HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2014-27 (Title: An ordinance approving a zoning classification change for property generally described as ll0 E. Willowicic Avenue, a tract of land consisting of approximately .642 acres, being a portion of the southeasterly '/Z of Lot 9, Block 2, in Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, a subdivision of part of the J.R. Williams or Sarah McKissick League in Galveston County, Texas, according to the map of said rriendswood of record in Volume 254, Page 37, County Clerk., Galveston County, Texas, from "Downtown District" (DD) to "Planned Unit Development" (PUD); to ailow NAICS Use # 8134 "Civic and Social Organization." ORDINANCE NO. 2014-27 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, APP�NDIX C, �°ZONING", SECTION 3, "PROVISION FOR OFFICIAL ZONING MAP", BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR PROPERTY, GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS ll0 E. WILLOWICK AV�NUE, A TRACT OF LAND CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY .642 ACRES, BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY %Z OF LOT 9, BLOCK 2, IN FRIENDSWOOD, GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS, A SUBDIVISION OF PART OF THE J.R. WILLIAMS OR SARAH MCHISSICK LEAGUE IN GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF SAID FRI�NDSWOOD OF RECORD IN VOLUM� 254, PAGE 37, COUNTY CLERK, GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY D�SCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "Al", ATTACHED HERETO, FROM "DOWNTOWN DISTRICT" (DD) TO '�PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT" (PUD); TO ALLOW NAICS USE # 8134 "CIVIC AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION" PURSUANT TO THE ATTACHED SIT� PLAN AND EXHIBIT °B"; PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT OF THE CITY'S OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. * � � + � * * * � � � � WHEREAS, the Friendswood Lodge No. 1416, A.P. &A.M. also known as the Masonic Lodge #1416 ("the Owner), is the owner of a real property generally located at I 10 E. Willowick Avenue, and more specifically described as a tract of land consisting of approximately .642 acres being a portion of the southeasterly %z of Lot 9, Block 2, in Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, a subdivision of part of the J.R. Williams or Sarah McKissick League in Galveston County, Texas, according to the map of said Friendswood of record in Volume 254, Page 37, County Clerk., Galveston County, Texas, as more specifically described by metes and bounds in the attached Waz7•anty Deed filed for record on October 30, 1981 under Galveston County Clerk's reference 8131132, attached hereto as Exhibit "Al" and incorporated by reference, ("the Property"); and WHEREAS, the Property is further described and depicted in the location, aerial, and zoning inaps in Exhibit"A2"—"A4"attached hereto and incoiporated by reference; and WHEREAS, the Ownex, Masoninc Lodge # 1416 has made application to the City to change the zoning classification of the Property from "Downtown DistricY' (DD) to "Planned Unit Development" (PUD); to allow NAICS Use #8134 "Civic and Social Organization" as depicted in Exhibit `B", (which includes a site plan, landscaping plan, building elevations, and PUD letter of intent/Plan and related plans for such use), attached hereto and incoiporated by reference; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Couneil have conducted, in the time and manner required by law and the Zoning Ordinance of the City, a joint public hearing on such request; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has filed its written report with City Council, whereby the application received a majority vote recommending approval of the application; and Ord 2014-27 2 WHEREAS, the City Council deems it appropriate to grant such request, subject to certain regulations, restrictions, conditions, and City Code; NOW TH�REFORE, B� IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be h•ue and correct. The representations of Owner/Applicant, (as referenced in its application for zone change from DD to PUD), the final repart/minutes from the Planning & Zoning Commission, and applicanYs representations to the City Council, are incoiporated by reference, which City Council is specifically relying upon in granting Owner's request for this zone change to (PUD), togethex with the