HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2013-10-07 Regular 10/07/13 4201
OCTOBER 07, 2013 i
Mayor Holland called the meeting to order.
The invocation was given by Pastor Danny Mercer with Friendswood Church of Christ.
' Mayor Holland led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Mayor Holland asked if anyone would like to speak. No one spoke.
Mayor Holland asked if anyone would like to speak regarding the Executive Session. No one spoke.
Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to,
Section 551.071 - Consultation with attorney concerning pending or contemplated litigation; a settlement
offer; or a matter in which the duty of the attorney requires it (Wight Realty Interests, Ltd. vs. City of
Council reconvened into Open Session with no action taken later in the meeting.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion with the Community and Economic Development Committee
regarding the FM 528 strategy. Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) Chair
Jeremy Magnuson gave a history of how the FM 528 strategy report was developed, is a tool for Council
to use, is not solely the views of CEDC, input was received from property owners, reviewed report and
' received input from the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z), Parks and Recreation Board, and Keep
Friendswood Beautiful (KFB). Mr. Magnuson presented a PowerPoint presentation, discussed why the
FM 528 corridor is important to the City, the corridor has the largest amount of commercial acreage left in
the City and therefore has the greatest potential to diversify the tax base, free market has determined the
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FM 528 corridor area to be the most attractive for commercial development, FM 528 is linked to 1-45 with
great visibility and physical attributes of being a seven-lane road that carries more than 31,000 cars per ,
day, there are large commercial tracts available along the corridor, and records show the area generates
a substantial portion of the City of Friendswood's property and sales tax. Between February 13 and June
19, 2013, eighteen commercial property owners and/or their representatives were visited by members of
CEDC. These eighteen property owners account for 95% of the 1,348 acres of undeveloped commercial
land along the FM 528 corridor. Some of the concerns of the FM 528 commercial property owners are
that neighborhood's objections deter future developments, noncommercial developments have devalued
their land and made it less attractive to developers, a severe lack of infrastructure, feels the City is not
business friendly and sends mixed signals in regards to commercial development. The FM 528 corridor
must be utilized at its "highest and best use" because everyone wants to build homes in the City of
Friendswood. The City is running out of residential land and residential developers would like to
encroach on the available commercial property. There are currently 71 undeveloped commercial property
lots abutting FM 528 which accounts for the majority of all undeveloped land. The City has just enough
prime real estate to reach the 80/20 (residential/commercial) goal. Every year the City relies more heavily
on residential property values as a source of tax revenue and at the pace of current development,
residential property will build out first leaving only undeveloped commercial land. As the City runs out of
residential zoned land there will be ever-mounting pressure to rezone commercial property to residential
in order to meet the market demand. The City Council can help by adopting a resolution of support for
the FM 528 strategy, improve infrastructure on FM 528, seek CEDC input on all downzoning requests,
require an economic/fiscal impact analysis on zone change requests from commercial to residential, seek
CEDC input when utilizing incentives and special financing districts, formulate a unified FM 528 policy to
ensure all boards and committees work cohesively in promoting, protecting, and developing
Friendswood's most valuable commercial land, and launch a public awareness campaign to help
communicate the FM 528 strategy and the overall importance to diversify the tax base. City Council,
Planning and Zoning Commission, CEDC, Keep Friendswood Beautiful, and the Parks and Recreation
Board need to work cohesively to ensure the City can achieve the "highest and best use" of the FM 528 '
commercial land.
Further discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Community and Economic Development
Committee (CEDC) Chair Jeremy Magnuson regarding the success of HEB and why there are not more
commercial developers clamoring to come to the City of Friendswood. Infrastructure needs are a
problem, differing areas of concern such as near Alvin and in particular a large lot in Harris County will not
develop until residential expands to that portion of Friendswood. Economic Development Coordinator
Karen Capps stated there are large chunks of land by 1-45 with no infrastructure, another tract that's a
master plan on a large tract and has been owned by the bank since 2006 or 2007, price has been
dropped but is still high, yield on the property is also an issue, floodway affected the property after the
Planned Unit Development (PUD) had been approved, and when commercial developers want to come
into the City and develop residents complain. Mr. Magnuson stated Council has to be firm and say no
regarding downzoning changes, whole City needs to be surveyed and not just the impacted area in order
for Council to make a decision. The citizen survey found that residents want more retail and
diversification of the tax base. Councilmember Hill stated residential complaints also affect the Planning
and Zoning Commission (P&Z), asked would it be appropriate to have P&Z have a say in the hearing, and
City Attorney Arnold Polanco answered P&Z could state their opinions during a Joint Public Hearing.
