HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 99-36 ORDINANCE NO. 99-36
STRIKING THEREFROM ALL OF SECTIONS 14-26, 14-27, 14-56(a), 14-
59(d), 14-71, 14-72, 14-73, 14-74, 14-75, 14-76, 14-77, 14-78, 14-79, 14-80, 14-
81, 14-82, 14-83, 14-97, 14-98, 14-125, 14-135, 14-157, 14-171, 14-172, 14-173,
14-174, 14-175, 14-176, 14-193, 14-194, 14-196, 14-198, 14-199, 14-203, 14-
205, 14-207, 14-232, 14-233, 14-256, 14-281 OF ARTICLES II, III, IV, V AND
14-27, 14-56(a), 14-71, 14-82, 14-125, 14-157, 14-171, 14-172, 14-175, 14-193,
14-196, 14-199, 14-203, 14-205, 14-207, 14-232, 14-233, 14-234, 14-256, 14-281
* * * * * * *
Section l. The Friendswood City Code is hereby amended by striking therefrom
Section 14-26 of Article II of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-26. Adopted.
The 1991 Edition of the Standard Building Code, including all appendices
except appendix B thereof, as published by the Southern Building Code Congress
International, Inc., is hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this chapter.
A copy of such code is on file with the city secretary.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-26 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-26. Adopted.
The 1997 Edition of the Standard Building Code, including all appendices
except appendix B thereof, as published bv the Southern Buildin� Code Con ress
International, Inc., is hereb.y adopted bv reference and made a part of this chapter.
A copv of such code is on file with the citv secretarv."
Section 2. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-27 of Article II of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
f Sec. 14-27. Amendments.
The building code adopted in section 14-26 is hereby amended as set out
in this section.
Section 706.9. The following section 706.9 is hereby adopted to read as
706.9. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary,
no wood shingles or shakes shall be used in the construction of any
structure except single family residential structures, and then only when
treated by an approved fire retardant. All plans shall indicate the roofing
materials to be used.
Section 706.10. The following section 706.10 is hereby adopted to read as
706.10. Composition shingles may not be secured with staples.
Section 1313. The following section 1313 is hereby adopted to read as
1313. Approval by registered professional engineer.
1313.01. All foundations are to be approved by a registered professional
engineer. All plans must be submitted with original wet seals applied.
Section 1602.9. The following section 1602.9 is hereby adopted to read as
1602.9. Paving concrete shall consist of 3,000 psi rating (5 sack or design
mix)reinforced with 6 inch x 6 inch#6 wire mesh as a minimum.
Section 1705.2. The following section 1705.2 is hereby adopted to read as
1705.2. In addition to the requirements of this code, subflooring over
joists must be applied with continuous beads of glue and be screwshank
B105. The following section B 105 is hereby adopted to read as follows:
B 105. Plan-checking fees.
When the valuation of the proposed construction exceeds
$1,000.00 and a plan is required to be submitted by section 103.2, a plan-
checking fee shall be paid to the building official at the time of submitting
plans and specifications for checking. Said plan-checking fee shall be
equal to one-half of the building permit fee as set forth in section 103.7.4.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-27 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-27. Amendments.
The buildin� code adopted in section 14-26 is hereby amended as set out
in this section. The followin� section is hereb�dopted to read as
follows: Plan-checkin f� ees•
When the valuation of the p�osed construction exceeds $1 000 00 and a
plan is required to be submitted bv section 103 2 a nlan-checkin� fee shall
be paid to the buildin� official at the time of submitting plans and
specifications for checking. Said plan-checkin� fee shall be eaual to one-
half of the buildin�permit fee as set forth in section 103 7 4
Section 108.2.1. The followin� section 108.2.1 is herebY ado�ted to read
as follows:
Section 108.2.1. The Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals
shall consist of seven members. Such board members shall be composed
of individuals with knowled�e and experience in the technical codes, such
as design professionals, contractors, buildin� industrv representatives and
licensed electrical contractors. In addition to the regular members, there
shall be two alternate members, one member at lar�e from the building
industrv and one member at large from the public. A board member shall
not act in a case in which has a personal or financial interest.
