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Ordinance No. 2014-20
(Title: An ordinance changing the prior zoning classification of a tract of land consisting of a two tracts totaling approximately 13.3586 acres, Tract 1 located at 601 N. Friendswood Dr., (3.4868 acres) situated out of Perry and Austin League, Abstract 20, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, from CSC to PUD; and Tract 2 located at 511 N. Friendswood Dr. (9.8718 acres) out of Lot 5 Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, from prior PUD to a revised PUD, all as more fully described herein.) ORDINANCE NO. 2014-20 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX C, "ZONING", SECTION 3, "PROVISION FOR OFFICIAL ZONING MAP", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, REZONING A TRACT OF LAND CONSISTING OF A TOTAL OF APPROXIMATELY 13.3586 ACRES, TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD), TRACT 1 LOCATED AT 601 N. FRIENDSWOOD DR., (3.4868 ACRES) SITUATED OUT OF PERRY AND AUSTIN LEAGUE, ABSTRACT 20, FRIENDSWOOD, GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM COMMUNITY SHOPPING CENTER (CSC) TO PUD; TRACT 2 LOCATED AT 511 N. FRIENDSWOOD DR. (9.8718 ACRES) OUT OF LOT 5 HOIDALE AND COFFMAN SUBDIVISION, FRIENDSWOOD, GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM PRIOR PUD TO A NEWLY REVISED PUD, ALL AS MORE SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED HEREIN; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; IMPOSING CERTAIN CONDITIONS; PROVIDING A PENALTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. WHEREAS, Friendswood Mary's Creek, LLC, ("Owner") has filed an application for rezoning for a new mixed use Planned Unit Development ("PUD"), of real property consisting of two tracts of land totaling approximately 13.3586 acres, "Tract 1" located at 601 N. Friendswood Dr., (3.4868 acres) situated out of Perry and Austin League, Abstract 20, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, from Community Shopping Center ("CSC") to PUD; and "Tract 2" located at 511 N. Friendswood Dr. (9.8718 acres) out of Lot 5 Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, from prior PUD to a newly revised PUD , collectively, (the "Property"), metes and bounds description of which are attached hereto as Exhibit"Al" and, "A2"respectively and incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, Ordinance 2005-14, adopted on May 5, 2005 previously zoned Tract 2 from Single Family Residential Dwelling District ("SFR") and Community Shopping Center ("CSC") to PUD, and on even date adopted Ordinance 2005-15 that provided for a Special Use Permit ("SUP") for offices and townhouses, the subject SUP having expired in accordance with the City Code of Ordinances ("Code"); and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council conducted a joint public hearing to consider such application; and WHEREAS, the hearing was duly called as provided by the laws of the State of Texas and Appendix C of the Code of Ordinances of the City, ("Zoning Code") and that in such hearing all persons attending were allowed to be heard on the question of whether or not to rezone the Property from CSC to PUD for Tract 1; and prior PUD to a newly revised PUD for Tract 2, as requested in the application and as further depicted in the survey, aerial map, location map and zoning map included in Exhibit"B", attached hereto and incorporated by reference,to determine whether such rezoning would affect the health, safety, convenience, or general welfare of the citizens of Friendswood, and whether or not such change in zoning would violate the rights of any interested person; and WHEREAS,pursuant to the Zoning Code, Section 7. "Schedule of District Regulations," J. "Planned Unit Development, General Purpose and Description," paragraph 7.c.2 Owner has determined to submit a conceptual site plan at this time, (Option 2), a copy of which is attached Ord 2014-20 2 hereto as Exhibit "C" and incorporated by reference, an option that will require the Owner to apply for site plan approval at a later date if the zone change to PUD is approved; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has filed its written report with City Council, which recommends approval of the application for rezoning of the subject Property; and WHEREAS, as a result of the said public hearing, the City Council hereby finds and determines that the proposed change in zoning classification and the rezoning of the Property would not be detrimental to the community, and is in conformance with