Councilmember Rockey asked what was the plan for better public awareness of nearby property owners
and Ms. Capps stated all committees need to be on the same page regarding the FM 528 corridor,
suggests having the Mayor on video on the Public, Education, and Government (PEG) Channel to
educate the public. Councilmember McGinnis asked if additional buffers could be established between
commercial and residential properties such as possible hike and bike trails and Mr. Magnuson answered
CEDC agrees but hard to get a developer to agree, if developer agrees to a buffer zone there will still be
opponents to the commercial development being along residential. Ms. Capps thanked CEDC member
Tony Anan who met with all the property owners, stated tools CEDC thought would be helpful to Council
regarding future zone change requests would be to follow the Future Land Use Plan, have a policy '
against downzoning, seek CEDC input for any rezoning request that goes from commercial to residential,
and request a fiscal impact analysis. Mr. Anan stated he builds retail schools, was approached by the
committee to reach retailers regarding their interest in coming into the City of Friendswood, feedback
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received was 1-45 is a power retail corridor, attracts big box retailers, has the infrastructure, are competing
' with that and is not realistic for Friendswood, smaller retail is realistic, one to five acre developments,
expect the property to be ready to go with infrastructure, corner of FM 518 and FM 528 is the hub right
now, eventually will spread out, in communication with potential end users they want to see other retail go,
in first, CEDC spent a lot of time on the report, all but two pieces of property are owned by individuals,
who have no interest in developing, City's job is not to squander that opportunity, FM 528 is the most:
sought after property the City of Friendswood has, commercial generates more tax revenue than
residential, does not use as many City resources as a residential neighborhood, behooves the City to try
and promote commercial development, small business owners are frustrated in dealing with the City,;
larger developers felt the City of Friendswood was very progressive, when Council receives a request for,
downzoning consider the long term effects. Councilmember McGinnis asked if a new church or nursing'
home would like to come into a prime spot on FM 528 is there a plan to re-route to another area of the
City that would be more ideal, and Ms. Capps answered P&Z is working on the Permitted Use Table
(PUT) and will try to manage it that way. Councilmember Gustafson asked what would be an effective
means to promote the FM 528 corridor to developers and Mr. Anan answered Council giving CEDC some
direction would be helpful, there is a lot of misinformation that the City is not commercial friendly and,
favors residential over commercial and that needs to be cleared up. Mayor Holland stated if Council
wants to show that the City of Friendswood is user friendly then attend the upcoming Annual
Broker/Developer event.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion with the Parks and Recreation Board regarding changes to the
policies and procedures for City Parks. Parks and Recreation Board members Tom Goodwin, David
Montz and Mary Wise, along with Community Services Director James Toney, appeared before Council
to present the proposed changes to the policies and procedures. The changes proposed are to provide a
listing of general rules in order to have a common set of policies and procedures for all parks, rules
regarding destruction of park property, dumping, sign posting, parking, unauthorized vehicles, security
' and pets would be addressed. The sale of alcohol would be prohibited at all parks, glass containers and
smoking would be prohibited at all parks, alcohol may only be possessed during events not specifically
designed for the participation of minors. Firearms rules would be updated to reflect current State Law
which permits concealed firearms to be carried by licensed individuals. As needed, rules will be updated,
or added to the facility specific listings. The security policy is added to all listings where it applies. "Glass'
containers and smoking are prohibited" is added to all listings. A full listing of all new rules for the Splash
Pad is proposed to be added under Stevenson Park. Sesquicentennial Pool rules would be updated and
added under Stevenson Park. The Fire Marshal's building capacity is proposed to be updated for indoor,
facilities. Centennial Park and the Evelyn B. Newman Amphitheatre, previously not included in the City,
Council approved Policies and Procedures, would be added and updated. The fee structure for all
facilities available for reservation would be updated to reflect building improvements and to remain
consistent with neighboring cities. Council was provided a list of current and proposed fees.
Further discussion took place between Mayor, Council, Staff, and the Parks and Recreation Board
regarding proposed policy and procedure changes to the Community Services Rules and Regulations for
the Parks and Recreation Facilities. The sale of alcohol would not be permitted, Staff would determine if
an event was designated for the participation of minors, alcohol would be allowed at Jones Hangar,
policies regarding the consumption of alcohol have been in effect since the beginning of the Rules and
Regulations, and some language has been added to the policies and procedures to make enforcement
easier. Further discussion was held regarding the difference in fees charged to residents and nonli
residents. Councilmembers Rockey and Enochs stated they believed there should be a higher
percentage and a designated matrix to determine the difference in fees charged to residents versus non
residents, surrounding communities were consulted regarding fee scale, pool usage and fees, rules for
user groups, security requirements, and smoking requirements. Councilmembers Scott and Gustafson
made the suggestion to clarify the difference in user groups versus groups that will be required to provide
security for groups with 75 or more people. The Parks and Recreation Board will bring changes back to
' Council for their approval.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding the November 5, 2013, Bond Election. City Manager
Roger Rocker presented a PowerPoint presentation regarding the upcoming Bond Election and stated the
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presentation is what Staff has worked on and will be presented upon request for factual information at
Homeowners Association meetings or any groups interested. The City Manager began the PowerPoint '
presentation by stating the City Attorney has reviewed the presentation, Election Day will be Tuesday,
November 5, 2013, and Early Voting will be held October 21, 2013, through November 01, 2013. A
General Obligation Bond is a financing tool that a City can use to finance large capital projects over a
multi-year period, similar to a home mortgage. The reason for issuing bonds is that municipalities
constantly face the challenges of replacing and repairing aging infrastructure and maintaining the
community's quality of life. Similar to ignoring a "check engine" light in your car, neglecting infrastructure
can eventually cost much more than periodic scheduled maintenance when a catastrophic failure
eventually occurs.
Councilmember Enochs stated he was concerned with the analogy used and wording on the Why issue
bonds slide, bullet No. 2, and the City Manager stated Staff would work on the wording with the City
Attorney. Councilmember Hill stated he had a concern with bullet No. 2 stating that infrastructure has
been neglected, sounds strong to him, and the City Manager explained the statement was not specific to
the City of Friendswood.
City Manager Roger Roecker continued the PowerPoint presentation and stated many Capital Project
costs exceed the City's ability to fund on a "pay as you go" basis so bonds are used to allow the City to
pay for more costly projects over a longer period of time. The City of Friendswood has a Standard &
Poor's credit rating of AA-, is based on the City's strong financial liquidity and solid ability to meet existing
debt service obligations, and indicates a low risk investment for lenders and results in the City's ability to
obtain lower interest rates on municipal bond issuances. An ad-hoc Citizen Bond Advisory Group of over
80 residents volunteered their time to gain input from citizens regarding a future bond election. The group
began working in January 2013, and divided into smaller groups focusing on facilities, parks, streets and
drainage, and finance. The group reviewed the City's planning documents such as Capital Improvements
Plan, financial info, and met with City Staff and other boards, commissions, and committees to gather ,
facts. In June 2013, the group recommended the City call a November 5, 2013, Bond Election with four
propositions which are new facilities and upgrades for the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department, library
expansion and renovation, acquire new parkland, expand and improve existing parks, including Lake
Friendswood, and street improvements. In August 2013, Council passed an ordinance calling for the
November bond election, and the ballot follows the Bond Advisory Group's ultimate recommendations.
