HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2014-23 RESOLUTION NO. R2014-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, DETERMINING THAT A WATERLINE EASEMENT IS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS N�AR FM 2351 AND WOODLAWN; APPROVING THE ACCEPTANCE OF SAID EASEMENT FROM MRC VENTURES, LP, AND RB & VN PARTNERS, LP,PROPERTY OWNERS. � � � � � WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Friendswood finds and determines that public convenience and necessity require that the City acquire a water-line easement (the "EasemenY') over, across and under a certain property located near the intersection of FM 2351 and Woodlawn, more specifically described in Exhibit "A" as being 0.1015 acres of land out of Restrict Reserve "B" in the Block 1 of Kenneth Camp Subdivision, as recorded in plat record 2006A, Map No. 143 Galveston County Map Records, same being out of a called 1.2848 acre U•act described to MRC Ventures, LP, as recorded in Galveston County Clerk's File (GCCF) No. 2006064244, and out of a called 0.6542 acre tract described to MRC Ventures, LP, as recorded in GCCF No. 2010010646, situated in the Sarah McI�issick League Survey, Abstract No. 151, Galveston County, Texas; and WH�REAS, the City of Friendswood, through its duly authorized representative, has negotiated with the owners of said tract of land for the acceptance of such Easement for the herein stated putpose and has been able to agree with such owners as to the dedication thereof; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters set forfli in the preamble of this Resolution are hereby found to be true and coiz•ect. Section 2. The City Council of the City of Friendswood fnds that bona fide negotiations have been conducted by the authorized representative of the City for the acquisition of the Easement over the herein described tract of land, and that said negotiations were successful, and that the acquisition of the Easement for the negotiated price is approved. Section 3. The Mayor is authorized to execute any documentation necessaiy to accept, document, and record said Easement. PASSED,APPROV�D,AND IZESOLVED this 8t'' day of December,2014. �'�_�C�' Kevin � ollan Mayor ATT�ST: b�ic�ipb �tl+W,`�����V��O \ /� ^ f� �t ���/�/ \ p� '� l ' ` j� lI ��*✓4e ���ee 1 1111. 1 / ) 111 {' �� �(J'✓�Y��—�I A 4X_A. 'e Q . r `''v �.� : Melinda Welsh, TRMC °�: ° City Secretary •��'', ��: �°•�l�'•.. . •'+P° °>>°�P�'��T�. R2014-23 2 EXHIBIT A POTABLE WATER EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW Al.l MEN BY THESE PRESEN7S: COUNTYOFGALV@STON § THAT MICHAEL WEGNER, President of MRC Ventures,L.P. ("Grantor"),for and in consfderation of the sum of Ten Dol{ars{$10.00)and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid to GranYor by the City of Friendswood,Texas,a home rule municipal corporatton of the State of Texas("Grantee"), the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, has GRANTED,SOLD,and CONVEYED,and by these presents does here6y GRANT,SELL,and CONVEY unto the said Grantee, its successors;assigns and Iegal represenYatives,a perpetuai easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing,altering,and maintaining underground�otable water faciliYles In,under,over,aiong, upon,and across that certain 0.1015 acre tract of land,more or less("Easement"},same being more particularly described