corresponding requirements for compliance with the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood (Code), specifically including the attached site plan, landscaping plan, building elevations, and PUD letter of intent/Plan contained in Exhibit "B", as provided hereafter. Section 2. The Friendswoad City Code, Appendix C, "Zoning," Section 3, "Provision for Official Zoning Map," is hereby amended, changing the zoning classification from "Downtown Dish�icY' (DD) to "Planned Unit DevelopmenY' (PUD) of the property generally described as 110 E. Willowick Avenue, and more specifically a tract of land consisting of approximately .642 acres being a portion of the southeasterly %2 of Lot 9, Block 2, in Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, a subdivision of part of the J.R. Williams or Sarah McKissick League in Galveston County, Texas, according to the map of said Friendswood of record in Volume 254, Page 37, County Clerk., Galveston County, Texas , as more specifically described by metes and bounds in the attached Warranty Deed filed for record on October 30, 1981 under Galveston County Clerk's reference 8131132, attached hereto as Exhibit "Al" and incoiporated by reference, ("the Property"), to allow NAICS Use #8134 "Civic and Social Organization" for such purposes and conditions as depicted in Exhibits "B", attached hereto and incorporated by reference, but otherwise consistent and subject to the cun•ent City Code of Ordinances (Code), the DD district regulations in effect, and related conditions contained herein. Section 3. The Official Zoning Map of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amended to show the designation of the Property, as described and as provided in Section 2 Ord 2014-27 3 above, with the appropriate reference thereon to the number and effective date of this Ordinance, and a brief description of the nature of the change. Section 4. This Ordinance shall in no manner amend, change, supplement or revise any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood, save and except the change in zoning classification of said Property as described above to Planned Unit Development (PUD) as provided herein. Section 5. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, plu•ase,provision, sentence, or patt of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall far any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any and every part of the same,notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, ox whether there be one or more parts. Section 6. Any person who shall willfully, intentionally, or with cximinal negligence violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 8th day of Sentember,2014. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPT�D on second and final reading this 6th day of October, 2014. � �C���� (��' Kevin Holland Mayor ATTEST: '�•±p�q�.p�•`• +s, Ti"C�G� s � �-��`• .�"���oee Melinda Welsh, TRMC �� ;�' �� '" �Y '�,^, City Secretary � cP�, ;:� ., °e,e.qr�.Q���.�P.` Ord 2014-27 4 ° Exhibit "A" to Ordinance No. 2014-27 Description of property located at 110 E. Willowick: 1. Warranty Deed 2. Location map of the Property located at 110 E. Willowick, Friendswood, Texas 3. Aerial map 4. Zoning map Ord 2014-27 5 ux–weu�w+rr vcm —.-._._._._ ..—.__-.F.i � 6 8xa�a.az �..! `-' 00l-42-2149 � The 5tate of Texas � gnow All Men by These Preeents: I OOUNTY OP GNI'.VESTON �' I ` .y.�{p� we, C. R. RazPei, M. L. Ab6e� Gene Gxeathouse and ' William B. Patton� as Ttustees, 4 E� oftLeCountyof Galveston StateoL TeXas £ormdivcansidcratio¢ �I ofthcaumof TSN ➢OLLAAS (510.00) and other good and valaal�Ie consideratio , �I , the receipt and sufficiency oP which is heneby acknowledged, �� � '�, I � W us inhvndpoidby The FSiendSwoOd Lodge No_ 2416� A.F. 6 A.M.� � IFriendswood, Texas� " �;[��¢�: j � � I � � II 1 � i � � � i ( Ihave Gmuted.Sotd and Cauvev¢d,ond by thaae F���do Gzank Sell and Convey�unW the mid � 1 The FxiendswOOd Lodge No. 1416� A.F. 6 A.CS.� Fxiendswoofl� Texas� OfTheC�OIIDLyOf Galveston $f/LG.'Of T2%d6 llu[}�AECC[{sltl � tiact oY pazcel of land in Galveston Co+�+�ty� Texas, being: {DESCRIPTION ON POLLOWING PAGE) � i \ ` .. � �`..,.. I I CERTIFIED'COPY GFAR,TIFICATE STATE OFTEXAS �� / �) WUMVOFGAlVESTON ^`(U f} G .:. ThelwegIXnglselrveanrtcartec�plwlogrephccapYOflM1eafignalrecaPiqqvmmyl wtulCUSfadY nd'po�ses4ton,aslhesemeismwrdetlinlhe0(�dalPUblicftxattlsinmy olOCeandheNnpltlen00ca�anNumberasslampdhoreon. �� 51^T IherebyceRlfyon Auvust].2014 -� �' bWIGHTO.SULIIVAN,CAUNTYCLERK rcvq i� �GAL STON COUNTY.TEXAS ,�� ��„}R ; ' t( "'.., S i : 3 - ����� M.