HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2013-09-09 Regular i
09/09/13 4190
SEPTEMBER 09, 2013 )(
Councilmember McGinnis was absent from the meeting.
Mayor Holland called the meeting to order.
' The invocation was given by Pastor Jim Towne with Friendswood Friends Church.
Mayor Holland led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Fred Krch, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated as a follow up to what the minist Ir
stated, what kind of relationship should we have with each other, no man has the right to rule another
man without his permission, how do you get that permission, each elected official has a great
responsibility to those who elected them to office, does Council realize the burden they have accepted,
please consult with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, if you respond to this suggestion the City would
have considerate and faithful men governing the City, and the founders understood that Christianity,
virtue, and liberty are inseparably united. j
Keith Drake, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he was the president of the Forest of
Ftiendswood's Homeowner's Association (HOA), presented a handout to Council regarding a survey the
HOA did on traffic in Northfield Estates, survey was presented online to all residents of Forest of
Friendswood that had registered their e-mail address and a postcard survey was sent to every home
located in Northfield Estates and Section 7 just inside Westward Lane. The summary of the results is the
online survey had 197 respondents, a 57% response rate, more than two thirds did not think there was
excessive traffic volume in Northfield Estates, nearly 60% think the speed bumps are not effective in
reducing excessive traffic volume, 57% do not think there is excessive traffic violations in Northfield
Estates, and about half think the speed bumps are effective in reducing traffic violations. On a scale of 11
to 5 to keep the speed bumps or remove the speed bumps, more than three quarters do not favor any
type of additional traffic mitigation in Northfield Estates. The postcard survey conducted with residents of
Northfield Estates had 69 responses for a 39% response rate, more than one half do not think there is
' significant traffic volume and/or violations in Northfield Estates, nearly 70% do not think the speed bumps
are effective in reducing traffic volume, just over one half do not think the speed bumps are effective in
reducing traffic violations, on a scale of 1 to 5 to keep the speed bumps or remove the speed bumps, a
majority of respondents do not favor any type of additional traffic mitigation in Northfield Estates.
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Mayor Holland asked what percentage of total residents participated in the survey. '
Mr. Drake answered that the survey was sent to every resident that registered their e-mail address, 715
homes in Forest of Friendswood, over 400 e-mail addresses, 57% responded which was 197.
Councilmember Hill asked how many homes are in the Forest of Friendswood, and Mr. Drake answered
715 homes.
Councilmember Enochs stated 197 people responded via e-mail and some responded via postcard. Mr.
Drake stated 178 postcards were sent to Northfield Estates.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding the City's Fiscal Year 2013-2014 General Fund Budget.
Administrative Services Director Cindy Edge presented a PowerPoint presentation, explained actions
taken over the last several years, budgets with no new programs, no Municipal Cost Index (MCI)
adjustments to the base budget, adopted Effective Tax Rate or slightly less, deferred street and facilities
maintenance, deferred equipment purchases, deferred technology infrastructure upgrade, limited merit
funding, and operating budget reductions. Budget drivers are limited growth in property values,
fluctuations in sales tax revenue, investment income declined from $400,000 to $62,000. Capital
Improvement Projects (CIP) completed in Fiscal Year 2013 were Blackhawk Boulevard reconstruction
from Friendswood Link Road to Thursa Lane, Oak Vista Drive reconstruction, a portion of Wandering
Trails was reconstructed, lighting of Field No. 33 at Centennial Park, Stevenson Park Splash Pad Phase
1 installation, and complete build-out of the Animal Control facility. Fiscal Year 2013 alternative funding
sources were $4.5 Million from General Land Office (GLO) Round 2 for Friendswood Link Road
improvements, $50,000 from Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Transportation Enhancement '
Program for Falcon Ridge Boulevard striping project, and continued grant funding of $62,000 for Crime
Victim Liaison, $48,000 from Emergency Management Performance Grant, and $196,000 from other