Proposition No. 1 will state the issuance of$6,565,000 tax bonds for designing, improving, expanding and
equipping City Fire Station No. 4 and designing, constructing, improving, and equipping a new fire station
adjacent to the Public Safety Building in the City. Proposition No. 2 will state the issuance of$2,525,000
tax bonds for the purpose of design, improving and expanding the municipal library. Proposition No. 3 will
state the issuance of$7,285,000 tax bonds for the purpose of designing, improving and expanding parks
and recreational facilities in the City, and the acquisition of land and interest in land for such purposes,
including improvements to and expansion of, Centennial Park, Lake Friendswood, Sports Park,
Stevenson Park and the acquisition and improvement of land for new parks in the City. Proposition No. 4
will state the issuance of$7,710,000 tax bonds for road and street improvements in the City, including,
but not limited to, improving Blackhawk Boulevard, Mary Ann Drive, Shadow Bend Avenue, Townes
Road, Winding Road and Woodlawn Drive. A summary of each proposition was given with slides
showing architectural renderings of the proposed new fire station, expansion of the library, improvements
to City parks, and improvements to streets and roads throughout the City.
Councilmember Enochs stated on Proposition No. 4 slide, the streets slide should state street
improvements such as and then include a list of streets, to allow flexibility, also concerned with the
Proposition No. 1 Fire Station slide about stating improved response times, and the City Manager stated
improved response times was discussed with the City Attorney and it is a fact that response time would
be improved. Councilmember Rockey asked if it would be possible to include a slide stating that money
cannot cross the bonds, has heard from several residents regarding if funds could be crossed if a
proposition did not pass. The City Manager stated Staff can add a slide discussing that. '
The City Manager continued the PowerPoint presentation and explained what it would do to taxes if the
propositions were approved. The City would work with a group of professional financial advisors to try to
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minimize the impact on the City's property tax rate, and, if approved, the bonds would be sold in multiple
' issues over several years.
Further discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and the City Manager regarding the projected tax,
rate change if all four bond propositions are approved, proposed tax rate increase if all propositions pass•
is estimated to be five and a half cents, bonds are projected to be issued in 2015, 2017, and 2019
stretching the tax rate increase over a period of years, estimated a 25 year issuance of bonds, Council
can accelerate payment of bonds if desired, interest rates vary on the market at the issuance of the
The City Manager continued with the PowerPoint presentation and discussed when construction would
begin if a proposition is approved. Before construction, the City must take steps to plan, design, and bid
a project, depending upon the type of project, and the process from planning to construction may take a
number of months. If the bond propositions are not approved by the voters and funding is not available to
complete the work, that project is held for possible inclusion in any future bond packages.
Councilmember McGinnis stated he believes the public needs to be made aware that the fifth bond;
issuance for West Ranch Management District has nothing to do with the bond propositions for the City.
The City Manager stated Staff will get the word out to the public.
Mayor Holland recessed the meeting at 6:46 PM and reconvened the meeting at 7:06 PM.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 8, Communications from the Public.
' Faye Roberson, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she would like to speak regarding
parks policies in regards to alcohol consumption and smoking, is opposed to both.
Troy Elmore, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he was at the meeting to speak•
regarding a permanent solution to Northfield Estates traffic issue and temporary speed bumps, volume)
has gone down slightly along with speed, there are two options to either remove the speed bumps or offer)
another permanent solution.
Lori Ferazzi, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she lives in Northfield Estates,
concerned with traffic issues, asked Council to create an ad hoc committee on this problem, still seeing
speeders, consider temporary barrier, speed bumps have helped but have caused a nuisance.
Kelly Kramer, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she would like Council's help with thei
Northfield Estates issue, survey that Forest of Friendswood Homeowners Association conducted was not•
accurate, consider temporary closure of Westward Lane, she and her neighbor put boulders in their yards)
because people were driving up in their yards to avoid the speed bumps.
Stephanie Lacombe, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated speed bumps in Northfield
Estates bookend her home, they work but still are a problem, please do not remove until another solution
is found.
With concurrence of Council Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 7, Joint Public Hearings.
Mayor Holland and Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean called a Joint Public hearing to
' order to receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding a zone classification change
request for 400 E. Parkwood Ave., also known as Friendswood Retirement Living Center (plat) being a
tract of land containing 13.3288 acres out of Lots 3 thru 6, Block 8, of Antoinette Voss Subdivision and
also being a portion of the replat of "The Park", located in the Sarah McKissick League, Galveston
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County, Texas, to amend Specific Use Permit No. 86-14 to clarify the previously approved "Retirement
Home for the Ambulatory Elderly" by adding NAICS Use No. 6233 Community Care Facilities for the '
Elderly and to amend the previously approved site plan by adding a new building and altering an existing
Planning Manager Nick Haby stated there was an error in the ordinance that was posted, NAICS Use No.
623 "Nursing and Residential Care Facilities" is the actual NAICS Use No. used in the ordinance, NAICS
Use No. 6233 "Community Care Facilities for the Elderly" was posted in the Joint Public Hearing, both
Use No.'s will be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission, gave a brief explanation of
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the
David Clement, applicant, stated he represents the owner of Village on the Park, has been in
Friendswood for 25 years and is an independent living facility, have requested for more space and to add
units, additional need for healthcare in the area and will license this one section for residents as they age
in place.
Mayor Holland asked about a two-story building for aging citizens, and Mr. Clement answered there will
be an elevator.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition of the
request. No one spoke. .
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean adjourned the Planning and Zoning Commission's
portion of the Joint Public Hearing. Mayor Holland left Council's portion of the Joint Public Hearing open. '
Mayor Holland and Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean called a Joint Public Hearing to
order to receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding amending Appendix C,
Zoning Ordinance of the City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances, regarding amendments to Section 8.
Supplemental District Regulations, M. Commercial Activities and Outdoor Sales by adding regulations for
Farmers Markets.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean asked if anyone would like to speak in favor or in
opposition of the request. No one spoke.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean adjourned the Planning and Zoning Commission's
portion of the Joint Public Hearing. Mayor Holland left Council's portion of the Joint Public Hearing open.