� ,��� � " BY: DEPUTY JANETWASWG R . ODI-42-Z)50 Past of the Southeasterly 1/2 of Lot 9� Hlock 2, in Friendswaod� Galveston County, Te�cas, a subdivision of part o£ the T, .�. [iilliams oi Sasah McKissick League in 6alveston County, Texas� accosding to the map o£ said Friendswood of recocd � in Vol_ 254� pa9e 37, in ihe office of the County Clerk o£ Galveston coun[y� Texu, and more £ully described by mekes and bounds as follows: HEGINNING at a point in the Notthwesterly line oE the souffieasterly 1/2 0£ said Lot 9, Block 2; said point being 200 feet Southwesterly From the I most Northerly coruer of said SoUthzastexly 1/2 oE Lot 9, Block 2,; xhence from said begiru�ing point in a Southeasterly direction and parallel to the Northeasterly lAne of sazd Lot 9, Slock 2, a � distance o€ 200 £ezt to point Eon corner; Thence ih a Sou+S.vestarly direction and parallel to the � Northweskcrly line o$ said Lot 9, a dislance o£ 190 � £eet Co point £or corner; thence in a Northwestecly . direction an�l parallel to the Northeasterly line of said Lot 9, a distance of 200 feet to a point for ( corner on the Northwesterly line oE Yhe 3outheasterly 1/2 oE S.ot 9� Block 2; khence in a Noxtheasterly direction along the Northwesterly line of the South- eastexly 1/2 oE Lot 9, Hlock 2� a distance of 140 � £eet to the place o£ BLGiNNiNG. i This conveyance is made subject to any and all conditio.s and :es:sietio • of any, zelatzng to the hezei�e£ore descrlbed propertym to the extene, _ and only to the extent� tha! the same may be still in force and effect� � and shown o£ record in 'Fhe o££ice of the County C1erk oE Galveston County� TeXas. . i i TO HAVE A17U 71�HOLD the above deseribed pcemises�Wgetfier with ail nnd eingulu�the rig5tv � andappertemneestLareWinanrnisebclong'viguntothesnid The Friehdswood Lodge No. � 1416� A.F. 5 A.M., FriOndswood� T2Xds� its successors hamD and uuigus iomver and we do hereby bind our , . fieirs�execubrs aud ndministr¢toxs,to W�naut m�Fonver➢efend,nll aad sivguiar the seid Dlemiszv � unkotteseid The Fiiendswood yadge No. 1416, A.F. 6 A.M.� FxiendswOOd, Tex, i its SllCce550Y5 � k�lK and assigus,agtinst every person n'homaoever IaMully clamiog,or to cia�the mmq or avY Pett � iLCreo£. ryITNE55 our hand at Friend�wood� Texas� � fhis �Q�h daYOf /7/a�{� 397Z. _�_�,� /� ._.5.._:__....:. .......... ..._ .�__._.___ C. R. Haxpex, T stee �°`�' � __._.___._ __ __'— � . _�_----.._._. .�r._��_r._-�-___.__���_�: William H. Patton� Txustee My+L. AL�e TruStee , .. _"...._____."—__.�—___..... �eyk__ <.n�.�.<cv�:�..__.__ .. � , ., � Gene Greatfie ��e, Txustee � �' ' � � CERTIFIEq'GbPY CEvRTIFICATE STATEOFTEXAS . J� � 7T'- . COUNTYOFGALVESTON - Gt� :' b'- iheforegolh9�sutme.arqmrreclphotoqraphlccopyoHheodginalracoetlnq fimylwflcslodyaM�Pwcaessim,esihesamelsrcwidedNUeO(fcialPUblicROCOrdsinmy oXiccantlhaUngldenlHicalbnNUmbe�asslamq.Hhereoi. _ ��j , . . ��.� ...Ui 1 Iheiebycertifyon Auaust].2014 - : %DWIGHTD.SULLNAN.COONTYCLERK ��wp ; /a;GAL TON COUNTY,TEXAS } .� l � .. g4��� �1k BY: "./l � OEPUTY .JANEf WASiNGER � � � SA'GLEACSNONLBDGMENT 00�1-42-215f � TftE STATE OF TEXAS, � County ou ._� gEFURE EtE,n e vn��gued,�%����d ioe eoid ComH nnd Stnb,ee(FSe doy penonv➢y eppeexcd L 1 kne.vp.tn�me�m,tu xhc penon__.wLovo vvm /s enbcribcd w Wc to�eso+ng fmiromea4 ona ucznowtedged b � [�.." m�o.(fi!"-fi�e_,eFttv4d tbo mma fei!ho puyoBw ond mtultlemdon tLettyin uQ�ev�d- ' , .�'GIYENLNA�R Mi 8AN➢ANn asnL OF OFPlGe N:a It�/� ^'�W / �.P•1� 'iIGB�S� � �flENEYlOiiPNA �- �/ � 1���• Texas � � NobNPULIICIno�forGOlv:Y.�n^w�nry� , L: -`". ' � —.A.C.I! .,,_. , ,",.:: . .i._MJ commtsslen Evpkcs Juno 1,19x( Nows Pv4Ve in and fe� S��mty,Taxu � TAE STATE OF T&\,l5 tS � . Cawtlat �f}�VtS'1'°,r I . � � 8e^FOA£]�,tAe mden:ymod nuNarilY,au tSh dap ye.�p�ullq ayn:mA � � —iYl L . A�fEC� — � :`Q�wn(on�e`NbetLapnvo�.aTOa<nam• �S �ab:tnb<d:aextore5oin61nstrvmen:�aodr._,.. i „e'drnoblad6M'N me tb•' 4ttukd LSa eane fe�Gho pu:posn anL ee�d<ntiop tlie�eln e�prtzaN__ � - GIVENYn�er`myhaedandvedofo[fi�vW yp' h,D.19�1 � .p�1N IAEtlE WOTIPK�• I '..'NataryPUM�F In ind lor cob<aW n CounH.Texo l:a �..ptyFommLslon FspNm Jwu 1.14 7G Tobry Public lv va i�- r+9�-'��Y°^�m I . ... " .<�:'.:,: Co tR D.�.. ____TH3�STdTE.OF Tcc�a . . . ; � •• __ . °: ......... �r . . � , " �� � SII�GGSAC6Zi0lYLGOC�ILNT � ' G � STATC,�OS^�T➢X1./5/, Ir . - � .. . OIIb1M'OF� /�N.