HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2014-24 (Title: An ordinance amending Chapter 86, "Utilities" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood by adopting a new amended section providing for Water Conservation Plan; and providing other matters relating to the subject.) ORDINANCE NO. 2014-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ADOPTING AN AMENDED WATER CONSERVATION PLAN FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD TO PROMOTE RESPONSIBLE USE OF WATER; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICE FOR NONCOMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISION OF WATER CONSERVATION PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Friendswood, Texas (the "City") recognizes that the amount of water available to its water customer is limited; and WHEREAS, the City recognizes that due to natural limitations, drought conditions, system failures and other acts of God which may occur, the City can not guarantee an uninterrupted water supply for all purposes at all times; and WHEREAS, the water code and the regulations of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)requires that the City adopt a water conservation plan; and WHEREAS, the City has determined an urgent need in the best interest of the public to adopt a amended Water Conservation Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 54 of the Local Government Code, the City is authorized to adopt such Ordinance necessary to preserve and conserve its water resources. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: THAT, a new Section 86-30. Water Conservation Plan of Chapter 86 - Utilities of the Code of Ordinances is hereby adopted as attached as Exhibit A, as if recited verbatim herein. The City commits to implement the requirements and procedures set forth in the adopted plan. THAT, this ordinance shall become effective five (5) calendar days after its publication in the official newspaper of the City of Friendswood. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 4a' day of August,2014. PASSED,APPROVED AND ADOPTED on second and final reading this 8o' day of September, 2014. Kevin M. IH�and Mayor ATTEST: U � +� IiV � 9,e 0e Melinda Welsh, TRMC e U ;p City Secretary Of roe S� ,•�eo Ord 2014-24 2 Exhibit A (Ordinance 2014-24) CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD See 86-30 WATER CONSERVATION PLAN (a) GENERAL (1) Declaration of Policy, Purpose, and Intent a. In order to conserve the available water supply and/or to protect the integrity of water supply facilities, with particular regard for domestic water use, sanitation, and fire protection, and to protect and preserve public health, welfare, and safety and minimize the adverse impacts of water supply shortage or other water supply emergency conditions, the City of Friendswood adopts the following water conservation plan. b. Water uses regulated or prohibited under the Water Conservation Plan (the Plan) are considered to be non-essential and continuation of such uses during times of water shortage or other emergency water supply condition are deemed to constitute a waste of water which subjects the offender(s) to penalties as referenced in Section 5 of this plan. (2) Definitions For the purposes of this Plan,the following definitions shall apply: Aesthetic water use: water use for ornamental or decorative purposes such as fountains, reflecting pools, and water gardens. Commercial and institutional water use: water use which is integral to the operations of commercial and non-profit establishments and governmental entities, such as retail establishments,hotels and motels, restaurants, and office buildings. Conservation: those practices, techniques, and technologies that reduce the consumption of water, reduce the loss and/or waste of water, improve the efficiency of the use of water, and increase the recycling and reuse of water so that a supply is conserved and made available for fature or alternative uses. Customer: any person, company, or organization using water supplied by the City of Friendswood. Domestic water use: water use for personal needs or for household or sanitary purposes such as drinking, cooking, bathing, heating, cooling, sanitation, or for cleaning a residence, business, industry, or institution. Drought Contingency Plan: A strategy or combination of strategies for temporary supply and demand management responses to temporary and potentially recurring water supply shortages and other water supply emergencies. A drought contingency plan may - 1 - be a separate document identified as such or may be contained within another water management docrunent(s). Municipal per capita water use: The sum total of water diverted into a water supply system for residential, commercial, and public and institutional uses divided by actual population served. Municipal use: The use of potable water within or outside a municipality and its environs whether supplied by a person, privately owned utility, political subdivision, or other entity as well as the use of sewage effluent for certain purposes, including the use of treated water for domestic purposes, fighting fires, sprinkling streets, flushing sewers and drains,watering parks and parkways, and recreational proposes, including public and private swimming pools, the use of potable water in industrial and commercial enterprises supplied by a municipal distribution system without special construction to meet its