In Exhibit"A"and shown fn ExhiblY"B", both attached hereto and for alI th€ngs made a part hereof, Grantee may do and perform all acts necessary to construct,reconstruct,repair,relocate,or maintain underground potable facillties within said Easement and to operate thereon all necassary machinery and equipment to efficlently prosecute the work. Grantor retains, reserves,and shall continue to enjoy the use of the surface of the easement property for any and all purposes which do not interfere with or prevent the use by Grantee of the Easement for the purposes stated herein. This conveyance is expressly made subject to any and all restrictions, mineral and/or royalty reservations,covenants,and easements appearing of record relative to the Easement,but only to the extent that the same are still in force and effect and enforceable aga(nst the same. The Easement, along with all rights and priv(leges relatfng thereta,shall terminate when the Easement,as described above, fs abandoned by adoption of an Ordinance abandoning or vacaYing such by Grantee. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described Easement,together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto tn any wise pe(onging unto the said Grantee, i#s successors and assigns forever,and Grantor binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said easement unto Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty,when the claim is by,through, or under Grantor, but not otherwise IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this instrument is executed this�day of November, 2014. GRANTOR: ~ �G �K�/ Michae Wegner, MRC Ventures� .P. President ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF GALVESTON § BEFORE ME,the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared Michael Wegner of MRC Ventures, L.P., known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that HE executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office,this�day of I V 0�,�'f�,�°1�.2014. � o �w `�YPOti M�.r,f�ELLE PEREZ Notary Pubiic In and For the State of Texas �C t � NO7ARV�UBLIC STATE OF TE%AS MV COMMISSiOry E%PIRE9 4 November 18.2078 My Commission Expires: �� �� �g ACCEPTED BY GRANTEE: ATTEST: aro`uep.�vya t\. � r_��ll.��� ��p` ..0 ���I�ly�ty,e{ e e �e��e s��q�q p V '�o•�o Kevin Ho a� , Mayor Melinda Welsh 'ti i c� , �� City Secretary :U ; ° o��, •°•'y° .a 4Ts� OF"(F'�`2' ADDRESS OF GRANTEE: ••• e City of Friendswood,Texas 910 South Friendswood Drive Friendswood,Texas 77546 EXFHBIT,sp„ 90-FOOT WATER�.INE EASEMENT A TI�AC7 OF tAND CQNI'AININCy 9.'1015 ACR�S(4,42D Sq,F7,)BEING OUT OF FtEST��CtEb ftESEFiVE"B°4N SLOGK 1 OF'KENNETH CAMp SUBDIVISION,AS RECORDED IN PLAT REGI?RD 20b6A, MAP NO. '(43 IN GAIVESTON COUNTY MAp REGORDS (G;C:M:R.), SAME BEINO OUT Ofi A CR.i LED 1.2$48 ACRE TRACT p��CR16ED TQ MRC VENTURES, LP,AS RGCpRDEp W CrALVESTON COl1NTY CLERK'S FIL�(C7.C.C.�.j NO.2006964244,ANp OUT OF A GAl.4 ED Q.6542: AGR�TRACT pESCRtBED Td MftC VENTURES LP;AS RECQRDEQ IN G:C.Q�. NO,2D1001q6�6, SI7UA7�A IN SARAH MGKI$SICK�EAGUE SURVEY,RBS7RACT N0. 