HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2014-26 (Title: An ordinance amending the zoning ciassification fm•property located at 5000 Watkins Way, approximately 5.219G acres, Part of the Thomas Choate Suivey,Abstract No. 12, also being out of Reserve "B" Final Plat of the Quail Crossing as recorded under film code No. 402131, Harris County, Texas being the same tract called 5.22 acres in the name of Bladchawk Apartments II, LTD, as recorded in H.C.C.F No. 20100269982 from �°Multi Family Residential — High Density" (MFR-H) to "Multi Family Residential — High Densily — Specific Use Permit" (MFR-H-SUP) to allow NAICS use#6111, °°Elementary and Secondary Schools".) ORDINANCE NO. 2014-26 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COD� OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, APPENDIX C — '�ZONING," BY AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR 5000 WATKINS WAY, A 5.2196 ACI2E TRACT OUT OF THE THOMAS CHOATE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 12, ALSO BEING OUT OF RESERVE "B" FINAL PLAT OF THE QUAIL CROSSING AS RECORDED UNDER FILM CODE NO. 402131, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS BEING THE SAME TRACT CALLED 5.22 ACRES IN THE NAME OF BLACKHAWK APARTMENTS II, LTD, AS RECORDED IN H.C.C.F. NO. 20100269982, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN �XHIBIT "A" ATTACHED H�RTO, FROM ��MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL — HIGH DENSITY" (MFR-H) TO "MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTIAL — HIGH DENSITY — SPECIFIC US� PERMIT" (MFR-H-SUP) TO ALLOW NAICS USE #6111, "ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS"; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PROVIDING A PENALTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR SEV�RABILITY. X iC X X % X S�t iF j� % � WHEREAS, Clear Creek ISD is the owner ("Owner") of the 5.2196 acre h•act identified as a part of Reserve "B" of the Final Plat of Quail Crossing, recorded under film code no. 402131, Harris County, Texas and being that same h�act called 5.22 acres in the name of Blackhawk Apartments II, LTD, as recorded in H.C.C.F. No. 20100269982 ("Property"), more specifically described in the attached Exhibit "A", which includes a survey, location map, aerial map and zoning map, all of which are incorporated by reference for all purposes and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Owner has made applicafion to the City, attached hereto as Exhibit B1, to change the zoning classification of the Property from "Multi Family Residential — High Density" (MFR-H) to "Multi Family Residential-—High Density— Specific Use Peimit" (MFR- H-SUP) to allow for NAICS use #6111, "Elementary and Secondary Schools" as depicted in the site plan contaiued in E�ibit B2, and related Exhibits B3 and B4„ which are incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have conducted, in the time and manner required by law and the City Code of Ordinances, a public hearing on such request, allowing all persons attending to be heard on the question of whether the