the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct, it being understood that City Council is relying upon the express representations of Owner appearing in the documents submitted for final approval, representations made at the joint public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council to induce approval of the rezoning made the subject of this Ordinance. Section 2. The Friendswood City Code, Appendix C, "Zoning," Section 3, "Provision for Official Zoning Map," is hereby amended, rezoning the Property, consisting of two tracts of land totaling approximately 13.3586 acres; "Tract 1" located at 601 N. Friendswood Dr., (3.4868 acres) situated out of Perry and Austin League, Abstract 20, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, from CSC to PUD; and "Tract 2" located at 511 N. Friendswood Dr. (9.8718 acres) out of Lot 5 Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, from prior PUD to a newly revised PUD, collectively, (the "Property"), metes and bounds description which are attached hereto as Exhibit "Al" and "A2'; and as further depicted in the application, survey, aerial map, location map and zoning map referenced in Exhibit `B", and the conceptual site plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "C," all of which are incorporated by reference. This rezoning is specifically conditioned upon Owner's compliance with Section 7. "Schedule of Ord 2014-20 3 District Regulations," J. "Planned Unit Development, General Purpose and Description," paragraph 7.c.2 (Option 2). Section 3. The Official Zoning Map of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amended to show the designation of the Property, as described and as provided in Section 2 above, with the appropriate reference thereon to the number and effective date of this Ordinance, and a brief description of the nature of the change. Section 4. This Ordinance shall in no manner amend, change, supplement or revise any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood, save and except the change in zoning classification of said Property as described above. Section 5. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a cowl of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any and every part of the same, notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, or whether there be one or more parts. Section 6. Any person who shall willfully, intentionally, or with criminal negligence violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 14th day of July, 2014. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED on second and final reading this 4th day of August, 2014. Ord 2014-20 4 - Kevin M. Holland Mayor ATTEST: FRIEN® Melinda Welsh,TRMC :c) : r:O" :® a City Secretary ° -co"' OF Ord 2014-20 5 EXHIBIT "Al" TRACT 1 Metes & Bounds Description METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION 3.4868 ACRES OUT OF PERRY AND AUSTIN LEAGUE, ABSTRACT 20 FRIENDSWOOD, GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS All that certain 3,4868 acres out of Perry and Austin League, Abstract 20, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas and being all of that certain tract as described in that certain deed dated 12-07-2006 from Thomas K. Wiley, et ux to Friendswood Mary's Creek, LLC. as filed Official Records of Real Property of Galveston County at Clerk's File No. 2006-082904 and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows; Beginning at found 5/8" iron marking the west corner of said Wiley Tract and the South corner of Walden Pond according to the plat thereof as filed in Volume 17, Page 74 Galveston County Map Records and marking a point on the northeasterly right-of-way line of F.M. 518 (100' wide); 1. Thence N 43° 19'00" E with the southeasterly lane of said Walden Pond, passing at 517.10' a found 1/2" iron rod for reference point and continuing a total distance of 610.88' to a point in the centerline of Mary's Creek; 2. Thence the following 3 courses with the centerline of Mary's Creek; 3, Thence S 59144' 48"E—62.99' to a point for corner; 4. Thence S 776 04' 59"E—90.17'to a point for corner; 5. Thence S 74° 53' 04"E— 115.37' to a point for corner; 6. Thence S 430 12' 00" W with the northwest line of that certain tract as described in a deed dated 8-11-2003 from Patricia Ann Thomas, et al to T.G.B. Development, Ltd, as filed in Official Records of Real Property of Galveston County at Clerk's File No. 03-052931 passing at 92.39' a found 1/2" iron rod for reference point and continuing a total distance of 659.78' to a found 5/8" iron rod with cap(stamped C.L.DAVIS-RPLS 