HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 99-08 . � . . ORDINANCE NO. 9 9-8 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, CHAPTER 78, UTILITIES, ADDING TWO NEW SECTIONS TO BE NUMBERED 78-78 AND 78-79; PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING ADJUSTMENTS OF WATER USAGE BILLS DUE TO DEFECTS IN CUSTOMER LINES, AND ADJUSTMENTS OF WATER USAGE BILLS DUE TO UNUSUAL AND INEXPLICABELY LARGE USAGE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $500 PER VIOLATION; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. * * * * * Section 1. Chapter 78,Utilities, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection 78 to read as follows: Sec. 78-78. Adjustment of bill as result of defect in customer's line. �a�v residential, commercial, multifamily or outdoor customer of the citv may request an adjustment of anv water bill submitted to him bv the city for water usage because of a loss of water through an excusable defect in the customer's water line provided that onlv one bimonthlv bill out of six consecutive bimonthly bills may be adjusted, bv filin�a sworn written application with the utility official and mailing or deliverin� the same to the department within six months of the repair of the excusable defect. Such application shall contain the following matters and such other information as the utilitv official ma��require: (1) The name of the applicant, the address or description of the propertv or premises furnished water, the bill which is sought to be corrected, the date of the bill and the period of water usa�e covered thereby, (2) A statement of the date on which the excusable defect in the applicant's water line was discovered and the date on which it was repaired; and a statement that water was lost through the citv water meter servin� propertv and that such water was not used in anv manner b�,�e_ (3) A written acknowled�ment that the anplicant makes the statements shown on the anplication and swears to their truth for the�urpose of re uq esting the cit�to �rant a reduction in the amount of the water bill for which a ' correction is requested. FWD Water Bill Changes-01/20/99 1 � • . (4) The application shall show whether or not there have been anv additional water appliances placed in use on the applicant's premises durin� the period covered bv such bill. (5) Documentation shall be submitted detailing the exact nature and date of repairs to the applicant's water line. (6) A statement that the applicant is personallv familiar with all of the matters of facts stated in the application and sworn to therein, that they are made on his personal knowledge and that thev are each true and correct. j71 The customer shall execute a statement setting forth an understanding that the application is a �overnment record subject to criminal prosecution for false statements under chapter 37 of the Texas Penal Code and shall state that the applicant certifies that the application contains no false statements. (8) As used in this section the term "excusable defect" shall mean a rupture or leaka�e of the customer's water lines as mav be caused by freezing weather, settlement, corrosion, wear or accident. The term does not annlv to defective or out-of-repair faucets or other plumbing fixtures, such as toilets. (b) Applications under this section shall be made on forms prescribed bv the Director of Administrative services. (c�pon receipt of a properlv completed application, the utility official shall review such application, and if he approves the same as being in compliance with this section, the annlicant's bill shall be corrected bY applving to the amount of water consumption shown thereon in excess of the applicant's average water usage, a rate of charge equal to one-half of the normal rate of such water usage bv a customer in the applicant's classification, which reduction in rate shall be accomplished in the following manner: �1) The applicant's average water usage over the prior twelve (12) months shall be determined. If the applicant has not been a customer for a sufficient length of time to make such determination, then the avera�e water usa�e over a period of twelve months for citv water customers will be used. This avera�e water usage so determined will hereafter be referred to as"avera e usa e�." (2) From the total water consumption shown on the bill submitted for correction, the avera�ge will be deducted. The resulting figure will hereafter be referred to as"excess usa� FWD Water Bill Changes-01/20/99 2 °' f,. �3) The excess usage will be considered consumption bevond the average usa�e, and one-half of the re�ular rate for consumption bevond the avera�e usage (for customers in the applicants' rate classification) will be applied to the excess usage and this will determine the amount the applicant must pav for the excess usage. (4) The regular rate for customers in the applicant's rate classification will be applied to the avera�e usa�e and this amount will be added to the amount due for the excess usage and the total of those two amounts will be the amount that the applicant must pav for water usa�e during the period covered bv the adjusted bill. (d) Anv correction authorized in this section shall be accomplished, if the bill under consideration for adjustment has alreadv been paid, bv creditin tg he applicant's account with the amount thereof, to be applied a�ainst charges for water thereafter accruing. If