151, SAIQ 0,1015 ACRE.. EASEMENT TRAC7 BEING UESCRIBED BY MET�S_AN� BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCIhG at a point at khe Intetsection of the Northeast�igfit-of-way fine of Woodlawn Avenue(60- foot dgtit-of-way)W(th the Southeast light-of-way line of RM:2361 (a:k.a. Edgewood)(10D-foot right-of- Way),for the most westerly comer oP said Restricted Reserve"B", a found 1/2 inch Iron rod bears Nortii 44°21'West;0,3 fodt; THENG�North 45°00'OD"East�Ieparting fhe Northeast right-of-Way Ilne of sald WoqdlaWn AVenUe;along the Soukheast rYght-of-way ilne of said f,M.2351 antl common NorthWest line of said Restnoted Reserve "B", a disEahce of 110.58 feet#o a point on the Soufheast right-of-way Iine of said F�M.2351 and common Northwest Iine of s�id Restrfc�ed Reseive'{p",for3he pofnt oP�e�Inning and the mostwesferty corner of lierein desctibed easement; THENCE North Q5"DO'p0" Easf along the SouEheast right-of�way line af said F.M.235'E and eommon Northwest line af herein desCribed easemen#,a distartce of 10,b0 feet to a point on the Southeast rjglik-of- way ilne of sajd F.M.2359 and common NorthWest line of said Resfrlcfed ReseNe"B",for an exterior carher of herefn described easemanY, THENCE South 45°Op'00" Eastdepart[ng the SouFheasf right-of-way line of said F.M.2351,along the Noithe�st lihe of herein described easement, a disfance of 47:A2 feet to a point for an interior carner of he�e(n described easement; THENGB Notth 45°00'00"East along the Northwest Gne of herein descrjbed easemeht,at a.d'IStance of 29.42 feet pass the No�fheast line of said Restricted itesetve"g°,commdn Southwest line of sald caqed Q65q2 acra fract, and cohtinuitig along the same coutse,for a toial distance of 46.90 feet fo a pnint for the masf northerly cortter of herein desc�(bad easement; THCNCE South 45°90'00"�ast along fhe Nartheas#lihe of herein descrlbed easement, a tlistar�ceof 10.00 to a point for an exterior comer of hereih desc�t6etl easemerit; THENCE South 45"00'00"West along khe Southeast Ilne of he�ein descf�ped easement, at a distance of 17;4$feet pass the Southwest iin�9f sald called 0.6542�cre tPact, common Noi theast lirie of said Restricted IZeserve"B',and continUing afottg the same course,foratotal dlsfance o�46:90 feet fo a poittt for an interior Corner of herein descrilaed easemetit; THENGE South 45°00'OD" East alohg the Northeast line of herein descrlbed easement, �a distance of 191.40 feet to a point for an interior comer of herein descrll�ed easemehE; THENCE North 45°QO'9q° �ast along fhe Northwest Iine of herein descrttied easement,a distance of 5,00 feet to a point for an exteriol'comer of��herein describe,d easemeht'; THENCE SoUtli 45°00"00" East along the No�theast line of hereih tlesctib@d Easement, a distance of fiA0 feef to a polrit for ap ext�rlor corti�r Of herefn desCrip�d easement; i THENCE South�5°00'00"West 21ong fhe Southeast line of fiereih tlescribed easement,a distance of 5.00 feet to a polnt for an interior wmer of hzrein descrlbed easament; TNENCE South 45°00'00"East along the Northeast Iine of herein described 2aseMent; a distance ot z8.1 S Peet to a point for the most easterly corner of here(n described easemenY, TNENG�South 45°00'00"West afong theSouYheast line of herein descritied easament, a distance of 720.58 feet ta a point on the Nqrtheast right-of-way Jfne of said Woodlawn Avenue, sarrie being the SouthWest line of said Restricteci Reserve"B", for the mosf southe�ty corner of herein described easemeni; TH�N��North 45°QO'Op"Was#along the Northeast right-ot-way iine of said Wootliawn Avenue and common SouthWest line of hereln described easement, a dlstance of 10.00 feet