog Park, parking lot, trail and bridge system, new restroom and pavilion, and open fields left for recreational sports. The improvements would cause the arena facility that had previously been used for rodeo activities to be removed. Staff is looking for direction from Council before pursuing design plans. ' Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding that the soccer fields previously used for special needs organizations would not be affected by the improvements, old restroom facilities will be removed, and an estimated 80 parking spots will be available. Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding an update on Capital Projects. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Patrick Donart reported on the progress that has been made on Capital Projects since the June Council meeting. Ardent Construction has completed a portion of the demolition on the interior of the library, reconstructed the bathrooms, and decommissioned the generator. The storm sewer work in the parking lot and tie-in at Friendswood Drive is currently underway with new pavement being poured soon. The new parking lot will be opened later in July and the existing parking lot will be blocked off for proposed improvements. The Development Review Committee (DRC), made up of City Staff from several departments, continues to work with the architect on the schematic plans for the Fire Station No. 4 expansion and the new fire station at the Public Safety Building. The DRC will continue to meet as the full construction plans are developed. Durotech, Inc., has brought in a different perspective to the discussions and has been a priceless component for the process. Staff plans to present the plans to City Council at the September Council meeting to update and ask for guidance prior to Durotech, Inc., going out for bids. Weekly conference calls for the past several weeks have been held with City Staff and the Jamail and Smith staff, architect and their consultants regarding the Sportpark improvements. The architect delivered the 99% plans in late May 2015, shortly before the June 2015 Council meeting. There was not sufficient time to pursue typical bid-build procurement, and Staff will continue to seek bids through cooperative purchasing venues on various aspects of the project. Staff received approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission on June 1, 2015, and met with representatives from the Girls Softball Association. A detailed construction schedule for the park has been developed, highlighting major milestones and sequencing of the various components. Architectural and civil design activities are , well underway for the basketball pavilion at Centennial Park. An agreement has been struck with Friendswood Development Company(FDC)for improving access to Lake Friendswood. FDC has agreed to allow access to the lake through the West Ranch Subdivision, and they will build a parking lot with 42 07/13/15 4445 i spaces, a restroom/concession pavilion, and automatic gate for controlled access. A contract has been ' approved with Wilson McClain Landscape Architect, PLLC, to design the improvements at the lake (i.e. a walking trail, fishing piers and canoe/kayak launch). Staff is working with FDC's consultant Brown and Gay Engineers on coordinating the survey components of the City's projects and this will strongly influence the location of the pavilion. Once substantial design progress has been achieved, plans will be presented to the Parks and Recreation Board along with neighboring residents for their input. Modeling' efforts and final design plans are nearing completion for the bridge crossing Cowards Creek. The City has completed the acquisition of a nearby property to optimize the trail system alignment to and from the bridge, and the layout of the trail is being finalized to address American with Disabilities Act (ADA)I concerns. Staff has been working on a layout for the Dog Park at Old City Park as a portion of the overall master plan for the area and recently purchased property. Staff presented suggested layouts to Council earlier in the meeting. Cobb, Fendley and Associates, Inc., and Staff have reviewed the 90 % submittal plans for Round 1 Street Improvements, bid dates are being determined, and will be advertised in the coming weeks. The Whispering Pines Avenue/Friendswood Link Road expansion project is 54% complete. On the Galveston County side, the first and second portions of the paving at FM 518 have been completed, paving work has been delayed due to a conflict with the AT&T conduit bank. The contractor will continue to install the storm sewer, water line, sanitary sewer lines, and paving work once the conflict is cleared. The Harris County side is progressing ahead of schedule due to the delay on the Galveston County side. The reservoirs, pumps, and control room have been installed at Water Plant No. 7. The reservoir is complete at Water Plant No. 2. The contractor was working on the pump house foundation for Water Plant No. 2, significant concerns were brought forth by the City and the engineering consultant regarding the foundation. The anticipated project completion date is summer 2015, however this period will most likely not be met. A revised schedule has been requested to address the new timelines post foundation repair. An initial trail system has been cut out at 1776 Park and the remaining sections will be scheduled to be constructed in the near future. A canoe portage is being discussed but Staff has encountered difficulties regarding the need for a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers, andli alternatives are being evaluated to eliminate the need for a permit and still be cost effective. ' Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding the restroom/concession buildings being installed as part of the SportsPark improvements, would be a prefabricated building due to the buildings being