HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2004-09-13 Regular 09/13/04 2215
SEPTEMBER 13, 2004 )(
Councilmember David Smith was absent from the meeting.
Mayor Brizendine called the meeting to order.
Discussion was held regarding West Ranch financing strategieswith Sue Darcy,consultantwith Knudson and
Associates. City Manager Ron Cox gave a brief overview. Sue Darcy introduced associate John Havenstrifel
and reviewed the scope of work from Knudson and Associates, reviewed proposals received for the West.
Development, presented a brief project overview of the 765 plus project along FM 528 and Bay Areal
' Boulevard, reviewed Development Proposal proposing a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) and al
Municipal Utility District (MUD), reported that both special district proposals contain some of the same
scenarios, reviewed Special Districts as implementation tools and stated they can help implement portions of
other plans, presented an overview of elements regarding a proposed TIRZ and MUD and reviewed models of
financial structures for West Ranch Development, provided breakout of costs for each proposed funding by
TIRZ and MUD, presented a financing summary for projections with build out of 2016, reviewed costs to be
financed, development summary if City did not do any financing, would propose that there would be 1500'
homes in 765 acres with a build out by 2030 with no commercial projects with 12 acres to total parks and open
spaces and infrastructure improvements would have to be financed by the City or by developers at the time
the improvements are needed. Ms. Darcy presented a scenario for goals and objectives, long-term impactsf
other impacts and reviewed City of Friendswood priorities with the three scenarios for thoroughfares, parks
and open space,sustainable commercial development,storm water detention,density,project financing, non!
ad valorem revenue,franchise fees and sales tax, recapped model information regarding number of homes!
absorption rate, residential build-out year, commercial square footage, commercial build out year,zone"pay
out" year, net City increment contributions to zone, County increment contributions to zone, park and open
space acreage and reported a TIRZ requires County to participate for it to work. A question and answer
session followed and if there are any additional questions,Council was requested to present those in writing td
the City Manager.
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Mayor Brizendine called a ten-minute recess at this time.
Discussion was held regarding the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 City of Friendswood Budget. Administrative
Services Director Roger Roecker gave an overview of the budget, reviewed revenues and expenditures,
General Fund Revenue—Property Tax, taxable value-$1,7700,000 with a current and proposed tax rate of
$.6385, debt portion $.0838 and Maintenance and Operation portion $.5547, reviewed additions to base
budget,a question and answer session followed,reported that there are three outstanding issues,how health '
insurance issues are handled, water and sewer rates and change order for lighting at Centennial Park and
Sunmeadow drainage issue, reviewed extensively the health insurance increases and impact to employees,
reviewed water and sewer rates,sewer billing methodology comparison and the Sunmeadow Drainage Issue.
Discussion regarding Governance—Vision Statement was not held.
Mayor Brizendine called a recess at 6:30 PM.
The Invocation was given by Pastor Mark Lasch from Hope Lutheran Church.
Mayor Brizendine led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Mayor Pro-Tem Jerry Ericsson presented a proclamation recognizing September as National Preparedness
Month and was presented to Tom Ryan, Regional Liaison Officer - Region 2A - Division of Emergency
Management at the Texas Department of Public Safety, and recognized Terry Byrd, Fire Marshal and
Emergency Management Coordinator and Friendswood's efforts.
Mayor Brizendine called the Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, either oral and/or
written regarding the Proposed Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2004-2005. '
Administrative Services Director Roger Roecker presented a brief overview of$26,507,581 in total revenues
and $27,250,694 in expenditures budgeted for FY 2004/05 based on the current tax rate of$.6385.
No one spoke in favor or against.
Hearing no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed.
Mayor Brizendine and Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Bob Bertrand called a Joint Docketed
Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding a request for a
Zone Classification change for 1.445 acres being a portion of unrestricted Reserve"B"at 1623 Friendswood
Lakes Boulevard in Friendswood Lakes Subdivision, from Single-Family Residential (SFR) to Office Park
Richard Gierczic, 1621 Garden Lakes Drive,stated he is opposed to the proposal,would not have purchased
his house if he had known this would be changed, enjoys the quietness and if an office building is allowed it
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will block his view of the lake.