4464)for corner; 7. Thence N 61149' 00" W-- 250.85' (Deed 250.00') with the northeasterly right-of-way line of said RM. 518 to the POINT OF BEGINNING,containing 3.4868 acres (151,884 square feet)of lane, more or less. This metes and bounds description is accompanied by a separate plat, drawing or exhibit per Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyor's "General Rules of Procedures and Practices" Section 663.19(9), Compiled by: C.L.Davis &Company Job Number: 11-321-ADJ Wiley M&B.doc �T``G 9Fo��cn 11-15-2006 C,L, DAVIS REVISED 02-20-2007 9 9OF ��,Q• s 11-321-AD]Wiley MH i EXHIBIT "A2" TRACT2 Metes &Bounds Descrintion METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIP ...4 9.8718 ACRES OUT OF J 11 LOT 5, HOIDALE AND COFFMAN SUBDIVISION AND PERRY AND AUSTIN LEAGUE ABSTRACT - 20 FRIENDSWOOD, GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS All that certain 9.8718 acres out of Lot 5 Hoidale and Coffman Subdivision according to the plat thereof filed in Volume 215, Page 394 Galveston County Deed Records transfer to Plat 14 Map 48 Galveston County Plat Records and being out of the Perry and Austin League Abstract – 20 and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows with bearings being based on the north right-of-way line of Farm Market Road 518 to beN61° 49'00"W; Beginning at a call and found 3/4" Iron pipe marking the southwest corner of that certain tract described in a deed dated 05-14-1596 from Associated Properties to Bruce A. Bryant, et ux as filed in Official Records of Real Property of Galveston County at Clerk's File Number 96-20770 Film Code Number 011-11-0162 and marking a point on the northerly right-of-way line of Farm Market Road 518 (F. M. 518) (100'wide); 1. Thence N 610 49' 00" W — 640.42' (Deed N 610 47' 00" W) with northerly right-of- way line of said F. M. 518 to a set 5/8" Iron rod with cap (Stamped C. L. Davis, R.P.L.S. 4464) for corner from which a found 1/2" iron rod bears N 060 22' 52" E— 1.40'from said point; 2. Thence N 430 12' 00" E with the southeast line of that certain tract described in a deed dated 12-07-2006 from Thomas K. Wiley, et ux to Friendswood Mary's Creek, LLC. as tiled Official Records of Real Property of Galveston County at Clerk's File No. 2006-082904 passing at 567.39' a found 1/2" iron rod for reference point and continuing a total distance of 659.78'to a point for corner; 3. Thence N 430 12'00" E —4.23'to a point for corner; 4. Thence S 460 45' 00" E – 58.18' (called 58.50' in Volume 3041, Page 647 Galveston County Map Records) with the southwesterly line of Lot 7, Block 2, Section One Dunbar Estates according to the plat thereof filed In Volume 10, Page 79 Galveston County Map Records to a point for corner; Thence the following four (4) courses with the westerly and southerly line of that certain tract described in a deed dated 03-27-1986 from Marion J. West to Clear Creek Drainage District as filed in Official Records of Real Property of Galveston County at Clerk's File Number 86-12511 Film Code Number 004-49-0299; 11-321-ADJ M&B,doc 5.. Thence 5 430 12' 00" 76.32' to a set 5/8" iron ro�u with ca (Stamped C. L. Davis; R.P.L.S. 4464) for corner; 6. Thence S 780 15' 41" E — 255.91' to a set 5/8" iron rod with cap (Stamped C. L. Davis, R.P.L.S. 4464) for corner; 7. Thence S 800 06' 23" E — 294.06' to a set 5/8' Iron rod with cap (Stamped C. L. Davis, R.P.L.S. 4464) marking a point on a curve to the right having a radius of 372.50'and a central angle of 320 20'45"; 8. Thence with said curve an arc distance of 210.29' and a chord bearing and distance of S 630 56' 01" E -- 207.51' to a set 5/8" iron rod with cap (Stamped C. L. Davis, R.P.L.S. 4464) for corner, Thence the following three (3) courses witMhe westerly line of that certain tract described In a deed dated 05-14-1996 from Associated Properties to Bruce A. Bryant, et ux as filed in Official Records of Real Property of Galveston County at Clerk's File Number 96-20770 Film Code Number 011-11-0162; 9. Thence S 430 27'00"W-- 151.39'to a call and found 5/8" iron rod for corner; 10.Thence N 460 23'0011 W--- 99.66'to a call and found 3/4" Iron pipe for corner; Ii.Thence S 430 21' 06" W — 627.21' to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 9.8718 acres (430,017 square feet) of land more or less. This metes and bounds description is accompanied by a separate plat, drawing or exhibit per Texas Board of Professional Land Surveyor's "General Rules of Procedures and Practices"Section 663.19(9). Compiled by: C.L. Davis & Company Job Number: 11-321-AW M&B.doc �P* ��STg9F9 04/01/03 �i Fa N REVISED 02-20-2007 C.L.oavi's" . 