Mayor Holland and Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean called a Joint Public Hearing to
order to receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding a zone classification change
request for a tract of land containing .333 acres, Lot 1, Block 1, of Winding Hollow located at 107
Shadwell, Galveston County, Texas, to amend Specific Use Permit No. 2011-11 and allow NAICS Use
No. 812112 Beauty Salons.
Planning Manager Nick Haby stated the applicant would like to add a use for beauty salons, is located on
the other side of Stevenson Park.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the
Monique Campbell, applicant and Friendswood resident since 1988, stated she has done business in ,
Friendswood since 2012, the business is eyelash extensions and not hair, there will not be any changes
made to the building or parking spaces.
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Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition of the:
' request. No one spoke.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean adjourned the Planning and Zoning Commission's)
portion of the Joint Public Hearing. Mayor Holland left Council's portion of the Joint Public Hearing open.
Mayor Holland and Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean called a Joint Public Hearing to;
order to receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding a zone classification change
request from Planned Unit Development (PUD) No. 2004-13 to Community Shopping Center (CSC) and
Single Family Residential (SFR) at 3801 FM 528, being a total of 135.778 acres: 1. Tract 1 from PUD to
SFR: 123.20 acre tract of land situated in the Sarah McKissick Survey, Harris County, Texas. 2. Tract 2
from PUD to CSC: 3.197 acre tract of land situated in the Sarah McKissick Survey, Harris County, Texas.
3. Tract 3 from PUD to CSC: 9.4 acre tract of land situated in the Sarah McKissick Survey, Harris County,
Planning Manager Nick Haby stated the property is referred to as the Whitcomb property, current PUD is,
135 acres with numerous uses, applicant submitted an application to change the lot to 123 acres of SFR j
with approximately 12.5 acres zoned for CSC.
Mayor Holland asked if the tract would be divided into three parcels, divided by the road coming in from
Blackhawk Boulevard, and Mr. Haby stated yes the land will be divided into three parcels and the CSC is
split in two.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the
' Jeff Anderson with Beazer Homes stated they currently have the 123 acres under contract with Wells
Fargo Bank, is requesting a zoning change to SFR and CSC on the tracts, CSC is split due to Blackhawk;
Boulevard, not requesting any variances on lot sizes, tract of land has been extremely difficult to develop,
many groups have shown interest in the tract but have not been successful, has spoken to the.
Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC), knows CEDC would like to keep the whole
tract as commercial, if the interest was there it would have sold already, can create value and continue to
make the City of Friendswood a great place to live.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition of the
Mark Perry, Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) member, stated the CEDC
opposes the rezoning and asks Council to not approve the request, refer to work session earlier in this
meeting regarding commercial property, important not to downzone because of value it brings
economically to the City of Friendswood, position is City cannot keep chipping away at the remaining
commercial properties and not expect to have to raise property tax rates, commercial raises more tax
revenue, City labeled property as prime commercial real estate in the 1990's, physical attributes are high
traffic count, a major thoroughfare, Blackhawk Boulevard extension, best use would be commercial and
Mixed Use Development, recent survey by citizens was diversification of tax base and attract businesses,
does not conform to current zoning map, CEDC believes there is no economic benefit to the City or
taxpayers, strongly recommends the City not approve the zone change request, wait for a Mixed Use
Developer that matches the land's commercial potential.
Mike Hess, Friendswood resident, stated the property is along the creek, whatever is developed should
maintain pristine view on the lake for wildlife and waterfowl, Whitcomb Cemetery is also on the land, need
to make sure it is maintained, known and protected.
' David Smith, Friendswood resident, stated he would like to encourage Council to vote against the
rezoning request, does not believe it meets the test of the City's underlying documents that memorializes
past decades of City Council meetings, Planning and Zoning Commission meetings, Community and
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Economic Development meetings and Public Hearings, documents such as Vision 2020 that talks about
economic diversity within the community, Comprehensive Land Plan that designates this property as a '
piece of major commercial development, does not support shrinking the gap in the City's financial
requirements in a long term financial plan, City does not need another subdivision and strip center, have
been successful with that from a family planning standpoint but it has hurt the City as far as revenue to
support that same residential base of homeowners, need to start making some changes, this is one of the
very few properties available that abuts the creek and road that does not buffer a neighborhood, many
developers have looked at this property but it was around the time that the economy downturn took place,
financial money shrunk and financing was not available, many developers went out of business, the
economy is getting better, suggested the opportunity for commercial development will increase not
decrease, should wait and take advantage of the opportunity. He further stated the within the next two
years new roads will be connected to FM 528, new subdivisions will be built outside the City of
Friendswood, will increase traffic and influence, and the City needs to take advantage of bringing those
commercial tax dollars into the City of Friendswood. If the zoning does not remain as a Planned Unit
Development (PUD) the City forgoes the opportunity of the property being developed into things such as
appliance stores, bowling alleys, clothing and shoe stores, movie theaters, engineering firms, biomedical
research facilities, strip centers will not do it. There is one benefit of rezoning the property that must be
acknowledged, part of the property could become church property, and God's work would be done.
Without the rezoning this could be done in conjunction with a larger commercial development.
George Adler, Friendswood resident, stated he moved to the City of Friendswood in 1988, was quiet and
peaceful, currently can hear sirens every night, traffic and crime has tripled through the years, would
rather see parks or churches but not another subdivision.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean adjourned the Planning and Zoning Commission's
portion of the Joint Public Hearing to convene in the upstairs conference room. Mayor Holland left
Council's portion of the Joint Public Hearing open. ,
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 9, Communications from Committees
and Special Reports.
Senior Citizen Advisory Committee Chair Paul Gordner reported on the activities at the Senior Center.