to a poink on the Nor2heasE rigl}t-of-way(ine af said Woodfawn Avenue a�d eommon Southwest Ifne of saitl Restrlcted Reserve"B",for an e#eriorpoint of herein descrlDed traot; THGNCE departing the Northeast tight-of-way line of sald Woodlawn Avenue, North 45°00'00"Easf along the Northwestline of herein d�scr)bed eas�ment,a distahce of 110.58 feet to a point for an inferlor corner of hetein descritied easement; TH�NG�North db°00'00"Wesi along the Soufhwest line of herefn described easement; a distance of 272:00 Peet to the Point nf Beginning,and containing 0.1015 acres(4,420 sq: $,}. 1 J THIS FIELb NOTE DESCRIPTION IS PART OF THE PLAT QF SAME DATE.(PLAT BEING PAGE 1 OF 3). � 2.)BEARINGS AR�6ASED:PLAT NORTH, 3.)THIS pIELD N07E DESCRIPTIqN VALID FOR THIS TRANSACTION ONLY. . 4.)THE SQUARE FOOTA�E AND ACREAGE VALUES SHOWN HEREON ARE MA7HEMATICAL VALUES �ALGUTATED FROM THE BOUNDARY DATH SHOWN HEREON.THESE VALUE6 IN NO WAY REPR�SENT �� THE PRECISION UF CLOSURE OF 7HIS SURVEY OR T E ACCUF2ACY O�BDUNbARY MONUMENTS�OUN� OR S�f, r �. ro�� �CO Y L.C NDRON, : .LS.NO.5899 iE DF j�x , ... � y��'��S Fq�'9S . LOBAL SURVEY012S,MC. �a �' d � + 10401 WESTOFFIC[bRiVE + ••• • HOUSTON,TX 77092 ��COQY C CONDRON FIRM REGISTRATION NO.10115a00 � � � �'O fi899 P: �qOSF661��'P . 12-09-13 �A'9�'6URVE�o JOB NO.BL-13-1455 � PAGE 2 OF 3 EXhibit B _----- _ _ —__..—_ _ _� ��w�Fl�� �, e „� � E �� I w�tJy io(wYm 1 6NVNNHEREONIAEBA¢.pW.1HEpECappEpfYAT. I++lc/11 £ � E YNRAHIYbAhA4fFAWRm � L N 'OY 2 IOAt: . COtAM�Nl�6BftENAT�ONS 0.EVISIONS � EE�ertAFORei�sueoeoutm5o�walpn(cMxawa) '�'� qpyp� ��qy. •�my - N45no a690 h. i " HsvoPo4 lnm "A• .. I3� - � Po W 9fis0� �. ���� � ��. � N 'ao'W. � � '.. �. � 2 a�m„m�� � �/�Y LB OO WE � lp � � �IRY U m�'Y/ �SW � ��j� � 6 / J V 0 �4 S L ('j U 1 XSm�w 11058. y Ef� � 5 f �„ xq � �� 5 5��K N p. ��3 .m� � �a n„ � M�K�YR �7 ��, x,��w- �nm . � ,.� '� A s A R p N �8 5 \ ��d vicwrtv��ri.rs.� =°�`�m'�• . .�.5.....x � g� . � . R�.�F lf O i.«`��e:N : �� y(' I F��P c �40M L CO,IIDRON i 6`'�k8°e m m�¢W �' . .r�55.. I � 1 9ry.� u>to LA 4 ��InFar�v �SVR�F"� �r �y �n-n,ma 6 �/ � �,n�u � � �srv�« w� i((l�/3 � n /,� o I ;; w < �L/L � ! = U � � '] 9 uo . g` in r �ussNtw.m icn,a.� � � � o � .. . . a� a uHe �a���u `-. 2evar�mw�es�.�.+ 3 . .. L19 �9� 4tls�WMe�N�e6�ivofmmy. Su�eefi:NOCm9 � ' O PAB,I 0.tPJ5ACRK �9 . . nlbH�) � i I (0,4205QFfa RERHI4E�R4SE0.VE"0' �s � � ' Io'WATEa1M[FASEMEM . � � ��� � Y g eiocci � G1ob�lSmve ms�inc. KENNETHCAl.iP5U80M510N � eo.n� - � ��i PUTRECapp20W0.MAPNO.i-03, � . . �°""'a�°"?"°' � 6CAtF � � . U rv mu , op g ��� � E wo� mxm�. rn�a�o�aer¢w y ,� �... n �vi3). s s 6 nz � S '2L----- �..�.u�.a.w�»�v..�.r.w�.n a�y.- --.---_ ' ' --_ 7 0. WATER L/NE EAS�MENT� � . . � i<i'�vs"� . . . .. . . .w» � a1 moe xa oxr x misneu �a son.�m�uwouror 5111 CDIIE P I�IBLOt'M10 1 EIM LUPDMSKK4F5 --------.— . . .— . ...— -- --_ cumrnid>urKCOeoama.m+r�ro: >��uvcsiwcaxxr.w �. PECOMSIc.C.H0.1�ME1¢1160V(KAC/JIFDU?1CficP£iMtlipFSPI0C0 � . �ovtciuilrcpwirou.IU�fn�Ha[ L1J, TOAWCVkN1VP q5 �EPIti .�ESION UYIYCIEXIC9ill£ 14CCF)NO2nMWf NI N qf91 lMFlOFSC�iBE9 I WOOOL4VMPVENUE�60.Orv�1.O.W.� L01.1R�WfNe1FS ASpC INGGCFN iMIW99�S1}Wh➢N � p.0.