Section 1507.10.8. The following section 1507.10.8 is herebY adopted
to read as follows:
1507.10.8. Notwithstandin�y other provision of this code to the
contrarv, no wood shingles or shakes shall be used in the construction of
any structure except sin�le familv residential structures, and then only
when treated bv an a�proved fire retardant. All plans shall indicate the
roofing materials to be used.
Section 1507.3.6.1 The following section 1507.3.6.1 is hereb ��pted
to read as follows:
1507.3.6.1. Composition shin leg s mav not be secured with staples.
Section 1815. The followin� section 1815 is herebv adot�ted to read as
1815. Approval b ��re istg ered professional en ineer.
1815.01. All foundations are to be approved b �� istered professional
en�ineer. All plans must be submitted with ori�inal wet seals ap lied
Section 1903.9. The followin� section 1903.9 is herebv adonted to read as
1903.9. Pavin� concrete shall consist of 3,000 si rating (5 sack or desi�n
mixl reinforced with 6 inch x 6 inch#6 wire mesh as a minimum
Section 2306.4. The followin� section 2306.4 is herebv adonted to read as
2306.4. In addition to the requirements of this code, subfloorin�ver
joists must be applied with continuous beads of �lue and be screwshank
Section 2308.1.1.1. The following section 2308.1.1.1 is herebv adopted to
read as follows:
2308.1.1.1. All studs shall be spaced sixteen(16") inches o.c."
Section 3. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-56(a) of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-56. Adoption of code; compliance required; conflicts; service
(a) Any and all electrical work placed in or on any building or
structure within the corporate boundaries of the city shall be installed in
conformity with the regulations and standards set forth in the 1993 Edition of the
National Electrical Code, which is hereby adopted, and a copy of which is on file
in the city secretary's office, other applicable ordinances of the city, and statutes
and administrative rules and regulations of the state and agencies thereof.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-56(a)to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-56. Adoption of code; comnliance required; conflicts; service
(a) Anv and all electrical work nlaced in or on anv building or
structure within the comorate boundaries of the city shall be installed in
conformitv with the re�ulations and standards set forth in the 1999 Edition of the
National Electrical Code, which is herebv adopted, and a copv of which is on file
in the citv secretary's office; other a�plicable ordinances of the citv• and statutes
and administrative rules and re�ulations of the state and agencies thereof"
Section 4. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-59(d) of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-59. Circuits.
(d) The use of type AC cable shall be prohibited as a writing method in
the city, except when used as a flexible connection to lighting fixtures in lengths
of eight feet or less in mechanical ceilings.]
Section 5. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-71 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-71. Created; composition; quorum; counsel.
There is hereby created a board for the regulation and examination of
electricians within the city, to be known as the "electrical board." The electrical
board shall consist of seven members and shall include at least one resident
master electrician, two resident citizens, and one employee from a local power
company. In addition to the seven members, the city's chief electrical inspector
shall participate as an ad hoc, nonvoting member of such board. Four members of
such board shall constitute a quorum. The city attorney shall be the board's legal
consultant. A member of the city council shall act as liaison between the board
and the council.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-71 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-71. Construction Board of Adjustment and Appeals•
The Construction Board of Adjustment and Anpeals, as snecified in
Section 108 of the Standard Building Code, shall be utilized for the re�ulation and
examination of electricians within the citv."
Section 6. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-72, 14-73, 14-74, 14-75, 14-76, 14-77, 14-78, 14-79, 14-80 and 14-
81 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provide as follows:
[Sec. 14-72. Appointments; terms.
(a) The members of the electrical board shall be appointed by the mayor with the
advice and consent of the city council.
(b) Members of the electrical board shall serve for terms of two years. Two
members of the board shall be appointed for terms beginning January 1 of each
odd-numbered year and three members of the board shall be appointed for terms
beginning January 1 of each even-numbered year.
Sec. 14-73. Removal and vacancies.
Any member of the electrical board may be removed by the city council at
any time, with or without cause, and, if for any reason any of the members of the
board shall be unable to act, or shall resign from their respective positions, or
shall be removed, the mayor shall appoint, subject to confirmation of the city
council, a successor or successors who shall fill out the unexpired term, or until
respective successors shall be appointed.
Sec. 14-74. Compensation of board members.
Members of the electrical board shall receive no compensation for
conduction examinations for licenses or for performing such other duties as are
prescribed in this division, other than fees and such other allowances as may be
advances them by city council.