Staff is doing an excellent job at the Senior Center. The bi-monthly newsletter is now being distributed by
e-mail with a few being published at the Center upon request. Daily transportation to and from the Senior
Center is being provided by the new bus, diverse activities are provided to improve seniors physically,
mentally, socially, and spiritually. Average daily attendance at the center is 100. Events for the year
included a spaghetti luncheon, spring and fall picnics, fishing tournament, volunteer luncheon,
watermelon bash and bingo, casino extravaganza, health fair, Go Texan luncheon, tea party, BBQ
fundraiser, celebration of marriage, rodeo, Christmas in September, pie social, quarterly breakfast, cookie
social, and a Fashion Show. The holiday events included a Valentine dance, Thanksgiving potluck,
Christmas Luncheon, Cinco de Mayo celebration, and Veterans luncheon. Over 60 trips to various
attractions were made. Accomplishments and improvements for the year were the purchase of 45 new
chairs, completion of the bus awning, completion of a new sidewalk to the parking lot, a productive
garden, addition of three handicap parking spaces, and the completion of a new storage room to better
utilize existing space. Some classes now have as many as 45 participants so a larger facility may be
needed in the future. It has been a very busy year and the committee is expecting better things to
happen in the future, invited Council to come visit the Senior Center.
Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership (BAHEP) Executive Director Dan Seal gave the annual report
and stated it has been a busy year and a pleasure working with the City of Friendswood. BAHEP is a 37
year old, member-driven organization which provides leadership to stimulate regional economic '
development and employment. More than 260 member companies, business professionals, local
governments, and educational institutions are engaged to bring about prosperity to the 800,000 people
who live and work in this region. He further reported on BAHEP's work to recruit, retain, and expand
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companies and jobs. This year almost half of BAHEP's leads are heavy industrial companies, whichl
many of their employees will choose to live or shop in the City of Friendswood. BAHEP is working to,
counter the negative Biggert-Waters federal legislation which is making flood insurance more expensive
for homeowners and businesses. Mr. Seal stated on behalf of BAHEP he would like to thank,
Friendswood City Council for recently passing a resolution of support in favor of amending the damaging
bill. BAHEP is also working with Dr. Bill Merrell of Texas A&M University to advance storm surge
suppression technologies to protect the region from hurricane surges. In 2013, BAHEP conducted eight
advocacy trips, two trips to Washington D.C., and six trips to Austin during the Texas Legislature Session.
A group went to Washington D.C., for the Annual Citizens for Space Exploration Advocacy to meet with
Congress to discuss the benefit of space exploration, message of the importance of NASA was delivered
to each congressional office with the help of Councilmember Rockey. In Austin, BAHEP advocated at'
Space Day Texas and at Texas Chemical Day, advocated for local education partners and for the
region's Texas Aerospace Scholars program. BAHEP hosted four national site consultants this year and
attended several conferences including the Heli-Expo Conference, the Commercial Real Estate Expo,
and the Biotechnology Conference. In November, BAHEP will support the City of Friendswood in the
Annual Commercial Broker and Developer Day Lunch and Learn, and Economic Development
Coordinator Karen Capps will attend the International Shopping Center Council's Conference with
BAHEP to promote retail opportunities in the City of Friendswood. BAHEP is working with officials at
Friendswood's neighboring Ellington Airport to help Ellington become licensed as a commercial
spaceport. BAHEP is also working with State Senator Larry Taylor to get Ellington Field certified during
the next legislative session as a base that has been realigned according to Base Realignment and
Closure. It has been a busy year and BAHEP is proud of their successful relationship with the City of
' City Manager Roger Roecker reported in October of 2003, the City teamed up with the Friendswood
Chamber of Commerce to conduct the first Annual Broker Event on the same day as the Chambers.
Annual Golf Tournament. This year's 111h Annual Broker and Developer Day Event and 161h Annual
Swing into Fall Golf Tournament will be held on, October 17, 2013, at Timber Creek Golf Club. Each
year, there are about 50 attendees at the workshop, and more than half of the participants at the
Chamber's golf tournament are from the broker event. The event is sponsored by CenterPoint Energy's
Economic Development Department. The Chair of the Community and Economic Development
Committee, Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership, and Economic Development Coordinator will makes
presentations and interact with the commercial brokers and developers interested in doing business in the,
City of Friendswood. The Mayor and Council's involvement in this important event is appreciated.
The City Manager reported the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department (FVFD) will host their AnnuJ
Open House on Sunday, October 13, 2013, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. It will be held at Fire Station No. 1 in)'
front of Stevenson Park on Friendswood Drive. The City contracts with the FVFD to provide fire and!
emergency medical services to the citizens of Friendswood. The department responds to an average ofl
2,400 calls per year with approximately 90 volunteers operating from four fire stations. Emergency,
service is provided with three Mobile Intensive Care capable ambulances, four Emergency Medical
Service first responder vehicles, five engines, one ladder truck and other support vehicles. This will be a
great opportunity for the residents of Friendswood to learn about the Friendswood Volunteer Fire
Department and the services they provide to the community.
The City Manager reported in conjunction with America Recycles Day, the City and Keep Friendswood
Beautiful are holding the Annual Fall Haul-A-Day, cleanup and garage sale event on Saturday, November,
2, 2013, at Centennial Park. This is not an area-wide event, but is presented for the benefit of the citizens
of Friendswood. Free paper shredding is being sponsored by Copy Dr. from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. or until the
truck is full. There is a 200 pound limit of paper per vehicle. Only non-hazardous items will be accepted.
' Residents can donate garage sale items to Keep Friendswood Beautiful (KFB). Garage sale items can be
dropped off the morning of the event at Centennial Park. All proceeds from the garage sale will benefit
the beautification of City facilities and parks. KFB would like to encourage residents to bring items that
would benefit the wildlife rehabbers in Friendswood. They need aquariums (do not have to hold water),
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dog and cat kennel carriers, clean rags (towels/shirts), and shallow crock bowls. These volunteers take
care of the many injured wild animals that make their homes in Friendswood's green space. Hazardous '
Waste will not be accepted.