� SNNII.WWSSCKIFAGUESVPVEY.ReSlMCi1N.151 xu��M[)' P9I€ �i '�a 3 � isai¢: eiis��ss� ¢.k_�w� iomc� FILED AND RECORDED Instrument Number: 2014072069 Recording Fee: 46.00 Number Of Pages: 7 Filing and Recording Date: 12/22/2014 8:48AM I hereby certify that this instrument was FILED on the date and time stamped hereon and RECORDED in the OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS of Galveston County, Texas. GJ`���� ���' � � , . � � /����;�--�' ,�4��� n°o,�,� q �r,ti°= �wight 17. Sullivan, County Clcrk oF Gak Galvestc�n County, Texas NOTICE: It is a crime to intentionally or knowingly file a fraudulent court record or instrument with the clerk. DO NOT DESTROY - Warning, this document is part of the O�cial Pub/ic Record. EXHIBIT 2 POTABLE WATER EASEMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF COUNTY § THAT RAJINDER BHALLA and VINCE NGUYEN OF RB&VN PARTNERS, L.P. ("Grantors"), for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid to Grantors bythe City of Friendswood,Texas, a home rule municipal corporation ofthe State ofTexas ("Grantee"),the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged and confessed, have GRANTED,SOLD, and CONVEYED, and by tliese presents do hereby GRANT, SELL, and CONVEY unto the said Grantee, its successors, assigns and legal representatives, a perpetual easement for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, altering, and maintaining underground potable water facilities in, under, over, along, upon,and across that certairi AREA tract of land, more or less ("Easement"), same being more particularly described in Exhibit"A"and shown in Exhibit"B", boYh attached hereto and for all things made a part hereof. Grantee may do and perform alI acts necessary to construct, reconstruct, repair, relocate, or maintain underground potable water facilities within said Easement and to operate thereon all necessary machinery and equipment to efficiently prosecute the work. Grantors retain; reserve, and shall continue to enjoy the use of the surface of the easement property for any and all purposes which do not interfere with or prevent the use by Grantee of the Easement for the purposes stated herein. This conveyance is expressly made subject to any and all restrictions, mineral and/or royalty reservations, covenants, and easements appearing of record relative to the Easement, but only to the extent that the same are still in force and effect and enforceable against the same. The Easement, along with all rights and privileges relating thereto, shall terminate when the Easement, as described above, is abandoned by adoption of an Ordinance abandoning or vacating such by Grantee. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described Easement,together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever,and Grantors binds themselves,their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said easement unto Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty,when the claim is by, through,or under Grantors, but not otherwise IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this instrument is executed this {�day of November, 2014. GRANTORS: Rajinder Bhalla, RB&VN Partners, L.P. �v\� Vince Nguyen, R &VN Pa n rs, L.P. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTYOFCOUNTY § BEFORE ME,the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared Rajinder Bhalla of RB &VN Partners, L.P., known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that HE OR SHE executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office,this�6 � y of / ` Q U'Q'�� , 2014. ��- ��-�,�---�- �a`,:�P�'� PEGGI LOUISE BIRKENSFHER � .;. ...