a fixed cost and allowed for an earlier start date, as far as scheduling, sewer work will be done in-house, and the lighting work will be started around the time the building is done, and the project is estimated to be completed by spring opening day. SPECIAL RECOGNITION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS City Manager Roger Roecker reported the City of Friendswood had received the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. Mr. Roecker introduced Mike Rodgers, Director of Finance for the City of Webster, who was representing the Gulf Coast Government Finance Officers Association. Mr. Rodgers presented the award to Administrative Services Director Cind�eri Edge, Deputy Director of Administrative Services Katina Hampton, and Budget Manager Jennifer Walk This is the twelfth consecutive year for the City to earn the award. Ms. Edge stated Ms. Hampton and Ms! Walker had done an excellent job. Mayor Holland recessed the meeting at 6:35 PM and reconvened the meeting at 7:00 PM. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Holland and Planning and Zoning Commission Chair David O'Farrell called a Joint Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding a zone classification change request for a tract of land containing 5.6144 acres, being part of Lot 69 of the Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision in the James F. Perry and Emily M. Austin Survey, property located on Beamer ' Road, Friendswood, Harris County, Texas, to change from Industrial (I) to Industrial—Specific Use Permit (I-SUP)to allow NAICS Use No. 486, Pipeline Transportation. Planning and Zoning Commission Chair O'Farrell asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of or in 07/13/15 4446 opposition of the request. No one spoke. Planning and Zoning Commission Chair O'Farrell adjourned the Planning and Zoning Commission's ' portion of the Joint Public Hearing. Mayor Holland left the Council's portion of the Joint Public Hearing open. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Tina Wood, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated that simple math gives Friendswood Animal Control's (FAC) mid-year report card a failing grade, there is a large discrepancy between documentation and the presentation, Police Chief Bob Wieners has claimed a 91% live release rate at FAC, numbers from the mid-year report from January 1, to June 30, 2015, show that 331 animals were impounded at FAC, by returning animals to their owners, adoptions, and rescue groups taking animals there was 196 live releases, equates to a 59% live release rate, during the same period in 2014 there were 384 live releases, compared to the 196 for the current year, equates to an appalling 49% decrease on live releases for 2015, new management and new policies have caused the live release rate to return to numbers that were occurring at the old Animal Control Center on Deepwood Street, after subtracting the live released animals from the impound number, 88 dogs and 47 cats were not released. Records obtained by Public Information Requests show that during the period of the mid-year report 36 cats were euthanized and 11 were fostered, this would leave not one cat in the facility,the records also indicated 15 dogs were euthanized and none were fostered, with only 30 dog kennels at the facility where are the 75 dogs being housed, were they euthanized, the report states that animal drop-offs at FAC have been reduced by 82%, the report fails to state that current policy prohibits residents from dropping animals off at the facility, only animals adopted from FAC can be dropped off in a 30-day time period, the report also stated an 18% decrease in calls for service but the drop in the live release rate and the curtailing of previous services should be obvious that many residents have lost confidence in the FAC. She stated she monitors the Friendswood Animal Control Monthly Report and hesitated to use numbers obtained from Public Information Requests because she has found that the numbers and the report seldom ' reconcile from month to month, should balance just like a check book, and if they do not it could only be because of incompetence or fraud. Ann Whitaker, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she was representing the Friendswood Historical Society and presented to Council a vendors lien note, was given to JC League who owned the property City Hall is currently on, the lien was in the amount of $2,297.85, was partial payment for the land, total acres that these people wanted to buy was 1,538 acres more or less, the lien is signed by the founders of the City of Friendswood, gave names of founders, document was donated by Cecil Brown the grandson of Frank J. Brown, dated in July of 1895 and the original hangs in the Brown Museum. This is a copy that the Friendswood Historical Society thought should be displayed in City Hall. Mrs. Whitaker presented the lien to Mayor Holland, and Mayor Holland thanked the Friendswood Historical Society and Mr. Brown. Brian Farber, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is a resident of Timberfield Estates, would like to bring to Council's attention the many oversights that have occurred during the Whispering Pines Drive expansion, make Council aware of City ordinances, subdivision ordinances, and design criteria that have been willfully disregarded during the construction. The action has subsequently caused a great risk to the safety of all property owners located on the thoroughfare as well as any person traveling the proposed right-of-way (ROW). As it is currently being constructed, 120 foot ROW is being funneled into a 60 foot ROW and then back into 100 foot of ROW. All of the designated hurricane evacuation routes accessible to Friendswood residents such as FM 518, FM 528, and FM 2351 have a continuous ROW of at least 100 feet. The City of Friendswood's Code of Ordinances which is agreed upon by Council are only beneficial to the citizens of Friendswood when they are followed by everyone, including the City. Ordinances with respect to sidewalks, ROW, buffering, and design standards have all been overlooked during the design and implementation stages of the Whispering Pines Drive Expansion ' Project, not only did Council vote and pass an ordinance that requires the City to follow all ordinances, but the Texas General Land Office contract that Mayor Holland signed on October 1, 2012, legally binds the City to follow it. The Design Criteria Manual contains requirements for site development planning. 