Sec. 14-75. Duties of secretary; records.
The secretary to the board shall keep a complete record of all proceedings
of the board, including a record of all examinations held and applicants examined,
and the results thereof, together with any other records as the board may direct. A
record of the name of each applicant shall be kept permanently; otherwise, no
records or examination papers need to be kept for a period of greater than two
calendar years.
Sec. 14-76. Meetings; rules of procedures.
The electrical board shall meet as soon as possible after appointment. The
board shall make and promulgate its own rules governing its meetings and
proceedings, including selection of officers.
Sec. 14-77. Special meetings.
No meeting of the electrical board shall be required to pass upon
application for licenses or registration; however, special meetings shall be called
by the chairman of the board upon request of two members of the board, or at the
request of the mayor or city council.
Sec. 14-78. Annual reports.
The electrical board shall prepare and cause to be submitted annual reports
to the city council, indicating therein the official sanctions of the board. Such
reports are to be submitted to the council in January.
Sec. 14-79. Responsibility to recommend improvements.
The electrical board shall submit to the city council written suggestions
and recommendations for the improvements, enforcement and administration of
the article.
Sec. 14-80. Investigations.
The electrical board shall make such investigations regarding electrical
work as are deemed necessary by a majority of board members or as directed by
the city council.
Sec. 14-81. Requirements for examination.
The electrical board shall require examination and reexamination of every
applicant for an electrician's license, except as otherwise provided in this article.
The board shall adopt such rules and regulations as are required for the
examination and reexamination of applicants for electrician's license, including
the passing of the electrician's examination and reexamination by applicants. The
board shall prepare or cause to be prepared uniform and reasonable qualifications
for applicants for licenses as master electricians and journeyman electricians,
except as otherwise provided in this article.]
Section 7. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-82 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-82. Appeal of decisions by the electrical inspector.
(a) Any person aggrieved by a decision or ruling of the electrical
inspector shall have the right of appeal to the electrical board for its
review. Such appeal shall be perfected by a request in writing to the
chairman of the board for a hearing, in which the following information
shall be contained:
(1)Name and address of the person making the appeal.
(2) Facts surrounding the particular ruling or refusal to make a
(3) The ruling, if any of the electrical inspector.
(4) Reasons why such ruling should be set aside, or if a ruling was
refused,why such ruling should be made.
(b) During the pendancy of any appeal to the electrical board, the ruling
of the electrical inspector shall be in full force and effect. The electrical
board shall render its decision within 15 days from the hearing on such
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-82 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-82. Appeal of decisions by the electrical inspector.
�) An�person aggrieved by a decision or ruling of the electrical
inspector shall have the ri�ht of appeal to the Construction Board of
Adjustment and Appeals for its review. Such appeal shall be perfected by
a request in writin� to the chairman of the board for a hearing, in which
the followin� information shall be contained:
�1) Name and address of the person makin t� he appeal.
(2) Facts surrounding t�particular ruling or refusal to make a
(3) The rulin ,g if anv of the electrical inspector.
(4) Reasons why such rulin� should be set aside, or if a rulin� was
refused, why such rulin� should be made.
(b During t�pendancy of an�ppeal to the Construction Board of
Adjustment and Appeals, the ruling of the electrical inspector shall be in
full force and effect."
Section 8. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-83 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-83. Appeals by board members.
A member of the electrical board shall not participate as a member of the
board on any appeal brought by such member.]
Section 9. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-97 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-97. Appointment.
The office of electrical inspector in and for the city shall be appointed by
the city manager, and the salary for the inspector shall be set by the city manager.
However, before assuming the authority conferred by this article, the person so
appointed shall successfully pass an examination submitted to him by the
electrical board.]
Section 10. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-98 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-98. Oath and bond.
Before assuming the authority conferred by this article, the electrical
inspector shall take an oath usually administered to other city officials and shall
give a bond to the city in the penal sum of $1,000.00, conditioned upon the
faithful performance of his duties. Assistants to the electrical inspector shall
execute a similar bond in the sum of$1,000.00. Such bonds are to be issued by a
reputable bonding company licensed to do business in the state. The city shall
pay for such bonds.]
Section 11. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-125 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-125. Hours for submitting applications.
