HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2014-13 (Title: An ordinance amending the zoning classification for property located at East F.M. 528, approximately.5965 acres out of Reserve H,Block 17 in Forest Bend Section 3, a Lot not currently designated by street address in the City of Friendswood, Harris County, Texas, from "Neighborhood Commercial" (NC) to "Neighborhood Commercial — Specific Use Permit" (NC- SUP)to allow NAICS use#4413, "Automotive parts,accessories,and tire stores"). ORDINANCE NO. 2014-13 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, APPENDIX C — "ZONING," BY AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR EAST F.M. 528 ROAD, AN APPROXIMATELY .5965 ACRE TRACT OUT OF RESERVE H, BLOCK 17 IN FOREST BEND SECTION 3, CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS; REZONING SUCH PROPERTY FROM "NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL" (NC) TO "NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL— SPECIFIC USE PERMIT" (NC-SUP) TO ALLOW NAICS USE #4413, "AUTOMOTIVE PARTS, ACCESSORIES, AND TIRE STORES'; PROVIDING FOR AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; PROVIDING A PENALTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. WHEREAS, Long Van Dang is the owner ("Owner") of East F.M. 528 Road, an approximately .5965 acre tract out of Reserve H, Block 17, in Forest Bend Section 3, (not currently designated by street address), recorded in Volume 180, Page 73, Map Records Harris County, Texas (M.R.H.C.T.) and being that same tract conveyed to Long Van Dang And Huong Minh Tran recorded in County Clerk File No. (C.C.F. No.) 20080178644, in the City of Friendswood, Harris County, Texas ("Property"), more specifically described in the attached Exhibit"A",which is incorporated by reference for all purposes and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the Owner has made application to the City to change the zoning classification of the Property from "Neighborhood Commercial" (NC) to "Neighborhood Commercial — Specific Use Permit" (NC-SUP) to allow for NAICS use 4413, "Automotive parts, accessories, and tire stores" as depicted in the site plan contained in Exhibit B, which is incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have conducted, in the time and manner required by law and the City Code of Ordinances, a public hearing on such request, allowing all persons attending to be heard on the question of whether the changes of the uses being requested would affect the public health, safety, or general welfare of the citizens of Friendswood; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has filed its written report with City Council, which recommends approval of the application; and WHEREAS, the City Council deems it appropriate to grant such request, subject to applicable regulations,restrictions, exclusions, and conditions; and WHEREAS, City Council has determined that all public notices have been posted and published, all required hearings on this matter have been held, and that this Ordinance complies with the applicable provisions of the City Charter, City Code and all other applicable laws; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. The representations of Owner/Applicant, (as referenced in its application for zone change from NC to NC-SUP),the final report/minutes from the Planning & Zoning Commission, and applicant's representations to the City Council, are incorporated by reference which City Council is specifically relying upon in granting Owner's request for this zone change to (NC-SUP), together with the corresponding requirements for compliance with the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood (Code), specifically including the attached site plan/landscape plan, photometric plan, building floor plan and building elevations all contained in Exhibit B, as provided hereafter. Ord 2014-13 2 Section 2. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Appendix C — "Zoning" ("Zoning Code") is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the Property, from "Neighborhood Commercial' (NC) to "Neighborhood Commercial — Specific Use Permit' (NC-SUP) to allow for NAICS use 4413, "Automotive parts, accessories, and tire stores" conditioned upon compliance with the specific details of the site plan/landscape plan (Exhibit 132), and related requirements, referenced in the photometric plan, building elevations, building floor plan, and visual depictions, all of which are contained, specifically identified, and incorporated by reference in the attached Exhibit B. Section 3. The Zoning District Map of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amended to show the designation of the Property, as described and as provided in Section 2 above, with the appropriate reference thereon to the number and effective date of this Ordinance, and a brief description of the nature of the change. Section 4. This Ordinance shall in no manner amend, change, supplement, or revise any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood, save and except the amendments permitted herein of said Property as described in Section 2 hereof. Section 5. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or pant of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, or whether there be one or more parts. Section 6. Any person who shall willfully, intentionally, or with criminal negligence violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. Ord 2014-13 3 PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 2nd day of June, 2014. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED on second and final reading this 14th day of Julv,2014. Kevin M. H 'nd Mayor ATTEST: TU-11� oe�aaes°® l�s s ` ° Melinda Welsh, TRMC a� • p`o City Secretary ;U :O ° IMF (¢. Ord 2014-13 4 Exhibit "A" to Ordinance No. 2014-13 Description of property located at East FM 528: 1. Survey with Metes and Bounds description 2. Location Map 3. Aerial Map 4. Zoning Map GF N0. ]I-]60.161-XP RRSi AVEflIGN TRF p6G,pE5S F/Si Fl.I 516 ROAp ]NI£NOSIY ]EXAS])596 u. � BAPROWER:WlllWµO IMVcSINFyIS F 0.60 ACRE OUT OF RESERVE H, BLOCK 17 FOREST BEND, SECTION 3 Imm"n6]a]HC IYe ore PIAr nIEREO(aCroROF6 y� r 111 W[UAI[)Ba.PAGE]d Of M[I(IP RECGROS 1 µlgp/5 GLUM✓, iE (S:£Ai/ACN.JJ NE/ES AIM OGYNOSf as Y� R€ "5n�aa �s 'ss ay. HIGHWAY 526M, ,`^.3 p4gEfl'1°, . :m FM 6>WA nwarx PRECISION ]:AII6 Aa3GV surveyors _...�.�._„ .,...._...e..�.o„ STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF HARRIS § BEING 0.60 ACRE(25,977 SQUARE FEET)TRACT OF LAND OUT OF AND A PART OF RESERVE "H", BLOCK 17, FOREST BEND, SECTION 3 RECORDED IN VOLUME 180, PAGE 73, MAP RECORDS HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS (M.R.H.C.T.)AND BEING THAT SAME TRACT CONVEYED TO LONG VAN BANG AND HUONG MINA TRAN RECORDED IN COUNTY CLERK FILE No. (C.C.F. No.) 20080178644, OPFFICIAL RECORDS HARRIS COUNTY,TEXAS(O.R.H.C.T.) AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: (BEARINGS ARE BASED IN VOL. 180,PG.73,M.R.H.C.T.) COMMENCING at a point in the north right-of-way (R.O.W.)line of F.M.Highway 528(100' R.O.W.)for the southeast corner of said Reserve"I-I'; 'THENCE S 81°12'44"W, 350.66' (called 350.00'), along the north R.O.W. line of said F.M. Highway 528 to a point for the common Southeast corner of herein described Tract, the southwest corner of a called 0.585 acre tract conveyed to Camell R. Allison, Sr. and vvife, Dorothy Allison recorded in C.C.P.No.M581752,O.R.B.C.T,and the POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 81°12'44" W, 152.85', continuing along the north R.O.W. line of said F.M. Highway 528 and the common South line of herein described Tract to a found 5/8"iron rod for the common Southwest comer of herein described 'Pratt and an exterior corner of Seahawk Apartments(entrance)recorded under Film Code No.424008,M.R.H.C.T.; THENCE N 08°16'07"W, 169.95'(called N08°47'16"W, 170.00'),departing the north R.O.W. line of said F.M.Highway 528 and along the common West line of herein described Tract and an east line of said Seahawk Apartments (entrance) to a found 5/8" iron rod for the common Northwest corner of herein described Tract and an interior corner of said Seahawk Apartments; THENCE N 81°12'38"E(called N81°12'44"E), 152.85',along the common North line of herein described Tract and a south line of said Seahawk Apartments to a found W' iron rod for the common Northeast corner of herein described Tract and the northwest conker of said called 0.585 acre tract conveyed to Camell R.Allison,Sr.and wife,Dorothy Allison; THENCE S 08°16'07"E, 169.96'(called S08°47'16"E, 170.00'),along the common East line of herein described Tract and the west line of said called 0.585 acre tract conveyed to Carrell R Allison, Sr. and wife, Dorothy Allison to the POINT OF BEGINNING containing 0.60 acre (25,977 square feet)of land. OF P+"\5 TZ... ' iy4G RP s JIMMY RAY JANECEK Y JANECEK Professional Land Surveyor,No.5868 y 6g T!e March 26,2014 y°y s\oho Job No. 14-02328 SOR `7T7 �y 3)77 6 �ZJ wa 3)7S a 0119 a w� 17201 Ny 1y9 Y 1j4) rj Y'S7 17158 17231 0 3500 U3 U3 ww 3498 °n 3502 3700 F 2 3698 3526 3702 r C FM 528 RD O FM 528 RD Subject Property (future 3516 FM 52E Rd) Brookside Intermediate 3801 3801 Legend ::City Limits Counties ® Schools Drsclairnec This product is forinformalional puposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable ibrlegal engineering,or surveying purposes.It does not represent an on-lheymund survey andreprosents only the approximate relative location of pmpedy boundaries.Gov C.§2501.102 The user is encouraged to independently verily all information contained in this product.The City of Fnerldr,vend makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of this product orlo its fitness fora particvlarpuipose.The user(1)accepts the pwduct AS IS,WITH ALL FAULTS,(2)assumes all responsibility for the use thereof, and(3)releases the City of Poendsivood from any damage,loss,or liability arising from such use City u Frlendswoo d 910 Sot hi Drive FTien zd, Texas 77546 (281)9963200 Friendswood GIS Mapping g w .cL/riendswood.tx.us 1 " = 224 y a N 17201 r •� r .�� ' ,. � `,. , 11139 ` � . � I�� •` � ,,. i 17158 I �• -1- `3 '� �`'. i 'i' - ,,: ,{, y Y 1 '� p e . 4 .� • ,� 3500 A , 3498" •,p ti 3502. +. D = 3526 �- `� 3696 _ �- C 3702 3 ,� 1- 528 R� � R FM- w Fm 528 RD `a. Subject Property: (future: 35161 528 Rd.) iii ' ' •',. 