demands, and for the watering of lawns and family gardens. Municipal use in gallons per capita per day: The total average daily amount of water diverted or pumped for treatment for potable use by a public water supply system. The calculation is made by dividing the water diverted or pmmped for treatment for potable use by population served. Indirect reuse volumes shall be credited against total diversion volumes for the purpose of calculating gallons per capita per day for targets and goals. Landscape irrigation use: water used for the irrigation and maintenance of landscaped areas, whether publicly or privately owned, including residential and commercial lawns, gardens, golf courses,parks, and rights-of-way and medians. Non-essential water use: water uses that are neither essential nor required for the protection of public, health, safety, and welfare, including: a. Irrigation of landscape areas, including parks, athletic fields, and golf courses, except otherwise provided under this Plan. b. Use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer, airplane or other vehicle. c. Use of water to wash down any sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking lots, tennis courts or other hard-surfaced areas. d. Use of water to wash down buildings or structures for purposes other than immediate fire protection. e.Flushing gutters or permitting water to run or accumulate in any gutter or street. f Use of water to fill, refill, or add to any indoor or outdoor swimming pools or Jacuzzi-type pools. g. Use of water in a fountain or pond for aesthetic or scenic purposes except where necessary to support aquatic life. It. Failure to repair a controllable leak(s) within a reasonable period after having been given notice directing the repair of such leak(s). i. Use of water from hydrants for construction purposes or any other purposes other than fire fighting. -2 - Pollution: The alteration of the physical, thermal, chemical, or biological quality of, or the contamination of, any water in the state that renders the water harmful, detrimental, or injurious to humans, animal life,vegetation, or property, or to the public health, safety, or welfare, or impairs the usefulness or the public enjoyment of the water for any lawful or reasonable purpose. Public water supplier: An individual or entity that supplies water to the public for human consumption. Regional water planning group: A group established by the Texas Water Development Board to prepare a regional water plan under Texas Water Code, §16.053. Retail public water supplier: An individual or entity that for compensation supplies water to the public for human consumption. The term does not include an individual or entity that supplies water to itself or its employees or tenants when that water is not resold to or used by others. Reuse: The authorized use for one or more beneficial purposes of use of water that remains unconsumed after the water is used for the original purpose of use and before that water is either disposed of or discharged or otherwise allowed to flow into a watercourse, lake, or other body of state-owned water. Water conservation plan: A strategy or combination of strategies for reducing the volume of water withdrawn from a water supply source, for reducing the loss or waste of water, for maintaining or improving the efficiency in the use of water, for increasing the recycling and reuse of water, and for preventing the pollution of water. A water conservation plan may be a separate document identified as such or may be contained within another water management document(s). Wholesale public water supplier: An individual or entity that for compensation supplies water to another for resale to the public for human consumption. The term does not include an individual or entity that supplies water to itself or its employees or tenants as an incident of that employee service or tenancy when that water is not resold to or used by others, or an individual or entity that conveys water to another individual or entity, but does not own the right to the water which is conveyed, whether or not for a delivery fee. 1.3 Review and Modification of Plan This water conservation plan will be reviewed and updated, as appropriate, based on an assessment of previous five-year and ten-year targets and any other new or updated information. The City will review and update the next revision of its water conservation plan not later than May 1, 2019, and every five years after that date to coincide with the regional water planning group. 1.4 Authorization, Implementation and Enforcement -3 - The City Manager, or his/her designee, is hereby authorized and directed to implement and enforce this Water Conservation Plan. Exhibit A is a copy of Ordinance T2014-24 which formally adopts this plan, outlines the implementation and enforcement authority of the City Manager, and provides for the most recent update. 1.5 Application The provisions of this Plan shall apply to all persons, customers and property utilizing water provided by the City of Friendswood. The terms person and customer as used in the Plan include individuals, corporations, partnerships, associations, and all other legal entities. This Plan was adopted and placed into effect by the City Council of the City of Friendswood in accordance with Ordinance Number T2014-24. 