HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2001-05 ORDINANCE NO. 2001-OS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX C OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE, SAID APPENDIX C BEING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, ORDINANCE NO. 84-15, AS AMENDED, ORIGINALLY ADOPTED THE 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 1984, AND BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND FROM OFFICE PARK DISTRICT (OPD) TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PUD); GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT (SUP) FOR CERTAIN COMMERICAL USES; SAID PROPERTY BEING LOCATED AT 1100 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF COWARDS CREEK OFFICE PARK; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF. � � � � � WHEREAS, Cowards Creek Office Park, L.L.P. is the owner of a certain parcel of land presently zoned Office Park District (OPD) pursuant to the City's Zoning Ordinance, as amended; and WHEREAS, the owner has made two applications to the City, the first to change the zoning classification of said parcel, same being more particularly described herein, from Office Park District (OPD) to Planned Unit Development District (PUD), and the second to consider an. application for a Specific Use Permit to allow certain commercial uses on the parcel; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council have conducted, in the time and manner required by law and the Zoning Ordinance of the City, a public hearing on such request, and at such hearing all persons attending were allowed to be heard on the question of whether or not the zoning change and use of the property, as requested, would affect the public health, safety, morale, convenience, or general welfare of the citizens of Friendswood; and Cowards Creek/PUD 1/22/O1 Page 1 , WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission has considered and recommended in favor of both applications, and the City Council now deems it appropriate to grant such requests and determined that such change in zoning and SUP are not detrimental to the community and is in conformance with the Comprehensive Master Plan of the City; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. The zoning classification of the property municipally known as 1100 S. Friendswood Drive and being further described as, Lot 1, Block 1 of Cowards Creek Office Park, is hereby changed from Office Park District (OPD) to Planned Unit Development District (PUD), subject to the regulations, restrictions, and conditions hereinafter set forth. The zoning classification of such property is further changed by granting a Specific Use Permit (SUP) to " allow the use of such described property as follows: 1. Photographic studios portraits 2. Advertising agencies 3. Consumer credit reporting agencies, mercantile reporting agencies, and adjustment and collection agencies 4. Mailing, reproduction commercial art and photography, and stenographic services 5. Watch, clock and jewelry repair 6. Offices of physicians 7. Offices of dentists 8. Offices of osteopathic physicians Cowards Creek/PUD 1/22/O1 Page 2 9. Offices of other health practitioners 10. Nursing and personal 11. Medical and dental laboratories 12. Outpatient care facilities 13. Health and allied services, not elsewhere classified 14. Correspondence schools and vocational schools 15. Research, development and testing services 16. Management & Public Relations services 17. Justice, Public Order, and Safety 18. Public finance, taxation and monetary policy 19. Administration of human resource programs 20. Administration of environmental quality and housing programs 21. Administration of economic programs All such facilities and related improvements shall be constructed on the site, in accordance with the site development plan presented to Commission and Council at the public hearing of November 6, 2000, which plan is on file with the City's Community Development Department. Section 3. The Zoning District Map of the City of Friendswood shall be revised and amended to show the designation of 1100 S. Friendswood Drive, Lot 1, Block 1 of Cowards Creek Office Park, as a Planned Unit Development District (PUD), and the issuance of a Specific Use Pertnit (SUP)-Mixed Commercial, with the appropriate references thereon to the number and effective date of this Ordinance and a brief description of the nature of the change. Cowards Creek/PUD 1/22/O1 Page 3 Section 4. This Ordinance shall in no manner amend, change, supplement, or revise any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood, save and except the change in zoning classification of said 1100 S. Friendswood Drive, Lot 1, Block 1 of Cowards Creek Office Park, to Planned Unit Development District (PUD) as described above. Section 5. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance, as a whole or any part or provision hereof other any part or provision hereof, other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, or whether there be one or more parts. Section 6. Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanar and upon conviction, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 8th day of January , 2001. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED on second and final reading this 22nd day of January , 2��1. 1 Harold L. Whitaker Mayor ATTEST: C • f D loris McKenzie, T C City Secretary MOTION: COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES 2ND: " JERRY ERICSSON Cowards Creek/PUD APPROVED: 5-0 (Zarr_y Taylor-Out) 1/22/O 1 Page 4 z, t. . . .. _.r—.�— . . . . . ... ._ R' . ' e%��`:�'.'L: ' , , , �t°!`;`�fi���• :6 EXHirs1T "A° ���.,,DNt2_._�S?.4!$��`£_DE3CR7p�1'IOt--i.o�4.�?��CRE� �� , �,. .:. . . . . �p `�'$S.,)if,ND.-BOUND9 FUR A CER'PAIN 4.733 ACRE TRACT OUT OF ANU. A PART r� t1�? THL� FRiENpS.WOQU SUBpIV:SION A5 DELTNEATED ON 1SAP pR pI,�T � ��CORD$D IN Vp�,UME 238, PAGE 14 OF THE GALVE3TOM CaUti3'y CI,BRK q �ii�pRD3 AND BEINr, ALI� OF WOF�'ORD ADDTTION SEC7'IQN 1 A3 D�F,INISATED p� QN;l�:AP.. OR PLA'I' RECORDEU TN VOLUME 18, PA�I: 221 OF TN$ M11P RSCORDB t� OI''.G�1LV��'rON COUN`�Y, 2'ERAS IN sARAH MCKTSBZCK SURVEY, ABSTRACT lg; � ,. I�1 �H$: CI7'Y OF FiiT�NUSWO011 GALVESTON CipUNTY, 'I'E3(AS SAID +l.733 ?,CRE !D T�1E`t' BE�NCi H[3I2� PAR'i'I(:UI.vARLY I]ESCRIBEU $Y METES AND Bpd1Vp3 A3 '� F(7L�O[t?S TO-Wi'I': � iR: �.�GiNNI�tG at a 1/2 ir►ch iron rod found mazking the Nor�h apex ° aprne�' of the here,in dei4cribed tract ati the fntersection of the �toutheas� right-o�-way 2�.ne of . Shadwell Lane and the Westerly �°��a�'Y o� �'M H3.c}htaay. 5.!$ in ths City of Friendswood, also marlcing -thet:�North corner of LoC=�1 of e�id Wafford Addition Seotion 2 as ` deli»sated or� map or plat recorded in Voluine 18, Page 221 of tha �Iarp Itecorde of Galv��ston Coun�y; . � -'THS#iCE in a SQ�th�rly d�xeatlon vith a curve to the xiqht � � a� -,. ti�virag'a rsdius .a� 905.�e Pt. and arc lenq�h af 2�D,�i�' gt. and a $ei ; �!t'1crel. ar�g].� af �3 _a�r��g 5b ::,m.�nute8 .E� seconds �o a 1/2 ineh . �,��on rvd fgund at the PT of said curve; (��1p�p�y�v-�p.� � '�HL"NC� south O8 degreea 17 minutes 4o seconds East continuing w:��t1 ttle West .rigtst-of-way lin� af s�id Ftd tiighway 518 a dietance of 492.25 ft, to 1/2 i�csYE izon rod at angle point; - :�#i�NC� 9o�th 8.1 dsg�ees 42 m,inutes 13 seoonc3s West a distance o�' 1O:Op ft. to a 1/2 inch ir�n rad at anqle poi��t; y , ' •. `#'�T��� South U8 ciegrees 17 n�inutes 4o se��►yds East continuing . writh �tie Weet riqt�t-of-way line of FM Ftlghway 51B a diatance of �;�0:9$ ft. to a polnt in the Northeasterl.y line oF Coward� Creek ��d �he 3outher�a m�st cci.�ner oE the herein de�cr.it�ed track: ' THENCE with tne me�nders of t}ie N�rthesst t�ounciar•y llne of � �a3d Greek as fo�lows: � :, NQrth 44 ,dsgrees 5'3 minutes 51 sec:opds Wast-� �2.q2 ft. , south -::$:`�.�deg�ia+�s .OU. minutss Qo seconds West-14.34 �t. , North 5fi dec�rees ;�� :iu#�ut@s. 00 �e�ond�S We��-5U.20 Et: , South SO c9egrees 32 minutes ��0:��$l4�nd�: We�t-13i.OU �t. , .and- r?orth 29 degrees 37 minu�es o0 ',�iMc���.:We•:s�-24�.oU ta a `point marking the Sou�herly corner of City •..�':,���,�ncl�riood prAperty; / � '- ��J�NCL �forth 16 clegr�es 43 minu�es 54 saconds Eas�-�1.51 ��. , . �?P '�n :angl� pca3.i�t! _ ' : �:.. ''�'NENG� North 4A deqrees 57 minute� Uq �econds West-87..��.r ['t. :#�; a�i, angio }iQint� ` �� "'� � �+. fi��NCE Nor�l� 44 deyrees 20 fiinutes 4U seconc�s �ast with the 'r' J #QU�fi���sterly iine of Wit�ding Hoilo� Subdiv:lsion as dellneated on � � �1+� a� p�at recorded iri Volwme 15, Page 121 of the c;�Ivesfion County �• -�la�. R4qti�d� e dista�tce of a56.38 ft, to a paint at the mo�st '^ ', �aut}�i�a�ter�.y cornex of �aid Winding ltoilow Subdivi�ion; � � i ; ��HI;HCE Naxth lU degreps 53 miriutes 41 seconds West a distance � 41�� 5g�?7. ft, �b a 5�8 inch irun roc� at an angle point; �'PH�NCE Nc�rth 44" deqree� 59 minutes 19 seconds West a diat�nce . a� �:qt�.8�6 P.�. �o- tl�e North co�ner of eafd Wind3nq flollow �ubQiyision and the West corner. of said Wofford Additian section 1 ;�rS tjie �outheast riqht-of.-way line of Shadwell Lane; N � ' '�'H�NCE North 44 degreee 27 minutBS 19 seeond8 E�St with the � Sou.�hee�t ri�ht-of-way line of said Shadwell �.ane a distance of. �O �� 252.46. ft• ta the pLACE UF BEGINN�NG and aontaining 4.733 acres of �ana. ;4 . � . ... � _