HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2015-04-06 Regular 04/06/15 4404
APRIL 06, 2015 )(
Mayor Holland called the meeting to order.
The invocation was given by Pastor Mike Ross with Friendswood Church of Christ.
Mayor Holland led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Rob Roy, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he continues to have a problem with his
neighbor's air conditioner noise, barking dogs and loud muffler noise, would like for the City to come back
and check the air conditioner decibel level, and Public Information requests were submitted today,
regarding the issues.
Michael Stacy, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and gave a brief history on Resolution R2013,
13, the City should adhere to the code, Staff has disregarded Council's mandate, unlawful action with
parkland, prayer at the beginning of the meeting is hypocritical, depriving citizens of their rights, would like
Council to uphold property rights and do the right thing.
Donna Koeppen, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is one of the owners of
Friends Uncorked Wine Bar, opened in 2013, business is classified as a Private Club, large amount of
sales tax is paid every month, would like to switch from a Private Club to a regular facility, required to
purchase wine and beer from a Class B Distributor from across the county line, if the business was
reclassified to a regular facility wine and beer could be purchased directly from the distributor and receive
better rates, have opened for lunch to increase food sales, food sales must be at least 50% to be
classified as a regular facility, will take a while to increase food sales, and currently are at 25% of sales
from food.
Janelle Yarberry, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated Friends Uncorked Wine Bar offers
value to the City of Friendswood, would like to get wine and beer at wholesale price, have worked their
' fingers to the bone to make the business work, receives positive feedback from customers, and brings a
lot of sales tax into the City of Friendswood.
Councilmember Rockey asked if Staff could look into the issue. Mayor Holland asked the City Manager
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to look into the issue of Friends Uncorked Wine Bar being reclassified as a regular facility.
Robert Brady Mora, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he has lived in Friendswood all '
his life, most roads were oyster shell, first population growth was during the Great Depression era, big
population explosion happened during the 1960's when National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) moved to the Houston area, there has been construction as long as he can remember, Whitcomb
property is the only tract of land left of any sizable nature, the church should be built on it, needs to be
next to the school, possibly build a sidewalk between the two, nature tourism is substantial, and Council
should think carefully about how the Whitcomb property is developed.
April Bellard, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is not a member of Friendswood
Animal Advocates (FAA), attended the March Council meeting to hear what was going on, disappointed
by the lack of knowledge from councilmembers of the problems at Friendswood Animal Control (FAC)
despite the repeated efforts by volunteers to inform them, more disturbingly distained by some
councilmembers towards volunteers who brought significant and valuable services to our community.
Police Chief Bob Wieners' presentation was misleading and full of holes, has obtained emails through a
Public Information request that indicated the City wanted to add volunteers to the existing insurance
policy, FAA carries their own insurance policy, Chiefs presentation also brought question to FAA's ability
to process animals with misleading and irrelevant statistics, concerned about FAC policy and Staff, will
look closer into the matter and will address Council again.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding an update on Capital Projects. Director of Public
Works/City Engineer Patrick Donart reported on the progress that has been made on Capital Projects
since the March Council meeting. Bids for the library expansion project were received February 17, 2015,
and awarded to Ardent Construction by City Council at the March Council meeting. The Texas '
Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has approved a permit for tying in utilities, the Notice to Proceed
has been issued and construction activity has begun. The Development Review Committee is continuing
to work with the architect on the schematic layouts for the Fire Station No. 4 expansion and the new fire
station at the Public Safety Building. There have been several discussions with the Development Review
Committee, Fire Department, Fire Marshal's office, and the architect in regards to programming and
schematic layouts. Durotech, Inc., was brought into those discussions in hopes to finalize the
programming and layout. Staff plans to present the ideas developed to the Friendswood Volunteer Fire
Department membership at a meeting in late April. The final layouts have been agreed upon in the
Sportpark improvements. Staff has not received final drawings for the proposed improvements, a
meeting with Jamail and Smith was held April 1, 2015, discussed expediting the schedule, once Staff
receives the completed plans, bid packages will be put together to advertise for construction. The City
will act as the general contractor and contract for various task or service oriented portions of the project.
