HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2014-03-03 Regular i
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MARCH 03, 2014 )(
Mayor Holland called the meeting to order.
The invocation was given by Pastor David Bridges with Friendswood Friends Church.
Mayor Holland led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Fred Krch, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and read a quote from Reverend James A. Garfield
that was printed between 1832 and 1888, why do we need a large charter for the City versus a small
booklet he had that contained the Constitution of the United States of America, the Bill of Rights, the
Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, and the Ten Commandments. Mr. Krch further
stated he is available to assist with work on the Friendswood Lake project, has done research on docks,
always available for consulting work.
Hollie Micheletti, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she represents Friendswood
Mustangs Youth Football and Cheer, read from a prepared speech, thanked Council and the City for
allowing to play at the Friendswood Sports Complex, would like to donate a scoreboard with the Mustang
logo, is worth $17,000, would be available to all sports teams, and thanked Council for their time and
Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding IESI/Progressive Waste Solutions. City Manager Roger
Roecker introduced Royce Gray with IESI/Progressive Waste, are completing second year of the five year
agreement with the City, Staff has met several times with Mr. Gray to discuss service/delivery options and
issues that have arisen. Mr. Gray provided Council with a handout, stated that some Homeowner's
Associations (HOA) have required larger trash containers that are not compliant with the contract,
exceeds the load amount that employees are allowed to lift per OSHA restrictions, commercial lifts will not
' carry, had a rotator cuff injury to a worker, HOA's did not come to IESI/Progressive or the City to verify
restrictions on container sizes, could have provided carts at a much lower cost, Administrative Services
Director Cindy Edge has a list of HOA's. Things are changing in the industry, originally was against
automated trucks, other companies have had fatalities with trucks getting rear-ended with workers on the
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back of the truck, how do you get workers to the front of the vehicle, another company came out with a
front load truck, a truck was available in 2010 but still could not ensure that trash would not fly out on a '
windy day, have decided to look at automated trucks again, would have to use a particular cart, did a test
a few weeks ago on a windy day with a new truck and no trash was lost, most cities are carted except for
the City of Friendswood, if someone still needs to bring a bag out they can with some exceptions,
recycling would also be carted and would use automated truck, gave another city as an example of
success story, suggests keeping service the way it is, will come back with another option with Council's
permission, need to do a better job with the schools. A video was shown of an automated truck picking
up trash, carts used in the video are 65 gallon, and arm can reach 7.5 feet.
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, Royce Gray with IESI/Progressive Waste Solutions, and
Staff regarding service/delivery options, automated front load trucks would not resolve the oversize
container problem with some Homeowner's Associations, the automated trucks could possibly service the
oversized containers. Trash will be able to be picked up with front load automatic trucks if cars are in the
way, IESI/Progressive Waste Solutions has to be flexible in all service areas, cost of carts would be the
only additional cost, carts would be provided for $1 a month, residents could trade recycle cart in for an
additional trash cart, contract could be amended, three years left on current contract. West Ranch and
Terra Bella HOA's are requiring residents to use larger containers for aesthetic reasons, service has not
been discontinued to any residents, and the suggestion was made for Staff to work with the HOA's
regarding the size of containers being required. Mr. Gray will come back to Council with options available
to amend the contract.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding the Multi-Year Financial Plan and Capital Improvements
Projects. Administrative Services Director Cindy Edge showed Council the Multi-Year Financial Plan
(MYFP), explained the process of how Staff goes through the plan, debt and property tax are the biggest
pieces to nail down, spends a lot of time on revenues, spends a lot of time working on the plan, is a
moving and fluid document Staff works with. Ms. Edge presented a PowerPoint presentation on the '
Multi-Year Financial Plan for fiscal years 2015 thru 2019 General and Debt Service Funds. Planning
assumptions are based on key revenue sources and the largest source of revenue is property values,
most revenue sources are increased by 2% per year. Revenue planning is based on the current year
revenue budget, add or subtract revenue growth or loss projection, provides the proposed revenue
budget. Revenue planning data also included discussions with the planning, economic development and
finance areas of the City, as well as other departmental input. Fiscal year 2015 projected General Fund
revenue is$23,112,284, property tax is 59%, sales tax is 18%, non-tax revenue is 16%, and franchise tax
is 7%. Property tax revenue components are gross appraised value and taxable value, taxable value
multiplied by the tax rate is the tax levy, tax rate has two parts, interest and sinking for debt service, and
operations and maintenance for General Fund. Key expenditures, personnel expenditures increase by
3% each year for wages and benefits, non-personnel expenditures increase by 1.75% each year.