�.Pd� J . . � - ' . •�.• .. � 95?OR9 b!L`r dha v:�Leml�ed�nO:Iotnry�ll�iu ow Foe eoid�County enE SNN, on Wte doy paroo�➢y�oyyew<J . ..��cF�AM /d. Arfa.✓ • . Imown�k mn to ho fl+o pcnen wTo¢o novo � onbzei�6ed b tTo[orosofn6'vuWmank�d evMo�viedged b ma �� . tTqi hq�;�.e>eeuleS tFu uma far thn puapovm uvd wnoidototian thoRin atp�moad. � .,..'xUU:i :) :. . . � '�+t�.GiQ£T[FNpER tAY IIAND AND SEhL OF OFaICE t44 No /O r=yday oi y1a ,�.n.av 7/. - ''_�'; .: = �� �r ::�; , .. . � %:{L5.7'.•. = �� '� _liehryPUbli<fonndIDr � . , iVj Covnry.Tew. . �: � . �. ' 'SfAGLE ACKfiOlYLEOGM1ISNT � � � � SfhTE 6P 3E):AS, '. :: . _ . . WUFTYOF. NARi2i5 } . ' .. . . , BEP08E DIE�/th'o onMre(/ymed�n NoWry�Pablle In md Se[aaid.Cwvty end SIaW�on ILIe dny PenmWly nypessrd , ' � yE.Jf t�2f.ariYn�isr-� . . kua�rn to.mo to ba�10 penon'� n6apo n�ma ' wbs bed to tLo lomgains iiutrvment�end uc'dwaled6ad te mo ,}hu����}��Skdcv:ed Na mme br fTe puryovra md covoidemtian tl�avoin c�praaed.� � ' . ,':^.e:.�..........!i�..�;. . :�p;: G[��UAI}CR,DIY LANll A2N SEhL OF OFSICG tAin No /�r�doy o1 /Y�NY .hD,ID 7/. : ,,, :.:. .._; ���� -:,<L.SJN•':"�V . . - NoivyPubliciamdtar �j�(ft.��(�. Covuty.T••• . �f"' . • . � ' , , ' .. . NT .. �e➢uV . . . . ' �1...... il�:(' CEftIlFIED GdPV�,����FATE STATEOFTEXAS - �� ,�� T"����, COUNTYOFGALVESTON � - �; O"S T�eforegoirglsa[rueandcarecipMloB�aphiccopyof�heorlpinalrecofdnp�InmylMl stodN �P ssion,asthesame(srecotdetlinlheOtfiGalPUblicRecortlsinmy ' otiiceantlhaNngltlenUfcatlonNOmboresstampeChneon. �7 � t . �r.s t; llll$ IherebyeMlfyonAaaustZ2014 � � , AWIGFfiO.SULUVAN,COUNTYCCERK t GALVEST �ICOIINTY,TEXAS .:^^ ��tWpg',, 4 ,. _ ��rYJJ5��,, Y -- f2�ar�� �-� 8Y: t2 OEPUiY dANETWASW ER t � � � I 001-42-2152 ; i � .. . ... . . . ,... . . . . .. .. M b . y r . ...' r . �.. �� �� ' + � ' ' i ' 1 i ! F z ` � � F a 1 i � I � %� M z ' i ( t t � �` & " � j' S �� � 1 A 1 3 ' M � > ' � � i i v 1 1 3 � M ° '� � f �j � I { I� n 3 � �' p � �2 _ � �. � a � °S A FL e� �; � e o� �; d � ' n; 5 °' �`I 1 � � F� �3 I O �� � .... . - � � ; � � FILED FOR RECORO ' � Ocr 30 I�sz hH'el �' � �..,aE•��r.:G... , - 24Y:![I:�C[IOiSiAV.^Aif.'.i))] m � � � . SII�R(f�QAS We�IVWItlNO I tmh aM Un tn�IW+�crn w crn a W mm.ar�ne.mpm.,a.eee7iwed J iu W O�ttiN P�Ni R¢o9�d Fel empN af 4tUa 2m-0.toam '� pCT 30 �981 G � i�,t �� �a� fAU 1c.yne.UUb.Tem � «..-. .._._.... ;_.....___:"_. .-. !_ _ . . _.___ _".._. .�._" --._..__.—____. . . .. .. .J ♦ ty51` CERTIFIEf��CbP1r�y�p16ATE STATEOFTEXAS O s � � tiT.� - COUNTYOFGALVESTON -„p� `+t O �;,,� Thofarego�nglsalmeandcortwtphmoga0hiccoDYOfRi g Ie �dMwNmylaAlpPstctlyapdpos$esslon,eslM1esameisrecarEetlin�he0f11Go1PUbIIcRecortlsinmy -ol�ceanEbaNnB�den4fcalionNUmhet�s5tampeEhe�m -�� \ �(_},>) Y-;� i. % pl":' I heieby cerlify on Auaust Z 2014 � t; � k�DW IGHT D.SULLIVAN,CO�NTY CLERK ;`�� �yn�W� � -'.GALVE NCOUN7Y,7EXAS � ,,J�,�q +.,y �`4,�'�• ('.(��p '�, �.BY: DEPUTY , JANETWASING � ��\ _.. _ 2p 209 2i2 30 S 3 3 202 2p� o ry^ 2�2 `'`'2 �'p� 20 °' v '� �'O 4i O�' Fo � Q ,�- 01 J � q�0 C9'O 2�a ap0 `l, 2�B ��Q' 2°�' n O o >�s nl��P ,t.Q'�i �0,� 2OS p���' ��i �'A � � .� p, 4ia y �os �o ,2,P� 2' PGq ,�� °s O� y �9 2�9 � 0 /P�'Q �i�n� ��s! 2�� 111 �' ,�p9 � 2�0 �l �� �'P O� ^ 0 5 6 �a �\Q," w .o� ti� s y`p �0 02 on' �',q�O'P `VO^ �o� ry�g Q'G�p ^^� yo2 4�0 0 `L O� �Ory 2 �'a6' ��S �'.'� 4pq �pi 2p� Q,J�' '� ox � ,�`� � �a� � �p ��� �8 � s'ob, b�� o 2os �e o�mQ. �° Rti��c 20� �^ti �o,� �p� � S� � s�O 20 � O,� A�0 C �QA "Q/�.� �y1`P ^ph 310 F0� �� ry k 05 b^O fF�< �^� OS O "�i b� A � A�``1� (9 �g O� �dp "'i O�` 0.� p^� O�' h rL QQ �O^ O �.� 2 ko^ A o6 �Og �^6 � �h O 0 P �2� po`� �` �� O R�^ �q`� 2�4 � ��� �P�'� ,��� Subject Property: ��� y �,ti° �� _a� `� 3�� � 1 1 0 E. W i l l o w i c k 4 0,� °� ,� oP �' (.642 acres) °`� � 6 y��� `��� 110 p�'��' � �0 0 ° ��p.oQ � $ �1� '08 �� Qoe �^� ^� p a, S, � �o `r.t� '��`� �O6 �`G 109 � P,� 2�� � �/��,j� 5 0 �i'iFyQ �o �`�.�' Q>6, oQ,,F ��� A ^ ,y^� �S'(y �p'1 4i .CY � �Co �O O� ��Y v2 Q� vo 2� 303 ��, �p� > '�o �t�,P 9 2 ��� � �`O9 �s � Q.ya �O� ��o J�' ^� °6' ya°' � A� �o ,`� ,.�5 J�t vr, �� �OS 8 �?� o P �, J � �y 118 �V� 408 y PJ� ^ �� �^� 'o� � G��.� `��` �'io �y>�� �o) 501 0 2 °J v G `' 416 505 ��` F�� � PJ� S�R/�'t'O / //� ����� , �� P�5 s�o Legend O v O 502 O �.� j;400 FriendswoodiJunior,H�gh Q,O�� ;,��City Limits / // ''2 S�ya�� 107 '_ _' Counties / / . 