Staff expects to receive the 90% drawings by mid-April for the basketball pavilion at Centennial Park.
The Splash Pad at Stevenson Park is about 95% complete, Staff is 50% complete with renovating the old
pool manager's office into an additional restroom, modeling efforts and final design plans are nearing
completion for the bridge crossing Cowards Creek, and the City is under contract to secure additional
nearby property to optimize the trail system alignment to and from the bridge. The design for Round 1
Street Improvements is approximately 75% complete with 90% submittal plans expected in mid-April.
The Whispering Pines Avenue/Friendswood Link Road expansion project is currently 37% complete.
Northbound traffic is scheduled to be moved to the new paving on the Harris County side on April 2,
2015, and the contractor is installing the storm sewer, water line, sanitary sewer lines, and beginning the
paving work on the Galveston County side. The pumps and control room will be installed in the coming
weeks for Water Plants No. 2 and 7 with an anticipated project completion date of June 2015. The Baker
Road project has been completed and is included on the Consent Agenda for Council's approval. In
regards to the 1776 Park improvements, Staff has been working with the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) regarding fencing requirements needed for the dog park, only certain types '
of fencing are permitted for the floodway to not impede flow during extreme storm events along Clear
Creek. The fencing required is substantially more expensive than previously anticipated. Staff is seeking
Council's guidance to determine if alternative locations should be considered. In regard to the trail
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system, an initial trail has been cut and remaining sections will be constructed after the completion of the
' dog park. A canoe portage is being discussed but Staff has encountered difficulties regarding the need
for a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers, and alternatives are being evaluated to eliminate the need
for a permit and still be cost effective.
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding the fencing required by FEMA for the
dog park due to the proposed property being in the flood plain. A sample of the required fencing was
shown, estimated cost for the fencing is $26,000 and installation is $5,000, more than what was
budgeted, and total linear feet of fencing needed. A suggestion was made to have the dog park located
at Old City Park which is not in the flood plain, could save considerable money, and consensus of Council
was for Staff to look into additional options for the dog park. Staff has had several meetings with
Friendswood Development Company and Wilson McClain Landscape Architect, PLLC., regarding the
parking spaces and a pavilion with a restroom at Lake Friendswood, are in the beginning stage of design,
estimated completion of the park at Lake Friendswood would be Fall 2015 or Spring 2016, and roads to
access the lake through West Ranch have not been built. The Inflow and Infiltration (I&I) Study is
ongoing. Staff should start to receive good numbers after the recent rain events, flow monitoring will be in
place until the end of May, and Staff will be able to monitor dry and wet weather flows.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding the Fire Station Bond projects. Director of Public
Works/City Engineer Patrick Donart stated Staff has met with the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department
(FVFD), Fire Marshal's Office (FMO), Community Development Department (CDD) and Durotech, Inc(,
determined the Fire Department headquarters should be located off of Whitaker Drive instead of Fire
Station No. 4, more cost effective to build from the ground up as opposed to remodeling, will be meeting
with Friendswood Lakes Homeowner's Association in regards to an access easement, will keep an open
dialogue with FVFD, it will serve the Fire Department better to do the project this way, and the biggest
benefit will be additional parking.
' Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding the pros and cons of relocating the
Fire Department headquarters to behind the Public Safety Building on Whitaker Drive, and upgrades will
be done to Fire Station No. 4. When the bonds were placed on the ballot in 2013, specification was made
that upgrades would be made at Fire Station No. 4 and a new fire station would be built, the project will
be within the scope of what the voters approved during the Bond Election.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding the annual Police Department report. Police Chief Bob
Wieners presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding Police Department operations and crime in the
City of Friendswood. Key dimensions of five policing models are is it easily defined, target and expected
benefit. Discussed the five models which are standard model of policing, community policing, problem
oriented policing, Compstat, and intelligence led policing. Gave crime rate per 1,000 residents, regional
data, historical data, Part 1 crimes such as murder, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary,
theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson, Part 2 crimes such as criminal mischief/vandalism, driving under the
influence (DUI), drugs/narcotics, forgery/counterfeit, fraud, liquor law violations, runaway, sex offenses,
simple assault, weapons violations, and other offenses. Provided arrest data, arrests by residency, drug
arrests, seized drug types, crash data, response times, accidents by roadway, and driving while
intoxicated (DWI) arrests. Major challenges for 2016 are organized criminal activity in the region and
controlling the number of incidents related to crime by those targeting residential and businesses in the
community, combatting the influx of illegal drug activity to include the illegal use of prescription pills in the
greater Houston area, emotionally disturbed persons and responding effectively and appropriately to the
needs of people with mental health disorders, repeat and serial offenders and identifying the relatively
small number of individuals committing the majority of crime in the community, and enhancing the crime
fighting tools, keeping up with staffing needs and developing community related crime prevention
strategies to marginalize the perception of crime and the fear of crime. Chief Wieners gave an update on
Animal Control, impound rate has been cut by 45% in recent months, calls for service are down an
' additional 20%, live release rate for the first three months was 89%, drop-offs have dried up, and are
currently having trouble with feral cats.
