HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2014-01-13 Regular I
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JANUARY 13, 2014 )(
Mayor Holland called the meeting to order.
The invocation was given by Pastor Danny Mercer with Friendswood Church of Christ.
' Mayor Holland led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Bobbie Jones, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she has lived in Forest Bend
Subdivision for 45 years, has a serious problem with widening Friendswood Link Road, concerned with
the amount of traffic around the subdivision entrance and school, the amount of children walking, and the
barriers being put by Wedgewood Subdivision, why is there not barriers on Forest Bend, no money
available for Forest Bend but do have money for Wedgewood, please think how this will be done and how
it will affect the residents involved.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding the Capital Projects resulting from the 2013 Bond
Election. City Manager Roger Roecker presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Bond
Execution Proposals, gave a brief history, and reported Council held a retreat in November to discuss the
results of the November 05, 2013, Bond Election. Following the retreat, Council developed a scoping
document that was presented to Staff, and requested information from Staff to be returned to Council by
the end of January. The scoping document asked Staff to develop a five, seven, and ten-year plan, a
schedule of bond sales by plan, estimated cost of each bond sale, revenue and budget projections for
each plan, and the estimated impact on the tax rate for each plan. The scoping document outlined
priorities given for each plan by Council, critical streets tackled sooner than later, plan for parkland
purchase, library expansion pursued sooner than later, new Fire Station behind the Public Safety Building
built first prior to expansion of Fire Station No. 4, and highly visible/easily accomplishable park projects.
The highly visible/easily accomplishable park projects to be taken on first would be Centennial Park
' lighting and the basketball pavilion, youth softball fields, and the Baker Road detention fields.
Development of the Baker Road detention fields was not mentioned in the bond proposition, to fund with
bond proceeds would have to be on the tail end of program subject to availability of funds, may utilize
Parkland Dedication funds, donations, or other revenue sources as approved by Council. The
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Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department's (FVFD) priority is to build both facilities simultaneously.
Assistant City Manager Morad Kabiri continued the PowerPoint presentation with the five-year plan, ,
projects would be tackled in two rounds, issuing debt in two installments of approximately $12 Million,
may issue all $24.085 Million in one issuance resulting in approximately$90,000 in lower issuance costs,
would cause the debt service component of the tax rate to grow faster. If the bonds were issued in two
installments, the bonds would be sold approximately in October 2014 issue $12.1 Million at a projected
issuance cost of $117,000, and October 2016 issue $11.95 Million at a projected issuance cost of
$116,000. Five-Year Plan Round 1 projected plan is a new fire station at the Public Safety Building for
$2,500,000, library expansion for $2,525,000, parks such as new parkland for $2,000,000, Centennial
Park improvements for $750,000, Sportspark improvements for $1,718,000, Lake Friendswood for
$500,000, Stevenson Park for $246,500, street improvements such as Shadow Bend Avenue for
$393,000, Townes Road for $273,000, Mary Ann Drive for $549,000, and Winding Road for $642,000,
total Round 1 projects would be$12,096,500. Five-Year Plan Round 2 projected plan is the expansion of
Fire Station No. 4 for$4,065,000, improvements to other parks for$670,500, expansion of existing parks
for$1,400,000, street improvements such as Blackhawk Boulevard for $5,543,000, and Woodlawn Drive
for$400,000, total Round 2 projects would be$11,988,500. Advantages of the Five-Year Plan is possible
lower interest rates on debt issued and potentially less inflationary impacts on project costs.