public safety-related funding. Accomplishments in Fiscal Year 2013 were that the City was recognized as
the 20rh Safest City in America, placed 3rd in the Keep Texas Beautiful Governor's Community
Achievement, and maintained the City's excellent record by receiving numerous awards, Government
Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Excellence in Financial Reporting Award, GFOA Distinguished
Budget Presentation Award, Texas Comptroller's Leadership Circle "Gold" Designation for financial
transparency, and Keep Texas Beautiful Excellence in Reporting recognition. The estimated 2013
taxable value at certification is $2,502,557,278, an estimated increase of$67,668,534 from 2012 taxable
value. The Effective Tax Rate (ETR) is $0.5914, with $92,942,130 still under protest or not certified, and
is estimated that 95% of this value will become certified. Further discussion took place regarding the
formula used to calculate the ETR, discussed Fiscal Year 2014 proposed tax rate comparison with
neighboring cities, Friendswood is in the middle, showed exemptions offered such as homestead, over
65, disabled persons, disabled veterans, HB366, Freeport, total exemptions for 2013 is $515,022,387,
and unrealized levy for 2013 is $3,045,724, discussed the numerous services residents receive from
property taxes paid. General Fund changes from the August 5, 2013, Council meeting are revenue
changes of an increase of $49,154 for property tax revenue adjusted for change in value and the ETR,
expenditure changes of a decrease of $89,357 for electricity savings due to the contract renewal with
Public Power Pool, a decrease of $15,000 from the City Manager's budget for the Friendswood
Newsletter, a decrease of$50,260 for a Decision Package for a Purchasing Manager to a mid-year hire, a
decrease of $23,193 for Court Building/Security and Technology funding for Court Staff training, travel,
and software maintenance, and an increase of $20,500 for a Decision Package from the City Secretary
for November Election services, an increase of$4,000 for a Decision Package from Community Services
for equipment maintenance, an increase of$64,200 for a Decision Package for a mid-year hire of a Police
Officer, and an increase of $65,917 for a Decision Package for a mid-year purchase of a police patrol
Tahoe vehicle. A discussed took place regarding residential water/sewer rate comparison to other cities, '
Friendswood water rate is 20% less than the average city, Friendswood sewer rate is 23% less than the
average city, no proposed rate change at this time, and a Utility Rate Study should be done.
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City Manager Roger Roecker continued the PowerPoint presentation and stated Council direction is
' needed regarding the tax rate. Tax rate options are the Effective Tax Rate at$0.5914, current tax rate is
$0.5970, additional property tax revenue of$120,083 would be available for appropriation in the proposed
budget if Council elected to keep the current rate. Additional property tax revenue can be used for street
maintenance. There is $500,000 appropriated in the proposed .budget, $120,083 could be added for a
total of $620,083. Another use of the additional property tax would be to reduce fund balance
appropriation, currently $252,399 is proposed for street maintenance, the additional $120,083 could
reduce the amount to$132,316. An additional option would be a Municipal Cost Index (MCI) adjustment,
$120,083 could be added to non-personnel operating budget. The impact of past savings is in the
maintenance budget, more Decision Packages are coming from departments with smaller amounts
because MCI has not increased. If the current tax rate was upheld there would be a $0.75 increase per
month to property owners with an average market value home of $200,000. Agenda Item 17 is to take
possible action to adopt a tax rate greater than the ETR at the October 7, 2013, meeting if desired, if the
ETR is the desired rate of Council there is no action needed for Agenda Item 17.
Mayor, Council, and Staff held a discussion regarding the options available for property tax rates,
Effective Tax Rate (ETR) of $0.5914 or the current tax rate of $0.5970. Councilmembers Rockey and
Gustafson stated they support keeping the current tax rate, Mayor Holland, Councilmembers Enochs, Hill,
and Scott stated they support following the ETR. Further discussion was held regarding the steps
Council would need to take if Council decided to use a tax rate greater than the ETR, and the desire of
Council to have the Homestead and Over 65 exemptions listed in detail on the property tax invoices sent
to residents from the Galveston County Tax Assessor Collector.
"Councilmember Hill moved to suspend the Rules of Procedure to take agenda items out of order.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved 6-0.
' Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA)
proposed insurance rate changes to flood maps. Assistant City Manager Morad Kabiri explained the rate
changes with a PowerPoint presentation and reported that in July 2012, Congress passed and the
President signed, the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act, extends the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP) for five years, and calls for FEMA and other agencies to make changes to the way in
which NFIP operates. Biggert-Waters Act major changes are higher premiums for buildings below the
Base Flood Elevation (BFE), no discounts for properties below the BFE, even if they met code at the time
they were built, Pre-Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and grandfathered rates are phased-out, and
subsidized insurance rates will be phased out for all properties except Pre-FIRM primary residences that
have not lost their qualification for the rate. The Biggert-Waters Act's impact on homeowners are rules for
NFIP will change and the new flood maps compound the problem by changing the BFE and increasing
the floodplain, rates for flood insurance will increase, homes in floodplain would become difficult to sell,
likely there will be a decrease in housing values, likely there will be an increase in housing vacancy rates,
and homeowners with no mortgage will likely drop flood insurance. The Biggert-Waters Act's impact on
the tax base will be that the property tax base will decrease as result of lower property values, likely an
increase in rental property, likely a decrease in economic development, deterioration of City infrastructure
due to the decrease in funds available for operation and maintenance, likely a decrease in City services,
and likely an increase in slum and blight, the potential impact is devastating. Suggestions on what to do
are cities and other organizations need to pass resolutions opposing Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance
Reform Act of 2012, a Regional Economic Impact Study will be funded by Harris County, contact Federal
Representatives, and contact Texas Municipal League (TML) and other organizations.
Mayor, Council, and Staff held a discussion regarding the Federal Emergency Management Agency's
(FEMA) flood maps, a large portion of the Forest of Friendswood, Windsor Estates, and a portion of West
Ranch is impacted by the new maps. Staff has been working on appealing the flood maps, the two major
drivers are incorrect maps and some rates will increase substantially even though a claim has never been
' made. Councilmember Gustafson stated he believes the program is trying to recover money by
expanding the pool of people in the flood plain. Councilmember Scott stated he believes the federal
government is trying to subsidize insurance companies.
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Mayor Holland opened the discussion regarding a pedestrian bridge connecting Stevenson Park and Old
City Park. Assistant City Manager Morad Kabiri stated the City has been working for months on this '
project, started in 1993 with the Parks and Recreation Board and citizens that created the Parks Master
Plan, included a variety of projects, one being the connection of Stevenson Park and Old City Park. More
recently in 2012, the Parks Subcommittee along with Staff and Council worked towards the adoption of
park improvements with Scenario No. 1, project of connecting Stevenson Park and Old City Park with a
bridge across Cowards Creek was included in Scenario No. 1. Staff has worked with a neighboring
property owner, have come up with an alignment for the bridge, working with adjacent homeowner to
come up with a trail system. Property owner is interested in working with the City, discussed a fence or
retaining wall to separate the trail system. Staff needs direction from Council on how to proceed, property
owner is present at meeting.
Mayor, Council, and Staff held a discussion regarding the height and costs of a retaining wall. The
property owner desired a retaining wall instead of a fence due to people being able to climb over a fence.
Council came to the consensus that they would like to see the exact costs and budget numbers before
making a decision.
Mayor Holland recessed the meeting at 5:34 PM and reconvened the meeting at 6:04 PM.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 5B.1, discussion with the Planning
and Zoning Commission regarding in—home daycare facilities.
Mayor Holland opened the discussion between Council, Staff, and the Planning and Zoning Commission
regarding in-home daycare facilities.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean opened the Planning and Zoning Commission's
portion of the Joint Work Session and gave the floor to Planning Manager Nick Haby who explained the '
definition of an in-home daycare facility, there are nine registered in-home daycares in the City of
Friendswood, currently daycares are not allowed in residential zoning districts per the City's Permitted
Use Table (PUT). The Fire Marshal was asked to inspect homes prior to in-home daycares receiving
their state license, Staff found the City was not in compliance with the PUT, gathered multiple
departments to discuss and start the process of drafting a noncompliance letter. Staff asked the City
Attorney to draft a letter of noncompliance with zoning, need direction from Council and the Planning and
Zoning Commission to enforce the ordinance.