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding the fact that the low crime rate is due
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to the people who live in the community and policing the area, Council thanked the Police Department for
the job they do in keeping the City safe, and an explanation of the increase in sexual assaults was given. '
Police Chief Bob Wieners addressed comments made earlier in the meeting regarding Animal Control,
volunteer handbook was distributed late last year to volunteers, Friendswood Animal Advocates did not
return acknowledgement of handbook, have several new volunteers and a new Volunteer Liaison Amy
Castro. If the growth of the City were to bring in a big development that meets zoning requirements and
Council approves the development, the Police Department will get the job done as far as policing the area
is concerned.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding the provision of utility service outside of the City's
corporate limits. Assistant City Manager Morad Kabiri stated Staff was recently approached by Hope
Village regarding a proposed expansion to their facility, currently receive water and sewer from the City of
Friendswood due to their proximity to Friendswood's system, water and sewer should come from Harris
County Municipal Utility District (MUD) No. 5, City of Friendswood has interlocal agreements with City of
Pearland and Alvin where if Friendswood's system is economically feasible then the City of Friendswood
will provide service, pay a higher rate, commercial properties along FM 2351 are receiving services from
Friendswood's utility system, have the capacity to serve them, as requests are made, an agreement is
completed outlining the service, and the agreements are approved at Staff level.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 7A, 2014 Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report(CAFR) from auditors Weaver and Tidwell, LLP, with Kevin Sanford, CPA.
Kevin Sanford, CPA with Weaver and Tidwell, LLP, presented the 2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial
Report (CAFR). Mr. Sanford stated the City's financials were accurately presented, completed a single
audit on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), do not have any findings in expenditures or
internal controls, was a clean audit report, ending fund balance at end of Fiscal Year 2014 was '
$12,519,580, includes a little over $10.5 Million unassigned fund balances available for appropriations,
includes the 90-day reserve of$6 Million, and thanked City management for their cooperation.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 10, City Manager's Report.
City Manager Roger Rocker reported that the Keep Friendswood Beautiful (KFB) Board and the City of
Friendswood are sponsoring the annual Spring Sparkle event for the citizens of Friendswood at
Centennial Park on Saturday, April 18, 2015. KFB Board members have teamed with the City's solid
waste services provider, Progressive Waste Solutions, and the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage
District (GCCDD) to provide the community with a clean-up day. Delta Document Shredding will also be
onsite to accept paper for shredding. Items that will be accepted include green waste such as tree limbs
and grass clippings, old appliances, old furniture, miscellaneous wood, metal, and plastic. No household
hazardous waste such as tires, paint, batteries, oil, or any other hazardous waste will be accepted.
Residents can also donate garage sale items to Keep Friendswood Beautiful. KFB will be accepting
furniture, household items, and bikes that are in good condition, clothing will not be accepted. Garage
sale items can be dropped off the morning of the event at Centennial Park. All proceeds from the garage
sale will benefit the beautification of City facilities and parks. KFB would also like to encourage residents
to bring animal habitat items that would benefit the wildlife rescuers/rehabbers. They need aquariums,
dog and cat carriers, clean towels/shirts, and shallow crock bowls. These volunteers take care of the
many injured wild animals that make their homes in Friendswood's shrinking green space.