1 �. L It oof(Sidd Intermediate ' Legend T:?City Limits Counties ® Schools Disdalmec This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal,engineering,orsurveying purposes It does not represent an mr thegnound survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries.Gov C§2501.102 The user is encouraged to independently verify all information contained in this product.The City of Fnendavood makes no representation or warranly as to the accuracy of thisproductor to its fitness for a parficularpurpose.The user.(1)accepts the product AS IS,WTH ALL FAULTS;(2)assumes all responsibility forthe use themof, and(3)releases the City of Friendswood from any damage,loss,orfiabiffly adshI from such use City FriendSWOOd 91O South Friendswood Drive Friendswood G I S Mapping Frien ,Texas 77546 (281)9 (281J 996-3200 www.ci.friendswood.tx.bis 1 " = 223 SFR FR-M `�Tig 3>O) Q `717& J� 9-77 w� h� 3175 as 3j79 3 17201 MFR -M 11,�g9 7j74] " 1 v>i`ri MFR-tl SFR h '.171.581 17231 .. ...............................::.........:... ............................................. ::::::::::::: ... ............ 3502 CSC 7 0 F T m = D _NC 3526 e 3698 3702 FM 528 RD c o _ 0 Subject Property Fm 52.8 Ro (Future: 3516 FM 528 Rd.) Brook Legend IV)) 3801 3801 ;,:City Limits =Counties ® Schools 0 Special Uses Disclaimer.This product is forinfonuational purposes andinay not have been prepared foror be suitable forle9al,engineering,orsuna ying purposes.It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the appmxtmale relative location of prepedy boundaries.Gov C.§2501.102.The useric encourage]to independently verify all information containedln this product.The City of Frientlswood makes no representation or wananlyas to the accuracy of this product or to its llness for a particularpurpose.The user.(1)accepts the preductAS IS,WITHALL FAULTS;(2)assumes allresponsibiAly for the use thereof, and 3 re/eases the City of RYendswood fmm any damage,loss,orcability arising/rom such use. City 9105 South Friendswood 9friends Friendswood546 Friendswood GIS Mapping r"- Friendswood,Texas 77546 � (281)996-3200 -=� w .cLfrieddsweod.tx.us 1 "=223 ' Exhibit `B" to Ordinance No. 2014-13 1. Application 2. Site Plan/Landscape Plan (including building floor plan, building elevations, and photometric plan). 3. Visual depictions (1-3) CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD SPECIFIC USE PERMIT APPLICATIONnU�OYI<<<(�DEYL' REQUESTE DATE FILED:' FROM: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: T0; FEE: $300.00 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION: l Street/RoadAddress: Cg5l SZ'e lt'OL /2[cnpCdwaaoL jC 775'tz6 Lot: 6Y , Block:/7 ,Addition: fit ta{ b'¢00� SAC ri cii� 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Describe from deed records,attach copy of filed deed, and include a Metes and Bounds description. PLATTED LAND: tit 4 UNPLATTED LAND(Must have certified metes and bounds description,Including name and address and telephone number of surveyor) RECORDED OWNER: OWNER'S INFORMATION NAME: LONG VAN DANG EMAIL ADDRESS; Iongdang528CDhotmaii.com PHONE NUMBER: 713-637-4436 FAX#; MAILING ADDRESS 16914 SANDY REEF CT CITY FRIENDSWOOD STATE TX ZIP 77546 AGENT'S INFORMATION NAME:�4r/z/c/z AtDNIVao EMAIL ADDRESS:.Pk-l'�iEka I px.