HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2014-25 (Title: An Ordinance adopting Budget Amendment XII to the Original General Budget of the City for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 to provide for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds.) ORDINANCE NO. 2014-25 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ORDINANCE NO. 2013-37, PASSED AND APPROVED OCTOBER 7, 2013, SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY'S GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013-2014 BY APPROVING "BUDGET AMENDMENT XII" TO THE "ORIGINAL GENERAL BUDGET OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2013- 2014"; PROVIDING FOR SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION AND/OR TRANSFER OF CERTAIN FUNDS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT. WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2013-37, the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, adopted its"Original General Budget for Fiscal Year 2013-2014'; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that revenues and/or reserves are available for supplemental appropriation, and/or that the transfer of certain funds interdepartmentally is economically feasible and in the best interest of prudent budgeting and for municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, Section 8.04 of The City Charter provides for amendments after adoption of the budget; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to amend said Original General Budget to reflect such supplemental appropriation and/or transfer in the fiscal year 2013-2014; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. The "Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014," is hereby amended for municipal purposes as shown on "Budget Amendment XII" to the "Original Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal year 2013-2014" attached hereto. Said Budget Amendment X11 shall be attached to and made a part of such Original General Budget by the City Secretary and shall be filed as required by state law, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibits "A" and `B" and made a part hereof for all purposes. Section 3. In the event any clause,phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional,whether there be one or more parts. PASSED AND APPROVED this 8th day of September,2014. } i d Kevin Holland', Mayor ATTEST: e •• ..... ° .•�FRIENgq°• . °O. q ° Melinda Welsh, TRMC City Secretary `• e °e 0 o Ord. 2014-25 2 Exhibit A Page 1 City of Friendswood Budget Amendment Summary Fiscal Year 2013— 2014 Budget Amendment XH September 8, 2014 1. Public Works Insurance Reimbursement, $7,452. Appropriate insurance reimbursement received for vehicle damage claims to the Public Works vehicle unit PW40. Funds will be appropriated to the Public Works water operations division budget to offset the vehicle repair expenses. Reimbursement was received from Texas Municipal League on July 29, 2014. 2. Public Works Insurance Reimbursement. $2,031. Appropriate insurance reimbursement received for vehicle damage claims to the Public Works vehicle unit PW58. Funds will be appropriated to the Public Works water operations division budget to offset the vehicle repair expenses. Reimbursement was received from Texas Municipal League on August 20, 2014. 3. Police Department Reimbursement. $2,362. Appropriate funds received from Houston High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) to the Police Department. The City has a Memorandum of Understanding with the agency for reimbursement for expenses spent on Drug Task Force activities. The reimbursement is for activities through the month of May 2014. The funds will be appropriated to the Police Department Patrol division. 4. Police Department Reimbursement. $508. Appropriate funds received from FBI to the Police Department. The City has a Memorandum of Understanding with the agency for reimbursement of expenses spent on Drug Task Force activities. The reimbursement is for Police Department personnel assigned to these activities through the month of January 2014. The funds will be appropriated to the Police Department Criminal Investigations division. 5. Police Department Rape Aggression Defense Donations. $700. Appropriate funds donated to the Police Department Rape Aggression Defense (R.A.D.) Program. Donations were received from the citizens participating in the R.A.D. classes. Funds will be appropriated to the Police Department Patrol operating supplies for R.A.D. program expenses and will be spent in Fiscal Year 2014. 6. Police Investigation Fund Revenue. $3,100. Appropriate asset forfeiture funds received. Funds will be appropriated to the Police Investigation Fund (PIF) operating services account. 7. Community Service July 4th Program Division, $4,965. Appropriate revenue received from July 415 sponsors and booth fees from the event to help offset overtime payroll expenses incurred during the event. 