•,;�: 3<; _ Notary Public,State of Texas Notary Public In and For the State of Texas ? ' ° ` My Commission Expires ��+;;FOt�'.�`� Sepfember 25, 2017 unn„ My Commission Expires: l -�S '� / THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF GALVESTON § BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared Vince Nguyen of RB &VN Partners, L.P., known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that HE OR SHE executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office,this ��y of / G�� �-�-' 2014 . ��--�L�-� �' ;;,, - - _.�j Notary Public In and For the State of Texas oti�^"'%%',''o, PEGGI LOUISE BIRKENSEHER i$ , ;a:•,y , � �[� = Notary Public,State of Tes�y.s��� . �;�;GV:°c5 My Commission Expugs � ""'%;;;;;`,�� Sepfember 25, 2017 /1!�� //-y S ^��•^ My Commission Expires: �/ / / ACCEPTED BY 6RANTEE: ATfEST: ., p�•, � / ' _I���`.� VV-�..••��E�y��J.o��a Kevin Hollal� tMayor Melinda Welsh � a U: `���0 \` City Secretary ;�; ;�� � e e:� e ADDRESS OF GRANTEE: °•S��'�.�a,��ti�..��_' R City of Friendswood,Texas � " 910 South Friendswood Drive Friendswood,Texas 77546 EXHiBIT"A" '10-FOOT WATER�INE EASEMENT A TRAG7 OF LAN�CpNI`AINfNG 0.1015 ACR�S (4,420 SQ,FT,} B�ING pUl OF RESTa�C7Eb RESERVE"B" IN BLOGK 1 OF KENNETH CAMP SUBDIVISION,AS RECORDED IN PLAT REGORD 2006A,MAP NO. 143 IN GALV€STON C6UNTY MAP RECOR�S(G,C.M.R.), SAME BEINC� OUT OF A CALLEQ 1.2848 AGRE TRACT P€SGftIBEL�TQ MRC VENTURE5, LP, AS R[CORDEp IN GALVESTON GpIJNTY CI,ERK'S FiLE(Cn,C.C.p,) (VO.2006064244,AND OUT OF q CAI,LED p,6542 ACR�TRACT pESCRiBED TO MRC VEN7URES LP,AS RECQRDED W G.C.C,K. NO,2U10D1Q6�[6, SI7UAT�D IN SARAH MGKISSfCK LEAGUE$Uf2VEY, ABS7RACT NO. 151, Sqip q1015 ACRE EASEMENT TRACT BEING DESCRIBE� BY MET�S AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: CpMMENGiNG af a¢oinf at the intersectlan of the Northeasf righY-of-way line of Woodlawn AVenue {60- foot right-af-way)with the Southeast ri9ht-of-way line of F.M:2351 (a:it.a, Edgewood) (1o0-footright-pf- way),forthe mostwesferty corner of sald Restricted Reserve"B'; a found 1!2 inch Iron rod beats North 4A°21`West,0.3 foof; THENC�North 45°00'00"East departing the Norfheast righf-of-Way lin0 of sald 1NoodlaWn Avenue, along the SoutheaSt Yight-of-way line of safd�.M.2351 and corrimon NorthWest line of said Restricted Reserve "B°, a disfanoe of 110.68 feet fo a point on the SouEheas�right of-Way lihe of said F:M.2351 and comtrlon Northwest line of said Restricted aeserve"8",forthe Poinf of�eginning and tlie most wesferty comer of herein descPi4ed easement; THENGE North 45°00'��"EasE along fhe Southeast right-of-way 1lneof said F_M.235i and common Northwest Ilne of tterein descritied easement,a distance of 10,00 feetto a point on the SoUtheast rigl5k-flf- Way Ilne of said E.M,2359 and common Northwestiine of said RestrlcYed Reserve"B", for an exterior corher of herein described easemenY, THENCE Soufh A5°00'00"Easf depar�ing the 5oufheast right-of-way line of said F.M. 2351, along the Noitheast lin�of hecein deseribed easemenf, a dlstance of 47.42 Feet to a point for an inferlor cpmer of he�ein described easement; 7'HENGE No�th 45°00'00"Easf along the No�tfjwest line of herein descri¢ed easemeht,at a dis4ance of 29.42 feet pass the Norfheast line of said Restricted Resefve"B", cammon SoUthWest line