Expenditure planning is based on the adjusted base expenditure budget, Forces at Work, and Decision
Packages. Fiscal year 2015 projected General Fund base expenditures is $22,840,825, personnel
expenditures is $16.1 Million, and non-personnel expenditures are $6.8 Million. Fund balance portion on
the Multi-Year Financial Plan includes 90-day operating reserve and undesignated fund balance uses,
emergencies, one-time expenditures, major capital purchases, and startup expenditures for new
programs. Scenario No. 1 in planning assumptions uses the Effective Tax Rate (ETR), operational costs
related to bond issuance projects included, $271,000 for Forces at Work and Decision Packages in fiscal
year 2015, fund balance above 90-days reserve depleted in fiscal year 2016, and no new revenue
sources. Scenario No. 2 in planning assumptions uses the current tax rate, operational costs related to
bond issuance projects included, $403,000 for Forces at Work and Decision Packages in fiscal year
2015, fund balance above 90-days reserve depleted in fiscal year 2017, and no new revenue sources.
Assistant City Manager Morad Kabiri discussed the Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), extensively
discussed at the last couple of Council meetings, will present CIP Manual at the April Council meeting,
have $180,000 additional Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs in regards to the Multi-Year Financial
Plan. Ms. Edge stated Staff would like Council's input and asked if Council had any questions. '
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding the Multi-Year Financial Plan, if road
maintenance should be a fixed item on the budget or to keep it as a fund, suggestion was made for Staff
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to provide an estimate of funds needed to maintain roads. City Manager Roger Roecker gave al
' breakdown of what is included in the budget, reminded that Council will always receive a balanced budget
from Staff.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding the creation of a new City Committee. Councilmember
Rockey introduced and explained this item that he placed on the agenda. He stated the City does not
have a committee for streets as it does for other items needed throughout the City, placed on agenda for
Council to discuss.
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding a consulting firm that was hired by
the City three or four years ago to evaluate the streets throughout the City, provided a list of streets
needing repairs, Staff is aware of the streets that are in need of repairs but funds are needed to make the
repairs. The recent Bond Advisory Group formed a subcommittee to look at streets, evacuation routes,
and other items. A committee would bring the attention level up, but the committee would be powerless
due to funds not being available. Staff knows where the worst streets are, reports from consultant hired,
identified every street in the City and listed them in order of condition. The Bond Advisory Group
subcommittee looked at the consultant's list and looked at the streets most traveled. The proposed
committee would be similar to the Parks and Recreation Board, come up with different perspectives,;
could run interference, and help gather information. The consensus from Council was split so the City I
Manager stated Staff will continue to operate as is until directed by Council to do otherwise.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding proposed amendments to the Sign Ordinance. Planning
Manager Nick Haby presented a PowerPoint presentation in regards to proposed amendments to thel
Sign Ordinance for obsolete signs. A definition of obsolete signs was given, any on-premises sign, or any
part thereof, which identifies or advertises a business, person, product, accommodation, service, or
activity that has ceased to operate on the premises upon which the sign or sign structure is located.
' Section 25 of the City Code states that obsolete signs shall be removed or brought into compliance with
the other provisions of Appendix A not later than the first anniversary date that the sign, or any part
thereof, first became obsolete. If the premise is leased, then the obsolete sign shall be removed/brought
into compliance no later than the second anniversary date of obsolescence. Section 25 of the City Code
mirrors Texas Local Government Code Section 216.003 (e). Council changed the Sign Ordinance to
mirror state law on May 19, 2008, previous language required the sign to be removed within 30 days from
when the sign became obsolete. Possible changes that could be made is to remove the 'obsolete signs'
section altogether or to extend the removal deadline. Staff needs direction from Council on how to
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding.the fact that other cities have shorter
time restrictions for obsolete signs, suggestion was made that an obsolete sign should not be removed
until the owner of the property changes. The Planning and Zoning Commission has discussed the Sign
Ordinance extensively. The particular obsolete sign discussed has been up for 15 years, owner bought
the property after the obsolete sign ordinance was put into place. Councilmembers Scott and Gustafson
stated that a sign should not be required to be removed until the property changes ownership. Mayor
Holland and Councilmembers Rocky, Enochs, Hill, and McGinnis believed the current Sign Ordinance is
generous and should not be changed.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding recognition programs of the City. Councilmember
Rockey stated Councilmember Hill deserves credit for this agenda item. Recently there was a
highjacking incident with a possible kidnapping involved, and a citizen tried to prevent the incident.