The City Manager reported as a result of being affected by Hurricane Ike in 2008, the City of Friendswood
received approximately $2.5 Million in disaster recovery funding for generators at lift stations and water
plants as well as improvements to Fire Station No. 3. This was a part of the State's"Round V of disaster
recovery funding. The State's General Land Office (GLO) is responsible for managing and allocating
these federal disaster dollars. A second round of disaster recovery funding was subsequently made
available and the City was allocated approximately $4.5 Million dollars. Staff worked with the State for a
number of months to determine which projects in the City would be eligible for this funding. The State
ultimately approved funding for the expansion of Friendswood Link Road from Blackhawk Boulevard to
FM 518. The City Manager gave an update of the City's Round 1 and Round 2.2 disaster recovery
projects. Regarding Round 1, the City's emergency generator projects and Fire Station No. 3
rehabilitation have been completed, and Staff is pleased with the added readiness that these projects will
provide in the event of another natural disaster. Staff was informed by the State soon after these projects
were complete that there was approximately $496,000 in leftover funding (out of the original $2.5 million)
that the City is still eligible to use. Working with the City's administrators and with the State, Staff was
able to submit a 'draw request' for an approximate$117,000 cash reimbursement to pay the City back for
local funds spent on Fire Station No. 3 (for the bay extension portion of the fire station) during the Round
1 Fire Station No. 3 work. After this reimbursement, the City will have $378,909 remaining in Round 1
grant funds. Staff is working with the City's grant administrator and plans to use these funds to install an
improved electronic monitoring Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System that will be
designed to monitor and collect data from critical water and wastewater systems, and communicate
this information to the Public Works Department on a 24 hour basis. This is a vital system in helping
Public Works operate and maintain the City's lift stations and water plants. Staff is currently working with
the State to amend the City's "performance statement" to include the SCADA System project in the City's '
Round 1 set of the State's GLO eligible projects. Assuming it receives approval from the State, the
project will need to be designed and bid. Regarding Round 2.2, the City has received environmental
clearance on the Friendswood Link Road expansion project, and Staff is currently working on right-of-way
(ROW) acquisition associated with the expansion. Engineering design is approximately 98% complete.
Once the ROW acquisition process is finalized, the City will advertise and bid the project. Staff is aiming
to advertise the project in the coming weeks, however the timing of this is contingent upon the finalization
of the ROW acquisition, along with the State's review and approval of the City's GLO right-of-way
acquisition documents. Staff will continue to keep Council updated on the status of these important
projects as they move forward.
The City Manager reported that Council approved the ordinance calling a bond election to be held on
Tuesday, November 5, 2013. Staff is planning an Open House for Tuesday, October 15, 2013, from 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. at City Hall. This is planned to be an educational forum to provide information to the public
about each of the four bond propositions. A PowerPoint presentation regarding the proposed projects will
be played continuously throughout the evening, written material will be available, and architectural
renderings will be displayed in the City Hall lobby. Staff will also be on hand to answer questions.
Another event related to the November 5, 2013, Bond Election is an opportunity for the citizens to visit
Lake Friendswood on Saturday, October 19, 2013, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. The development of the lake
into a City park is included in Proposition No. 3, therefore, Staff is setting up this visit as a chance for the
citizens to see the lake property. All of these activities are intended to provide information to help the
citizens become more informed about the projects to be voted on in the upcoming election.
"Councilmember Enochs moved to approve the reappointment of Thomas McDonald, Corey Kirkland,
Anthony Scarpa, Judy De Alejandro, Michelle Scarpa, Christine Scarpa, Stefanie Karecostas, Stacy ,
Scarpa, and Rufino Ramirez to the Fourth of July Steering Committee with terms to expire November
2016; reappointment of Robert Bozka and Alan Rasmussen to the Investment Committee with terms
to expire November 2016; appointment of Katy Blanchard to Keep Friendswood Beautiful Committee with
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a term to expire November 2016; reappointment of Sara Eakin, Patricia Steinke, and Susan Stephens toll
Keep Friendswood Beautiful with terms to expire November 2016; appointment of alternate members;
Robert Zurawski, Elizabeth Stacy, and David Broom to the Library Board with terms to expire November
2016; and reappointment of regular member Irma Trevino, and alternate member Dennis Rundell to the;
Senior Citizens Advisory Committee with terms to expire November 2016.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved unanimously.
Councilmember Hill stated he will not be supporting the reappointment of Penny Burke to the Parks and
Recreation Board, had a conversation with her earlier in the year and she stated she thought the City was
poorly managed, when he attends other organization's events the City of Friendswood is used as the gold
standard, have other members not wanting to return or attend the Parks and Recreation Board meetings
because Ms. Burke takes up most of the time in the meeting.
Councilmember Scott stated having served on the Parks and Recreation Board for three years prior to
becoming a Councilmember he has not had any issues with Ms. Burke, she brings historical perspective
to meetings, her passion does not always align with the rest of the board, need a diverse group of
perspectives. Councilmember Scott stated that he supports the reappointment of Ms. Burke.
"Councilmember Scott moved to approve the appointment of Justin Kimball to fill a vacancy of an
unexpired term on the Parks and Recreation Board with a term to expire November 2015; appointment of
Frank Stephen Hever to the Parks and Recreation Board with a term to expire November 2016; and
reappointment of Lee Revere and Penny Burke to the Parks and Recreation Board with terms to expire
November 2016.
Seconded by Councilmember Gustafson. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Hill
"*Mayor Holland moved to approve the traffic calming policy in Northfield Estates to include speed humps
' Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion failed 3-4 with Councilmembers Rockey, Enochs, Scott,
and Gustafson opposed.
Assistant City Manager Morad Kabiri gave a brief explanation of the Northfield Estates traffic calming
issues, and stated Staff is looking for direction from Council, speed bumps are not currently permitted in
the City's current Traffic Calming Policy.