Applications for permits will only be accepted when presented during
normal working hours of the electrical department, and they must be presented in
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-125 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-125. Hours for submitting apnlications.
Applications for permits will onlv be accepted when presented during
normal workin�hours of the electrical department."
Section 12. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-135 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-135. Permit to be displayed.
On all new installations, the permit for electrical work shall be displayed
in a readily accessible location, as directed by the electrical inspector, throughout
the time that such installation, as covered by the permit, is being installed.]
Section 13. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-157 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-157. Fees.
No fee shall be charged against the permit holder for the initial inspection;
however, when work is found to be incomplete or unsatisfactory after the
inspection is requested, a fee established by resolution and printed in appendix D
of the Code shall be made for each reinspection. Fees for prearranged after-hour
inspections, or any necessary emergency inspections, shall be actual hours,
subject to a minimum of two hours, at a rate of 1 1/2 times the electrical inspector's
rate and two times such rate on Sundays and holidays.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-157 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-157. Fees.
No fee shall be char ed a�ainst the permit holder for the initial ins ection;
however, when work is found to be incomnlete or unsatisfactory after the
inspection is requested, a fee established bv resolution and.,printed in appendix D
of the Code shall be made for each reinspection."
Section 14. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-171 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-171. Master electrician.
An examination for a master electrician's license shall be of such a nature
as to show the applicant's satisfactory knowledge of the National Electrical Code,
this article, such state statutes as are applicable, other recognized requirements
pertaining to electrical work and his ability to correctly diagram and to instruct
other persons in the making of practical electrical installations with correct sizes
and values of required materials and devices.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-171 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-171. Master electrician.
An examination for a master electrician's license shall be of such a nature
as to show the applicant's satisfactorv knowledge of the National Electrical Code,
such state statutes as are applicable, other reco�nized requirements pertaining to
electrical work and his abilitv to correctiv diagram and to instruct other persons in
the making of_practical electrical installations with correct sizes and values of
required materials and devices."
Section 15. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-172 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-172. Journeyman electrician.
An examination for a journeyman electrician's license shall be of such a
nature as to show the applicant's satisfactory ability to follow written and verbal
instructions, and satisfactory and thorough knowledge of the NEC, this article,
such state statutes as are applicable and other requirements pertaining to electrical
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-172 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-172. Journeyman electrician.
An examination for a journeyman electrician's license shall be of such a
nature as to show the applicant's satisfacto ability to follow written and verbal
instructions, and satisfactorv and thorough knowled�e of the NEC, such state
statutes as are applicable and other reauirements pertaining to electrical work."
Section 16. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-173 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-173. Results.
A grade of 70 percent shall be the lowest passing grade for any
examination required in this article.]
Section 17. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-174 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-174. Reexaminations.
No applicant who fails to pass his first examination shall be examined
again prior to the expiration of three calendar months from the date of the first
examination. No applicant who fails to pass his second examination shall be
examined again prior to the expiration of six calendar months from the date of the
first examination. No applicant who fails to pass his third examination shall be
examined prior to the expiration of one year from the date of the first
examination. Any applicant who fails to pass three examinations for any license
shall be entitled to an examination for such license once each years as long as he
shall so desire.]
Section 18. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-175(a) of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-175. Certificate of qualification.
(a) Required. The electrical board shall require that each applicant for a
master or journeyman electrician's license have a certificate of qualification
certifying that the applicant has been found competent as a master or journeyman
electrician. The certificate shall entitle the applicant to apply for a license to carry
on specified electrical work in the city.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-175(a) to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-175. Certificate of qualification.
(a) Required. The citv shall require that each a�plicant for a master or
iourneyman electrician's license have a certificate of qualification issued bv an
approved testin�a�encv which certifies that the applicant has been found
comnetent as a master or journevman electrician. The certificate shall entitle the
applicant to applv for a license to carry on snecified electrical work in the cit�"
Section 19. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-176 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-176. Appeal.
If an applicant for a license under this article feels that he has not been
fairly dealt with by the electrical board regarding the acceptance or revocation of
the certificate of qualification, he may appeal the board's decision to the city
council. If and when he has been able to establish to the satisfaction of the city
council that he should have the certificate of qualification certifying his fitness as
a master or journeyman electrician accepted, the city council shall request that the
electrical board reconsider the applicant and the board shall, within a reasonable
time, comply with such request, not to exceed 30 days from the receipt of such
Section 20. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-193 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-193. Term and Renewal.