Mayor, Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission, and Staff held a discussion regarding the only
ways Staff are made aware of in-home daycare facilities is if the Fire Marshal is requested to do an
inspection or if there is a complaint filed by a resident. Further discussion was held regarding State
guidelines for licensing requirements, one complaint has been received, and the possibility of permits and
a fee structure being considered. The suggestion was made to suspend the ordinance until more
information could be provided. A possible problem enforcing the Zoning Ordinance would be with families
who have foster children, putting in-home daycare facilities on the Permitted Use Table (PUT) could
alleviate the problem. The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) recommended a moratorium on
enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance for 90 days in order for P&Z to review the information. The
consensus of Council was for P&Z to move forward and come back to Council with their recommendation.
Mayor Holland opened discussion between Council, Staff, and the Planning and Zoning Commission
regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance to add a definition and requirements for Farmer's Markets.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean opened the Planning and Zoning Commission's
portion of the Joint Work Session and gave the floor to Planning Manager Nick Haby who presented a
PowerPoint presentation regarding Farmer's Markets, currently the Zoning Ordinance is silent on Farmers
Markets, draft ordinance would include a portion of Section 8 under Outdoor Sales, requirements are for ,
commercially zoned privately owned properties. Markets proposed on City owned property would apply
to the Community Services Department and would have to meet requirements already in place for an
event held in the parks, and resale of craft items would be prohibited. Hours of operation are listed in the
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proposed ordinance, permit would be for one weekend a month for up to six months from 8:00 AM to 6:00
PM. The application would require a security agreement with police officers, a traffic control plan, a
county health district vendor's permit, and a janitorial service agreement and/or plan.
Mayor, Council, and the Planning and Zoning Commission held a discussion regarding the Planning and
Zoning Commission's (P&Z) previous discussion using a Specific Use Permit for Farmer's Markets, the
problem arose with being able to set requirements on the items being sold, P&Z has since agreed upon
the items that should be allowed to be sold. The current ordinance requires retail sales to be in a
permanent structure, the proposed ordinance allows for open air commercial properties to be used, and
places restrictions on the type of items that can be sold at the Farmer's Markets.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair McLean adjourned the Planning and Zoning Commission's
portion of the Work Session to the upstairs conference room.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 6, Special Recognition and
City Manager Roger Roecker presented the Five Star Spirit Employee Award. The Five Star Spirit Award
is awarded each quarter to an employee who has exhibited the five characteristics on which the award is
based — Courteous, Competent, Reliable, Professional and Enthusiastic. The recipient for the second
quarter of 2013 is Norm Stuart, Safety and Training Coordinator for City of Friendswood, who has been
with the City for 11.5 years. Mr. Stuart was nominated by members of the Friendswood Police
Department after an incident involving an on-the-job injury to one of the officers. Mr. Stuart has
contributed to all of the employees, workers compensation has improved greatly, and greatly impacts
' budget. The City Manager thanked Mr. Stuart for his hard work and recognized his family who were in
Safety and Training Coordinator Norm Stuart thanked Human Resources Director Bill Bendel,
Administrative Services Director Cindy Edge, and City Manager Roger Roecker, and stated that withodt
their direct support he could not do his job, thanked Public Works Director Kaz Hamidian for allowing him
an office at the Public Works facility.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to suspend the Rules of Procedure to take agenda items out of order.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved 6-0.
City Manager Roger Roecker reported that the 30'" Annual National Night Out, a unique crime/drug
prevention event sponsored by the City of Friendswood, has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 1,
2013. Last year's National Night Out campaign involved citizens, law enforcement agencies, civic groups,
businesses, neighborhood organizations and local officials from over 15,000 communities from all 50
states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases worldwide. The City hopes that all
neighborhoods will join in this community gathering event. Friendswood Police Department offers their
services for those interested in having an officer stop by and talk. Please contact Officer Kevin Crouch
via email with questions or to schedule an officer to stop by.