Steve Gardner and Scott Hunter with Huitt-Zollar, representing applicant Mitch Mitchell, presented a plan for
rezoning and to develop a two-story professional office building, is not taking away any lot view of the lake, is
planning on rezoning other remaining properties in the next two or three months.
Glen Grayban, 1628 Mossy Stone Drive, stated the area is hospitable and beautiful to family and children,
understood commercial would be on the north side of the Garden Homes, understands that he has properties
to be developed that has not been developed and would like to see Council deny and have the developer
continue with commercial in front.
John Ribarits, 1605 Cascade Falls,stated he cannot understand why there is not development along FM 528
rather than inside the residential area,enjoys beautiful homes,family atmosphere and open space around the;
lake, why is it proposed having to pass Garden Homes first to get to Office Building, is creating an eyesore,I
cares about maintaining the integrity of the subdivision.
Raymond Sawicki, 1604 Stoney Lakes Drive,stated what attracted him to Friendswood Lakes was the whole
look, is aesthetically pleasing, asked the builder in the beginning what was going to happen to this property
and the builder said no building was going there and was going to be open land, told up front strip mall, one
story, property right on the lake, back yard fronts the property to be rezoned and FM 528, paid a premium for
lakefront property,would not have purchased it if he had known what was proposed, it will take away from the
value of all the property, is Council going to approve for the enrichment of one person over the residents of
Friendswood Lakes, is a big concern of losing value and respectfully requests Council to deny.
Kathlyn Sawicki, 1604 Stoney Lakes Drive stated she agreed with all that her husband just said, an office
building will look out of place among residential homes, this will turn away prospective buyers and hopes'
Council will oppose.
Charles Chrzanowski, 1809 Sandy Lakes Drive, stated he opposes the rezoning, disagrees that this was
planned all along otherwise they would not be here for a rezoning,would like to keep as a beautiful subdivision)
and an office building will be an eyesore, does not think it is appropriate and respectfully requests Council to
Pam Hoy, 1602 Stoney Lake Drive,stated her objection is mainly a safety issue for the neighborhood children,
her property will back up to the office building, anyone in the building could look into these back yards and is
gravely concerned, asked that Council deny this request, FM 528 is commercial and should leave
neighborhood's alone.
Dr. Steve Hernandez, 1931 Skip Rock, stated his home is under construction, if he had known this would be
happening he is not sure he would have bought in this subdivision, would be detracting and would not be a
positive for this subdivision, moved out to this area for peace and solitude, and the trees and greenery.
Mitch Mitchell, Hunt Airport, Portland,Texas, developer of Friendswood Lakes Subdivision spoke in favor of
this request and stated this piece of property was shown in all of the literature and in all of the model homes as
being developed as commercial,this will be aesthetically pleasing and will be a great new asset to the City,will
help with the tax burden for the school district, is striving to achieve as a responsible developer and hopes
Council will vote in favor of the zone change request.
Hearing no further comments, the Joint Docketed Public Hearing was closed.
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Mayor Brizendine and Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Bob Bertrand called a Joint Docketed
Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding a request for a
Zone Classification change for 45.8541 acres, located at the 3900 Block of W. Bay Area Boulevard, from
Single Family Residential(SFR)to Multi-Family Residential-Garden Homes(MFR-Garden Homes)and Zone
Classification change for 45.8541 acres, located at the 3900 Block of W. Bay Area Boulevard, from Multi-
Family Residential-Garden Homes (MFR-Garden Homes) to Planned Unit Development District-Cluster
Homes(PUD-Cluster Homes).