(a) No license under this article shall be issued for more than a year, and
such license may be renewed from year to year upon application by the holder of
such license. All licenses shall expire on December 31 of each year. Licenses
shall be renewed before January 1 each year thereafter upon payment of such fees
as are established by resolution and printed in appendix D of the Code, made
payable to the building department; provided, of course, that such license has not
been canceled prior thereto.
(b) If the holder of an electrician's license shall fail to make application
for renewal before one year after its expiration, he shall be required to pay the full
initial license fee specified in this article and take such examination as is provided
for persons originally deciding to do electrical work in the city.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-193 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-193. Term and Renewal.
No license under this article shall be issued for more than a year and such license
mav be renewed from vear to �pon application bv the holder of such license
All licenses shall expire on December 31 of each vear. Licenses shall be renewed
before April 1 each vear thereafter u�on payment of such fees as are established
bv resolution and nrinted in appendix D of the Code and made �avable to the
buildin� department; provided, of course, that such license has not been canceled
prior thereto."
Section 21. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-194 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-194. Forfeiture of license.
Any holder of any renewable license of any grade who shall fail to renew
such license within one year shall have his license become null and void.]
Section 22. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-196 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-196. Issuance.
Upon notification by the electrical board that an applicant has successfully
completed the examination as a master or a journeyman electrician as provided in
division 6 of this article, the electrical inspector shall issue to each applicant the
class of license which such person is qualified to receive under the provisions of
this article, upon payment of such fees and upon fulfillment of such other
requirements as are specified in this article.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-196 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-196. Issuance.
Upon the submission of satisfactor�proof that an applicant has
successfullv completed the examination as a master or ajourneyman electrician as
provided in division 6 of this article the electrical inspector upon payment of
such fees and unon fulfillment of such other requirements as are specified in this
article, shall issue to each applicant the class of license which such nerson is
qualified to receive under the provisions of this article."
Section 23. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-198 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-198. Reciprocity.
An electrician holding a currently valid license in another city, which license has
been approved by the electrical board, may apply for and receive a similar license in the
city without taking an examination under the following conditions:
(1) He shall submit satisfactory evidence to a majority of the electrical board
that his license was issued under conditions not less restrictive than required by
this article for such a license, and than an electrician holding a license issued by
the city would be permitted to apply for and receive a similar license in such other
city under reciprocal conditions.
(2) He shall furnish a bond, pay the license fee and comply with all other
requirements of this article.
(3) Satisfactory evidence of a passing grade as provided in section 14-173 on
an examination from an approved city should also be furnished to the electrical
Section 24. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-199 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-199. Identity card.
An identity card will be carried in person by the licensed electrician while
performing electrical work, and the person shall display such card upon demand by any
peace officer, the electrical inspector, or by the owner of the premises or property upon
which the licensee is working. Each license shall bear a distinguishing number assigned
to the licensee, the full name, date of birth, residence address and business address of the
licensee, and a space upon which the licensee shall write his usual signature with pen and
ink immediately upon receipt of the license. No license shall be valid until it has been so
signed by the licensee.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-198 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-199. Identi card.
An identitv card shall be carried in person bv the licensed electrician while
performing electrical work and the person shall display such card unon demand b�any
peace officer, the electrical insnector or by the owner of the premises or propert�pon
which the licensee is workin�. Each license shall bear a distin uishing number assi�ned
to the licensee, the licensee's full name and a space unon which the licensee shall write
his usual si�nature with pen and ink immediatel�upon receipt of the license No license
shall be valid until it has been so si ng ed by the licensee."
Section 25. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-203 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-203. Suspension of licenses.
The electrical board may suspend the license of any licensed contractor or
electrician within the city for a period not to exceed one year after determining at
a proper hearing as set out in this section that the licensee:
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-203 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-203. Suspension of licenses.
The cit�av suspend the license of anv licensed contractor or electrician
within the cit f�period not to exceed one year after determinin� at a proper
hearing as set out in this section that the licensee:
Section 26. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-205 of Article IV of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-205. Revocation of license.