07/13/15 4447 The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) is required to review all documents that are provided, and ' this road construction project was never reviewed by P&Z. As a professional engineer and plant manager, is cognizant of the correlation between rules of design and safety, it is his responsibility as a professional engineer to protect the rights, health, safety, welfare, and property of the public and clients. It is Council's duty as stewards of the City to protect the health and safety of the citizens as well as their property. Thanked Council for their service to the City and looks forward to working with Council to resolve this hazardous and potentially deadly situation. TJ Gonzales, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is a resident of Timberfield Estates, is a project manager for an architectural firm, and a Friendswood Volunteer Firefighter. The traffic study done in 2009 was used to design the current road being used, the criteria that was sett recommended the City use a 90-foot right-of-way (ROW), obviously was not used, currently there is a 60 foot ROW, another recommendation was made for Council to purchase additional ROW, which was not) done, causing a bottle neck, recommendations of sidewalks to a minimum of five feet was not followed.) As a project manager at an architectural firm that does traffic studies for schools, use traffic studies for, current information, the information being used for this project was based off of a connection of FM 518 to Blackhawk Boulevard, before it was connected to Interstate 45, and does not take into account the traffic! flow. The City of Friendswood is approaching the Whispering Pines Drive Expansion Project as a, collector street, which requires an 80-foot ROW, per the design criteria the City needs 90 feet.) Throughout the document it goes into major thoroughfare criteria, and it gives a more strenuous design that has to be met, none of that has been met and no alternatives have been made, it was all financial reasons that the Council choose to ignore, Council did not take into consideration what they had or what they were given by the traffic study. Joanna Gonzales, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is a resident of Timberfield Estates, has lived there since May 2009, has three children, and works in the Clear Lake area as a ' Physician's Assistant. Would like to bring to Council's attention the Major Thoroughfare Plan that has been used and adopted by the City of Friendswood, was adopted in July 1998, revised in July 2001 and again in 2004, has not been revised in over ten years. According to the City of Friendswood's Code of Ordinances, the width of the right-of-way(ROW)for any designated or proposed thoroughfare or collector' streets must be in conformance with the thoroughfare plan. Sufficient additional ROW must be dedicated to bring the ROW width in conformance with the thoroughfare plan if the current ROW is the last step of the required plan. She stated she has a copy of the Major Thoroughfare Plan that has the City laid out) and according to the thoroughfare plan, Whispering Pines Drive is a collector street, and the ROW will need to be widened. Andrew Duncanson, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he has lived on Aubrey Lane for 25 years, concerned about road construction, Section 2-1 of the City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances states that the City will follow its own ordinances, will not set itself above the law, has a copy of the contract with the Texas General Land Office, in the contract it says the City will follow all the ordinances, rules, guaranteed acknowledgement of all funds subject to recapture and repayment of the compliance. He has been an airline pilot for Southwest Airlines for 27 years, if Council got on his airplane and he did not comply with the rules and regulations they would be horrified and appalled. Amy Breek, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she has lived in Timberfield Estates far 24 years, concerned with the right-of-way (ROW), specifically the ROW of the Whispering Pines Drive Expansion Project, has been categorized as a collector street according to the City of Friendswood's Major Thoroughfare Plan, as well as the City funded traffic study conducted in 2009, and other media sources. The width of the ROW to be dedicated for any designated or proposed thoroughfare or collector street should be in compliance with the thoroughfare plan. The ordinance goes on to say that for a major thoroughfare, the ROW must be at least 120 feet, and a collector street must have a ROW of at least 80 feet. The ROW on Whispering Pines Drive west of Clear Creek is set at 60 feet. As a collector street or ' major thoroughfare the minimum requirement is not being met. She stated she has been an engineer for the past 15 years, has done project work and capital work, managed capital projects for the past five years, there are standard rules to follow, she has to worry about the lives of the people in the chemical plants she does projects for, has the same expectations of the City, should follow the same guidelines 07/13/15 4448 because there are lives at stake. Cindy Haford, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she has