of said called O,S542 acre fracP, and continuing along the same eoutse,for a fo{al distance of A6.90 feet to a poitit for fhe mast northerly comer of hetein desc�ibed easemel�t; THENGE South 45°00'00"�ast a[ong the Norfheast lihe of herein descri6ed easement,a distadce of 1O.OD to a poinY for an ezterfor comer of herein dascrtbed easement; 7HEN¢�South 45°00'00"West along the Southeast lina of hereip desc�i6ed easement,af q djstance of 17.48 feet pass fhe Southwest iine 9f sald called 0.6542 acre fract, common Nortfieast line oP said Res(ricted Reserve"B", and cantinuing alol7g the same course,for a total dlsEance of46.90 feeE to a point for an interior carner of herein described easemenY TM�NCE Squ(h 45'00'OD"East along fhe Northeast line of herein described easemenE,a distance of 191.40 f�et to a pojnt for an interior corner of herein descrlped easement; THENCE North 45°00'Op"�ast along Khe Northwest�ine of herein described easement,�tlistance of 5.0� feef to a poinf for an exteriot corner of herei�described easement'; THENCE SoUth 45°OD"o0"East along the�Northeast line of hereih tlesc�ibed easement,a distance of fi.0� feeY to a polnt for an e�ctetiot oomer of hereln described easemept; i THENCE South$5°00'OD"West�Iang fhe Southeast line of lierein described easemenE,a distance of 5.00 feet to a polnt for an intei'ior comer of here(n described eas�menf; THENGE South 45°00'00"East along the Norfheast line of herein described easeYnent, a distapce of 28_78 Feet fo a point for the mosC easterly comer of hereln described easemerit; THENCE South 45°00'00"West along the$outheast line of herein descdbed easement, a distance of 120.56 feet to a point on the Northeast righbof-way line of said Wootllawn AVenue, same being the Sout6west line of said Restricted Reserve"B", for fhe mosY southetty corher of herein described easement; TNENC�North 45°00'00"West along the Norfheast riyht-of-way iine of said Woodlawn Avenue and common 5outhwest line of herein descrihed easement,a dishance ofi 10:00 feet to a point on the Nor[heast right-of-way line of saicl Woodfawn Avenue and common Southwest line of said ResCtfoted Reserve"B", for an ezterior poinf of herein desctibed tract; THENCE departing the Northeast right-of-way line of said Woodlawh Avenue, Nnrth 45°00'00"Easf a�ong the Northwest line of herein described easemenf, a distance of 1'10.58 feet to a point for an inferlor corner o�hetein descrlbed easement; 7HEN��North 45°00'40"West along Yhe Southwesk Iine of herein described easement, a dtstance of 272AD feet to the Poinf of Beglnning, atld cbhtaining 0.1015 acres{9,420 sq. ft.). '{J THIS FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION IS PART OF TNE PLAT OF SAME�ATE.(('LAT BEING PAGE 7 OF 3). 2.}BEqRINGS ARE BASED:PIAT NORTH. � 3.)THIS FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION VALID FOR THfS TRANSACl10N ONLY. A.)THE SQUARE FOOTAGG AND ACREAGE VALUES SHOWN HEREON ARE MATHF1�iAi7CAL VALUES CqLCULATED FROM THE BOUNPARY DA7A SHOWN H�RFON.7HESE VALUES IN NO WAY REPRESENT THE PRECISION UF CLOSURE OF THIS SURVEY OR THE ACCURACY OF BOUNbARY MONUMENTS FOUND O{Z 5�. / l �.J��1�� � � ' GO Y L.,C�NDRON, . ,LS.NO.G899 � ,�ti OF p� �.P:�•��7E,;�qs - Lo6AL SURVEYORS,INC. `?+zw°�`�sd4 70407 WESTOFFICE DRIVE +,....��.:.........,�.�.�..• ....�.. HOUSTON,'iX 77o4z CpOY L.GONDRON, .................... ... ...». FIRM REGISTRATION NO. 