Disadvantages of the Five-Year Plan is debt would be issued above the bank qualified threshold, greater
impact to the tax rate, additional contract staff would be needed at a cost of$50,000 to $75,000 per year,
and could limit partnership opportunities. Projects would be tackled in three rounds in the Seven-Year
Plan, issuing debt in three installments, bonds would be sold approximately in October 2014 issue $9.38
Million at a projected issuance cost of$91,000, October 2015 issue $9.255 Million at a projected issuance
cost of$89,000, and October 2017 issue $5.45 Million at a projected issuance cost of$53,000. Seven-
Year Plan Round 1 projected plan is a new fire station at the Public Safety Building for$2,600,000, library
expansion for$2,525,000, parks such as new parkland for$1,750,000, Centennial Park improvements for
$750,000, Sportspark softball fields improvements for $300,000, Stevenson Park for $246,500, street
improvements such as Shadow Bend Avenue for $393,000, Townes Road for $273,000, and Winding '
Road for $642,000, total Round 1 projects would be $9,379,500. Seven-Year Plan Round 2 projected
plan is the expansion of Fire Station No. 4 for$4,065,000, parks such as Lake Friendswood for$500,000,
new parkland for $250,000, Sportspark concessions, restroom, and parking lot improvements for
$1,418,000, expansion of existing parks for $1,400,000, improvements to other City parks for $670,500,
street improvements such as Mary Ann Drive for $549,000, and Woodlawn Drive for $400,000, total
Round 2 projects would be $9,252,500. Seven-Year Plan Round 3 projected plan is street improvements
to Blackhawk Boulevard for $5,453,000. Advantages of the Seven-Year Plan is debt would be issued
below the bank qualified threshold and there would be potentially less inflationary impacts on costs for
most projects. Disadvantages of the Seven-Year Plan is there would be a greater impact to the tax rate,
additional contract staff would be needed at a cost of $25,000 to $50,000 per year, and could limit
partnership opportunities. Projects would be tackled in three rounds in the Ten-Year Plan, issuing debt in
three installments, bonds would be sold approximately in October 2014 issue $9.685 Million at a
projected issuance cost of $94,000, October 2016 issue $8.95 Million at a projected issuance cost of
$86,000, and October 2019 issue $5.46 Million at a projected issuance cost of$53,000. Ten-Year Plan
Round 1 projected plan is a new fire station at the Public Safety Building for$2,500,000, library expansion
for $2,525,000, parks such as new parkland for $1,750,000, Sportspark softball fields improvements for
$300,000, Centennial Park improvements for $750,000, street improvements such as Shadow Bend
Avenue for $393,000, Townes Road for $273,000, Mary Ann Drive for $549,000, and Winding Road for
$642,000, total Round 1 projects would be $9,682,000. Ten-Year Plan Round 2 projected plan is the
expansion of Fire Station No. 4 for $4,065,000, parks such as new parkland for $250,000, expansion of
existing parks for $1,400,000, Sportspark concessions, restroom, and parking lot improvements for
$1,418,000, Stevenson Park improvements for$246,500, Lake Friendswood for$500,000, improvements
to other City parks for $670,500, street improvements to Woodlawn Drive for $400,000, total Round 2
projects would be $8,950,000. Ten-Year Plan Round 3 projected plan is street improvements to
Blackhawk Boulevard for $5,453,000. Advantages of the Ten-Year Plan is debt would be issued below
the bank qualified threshold, no need anticipated for additional staffing or contract assistance, and there ,
would be greater partnership opportunities that could come available. Disadvantages of the Ten-Year
Plan is there would be greater potential for inflationary impacts on the costs for most projects.
Administrative Services Director Cindy Edge continued the PowerPoint presentation with the financial
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analysis, analyzed historical growth trends over the past 20 years, used the Multi-Year Financial Plan as
' the baseline, determined impact of bond program on tax rate. Ms. Edge showed slides that showed the
projected debt portion of tax rate change that was shown to the public prior to the Bond Election,;
projected debt portion of tax rate change with regards to the Five-Year Plan, Seven-Year Plan, and Ten-,
Year Plan, dips and increases depend on when the bonds are issued and the amount of the bonds
issued. Additional slides were shown regarding the projected overall tax rate change in regards to the
Five-Year Plan, Seven-Year Plan, and the Ten-Year Plan, tried to keep the philosophy of the Effective
Tax Rate in mind when the overall tax rate change was figured. City Manager Roger Roecker continued
the PowerPoint presentation with the Communication Plan, the manner in which the progress of the bond)
projects implementation would be communicated throughout the year, create and maintain a section of
the City's website, post a 4'x 8' sign at each project location, periodic mass e-mail distribution, Focus onl
Friendswood newsletter will have periodic updates, and provide status updates and timelines on the',
City's Public Education and Government (PEG) Channel. Staffs suggestion regarding parkland
acquisition process would be for the Parks and Recreation Board along with Staff to assess the needs
based on facility type. Once identified, locate properties giving preference to those that can be acquired