2014 BA XB-Exhibit A 09-08-14Aocx Exhibit A Page 2 8. General Obligation Bond Street Improvements, $221,698. Appropriate advance funding for engineering design services fee with the reconstruction of Mary Ann Drive, Winding Road, Shadowbend Ave, and Townes Road. This is part of Round 1 of street improvements as approved in the bonds authorized in 2013. The September 8, 2014 Council Meeting agenda includes a recommendation to approve an engineering services contract with Cobb, Fendley and Associates, Inc. totaling $221,698 to complete the engineering services of round 1. Pursuant to the Reimbursement Resolution # R2014-07 approved by City Council on March 3, 2014, funds for the engineering contract will be appropriated from undesignated General Fund balance and will be reimbursed when the bonds authorized in 2013 are issued. 9. Blackhawk Waste Water Treatment Plant Operations. $200,000. Appropriate funds for Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority rehabilitation Blackhawk Waste Water Treatment Plant. At the January 23, 2012 meeting, Council approved to participate in the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority rehabilitation of the Blackhawk Waste Water Treatment Plant. The rehabilitation included improvements to the UV system, sand filters, and replacement of the plant head works. During the upgrades, additional chemical costs were incurred for disinfection and higher electricity costs were required to address dissolved oxygen levels. This was necessary to complete the process to upgrade the treatment plant and to avoid water treatment plant permit violations. Additional funding is needed for upcoming expenses related to these costs. Funding source has been identified as Water and Sewer Fund working capital. 10.Public Works Lift Station #18, $81,750. Transfer funding for design engineering services for Lift Station #18 replacement project. This facility serves the sanitary sewer needs for the Wedgewood Village area and has been in operation since the early 1970s. Repair efforts and its current location preclude continued operation in a cost effective manner, thus making replacement of the facility more advantageous for the City. The September 8, 2014 Council Meeting agenda includes a recommendation to approve an engineering services contract with the IDS Engineering Group totaling $81,750 to complete the engineering services for the replacement of this facility. Water& Sewer funding appropriation for the Lift Station #18 replacement project was included in the FYI adopted budget. 2014 BA X11-Exhibit A 09-08-14.docx City of Friendseood 2013-14 Budget Amendment XIT-Exhibit B BA Number Account Number Fondest No. Description 'AmounE< 1 401-0W0.383.1000 Appropriate TML Insurance reimbursment to Me Public Works Water Operations division for Unit PW40 1 401-3642-434.6543 Appropriate TMLinsurarme reimbursement to OSe PUbIle Works xa[er tlivision.Appropriating be&to account that was used in budget transfer to cover expense. 5,105 1 401-3642-434.5495 A pate TMLlusummemlmbursamenttolhe Public WorksmWdivisim.A ro satin back to account thaleas used in budget transfer to cover expense. 2348 2 401-0000383.1000 Appropriate TML Insurance mimbursmenito the Public Works Water Operations tlivision (2,031) 2 401-3642-434.6308 A pate TML Insurance reimborsmeento the Public Works WaterO.rations division vehicle maintenance account for Unit PW56 2031 3 001-0000.331.16113 HIDTA Appropratb HIDTAreimburepubmt to the Pali.Department Patrol diWsisn (2,362) 3 m1-2120.421.41-30 HIDTA Appropriate HIDTA reimbursement an Me Police De emend Patrd division payroll overtime amount 2382 4 001-0800331.3020 G0W54 Appropriate reimbursement of funds from FBI to the Pali.CID tlivision overtime paydccornit (508) 4 001-2130421.41-30 G00054 Appropriate reimbursement of funds from FBI b Me Police CID division oveNme pay amount 508 5 001-0800386.00.80 PDRAD Approprialedonations recevied far RDRAD to the Police Department Pal division operating supplies for PDRAD (]00) 5 001-21204215410 PDRAD A ro date donations removed for RDRAD to the Police De artmenl Patrol division Wenaling,supplies for PDRAD 100 6 102-0000331.8001 I Appropriate PIF Funds rmeived from Spired Funds to the PIF spending servis account for buyhwlk monbyand informants (3,"00) 6 102-2130421.1400 A date PIF Funds mosived from Soared Funds to the PIF operation services amount for b Malk mane antl informants 31 W. 7 001-000(g34Z5020 Appropriate booth fees rmeived over the revenue amount budget"from the July 4th event 7 001-8000347.5050 Appropriate sponsor donations rerived for the July 4th event 7 001-6422-45241-30 Ampoomme booth fees and sponsor donations to the overtime payroll amount in the July 4th o mouning budget division 4,965 6 2530000.393.8000 jAppropriate advance funding for Round 1forthe engineering contract to remostructthe streete-May Ann Dr,Winding Rd,Shatldebend Ave,&Tames Rd. (221,696) 8 2537001-422.IM-K A odate advance funding for Round l for Me eiineed contract to reconstrmt the streets-Ma Ann Dr Wind Rd,Shadacbend Ave&Tovnes Rd, 221698 9 401-008030G.C600 Appropriate Mndsfrom Wate£and Sewerswrking.pd.I (200"'00) 9 401-384Y433.7473 Appropriate,funds from Water and Savar exuldng cetial to Me Public Works seweroeragons divisions for&acMraWx WW one radon. enses 200000 10 401-7001-433.8591 151016 Transfer food: Water and Sorer CIP construction amount to design engina,mrg services for the rehab of lift famfon#18 (81,]50) 111 4014COt-433.8682 151018 Transferfuads from Water antl SevrerCl`construction account to design engineering servis forth.rehab of Lift Suntan#18 81,]50 rvunnxne.ni.c Bs.r