Councilmember Hill had stated that the citizen should be recognized, Councilmember Rockey had asked
the City Manager Roger Roecker about recognizing the citizen, the City does not currently have a
process, would like to ask Staff to develop a working process for such citizen recognitions. The City
Manager presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding a proposed process for City recognitions. :
' Certain occasions warrant recognition for City employees and citizens in the community, recognition
could be related to civic achievement, exemplary service, or valorous acts. Three ascending categories,
that may be appropriate for recognition of a City employee or a citizen is a Civic Achievement Award, an
Exceptional Service Award, or a Valorous Service Award. Nominations for an individual(s) should be
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submitted in writing to the City Manager, the nomination needs to include: name of the individual, date(s)
of the event/situation, and a description of the action taken by the individual. When appropriate, the ,
nomination will be distributed to the associated department director for review and comments. The City
shall establish a committee composed of the Assistant City Manager, two senior Staff, and a City Council
liaison (if desired) to review the nomination for recognition. The review process may include written
material, personal interviews, or other pertinent information, relating to the facts and circumstances
relating to the nomination. The City Manager shall receive the committee's recommendation, and after a
final determination is made, a presentation to the individual or group can be accomplished. The venue for
presentation should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The recognition, which may be expressed as
a plaque, framed certificate, coin, trophy, etc., will be determined by policy. The Mayor, City Manager, or
a City Council member should be the presenter, depending on the circumstance/recipient.
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding different options in the process of
establishing a procedure for City recognition, and the types of awards to be given to recipients.
Mayor Holland asked if anyone would like to speak regarding the Executive Session. No one spoke.
Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.071- Consultation with Attorney; regarding pending or contemplated litigation (William
Langdon vs. City of Friendswood); to receive legal advice regarding provision of services (Alpha-Lee
Enterprises, Inc.).
Council reconvened into Open Session with no action taken later in the meeting. '
**Councilmember Scott moved to suspend the Rules of Procedure to move to Agenda Item 813, Special
Recognition and Acknowledgements, 2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
Kevin Sanford, CPA with Weaver and Tidwell, LLP, gave the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
(CAFR). Mr. Sanford gave the highest level of assurance that the financial statements were accurate,
discussed the balance sheet with total assets of approximately $12.5 Million dollars, changes in the fund
balance were discussed.
City Manager Roger Roecker presented the Five Star Spirit Employee Award. The Five Star Spirit Award
is awarded each quarter to an employee who has exhibited the five characteristics on which the award is
based — Courteous, Competent, Reliable, Professional and Enthusiastic. The recipient for the fourth
quarter of 2013 is Stephanie Price-Taylor, Communications Operator in the Police Department, who has
been with the City since July of 1995. Ms. Price-Taylor was nominated by a member of the Friendswood
Police Department after taking a 911 call requesting medical assistance, specifically, CPR instructions
until paramedics arrived, and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) contacted the dispatch supervisor
advising that the patient had survived. The City Manager thanked Ms. Price-Taylor for her hard work.
Communications Operator Stephanie Price-Taylor stated she works with an excellent team at the Police
Department, loves working for the City of Friendswood.
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Mayor Holland and Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean called a Joint Public Hearing to
' order to receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding amending Appendix C,
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances, regarding amendments to Section 7.
Schedule of District Regulations regarding changes to the Permitted Use Table and Section 8.J. 4
through 9 and L to relocate language in the Permitted Use Table. j
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of or
in opposition of the request. No one spoke.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean adjourned the Planning and Zoning Commission's
portion of the Joint Public Hearing to the upstairs conference room. Mayor Holland left Council's portion
of the Joint Public Hearing open.