an ap�licant, whose account has been so credited, discontinues water service before the amount of the credit shall have been absorbed b� subsequent charges, the remaining balance shall be refunded to the applicant in cash at the time of discontinuance, if all other sums due the citv have been paid. If such bill has not alread�paid,the correction shall be made bv reducin�the amount of such bill accordin�lv. (e) A determination bv the Director of Administrative Services, or their designee of the amount of a correction to be made in an applicant's water bill in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be final. (fl If the excusable defect occurs durin� the sewer winter-average calculation period (November-Februarvl, the winter-average will be adjusted to the�rior year's winter avera�e. If the customer has not established a winter-average for the previous vear, the city-wide, winter-average consumntion will be used to bill for sewer service. Section 2. Chapter 78, Utilities, is hereby amended by adding a new subsection 79 to read as follows: Sec. 78-79. Adjustment of unusual� large bill. �a) Anv single-familv residential customer who receives a water bill for anv ig ven billin� neriod that is computed on the basis of a rg oss quantitv greater than 200 percent of the avera�e bi-monthlv eross quantity applicable to such customer may request an adjustment of the bill in the manner provided in this section: provided FWD Water Bill Changes-01/20/99 3 � . � that for anv given customer, onlv one such bi-monthly bill out of anv series of 6 consecutive monthly bills mav be adjusted under this section. The average monthlv �ross Quantit�pplicable to a customer means the average r�quantity for water service to the same premises durin� the months immediately preceding the period for which the adjustment is sought. In order to reauest such an adjustment, the customer shall file an application for the adjustment on a form furnished bv the utilitv official. The application form shall contain a statement setting forth an understandin� that the application is a overnment record subject to criminal prosecution for false statements under chapter 37 of the Texas Penal Code, and the customer shall state that the application contains no false statements. The application shall identifv the bill and brieflv state: �1) The reasons for the request for the adjustment: �2) A description of the additional water appliances or fixtures, if an� that have been placed in use bv the customer durin�the current billin�cycle or the preceding 12 months; �3) That there have been no plumbin�pairs or necessity therefor durin t�he billin�period for which an adjustment is sought or that the nature of any plumbin�defects was not such as would explain the additional usa e�.�and_ (4) Such other information as the application may require. (b) Upon receivin sg uch application, the utilitv official shall make an investi�ation to determine if an error was made, which investi�ation shall include inspection of the customer's water meter for accuracv and review of the customer's billing record. If the initial investigation reveals a billing or meter error, the utility official shall make an adjustment to correct the error. If the investi�ation does not reveal an error, the utilitv official mav make such further investigation as the utility official deems advisable and shall give full consideration to the statements contained in the customer's a�plication. If the utility official concludes that, in all reasonable probabilitv, the customer was charged for more water than the customer consumed durin� the month in question but is unable to account to such unusual quantitv, the utilitv official shall re-comnute the bill usin�a r� oss quantitv 200 percent of the average bi-monthiv �ross quantitv applicable to the customer. A determination by the utilitv official bv the nrovisions in this section shall be final. (c) In the event that an adjustment is made under this subsection, it shall be accomnlished, if the bill under consideration for adjustment has alread�paid by creditin�the customer's account with the amount thereof, to be applied against char�es for water thereafter accruing. If a customer whose account so credited discontinues water service before the amount of the credit has been absorbed bv FWD Warer Bill Changes-Ol/20/99 4 such subsequent char�es, the remaining balance shall be refunded to the customer in cash at the time of discontinuance, if all other sums due the citv have been paid. If such bill has not alread�paid the adjustment shall be made bv reducing the amount of such bill accordinslv. Section 3. Penaltv. Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed$500. Each day of violation shall constitute a sepazate offense. Section 4. Severabilitv. In the event any clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of the is Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, whether there be one or more parts. FWD Water Bill Changes-01/20/99 5 PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 4 th day of January , 19 9 9 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED on second and final reading this l�th day of January , 1999. � Harold L. Whitaker Mayor ATTEST: c . - , eloris McKenzi , T City Secretary MOTION: COLTNCILMEMBER KITTEN HAJECATE 2ND: COUI3CILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON UNANIMOUSLY FWD Water Bill Changes-01/20/99 6