changes of the uses being requested would affect the public health, saFety, or general welfare of the citizens of Friendswood; and WH�REAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has filed its written report with City Council, which recommends Appr9��bc: ofthe application; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it appropriate to grant such request, subject to applicable regulations,restrictions, exclusions, and conditions; and WHEREAS, City Council has detertnined that all public notices have been posted and published, all required hearings on this matter have been held, and that this Ordinance complies with the applicable pirovisions of the City Charter, City Code and all other applicable laws; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Ord 2014-26 2 Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be hue and correct. The representations of Owner/Applicant, (as referenced in its application for zone change fi•om MFR-H to MFR-H-SUP), the final report/minutes firom the Planning & Zoning Commission, and applicant's representations to the City Council, are � incoiporated by reference which City Council is specifically relying upon in granting Owner's request for this zone change to (MFR-H-SUP), together with the coil�esponding requirements for compliance with the Code of Ordinances of the City of Priendswood (Code), specifically including the attached site plan, tree survey and tr•ee mitigation survey, contained in Exhibits B2 —B4 respectively, as provided hereafter. Section 2. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Appendix C — "Zoning" ("Zoning Code") is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the Property, from "Multi Family Residential — High Density" (MPR-H) to "Multi Family Residential — High Density — Specific Use PermiY' (MFR-H-SUP) to allow for NAICS use #6111, "Elementary and Secondary Schools" conditioned upon compliance with the specific details of the site plan, h�ee survey, tree mitigation survey, (Exhibits B2 — B4), and related requirements contained, specifically identified, and incorporated by reference. Section 3. The Zoning District Map of the City of Friendswood sha11 be revised and amended to show the designation of the Property, as described and as provided in Section 2 above, with the appropriate reference thereon to the number and effective date of this Ordinance, and a brief description of the nature of the change. Section 4. This Ordinance shall in no manner amend, change, supplement, or revise any provision of any ordinance of the City of Priendswood, save and except the amendments permitted herein of said Property as described in Section 2 hereof. Section 5. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause,pluase, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person ar circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, deciares that it would have passed each and eveiy part of the sazne notwithstanding the omission of any and eveiy part of the same notwithstanding Ord 2014-26 3 the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, or whether there be one or more parts. Section 6. Any person who shall willfully, intentionally, or with criminal negligence violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00. Each day of violation sha11 constitute a separate offense. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading fhis 8th day of Sentember,2014. PA5SED, APPROVED, AND ADOPT�D on second and final reading this 6th day of October,2014. ��� Kevin M. H land Mayor ATTEST: �.--�-� �6 ���va°°• • .S�. ����-���. .,a • , • . Melinda Welsh, TRMC '�°: � �'� � City Secretairy '� � ��: .��.,. .���;•� , ., , . e ..... �°�T� �F�• � YNMK Ord 2014-26 4 Exhibit "A" to Ordinance No.2014-26 Description ofproperty located at 5000 Watkins Way: 1. Survey with Metes and Bounds description 2. Location Map 3. Aerial Map 4. Zoning Map ; . . , . i � �y� Win.drose l.and Seivlces,!na � 3200 Wllcre'sf,Sulls 32d /��y O A p �. \ .,�--^�„ � Nousroa,raxas .r�o4s � Phona(T7�}4bB 2Z84 Fen jT13)461•1 J69 � 4�'-_�� Prc+fessta»atAevelopmenfGonsulfants � Cand SurveyJng.Platttng•F'rajecf Adanagem�n#r01S Sarvtcea DESGR1PTIaN O�t� . 5,2396 l�CRES tiR 227,365 S4. FT. TIiACT A TRACT OR PARCEL OP LAND CONTAINJNG 5.ZI.96 ACRE UI6 227,365 SQUARE PBBT, 5ITUe�TL��M THE THdMA5 C230ATH SUILVEY�A95'fRACT NO. 72,ALSO RL�Wd OUT OP XESERVE,"B" PINAL YLA7'4F Q�AIL CROSERI6 AS RECORI3�D UND6R FA.A4 C6bG NO.A02(31, k7A.tilliS COUNTY�TEXAS BHINQ TE1B SAME TRAC'I'CALtHD S.Z2�ACR�SS � IN TH$ NAML� OP HLACk:7iA�'I; APARTMT?[JT9.II, L`IT),h5�RL>.CO,Ei[713D]N $.C,C.P. T10, 20100264982, AN➢ BEING i £CJRTHER DLSCIUflIID UY T9HTH5:4ND J30UNAS AS FOLL,0IVS WITH AI,L HBARINGS BASBP D,P T�XAS STATe PLAIN CoDliUINAT�SQUTH GENTRAL ZONENAb83; � ' f � BBC31NNW0 AT A ltl INCH IRON ROD FOUND MARKMQ THBNORTH�L�1t1VH12 OP H6Ctt,[N DfiSCRTB6A�TRACT ANll, „ ., , i ' " "'IISINa7EiLrBtiSTCORNE[iOPA�Cl�LI:E[5-3321AGft73T.RAGF7'iCSL`OT�YL+I'8DT09tUSflbWBROdKh'ATE1tiEND3WbOD;. ' $ LT.C, A.S RECORAF.p UNDRR k1AitRIS�COUNTY'�t,L+1iKS AII,E NO, (H',C,C,F. NO,) 20090273495, �7.50 ON 'Ct�TE- ; SOU:ITIWC4S"[' C.INE OP A CALLI3D 35.335 ACRL+ TRACf CONVH.XLD Ttl CLF.AR C(l&&K, I[JDL+PEhNL'NT SCIIOOL, j A1ST.2[CT RL�CbTiUED UNABR kI.C.QN,N0.H63867!} . =_ � � TFIENCE NiTH THE NOIYI'}IEA$T LINE OF HE11�IN U8SGIUBED TRqCl`AND'FJ:I&StlY)1'H1VF.S3'LINH"O�$AIp 35.335 f AG1LE TRACT SOU7H 98 AFiGi2N.B9 0$MTN[JTCS 27•SEGONDS EAST,A DaSTANCE OF 727.78 FHET TO k,5/BINCH 1RON � I � ILOU NtTA CAP SiA2yjpy'A-"WANDROSEi.LM1NA SHIZYICBS°9$TMARKINQ TABTiAST CORNEROCHERBIN UESCRIBD� 4 TRA.CT AND TFI� NORTH COkNb'R E)P A O.b65 11CR6 'l7tACT AS CONVBYED TO }IERITAQB PARK VILI,AQB I . E10ML+OSVNIIRAS50GIATIUN,�ING AS RECO1tT]$O UNALRH".C.C,F.ND.F849302 ANDTt{$WI?S'C CORNER QFA CAT,kEA j 5.0600 AC(t$ 'PRACT AS CUNV.GYfiD TO C1.HATt CRf?pK,3ClDTSPL�ND&NT SCFIbOL DISfRCCT AS RECORp.BC} UN'DL+R �Fi,G.C.F.NO.H99$1$I AND THB SOUTA CDIiNE20P SAfp 3i,335 ACltti'F'RACTIItOM SAID S&T ROD A FOUND J/2 WCH ! RION AOD\V1TH CAP�TAMPBA"(iGOSURV°BB.A.IFS SOUTIi 43 bl3O12HES 58 M1NtJC(S$q5 BECOND3 SAST A ACSTANCH 7 OF 035P&FiT•, ' TfiBNCL.+WITki THA SOI7TH�A$'C GW�S p�NERE[N DESGRIBIIp TRACT A.ND 77iB NORTf11V&ST I.