1.6 Severability It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council of the City of Friendswood that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this Plan are severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of this Plan shall be declared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this Plan, since the same would not have been enacted by the City Council of the City of Friendswood with the incorporation into this Plan of any such unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence,paragraph, or section. SECTION 2.0 UTILITY PROFILE The City of Friendswood Utility Profile is found under Exhibit B to this Water Conservation Plan. SECTION 3.0 WATER CONSERVATION PLAN 3.1 Specification of Conservation Goals and Objectives In accordance with 30 TAC Part 1, Chapter 288, Subchapter C, Rule 288.2 (a)(1)(C) the following objectives and five(5)and ten (10) year targets have been established: The objectives of this water conservation plan are as follows: • To promote water conservation. • To determine and control unaccounted water usage. • To reduce the loss and waste of water. • To maintain an accurate record of water usage. 1. Goals of the Program (5 year target and goals) -4- a. Beginning in the year 2014, The City of Friendswood goals are to achieve a municipal use of 133 gallons per capita per day for the first 5 years (2014-2019) and also achieve a municipal use water loss goal of 3 gallons per capita per day for the period 2014-2019. b. Beginning in the year 2014, The City of Friendswood goals are to control the water loss not to exceed 11%for the first 5 years(2014-2019). 2. Goals of the Program (10 year target and goals) a. Beginning in the year 2014, The City of Friendswood goals are to achieve a municipal use of 130 gallons per capita per day for the next 10 years (2014-2024) and also achieve a municipal use water loss goal of an additional 3 gallons per capita per day for the period (2014-2024). b. Beginning in the year 2014, The City of Friendswood goals are to manage the water loss to 12%or less for the next 10 years (2014-2024). 3. The projected baseline to reduce per capita per day consumption is 136 gpcd. To accomplish these goals the City of Friendswood will utilize the programs and policies in this Plan such as accurate metering devices, universal metering, meter testing and repair, periodic meter replacement, control of unaccounted water, public education, non- promotional water rates, and leak detection and repair. 3.2 Metering The City of Friendswood meters 100% of the connections to the distribution system including municipal uses. Meters range in size from 3/4"to 6". All meters are designed to provide accurate flows to within+/- 5%. The City practices a meter change-out program whereby meters are changed out every 10-15 years. Additionally, larger meters are field tested and repaired for accuracy. Generally,the city does not use repaired meters in the system. The City provides treated water through two surface water pumping stations.No water is diverted from the metered source of supply. The metering is accomplished through turbine meters and certified calibration is performed tri-annually. 3.3 Determination and Control of Unaccounted-for Water a. The City makes a bi-monthly accounting of water delivery efficiencies. At the end of each period, the Public Works Department calculates the difference between water pumped to the system and water sold through - 5 - the meters. This calculation is reduced to a percentage of water losses. This is maintained and reviewed on an annual basis. b. Leaks are reported by any municipal employee as well as the general public. C. The Water Plants are monitored daily and system pressure is checked carefully. Any unusual pressure level may be indicative of sizeable leaks and reported to the maintenance section as soon as noted. d. All leaks are repaired the same day or as soon as practicable. 3.4 Public Education The City will support programs to educate the public regarding water conservation activities that support its goals. This includes educating the general public on the need for and practices of water conservation through public service announcements and other means. This information will be provided by means of public notice, web site, press releases and mailings. Through the Focus on Friendswood Newsletter and the Annual Consumer Customer Report, the City will provide water conservation tips to its customers. In addition, the City sponsors local schools by providing book covers that include water conservation information. 3.5 Water Rates The City of Friendswood has volumetric rates based on customer class. In 2014 the City moved from a uniform block rate to the volumetric system. Exhibit C is a copy of the water rates from the Code of Ordinances. 3.6 Water Systems Operations The City purchases treated surface water from the City of Houston. The City owns and operates two surface water booster stations and six ground water plants. Water is received into the ground storage tanks via water supply lines. The water is then distributed through transmission lines to customers. The system capacity is 20 MGD. The City uses approximately 1,900 million gallons annually. The purchased water provides the majority of the demand and averages over 90% of the usage. 