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council, and Staff regarding traffic calming measures in Northfield
Estates. If Council decides to keep the speed humps in place Staff recommends a more permanent
solution, speed humps were removed by people other than City Staff. Councilmember Hill stated he
believes the speed humps have been effective in lowering vehicle speed, he would like to see permanent
speed humps installed. Traffic counts have not been affected, traffic volume has remained consistent
since the installation of the speed humps, has lowered the level of speed, does give a higher level of
safety. Councilmember Enochs stated he believes it is too soon to declare victory or failure, need a multi-
faceted approach to reach a solution. The Homeowners Association (HOA) conducted surveys, Staff and
the HOA are awaiting direction from Council, Staffs recommendation is to follow the traffic calming policy,
have the HOA come back to Council with a recommendation, and Staff has not seen anything from an
engineering perspective to justify drastic measures in Northfield Estates that cannot be applied in other
parts of the City. Councilmember Scott stated he will not support keeping the speed humps, issue was
originally brought to Council as a problem with the volume of traffic not speeding, residents wanted the
traffic reduced, only true answer to the problem is to get HOA and the majority of the residents in the
neighborhood to petition Council for a resolution. Councilmember Scott stated further he does not believe
currently that a majority of the neighborhood supports keeping the speed humps. Councilmemberi
Gustafson stated there was not an overwhelming support of the speed humps by the residents, people
are driving around the speed humps, and property values could be impacted negatively due to the speed
' humps being unsightly. Councilmember Rockey suggested that the Police Department increase patrols
in Northfield Estates in an effort to alter driver's behavior, and Friendswood Police Chief Bob Wieners
stated the Police Department had previously increased patrols and wrote tickets. Clarification was made
on the motion, a vote in favor of the motion would be to keep the speed humps and create permanent
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speed humps in Northfield Estates, and a vote against the motion would be to remove the speed humps
from Northfield Estates. '
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve disposition of RFP No. 2013-08 for Utility Rate Study and
award to Water Resources Management.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approve unanimously.
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve a contract with Motorola, Inc. for dispatch consoles in the Police
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve an amended agreement with Harris County for election
services for a November Band Election and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Gustafson
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 17, Resolution.
**Councilmember McGinnis moved to discuss Resolution No. R2013-19—A resolution of the City Council
of the City of Friendswood, Texas, approving the fifth Bond Issuance of the West Ranch Management
District, for the proposed amount of$1,270,000.
Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. No action was taken.
Discussion between Mayor, Council, Staff, and Tim Austin, West Ranch Management District's General
and Bond Council, regarding the fifth Bond Issuance of the West Ranch Management District for the '
proposed amount of$1,270,000. A brief history was given, in 2005 the City entered into an agreement
that outlined to cap the overall debt at $14 Million, later the cap was raised to $15.4 Million. Further
discussion was held regarding the maturity of the bonds, the City limits all Bond Issuance to no more than
30 years maturity, and all bonds will mature and be retired the same year. Mr. Austin explained the
issuance cost, first bond issues always have a higher soft cost, pertains to the construction cost, cost of
issuance of the fifth issuance is a good rate at 26%, management districts do not consist of the same
credit rating of a municipality therefore the interest rate is higher, if Bond Issuance is delayed the 30 year
maturity deadline is compressed and the management district has a harder time paying off the debit,
causing a higher tax rate. Councilmember Rockey asked if Council did approve the Bond Issuance would
the residents of West Ranch experience a tax rate increase incrementally, and Mr. Austin answered no, in
the agreement with the City the management district cannot issue bonds if they cannot be serviced with a
maximum 65 cent tax rate. Councilmember Rockey asked if Council does not approve the bond issuance
what would happen, and Mr. Austin answered the bonds could not be issued, the agreement states the
City will approve if conditions lined out in the agreement are met. Councilmember Enochs clarified that
this bond issuance would not show on the City's November 05, 2013, Bond Election ballot.
Councilmember Gustafson stated he has concerns over the issuance cost and presumes it is developed
as a percentage of the amount of bond. Councilmember McGinnis asked what exactly makes up the
issuance cost, and Mr. Austin answered payment for lawyers and financial advisors, developers interest,
bond discount, capital interest, and the Attorney General receives a portion. Mayor and Council, with
approval from the City Attorney, came to the consensus to take no action and revisit the issue in one
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2013-30 -
An ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix C — ,
"Zoning," Section 15, "Amendments," Subsection D. "Notice of joint hearings," by revising and updating
notice requirements for amendments to comply with H.B. 674 requiring notice of certain proposed
municipal zoning changes to school districts; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent
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or in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and providing for effective date of September 1, 2013.
' Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Enochs moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2013-34 - An
ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2012-26, passed and approved October
1, 2012, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year
2012-2013 by approving "Budget Amendment XVI" to the "Original General Budget of the City of,
Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2012-2013"; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or,
transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject. I
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2013-35 - An
ordinance amending the code of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Chapter 74 'Taxation" to create a new:
Article III, 'Impact Fees", for purposes of amending and updating Land Use Assumptions and Capital.
Improvements Plan for Impact Fees (Impact Fees), pursuant to the Texas Local Government Code;
annotated, § 395.001 ET. SEQ., providing provisions for adequate public facilities to serve new,
development by requiring each such development to pay its pro rata share of the costs, fee assessment,
calculation and connection; the use of proceeds; provision for appeals, refunds and related matters;'
providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $500 for violation of any provisions hereof by inclusion in
the Code of Ordinances; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict
herewith; providing for severability; and providing for notice and effective date.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
Planning Manager Nick Haby reported the Planning and Zoning Commission vote for Agenda Item 18 D,
amending the Code of Ordinances to allow for Farmers Markets was approved unanimously.