-ifL.Eev-- PHONE NUMBER: 713,qrl. �9co FAX#: °)13. '(0. r30/ MAILING ADDRESS_ 1170 Acc CITY STATE Tic ZIP 77s's/ In authorizing an agent to represent the owner,the owner attests that his/her agent may make verbal or written representations and/or deolarations on the owner's behalf and the owner understands and acknowledges that the City of Friendswood shall rely upon the agent's representations In matters pertaining to the above described property. The designation of an agent in this matter in no way absolves the owner of any of the owner's responsibilities outlined by the City of Friehdswood. PETITION; As owner/agent, I hereby petition the City for approvalof the above described request as provided by the laws of the State of Texas and 0 i antes of fha C,ity�f Friendswood, Signature—L"Waa ft Signature: 7 –� 1A, _1 —'°ti° (Owner) (Agent) 1 FEE _ 2- ) DATE PAID: �i` z RECEIPT NUMBER: 4/16/2009 ( -rb I km ko'c- ISSUE AND DATE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT INFORMATION SITE PLAN GENERAL NOTE: LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENT I PLY REINFORCED 06/27/14 P&Z REVIEW STREET TREES: 152-30 LF/ 25 LF= 5 TREES RUBBER HOSE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE SITE, REPORT THE VARIATION TO OWNER (GREEN OR BLACK) ZONING: NC WHEN SUBMITTING PROPOSAL BUFFER TREES: 152 LF/ 25 LF= 6 TREES DOUBLE #10 GA. WIRE EAST PERIMETER TREES: 170 LF/ 30 LF= 6 TREES 2"X2"X8' WOOD STAKES USAGE: TIRE SUPPLY AND SERVICE MIN. 3' BELOW GRADE WEST BUFFER TREES: 170 LF/ 25 LF= 7 TREES STAIN BROWN SITE AREA: 25,984 S.F. (0.5965 AC) LANDSCAPE NOTES: TREE WARP NURSERY STOCK ONLY BUILDING AREA: GROUND FLOOR: 6,056 S.F. 1. PROVIDE AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO CONNECT ALL LANDSCAPED AREA AS SHOWN. NEW PLANTING LIST 2" PINE BARK MULCH MEZZANINE FLOOR: 1,275 S.F. PROVIDE SOLID ST. AUGUSTINE GRASS AT AREAS SHOWN WITH TREE, TREES OR TREES & SHRUBS. GROSS BUILDING AREA: 7,331 S.F. LOCATE TIMER AS OWNER'S DIRECTION. CONNECT SYSTEM TO IRRIGATION WATER METER SYSTEM Q� BOTANICAL NAME DESCRIPTION 3" SAUCER RIM SHALL BE 'RAINBIRD' OR EQUAL COMMON NAME PARKING REQUIREMENT: BACK FILL 2. NO TREES 12" CALIPER OR GREATER EXIST ON THE SITE. I 50% LOCAL TOPSOIL GROUND FLOOR—TIRE STORE: 6,056 SF. PERIMETER AND 11 Ilex x Attenuatto 2" CAL, B&B, 45 GALS CONTAINER 25% PEAT MOSS 4 SPACES PER 1,000 SF — 24 SPACES ISLAND TREES EP AMERICAN HOLLY MINIMUM 8' HIGH, TYP 6 TYP 25% PINE BARK TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED: 24 SPACES TREE STAKING LANDSCAPE 13 Penis Callerwna 2" CAL BAcB 45AL5 CONTAINER BUFFER ZONE Bradford Pear MINIMUM 8 HIGH, 3" CAL OR LESS N.T.S. PARKING PROVIDED: REGULAR CAR SPACES: 23 5 Pistaaia texana 2" CAL, B&B, 45 GALS CONTAINER HANDICAPPED SPACES: 1 STREET TREES Texas Pistache MINIMUM 8' HIGH, •"may, TOTAL: 24 2" MULCH BED POR SHRUB AREA 2• MULCH Q 60 Raahiolepis indica 3• HIGH SAUCER RIM /� Indian Hawthorne 3 GAL, FULL, MIN. 24" IN HEIGHT, PLANTED AT 24" O.C. (/ TOPSOIL MIXTURE BUS TOPSOIL 25X PEAT MOSS O SITE COVERAGE Ty 25i PINE BARK `^ Y SHRUB N.T.S. i SITE AREA: 25,984 S.F. (0.5965 AC) 0 BUILDING AREA: GROUND FLOOR: 5,683 S.F. < u) DRIVEWAY & PARKING: 12,417 S.F. NE: MFR-H c` O SIDEWALK 880 S.F. A ■ Of DUMPSTER 158 S.F. TOTAL SITE COVERAGE: 19,138 S.F. 152'-10 /00 1^ BUILDING COVERAGE: 5M683/25,984 = 21.87% 72'-10 65' 15' \ N TOTAL COVERAGE: 19,138/25,984 S.F. = 73.65% 10' 16' 46'-10j" \ L Q EXISTING PINE TREES 8 HIGH STO E VENEER �/T� O LL ALONG PROPERTY LINE FINISH PRE— AST FENCE m LANDSCAPE TABLE FIELD VERIFY LOCATIONS STAGGER O PLANTING OF NEW TREES 0 NDSCA w R TOTAL AREA OF PARKING & DRIVEWAYS: 12.417 X 20% = 2.483 SF LANDSCAPE REQUIRED � 15' B.L. cp ' 7.031 S.F. LANDSCAPE AREA PROVIDED