inexpensively, or with minimal off-site improvements. Feedback is needed from Council regarding which'
plan is desired to implement the bond projects and project sequencing on projects in regard to Council's'
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding the length of retirement for the new
bond is 25 years, inflationary estimates were not factored into the bond projects. Council's role is to
determine the plan in which it would like to proceed and give Staff guidance. The best option for the City
would be to pursue the slowest action first, and if Council desires at a later date to speed the projects up
that could be done easily, give the City more control of finances, as soon as debt is issued it hits the tax
rate. The rationale from the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department (FVFD) for doing both fire station
projects at one time is a matter of operations and efficiency, if projects are done separately five fire
' stations would have to be staffed, the Fire Department recommends doing the expansion of Fire Station
No. 4 first, Fire Station No. 1 cannot be shut down until both projects are completed. The Fire
Department is okay with delaying construction on both stations until the second bond issuance as long as
some funds are available from the first issuance to be used to start the design phase of the Fire
Department projects. Advantages and disadvantages of the Five-Year Plan, Seven-Year Plan, and the
Ten-Year Plan, concerned with coming inflation, Five-Year Plan would require engineering services to be
contracted out, currently only have two project managers on staff, additional staff would be required for
the Five-Year Plan, possible partnership opportunities could become available, enough contingency
cannot be figured into the numbers for long term plans, inflationary effects will be a big factor the longer
time frame projects take, Five-Year Plan and Seven-Year Plan will cause the tax rate to grow at a faster
rate than voters were told. A consensus was taken of Council on the project time frame they would like to
proceed with, Councilmember Rockey preferred the Five-Year Plan, Councilmember Enochs preferred
the Seven-Year Plan, Councilmember Hill preferred the Seven-Year Plan, Councilmember McGinnis
preferred the Seven-Year Plan and if the projects were going good he would be okay with speeding up,
Councilmember Scott preferred the Seven-Year Plan and if the projects were going good he would be
okay with speeding up, Councilmember Gustafson preferred the Five-Year Plan but could live with the
Seven-Year Plan, Mayor Holland preferred the Six-Year Plan but could go with the Seven-Year Plan,
would like to move the last issuance to 2016 as well as back off if too much is coming into the pipeline to
get projects done efficiently and effectively.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion between Council, Staff, and the Planning and Zoning Commission
regarding amendments to the Permitted Use Table (PUT).
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean opened the Planning and Zoning Commission's
portion of the Joint Work Session. Mayor Holland asked Chair McLean to explain the work that the
Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) has done. Chair McLean gave a brief history, P&Z has worked
' on the project for a year, Staff hours have exceeded 160 hours, P&Z had a subcommittee that met on
three occasions, and P&Z had a work session along with the topic coming up in various P&Z meetings to
be discussed. The need for the amendments is due to the situation that P&Z currently uses the 1997
Northern American Industry Classification System (NAICS), 1997 version is not available online, have to
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use a book, various industries are coded, drill down into the code and narrow the focus. Staff went
through the manual and there are entire industries that did not exist in 1997 that currently exist. P&Z '
needs guidance from Council on how to proceed, there is supposed to be an annual review of the PUT,
review is 16 to 17 years behind, will be easy for Staff to go online to check the NAICS once the PUT is
updated to a more current version. Planning and Zoning Commission member David O'Farrell stated he
was the lone no vote, original intent was to get in conformity but he had a problem during the process,
took 30 year old permitted uses that do not currently require a public hearing and inserted a public
hearing to be required, property owners are not aware.
Mayor, Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z), and the Community Development
Department Staff discussed in detail the proposed changes to the Permitted Use Table (PUT), concern
with gas stations, suggestion was made for Staff to bring an ordinance to Council at the February Council
meeting with the proposed changes with gas stations extracted, annual review of the PUT should occur
every January per the ordinance.
Mayor Holland recessed the meeting at 6:34 PM and reconvened the meeting at 7:02 PM.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 7, Communications from the Public.
Jim Gerland, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is representing Ken Wick who is in
bad health. Mr.Wick is the property owner of the Specific Use Permit request for West Willowick Avenue,
is in favor of the requested development, please consider approving this request.