[NG OF SA7D 0.665 ACRg TRAC'f StlU7f142 DPARIlfiS 06 hSINLlTE8 33 SHCONpS WEST;.{t DISTANCE OA 3I2�33 FEET TO A 5/8 jNCH7RON , � R011 W1TC{GAP STANaPF.D"4VfNA�20S$LAND SHR'Vt"GES"SET MAItKINl3 T.HE SOUTH CORN4'tl OP HL�It$LN AFSCRIBL�D j TRACT AND THB EhST CORNL�R-qP q CALI.GD S,tl375 ACRB TItACl'UF LA2i0 CONYEYED 1'0 DNE OAKLAKE X,LLC � AS�tECORpSp'Wi BER I�,GC,F,N0.7C1k9478 AND LpCATB➢6N TH6 NOZLTHWEST GINII OF 9AiD 0.665 AC12L�TAACT, � PROM SAID SF�f ROA A FOUND IRON ROD WITA"CAP STAMPBD"dJ3DSIJA2V"bSAR3 SQUTf�"20 P.EQRBES'15 MYMUTES 16SGCONDSWESTA.AISTlfNCEOP6�75FBET; � � , � ' t _ 'r 2E3ENC5 W,CPH"PfTG SOUTH4VL�ST LINH OP H&REiN DSSCRI8�t7'1'[tACC 1sND TH6 lQOR'1'.FIEAST L1N[3 OF SAIA 5.6375 � . ACRB T[tACT SJOATKAB DEGR865 0&htINUTES 27 SECONDS V/65T A D7STANCB OP 128.63 TO A PO[IND 112 iNCk�1RON ROD MAIiKINC}THL WEST COtZNE[2 OF I�RE[N DESCRIB.BA T.RACT AND THS NpR'T7{CORNEK OP SAID 5;8375 AGRE � `I'AiACT AND LOCATED�ON THB 30UTfT8AST'LTNQ OF A CALLED A.909 AC.(iE�TTiACI'r1S C6NVGYGd TO'T$XAS E � BAY1'/OODAPAILTMBh'TS,L1'pRi'iCtlRDHpONIJfiRIi.C.C.F.NO.N881135;� � � THENCE?1YITTt THf NQRTHIVBST LTN�OF HEREIN'DHBGR[BEO 1RACT AND T#iB StlU'[Y3RAST L(NR OY SAID d,9Q9 ACR&1'RAC('AND THE SOUTHEAST LINH OA SAID CALLEA 3S21 ACRE TRACT N�[tTH 42 A.BGRL'LS 09 MINUTG3 20 SBCONbS EASI;A I][STANCE OP 112,33 FEE7`TQ TH13 PLACt� OP B�OINNtNQ AN[7 CONTAtI�IN6 5.2t4fi A.GR� OIt 227,365 SQUARL PEET OP�LAND ASSHOR21 ON ASU2YAYPRHPAREt)NX WINDROSE LAND 56RV1CL•$JOB DlO,A9RG5 .. . i i ! hK . •KI � o i£�o�S o1.03-t3 i ew�e��/ �� nATe: '� � R.P.LS.NO.SI41 t-i q Y'+��lSK•`' � STATEOFTBXAS r? ,'�'"�P4� . . j l "E�c, a M...x,.,61 ��p. ! __. _. .. ___.'_____.....___._.__......._..___. ._'__ ____ ��•%,cA0�E8e���4 .-___.._.__._"'_'. ...._..__ _..__.....__'__""__'._...__._._. �qNti Bil?` 3 : } , t � 1 ,Pnge i af 1 , I.. .� ,,,, / / / ♦ ����,,, / �/ % �� .l / � 7�'y^�o i �,,, / / � / / h I QS� `�'♦ �,,, // �// / / ♦ 4830 I� //j�/��j / //// jClea j�ook High � // 4949 � / Sub'ect Pro ert : / 1 P Y � ���° � 5000 Watkins Way ti'' � 5.2196 acres e� i 5025 / / // �qTir�y 5000 /� S� � �y � 5000 15355 5000 O� �h� �1 h �h �^� e�q�.^� �^y Legend `'�f=y �`� ,,e s� 9``�e,�`'� �ti`' ::�City Limits 02 ,4� (LO ,�h ^���� �^ ' _ ' � _ Counties ��- h Go���s �S'°� � ,�h�`'� � Schools �o Oisclaimer This preducf is/oi in/oimational puiposas antl may nof have been preparetllor or be sui(able/or legel,enginsering,or sorveying purposes If does not iepresenf en oMheground survey and iepresents onty the apprarin;ala�efative locallon o�pmperty Dom�tlanes_Gov Q§2601ID2 The user Is encoura9��o ind:pentlenlly vad(y all in/onnafiorr contalnetl in fh/s product The City ol Fnendsivoo0 makes no reo,°=u'a"on o�mananty as fo liw accwac��oRhis�mduct orto ifs IiMess Por a particvlarpurposa. IDe usan(1)auepfs fhe pioduc[P.S IS,WITH ALL FAVLTS,-(Z)flssumes all iesponsibflity Ior Iha use Iheieo{ .s tlie Ci( ol Fnend�rrood lrom an deme e,loss,orliabiGf adsin lrom such use- ��! City of Friendswood � �,°s°°`��,;�°��""°°�°`"� Friendswood GIS Mapping Fiiendswood, Texas 77546 (281J 996-3200 www.ci�riendswood.tx.us 1 "= 256 ' i r?