The City Manager reported that the Friendswood community and visitors will soon be admiring many
beautifully maintained classic, restored and custom automobiles and motorcycles at Stevenson Park. '
The Eleventh Annual Car and Bike Show, formerly known as the Friendswood Is Great (FIG) Festival, is
planned for April 18, 2015. The popular family event is coordinated by the Friendswood Chamber of
Commerce, the Friendswood Historical Society and the City of Friendswood. The major sponsor is Ron
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Carter Cadillac-Hyundai. The Friendswood Chamber of Commerce expects over 200 auto entries this
' year to compete for awards. Many businesses, organizations and churches have signed up for booths
and more than 25 craft booths are expected. A variety of food booths are expected including
hamburgers, hotdogs, sausage on a stick, and homemade lemonade.
The City Manager reported that the City went live with an official "Friendswood City" Facebook page on
February 18, 2015. The Facebook community immediately responded positively to the page and the
"Likes" continue daily. As of April 1, 2015, the page has been liked by almost 1,100 people. Information'
collected from various departments throughout the City is posted on the Facebook page. New content
such as road construction updates, weather warnings, Frequently Asked Questions, the State of the City
Address, and award announcements are also posted. The most"liked" posting to date was a photo and
information about Daisy Scouts who donated their cookie money to buy food, toys, and treats for the cats
and dogs at the Animal Control facility. The Facebook Photo Album from the Annual Daddy Daughter
Dance was also a big favorite.
The City Manager reported that the Rotary Club of Friendswood recently presented the Police
Department with a check for$500 for Animal Control Animal Training Services. The check was presented
to Police Chief Bob Wieners at the March Rotary meeting. Staff appreciates the Rotary Club's financial
contribution and ongoing support.
The City Manager reported that the Friendswood Public Library groundbreaking ceremony took place
March 31, 2015, next to the library with members of Council, Library Board, Staff, and the public in
attendance. The City celebrated the ceremonial beginning of the $2.5 Million dollar expansion and
renovation bond project, which will add approximately 6,000 square feet of space for the library's
collections and programs, plus extensive renovation of the existing facility. As part of the renovation and
expansion, brick pavers will be installed around the library's exterior. The library would like to invite
' citizens to purchase a brick paver that will be installed in either the new main courtyard or children's
courtyard. The pavers are 4"x 8" in size. Citizens that purchase a new paver will be able to choose the
installation area and specify the personalized message to be engraved on the paver. The cost of a paver
is $100, the donation is tax deductible, and all proceeds benefit the Friendswood Public Library. To
purchase a paver or for more information on anything related to the library, please visit the library's
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 6, Closed Executive Session.
Mayor Holland asked if anyone would like to speak regarding the Executive Session. No one spoke.
Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.074 — Personnel Matters; to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation,
reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee. (City Attorney)
Council reconvened into open session with no action taken later in the meeting.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 7B, Greater Harris County 9-1-1 Kid
Hero Award.
' Police Chief Bob Wieners introduced Sonia Lopez-Clauson with Greater Harris County 9-1-1 Network.
Ms. Lopez-Clauson explained about a 9-1-1 call from Victoria Grabowski who used her cell phone for 9-1-
1 assistance, and gave history on Greater Harris County's 9-1-1 awareness campaign.
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Police Chief Bob Wieners stated it is an honor to recognize Victoria Grabowski who has her whole family
at tonight's meeting. Chief Wieners introduced police officers Kevin Crouch and James Dement, '
introduced Dispatch Supervisor Terrie' Doyle and Information Services Supervisor KC Rogers, brought
Communications Officer Stephanie Price to the podium who was the officer that received the 9-1-1 call.
Chief Wieners gave a history of the phone call from Victoria Grabowski who listened carefully to
instructions and provided help for her father until medics arrived. Officer Dement was nearby and came
to assist, Victoria met the officer at the door and went out to flag down the ambulance. During the entire
9-1-1 call Victoria remained very calm, provided first aid to her father, and clearly relayed information to
Communications Officer Price. Officer Dement and the ambulance crew commented on how calm and
brave Victoria was during the situation. Victoria definitely knew what to do, how to act, and is an example
to other kids and adults about what to do in an emergency.