lived in Timberfield Estates ' for 24 years, is a retired Civil Engineer with International Business Machines (IBM), concerned about the sidewalks along the Whispering Pines Drive Expansion Project. As stated in the City of Friendswood's Code of Ordinances, sidewalks are required along all streets, and when sidewalks are required they should be built in accordance with the City of Friendswcod's Design Criteria Manual and standard construction details. This manual clearly states that all sidewalks in new developments shall be a minimum of five feet from the back of the street curb and two feet from the edge of the public right-of-way (ROW). After the standard requirement for a four foot sidewalk is factored in, the total width needed to comply with the requirements is 11 feet extending from the back of the curb to the edge of the public ROW. Currently the available space from the curb to the ROW in some parts of the street is only four feet, based on the placement of the newly installed curbs, the section of Whispering Pines Drive that runs perpendicular to Aubrey Lane only allows for a maximum of six feet in some places and only four feet in other places, about half of what is required by the design criteria. This means the sidewalk will be forced to be adjacent and flesh with the curb, leaving absolutely no room for a five foot buffer, the sidewalk will butt right up against the property line where there are several brick posts. A pedestrian using this sidewalk will only be inches away from a fast moving vehicle and a busy roadway, there will be absolutely no safety zone. The current design will not only compromise the appearance of the neighborhood but also become a safety hazard for any pedestrian or bicyclist traveling on Whispering Pines Drive. Residents fear that their neighborhood entrance will become a potential danger zone or hot spot for anyone traveling on the roadway. The neighborhood is in close proximity to Stevenson Park, many people use Whispering Pines Drive and the sidewalks to gain access to the park, many cars park in the neighborhood and cross the street to walk to numerous community events held at Stevenson Park. In the future they will be using the proposed sidewalks in good faith that the City has constructed them in according to safety standards, as has been stated several times, the standards are not being followed, brought to Council's attention in hopes of preventing any mishaps before it is too late. Connie Pritchard, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is a resident of Timberfield ' Estates, her home is highly impacted by the Whispering Pines Drive Expansion Project along with everyone on the Galveston County side of the bridge. Concerned with the close proximity of the street to property lines, prior to the road expansion there was at least 12 feet of green space from the road to individual property lines providing a buffer for traffic. The four homes adjoining Whispering Pines Drive that are part of Timberfield Estates now have little to no buffering, there is only a sidewalk. City of Friendswood general requirements and Design Criteria Manual states that a ten-foot landscape easement is required for adequate protection of residential properties, a minimum of five feet from the back of the curb and two feet from the edge of the right-of-way is required for sidewalks. If the City's design of the project would have followed the landscape easement buffering requirements or the sidewalk criteria her neighborhood could have had a 10 to 12 foot buffer from traffic, asking that the buffering and sidewalk criteria be met to provide adequate safety for families in her neighborhood. Marianne Duncanson, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is a resident of Timberfield Estates, is a paramedic for the City of Friendswood, gets to see the aftermath of all the people driving and not paying attention. If a driver is not paying attention and takes out a child on the way to the park, and an attorney for that person finds out that the City of Friendswood did not design the roadway in accordance with its own ordinances, the City could be in big trouble. Amy Farber, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is a resident of Timberfield Estates, last year when she volunteered to serve on the Homeowners Association (HOA) board she agreed to continue the long standing tradition in her neighborhood to stay informed of the Whispering Pines Drive Expansion Project. She had a box with her that contained all the information the HOA has accrued over the past ten years in regards to the project, communications dating back to 2004 when Friendswood employee Skipper Jones was in charge of the project and Mark McLean was the HOA ' President, the contract with the Texas General Land Office signed on October 1, 2012, and the amendment signed by Mayor Holland on April 7, 2014, the application for funding the City paid a consultant to complete, survey maps, engineering design plans, copy of the City of Friendswood Code of 07/13/15 4449 i Ordinances, Design Criteria Manual, a copy of the current Major Thoroughfare Plan, general construction ' notes, a copy of the current standards for collector roads and streets and urban environment, the City of Friendswood's Technical Specifications for Pavement, City Council notes from November 2011, where funding was being discussed, Council notes from December 2012 when some of Council spoke against the project, newspaper articles describing the project as a major thoroughfare, the 2009 traffic study outlining six feasible alternates, and a copy of the Friendswood Plan to Encourage Responsible Development, outlines the City's support for transparency and informed decision making within the community. The residents of Timberfield Estates have anticipated this project, planned for it, attended City Council meetings, invited Project Managers in charge of the project to