Tiger Boone addressed Council and stated he has a 16 bed memory home in Dickinson, was quickly filled
and everyone loved the concept, decided to build another one, looked at where referrals were coming ,
from and found property on Willowick Avenue, is a 6,000 square foot home, would be a great place to
serve the needs of the community, is not a hospital facility, is a family setting, he and his wife own and
are present every day, is a safe environment. He further stated his wife is the manager and runs the day-
to-day operations.
Melia Boone addressed Council and stated she is the manager at Serenity Gardens, was a long-term
care administrator and decided to look for a smaller setting concept, designed a 16 bed facility, is a one-
to-five caregiver ratio, has her mother who is qualified (named her qualifications) who comes out and
checks quality of care, tries to give dignity and respect.
Colleen Kirkpatrick addressed Council and stated she owns the property next door that she rents out,
people will be concerned about having Alzheimer's facility next door, has heard concerns about people
getting out, wants to still be able to rent out her home.
Lynne Batte addressed Council and stated her mom is 81 and has lived in Serenity Gardens in Dickinson
since 2012, looked in Friendswood first, there are not many facilities in this area, has been extremely
pleased with Serenity Gardens, has become a home away from home, Melia and Tiger Boone and their
children have become part of their family, and is very pleased with this facility.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 6, Joint Public Hearing.
Mayor Holland and Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean called a Joint Public Hearing to
order to receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding a request for a Specific Use
Permit (SUP) at 118 W. Willowick Ave., being a tract of land containing .81 acres out of Lot 1, Block 1, '
partial replat of Harvey & Stout Subdivision, Galveston County, Texas, to allow NAICS Use No. 6233
Community Care Facilities for a residential style assisted living center specializing in Alzheimer's and
Dementia Care.
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Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the!
' request. Chair McLean stated there were five in favor that spoke during the Communications from thei
Public portion of the meeting.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition of the;
request. Chair McLean stated a letter was received from Ratko Segvic who is not in favor of the request.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean adjourned the Planning and Zoning Commission's;
portion of the Joint Public Hearing to the upstairs conference room. Mayor Holland left Council's portion-
of the Joint Public Hearing open.
Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals (ZBOA) member Greg Hughes gave the annual report, is here.
because ZBOA Chair Ron Dyer had an illness in the family. Mr. Hughes gave an explanation of ZBOA's
authority and tasks, has been on the committee for 12 plus years and there are other members that have,
been on longer, works closely with Deputy Director of Community Development/Building Official Frank
Manigold and Councilmember Hill is Council liaison. Mr. Hughes briefly explained details of the one case'
they had during 2013.
Mayor and Council thanked the Zoning Board of Adjustment for their work.
The City Manager Roger Roecker reported that the Annual Tree Giveaway sponsored by Keep'
' Friendswood Beautiful (KFB)will be held at Friendswood City Hall, on January 18, 2014, from 8:00 AM to
10:00 AM, or until all the trees are gone. The trees were chosen based on their suitability for the areal
Over 100 -fifteen gallon container trees up to eight feet tall will'be given away to residents, only one tree
per family. KFB will also have information on each species with planting instructions as well as
educational information on recycling, reducing, and reusing waste around the home. A Master Gardener,
will also be on hand to explain how to keep the trees thriving and answer any questions specific to the
trees. While the trees are free to attendees on a first-come, first-serve basis, KFB appreciates any and all
donations to help with their projects. For more information and/or to make a donation, please check the
City's website or contact the Community Services Department.
The City Manager reported that the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has shut down the
outside lane for northbound FM 518 traffic near Winding Road. The closure is a result of storm seweri
improvements that the State is making along this section of Friendswood Drive. Approximately 320-feet
of 3'xT box culverts are being installed to improve drainage and better stabilize the roadway pavement!
Some settlement has taken place in this area causing the need for the storm sewer work. In conjunction
with this effort, the City has been asked to relocate its waterline in the nearby vicinity as it conflicts with
the new boxes. TxDOT anticipates completing their work, weather permitting, by the start of February.