9 �1l Schools / o j 1 Oisclaimoc This pr�uc!is Por(NOrmatlorbl purposes and may nof have been prepaiad bi or be suifa6le loNegal,e��gineering,or surveyln�purposes.Il tloes nof rep�esent an on�heyrountl smvey and 2presents oNy(he appioxlmate rvJafive IocaGOn ol omoeAy boondartas-Gov Q§2501.f02.The userls encouregerl(o indepen�ently vaiiy alllnlomialiom m�fainedln fhis pmtluci.The CIty o/Fnendswuod makos no --�L , o��varzant}aa io Jie accui��,o�tMo p�tluc!or to ifslilness lor e psrtiSOlsrpwFVSe.Ths usec(1)acce➢�slhe piodud AS IS,WITHALL FAULTS,-(2)essumesall responslbplty(orthe use iherao% as fhe Cif o(Poendswootl(rom n-tlamaga locs,orirabllit ansing/mm si ch use_ �� City of Friendswood � ' , �,°�°°`��`;�°°�""°°°°,;"� Friendswood GIS Ma in F,;e�dswood, rexas»546 p P� 9 (281)9963200 www.ci.frientlswootl.tx.us 1 "=268 ' 107 � '� 7� ��r, �C Y ��_ . �- �. q�y�/ ,,.¢ ��' R. �-fy� R � �� � ,3�� � 40�. �� y � � 2 �.� I' , _, o .� ,. ; Y,K �!'rl �'�. I �`� `� �,, � �� . � , f2oi , � - ' ,.o ,�3 �' / `�� ,> �.. a� 14"�`' ".., � ` 3�a��� v,� .; ,���' k �l� ` �� � ��31� � ��,,yf; � '��� . . �� � . � �i- l /t ,�' V� �l . ,;'`311 �;`r') Q�� O� i�. S �� � ��� � °��r .:r312 �` '� �� ��`�� 1 � �o) 't.y `e .^,. .. .. �� ..,i��p���4'ti' '� . �o,.t\ . • ay��1,�. �� �� ,�:.� b ,� ���C�'. fi o •. � �y`P! �� � iy. O��i. � w .. 0,.� >. � �M � � p�,M 121 � ,y.� �o- , g o.. � � � ��KP�'���r" / �\ �� ��' °tiTl'���_ �id o �lj;y� � i ��i���,- a ' � �9 � �'r; 30�� 4i� �� �`� � , . .r t. ���7t �'r. (� �1,�^Y: " p,� f� . �a'ia�' � .�.;�� I'i�oix i�,�_ �� a � � �i0 �. Willowir,l< 311 � ��� ` ��, . �o,� ^ ���,;.�� ':n2 acres) .. - 4 , . '. �� 4 ��'} � . . t��� '\ �i/ ���� ,� ^^,�.. �y'll� '�;� � �; . �` �� '\b � � �r `L `\i: � 4�� � �O .'�, _ �" � I'i , `� e... �� . . ..'` 408 � � * ' V s . M,. � � `315! 1� . �}, , y08 . ' ,�. ♦.i° �.. ro � . h . Ys .� � J�l.. r '+� v \ '/ �� ��'.,,� 106 ' �G�P i � .il"r,�. �i � � ��' ��! p � .Y��\ V O� �'�+�. i09 , {' �/4 `. �� a R \v .. \ �.' �� �i401 ,�.�+ `: ��S� '`' � �,y 416 � A 310 `:,... ` ,pA G�, �ji� ' .�'.�' '� . � '. �'�'� 1� .�� %C � �{�' . �. 407 . . y^`. :�e i �. � . R s'o.piF ` %��'t � . . � ' fl 2 R � R�:i. 4%p, , �±• �-, �'� '' ♦ � .�s�. tS b _ h.. �i. �; t � �2 � �'�. �3f21 - '�, �F,1%� �OO� , - ., .y . ° '��0�*' -.t . � p.�� V � Mv��. � ��� ,J�-���� � � p"�A ��J , �. . / 4: �3 .. ' �� r �l < !'s"'.t:' � �O - `9� sS ��. . � � ` �'+ � j�, 'p � . " +� . ^.:106 � r-. .��... '^ � " r�} 31Q�" , � >.' , ��' , . �: d. � M �, • fti♦ .,� y ,��"'� "' sr'' ���, . �'Si ` ,, / P,(�,:, ` o�. .� �1 � �y� _�e 5) . n , y ,�.� .,Jtp. �4F. � �� .�,2����°�,' � � ... ��PP�� � ' � �-_ " �.a (417�, - � ��f 103 �` ��%, i ' �''. 1, ���0P ' �� �' � � Q� . �" O� : '�i � � .. � � �. / � _ . �118 � �y��v �•. � �' 40�, �$�Y�,�.r ^�f �' � �'. - b ti' 5 � ..� ° �` � �'�.-� , � � .•�:,� Legend � � ,� � . � , +s �-- . ;� � '�� 4 u�rCity Limits o � ,� 107,� ;� t� . . 496 , � � r . . � X° ' ! Counties ,u�;'��; �. .. • � , - , O_�'s�r,., n._sandmaynofhave6eenp�epsre0lororbesuitablelorle9al,engineering,orsurveymr -nie5enfanoMhegzundsurveyentlrepre5enl5 oniylhe�l � � � :bountlanes.GOeC.§260L102.TheuserlsencomaoetlfoindependenNyvenlyaHm(onne�o � -C:spmduct.TheCiiyolFnendsivoodmekesno , �n repiesar f i c � ontyas f Y.aco2cy ollnispmduct orto its Rness(ora patlicularW�POSS.Tbe�er_(i)eccepte fhe pmtlucf AS IS,WiTh'ALLFAULTS(2J xssurnesall respor,sbility fo�flie usa iheipo( enJ(5)releaeaslhe Liryo/Frisndswood liom any tlamaga,loss,oiliabililyensing Imrn soch use_ City of Friendswood � �'°s°°`��"�°��""°°�°`"� Friendswood GIS Ma in � ��� F,;endswooa, rexas»546 p p• 9 (281J 996-3200 - www.ci.lrientlswood.tx.us 1 "= 134 ' � ��i: - ii- .i: 2p 209 � . : � 2l2 � �� . _ � .. 3. . . � . .. . . .:::- .;: _.. _._. � :::.- 2001.09 202 ' �' ��.� .2017�" .�' 2��" 22? "'o� ...._......._..:::.ii... o ..... .... 20' c° in �.:�._ ,.,-,- A :; :;, 20 .� � ! �9 Fc��O G�QQ- 20o Q �oo,� rya� 20\ �OPJ 2� � `� o w � a 'o� ��/ �PO� 2�"� 2�6 ��� ��� 2�p � � � � . / �Z`` 9 O � o �,i, 4i ?os �,o ,t,P 2 � 9G,9 ^� c � \ � y �i�i 209 `� l�fc r�"� �'p � i���, 111 �'� �9 2�0 �C '��6 �O,P � � �Q- 20 \ 'L ^ 2o r` �i 0 `� ?�P,y w 'o� '1,� s � y�P '�� °2 ��qti 20� ,yo� G�° ,��° Q o o ° / �y � o p oz a 0 I�2o ti� ,`4 ^°�, ry �o� 2A��rn �i.� �^� �� :. ;4` `�> � ' ., , \� �OQ, � �O 202 �o� � ;�; Fos �py o �8 ���c �° �P,y�� 20 �,y po,� �o� � zos o �s 20 "' os � /S�Rj��O �� �y�2`PO ^ph 310 ,O�O� ' �i "'^k �ry \ � \RO Q�� k �^o '��'C<(c,L�F ��^ ^� �S ±,r� � � � � h q� �n ry0�/ �OD�O �p^ C^�O y� \ J'>� ��� kOa � ko k�A p,^� �^6 'A \/ �\ o`� o��P '�� �°�' Subject Property: �,�� „!