3.7 Coordination with Regional Water Planning Groups The water service area of the City of Friendswood is located within the Region H Water Planning area and a copy of this Plan has been provided to the Region H Water Planning Group(RWPG). -6 - 3.8 Record Management System a. The Public Works Department maintains records of: • Water received from the City of Houston • Water received from the ground water plants. • Water pumped to the distribution system • Water used for flushing and sewer line cleaning • Estimates of water losses due to water leaks and fire fighting/training b. The Administrative Services Department maintains records of • Water sold • Water rates In 2005 the City prepared and submitted a water audit in accordance with Texas Water Development Board guidance as required by Section 16.0121 of the Texas Water Code and amended by the 78"Texas Legislature. 3.9 Wholesale Contracts The City has no wholesale contracts with any other municipalities or water districts. 3.10 Plumbing Codes The City operates under the 2009 International Plumbing Code. This code has been formally adopted by the City Council and is included in the City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances.A copy of this code is on file with the city secretary. The City routinely inspects new construction, remodeling, add-ons, etc., through building permits. All new construction is required to meet state and federal rules regarding water-conserving plumbing fixtures. The City does not offer a program for the replacement or retrofit of water-conserving plumbing fixtures in existing structures other than what would be required through the permitting process for re-models and building upgrades. 3.11 Recycling and Reuse The City has no program regarding the reuse of gray water. 3.12 Other Conservation Measures The City recognizes that in order to accomplish the goals and objectives of this water conservation plan, other conservation measures may be required that are not outlined -7 - within the body of this document. The City is aware of the Water Conservation Best Management Practices Guide published by the Water Conservation Implementation Task Force in November 2004. As deemed necessary, the City will implement other measures either from the BMP guide or as otherwise seen fit to assure compliance with the plan. Section 4.0: Drought Contingency Plan In addition to this Water Conservation Plan, the City also has a Drought Management Plan. Drought contingency planning has been developed as a pant of this Water Conservation Plan as a means of dealing with conditions which occur from drought and/or water emergencies. The drought contingency and water emergency management phase of the conservation plan has been developed using the guidelines of the TCEQ and the TWDB. Section 5: Enforcement 5.1 No person shall knowingly or intentionally allow the use of water from the City of Friendswood for residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, governmental, or any other purpose in a manner contrary to any provision of this Plan, or in an amount in excess of that permitted by the drought response stage in effect at the time pursuant to action taken by City Manager, or his/her designee, in accordance with provisions of this Plan. 5.2 Any person who violates this Plan is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than one dollar ($1.00) and not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00). Each day that one or more of the provisions in this Plan is violated shall constitute a separate offense. If a person is convicted of three or more distinct violations of this Plan, the City Manager, or his/her designee, shall, upon due notice to the customer, be authorized to discontinue water service to the premises where such violations occur. Services discontinued under such circumstances shall be restored only upon payment of a re-connection charge in accordance with current policies and ordinances and any other costs incurred by the City of Friendswood in discontinuing service. In addition, suitable assurance must be given to the City Manager or his/her designee, that the same action shall not be repeated while the Plan is in effect. Compliance with this plan may also be sought through injunctive relief in the district court. - 8 - Exhibit A (Title: An ordinance amending Chapter 86, "Utilities" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood by adopting a new amended section providing for Water Conservation Plan; and providing other matters relating to the subject.) ORDINANCE NO.2014-24 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ADOPTING AN AMENDED WATER CONSERVATION PLAN FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD TO PROMOTE RESPONSIBLE USE OF WATER; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE DISCONNECTION OF WATER SERVICE FOR NONCOMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISION OF WATER CONSERVATION PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Friendswood, Texas (the "City") recognizes that the amount of water available to its water customer is limited; and WHEREAS, the City recognizes that due to natural limitations, drought conditions, system failures and other acts of God which may occur, the City can not guarantee an uninterrupted water supply for all purposes at all times; and WHEREAS, the water code and the regulations of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)requires that the City adopt a water conservation plan; and WHEREAS, the City has determined an urgent need in the best interest of the public to adopt a amended Water Conservation Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 54 of the Local Government Code, the City is authorized to adopt such Ordinance necessary to preserve and conserve its water resources. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: THAT, a new Section 86-30. Water Conservation Plan of Chapter 86 - Utilities of the Code of Ordinances is hereby adopted as attached as Exhibit A, as if recited verbatim herein. The City commits to implement the requirements and procedures set forth in the adopted plan. THAT, this ordinance shall become effective five (5) calendar days after its publication in the official newspaper of the City of Triendswood. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 4t" day of August,2014. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED on second and final reading this 8t" day of September,2014. Kevin M. H and Mayor ATTEST: yeuautitd Melinda Welsh,TRMC e 0 City Secretary ° oar '• �'m ;'�; Ord 2014-24 2 Exhibit B Utility Profile f Texas Water(�� IWDB Form No. 1965-R Development Board Revised on:4/1/14 UTILITY PROFILE FOR RETAIL WATER SUPPLIER Fill out this form as completely as possible. If a field does not apply to your entity, leave it blank. CONTACT INFORMATION Name of utility: City of Friendswood Public Water Supply Identification Number(PWS ID): TX 0840002 Certificate of Convenience and Necessity(CCN)Number: Surface Water Right ID Number: Wastewater ID Number: Completed By: Rene Ibarra Title: Asst. Dir. of Public Works Address: 1306 Deepwood City: Friendswood Zip code. 77546 Email: ribarra @c1.friendswood.tx.us Telephone Number: 281-996-3383 Date: 18 July 2014 Regional Water Planning Group: H Man Groundwater Conservation District: HGSD Map Check all that apply: ❑ Received financial assistance of$500,000 or more from TWDB F0Have 3,300 or more retail connections ❑ Have a surface water right with TCE4 Page 1 of 11 Utility Profile Texas Water(r, T WD8 Form No. 1965-R Development Board Revised on:411114 Section I : Utility Data A. Population and Service Area Data 1. Currentservice area size in square miles: 21 (Attach or email a copy of the service area map.) 2. Provide historical service area population for the previous five years,starting with the most current year. �,�_� , fiist4rtcal Pojsdlatton Historical PopulattotV� _.; Historical Po�SUlapoq YeC Se ved By_ Served By r Se ve i By tall Water Service, WholesaleW�ter$etytee � yl(astewatefservice ^.� 2009 33,846 2010 34,409 2011 35,031 2012 35,647 2013 36,336 3. Provide the projected service area population for the following decades. Piojetted popufetfon Prolastedjopulatlon:= P�rojectez<Popu ill aean - cYedC- t.; served By � �$erved By _ � : 5e[ve{19y n0taii Water SQrylce WhofeSale W t r5arvice ti; � 2020 44,688 2030 57,400 2040 57,400 2050 57,400 2060 57,400 4. Describe the source(s)/method(s)for estimating current and projected populations. Use 3 percent per year increase for the period 2014-2020. Estimated 2014 population=37,426. Csiculated number for 2020=37,921 X 1.03 X 1.03 X 1.03 X 1.03 X 1.03 X 1.03 Page 2 of 11 Urflilyprodle, Texas Water(r—,- TWDIA Fenn)No, 1965-R Development Board Revised on:4/1114 B. System Input Provide system input data for the previous five years, Total System Input=Self-supplied+Imported—Exported `Exported a it Total UPW 2009 15,206,000 1,358,629,000 1,373,835,000 2010 2,735,000 1,433,785,000 1,436,620,000 114 2011 57,618.000 2,161,364,000 2,218,982,000 174 2012 4,600,000 1,881,032,000 1,885,632,000 145 2013 1,912,000 1,920,409,000. 1,922,321,000 145 Historic 5- 1 year Average 10,414,200 1,751,043,800 0 1,767,458,000 138 C. Water Supply System (Attach description of water system) 1. Designed daily capacity of system- 20,000,000 gallons per day. 2. Storage Capacity: Elevated 2,000,000 gallons Ground 5,800,000 gallons 3. List all current water supply sources in gallons. Water wells Ground 8,000,000 Purchased water Contract 12,000,000 Choose One Choose One Choose One Choose One "Select one of the following source types:Surface water.Groundwater,or Contract 4. If surface water is a source type,do you recycle backwash to the head of the plant? 0 Yes estimated gallons per day 0 No Page 3 of 11 �� oxx�Pmma T Water� - n*no Form No. |o^5'x Development Board Revised on:'V|/)4 D. Projected Demands 1. Estimate the water supply requirements for the next ten yea vsingpopu|ativn trends, historical water use,economic growth,etc. ga 2014 37,426 5,164,788 2015 38,548 5,319,624 2016 39,704 5,479,162 2017 40,895 5,643,510 2018 42,121 5,812,698 2019 43,384 5,986,992 2020 44,688 6,16r),944 2021 46.028 6,351,864 2022 47,408 6,542,304 2023 48,830 —F 6,738,540 Z^ Describe sources of data and how projected water demands were determined. Attach additional sheets ifnecessary. Projected population increase of 3 percent per year for period 2014-2023. Water demand use average of GPCD for the period 2009-2013,thus Page 4 of 11 Utility Profile ^"xv Water , —�` mDB Form No. |965`o Development Board Revised on:AMw E. High Volume Customers 1^ List the annual water use, in gallons,for the I ive highest volume RETAIL customers.select one of the following water use categories to describe the customer;choose Residential, Industrial,Commercial, institutional,orAgricultural, -The Reserve at Autumn Greek Residential 10,875,000 Treated - Skyhawk Apartments Residential 9,920,000 Treated - Bay Meadows Apartments Residential 8,824,000 Trusts Baywood Apartments Residential 7,922,000 Treated Park Place Friondswood Residential 6,188,000 Treated * or efinitions on recommencled customer categories for