Mayor Holland asked if anyone would like to speak. No one spoke.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean gave the annual report. Chair McLean stated the
Staff that works with the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) is excellent, could not do what they doh
without the City Staff of Nick Haby, Aubrey Harbin, Becky Bennett, and former employee Mona Miller.!
Introduced the current commissioners, Mark Tibbitts, David O'Farrell, Jim Gibson, Chris Brown, Jim Nye,
and Arthur Triplette, Jr. The commissioners have given a lot back to the community, have differences of
opinion but get along well, conducted 23 regular and special meetings during the year, two'
subcommittees were formed throughout the year, projects the commission is currently working on is the;
' rewrite of the Zoning Ordinance, updating the Permitted Use Table to NAICS 2012 code, Affidavit of
Value for nonconforming structures, and looking at Personal Care Facilities. P&Z had many
accomplishments during the year, assisted Council in bringing the Substandard Structures and Buildings
Ordinance up to date and in conformance with current state law, assisted in updating the impact fee
schedule, changed fagade requirements for structures to prohibit wood and cement fiber board and
added earth tone color requirement, changed notice requirements in accordance with new state law to
notify school districts of zone changes affecting residential zones, changed Zoning Ordinance to allow
Farmers Markets on commercially zoned property, and assisted Council in changing Permitted Use Table
to allow registered and licensed in-home daycares in Single-Family Residential (SFR), Single-Family
Residential-Estate (SFR-E), and Multi-Family Residential-Garden Home District (MFR-GHD). Over the
past year P&Z has approved six plats, six site plans, recommended 11 Zone Changes and Specific Use
Permits to Council. Chair Mclean told Council that P&Z appreciates Council's service, is an advisory to
Council, and is available anytime their help is needed.
Mayor Holland thanked the Planning and Zoning Commission for volunteering to serve, knows it is not,
easy sometimes, and encouraged them to keep on working.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean stated it is a labor of love for the commission, will
relay the message to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
City Manager Roger Roecker reported the Government Treasurers' Organization of Texas (GTOT) has
awarded the Certificate of Distinction to the City of Friendswood for its Investment Policy. The City was
commended for its commitment to maintaining a comprehensive written investment policy that meets the
criteria set forth in the GTOT Investment Policy Review Checklist. This recognition is for a two-year
period ending February 29, 2016. GTOT was formed in 1987 and is comprised of members working for
Texas cities and counties, school and other special districts and the State of Texas. In addition to the
Investment Policy Certification Program, GTOT offers multiple training opportunities each year on the
Texas Public Funds Investment Act (PFIA) and Cash Handling. The GTOT Investment Policy
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Certification Program assists organizations in developing investment policies that are compliant with the
Texas PFIA. To earn the GTOT Investment Policy Certificate of Distinction, an organization must submit '
its adopted investment policy and identify where each PFIA regulation is addressed in the organization's
investment policy. The GTOT Investment Policy Review Committee determines if an organization's
investment policy meets the established criteria and offers suggestions for policy improvements, if
The City Manager reported that the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has commenced repair
efforts on FM 2351, replacing three storm inlets and ancillary storm sewer pipes. Additionally, they will
replace 270 feet of the outer northeast bound lane starting from approximately the Melody Lane
intersection almost to Diamond Lane. TxDOT anticipates the work to take a month to a month and a half
barring any major setbacks due to weather.
The City Manager reported that the 2014 Great Texas Warrant Round Up began in February and will
extend into March. This is the City of Friendswood's fifth consecutive year to participate, joining over 300
jurisdictions across the State in this event. The successful execution of the event is a joint effort of the
Friendswood Municipal Court, the Fire Marshal's Office and the Police Department. This event is not an
amnesty program, is a concentrated effort to clear warrants. In addition, the program serves to promote
respect for Law Enforcement and the Court. The City's Municipal Court office has mailed 700 postcards
to warrant holders and the response has been very good. The Court Staff has already cleared almost
20% of the warrants.