The City Manager reported the Friendswood area has been experiencing a noted increase in daytimI
burglaries. Interested business owners and citizens were invited to a free, informative meeting to receive
valuable information about how to make sure their homes and businesses were safe and how to
decrease their chances of becoming a victim. On Tuesday, August 13, 2013, the Friendswood Police
' Department held a Home and Business Security meeting at the Green Event Center in Friendswood for
residents and business owners. At the meeting, Officer Kevin Crouch discussed how residents and the
police can work together to prevent crimes in the community. Included was a discussion about current
trends used to break in and enter homes and businesses in the Friendswood area, along with crime
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prevention strategies, devices and deterrents to theft and burglary. During the meeting, nearly 300
residents met with Police Department Staff to learn about crime patterns in their individual neighborhoods '
and picked up crime prevention materials.
The City Manager reported that in July, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Emergency
Management Division met with Fire Marshal Terry Byrd to review the City of Friendswood's Emergency
Management Program. DPS submitted an extensive report upon completion, in summary, the City of
Friendswood has a solid program for emergency preparedness, being able to meet and supersede the
demands of Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) program requirements. In fact, the
Fire Marshal's Office was just notified that the City has been awarded the Emergency Management
Performance Grant for the 16th consecutive year, this time in the amount$48,644.74. There is an item on
the Consent Agenda to formally accept the grant funding. The EMPG is very important in helping the City
provide the high level of Emergency Management services that the community has come to expect.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 10A, Communications from
Committees and Special Reports.
Delinquent Tax Attorney Mike Darlow gave the annual collection report and stated the City of
Friendswood does not have a delinquent tax collection problem, Lundy Lane property has been paid,
working with the new court clerk, good results collecting fines and fees, holds up results of the City of
Friendswood for other clients, all is going well, and appreciates working with Council.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 22, Consent Agenda.
"Councilmember Scott moved to approve all items on the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Approving
an Interlocal agreement with the City of League City for Breath Alcohol Testing for the Friendswood
Police Department. B. Approving an Interlocal agreement with the North Texas Council of Governments
(NTCOG)for Actuarial Shared Services and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. C.Approving
excusing the absence of Councilmember Carl Gustafson from the August 05, 2013, Council Meeting. D.
Approving excusing the absence of Councilmember Pat McGinnis from the September 09, 2013, Council
Meeting. E. Authorizing the acceptance of public paving and utility improvements associated with the
Blackhawk Boulevard, Oak Vista Drive, and Wandering Trail projects into the contractor's one-year
maintenance period. F. Authorizing the acceptance of public paving and utility improvements for West
Lakes Section 3, West Ranch into the contractor's one-year maintenance period. G. Approving
acceptance of the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) award from the Texas Division
of Emergency Management and authorizing the Mayor to execute the grant documents. H. Approving a
banner permit application for Friendswood Girls Softball Association for September 9-20, 2013. I.
Accepting the July 2013 Property Tax Report. J. Approving the Minutes of the July 01, 2013, Council
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 6-0.
Mayor Holland recessed the meeting at 6:46 PM and reconvened the meeting at 7:00 PM.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 7, Joint Public Hearing.
Mayor Holland and Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean called a Joint Public Hearing to
order to receive comments from the public, both oral and written regarding amending Appendix C, Zoning ,
Ordinance of the City of Friendswood Code of Ordinances, regarding amendments to Section 15.D,
Notice of Joint Public Hearings, regarding notice requirements to school districts.
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Planning Manager Nick Haby explained the item.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of or
' in opposition of the request. No one spoke.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Mark McLean adjourned the Planning and Zoning Commission's
portion of the Joint Public Hearing to the upstairs conference room. Mayor Holland left Council's portion
of the Joint Public Hearing open.
Mayor Holland called a Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, both oral and
written, regarding an amendment of the land use assumptions and Capital Improvements Plan and the
imposition of an impact fee.
Assistant City Manager Morad Kabiri explained the particulars of this item.