Sonia Lopez-Clauson with Greater Harris County 9-1-1, Communications Officer Stephanie Price and
Police Chief Bob Wieners presented a 9-1-1 Kid Hero award to Victoria Grabowski in recognition of a
lifesaving 9-1-1 call.
Maria Revelle, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she met with Staff to ask if a Special
Needs Registry called the Shepard Program could be put in place. The registry allows the school district
to give information to the Police Department for future reference if needed, not all students are verbal and
may not respond well to first responders, thanked Staff for putting the program in place in less than a
week, and Assistant to Chief of Police Lisa Price was helpful in getting the program in place.
Eileen Cruise, President of Friendswood Independent School District (FISD) Special Education Parent
Teacher Organization (PTO), addressed Council and reported on the PTO program, thanked Staff for
starting the Shepherd Program, will provide a level of comfort, read a letter from Karen Deshotel, FISD '
Executive Director of Special Education that thanked the City for the implementation of the program,
thanked Maria Revelle for meeting with Staff and getting the program implemented quickly and invited
Council to attend an upcoming Spring Social on April 26, 2015, in Stevenson Park. The Shepard
Program is not just for students of school districts but for anyone who might have the need. The Rotary
Pavilion for the Spring Social was donated by the City.
Councilmember Gustafson stated he has a 42 year old special needs brother, is a shopping cart
attendant at Target, glad to learn the program is not just for kids, his brother had interactions with a Police
Department that was not helpful, had the officer known his brother was special needs the outcome would
have been different, supports the program, and thanked Ms. Revelle for pushing and bringing it to City
Cindy Ballard, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she moved to Friendswood in 2002
with her husband for the small town feel and amenities, asked Council to think clearly about a potential
big box store, would increase traffic and in close proximity to a middle school, there are nine Wal-Marts in
the near vicinity, supports local businesses which bring in tax dollars, think long and hard before allowing
a big box store into the City of Friendswood.
Parks and Recreations Advisory Board Chair Thomas Goodwin was unable to attend the Council Meeting
and give the annual report. The report was included in Council's agenda backup documents. Thanked
Council for continually supporting the need to have volunteer citizen representation on boards such as the
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, also thanked Director of Parks and Recreation James Toney and
the Parks and Recreations Department Staff for their unending willingness to aid the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board in performing their duties. The past twelve months the Parks and Recreation '
Advisory Board has been involved in the development of many projects under the guidance of the Parks
Master Plan and has continued to work on long, medium, and short-term solutions to the demand for
parkland, continued to strive to seek ways to improve current City facilities. The Board is excited about
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the utilization of funds from the Park Dedication Ordinance that are being used for improvements and the
' expansion of 1776 Park, with the completion of the Disc Golf Course the Board will begin to work on the
completion of a dog park. The lighting at Centennial Park has been completed, City pool improvements
and the bridge to connect Old City Park to Stevenson Park are close to completion. With the passing of
the November 2013 Bonds, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will continue to address the items
addressed in the bond, will remain focused on how to best utilize the existing parks and facilities, all the
while understand the current needs and future growth of the community. For the upcoming year, the
Board will continue to utilize the Parks Master Plan and make revisions to the plan to address the growtti
and changes to City parks and green spaces, continue to look into the Parks Dedication Ordinance to
guarantee it still meets the needs of the community. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board believe
that the most pressing item on the table is to acquire and develop land for parks. The board must
continually strive to bring the City's parkland to the required acreage for the current population. For 2015
and future years, the use of the Parks Master Plan will show the urgency for developing new parks and
improvements to current ones in order to alleviate the pressure of current parks hosting youth sports
programs, and down the road help with Friendswood's continual growth.
David Smith, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is with the Friendswood Rotary,
presented a $500 check for the Animal Control facility, and stated the Rotary is making the donation in
moral support of the facility and the Police Officers who do such a great job, a new training program has
been put into place to help officers be more educated with higher risk animals, great for the community,
pleasure to donate in order to help the program and show the officers how much the work they do is
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 11, discussion and possible action
regarding appointing Yolanda Robles as an alternate member to the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee
and moving Dennis Rundell from alternate member to regular member.