�.�� �"� -. --h� z` ��� ���.1 j� ,�,i''°�a r� ��� }_'�� t�-_ ��'. \��'.y�.� � �j/j /j r �i � *t�.�'j� �c. / f ap ��'- ' ��� i ���� inj / /�j�g�� ' ;� l�'� ' a, r ',.� ,b' + ' t �� �� 1.,�'� C X �jy.�, ; . � ��� w° , f��� � � ��. '!:s Y ,';5���'` pt . 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City of Friendswood � �,°�°°`��"�°°�""°°°°`"� Friendswood GIS Mapping � Friendswood, Texas 77546 (287J 9963200 - wwwci.friendswood.M.us 1 "= 176 ' Exhibit"B" to Ordinance No.2014-26 1. Application 2. Site Plan 3. Tree Suivey 4. Tree Mitigation Survey c�rv ox xRt�Hpsw4oD ° � rs SPE�CIFIC USE P�F2MITAP�LIGATION .lU( z� 2 �§ REQUESTED RATE FIL�C}: � _ FROM: �ATE OF PUBLIC HEAi21NG: Tp: � ' � ` � FEE: $300.00 PROPERIY IpENTIFICATiON: V„�\� y4��� 5treef/RoadAddress: 4so7 FM 2351 Hriendsmood T�x�� ��na� /)`}���aj��d`�a� �o vv��° Lot; , Blook:,�,,Addition: i,�GAL D�SCRIPTiON. Desariba from deed records,attaoh copy of filed deed, and Include a Metes and Bounds descriptlon. PLATT�D LANn: Reserve s Ouail Crossinq Snbdivision• Lot �2 & mracts i k �A, �; Blook �2, Sherman P1aae Subdivision. UNPLATT�D LAND(Must havo cerflfied metes and bounds descriptfon, inciuding name and address and telephone number of surveyor): RECOftDED OWNER' Clear Creek zndependent School nietx�ct OWNER'S INFORMATfON NAME: ciear Creek ISD EMAILADDRESS: LLAtt�@ccicd.net PHONE NUMBE�: 281-284-0049 FAX#: MAILINO ADDRGSSP•O. Box 799 Attn• 2acilities c Planning nepartment CITY League city STATE Texas Z�p 77574 AGENT'S 1NFORMATION NAME: sean ttoonev 6MAlL ADDRESS;,sean.xooney�pbk.com PHONE NUMBER: 7z3-�6s-o6os FAX#: MAILING AUDR�SS 11 Greentvav Plaza 22nd Floor CITY xouston STAT� Texas Z�p ��o4g In authorizing an agent to ropresent the owner,fhe owner atlasts that his/hor�gent may mal<e verbal or written representations andlor declaraflons on the owner's behalf and tho owner understands and acknowiedges that the Cfty of Friendswood shall rety upon t6e aqenPs representations in matters pedaining to the above descdbed property. The desic�nafion of an agent ln thts matter in no way absolves lhe owner of any of the owner's responsibilitles ouH�ned hy the City of Friendswood. PETITION: As owner/agent, l hereby petition fhe Cliy for appro the a ve described re stg as provided by the laws of tha Stafe oETexas and Or ances of � ity of F,' dswood. Signature Signature: (Owner) (Agent} FE�: pATE PAlb, I�ECEIPT NUMB�R: _ 4t16/2009 � �, �: � :_-��—�— T— . ;�' � ) � r � �— � � —,� � �--� , ,i / � � �� —� � � �,� 3No OU�IR UQHmW4PtRED I� �— j- ' . r- ` . � . `s— .= . . ?tHeltJ1DSUANh1Vb�d11D � � � � .. . 39 - - - � .. - I l:�.1 .l 1 , I� i l �J � �� Lptuw�c�NcNS miy) I� �� � � � � � _�_ i�. � I _ I €�=7 .� � \ I , - _f— ��-��I l�i ,, I�li rl i ������'�{��u� 4:+{tf�� ��I t� F� .�..�...,.,�. � .., a. A � li I�1T`�T�iii" IIIII 11-11111111I�I�TII . V I � _ �� C5 u � u � � f �, r� l I , � 1 H ��� �� �.�I.. 1 � ° II � li_ � �II�IIIi:HI IIII� ll•I [iifIIII1L :N11117��II I I .I 5�y�jo4a° _ .�.. _ A. 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