The City Manager reported on January 6, 2014, the City held an informational meeting for nearby
residents to provide facts on the developing roadway project. Whispering Pines Avenue/Friendswood
Link Road is being widened from a two-lane asphalt road to a four-lane concrete boulevard. Many,
comments were received by area residents regarding sidewalk improvements, sound walls, and impact to
nearby landscaping. This $4.5 Million project is being funded by Hurricane Ike Disaster Recovery Funds
from the General Land Office. The project is currently being advertised for bids. Staff anticipates
presenting Council a construction contract for consideration and award at the March Council meeting.
' The City Manager reported that Staff was notified of signal timing adjustments made by the Texas
Department of Transportation (TxDOT) on a number of intersections throughout the City of Friendswood.
At the request of citizens for traffic signal-related services, TxDOT engineers undertook an extensive
review of the City of Friendswood system. Following their review, adjustments were made to improve
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traffic progression, which consists of coordinating all the signals in the corridor so the overall number of
stops, traffic delays, and fuel consumption is minimized. Usually, the major roads' through movement ,
(the heaviest traffic volume)will use all programed green time regardless of whether there is still traffic or
not on the major road, because the green time is determined based on the maximum hourly traffic count
(worst case) taken during the study. Motorists may complain that detection is not working, when there is
no through movement traffic and drivers trying to make a left turn or on the side street are not getting the
green light right away. This is due to the through movement still getting all the programed green to
guarantee the progression even though no vehicles may be present. Tweaks were made to pedestrian
signals causing them to flash. This is programmed in the signal controller as part of signal coordination,
and can be removed, TxDOT does not see any problems in leaving it as programmed. TxDOT also plans
to install flashing yellow arrow turn signals at some intersections along FM 518 and FM 528, indicating an
unprotected turn against oncoming traffic, and asked for the City's input regarding these changes.
Councilmember McGinnis asked about sound walls along Friendswood Link Road, sound barriers are
ugly coming from FM 2351, is the City looking at beautification in the area, has the City discussed with
Keep Friendswood Beautiful (KFB). City Manager Roger Roecker stated cannot afford sound walls, will
be some on Galveston County side, right-of-way is narrower on Galveston County side. Assistant City
Manager Morad Kabiri stated there is a concern for sidewalks, when contract is presented in March,
Council will have the option of adding a sound wall but funds will be outside of the grant.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to reject bids regarding disposition of Bid No. 2013-11, FM 2351
Landscape and Irrigation Improvements.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved unanimously.
Community Services Director James Toney explained that the City received two bids which were well '
above the allotted budget, recommends rejecting bids received and come back at the next meeting with a
reduced scope of work, deadline for project is the end of May.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve a contract with Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Mott for the
collection of delinquent utility service accounts and authorizing the Mayor to execute the contract.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding the City's history with Perdue,
Brandon, Fielder, Collins & Mott, 419 delinquent accounts totaling under $94,000, residential accounts,
term of contract is 12 months and continues on as a month to month with a 30 day cancellation notice.
Staff has recently been successful in reducing the amount of delinquent accounts by 10% due to being
more aggressive.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve Resolution R2014-01 - A resolution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, approving the terms and conditions of an interlocal agreement by and
between Texas Revenue Recovery Association and the City of Friendswood, Texas, providing for
membership in a consortium of local governments working together to collect delinquent utility solid waste
disposal services fees; designating Roger C. Roecker, City Manager, as official representative of the City
of Friendswood relating to the program.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve Resolution R2014-02-A resolution of the City Council of the City
of Friendswood, Texas, determining that land is needed for the construction, operation, and maintenance
of Friendswood Link Road; accepting the dedication of said land from the Clear Creek Independent '
School District, property owners.
Seconded by Councilmember Gustafson. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Scott
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- I
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve Resolution R2014-03-A resolution of the City Council of the City
of Friendswood, Texas, determining land is needed for the construction, operation, and maintenance of
Friendswood Link Road; accepting the dedication of said land from Mot Van Pham, property owner.
Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Scott
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2014-01 - An
ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2013-37, passed and approved October
7, 2013, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year
2013-2014 by approving "Budget Amendment III" to the "original General Budget of the City of
Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014"; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or
transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved unanimously.