classifying custom�r_w_atnr use,referto the online Quidance and MpthodoiGgy for Reporting on Water Conservation and Water Use. Z. If applicable,list the annual water use for the five highest volume WHOLESALE customers. Select one of the following water use categories to describe the customer; choose Municipal, Industrial, Commercial, Institutional,or Agricultural, Choose One Choose One Choose One Choose One ChooseiOne Choose One Choose—One Choose One Choose One Choose One *Fordefinitlonson recommended customer categorles forclassifying customer water use,refertothe onlineGuidance and MethodologvforR porting on Water Conservation and Watpr Use. F. Utility Data Comment Section Provide additional comments about utility data below. Page sof 3.4 Utility Profile Texas Water 0�,�- TWD8 Form No. 1965-R Development Board Revised on:411114 . Section II : System Data A. Retail Connections 1. List the active retail connections by major water use category. Active Retail Connections .�..Jwater.Use.Cate ::Mletd6d, Percent of Total Connecuons Connections,... Residential--Single Family 11,776 11,776 1 91% Residential—Multi-family(units) 61 61 0% industrial 0 0% Commercial 1,133 1,133 _9% Institutional 0 0% Agricultural 0 0% TOTAL 12,970, 0 12,970 Vor definitions on recommended customer categories for classifying customer water use,refer to the online Guidance and Methodology for Reporting on Water conservation and Water Use. 2. List the net number of new retail connections by water use category for the Previous five years. NetNumber of New.Retail Connections Vpterlljse Category* 2009 2010 T 2011 2012 2013 Residential—Single 70 157 162 171 196 Family Residential—Mufti- family(units) 0 7 1 -1 0 Industrial Commercial -91 3 4 20 17 Institutional Agricultural 1 *==I, TOTAL rJ 1671 157 1901-213 'For definitions an recommended customer categories for classifying customer water use,refer to the online Guidance and Methodology for Reporting on Water Conservation and Water Use Page 6 of 11 ulifify Profile Texas Water 0��- TWDB Form No. 1 P65-R Development Board Revised on:All/14 B. Accounting Data For the previous five years enter the number of gallons of RETAIL water provided in each major water use category. Water Use tegorV* al Gallons o Retal I Water. 2009 1 2010 2011 2012 2013 Residential-Single Family 1,171,792,000 1,333,164,0001 1,653,121,000 1,588,247,000 1,381,897,000 Residential—Multi-family I 107,797,000 107,654,0001 113,661,000 105,644,000 tIOE5,507,000 Industrial Commercial 308,634,000 21,364,0001 378, 74,000 63,649,000 168,313,000 Institutional Agricultural TOTAL 1,588,223,000. 1,462,182,000 2,145,556,000 757,540,000f 17655,717,000, *For definitions on recommended customer categories for classifying customerwater use,relorto the online Guldanceand Methodology for Reporting on Water Conservation and Water Use. C. Residential Water Use For the previous five years,enterthe residential GPCD for single family and multi-family units. Mat e r"so CA to gory 2009 1 2010 2011 2012 2013 Residential-Single Family 103 1161 1421 1341 1151 Residential—Multi-family 571 661 591 52 51 1 D. Annual and Seasonal Water Use 1. For the previous five nears, enter the gallons of treated water provided to RETAIL customers. Total I all 0)ns of Treated Retail Water month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 January 116,712,000 68,351,000_ 96,,283,000 75,826,000 113,975,000 February 107,783,000 68,517,0001 91,712,000 63,857,000 04607,000 March ---123,914,000 83,144,0001 133,250,000 99,485,000 154,046,000 —197,648,000 142,850,000 139,300,00() April 120,536,000 1047654,OOOF Ma V 162,577,000 137,191,000 262,967,000 195,146,000 170,551,000 June 148,606,000 135,252,000 309,442,000 242,420,000 200,133,000 lul 144,186,000 116,208,000 287,808,000 170,366,000 242,272,000 9u ust 119,916,000 —175,179,000 297,440,000 208,542,000 213,356,000 September 108,495,000 135,236,000 247,205,000 184,127,000 194,244,000 -—_1 192,518 146,405,000 October 81,265,000 18i,801,000 27,254,000 ()00 --- November 72,543,000 M,747,000 87,079,000 183,053,000 125,516,000 December 67,303,000 110,240,()00 L 80,914,000 127,442,000 117,914,0101 9 73,835,000 1,436,520,000 "]' 1,000 TOTAL 1,3 71E,922,E321OOD Page 7 of 11 6� mimynnme Texas~»^» nvDB Form No. /xmx Development Board navuoa on:4o/)4 2. For the Previous five years enter the gallons of raw water provided toRETAIL customers. 2009 1—0 2011 2 12 2013 January February March April May September October November December 3. summary of seasonal and annual water use. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 lr,2: GA1.19ki$::-, 412,707,000 425,639,00 894,690,000 621,328,000 655,763,000 602,025,400 Syr Average TOTAL Retail 1,373,835,00 1,436.520.0 2,219,002,00C 1,8B5,632,00( 1,922,321,001 1 767,462,000 E. Water Loss Provide Water Loss data for the previous five years. Water Loss nrCo=[Total Water Loss inGallons,Permanent Population Served] 36S Water Loss Percentage=(Total Water Loss/Total System Input]x1ov T6ta Water Loss --water Lo at 1n G If as a PC 2009 214,388,000 V 16% 2010 26,427,000 2 2% — 2012 128,092,000 10 7% 2013 226,522,000 17V 12% 5-year average 133,631,0001 101 Page 8 of 11 Utility Profile Texas Water Or�'— TWDB Forni No. 1965-R Development Board Revised on:4/l/14 F. Peak Water Use Provide the Average Daily Water Use and Peak Day Water Use for the previous five years. Year .