11-321-Ani MRB EXHIBIT `B" 1. Application 2. Survey 3. Aerial map 4. Location map 5. Zoning map 14- i loll CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT(PUD)APPLICATION Fee: $300.00 CURRENT ZONE OF PROPERTY: PUD &CSC PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT(PUD): Option 1 or ptlon clrcle one) PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION: Street/Road Address: 511 N.Friendswood Dr. &601 N.Friendswood Dr. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ❑ Platted Land/Name of Plat; Lot: Block: Reserve; ®Unplatted Land(attach certified metes and bounds description) WS MITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Current Deed of Record Most recent plat OR Certified Metes and Bounds Description(including name,address and telephone number of surveyor) ❑Option 1:This option allows the site plan to be approved as a part of the zone change request and Is a one-time submittal. The following information Is required and is typically provided with a cover sheet, overall site plan,landscape plan, building elevations,and photometric plan. Engineered drainage and utility plans are also required. ✓ Data describing all processes and activities Involved with the proposed use ✓ Boundaries of the area covered by the site plan ✓ The location of each existing and proposed building and structure in the area covered by the site plan and the number of stories, height, roofilne, gross Floor area and location of building entrances and exits ✓ The location of existing drainage ways, and significant natural features ✓ Proposed landscaping and screening buffers ✓ The locatlon and dimensions of all curb cuts,public and private streets,parking and loading areas, pedestrian walks, lighting facilities and outside trash storage facilities ✓ The location, height and type of each wall,fence,and all other types of screening ✓ The location,height and size of all proposed signs ✓ Utility and drainage plans ✓ Regulation matrix designating what zoning district the development will follow ✓ Data describing any variation from the typical development requirements ®Option 2: This option will require the applicant to apply for site plan approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission at a later date If the zone change to PUD Is approved. At the time of site plan v 3approval all information contained in the conceptual plan shall be certified by an engineer and/or surveyor. ( The conceptual plan shall provide the following information and is typically provided in the form of a cover sheet or letter describing the project,an overall site plan and building elevations: ✓ General land use and density plan ✓ Identify proposed general uses,densities,major open spaces,circulation and access features ✓ Statement indicating proposed phasing of development and the projected timing of each ✓ Data describing all processes and activities Involved with the proposed use ✓ Regulation matrix designating what zoning district the development will follow ✓ Data describing any variation from the typical development requirements PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION Name:___FriendswoodMaa's Creek LLC Email Address:_ brott.b@banfieldco.com Phone#: 281-482-3636 Fax#: 281-482-7547 Melling Address:_ 161 W.Shadowbend Ave., Suite 100 City: Friendswood State: Texas zip: 77546 AGENT'S INFORMATION Name: BrettE.Banfield Email Address; brett.b .banfteldco.com Phone#: 281-482-3636 Fax#: 281-482-7547 Malling Address: 161 W. Shadowbend Ave, Suio 100 City, Friendswood State: TX zip: 77546 In authorizing an agent to represent the owner, the owner attests that his/her agent may make verbal or written representations and/or declarations on the owner's behalf and the owner understands and acknowledges that the City of Friendswood shall rely upon the agent's representations in matters pertaining to the above described property. The designation of an agent in this matter In no way absolves the owner of any of the owners responsibilities outlined by the City of Friendswood. PETITION: As owner/agent, I her by petition the city for approval of the above described request as by the a s V1he te sr Texas and Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Signatur : 6�V ) Owner �" —T (Date) Sign ture: >S (Agent) (Date) Date Application Received: Application Received BX: Receipt Date;((5.1A Receipt M Date of Public Hearing: Newspaper Notice: It Property Owner Notice: • -6 Sign on Property: b13ROi4 oa`° III 1 1111, ..3� 50 7S MRA _ IANDz —HIE . �nnA� � ttrs /�. - 591.901 SV Fi) •'b. .. ,,..E F. gn ®F.AI SIB(10 RIO na c ` W\Np\N�PD ..r. �•�c�S�wpODD '��. .1 1, y �`��,! O�Y YYY 6 '✓ � fir'• a•.. e a ! ;A r r .e � i>E Tract 1: 601 N. v' Friendswood Dr. r RiFNOSwoo 4 r' t � a�(i>1 � RfFNOSwOOO, Tract N. Friendswood d Dr. I Legend t oar s2 -- Creeks � Q t:?City Limits _1 9 N ) Counties ANN oisdaimzc This p;odud is for informational purposes and may nol have been prepared her or be suilable for Idea(engineering,or surreympt purposes.It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approvimate;elativekalomofp;opedyho aries.Gov C.