Mayor Holland asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of or in opposition to the request. No one
Mayor Holland called a Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, both oral and
written, regarding the proposed Fiscal Year 2013-2014 General Operating Budget for the City of
City Manager Roger Roecker explained the reason for the public hearing.
' Mayor Holland asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of or in opposition to the request. No one
Mayor Holland adjourned the Public Hearing.
Mayor Holland asked if anyone would like to speak. No one spoke.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 10B, Communications from
Committees and Special Reports.
Galveston County Economic Alliance President Don Gartman gave the annual report from Galvesto n
County Economic Alliance (GCEA). Mr. Gartman stated he is the President/CEO of GCEA, the alliance is
funded by counties, cities, business, industry and members, operates Small Business Development
Center(SBDC) in conjunction with the University of Houston, closely tied with the petrochemical industry,
currently working with seven different large industrial or commercial prospects, Buc-ee's in Texas City is
currently under construction, other projects are in various stages of planning or on hold. He further
detailed Director of the SBDC Carroll Cobb's experience, briefly discussed the consulting staff, is the
most skilled the SBDC has ever had, the SBDC assisted 21 businesses put together loan packages and
investments that totaled more than $3.4 Million dollars, conducted 72 training events, developed is
program for existing or returning Veterans interested in starting a business, partnered with the Texas
Workforce Commission and the Governor's Office of Economic Development to host the "Governor's
Small Business Forum" at Moody Gardens, continues to work closely with the University of Texas Medical
Branch to provide excellent health and emergency services to Galveston County, and all economic
development organizations throughout the county to preserve and bring new developments and jobs to
Galveston County. Mr. Gartman stated further that GCEA enjoys working with Economic Development
Coordinator Karen Capps and the Friendswood Community and Economic Development Committee, is
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the most active and effective in Galveston,County.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 12, discussion and possible action '
regarding approving a contract with Galveston County Health District for Water Pollution Control and
Abatement services and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract.
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve a contract with the Galveston County Health District for Water
Pollution Control and Abatement services and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract.
Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion was approved 6-0.
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve an agreement with Galveston County for election services for a
November Bond Election and authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement.
Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. The motion was approved 4-2 with Councilmembers Enochs and
Gustafson opposed.
Mayor, Council, and Staff held a discussion regarding the cost of the proposed agreement with Galveston
County for election services.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve an agreement with Harris County for election services for a
November Bond Election and authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill.
Mayor, Council, and Staff held a discussion regarding the cost of the proposed agreement with Harris
County for election services, all deadlines have been met, waiting on a finalized cost, suggestion made to
amend the main motion to not exceed $4,500. '
***Councilmember Rockey amended the main motion not to exceed $4,600.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The amended main motion was approved 4-2 with Councilmember
Enochs and Gustafson opposed.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Holland moved to Agenda Item 7, Communications from the Public.
Charla McMichael, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated when she first moved to
Friendswood she put her son in a commercial daycare, for the past few years she has used in-home
daycare and it has been a positive experience, the place her child goes is a clean home, very safe, can
be an invaluable service, all facts will come to light and a fair decision will be made.
Colleen Williams, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated her children go to an in-home
daycare facility, last five years have been outstanding, is concerned with the possibility that it would not
be an option for her, would not choose to put her children in commercial daycare again, family is a two
income family and would have to go to a one income family and move if in-home daycares were not
**Councilmember Enochs moved to approve a contract with SirsiDynix for Library Automation software
and maintenance.
Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. The motion was approved 6-0.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve authorizing the Mayor to execute a license agreement with ,
Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District for the use of the Baker Road Detention Pond for park
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Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. The motion was approved 6-0.
**Mayor Holland moved to approve to maintain the current Effective Tax Rate.
Seconded by Councilmember Enochs.
***Mayor Holland withdrew his motion.
Councilmember Enochs withdrew his second to the motion.
Councilmember Rockey asked for a point of order.