The City Manager reported that the Keep Friendswood Beautiful (KFB) Board and the City of
Friendswood are sponsoring the annual Spring Sparkle event for the citizens of Friendswood at
Centennial Park on Saturday, April 12, 2014. City Staff and KFB Board members have teamed with the
City's solid waste services provider, Progressive Waste Solutions, and the Galveston County
Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) to provide the community with a clean-up day. Copy Dr. will ,
also be onsite to accept paper for shredding. There is a 200 pound paper limit per vehicle. Items not
able to be shredded include 3-ring binders, cardboard, floppy disks, hanging file folders, newspaper,
microfiche and video tapes. Items that will be accepted include green waste such as tree limbs and grass
clippings, old appliances, old furniture, miscellaneous wood, metal, and plastic. No household hazardous
waste, such as tires, paint, batteries, oil, or any other hazardous waste will be accepted. Residents can
also donate garage sale items to KFB. Garage sale items can be dropped off the morning of the
event at Centennial Park. All proceeds from the garage sale will benefit the beautification of City facilities
and parks. KFB would also like to encourage residents to bring animal habitat items that would benefit
the wildlife rescuers/rehabbers. They need aquariums, dog and cat carriers, clean towels/shirts, and
shallow crock bowls. These volunteers take care of injured wild animals that make their homes in
Friendswood's green space.
"Mayor Holland moved to discuss the disposition of Bid No. 2014-01, for Paving Improvements to
Friendswood Link Road.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved unanimously.
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding background information on the paving
improvements to Friendswood Link Road, bids came in 20% higher than available funds, steel and
concrete have increased dramatically, could approve and allocate funds from elsewhere, or reject bids
and rescope project, can reduce scope along Whispering Pines, biggest cost is expansion of the bridge
over Clear Creek, traffic issue involved with the bridge expansion, explanation of how the project would
be rescoped was given. Staff has reached out to the General Land Office to see if there were any
additional funds available, and they requested to try to fund locally, Staff will reach out to state and
federal representatives, probably will not receive a response in sufficient time. '
"Councilmember Scott moved to approve Staffs recommendation of Option No. 2 of rejecting all bids
and rescoping the project.
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Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. The motion was approved unanimously.
' **Councilmember Hill moved to approve a contract with Hall, Barnum, Lucchesi Architects for the,
Friendswood Public Library project in the amount of$198,000. ;
Seconded by Councilmember MCGinnis. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve an Interlocal Agreement with the Houston-Galveston;
Subsidence District to participate in the Water Wise Conservation Program and authorizing the Mayor to,
execute the agreement.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve authorizing the Mayor to execute the Authorization fori
Expenditures (AFE) for Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority (GCWDA) to proceed with a study of,
Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant's hydraulic loading capabilities.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve a License and Indemnity Agreement by and between RB &
VN Partners, LLC., and the City for property located at FM 2351 and Woodlawn.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved unanimously.
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding that the applicant is proposing to
develop two tracts of land, would like to use the strip of land to put in required parking spaces and a
dumpster pad in return for them mowing the retention pond, there is adequate capacity in the detention'
pond for the proposed two tracts of land to be developed and for the expansion of the fire station.
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve Resolution R2014-06 - A resolution of the City of Friendswood
' Texas, authorizing aerial spraying over Friendswood by the Galveston County Mosquito Control District
for the County-Wide Mosquito Control Program.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve Resolution R2014-07 -A resolution expressing official intent
to reimburse costs of projects approved in the November 5, 2013, City Bond Election.
Seconded by Mayor Holland. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Enochs moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2014-04 An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix C
"Zoning," Section 9., "Administration and enforcement—building permits and certificates of zoning
compliance," Section G., "Specific Use Permits" Subsection 3., "Application Procedure," by revising,
adding and updating application requirements for Specific Use Permits; providing a penalty for violation in
an amount not to exceed $2,000, or as otherwise provided by law; repealing all ordinances or parts of
ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
Planning Manager Nick Haby reported the Planning and Zoning Commission's vote for Agenda Item 19 B.
Appendix C "Zoning," Section 7, "Schedule of District Regulations," Paragraph P "Permitted Use Table"
by amending and updating the "Permitted Use Table" as referenced in Exhibit "A" and relocating
language from Section 8 "Supplementary District Regulations" to Section 7, "Schedule of District
Regulations"was approved unanimously.