� 2�4 � �°1 P�'� �k k° 110 E. Willowick h �tio � � �� �o� `�`s „ 31� / � (.642 acres) °`� �,�� ��P � A�^ � �.�' � Qoy��� "���/ j� 110 ,� Ao8 p��' ^� � R^0 0 0 y,t,P / � � ,��h� ,;� �08 �P n ,�� y, �/ `° ` �o/ S`T /3�`� �O\ S�\G 109 \ k P'Jt�, ,�Q3 O � g r,� .. ^0 / 28'�� '�: \� �^o R'���s� �o^ ko� Q.�`/���� � p's �P� '�� ` '�;� A .'ho / ,O� � �C/��� '2 PO`� '09 � �02 � un 303 �ti � �O� '>o Q..� ��� � a / �'O9 �os k,�'¢ �O� °>o PJ� � /��� :: :::::. / �J RJJ� ' 10� ��V 200�� .::� 3�h� � �J�C. t1�� p�j ��� oS• ?� �°o `-�' �t, _� �-. 118 �G� 408 ���.ti �i� �� �o� i� / � :i Q, �y � i �Z �. ��. / . . � ��� ��*i �'�i .. . "'^�,/ �'vo S�� �o�. 501 / l�o�i G �s��✓`/J��'i,� o, . Sa � / m . / ,�%,����I%' j �9G ��2 �\\ 416 r / r r �- � � / //„ 'S'fo� �3 S �z;�;,% ;'�;�,�%%�� °°� P,� '��,FO Legend . � .,;,/ ; ���,�'r � ' '�8 � ,��r=�i/�; s%%',��',/%�/,;� �° h '�� T:�Cit Limits �F�! ��i��'r� l � /,f� /f F� �0 >� OP 502 � l� �l �,f���� �f �r � ,.�ii,� o C9 � � J ,�,�',! �O�l�endswoo'd�in�orl1ghiiF/,���. Q,��� � _�COUIItIeS ��i'f��i'��' �%���'';' .r F�,/��f�' 'f� '� i �URCHi f���] �+ 1., f%�J�f�.�� ,�/'('�/�,'•ji ;i e jy�iy ;�'�.,: 2 yJye� � 107�. r///� �7Ci�IOOIS ����,�,;°���`���,`,��'`� f��'���`,�,�''����, 1p920 19 � Special Uses �'.� � DlsGaimer.This pmtluct is)or In/onnetionel purposes arid may nof have bzen prepared/oror bo suifable lorlega(en9lneenng,or surveying purposes It does nof represenf an onlhegmund survey antl represenfs only(he app�oxlmafe rela(ive IocaGOn ol property bounrlanes.Gov C.52501.f02 The u�er is ennourege�lo fndapendenfy vanly eff inPo�mafion conlalncd in Pois pn�tlucl.The Glry o/Fnendsmood makes no represenlalron or u�enanry ae lo Ihe amurac��of fhls pm�uct or lo i5lifness lora particnlar purpose. The usec(1)eccepls Iha praJOC!AS IS.WI1'H ALL FAULTS;(2)assumas all saponslbi6ty lorthe use lhereol; and(3J releeses(ha Ciryo�Fiientlsivootl/rorn an-damage,lass,orliabilil ar(sin lrom such use City of Friendswood e 910SOUthFriendswoodOrive Friendswood GIS Mapping . -� ' Frientlswood, Texas 77546 (287)9963200 wwwci./nendswood.tx.us 1 "= 268 ' Exhibit"B" to Ordinance No. 2014-27 Planned Unit Development- 110 E. Willowick: 1. Application 2. Site and Landscaping Plan 3. Building Elevations 4. PUD Letter of Intent/Plan Ord 2014-27 6 i CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD I�"—f�(�� � PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT(PUD)APPLICATION Fee: $300.00 CURRENI'ZONE OF PROPERTY: �oww�ce�.av..�i.�kr��-�- , PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT(PUD�: Option 1 or Option 2 (circie one) PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION: Street/Road Address: t!b C r.�� LG.S; I�d i�,� c�c, �,ueanu..� � LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ❑ Platted LandlName of Plat; Lot: Block: ReseNe: [v]�Unplatted l.and(attach certified metes and bounds description) S�� r �' d' ;. � C�. � �' . ,�. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: [v]�Gurrent Deed of Record @�Most recent plat OR Certified Metes and Bounds Qescription(including name, address and telephone numbe�ofsurveyor) (�Option 1:This option allows the site plan to be approved as a part of the zone change tequest and is a one-kime submittal. 7he following informaiion is reguired and is typicaily provided with a cover sheet, overaU site plan, landscape plan, builtling elevations;and photometric plan. Engineered drainage ancl utility plans are also required. ✓ Data describing all processes and activities involved with the proposed use ✓ Boundaties oP the area covered by the site plan ✓ The location of each existing and proposed building and structure in the area covered by the s(te plan and#henumber of stories, height, roofline, gross fbor area and Iocafion of building entrances and exits ✓ The location of existing drainage ways, antl significant natural features ✓ Proposed landscaping and screerling buffers ✓ The location and dimensions of all curb cuts, public and private streets, parking and loading areas, pedestrian walks,lighting facilities and outside trash storage facilities ✓ The location, height and type of each wall,fence, and all other types of sereening ✓ Thelocation, height and size of all proposed s(gns ✓ Utility and d�ainage plans ✓ Regulation matrix designating what zoning elistrict the cievelopment will foilow ✓ Data describing any variation from the typical development requirements ❑Option 2: This option will reqiiire theappiicanf to appfy for sita plan approval from the Planning and Zoning Commtssfon at a 18ter date if the zone change to PUD is approved. At the time of site plan approval ail information contained in the concepfua!plan shall be certifled by an engineer and/or surveyor. 