City Manager Roger Roecker clarified for Councilmember Rockey that at the next meeting Council would
have a tax ordinance to set a tax rate, this was a required record vote if doing in excess of Effective Taz
Rate. I
**Councilmember Enochs moved to approve acceptance of the 2011 Sub-Recipient award of the
Homeland Security Grant Program and Urban Area Security Initiative and authorizing the Mayor to
execute the documents.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 6-0.
Fire Marshal Terry Byrd explained funds are two years old, most projects completed, money remaining,
and $123,000 will go to Dispatch consoles for the Friendswood Police Department.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve Resolution No. R2013-14 -A resolution of the City Council of
the City of Friendswood, Texas, Galveston/Harris Counties, nominating Ed Heathcott to a candidate
' position on the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District for 2014-2015.
Seconded by Councilmember Rockey. The motion was approved 6-0.
**Councilmember Scott moved to approve Resolution No. R2013-15 - A resolution of the City of
Friendswood, Texas, Galveston/Harris counties, nominating Gary Jones, David Moss, Victor Pierson, anb
Scott Brest to the Board of Directors of the Galveston Central Appraisal District for 2014-2015.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 6-0.
**Councilmember Gustafson moved to approve Resolution No. R2013-16 - A resolution of the City of
Friendswood Texas, urging amendments or revisions to the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act
of 2012 recently passed by the U.S. Congress; directing the City Secretary to send a certified and true
copy of the resolution to all State and Federal legislators; making various findings and provisions related
to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion was approved 5-1 with Councilmember Rockey
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve Resolution No. R2013-17 -A resolution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, consenting to the addition of land to West Ranch Management District.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved 6-0.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2013-281-
An ordinance amending Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, entitled
"Buildings and Building Regulations," Article VII, entitled "Substandard Buildings and Structures," by
deleting the subject Article VII, in its entirety, substituting new provisions in place thereof under the same
' title updating the subject regulations and creating a Building and Standards Commission commensurate
with and as an extension of the powers and duties of the Board of Adjustment, pursuant to Chapters 54
and 214 of the Texas Local Government Code; establishing new procedures; repealing all ordinances or
parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith; providing for severability; and providing for
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penalties in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00 unless otherwise specified herein.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved 6-0. '
**Councilmember Enochs moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2013-30 -An ordinance
amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix C—"Zoning," Section 15,
"Amendments," Subsection D. "Notice of joint hearings," by revising and updating notice requirements for
amendments to comply with H.B. 674 requiring notice of certain proposed municipal zoning changes to
school districts; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith;
providing for severability; and providing for effective date of September 1, 2013.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 6-0.
**Councilmember Enochs moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2013-32 - An
ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2012-26, passed and approved October
1, 2012, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's general budget for Fiscal Year 2012-
2013 by approving "Budget Amendment XIV" to the "Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, for the fiscal year 2012-2013"; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain
funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 6-0.
**Councilmember Rockey moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance No. 2013-33 -An
ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2012-26, passed and approved October
1, 2012, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year
2012-2013 by approving "Budget Amendment XV" to the "Original General Budget of the City of
Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2012-2013"; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or
transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 6-0.
Councilmember Rockey stated he attended his first meeting of the Wastewater Treatment Board, were
going over budget, new ultraviolet system will be in operation by January 2014, conveniently forgot to put
cost savings in their budget, interesting budget process, put in more Staff to hire if required by Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), governing bodies told the board they would rather come
back and ask if needed, would be resubmitting the budget, also attended a ceremony for Friendswood
citizen Joycina Baker where she received an award from Galveston County.
Mayor Holland stated he would like to give Police Chief Bob Wieners a tip of his hat for the safety and
security meeting the Police Department hosted, reinforcement helped, October 1, 2013, is National Night
Out, and a Prayer Breakfast will be held at the high school tomorrow morning. The Mayor thanked the
people that contributed to Baker Field, if anyone was interested in contributing contact the City of
Councilmembers Enochs, Hill, Scott, and Gustafson stated they had no report.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 PM.
Mayor K Holland
09/09/13 .• •"•• 4200
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Melinda Welsh, TRMC � �U 2 �•:
City Secretary
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