' **Councilmember Rockey moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2014-05 -An ordinance
amending Appendix C — "Zoning," Section 7, "Schedule of District Regulations," Paragraph P. "Permitted
Use Table" to replace the Permitted Use Table to be consistent with the 2012 NAICS and related
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revisions; relocating language from Appendix C, Zoning Ordinance Section 8 "Supplementary District
Regulations," Paragraph J "Performance Standards," Subparagraph 4 through Subparagraph 9 and '
Paragraph L "Personal Care Facilities," to Section 7 "Schedule of District Regulations," Paragraph P
"Permitted Uses," below the "Permitted Use Table Matrix;" providing a penalty for violation in an amount
not to exceed $2,000, or as otherwise provided by law; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances
inconsistent or in conflict herewith; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion was approved unanimously.
Mayor Holland closed Council's portion of the Joint Public Hearing.
**Councilmember McGinnis moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2014-07 -An
ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2013-37, passed and approved October
7, 2013, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year
2013-2014 by approving "Budget Amendment V" to the "Original General Budget of the City of
Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014"; providing for supplemental appropriations and/or
transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Enochs moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2014-08 - An
ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declaring the unopposed candidates for City Council
Position 2, Billy Enochs and City Council Position 5, John Scott, elected; cancelling the May 10, 2014
Election for such positions; providing for severability; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances
inconsistent or in conflict herewith.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved unanimously.
Councilmember Scott stated he is honored to be able to serve the community again for another three '
years, current term has been enjoyable, looking forward to another three years, thanked the people who
supported him.
Councilmember McGinnis referred to the conversation from the February Council meeting about the
feelings from the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department's executive leadership regarding the bond
language, had an opportunity to meet again with the executive leadership, they understand Council's
reasoning and are on board and ready to make the best of the gift the citizens have given them.
Councilmember Hill stated this is Director of Public Works Kazem Hamidian's last meeting, Mr. Hamidian
is one of the finest people he has ever met, knows and respects him not only as a professional but also
as an individual, does not know if he can be replaced, stay in touch, has been a pleasure, one of the best
things of serving on Council is getting to know the Staff that help run the City.
Councilmember Enochs stated he agreed with Councilmember Hill regarding Mr. Hamidian, he will be
dearly missed. Another retirement is a firefighter with the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department Bill
Wilcox has been a firefighter for 50 years, is retiring to Colorado. He stated he is honored to be a
Councilmember for another three years, looks forward to tackling challenges and representing the
Councilmember Rockey stated Mr. Hamidian is attempting to get behind the dais in his hometown,
Council supports him. He stated he is an official with the High School Swim Team, fourth year in a row he
has been selected to officiate the state meet, the Friendswood boys team took second in the state, they
did perfect, and was fun to watch.
Mayor Holland congratulated Councilmembers Enochs and Scott, agreed with Councilmember Hill's '
statements regarding Mr. Hamidian, will be missed, very dear friend and brother in Christ.
Councilmember Gustafson stated he had no report.
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**Councilmember Scott moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Approving a
Memorandum of Understanding with Friendswood Independent School District for the donation of City
Equipment to the District. B. Authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with CrowderGulf for debris
management services for emergency management purposes. C. Authorizing the Mayor to execute a
contract with Ceres Environmental Services for debris management services for emergency management
purposes. D. Approving a banner permit application for the Friendswood Area Swim Team to advertise
their registration from March 24-April 7, 2014. E. Authorizing disposal of two Police Department vehicles
through Houston Auto Auction and in accordance with the Vehicle Replacement Fund. F. Accepting the
January 2014 Property Tax Report. G. Approving the minutes of the January 13, 2014, Council Meeting.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
Mayor Holland asked if anyone would like to speak regarding the Executive Session. No one spoke.
Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters; to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation,
reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee. (Evaluation of the City
Council reconvened into Open Session with action taken later in the meeting.
' ACTION ITEMS (continued)
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the City Manager's raise accordingly.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill.
Discussion took place between Mayor and Council regarding the Councilmember's opinions of the City
Manager's job performance and leadership skills.
***Councilmember Scott amended the main motion to approve to give the City Manager a 3% raise for
the upcoming year.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The amended main motion was approved unanimously.
City Manager Roger Roecker thanked Council and stated he is blessed with the Staff that the City has,
they are the backbone of the City, and thanked Director of Public Works Kazem Hamidian for his years of
service to the City.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 PM.
Mayor olland
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' Melinda Welsh, TRMC :s�
City Secretary
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