t (�,LO REQUIRED LANDSCAPING 24$3. X 0.50 = 1.242 S.F. LANDSCAPE AREA IN ISLANDS REQUIRED M 1.290 S.F. LANDSCAPE AREA IN ISLAND PROVIDED /� 13• I A' n `- ! W ISLAND TREES: 1 TREE PER ISLAND: ISLAND TREES REQUIRED: ,- DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE �/ ISLAND TREES PROVIDED: EXTERIOR FINISH O MATH C L.L UIUDNG FINISH ND CO OR 7P0 1 1 PERIMETER LANDSCAPING: I TREE PER 30 LINEAR FEET FOR PROPERTY LINES NOT REQUIRING BUFFER /� ,II a "�j-e pY AREp,gLVD U- PERIMETER TREES REQUIRED: 6 ) 1 m PERIMETER TREES PROVIDED: g \l JV DO � 16' zs' 18' 3'-10 FM 528 TDCK LANDSCAPE BUFFERS: 1 TREE EVERY 25 LINEAR FEET 10 FEET LANDSCAPE BUFFER " GG `C9 PER VARIANCE APPROVED a ° ZONE: NC Q !`�` PERIMETER TREES REQUIRED: ]H ON 06/24/2014 N \ PERIMETER TREES PROVIDED: '0 Q �\5� OQ� ARCHITECTS , I NC . 3655 Sw"p Dr.,Sib B ft" 1X T= LIJ ZONE: MFR-H I PROJECT TA: 713 636-OM F. 713 e77-1311 Tq K11111 PROPRIEFARY INFIXiMATIXJ o SITE 5 BW NUMVA xX Me0 fQfB MY ND i eX El I\ eaH®.c Rmwnr of loot xonms rc 1 W In flM36X 6 NN IFeRI xoRxllox mxrMm IfAII IMY IE 1®Ifl.IR OW®iq IIYIIRAI® raeor¢wmwr smem wmu a>I�xr �a L__J I a N 8 FT. TALL OPAQUE FENCE O VICINITY MAP �,0.ED q,PCy a \5 .y6 T....t",` �. OR DENSE VEGETATION SCREENING I a SCALE: 1"=2000' v :`Q ALONG THE SIDE PROPERTY LINE ZONE: NC n - - — — -- — ` — — —— J ,r ••,axle.% y g' 9' 30' F. ,WP 'o 6' HIGH I tO 8' WIDE 06/27/14 _mQNUb1EN_ 115' U.E. Wb.L. LAT) 15' LANDSCA B . . . — — —NOTE: THE LANDSCAPE BUFFER TREES WILL BE PLACED A MINIMUM 10' NOTES: DRAWING TITLE 5 LATERAL FEET FROM UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES — — — — - ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTY AND COMMON DRIVEWAYS MAY BE REQUIRED. ZI - "APPROVAL OF THE SITE PLAN WILL EXPIRE ONE YEAR AFTER SITE AND THE APPROVAL OF THE SITE PLAN BY THE P&Z COMMISION. UPON ^ EXPIRATION OF THAT TIME, THE APPLICANT MUST RESUBMIT A SITE PLAN LANDSCAPE I- IVI 52 5' CONC. SIDEWALK THAT CONFORMS TO THE CURRENT ORDINANCES. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, PLAN THE APPLICANT MAY REQUEST AN EXTENSION IN WRITING, WHICH MAY BE GRANTED BY THE COMMISSION, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED A TOTAL OF SIX 96) MONTHS. DRAWN BY CHECK BY 55' 28' 69'-104" B.L. P.K. - THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN THE COMMUNITY OVERLAY DISTRICT (COD) AND SHALL COMPLY WITH THE ZONING REQUIREMENTS OF THAT DISTRICT. DATE 06/27/2014 N PROJECT NO. 1O SITE AND LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 14032 SCALE: 1"=20'-0" PLAN DRAWING NO. NORTH A1 . 0 it OppE INFORMATION f iI.ii Hl' iii L41, Vii Fi wr s�NA F Fi Fi 4f4i FiH FiH I{IH hi4i ri4 roan mr wax rwvtto Ma II 'II ery-p I � C � (n O N Icsuvu: N Q] H01P.A101EEP. Q N F L0 E111 A H. Ip I 1 "RUT1 INH5ER D- o PI raeuuml TYPE,SEE SHEET nsH m LL O DO u CD R IAFIIANINE FLOOR PLAN TIRE TRENDS EQUIPMENT LEGEND F Z p coxx.r wv,..,n W Li Z.-E.- TDCK II m hi E-Pd Fi Fi Firi � iu1 Fli Fi wr L2�} GNYYNOB I.IEZINiI�E 7 °d✓1 GYY PUNS iff 1 ! ee i.- I 1OyRUOnIIO ELOOR PVW A7.0 F- � m LL O w Ot W£�iE�EVATION OEOUIH(ERONTIELEVATIOY _ � p W K LL TDCK � � A wow out A 4 E BNII➢IN6 O] EAST ELEVATION ©NLOR'H ELEVATION � n A3.0 au m v C J .. ,. .. ....... .. ... a U Q t9 Vp m .N O _ N L � z j. M z , LL TDCK ao• &L. e i5'LFNOS[n 1 BL.(PER PLRi) F1�1�6�8 SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN N Ts. w F 1.l 1 Y A T pr All mv i I i _ E n 1' RISEA AOOM 1 � ti r i r I irNA ` ✓1! r 1 � ! I � ll, WAIM ul I