Dick Duffy, 8584 Katy Freeway, stated he is the developer of the property and the average lots are 5,000
square feet,similar to Parkwood Village Patio Homes,wish to build same type of project,will be basically for
empty nesters, approximately 16'/acres for residential with greenspace, if the plat is approved green space
would be dedicated and owned by residents, 94 units are proposed, home values will depend upon design,
base price of the homes will be$175,000 to$230, 000, completely free standing, no free standing walls, and
building codes require certain space between homes.
Henry Flynn, 700 Hidden Creek Lane, stated he noticed a number of changes from SF to PUD-Cluster and
asked if there is anything to keep from developing the green space later into commercial.
Hearing no further comments, the Joint Docketed Public Hearing was closed.
Mayor Brizendine and Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Bob Bertrand called a Joint Docketed
Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding Amending the
Zoning Ordinance for Revisions to the Permitted Use Table(PUT)by adding Use#53113: Lessors of mini-
warehouses and self-storage units.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair read into the record the Staff report on this proposed change.
No one spoke for or against.
Hearing no further comments, the Joint Docketed Public Hearing was closed.
Virginia Vasquez, 16134 Hibiscus,stated she lives in Wedgewood Village Subdivision and is concerned with
the El Dorado expansion, is in her back yard, is a safety hazard with Wedgewood Elementary nearby, little
ones go there,the street is very dangerous,sometime things look really good on paper but sometimes that is
not what is best.
Pat Adams,701 Hidden Oak Lane,stated she lives in The Forest Subdivision and as a resident asked Council
to think about a few things before voting, look at the value that The Forest brings to the City, certainly
something that brings to the City and does not take away,it is important to look at the bottom line,is it going to
be a tax burden or is it going to be a wash, asked Council when they make the decision on the Woodland
Trails rezoning, asked Council to think with their head and vote from their heart, is hopeful the property up
front will remain the same, a more peaceful site, asked Council to think about it and give the residents a little
bit of your heart.
City Manager Ron Cox reported that the Developer's Forum was held on August 24. Over 25 area
commercial and residential developers were invited with 12 that were able to attend. The meeting was held to
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discuss changes to the zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, and other development regulations,which
have taken place over the last year and a half. Topics discussed included the Staff level approval of amended
plats, changes to the Permitted Use Table, parking requirements, and clarification regarding the Entryway
Overlay District (EOD) and the Downtown Overlay District (DOD) ordinances. The new PUD-Mixed Use
district was outlined and was of great interest to many of the developers. The developers were educated on
keeping Vision 2020 goals in mind when new developments are planned and were informed of grant
' opportunities that were available for new businesses. Some future topics that Staff would like to discuss
include: DRC agendas, regional detention,and rezoning reports. The feedback from the developers was very
positive and Staff would like to continue hosting these forums not only to inform developers about changes
within the City but also to keep the lines of communication open regarding areas that need to be addressed.
In Emergency Management news, Hurricane Ivan is approaching the Gulf of Mexico, Fire Marshal Terry Byrd
will be participating in a Statewide conference call,we are plugged into the Texas and National system,from
the time a storm enters the Gulf we are plugged in with firsthand information,will advise Council and the public
through the City's website, Groupbuilder, and FM radio station to receive information.
"Councilmember Measeles moved to approve Resolution No. R2004-17—A Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Friendswood, Texas, requesting the placement of proposed El Dorado Boulevard from
Friendswood City limits (Bougainvilla Street)to Blackhawk Boulevard on the Harris County Road log.
Seconded by Councilmember Kimmel. The motion was approved unanimously.
"Councilmember Goza moved to approve Resolution No. R2004-18 — A Resolution of the City of
Friendswood,Texas,providing for the adoption of The Main Street Implementation Plan,as recommended by
the Main Street Steering Committee.
Seconded by Councilmember Smith. The motion was approved unanimously.
"Councilmember Smith moved to approve the Second and Final Reading of Ordinance T2004-14, an
' Ordinance amending appendix C of the Friendswood City Code,said Appendix C being City of Friendswood
Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19t'day of November 1984, and being the
Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing the Zoning Classification of two certain tracts of land totaling 6.5401
acres from Single-Family Residential (SFR)to Office Park Development(OPD),such tract being situated at
the intersection of Woodland Trail and FM 2351, Galveston County,Texas, and within the City Limits of the
City; providing for the amendment of the City's Official Zoning Map; providing for severability; and providing a
penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof.
Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Ewing opposed.
"Councilmember Goza moved to approve the First Reading of Ordinance T2004-15,an Ordinance amending
Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code,said Appendix C being City of Friendswood,Texas,Ordinance Nd.
84-15,as amended,originally adopted the 19r"day of November 1984,and being the Zoning Ordinance of the
City, by changing the Zoning Classification of a certain 1.63 acre tract of land from Neighborhood Commercial
(NC) to Office Park District (OPD), such tract being lots 3 and 4 of the Final Plat of Parkwood Crossing
Subdivision, Friendswood,Galveston County,Texas,within the limits of the City;providing for the amendment
of the City's Official Zoning Map; providing for severability;and providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed
$2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof.
Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously.
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Councilmember Measeles reported he attended the Galveston County Mayor and Council meeting lastweek,
the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District went upstream on Clear Creek and will continue
desnagging project in next couple of weeks.
Councilmember Smith reported that he would like to remind everyone of the upcoming Community Prayer I
Breakfast at Friendswood Independent School District at 6:00 AM honoring school athletes, Jr. High School
drivers location to drop off students will change next week on Spreading Oaks side Thursday morning and
reported that New Orleans is being included in the storm watch site.
Councilmember Goza reported that he would like to thank Police Chief Wieners for being observant of friends.
Chief Wieners called him about a home on fire and Tracy was able to call the friend to let him know about his
house fire.
Councilmember Ericsson reported he attended the Galveston County Mayor and Council meeting and a roster
for nominations for vote next meeting was presented,he will be Past President and Councilmember Measeles
will be SecretaryfTreasurer.
Councilmember Ewing reported on the August 19, 2004, Friendswood Independent School District monthly
meeting, attended the Clear Creek Eco-Tourism meeting, Trust for Public Land meeting with Mayor
Brizendine, attending meeting with others regarding private land, attended last Chamber of Commerce
meeting,reported on the upcoming Community Appearance Board's Fall Haul-a-Day,Luna's Restaurant is the
Business of the Quarter, encouraged everyone to adopt a spot to clean up, the Senior Citizens are having a
casino function at the Senior Citizen's Center and lunch at Village on the Park,and a number of Council will be
Mayor Brizendine reported he received a ticket for no seat belt last week which he already paid, the Mayor
stated the rules apply to everyone, suggested that all new officers be sworn in before Council. The Mayor
stated he had the opportunity to meet with Colonel Steven Haustein with the Army Corp of Engineers
regarding Clear Creek project,spoke to the Friendswood Republican Women's Group,talked with Community
Appearance Board and continues to talk with citizens from The Forest.
Councilmember Kimmel left at this time. '
'Councilmember Ericsson moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A.Approve Final Plat for
the Public Safety Building and authorize the Mayor to sign. B. Approve acceptance of five drainage
easements in the Annalea/Kingspark/Whitehall Subdivisions and authorize the Mayor to sign. C. Accept
Mayor's appointments/reappointments:1.James Woltz appointed to Municipal Court Judge expiring July 2006
and Richard P. Flake to Associate Judge expiring July 2006. 2.Appointed Kirk Lippert to the Community and
Economic Development Committee to a term expiring July 2006. D.Approve acceptance of Grant Award for
Crime Victim Assistance and authorize the Mayor to sign all documents. E. Approve Banner Permit
Applications: 1. Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department Open House. 2.Community Appearance Board Fall
Haul-a-Day. F. Report of Capital Projects. E.Approve Minutes of August 9,2004 Special Meeting and August
16, 2004 Regular Council Meeting.
Seconded by Councilmember Smith. The motion was approved 6-0.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:55 PM.
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Mayor Kimball W. Brizendine
, s
Deloris McKenzie, TRM
City Secretary