-;Average Daily 2009 3,764,000 7,187,000 1.91 2010 3,936,000 7,902,000 2.01 2011 6,079,000 13,698,000 2.25 2012 5,166,000 10,896,000 2.11 2013 5,267,000 11,505,000 2.18 G. Summary of Historic Water Use Water.Use. Percent of Connections Water at r ne,i-��:,: Residential 5F 1,425,64d4,2OO 91% 0% Residential MF 108,052,600 0% 0% Industrial 0 0% 0% Commercial 188,146,8001 9% 0% Institutional 01 0% 0% kgricultural 01 0%1 H. System Data Comment Section Provide additional comments about system data below. Page 9 of 21 Utility Profile Texas Wafer(rte TWDa Form No. 1965-R Development Board Revised on:4/1/14 Section III : Wastewater Systems Data If you do not provide wastewater system services then you have completed the Utility Profile. Save and Print this form to submit with your Plan. Continue with the Water Conservation Plan Checklist to complete your Water Conservation Plan. A. Wastewater System Data (Attach a description of your wastewater system.) 1. Design capacity of wastewater treatment plant(s): gallons per day. 2. List the active wastewater connections by major water use category. AOtive.Wasmil Water use Category* Metered Unmeteted ofTotal .: ctions Municipal Industrial %Commercial %Institutional % Agricultural 0 0% TOTAL 1 01 0 0 2. What percent of water is serviced by the wastewater system?—% 3. For the previous five years,enter the number of gallons of wastewater that was treated by the utility. Total GalionsofJreated Wastewater Month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAIJ 01 0 0 0 0 Page 10 of 11 1.1fility Profile Texas Water Or�, IWDB Form No. 1965-R Dayelopment Board Revised on:4/1/14 4. Can treated wastewater be substituted for potable water? 0 Yes 0 No B. Reuse Data 1. Provide data on the types of recycling and reuse activities implemented during the current reporting period. i Type, n, On-site irrigation Plant wash down Chlormation/de-chlorination Industrial Landscape irrigation(parks,golf courses) Agricultural Discharge to surface water Evaporation pond Other TOTA C. Wastewater System Data Comment Provide additional comments about wastewater system data below. You have completed the Utility Profile. save and Print this form to submit with your Plan.Continue with the Water Conservation Plan checklist to complete your Water Conservation Plan. Page 11 of 11 (Title: An Ordinance amending Appendix D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood.) ORDINANCE NO,2014-17 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL, AMENDING APPENDIX D OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE TO ESTABLISH THE RATES TO BE CHARGED BY THE CITY FOR WATER AND SEWER UTILITY SERVICES. WITEREAS, Appendix D of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas establishes water and sewer rates for utility services provided by the City and WHEREAS, in order to ensure the City's ability to meet its annual revenue requirements for utility operational costs, current debt service obligations and anticipated debt service needs to fund utility projects included in the City's capital improvements plan, the City Council deems it necessary to revise the City's fee schedule utilities section for years 2014 —2018 as set forth in this ordinance and Exhibit"A". BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix D of the Friendswood City Code, and also being the fee schedule ordinance of the City, is hereby amended in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the attached Exhibit"A". Section 2. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect,impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional,whether there be one or more parts. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 14th day of July.2014. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on second and final reading this 4tle day of Mans 2014. 1 Kevin M. land Mayor aYYaatYf YY .ATTEST: .YohIlyQ�;Yg Melinda Welsh,TRMC City Secretary '• ° Ord.2014-17 2 Ordinance 2014-17 Exhibit A City of friendswood Water&Wastewater Utility Rates Recommendation WATER UTILITY RATES-OCTOBER 1,2014 Monthly Mhdmum Charge-Single Family Residential anotorshe Odoher1,20m up to V, $15.50 21/2" $2).90 2" $44.95 T $44.95 4- $44.95 v $44.95 Volumetrk Rates-Single Family Residential Par11000gallous 0-3,000ga11ons $ON 3,001-10,000 gallons 42,90 10,001-25,000gallorn $3.15 Above 25,000gallan5 $3.40 Monthly Minimum Charge-Cemmerdal,Multl-mills(residential or remmemal),ltrigation($rinkler Meter Slue Oetoher1,2014 5/g $15.50 $21.70 $27.90 2" $44.95 3u $44.95 4" $44.95 Oe $44.95 Volumetric Rotes-Commercial,Multi-unit`(residential or coma..ill pe.0,000gallone $2,90 Monthly Minimum Charge-Irrigation/5pdnkier Me1or514o Odeher1,2014 5/8' $15.50 $21,70 11/2" $27.90 2" $44.95 3` $4495 4' $44.95 B" $44.95 Volumetric Rates-Irrigation/Sprinkler Per1,000gallons Odobor I,2014 0-3,000ga11ory $100 3,001-10,000gaiimp $3.25 10,001-25,000 gallons $3.50 Above 25,000 gallons $3.75 WASTEWATER UTILITY RATES-OCTOBER 1,2014 Monthly Mlntmum Charge Odaher1,2014 - $IngleFamilYResidentlal $15,00 Residential(multl-unitr) $15,00 cnmmawal(single&multbtmlt') $15.00 Volumetric Rates-Single Family Residential Based on WQAae October I,2014 Per2,0009ailons $2,10 Volumetric Ratep-Cemmerdal(single),Mu19Nnit•(res1dentlal&rommerjai) Bawd an 1009 water,consumption October 1,2014 Per1,000gallons $2.10 'Mull!are Nargod perm it ••VgnUr4eerterAVerage i City of Friendswood Water&Wastewater Utility Rates Recommendation WATER UTILITY RATES-OCTOBER 1,2015 Monti�ly Minimum Charge-SIn6le Femlly Resldaneial Meter5lee October 1,2015 Upto 1" $15.50 11/2" $27.90 2" $44.95 3" $4495 4° $4495 0" $44.95 Volumetric Rates-Single Family Residential Per 1,000'he's$ 0-3,000 gallons $0,00 3,001-10,000geons $2,90 10,001-25,000 gallons $3.15 A0ovo25,000gelians $1,10 Manthly Minimum Charge Consumerist,Multiunit'(resideatlel er commardel),ImIgmiowSp lakiet Meter Slxe OQaber1,2015 5/8" $15.50 1. $21.70 13/2" $27.90 2" $4495 3" $44.95 4" $44.M R" $4495 Volumatne Rates-Commnel,d,Mu10-unll'(residential or wmmer<ial) Per 11000 gapens $2,90 Monthly Mlnlmum Clung.