' **Councilmember Hill moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2013-36 - An ordinance
amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix C — "Zoning," Section 8,
"Supplementary District Regulations," Subsection M., "Commercial Activities and Outdoor Sales," Subpart
2 "Outdoor Sales," to allow for Farmers Markets, by adding a new Subparagraph K. "Farmers Markets,"
defining and regulating such use; providing a penalty for violation in an amount not to exceed $2000, or
as otherwise provided by law; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict
herewith; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2013-37 - An
ordinance approving and adopting the City of Friendswood, Texas, General Budget for the Fiscal Year
2013/2014; making appropriations for the City for such Fiscal Year as reflected in said budget, and
making certain findings and containing certain provisions relating to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2013-38 - An
ordinance providing for the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for
the tax year commencing October 1, 2013 and ending September 30, 2014; providing the date on which
such taxes shall be due and payable; providing for penalty and interest on all taxes not timely paid;
providing for severability; and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
Planning Manager Nick Haby reported the Planning and Zoning Commission vote for Agenda Item 18 G,
amending Ordinance 84-16 Planned Unit Development - Special Use Permit for 400 East Parkwood
Avenue was approved with a vote of 6-1.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2013-39 - An ordinance
amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix C — "Zoning," by
amending Planned Unit Development-Specific Use Permit (PUD-SUP) Ordinance 84-16 creating PUD #1
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for 400 East Parkwood Avenue, Friendswood retirement living center, a 13.3288 acre tract of land out of
Lots 3 thru 6, Block 8 of the Antoinette Voss Subdivision as recorded in Volume 254-A, Page 9 of '
Galveston County Clerk's records, and also being a portion of the replat of"The Park" as recorded in Plat
Book 17, Maps 85-86, Galveston County plat records, located in the Sarah McKissick League Survey
Abstract 151, Friendswood, Galveston County, Texas, more specifically described in Exhibit"A", attached
hereto, located in the "Community Overlay District" (COD); to clarify and approve use as NAICS #623
"Nursing and Residential Care Facilities" in place of the previously approved "Retirement Home for the
Ambulatory Elderly" use, allowing revision of the prior site plan for addition of a new 2-story building for 20
new assisted living units, alternative exterior facade materials, alteration of an existing building by
removing 16 independent living quarters, converting the interior for 5 assisted living units and 14
Alzheimer's Care Units, providing for setback requirements and related amendments for such purposes
as depicted in Exhibit"B", attached hereto, but otherwise subject to the prior regulations, restrictions, and
conditions of Ordinance 84-16 and specific conditions herein; and providing a penalty in an amount not to
exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
"Councilmember Scott moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2013-40 - An
ordinance of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, supplementing Ordinance No. 2013-31
calling a Bond Election to be held within the City on November 5, 2013; making provision for the conduct
of the election; and containing other provisions incidental thereto.
Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. The motion was approved 5-2 with Councilmembers Enochs and
Gustafson opposed.
Planning Manager Nick Haby reported the Planning and Zoning Commission vote for Agenda Item 18 I,
rezoning for 107 Shadwell Lane was approved unanimously.
"Councilmember Hill moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2013-41 - An ordinance '
amending Appendix "C" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, being the Zoning
Ordinance of the City, by amending the zoning classification of a .333 acre tract of land, located at 107
Shadwell Lane , Lot 1, Block 1 of Winding Hollow , according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Plat
Record 18, Map Number 1062 in the Map Records of Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas, providing
for the granting of an amendment to the Specific Use Permit(PUD-SUP) approved by Ordinance 2011-11
on May 5, 2011, to allow for NAICS Use #812112 "Beauty Salons," in addition to the uses and any
applicable conditions or regulations contained in prior Ordinance 2011-11 for the subject property;
correcting prior ordinances 99-26 and 2000-38 clarifying prior ordinances in relation to the property
located at the subject address; providing for amendment of the official Zoning Map; providing_ a penalty in
an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved unanimously.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 16, Discussion and possible action
regarding accepting or rejecting a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding
a zone change request for 135.778 acres at 3801 FM 528 (Whitcomb Property).
Mayor Holland closed Council's portion of the Joint Public Hearings.
Councilmember Gustafson stated he had nothing to report.
Councilmember Scott stated Mike Hopkins, a Friendswood resident that he coached football with last
year, is at the International Space Station. Mr. Hopkins invited Councilmember Scott and his family to the
launch and it was amazing, is a great guy, wife is a teacher, great family and great people. '
Councilmember McGinnis stated the 4rh Of July Steering Committee is hard at work already for next year's
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' celebration. If anyone would like to get involved with a great committee consider the 4th of July Steering
Councilmember Hill expressed his condolences to Assistant City Manager Morad Kabiri and his family for
the passing of his mother, they are in his prayers.
Councilmember Enochs stated the City of Friendswood will host the Galveston County Mayor's and
Councilmembers'Association (GCMCA) meeting in July 2014. Hears a lot of things stating libraries are a
thing of the past but not the City of Friendswood's Library, gave stats, circulation is up 3%.
Councilmember Rockey stated he appreciates the City letting him sit in on the Enterprise Software, very
interesting and well done, enjoyed the experience, discussed how election results will be notified, and
spoke with Galveston County Commissioner Ken Clark regarding how much Galveston County is,
charging for election services, and Mr. Clark will be sending an email out with an explanation, new i
furniture store on FM 2351 is now open, very nice shop, feels very much like Friendswood.
Mayor Holland expressed his condolences to Assistant City Manager Morad Kabiri, and stated for
residents to beware of Halloween kids out trick or treating, be careful out on the streets.
"Councilmember Rockey moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Approving
a Congregate Meal Program Interlocal Agreement with Galveston County Parks and Senior Services
Department for the City's Senior Citizen meal program. B. Authorizing amending the Economic
' Development agreement with Masa Sushi Japanese Restaurant to extend the construction
commencement date for 90 days. C. Accepting the August 2013 Property Tax Report. D. Approving the
Minutes of August 05, August 12, and August 26, 2013, Council Meetings.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved unanimously.
No action was taken regarding accepting or rejecting a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning
Commission regarding a zone change request for 135.778 acres at 3801 FM 528 (Whitcomb Property).
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.
Mayor Ke in olland
'•FRIE � '
Melinda Welsh, TRMC
City Secretary
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