2(i31b)W . . � The conceptual plan shali provide fhe following information and is typicaliy provided in the fotm of a cover sheet or letter describing the project,an overail site plan and building elevations: ✓ General lattd use and tlensity plan ✓ identify proposed general uses, densities, major open spaces, circulation and access features ✓ Statement indicaFing proposed phasing of development and the projected timing of each ✓ pata describing ail processes and activities invoived with the proposed use ✓ Regulation matrix designatinc�what zoning district the development will follow ✓ Data describing any variation from the typical development tequirements PROPERTY OWNER"S INFORMATION n .�---» Name: Hvd'Sota ..f,� � V}� s,nvti t..e�9..e.� �(�1 � EmailAddl'eSS:_Cw���r,acne�� -�-gt �s 3'�tr�i�, Phone#; �'!i 3 .���£�•7'7�9. Fax#: ��1•$i j.C3S°l� Mailing Address �O 'k��x '-1 v t Cliy: �ria>.+ t�.s�n.nrQ Stafe: !3l Zip: /'t"t �+d�i i AGENT'S INFORMATION �^ Name:�o�n u- °' �e e'*��rb� Email Address: �,n� ��n.tessc�c�c.:��s �� j��r A�n Phone#: "i���'�zlQ.'Y72� Fax#:�?S�t� � [iS"4 � , MailingAddress: "Z�5' ggP��- 6�P:�7e City: �a�: e_�._,�1r��ir.�.. State: i 1C Zip: ^t� ��( � In authorizing an agent to represent ihe owner, t6e owner aitests tha[ his/her agent may make verbal or written represeniations andlor tlecla�ations on lhe ownar's behalf and the owner understands and acknowledges that the Giry of ! Friendswood shall rely upon the agenPs representations in matters perteining to the above described property. The ! designation of an agent in this makter(n no way absoives the owner of any of ihe owners responsibilities outlined by the ( City of Friendswood. PETITION: As owner/agent, 1 hereby petition the ciiy for approval of the above described request as I provided by ihe laws of the State of Texas and Ordinances of fhe G(ty of Friendswoocl. ' Signature: (Owner (Date) Signature: ''• �' � (Agent) /{s(,�1a5u�p� � �5 ✓� (D te) Date Application Received; �-��°i�l Application Received By: ( '� Receipt Date: �1> ��� •``� ReeeipY#:S�f���U Date of Public Hearing: Newspaper Notice: Property Owner Notice: Sign on Prope�ty: uiaao�s m � N � ; � n y N �O - o Z � � cn a�x, �Il 'A � D D � ��" � z m v+ � Z � � � � � O o m � € O --� o Z s =o � Zi O � Z x � �' � � �� _ <� '' O - L � r � °° �7, 0 r .� � - -- —�_ a� ° -� � Z 70 � � x - � � - rnrn � � � � V) Z � < rv m � � v � c� o '' rn O t , ,. .� v � � � � ��� � � �� .� �i .� �, j � a� 'i .� �` ! , ,.: . _ � � � . r:f� , 'bcu , `;d�i E . li�� �<>��i �.,�. � r . � .c % ��,� i�, a �� �i. nirt. PMn�lnP F i.n�muc Flnws m anu or w,umr.hcx. anarc�nc caaa:cm4 saw k mueauu assx. PLANT LEGEND aaaeos[o ia euvnus[a�rs�rt o[i[fmai�. i vi,c[am ano 5W�[�si cnoss FlmR MG swrx att mmas�� S2E REIAARKS wwM�tu m[niax us�int�c�s eorvc PAaaasEn. — F.1�0 OUIRAER EA pF SPA[6 REO�IFE�:11(8.5'%�B') O vvww ar iiii snE rw�i ev TMi vpi��co���sau��voii nuuerre ar sPncrs rA oeo.zo�e.sxiary -- ivvirnnon or mnr vue.irve veucw�niusr wsuauir n sne wmiuc saucs�cauieco_i � PWI 11N!COXPofl415 iD C11RflF11!OPOIIWICES PFONOEO.HIXVEVER � IDIGP SPACES RO N�R � ThEG�P�I6V IHYEPCW AISSI�N.�OR A���GI��NOI i0�f%CEE�p I�uu I�ICNSPqCE PF01411E�PEq IS REClM1i SPACESJ ��%I6)A1 S. LI ZONE ser iir �,a. NORTHEAST 140' sEr iir �re. E%ISTiNG CE�AR FENCE 6' 9� 9� 9� 9� 9i 6NTRANCE/EXIT PROPOSED 1—STORY �6i i woon rqnnc wisrucco suaao�rvo �b �z.s9z SoFr, ENiRPNCE/EXIi N� FINE TREE i0 Y 6�'-6 pE RElIOVE� E%ISTING rvsm n�e � 4 � �/�c � / / j/ 6•_6• �/ / �� ENiRPNCE/E% £ / / v6 � � � �/%% E��,o =� � �,� � � ---- Ex�s,�x� �j�/� � A /' �� � °o x ._ ,e r , �� y "o o „6 ' � %�����'6��' o N m � ' ���� j� sl � m - CALICH�� R�CK ��� � � ,�/ �/' ��,aa��E,E. E ' % � ! ���i, �: -0 ,: I � � aY �_� "D �. -o ��/z,: �— N ` � � � � �/ ����p A �, - —�- ����-� �, m � � . �o � � � `� °N%/ ;% W t - :6 � } / i , N / ? °'- � �FIRELANE� � NEW �j ��I �0,� /rvry b � — ///.. 