§2W1.102 The useris encouraged to Independanlly venryelllnfaanatk II contained in this product,The City ofFAendsvaod makes no represenlalion or vaaanry as to the accuracy of We product are,its 6lness fora particular purpose.The user.(1)accepts the prodod AS IS,WITHALL FAULTS-(2)assumes allmsponsibd)ry for Poe use IhereoF and 3 releases the Cil of Fneaduvoodhom any lama loss,ortiabifity aware from such use. City Friendswood e 910 South Friendswood Drive Fdands Friendswood GIS Mapping " - Fnentlswootl, Texas 77546 (281)996-3200 w vci.fnendswootl.tx.us 1 "=337 ' 1 sq 'yF n cF, r 1 boo ��o D °R FOOD OR A- 11 .NBSt Q I 1 0 1 I Tract 1: 601 N. q GGFwpooOR 1 Friendswood Dr. 1 I 3I,V%b �®C&O � 1 \ _ �AMEn -r CN 1 2 NFRAFN° Tract 2: 511 N. ; v 3y�Nr�NCrp shp000 Friendswood Dr. �R IOCKMOpR G/N .2Q�� oQ• oy a dip \ v �N O oq v' GPS�,x�P� -A yST Legend Q- y Creeks q� �P :-City Limits o a '__'Counties i Parks Disclaimer This producNS an"rdiomralional purposes an may not have Ceen pmpared(oror be sui(able/orlegal engineering,orsurveying purposes.It does riot represent an on lheymund survey and represents only the appio"Mine relative location o/pmpedy boundaries.GOV C.§2501.102 The useris encauragetl fo independently veriyallin/ormalion con(ainedin this protlucL The Cily o/Fnendsuood makes no representation or vananly as to rise accuracy of this producl or to its Ideas fora padicularpurrwse.The user(1)accepts the product AS IS,WITHALL FAULTS,(2)assumes all responsibility forlhe use thereof, and 3)releases the city of Fdendsivood(mm any damage,loss,or liability ansing from such use. City of Friendswood 1 9fO South Friendswood 7546 Friendswood GIS Mapping e Friendswood, Texas 77546 281 996-3200 wwwciiriendswoodtx.us 1 "=674 ' 214 i $172 A b 419 b 709 o N o M ° �• >3 >� 707 v{' 2j7 rip e SFR 2 r0 O Q0 00 `;°> S 14. ^o r,Q DDD OR sO2 / 2 O613 2>� SFR ° MFR-M -1 t9] Q 4 MFR-M ro �" 16 " 601 tl iv'.7 .• 17 d. 15 IVII'R-M MFR-M CSC 601 � PLID 511 / 213 I Tract 1: 601 N. Friendswood Dr. "FR7�"os�00 Friendswood swood Dr. 0 csc OR csr, 3h, e°^ ph CSC y^ti DoDOR z X0 Legend 3 506 GTE"4" >°s>O4 yo 4 -- Creeks SFR 207 SFR\ Q&," Csc 12 tmlClty Limits 107 > 2p4 1 09 v>° °e 5 >O >OS '0" ' _'Counties 206 202 SFR 106 Dlsdaimer.This product is lwinbnnaGOnal purposes aMmay not have been prepared M'Orbe suilabk lorlega(engineenng.orsunreyingpinpos.s.It does nol represent anon-Iha gmund survay andrepresenfs mny the appmaima feral-fimWallonolpmpenyboundaries.00,C.5250t.102.The user is enceureged to independentlyved/yallinlonnalianconlainerl in this product The City Fnendsvood makes no representation or warranty as to the--=racy ofthis product orlo Its fitness fora particular purpose.The user.(1)accepts the productAS IS.WITH ALL FAULTS,(2)assumes all nesponsib➢ity far the use therte( and(3)misases the Ci OlFriendswood hrom any damage,loss,orliability adsing/mm such use City South Friendswood e �, 910 SOUlhod, Teas 7Drive Friendswood GIS Mapping Friendswood, Texas 77546 _� (281)996-3200 wwwci.Inendswood.tx.us 1 "=207' EXHIBIT "C" Conceptual Site Plan Friendswood Mary's Creek Development A 13.35 Acre Mixed-Use PUD Development 601 N. Friendswood Dr. Friendswood, Texas July 1, 2014 A Proposal for the City of Friendswood City Council and Planning&Zoning Commission To Amend the Current PUD rip r- do I •.. . API IlI Friendswood Mary's Creek—Master Plan JUN .n nommr ixo. Development Information: ExecutiveSummary.........................................................................................................................................1 DevelopmentSummary..............................................................................................................................2-3 Development Benefits Summary...............................................................................................................4-5 Construction Information: General Construction Specifications........................................................................................................6-7 PhaseI Floor Plans....................................................................................................................................8-12 Site Plans& Elevations (11x17 format): Site Plan Site Plan in Phases Aerial Site Plan Building Elevations *Rio Verde Apartments (photographs—example of a Class A+property that ownership developed in Kerrville,TX) Friendswood Mary's Creek—Master Plan � s xiH• uxnnn nonmuixo. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TYPE: Mixed-Use PUD LOCATION: 601 N. Friendswood Drive LAND AREA: Approx. 13.35 acres comprised of 9.87 acre tracts and 3.48 tract CURRENT ZONING: 9.87 acre tracts are zoned Mixed-Use PUD/3.48 acre tract is zoned CSC REQUESTED ZONING: Amend current 9.87 acre PUD and encompass the adjacent 3.48 acre tract into the PUD USES: The development will be comprised of two components divided into three phases. Phase I (Blue Phase)will be a high-end seniors multi-family property. Phase II (Red Phase)will be a multi-use com- mercial building. Phase III(Yellow Phase)will be a multi-use commercial building.The development will be constructed in blended-phases with storm sewer and underground utilities being installed for the entire development at once;then the above ground improvements developed sequentially begin- ning with Phase I. Phase I anticipated construction start date would be in the first quarter of 2015 with a 12 month construction time. Phase II and III are projected to start in 2016 and 2017 respectively,or as market demand dictates. PHASE I: This component will be a 108-unit Class A+ Market Rent Multi-Family seniors development covering 11.743 acres. The property will be high-end, medium-density, and single storied with some units hav- ing attached garages. It will also be age-restricted to 55 and over with Class A amenities such as a re- sort-style clubhouse (see enclosed floor plan), walking trails, dog park, outdoor pavilion, zero-entry pool, fountains and interior upgrades comparable to custom homes. There will be 1 and 2 bedroom units ranging in square footage from 740 sq. feet to 1,318 sq. feet. Underlying zoning to be used is MFR-M and will comply with the Community Overlay District requirements. PHASE 11 &III: This component will be twin Class A+ multi-use commercial buildings covering .7920 and .8144 acres respectively. Each building will offer 11,250 sq. of prime commercial rental space. Phase II will start after the completion of Phase I,with Phase III beginning as determined by market conditions. Underly- ing zoning to be used is CSC and will comply with the Community Overlay District requirements. Upon final design of the commercial buildings and site plan, lot coverage of the two buildings could be at 32%and 33%for Phase 11&Phase III respectively.The PUD would be utilized to exceed the CSC lot cov- Friendswood Mary's Creek—Master Plan ..... .NH. WNxno nonnm INC. DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY OWNERSHIP: Friendswood Mary's Creek, LLC a Texas Limited Liability Company PROJECT PROFESSIONALS: Developer/Builder: Banfield Properties, Inc. Hausman Interests,Ltd. Construction Management: Bonfield Properties,Inc. Property Management: BMI Management, Inc. (subsidiary of Banfield Properties) Architect: Mucasey&Associates Civil Engineer.: TBD MEP Engineer: HGE Consulting, Inc. Structural Engineer: Barry Engineering, Inc. Landscape Design: George Woodworth Geology: Coastal Testing Lab, Inc. Interior Design: Dale Tyzkowski—Dalec Interiors Legal: Schlanger,Silver,Barg&Paine, LLP LAND: Location: 601 N. Friendswood Dr., Friendswood,Texas Land Size: 13.35 Acres Site Utilities: City of Friendswood,Texas New Mexico Power,and Center Point Energy PHASE I: Type/Use: Class A+, Low Density, Multi-family,single-story, Market Rent,Age-restricted to 55&over Acreage: 11.743 Units: 108 Density per acre: 9.19 Total Square Footage: 107,728 Avg. Units Size: 942 sq.ft. Estimated Construction Start: 1st quarter 2015-12 month construction time Proposolfor Mixed-Use Development-Friendswood, Texos 2_ : Friendswood Mary's Creek—Master Plan :::BPI •.•••• IIMNRD.l0l41lIll INC. DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY (Cont.) PHASE II: Type/Use: Class A+,Commercial Building,Single-story Allowed CSC Uses Acreage: .7920 Total Square Footage: 11,250 Target Tenants: Medical,retail, professional office, restaurant Estimated Construction Start: 1st quarter 2016-12 month construction time PHASE III: Type/Use: Class A+,Commercial Building,Single-story Allowed CSC Uses Acreage: .8144 Total Square Footage: 11,250 Target Tenants: Medical, retail, professional office, restaurant Estimated Construction Start: 1st quarter 2017-12 month construction time Proposolfor Mixed-Use Development-Frien-Friend..., Friendswood Mary's Creek—Master Plan ••.