If, within any three-year period, the holder of any license issued under the
terms of this article shall have been finally convicted three times or more for a
violation of any of the provisions of this article, the electrical board may revoke
and cancel such license, and upon such revocation and cancellation, such license
shall be and become null and void and cannot be renewed thereafter.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-205 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-205. Revocation of license.
If, within anv three-year period, the holder of anv license issued under the
terms of this article shall have been finally convicted three times or more for a
violation of anv of the provisions of this article, the cit�y revoke and cancel
such license, and upon such revocation and cancellation, such license shall be and
become null and void and cannot be renewed thereafter."
Section 27. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-207 of Article III of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-207. Appeals.
Any person denied a license or whose license has been suspended or
revoked by the electrical board, except where such suspension or revocation is
automatic under the provisions of section 14-204 of this article, or any person
who is otherwise aggrieved by a decision of the electrical board, may appeal to
the city council, and the aggrieved shall have the right to file a petition within 10
days thereafter for a hearing before the city. The city council shall set the matter
for hearing upon 14 days' written notice to the aggrieved person, and thereupon
take testimony and examine into the facts of the case, and determine whether the
petitioner is entitled to a license or is subject to suspension or revocation of his
license under the provisions of this article.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-207 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-207. Appeals.
An�person denied a license or whose license has been susnended or
revoked by the citv, except where such suspension or revocation is automatic
under the provisions of section 14-204 of this article, or anv person who is
otherwise aggrieved bv a decision of the cit��p�eal to the citv council, and
the a�rieved shall have the right to file a petition within 10 davs thereafter for a
hearin� before the citv. The city council shall set the matter for hearing Upon 14
days' written notice to the ag ri� eved person, and thereupon take testimonp and
examine into the facts of the case, and determine whether the netitioner is entitled
to a license or is sub'ect to sus ension or revocation of his license under the
provisions of this article."
Section 28. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-232 of Article IV of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-232. Standard Plumbing Code adopted.
The Standard Plumbing Code, 1991 Edition, including appendices, except
Appendix H, thereto, as published by the Southern Building Code Congress
International, Inc., a copy of which is on file with the city secretary, is hereby
adopted and made a part of this article, save and except that, should any provision
thereof be in conflict with the Examination Plumbing Code and Study Guide
adopted in section 14-231, the Examination Plumbing Code and Study Guide
shall prevail.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-232 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-232. Standard Plumbing Code adopted.
The Standard Plumbing Code, 1997 Edition, including appendices, except
Appendix A, thereto, as published bv the Southern Building Code Con ress
International, Inc., a copv of which is on file with the city secretary, is hereby
adopted and made a part of this article, save and except that, should an�provision
thereof be in conflict with the Examination Plumbin� Code and Studv Guide
adopted in section 14-231, the Examination Plumbing Code and Study Guide
shall prevail."
Section 29. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
Section 14-233 of Article IV of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-233. Penalty for violation of article.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this article shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined pursuant to section
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-233 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-233. Amendments.
The plumbin� code adopted in section 14-232 is hereby amended as set
out in this section.
Section 106.S.2. The followin� section 106.5.2 is herebv adopted to read
as follows:
106.5.2. The fees for all plumbin� work shall be as established by
resolution and nrinted in appendix D of the Code.
Section 106.S.3. The following section 106.5.3 is hereb �� adopted to read
as follows:
106.5.3. The code official shall authorize the refunding of fees
where the full amount of anv fee paid hereunder was erroneously paid or
Section 108.4. Section 108.4 is herebv deleted in its entiret�
Section 305.6.1. The following section 305.6.1 is herebv adopted to read
as follows:
305.6.1. Building sewers that connect to private sewage dis op sal s s�
shall be a minimum of 12 inches below finished �rade at the oip nt of
septic tank connection. Building sewers shall be a minimum of 12 inches
below r�
Section 904.1. The followin� section 904.1 is hereb�dopted to read as
904.1. All open vent pipes that extend through a roof shall be terminated
at least 6 inches above the roof, except that where a roof is to be used for
anv pu�r ose other than weather protection, the vent extensions shall be run
at least 7 feet(2134 mm) above the roof."
Section 30. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by adding Section
14-234 to Article IV of Chapter 14, to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-234. Penalty for violation of article.
Anv person who shall violate an�provision of this article shall be deemed �y
of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined pursuant to section 1-14 "
Section 31. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-256 of Article V of Chapter 14, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-256. Standard Mechanical Code adopted; amendments.