-Irrigatlan/SpO.M., Mater She Oat.her1,2015 5)0" $15.50 $21.70 1312" $27.90 2" $44.95 3" $44.95 4" $44.95 8" $44.95 Volumetric Rates-lerg u.n/Sprinkler Por1,0009a11mm, Ost bar1,2015 0-3,0mgallons $125 3,001-10,000 gaRom $3.50 10,001.25,000 gallons $3,75 Above25,0009ailo0s $4.00 WASTEWATER UTILITY RATES-OCTOBER 1,2015 Monthly Minimum Charge Oaaber1,2015 Slash,Family Residential $15.00 Resldenlial(multi-u0ita) $15.00 Commercial(single&muld-unit*) $15.00 Volumetrlc Rates-Single Family Residential Based an WOA-e Octoberl,2015 Per1,000Re11am $2.20 Volumetric Rates-Commercial(singled,MuitPunit*iesidential&commerdal) Based on 100%water consumption October 1,2015 Per1,000gallona $2.20 MulUUnkAu,Mper to t '•WlmerquaderAVebue City of Friendswood Water&Wastewater Utility Rates Recommendation WATER UTILITY RATES-OCTOBER 1,2016 Monthly Minimum Charge-Angle Family R.sMmtlial Mounts]. od ber1,2016 Op to 1" $15.50 11/2" $27.90 2" $44.95 3" $44.95 4" $44.95 0" $44.95 V.lem.lric Rates-51,191.Family Residential Per1,000g.11nas 0-3,0Dgallanz $0.00 3,01-10,000gallmo $290 10,001-25,00 Bailout $3.15 Above25,000gallona $3,4D Monthly Minimum Charge-C.mmo¢ial,MUlli-unit'(residential ar tomemadell,Rrigati.n{SpdnNler Meter siaa Od ther1,2016 5/8" $15.50 1" $21.70 11/2° $27.90 2" $44.95 3" $44.95 4" $4495 6" $44.95 Volumetric Rates-Cammerdal,Multi-unit-(esidential or,.ma,rdaQ Par1,00Dgallons $2.90 Monthly Minimum Outgo-lmigatiou/Sprinkler MeterShe Odober1,2016 5/8" $1550 $21.70 11(2" $27.90 2" $44.95 3" $4A95 4° $44.95 6" $44.95 Volumetric Rates-Irrigation/Sprinkler Per 1,000 gallons Od.her 1,2016 0-3,000 galions $3.50 3,001-10,000 gallons $175 IgODl-25,900 galknf $4,0 Above 25,000 gallons $4,25 WASTEWATER UTILITY RATES-OCTOBER 1,2016 Monthly Minima.Charge Odober1,2016 Single Family Residential $15.00 Residential(muld-unWI $15.00 C.mmerdal(single&mullFunit`I $15.00 Volumetric Rates-Slagle Family Reddemist Based on WQA- Odaber1,2016 Per 1,00 galions $232 Volumetric Rates-Cam.a.1.1(single),Multi.alt,(,a0,1,nt6l&wmmerQal) Based on 100%water aonsumpllon October 1,2016 P01,00galians $232 MNUV nfl01"Isd per unit "WinlerQUarte,AvepSv City of Friendswood Water&Wastewater Utility Rates Recommendation WATER UTILITY RATES-OCTOBER 1,2017 Monthly Mlntmum Charge-Single Familyin idintial Metersho OdOlmr 1,2017 Up to V. $15.50 11/2" $27.90 2" $44.95 3" $44.95 4" $44.95 6" $44.95 Volumotric Rates,Single Family Residential Per1,0o0gailons 0-3,000gallons $0.00 3,001-10,000C.P.Ris $2.90 10,001-25,000gallans $3.15 Above 25,000 gallons $3.40 Monthly Minimum Charge-Commercial,Muld-unit*(residential or commercal),bdgation/Sprinkler Meter Slm October 1,2017 5(8" $15.50 " $2130 14/2" $27.90 2° $44.95 3a $44.95 4" $4495 8" $44.95 Volumetric Russ-Commercial,Muhl-wtiO(residential or commercial) Per1,0o0gallans $2.90 Monthly Minim um Charge-Irrigation/Sprinkler Meter Siao Odeber1,2017 5/8" $15.50 1° $21.70 1112" $27.90 " $44.95 3" $44.95 4" $44.95 6" $44.95 Volumetric Rates-Irrigation/Sprinkler Per2,000gallons Octobor1,2017 0-3,000 gallons $3.50 3,001-10,OU0gollons $3.75 10,90I.25,000 galiom $4,Op Above 25,000 oil... $4,25 WASTEWATER UTILITY RATES-OCTOBER 1,2017 Monthly Minimum charge Odohm 1,2017 Shale Family Residential $15.00 Itesldentelfor"l @un%*) $15m Commercol(sImle&multi-unit') $15.00 VOlunmtric Rates-Single Fanlly Residential Based on WW- Odeber 1,2017 Per1,000gallons $2,44 VUlnmetrc Rates-Commercial(single),Malti-u,104nosidentlal&commerdap Based on 100%water consumption odober1,2017 Per 1,000 gelfons $2,44 � will eellolugld p ooft` "lYmlerQuarterAVxnge City of Friendswood Water&Wastewater Utility Rates Recommendation WATER UTILITY RATES-OCTOBER 1,2018 Monthly Minimum Charge-Single Family Residential Mater She 000011,20111 ❑ptol" $1950 11/2" $27.9D 2" $44.95 3" $44.95 4" $44.95 6" $44.95 Volumetric Rates-Single Family Residential Pe11,0009a11ons 0-3,000ga11ons $0,00 3,001-1o,a�ganem $2.90 10,001-25,000gallons $3.15 Abmo,251000gallona $3.40 Monthly Minimum Charge-Cmroem ial,Multt-unit+(residential or cammordal),irrigation/sprinklar aamer5ho 000.11,2018 5/g" $15.50 1" $21x0 11/2" $27.9D 2" $44.95 3" $44.95 4" $44.95 V. $44.95 Volumetric Rates-Commerclal,Multi-unity(eesidential or commercial) Par1,00D9a11o.e $2,90 Monthly Minimum Charge-irrigation/Sprnkler Meter She OROharl,2018 5/8" $15.50 $21.70 11(2" $27.90 $44.95 5" $44.95 4" $44.95 6" $4495 Volumehic Rates-Irrigation/Sprinkler Pm1,0Rigallans October 1,2018 0-3,000,41ons $350 8,001-10,000'.Ihms $3.75 10,001-25,000ga11ons $4,00 AWVe25,000gallans $4,25 WASTEWATER UTILITY RATES-OCTOBER 1,2018 Monthly Minimum charge Odaberl,2018 51.,10 Family Resldenn.1 $15.00 Residential(muitWnit'j $15.0 Cammmelel(Amd-&maltFunit`) $15.00 Volumetric Rates•Single Family Residential Oared on WQA•' October S,2018 Per1,000011ons $2,56 Volumetric Rates-COmmenlal(single),Multi nottlimsldeotiai&commeralap 0ased on 100%water wnsumptlon October1,2018 Peri,000galbm $2.56 MV ItL0KFar0ed per mR ++tmm�0e=nunvuase