attend HOA meetings, met with project engineers at the site, have done everything possibly to stay informed, did not anticipate the City's decision to violate their own contract with the Texas General Land Office and disregard all the City ordinances and design criteria. It was anticipated that once the roadway was completed it would resemble one of the design alternates presented in the traffic study. Residents of Timbertield Estates do not seek special treatment but request equal treatment. Council should hold the City to the same high standards demanded of outside developers when building inside this City to ensure the safety and wellbeing of citizens and their property interest. Jerry Ericsson, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is concerned with the general! welfare of the property owners of the City of Friendswood, not a rich city, and are headed towards a financial wall. The costs of services are going to continue to rise, modest priced homes do not cover the' costs on average, but commercial property does. The City has learned that a proper mix of commercial and residential is about 27% commercial and 73% residential, thought that was unattainable without a lot of pain, and decided 20% commercial was attainable. Without the option of annexation, the City will be forced to raise taxes as other landlocked cities have, and have chosen to down-zone. He does not know why Council would go against the recommendations of the Community and Economic Development Committee, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the philosophies of Vision 20/20. There are not ' many options left, and to just give away the big one did not make sense to him, not 100% sure Council understands the long-term adverse effects their decision will have, and asked Council to table the Whitcomb Property issue for further study. Councilmember Rockey asked if the Whispering Pines Drive Expansion Project could be placed on a future agenda for the City Engineer to explain design decisions, and Mayor Holland answered yes. COMMUNICATIONS FROM COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL REPORTS Friendswood Public Library Board Chair Mike Czarowitz presented the annual report, and stated the library has continued to show high volume in usage, attendance in 2014 was 162,803 which averages to about 540 per day, matching the previous year, and the library added 2,662 new patrons during the year. The library held 917 programs for both children and adults with attendance in excess of 29,000. The youth services programs included story time sessions for children of all ages. Adult service programs have included basic computer literacy classes, job search programs, and genealogy programs. Use of the library's public computers totaled 51,738 internet sessions, an increase of 21% over the previous year, and library personnel responded to over 27,000 reference questions. Items checked out totaled 367,452, which is about ten items for each man, woman, and child in the City of Friendswood. In order to stay current the library added 9,200 new items, and raised $10,800 through book sales. The money earned during the book sale was used to purchase four laptops for public training, three iPads for youth services, and upgrades to the self-checkout system. Due to remodeling there was not a book sale in May but $2,300 was raised by the sale of purged items. The Friendswood Public Library was one of only 39 Texas Public Libraries to qualify for the Texas Municipal Library Directors Association Achievement of Library Excellence Award by demonstrating excellence in ten service categories. Keep Friendswood Beautiful (KFB) Chair Sherry Goen gave the annual report. Ms. Goen introduced KFB ' members who were present, attended the Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) annual conference and KFB was the hit of the conference, had a beautiful design created by Recreation Aide Katy Blanchard set up at the conference with the other ten winning communities, gorgeous display of a big Friendswood tree. Youth Awards luncheon where Eagle Scout Cooper Dixon received first place and $150 award for his disc golf I 07/13/15 4450 project at 1776 Park, Friendswood High School Recycling Club received first place and a $100 gift for their recycling program, KFB won first place at the Governors Community Achievement Award in , Category Six, city of a population of 29,000 to 40,000, and received a $210,000 grant for local landscaping and a plaque, for the third year in a row KFB received the Gold Star Status for record keeping and affiliate reporting from KTB. KFB has decided to use award funds on landscaping medians along FM 518 with the same design used on the FM 2351 project, will receive $180,00 of the $210,000 awarded due to procedural cost incurred by Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). KFB presented the project for FM 518 medians to TxDOT, representative did not see any problem moving forward, TxDOT will take care of the project bidding and oversee all of the work. The representative informed KFB the sooner design plans could be submitted the sooner the paperwork would be completed to start the program, should start Fall 2016, will turn design in by end of July. KFB will discuss at their next meeting a new readerboard in Stevenson Park, would like to possibly partner with the City to purchase a new readerboard. The current readerboard is dated and in need of repairs, proposing a new board like the one on Blackhawk Boulevard with improved graphic capabilities and improved text visibility. A new board would provide a way to display a plaque as a 2015 Governor Community Achievement Award winner, could be embedded in the stone as other cities have done. Ms. Goen thanked Council for their continued support, and presented a$210,000 check to Mayor Holland. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Roger Roecker reported the City of Friendswood and Friendswood Rotary Club are proud to announce the 2015 Movies in the Park series at Evelyn B. Newman Amphitheater. The movie series began July 10, 2015, and runs every Friday through August 14, 2015. Local businesses generously sponsoring each movie night include HomeTown Bank of Friendswood, Kiddie Academy, Primrose School, VARC Solutions, Keep Friendswood Beautiful, and State Farm Agent, Ken Hinojosa. Thanks to the sponsors, all movies will be free, theater seats may be limited, so feel free to bring blankets or lawn chairs to sit on the lawn. Do not forget your picnic dinner and/or snacks. Concessions will be available to purchase. The August 14, 2015, movie sponsored by State Farm Agent, Ken Hinojosa will be shown at , the Friendswood City Pool as a Dive-in-Movie. The City Manager reported the Fourth of July Steering Committee and the City of Friendswood just celebrated its 120'h Annual Fourth of July Celebration. The daylong celebration was packed full of entertainment, food, and fun for the entire family. The theme for the celebration this year was "We the People". The day was kicked off with the Grand Parade that started down Friendswood Drive at 10:00 AM with over 100 parade entries from the City of Friendswood and around the state of Texas. The parade concluded at Stevenson Park where over 50 booth entries, rides, games, food, live entertainment, and fun for the entire family took place. The evening program at Centennial Park began at 7:30 PM with the ReMax Skydiving Team dropping into the park during the National Anthem. The musical group "The Spazmatics" headlined the evening entertainment, and the evening concluded with a fireworks show that lit up the sky that was choreographed to patriotic music. Thousands of Friendswood residents participated in the daytime activities and hope everyone that preserved through the evening rain enjoyed the family event as the community of Friendswood celebrated the country's independence in patriotic style. The City Manager reported that the members of Keep Friendswood Beautiful (KFB) and the City of Friendswood's Parks and Recreation Staff attended the Keep Texas Beautiful Conference in Fort Worth to receive the 2015 Governor's Community Achievement Award. The award recognized outstanding community improvement and had a prize of$210,000. The City of Friendswood was one of ten cities to be honored by Keep Texas Beautiful. KFB functions under the direction of the City of Friendswood's Parks and Recreation Department, their mission statement is "To enhance the aesthetic appearance of Friendswood and encourage residents to take an active role in maintaining that appearance", and KFB volunteers work year round to support this mission. ACTION ITEMS , "Councilmember Enochs moved to approve the reappointment of Skip Evans, Brett Banfield, Marcus 07/13/15 4451 Perry, Dr. Hilmar R. Zeissig, and Bill Provenzano to the Community and Economic Development ' Committee with terms to expire July 2018; reappointment of Terry McHugh, Monique Hammett, Arthur Triplette, Jr., Faye Ray, and Rajni Amin to the Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals with terms to expire July 2018; appointment of alternate member Diane Freeman to the Library Board to fill a vacancy with a term to expire July 2016; reappointment of Mike Czarowitz, Sherry German, and Ted Thomas to the Library Board with terms to expire July 2018; reappointment of Arthur Triplette, Jr., to the Planning and Zoning Commission with a term to expire July 2018; appointment of Tony Annan to the Planning and Zoning Commission to fill a vacancy with a term to expire July 2016; appointment of Rhonda Neel to the Planning and Zoning Commission with a term to expire July 2018; reappointment of regular members Greg Hughes and Steve Knis, and alternate member Mike Czarowitz to the Zoning Board of Adjustments and Appeals with terms to expire July 2017; appointment of alternate member Nancy Mastrofrancesco to the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee to fill a vacancy with a term to expirel November 2016; and appointment of Yolanda Robles to the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee to fill a vacancy with a term to expire November 2015. Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved unanimously. **Councilmember Rockey moved to approve the'disposition of RFP No. 2015-06 for the City's Depository Services Contract and award to Wells Fargo Bank. Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion was approved unanimously. **Councilmember Hill moved to approve the disposition of RFP No. 2015-08 for Meal Catering for Emergency Responders for Natural and Man-Made Disasters and award to Cotton Culinary, Inc., and Lighthouse Cooking Team. Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved unanimously. **Councilmember Gustafson moved to approve the disposition of Bid No. 2015-10 for Preventative Maintenance of Emergency Generators and award to MNI Diesel Inc. ' Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. The motion was approved unanimously. **Councilmember Gustafson moved to approve the disposition of Bid No. 2015-11 for Dirtwork for the Sportspark Improvement Project and award to Tandem Services, LLC, and authorize the appropriation of funds of$249,819. Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved unanimously. RESOLUTIONS **Councilmember McGinnis moved to approve Resolution R2015-17 — A resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Galveston/Harris Counties, endorsing the reappointment of six (6) members and appointment of one (1) new member to the Galveston County United Board of Health. Seconded by Mayor Holland. The motion was approved unanimously. ORDINANCES **Councilmember Scott moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2015-17 —An ordinance accepting a request of Terra Bella Subdivision Homeowners Association and ordering that the traffic rules that apply to a public road be extended to private roads within this subdivision, pursuant to the provisions of§542.008 of the Texas Transportation Code; and providing a penalty of a fine not to exceed $200 for the violation of this ordinance. Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously. **Councilmember Scott moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2015-18 —An ordinance amending Appendix "C" "Zoning", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, ' Texas, Section 3, "Provision for Official Zoning Map", rezoning the property generally located at 3801 FM 528, a tract of land of approximately 135.778 acres, situated in the Sarah McKissick Survey, Abstract 549, more fully described in Exhibit"A", incorporated by reference, from the prior designation of Planned Unit Development-Mixed Use, as referenced in prior Ordinance No.'s 2004-13/2005-34, to a new Planned 07/13/15 4452 Unit Development-Mixed Use, the "Friendswood Town Center", pursuant to the attached conceptual site plan included in Exhibit "B", all as more specifically provided herein; providing for the amendment of the ' Official Zoning Map; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. (Whitcomb Property) Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Gustafson opposed. Mayor Holland stated the property is important to the City's future economic development, asked the Clear Creek Community Church (CCCC) representative if they would commit to working with the City in developing a plan for the comprehensive development of the remaining land, and the CCCC representative answered yes. Discussion took place between Mayor and Council regarding ensuring amendments made to the ordinance aligns with the proposed amendments approved by Council at the June council meeting, Wells Fargo was listed as the initial owner on the application with a contract on the property, Clear Creek Community Church has purchased the land. **Councilmember Enochs moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2015-19 — An ordinance amending Appendix "C" "Zoning", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Section 3, "Provision for Official Zoning Map", rezoning the property generally located at 307 East Edgewood Drive and 313 East Edgewood Drive, a tract of land consisting of approximately 1.446 acres, situated in the Sarah McKissick Survey, Abstract 151, Galveston County, Texas, as more specifically described in Exhibit "A", incorporated by reference; from the prior ordinance zoning designations of Planned Unit Development-Special Use Permit (PUD/SUP) for 307 East Edgewood Drive as referenced in Ordinance No's. 95-1 (PUD), 95-9 (SUP), 2011-18 (SUP), and 2013-05 (SUP); and from the prior ordinance zoning designations of Planned Unit Development-Special Use Permit (PUD/SUP) for 313 Edgewood Drive, as contained in prior Ordinance No's. 95-8 (PUD) and 2001-04 (SUP), combining both said properties to form a single new Planned Unit Development, to allow for NAICS Uses No. 713940 , "Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers", No. 7225 "Restaurants and Other Eating Places", No. 8121 "Personal Care Services", No. 81219 "Other Personal Care Services" and No. 6116 "Other Schools and Instruction", pursuant to the attached site plan included in Exhibit "B", all as more specifically referenced herein; providing for the amendment of the Official Zoning Map; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed$2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously. Planning Manager Nick Haby reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission's vote for Agenda Item 17D, First reading of Ordinance No. T2015-21, an ordinance amending Appendix "C" "Zoning", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Section 3, "provision for Official Zoning Map", rezoning the property generally located at 14550 Beamer Road, a tract of land of approximately 5.6144 acres, located at 14550 Beamer Road., in the James F. Perry and Emily M Austin survey, Abstract No. 55, Harris County, Texas and being part of Lot 69, Hoidale Coffman Subdivision recorded in Volume 3, Page 6 of the Harris County map records, Friendswood, Texas, more fully described herein from the current designation of Industrial ("I")to Industrial-Specific Use Permit("I-SUP"), permitting NAICS Use No. 486"Pipeline Transportation", all as more specifically provided herein; providing for the amendment of the Official Zoning Map was approved 5-1. **Councilmember Scott moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2015-21 —An ordinance amending Appendix "C" "Zoning", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Section 3, "provision for Official Zoning Map", rezoning the property generally located at 14550 Beamer Road, a tract of land of approximately 5.6144 acres, located at 14550 Beamer Road., in the James F. Perry and Emily M Austin survey, Abstract No. 55, Harris County, Texas and being part of Lot 69, Hoidale Coffman Subdivision recorded in Volume 3, Page 6 of the Harris County map records, Friendswood, Texas, more fully described herein from the current designation of Industrial ("I") to Industrial-Specific Use Permit ("I- ' SUP"), permitting NAICS Use No. 486 "Pipeline Transportation", all as more specifically provided herein; providing for the amendment of the Official Zoning Map; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. 07/13/15 4453 Seconded by Councilmember Rockey.The motion was approved unanimously. ' Planning Manager Nick Haby stated safety seemed to be the concern of the one dissenting vote from the Planning and Zoning Commission. **Councilmember Scott moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2015-22 — An ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2014-29, passed and approved October 6, 2014, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 by approving "Budget Amendment XIII" to the "Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2014-2015"; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject. Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. The motion was approved unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS Mayor and each member of Council read the Declaration of Independence. Mayor Holland stated the Fourth of July Celebration was awesome, weather cooperated, would like to set up a committee for naming the new fire station headquarters to consist of Mayor Pro Tem Hill, Councilmember Gustafson, and himself in light of the passing of Emergency Medical Services Ken Camp. Councilmember Hill stated he attended the funeral of Ken Camp, wonderful tribute to his life and his service to the community, served the community more then all of Council together, moved to the City of Friendswood in 1959, active in the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Baptist Church, treasurer of Baptist Church for 20 years, and taught Sunday School. Mr. Camp and his wife were part of the foundation of the City's current EMS system, Council thinks they do a service to the community but Mr. Camp did more, hours upon hours upon hours of riding on fire trucks, ' riding on ambulances, going to meetings, going to training, was a pilot in the Air Force, do not know how he did it all, but he did and did it quite well, do not know if the City will ever see a man that gave as much as Mr. Camp did, and was glad to know him. Councilmember Enochs thanked Councilmember McGinnis for reminding Council to have the reading of the Declaration of Independence every year, thanked City Manager Roger Rocker for his leadership and the awesome Fourth of July Celebration, commended Director of Administrative Services Cindy Edge on the budget process, for 12 years the accolades continue to mount up, thanked Library Board Chair Mike Czarowitz for the library update, thanked Library Director Mary Perroni for the patience through the renovation process, this expansion is much needed and the numbers are not slowing down. Councilmember Rockey stated on his way home about a week ago the contractor was pouring the concrete for the new parking lot at the Library, he pulled over and was watching through the fence, thel foreman came up and Councilmember Rockey introduced himself, the foreman stated that he lived, across from the League City Public Library and it is three times bigger than the City of Friendswood's but Friendswood's Public Library gets three times as much traffic in and out. Councilmember McGinnis stated he was .proud to be a part of the reading of the Declaration of Independence again. Councilmember Scott stated Coach Nathan Rohr, Offensive Coordinator for the Friendswood High School (FHS) Mustangs was having medical issues with a brain tumor, currently having a bunch of testing, asked for prayers for Mr. Rohr and his family, have had a tough time in the past, survived cancer in his late teens, is a tremendous influence, if your children have.gone through FHS, if you have known him as a man, if you know his family, you will not find a more devout Christian family, and a better example as how ' to live life for your children. Also there is a website, www.gofundme.com, search for Nathan Rohr, set up to help with medical bills and things that may come up in the future. Coach Rohr has done like Ken Camp, he has devoted his life to raise and teach the young men of the City of Friendswood to be Christian men. 07/13/15 4454 Councilmember Gustafson stated he believes the City of Friendswood has a wonderful Council and a , great Mayor, to be honest the City of Friendswood is very blessed, this representation goes beyond the Council, the State Representative, the State Senator, Congressman, case in point, legislature just wrapped up in Austin on June 1, 2015, and Doctor Greg Bonnen, State Representative for the Galveston area, heard a story about a couple of children who had been adopted, are part of a simple group of five, three went one way and two went another way, they could not get anyone to take all five children, when this happened the family that took the three cut off contact with the other two children. Representative Bonnen thought this was wrong, and how the law in Texas is currently written would allow these two children to sue for visitations with their siblings only when they turn 18 years old when they have missed their entire childhood, Representative Bonnen introduced legislation this session that would allow children separated through the actions of the Department of Family Protective Services in the state of Texas to sue for visitation at any age, legislation was passed by the Texas House of Representatives and the Texas Senate, signed by Governor Greg Abbot and will become effective September 1, 2015, and thanked Senator Larry Taylor for his efforts. Representative Dennis Paul, from Friendswood, introduced good legislation this session as well. These gentlemen do a lot of hard work in Austin, are there for six months, big sacrifice, keep in mind the work they do is for the citizens. CONSENT AGENDA "Councilmember Scott moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Accepting public utility, irrigation, and landscaping improvements associated with the FM 2351 Landscape and Irrigation Improvements project, for the contractor's one-year maintenance period. B. Authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with Hill Sand Company for debris management services for emergency management purposes. C. Accepting the May 2015 Property Tax Report. D. Authorizing the Mayor to execute a Grant Acceptance form for Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Emergency Management Performance Grant. E. Approving the Minutes of the May 04, May 18 and June 01, 2015, Council Meetings. ' Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 PM. Mayor Kevin Holla Attest: ll�� .•''FFtIEN�•'•. Melinda Welsh, TRMC Qt.• �S�•, City Secretary O OF I ,,