'I0115g00 ?b 589g p: '�2-09-13 ��FF s s.��P JOB NO. 8L-13-9455 . �HD¢URVE� PAGE20F3 EXhibit B BL=BVeq�ql{eEe14cK IN PFMNI �0.�i[?W.4[6iW1GWJl1�'(9Wfb@C � L� �LIMETM1VIE . .... � e �+PVF�ooV[sm��cWmYAVNPYOWS ' ENGT � \vSE=1v'11E�N1oWIlNnU:wErt I.MLBFMIIIG'eSNWRlHEaEONMEelSEDON1e@pECOpOEOpUT. IW[ eFqPM6 �, �t " sas�obp'[ Llom'� 4� �f ,$ ESEEE%MBIi'P'FORI}RE9NlDBOVlASOCYNPIp11�PpGE3.tOF)j � q0'00'E 4]A2 �Y �§` '+' ' cO1MfONABeftEVWiIDNS qEV151oN5 N<smno'E �n Y � f�cpMtm�s,ow IS �S4 a�tl 1V 9G90, � ` �G �. - V ' VU4 .40'i aGe�S.l�in� y WiSaVUO'E iS.DY ' '� � ��� I . . �tlM N n�//J t9 HSOJOPE -S.�W� c U r V r U 59S'00'OY�W . A� M, d3'e .. ��� G�5 j'' .�� ���bo„ �°�s �`` �` L1E NiSnVOtl�Y 'IOAO �S s Ic 7 N o. ��3 �.mn ��a5, r,. � ��x QA� ��, oo;v .,�o °� SA�tAN AESr `�e vicwmMncix.ls.� «�,.��„o„�e�a ���«.�,��,� � .�� ,� RE OF lf f.�is`54eA�,,s . � y: i4...•. F_�o �.� y cour�'caiyoapq k6`e 1 � I I Cqix��y9�. L9 c ' ��SYR�6o � ���� � OO o $n.v.vr�.l a �imsira m�.� � �� �"T'��3 f _ � �w n /_ / /✓1. i '" t2 � L6 °J L�O d9 �;ez�reN3'�YNkuuu4Y . •� oAz` B�WmtqziWS Re rfy��ai�w�.�asv�..ra � 3 � L19 �9A rm.N/�ro�ssearNa 5 0 IzdsfouMelNnfmo(mrcry. pnlTe+-• oP.o.4I O.1015ACrzE5 ��� . . .. . .MA�E16Fy I (4�420SQFTj ItE5T0.�GTFll0.FSERVE"0• Ss � 10'IVqTEN pNE E15EA1ENT � � i e�a�Ki � ����� �GlaUalSmveyor9�L,c. `2 NENNEfHC4AIP5UBOIVI510N r � e..M`masn�ys�.,�y � ' u ��I P�ATRECOR9200GAMAVN0.143. _ xeWO�x�enxo.0 wwrc.6e� � �,�rV. GGM.ft �oj. nxccour�e¢coa R s 2�� x�n.,�n `�mna�r�ew - rv019)[6�.P�6 �e LL Y "'�----b..�,...—��.M,�.�.—.a�.�------J �<Pd'" .oPE�ES�,";P';'I>,. � ,mA �-- `•'tO�WATE L/NEEASEMENT � � — _J — -- ---- —^--------- -- -- Emo�morwm=oeh�qixoo.misncae �a,aaose.�]vFUmavror p I FAVE'B'N�lOL1(10;0.,xe1ryGVApSVPDMSpll�9 I wtA/u��m�iia[vx �E INNTPELOqopWSh�Mp 141GYYCSiONCWMYMIP � io'vseeu p[GO � , �Sµ�Egy��GOIROFNCALLED�3<�9qeRE1MCTUE6CN8FL 3 � � ��2 i 1 U � �SRELOP�ED OPLVFSiONCM�MTCIE�M]ittE [ ( )N 6�N� I�OV{OFpGilEOO55�3�CrtETMClUFSCNBEO i g � WOOOLAV/NAVENIIE�60.00'11.O.Y(.) i VfNFSV.ASRECOPONINGCCFNOA�WIM1&SINAR➢W s �.o.c uwucWSSCK�uauesunwvnamucrxois m'i�MUS' � x�� aie �2 SG��4rvµ � '<.V13 �P.11� �3.�155 P_.IV{Z IPYwwn FILED AND RECORDED Instrument Number: 2014072070 Recording Fee: 50.00 Number Of Pages: 8 Filing and Recording Date: 12/22/2014 8:48AM I hereby certify that this instrument was FILED on the date and time stamped hereon and RECORDED in the OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS of Galveston County, Texas. ����� ��� � � �� s�" ���� ! r � � • �°�. = yti°2 T�wight D. SulIivan, Counfy Cl�rk �'o�co�4`� Galveston Counly, Texas NOTICE: It is a crime to intentionally or knowingly file a fraudulent court record or instrument with the clerk. DO NOT DESTROY - Warning, this document is part of the O�cia/Pub/ic Record. DWIGHT D.SUI,LIVAN �, COUNTYCLERK Galveston County,Texas 600 59th ST,STE 2001 Galveston,TX 77551 (409)766-2200 CUSTOMER: VALUED CUSTOMER 12/22/2014 8:48:35 AM 4024756 WorkstationID: F7YQBY1 Issued To:CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD Number of Pages:7 Document# 2014072069 EASEMENT 46.00 Number of Pages:8 Document# 2014072070 EASEMENT 50.00 Total: 96.00 CHECK: 96.00 I0999 Customer Escrow Balance Prior To this Transac6on: 0.00 Thank You For Your Business Are You a Veteran? Register For Our"Thank a VeP' Program To Receive Valuab(e Local Discounts �