Assistant City Manager Morad Kabiri reported the Planning and Zoning Commission had a positive
recommendation for Agenda Item 13 B, approving the rezoning of 118 West Willowick Drive.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2014-02 - An ordinance
amending Appendix"C" "Zoning", of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Section 3,
"Provision for Official Zoning Map", rezoning the property generally located at 118 West Willowick Drive, a
tract of land of approximately 0.81 acres, being Lot 1 Block 1 situated in the Jay Addition, a subdivision in
Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas, more fully described herein from the current designation of
Downtown District ("DD") to Downtown District/Specific Use Permit ("DD/SUP"), permitting NAICS Use
No. 6233 "Community Care Facilities", all as more specifically provided herein; providing for the
amendment of the Official Zoning Map; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each
day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
Mayor Holland stated that Dr. Eunice Myrlene Kennedy had passed away, he did not know her, was a
principal for Friendswood Independent School District (FISD), expressed his condolences, Dr. Kennedy
was an icon in the community for 55 years, asked Staff to lower the City of Friendswood flag in her honor
on the day of her services.
Councilmember Hill stated he met Dr. Eunice Myrlene Kennedy when he was a Junior in High School,
she was a force to be reckoned with, her life was about Friendswood Independent School District(FISD),
had been talk of her retiring and he believed she would not be able to, she did not retire she finished out
her dream, for the alumni of the school district she was a treasure of information, she kept them informed
and kept addresses of everyone, in the last few years every other month a group would meet, Dr.
Kennedy would show up and kept everyone together, she will never be replaced or forgotten.
Councilmember Enochs stated it is election season, have received a lot of phone calls asking if he had
plans to run again, candidate packets will be out at the end of the month, has been an honor and
pleasure working with the City and Staff over the past three years, and announced his intention to run for
Councilmember Rockey stated he attended a quarterly meeting regarding the sewage treatment plant,
the Ultraviolet System will be installed six weeks behind schedule due to a piece of equipment the vendor
' was unable to obtain, could invoke penalty clauses in the contract which would cost up to $1,000 a day,
will delay the time frame to see lower energy costs. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
(TCEQ) did an audit inspection of the sewage treatment plant, results were negative, expecting a letter
with violations, commented on unusually high numbers of failures on bacteria test, have exceeded the
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hydraulic loading many times over the past couple of years, seem to be having a problem with storm
water again overloading the hydraulic loading, voted to use engineering service to start a survey to see ,
why there is such a wave of rain water, the storm water system should be sufficient, could be faced with
capital expenditure in the near future. Councilmember Rockey further stated that he also had Dr. Eunice
Myrlene Kennedy stories and has heard the auditorium could be named after her.
Councilmember Scott stated his term will be up in May, would like to thank everyone for being a part of
his time on Council, has enjoyed every bit of it, would like to continue for another three years, hopes
everyone that has supported him in the past have been pleased, asked for their continued support, truly
honored to serve all citizens in the City of Friendswood, is where he grew up, where his kids will grow up
and he loves it.
Councilmember McGinnis and Gustafson stated they had no report.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented with the
exception of Agenda Item B. A. Authorizing acceptance of the rehabilitation of Water Plant No. 5
project for the contractor's one-year maintenance period. C. Approving ratifying and confirming the
Mayor's signature on a January 6, 2014, letter to the General Land Office related to the City's disaster
recovery grant. D. Approve the endorsement for re-appointment of a Director to the Board of Directors of
the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District, namely, Mr. Jason Hayley, for a two-year term to expire
January 31, 2016. E. Approve the disposition of three City vehicles by public auction, two from the Police
Department and one from Community Services, in accordance with the Vehicle Replacement Policy. F.
Accepting the November 2013 Property Tax Report. G. Approving the Minutes of the October 07,
November 04, November 16, and November 18, 2013, Council Meetings.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously. '
Assistant City Manager Morad Kabiri explained the problems with Consent Agenda Item B, concrete was
vandalized and will have to repair, Staff feels confident the contractor and developer will live up to their
promise, is only one section, is in their best interest to fix the damage or they will have trouble selling
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve Consent Agenda Item B. Authorizing acceptance of public
paving and utility improvements at West Ranch Sierra Section I, for the contractor's one-year
maintenance period.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.
Mayo Key in Holland
.• pRi
n . ;
Melinda Welsh,TRMC
City Secretary
••FOFT .