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Frlendswood �rive Eriendswood,TX 77546 Re: Planned Unit Development(PUD)AppUcation Anson Jones Masonic Lodge ti1416 Friendswood,Galveston County,Texas Ladies and Gentlemen: This cover letter is accompanying the Pianned Unit Development (PUpi Application for additional explanation and clarification for those items not clear[y identified on the Site Plan and which are a part of the submittal requirements in the pUD Application. Attached hereto and made a part hereof for ail purposes is a Certified Copy of the Current Deed of Record with the Metes and Bounds description. process end Activities: OLD LODGE REMODEI. Our plan for the o!d lodge was born out of the need to create a facility that wili serve as a great room for dining and feltowship with family,friends,visiting brothers and official visits from The Grand Lodge of Texas, The foundation will be Itfted, leveled and placed an cement piers.The exterfor siding wifl be replaced with Stucco and Wainscoat Gen-Stone. The lnterior will he complimented with new tile floors, The waiis wili be repaired, piastered and painted throughout. This will provide ample space to dine on the wonderful dinners prepared ln our exfsting commissary kitchen. NEW LpDGE CONSTRUCTION The plan for the new lodge is to attach it to the newfy renovated building with access through a corrldor from the commissary kitchen with two �2) exterior entrances and exits clearly marked on Yhe site plan. The new lodge will inculcate our main meeting room, a studyJlibrary and display space to publicly exhibit the many historical Masonic artffacts we possess. Two offices, one for the Worshfpful Master of the iodge and the oYher for the Secretary and Treasurer, as wetl as Men's and Women's bathrooms built to ADA regulations and a Tyler's lobby and preparation room. The exterior walls wNl be complimented with Stucco and Wainscoat Gen- Stone. The New lodge room wilt be 4'feet longer and 12' wider than our existing Chapter room and will facilitate our need to comfortably seat 60 brothers and their family and friends. i Proposed Landscaping and Screen3ng: We will replace the Pine tree we remove with a three(3") inch Oak tree Yo be planted in front along the Northwest side of lot. Landscaping is planned per the rendering attached with this application. There are no screenfng buffers planned because the callche rock parking (ot extends all the way to the street and we antfcipate the existing aprons be not changed from those which are existing at this time. Fentes and 5creening: There are two (2) existing fences on the boundaries of the property. A six(6') foot cedar fence along the back or Nartheast boundary line and a four jA') foot chain link fence on the Southeasterly boundary line of the property.There are no plans for new fencing or alteratian of the existing fences. Signs: There will be no signs on the property, Utilities and brainage: We intend to malnta[n existing utiiities wlth the purchase of offsite detention as prevEously discussed with City ManagemenY and the Galveston County Drainage District during our site ptan courtesy revfew. Regulation Matrixa We intend to maintain the Downtown District designation wlth this PUD on top. Variatfons from typical development requirements: Anson Jpnes Masonic Lodge is requesting the following variatiqns: 1) Maintain existing setbacks from the property lines, 2) Maintain the existing caliche rock parking lot and instaA a paved Fire Lane and two(2}paved Handicap parking spaces. 3) Maintain existing frontage with no Sidewalks. 0.) Maintain/expand existing building design and not meet fenestration requirements of the DD zoning district. Our present Chapter lodge was built fn A943 as a °temporary" Army barracks for the soidiers heading off to WWII and was moved to its current location and has served as the rally point and home for our Fraternity and Chepter act(vitles since 1966. Today there is an immed(ate need to reconstruct our faci8ty. The City Council and Planning and Zoning j Commission have the opportunity to ensure the continuation of the Anson lones Masonic experience for future generations. We ask you to carefulfy consider the following pages,which detaii the steps needed to complete the restoration of our existing Lodge and the construction of our new Lodge. Our Chapter's past is secure,our present is thriving, but our future depends on your thoughtFul deliberation in supporting our plan. ectfu(ly sub i�Eet�, l n ��J ^1J.� �y, �." "--°�°` RobertJ.Grtf n Worsh€pfui M ster Anson Jones Masonic Lodge I i I � i i