HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 99-30 , . t . • ' . .�x ._...- � ' ^ '� � ' �J�/.1.J� �R.AINANC� NO. '99-30 AN O�2DYNANC;� OF TH� CIT'Y �F FRIF.NbS'WOQD, TE7�A5, AMGNpING CNAPTF.Y2 34 OF TH� FRYEN`bSWOOD CYT'Y COD�, SAID GHAPTGR 34 A�[1VG �'CAOAS, aY AIV�NT3ING SECTION 34-x�, BY AUYIING a DEFINiTtON oi� Fl.,oapWA�Y ANp SU�STANTIAU pAMACF.; ANn BY AMENDiNC S�:CTION 34-31 �'Y ANC�1VIlING THE BASIS FOR ESTABI�[SHINC TH� ARFAS QI' SP�CIAG FIlO(aD �'1AZARD; BY ADUiN� A NE'1� SECTIUN 34-62 TO PROVii�� FOR DEVF.I.OI'M�NT IN TH� FiaQOri'�4'AY; PROVIDINC �012 tt�:LAT�A MATTF.R�.S; PT�U'�'Yb1NG FOR A p�NA1..TY JN AN AMOUNT NOT TO �XC�EU $Z,000; ANq P12.OVIAING FOR SFVFRABII.IT'Y. +� * * * * a� IT oRpAIN�D �Y THF CYT'Y GOU1vciI� oF TI�� Cr��v or FRr�N�S'�VOOD, T�XAS: Sectian 1. Ghagter �4 oF lhe Code of Ordinances of the City af Friendswc�od, Texas, said Chapter 34 being the flood area regulatians of lhe City, Section 34-26, definitiQns, shall be and is hereby revised at�d amendeci by adding the follo�ving definitians: Flaad�uvay (Regulatory Floodwa�} means the channel of a river or other watercourse and tl�c adiacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge ihe base fl�od without cumulatively inere�sing, the watcr surface cle�vation mare than �desi�nated hei�ht. Substs�ntiat dama�e means damage af any ori ig'n sustained by a siructure whereby tha cost of restorin� the structur� to its before dama�e condition would equal ar exceed fii�� percent (50%)_of the market v&lue df_the structure before the damage occurred. ��MA Ordinance A�)/03/99 Pagc 1 Sectlon 2. Chapter 34 of the Code of Clydinances of the City o�F�le[1d9WU0d, Texas, said C.hapter 34 being the flopd area regulations of the C.ity, Section 34�31, aasis for establishing the Ftre�a �f special flood hazard, is amended by aeleiing the follawing language from the para�;raph: [on its flood k�azard haunciary map (F�Ivi), Communit� No. 485468, as adopted, are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this article.] and replacing it with the follQwing_ in a scientific and en in� eerin� report entitled, "Ths Floud Insuranee Study far Friendswoad= Texas, Galveston and Harris Counties," dateci September 22, 1999, with accompanying Fload Insurance Rate Map and Flood $oundary-Floodw$y Maps (FX�21v1 and FSFM� and any revisions thereto are hereby ad�ted by reference and declaxed to be a ptirrt af this ardinance. $ection 3. Chaptcr 34 of thc Code oF Ordinances of the City of Fricndsvcraod, Texas, said Chapter 34 bei�g thc flood area regulations of the City is amended by adding the follo�ving new Section :�4-C2, Floodways,which�hall provide as follows: Sec. 3A�-(i2. Floodwa s. Properly loGaied vvithin Are�ts Uf�ecial flood hazard as eskablished in Section 34- 31= are Areas designated as floodwaxs. Thc Council finds that floodways ara c�ctremel� hazardous are�s due to the velaciry af flood �cavatecs which carry debris, poteniial pro1ectiles and eraeion potential, and the fo{Jowing nr�visions shall therefore a�ply to F�MA Ordinance U9/U3/H9 Page z lhese areas in ordec to proEect lhe public health, safety, a��d welfare and t� rotect private P_.,,_ _ ro e l. �ncroachments into the flaodwaY shall be prohibited iric;luding fi11, ne�cxr construction, sub�tantial improvemenl� t�nd ot[ier de�velament within thc adopied re�ul�tory floodway unless it has been demonstrated throu��h hydrotogic and li draulic_analyses performed in accordanee with standard en�ineerin� practices that tha propased eneraachment would nat result in any_increase in Flaad levels within the comrnuniry durin� the occurronce af the b�se flood discharge. 2. Xf Section 1 al�vc is satisfied, all new constntction and substantial itn�ements sliail com�l� with all applicable flood hazard �eduction pro�visions_ of Sections 34-�7 through 34-61, and other applicahlE regulations af the city or provisions of this Chapter. �. Under the provisiUns of 44 CFIt Ct�apter, l,r Section 65.12, of the National Flooci Tnsurance �tegulations, a comxnunitv may permit eperoachmenis within the adopted regulatory 11ood�va'v lhat wauld result in an inerepse in base flood cler�ations, pror�ided that the community �rst Ap�{ies for a conditional F1RM and flaad'uvay revision through F�MA. Seetiop 4. Except tts alherrvise herein sxpressl�amended, all other provisions af Chapter 3a of the Code of Qrdin�tnces of the City of Frienclswo�d, Texas, said Ghapler 34 heing the flood area regul�tidns Qf the City, as it may have been previously amended, remain unchanged and in fuli force and effect. FBMA Ordinance � 49/0�/99 Pagc 3 Sectfon 5. An�+ person who shall violate t�ny �rovision of this �rdinancc shall be deemed guilty oi�a misdemet�nor and, upon conviction, shall bc Cneil in an amount not io exceed$2,O�p. Each day of vialation shall constitute a aeparate offense. Seetion 6. In il�e event any clause phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to a�ny person vr circumstances sha11 for ttny ret�son be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a caurt of competent jurisdiction. it sha,ll nat a�ff`ect, imparr, or inv�lidate this Ordinance as � whole or any part or provision hereof other than thc part declarcd to be in�valid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City oF Friendswooci, Tex�.�, declares that it would have pt�ssed eaeh and every part of the s�me n�twilhsianding the omission of any such part thus declared to bc inv�lid Q[ unconstitutional,whether there be one ar mare parts. PASS�D AN� APFROV�D on firsi regding this 13�' day of SeptP.mber , . 1999. PASSF.D, APPRO'V'ED, and A.DOPTED on �econd �tnc� final reading this ??�? day 4f September , 1�99. . �;=�_ J� Harold L. Whitaket' Mayar A7'7'EST: � .Deloris IvIcTS.enzie, RM . Cifiy 5earetary FEMA Ordinance Q9/03/99 ' Pag��