**Councilmember McGinnis moved to approve the appointment of Yolanda Robles as an alternate
member to replace Dennis Rundell with a term to expire November 2016, and the appointment of Dennis
Rundell from an alternate member to a regular member of the committee to fill a vacancy with a term to
expire November 2015.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve a Chapter 380 Business Incentive Grant application for
economic development with Lifestyle Financial Advisors, Inc., for Friendswood Professional Building B at
211 West Edgewood Drive and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement.
Seconded by Councilmember Gustafson. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve Resolution R2015-07 — A resolution of the City of
Friendswood, Texas finding that Centerpoint Energy Entex's ("Centerpoint" or "company". Statement of
Intent to increase rates filing within the City should be denied; finding that the City's reasonable rate case
expenses shall be reimbursed by the company; finding that the meeting at which this resolution is passed
is open to the public as required by law; requiring notice of this resolution to the company and legal
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
' **Councilmember Hill moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2015-12 — An
ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2012-04 in order to approve an annual rate adjustment as provided
for in the City of Friendswood—IESI Solid Waste Franchise. (Progressive Waste???)
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Rockey
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**Councilmember Enochs moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2015-13 —An '
ordinance of the City Council of Friendswood amending Ordinance No. 2015-05 calling for the holding of
a General Election on May 09, 2015, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two (2) Councilmembers,
(Position Numbers 1 and 3); ordering a runoff election on June 13, 2015, if necessary; and making other
provisions related to the subject
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2015-14 — An
ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2014-29, passed and approved October
6, 2014, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year
2014-2015 by approving "Budget Amendment IX" to the "Original General Budget of the City of
Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2014-2015"; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or
transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. The motion was approved unanimously.
Councilmember Gustafson clarified that his brother's earlier mentioned run-ins with the police did not
happen in the City of Friendswood.
Councilmember Hill stated most councilmembers attended the opening day of Little League ceremony,
has had reservations about the money spent on parks but after seeing so many families enjoying genuine
family time, he now believes is money well spent. Walter Reed has stepped up to lead the Little League
and is a fine man.
Councilmember Enochs thanked everyone for the hard work and time put into the Little League event and '
Library groundbreaking.
Councilmember Rockey stated he attended the Future Farmers of America (FAA) event, tried to stuff the
box to make Mayor Holland have to kiss a pig, and will have a meet and greet on April 8, 2015, at Dunn
Brothers from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
Mayor Holland stated the Little League event blew him away. Councilmembers Gustafson, Hill, and
himself threw pitches to students, great to see excitement and the involvement of families. The City of
Friendswood is special and parents are involved, enjoyed the library groundbreaking. The Future
Farmers of America (FFA) Barn was erected in 2002, program has grown exponentially, spent time at the
barn with his son when he participated in FFA, lucky to have programs that help children and families
learn to be responsible for another life, commends the parents of Friendswood for the good job they do at
being involved in their children's lives.
Councilmembers McGinnis and Scott stated they had nothing to report.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Accepting
performance bonds for public paving, drainage, and utility improvements associated with Arbor Gate
Section 4 and Austin Chase Section 1 in West Ranch, and allow for the early recordation of said plats. B.
Acceptance of Paving and Utilities improvements at completion of one year maintenance period of the
Sierra at West Ranch Section 1. C. Approving an agreement with Friendswood Area Swim Team (FAST)
for the use of the Sesquicentennial Swimming Pool and authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement.
D. Accepting the February 2015 Property Tax Report. E. Approving the Minutes of the February 2 and '
March 2, 2015, Council Meetings.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
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Mayor Holland asked if anyone would like to speak regarding the Executive Session. No one spoke.
Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.074 — Personnel Matters; to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation
reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee. (Evaluation of the City
Council reconvened into Open Session with actions taken later in the meeting.
ACTION ITEMS (continued)
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve giving the City Secretary a 3.5% raise for the upcoming
Seconded by Mayor Holland. The motion was approved unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM.
' Mayor Kevi olland
Melinda Welsh, TRMC ':
City Secretary
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