The 1991 Edition of the Standard Mechanical Code, including appendices
except appendix B thereof, as published by the Southern Building Code Congress
International, Inc., an authentic copy of which has been filed with the city
secretary, is hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this article.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-256 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-256. Standard Mechanical Code adopted; amendments.
The 1997 Edition of the Standard Mechanical Code, includin�ppendices
except appendix B thereof, as published bv the Southern Buildin� Code Con�ress
International Inc., an authentic co�,v of which has been filed with the citv
secretary is herebv adopted b�reference and made a part of this article."
Section 32. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby fiuther amended by striking
therefrom Section 14-281 of Article VI of Chapter 14,which provides as follows:
[Sec. 14-281. Standard Gas Code adopted.
The 1991 Edition of the Standard Gas Code, including appendices, except
appendix B, thereto, as published by the Southern Building Code Congress
International, Inc., a copy of which has been filed with the city secretary, is
hereby adopted and made a part of this article.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 14-281 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 14-281. Standard Gas Code adopted.
The 1997 Edition of the Standard Gas Code, includin�a�pendices, exce�t
appendix B, thereto, as published by the Southern Building Code Congr�
International, Inc., a copv of which has been filed with the city secret , is
herebv adopted and made a part of this article."
Section 33. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Sections 30-61 of Article III of Chapter 30, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 30-61. Codes and standards adopted.
The city council hereby adopts the following fire prevention standards:
(1) 1991 Edition of the Standaxd Fire Prevention Code, including appendices, as
published by the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc., save and
except section 402.1 and chapter 30 thereof.
(2) 1990 Edition of NFPA 407, Standard for Aircraft Fuel Servicing, as published
by the National Fire Protection Association.
(3) 1989 Edition of the NFPA 408, Standard for Aircraft Hand Fire
Extinguishers, as published by the National Fire Protection Association.
(4) 1990 Edition of the NFPA 409, Standard for Aircraft Hangars, as published
by the National Fire Protection Association.
(5) 1989 Edition of the NFPA 410, Standard on Aircraft Maintenance, as
published by the National Fire Protection Association.
(6) 1987 Edition of the NFPA 415, Standard for Aircraft Fueling Ramp Drainage,
as published by the National Fire Protection Association.
(7) 1987 Edition of the NFPA 416, Standard on Construction and Protection of
Airport Terminal Buildings, as published by the National Fire Protection
(8) 1990 Edition of the NFPA 417, Standard on Construction and Protection of
Airport Loading Walkways, as published by the National Fire Protection
(9) 1990 Edition of the NFPA 418, Standard on Rooftop Heliport Construction
and Protection, as published by the National Fire Protection Association.
(10) 1989 Edition of the NFPA 423, Standard for Construction and Protection of
Aircraft Engine Test Facilities, as published by the National Fire Protection
and substituting therefor a new Section 30-61 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 30-61. Adopted•
The city council hereby adopts the 1997 Edition of the Standard Fire Prevention
Code, includin�appendices, as published bv the Southern Buildin�Code
Congress International, Inc."
Section 34. Said Friendswood City Code is hereby further amended by striking
therefrom Sections 30-76 of Article III of Chapter 30, which provides as follows:
[Sec. 30-76. Adopted.
The 1988 Edition of the Life Safety Code, including all appendices thereto, as
published by the National Fire Protection Association, Inc., is hereby adopted. An
authentic copy of such code is on file with the city secretary.]
and substituting therefor a new Section 30-76 to provide as follows:
"Sec. 30-76. Adopted.
The 1997 Edition of the Life Safetv Code, including all appendices thereto, as
published bv the National Fire Protection Association, Inc., is herebv adopted. An
authentic co�,v of such code is on file with the city secretary."
Section 35. Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed
$1,000. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.
Section 36. In the event any clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this
Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be
adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect,
impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part
declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the
omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, whether there be one or
more parts.
Section 37. Effective date. This Ordinance shall become effective on the 31st day
following the date of its adoption.
PASSED, AND APPROVED on the first reading this13� day of 5ept. � 1999.
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on second and final reading this 27� day of
5eptember , 1999.
� (
f Mayor
Deloris McKenzie, C
City Se�retary