••• llNlllLO.1O11111l1 INC. Community Benefits of Development ♦ There is a significant unmet demand for"market rent" independent senior living hous- ing. Currently, our two existing age-restricted properties,The Bedford Apartments and Village Square Apartments, each have a one-year wait list. The Mary's Creek Develop- ment will meet this market demand by providing Class A+living accommodations to the Friendswood community. ♦ For independent retirees who are contemplating "down-sizing"from their current homes and also want to remain in Friendswood, there is a very limited supply of retire- ment living properties. The Marys Creek Development will help allow retiring resi- dents to remain in Friendswood. Market demand for professional office space has been steadily increasing since 2010. The Mary's Creek Development will meet this demand and provide Class A+commer- cial space. ♦ This portion of the FM518 corridor has seen very little development in the past 20 years, commercially and residentially.The Mary's Creek Development will potentially "spur-on" much needed improvements on the vacant land in this corridor which will expand/diversify the property tax base in this area. e This 13.5 acre tract is surrounded by residential property to the west and north, with some residential to the east, while having commercially viable frontage along FM518. A mixed-use development is the ideal fit for this property. The Mary's Creek Develop- ment will cohesively blend the demand for commercial space and retirement living into a high-end master-plan while having a minimal impact to City's services. The development will have 100% private infrastructure,there will not be any streets, sewer lines, nor storm water lines that will require City maintenance. Proposalfor Mixed-Use Development-Friendswood, Texas 4 I Friendswood Mary's Creek—Master Plan PI •..... ..NNLLC!.O!!lilll INi. Additional Development Attributes ♦ The Multi-family Phase I component will be a new type of retirement living in Friendswood that will be without comparison. It will feature Class A living accommo- dations and services to the retiring residents within the Friendswood community. ♦ The development will greatly improve the "curb-appeal" to the west entrance of the City and along the FM518 corridor. ♦ The development will significantly increase the property tax base for this portion of the FM518 corridor. ♦ Traffic impact will be minimal as on average with seniors developments,only 60 to 70%of the residents drive vehicles. Many residents will utilize the on-site bus trans- portation ♦ Development, construction, and on-going management will be handled by a local ownership group. ♦ Ownership group is a "Build & Hold"developer. As is with our existing properties, we expect to own and operate this development for many years. ♦ Ownership group is very knowledgeable in the development and operations of com- mercial and retirement living properties with over 50 years of experience. ♦ Ownership group has developed and maintain properties in Friendswood since 1968. (Village Square Apartments, Huntington Woods Apartments,The Bedford, Hunting- ton Professional Park, Banfield Office Park, Quaker Village Townhomes—Phase II) Proposalfor Mixed-Use Development-Friendswood, Texas Friendswood Mary's Creek—Master Plan •�0� .0:::•.•••• uxnno ramunn ixa. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY Phase I—Multifamily I PRIMARY COMPONENTS FOUNDATION: Engineered reinforced concrete slab with post tension cables FRAME: Wood frame with engineered truss design EXTERIOR VENEER: Cultured Stone and Stucco ROOF: Pitched,composition 30 year shingle, Windstorm Rated EXTERIOR AMENITIES AND COMPONENTS RESORT STYLE CLUBHOUSE 25-Seat Home Theater Room Residents Library Exercise& Fitness Room Therapy Room Banquet Room with Full Kitchen Wi-Fi Access EXTERIOR AMENITIES Covered Outdoor Pavilion with grilling stations Zero-Entry Pool Walking Trails Fountains Dog Park Covered Parking Limited Access Gates with 100%perimeter fencing Friendswood Mary's Creek—Master Plan a®®s. ©®®®b0 uxnem nonrtxa me. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY (Cont.) UNIT AMENITIES AND SERVICES Nine to Twelve Foot Ceilings Kitchen Islands(some units) Attached Garages(some units) Upgraded Kitchen and Appliances Crown Molding High-end Cabinetry Bus Transportation to local shopping areas Door-to-Door Trash Pick Up Resident Functions&Entertainment Phase II & III—Commercial Buildings PRIMARY COMPONENTS FOUNDATION: Engineered reinforced concrete slab with post tension cables& piers FRAME: Wood frame with engineered truss design EXTERIOR VENEER: Cultured Stone and Stucco ROOF: Pitched,Standing-seam metal,Windstorm Rated AMENITIES Flexible Floor plans Nine to Ten Foot Ceilings Bell Tower Extensive Landscaping r ... . . . Development-Friendswoo Friendswood Mary's Creek—Master Plan � Phase I Floor Plans Amenity Center Ix Ty— w C i:Ji i l i III L11 it h C !F n _--,4 Friendswood Mary's Creek—Master Plan m®so® B P' •O®O®® /.,NIIIIY I/OII/iNI 1Ni. Phase I Floor Plans Unit Plans P iiEnRod1. +,ow. Ilex l'�2 tVl 12 x� ❑F1 Oeti 10 v�Neel- NiN(s /u IaxllC -- U iTt LML a•sl r gTat-_ 1 rvx 1 Kw. - O UNIT`Al'-One Bedroom, 1 Bath Af.. Clrek Ala.wer Plan Iles MNCasey S Associales,AmhhWs titer =y � ININ6 1 oa-a IVINC+ n/I11� b � 1,� 1 GwilT sax�� 1 i UNIT /A2'-One Bedroom 1 Bath "I'll I C'mek Ahwer• Mncnscy R Associntcs,Architects �fli1J,}ilJ Proposalfor Development I III Texas Friendswood Mary's Creek—Master Plan •��� . .. .. •NH• IRxFIRa HanRlnl INC. Phase I Floor Plans Unit Plans P LWIN6 art to:pro° eEUiwon ITe uulwl y�}y��.� W• BILL Tm.56 - AF! UNIT 1A3'- One Bedroom/Den, 1 Bath Hwyk Cmek ,Under Plan Mucasey X Associates,Architects nMn+,znu I 0 -R eR IVI BEOPCUfI CL Iz xm lo.x— BeDPcc+11F1 LID _ II°%13Y - 3 N wr c -------------- M L � R-�-s�.�J rnl•rm- ue. C KIRNEn UNIT `Bl'- — �� C,.. _ Two Bedrooms,2 Baths d/nq'4 Creek Afawer P/... ....`r. Mncasay&Associates,Architects Hnuv�3,301' /II I / 'I Development I oo Texas 10 Friendswood Mary's Creek—Master Plan •��� ..... NHO axone nonnnuxc. Phase I Floor Plans Unit Plans ------------- Te n�ii 9EtpoonM2 et:oawn NI �n pNIN6 w 6 caw I� I UNIT °B2'- cwur KMHBN Wo Bedrooms,2 Baths oo w. Mn x Ovek Alasler Ptun Muco say&Associates,Arvidw is npll 4.mla ti UNIT`B3'- Two Bedrooms/Den,2 Baths ' A/aryF Creek Alasler Plan uxn. Alucasev&Associates,Architects .ymla._uA LIMN ntwi 510. I�''�II(�II eEnacrmet __ t� II�xi3Y bf. vl aId-xle- I Illpl B IC--%12a Proposolfor Mixed-Use Development-Friendswood, Texas �„ KITeHEN �� I rvN¢O - 6Qr6 �oEW- �v14. I MARY'S CREEK MASTER PLAN Friendswood, Texas - Mucasey&Associates,Architects AXi107,2013 PROJECT SUMMARY: A T>R Lta Vg V /un AI QrslkdmmSl PUh B tipaL nls oz ewm�mlumR xi s Tao.[ Ax Oa OeErtnnl Wlh 16 Mf, All floellNmm I B in(Onge) 16 N fA¢IkdmnVLbn,1119F 9 911.1. n5s oz4e,WNOrn,lwmtr ) a wx.r. bd rgna..owW�oars wuNU v °t nl TwouNnrve.x e.Ji a 1,an.r i �'l°g x ll ^�� uie TxxlwlaW.zumrcros.l Iz nx rxxnm .x. h 1,Iw.r J nzs Txxom�cznm�_. ) 16 uze Tw oxxgrvlkaynaNlcWge) ti- Tgelixo&Wmm Wlu SS YeN �� � �• fiC $'tF ApnnnMiTWI Iw¢NY IW.Sps.r =$ AmulryCml.e 6.1.&[ u. r.al z PAIq%TWi lu.n..r. PAM.,P Adcd:(Awft..LVT AIN�AAf Mun � Yt: {c uw,lnkiwlzn�kvrsgl uzrs TWII'u4in8 PmvWN IWan df 1 E'Lh ou'w<omwosn 1LZw.r E,.(6 '& 'ys 9 a ;A — '-3 F ^• igNalTee srue zz5w.r. ar 3 PA1 313 MARY'S CREEK MASTER PLAN Friendslvood, Texas Mucasey&Associates,Architects Apru 0],2013 Datlirale la drainage dislricl PROJECT SUMMARY: Alno.e.6i: nP: rkmlPlig P% A— AI OnenWmtm 111viM1 a 10.1 AIE Oneanhtt+Ml tleih(GVage) 8 HOCt A3 UwtleJnnnl OVN 16 9gx1. A§ (Trc6dvniul O4(Orµe1 I6 p1xr. Aa IFier All aw�n -em .l ll,lh 1 9nxr. ox u.l n,m(a.op a wzu. rwelOxeeh�.�van ssuwl. Y .y. w axouNrtwn,a e,lh v W3 we axdvm,e�ezwm«®.xl a I,maxr. •.� � ': w Tun Mlmyrya WiM1 B I,IeOaf Me rupaevun.xwml�w) 14 1.110x1 we rxvnwomvla..,xu.mrm�eee) a 018.1 awrc onmaonnmm rruun it rg C At'"°f.,. nEO'ua..wraul loaumn Iwawxr � ® ti-e3 Cerertd.01. 'in x1 aP.; 1 r�olnlrww 11 a.eN.n_exr. 6'- Paddne PieAded,(Aminnucnrs) e AIUhM.Ox a ar.�. I I iowrahwerrovNm Iwwa ^ry ii e,9r. ar, zf on_re: ag - --- u: olr pwlmnsfl 1lasoxr — i l om wnmroEZ uasoa -,ga ®;< ae nq, — rwnamresP uEmraeea Blue Phrase:Appro 11343 ecros 4rP+ 108Unit Medium Mmity Class A+Multi-1'e III Si^glesro w/55&over ago remicrtd Be iry:1 'B Per acre 'I Underlying Zoning:MFR-61 Red Phrase:A prox]920 acres CP sA+Commercial Building Use:Pro[eeikund office,medical,mini) Undedying Zoning:CSC Yell.w M.:Anprox 8144 acre_ __ PM 518 Class A+Commercial Building use:Professional o0ice,medical,rereil Undedrng Zoning:CSC • v Y n r Mn h 2p Ip Gno91e' � O 1 I II Friendswood Mary's Creek Master Plan Aerial Overlay n 4f 111 � � � ii � Aft Typical Otfre Building it I � c Amenity Center Street View of Project Entry MARY'S CREEK MASTER PLAN Mucasey&Associates,Architects December 18,2013 RIO VERDE LUXURY APARTMENTS _ 4.. z wy i _ r A RIO VERDE I Is Tl r �i