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ORDINAN(;E NO. 2001-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 84-15, SAID ORDINANCE NO. 84-15 BEING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, BY AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 316, GRANTING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR FAMILY LIFE CENTER, LOCATED AT 202 EAST HERITAGE STREET, LOT 1, BLOCK 1, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF FRIENDSWOOD ADDITION, BY APPROVING AND ATTACHING, AS A NEW EXHIBIT, A SITE PLAN TO ADD PARKING AND DETENTION FACILITIES; PROVIDING A PENALTY IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. � � � � * * � :� WHEREAS, the Friendswood City Council and the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a joint public hearing on February 5, 2001, to consider an application to amend the existing specific use permit for the First Baptist Church Family Life Center; and WHEREAS, the hearing was duly called as provided by the laws of the State of Texas and Ordinance No. 84-15 of the City of Friendswood, and that in such hearing all persons attending were allowed to be heard on the question of whether or not the expansion of the use allowed on said property by allowing the construction of parking and detention facilities on the site would affect the public health, safety, moraie, convenience, or general welfare of the citizens of Friendswood, and whether or not rezoning would violate the rights of any interested person; and WHEREAS, as a result of the said public hearing and recommendation from the Friendswood Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council finds that such use is not detrimental to the community; now, therefore, Family Life Center SUP Amendment 3/1/O1 Pagel _ -.�„ . . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, passed and approved on November 19, 1984, and known as the Zoning Ordinance, and City of Friendswood Ordinance No. 316, passed and approved on August 21, 1978, granting a specific use permit for the Family Life Center located at 202 East Heritage Street, Lot l, Block 1, First Baptist Church of Friendswood Addition, are hereby amended by approving a new site plan for the property, to allow the use of the property for the construction of parking and detention facilities. All such facilities and related improvements shall be constructed on the site in accordance with the site development plan and accompanying memorandum presented at the public hearing and on file in the City's Community Development Department. Section 2. The official zoning map of the City shall continue to show the above- described property as SPECIFIC USE—FAMILY LIFE CENTER. Section 3. This Ordinance shall in no way reduce, amend, supplement, or change any provision of any ordinance of the City of Friendswood, other than to accomplish the rezoning of the tract described in Section 1 to SPECIFIC USE—FAMILY LIFE CENTER. Section 4. Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. Section 5. In the event any clause phrase,provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjudged Family Life Center SUP Amendment 3/1/Ol Page2 I , • invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional,whether there be one or more parts. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this 5th day of March , 2001. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED on second and final reading this 19th day of March , 2001. Harold L. Whitaker Mayor ATTEST: • 3 „ eloris McKenzie, RM City Secretary MOTION: COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES 2ND: " LARRY TAYLOR APPROVED: UNANIMOUSLY Family Life Center SUP Amendment 3/1/O1 Page3 DESCRIPTION OF FIRST BAPTIST CI�URCH O� FRZENDSWOOD 3.I5 ACRE TRACT A T�ZA.CT OF LAND CONTAINING 3.15 ACRES,MORE OR LESS,BEING OUT OF LOT f AND 2, BLOC�2 OF FRIENDSWOOD,A SUBDI�IISION OF LAND ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED D1 VOLUME 254,�'AGE 37 1N THE OFFICE OF THP COUNTX CLERK, GALVESTON CC)LJNTY, TEXAS; SAID 3.15 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY L'ESCRIBED BY l�ETES A,ND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING A.T T�E SOUTH CO�NER OF LOT 1 OF SAID BLOCK 2, SAME BE1NG ON THE CALLED CENTE�tL�O�EAST HERI"�'AGE DRIVE; THENC�, N 45 DEG, 00 MIN. 00 SEC. 1�'EST,ALONG THE COMMON LINE O� SAZD LOTS 1 AND 2, A CALLED DISTANCE C>F 30.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF EAST HERITAGE DRIVE (CALLED 60 FEET WIDE}, FROM WHICH A FOi1ND %z INCT-i IRON ROD BEARS WITN�SS.A.T S 67 DEG. 20 MIN.08 SEC. W A DISTANCE O�0.37 F13ET; THF�ICE, S 45 DEG_ 00 MIN. 00 SEC. W,ALONG THE SAID NORTHWESTERLY LINE O�EAST HERITAGE DRIVE,FOR A DISTANCE OF 227.00 FEET TO A '/2 INCH IRON PIPE FOUND FOR A CORNER,SAME BI?ING THE INTERSECTION O�T�� NOR�'HEASTERLY LINE OF PECAN DRNE (CALLED 60 FEET WIDE) WITH THE SAID I'�TO�Z"�'HWESTERLY LINE OF EAST HERITAGE DRIVE; THENCB,N 45 DEG. 00 MIN. 00 SEC. vir, ALONG?HE SAID NORTHEASTERI.Y LII�1E OF PECAN DR.IVE, �OR A D�STANC�OF 364.00 F�ET TO '�iE MOST WESTERLY CO��R OF THl HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE,N 45 DEG.00�T.N. 00 SEC.E,FOR A DISTANCE OF 39�_55�EET�'O'Z'HE CENTERLINE OF MARY'S CREEK; THENCE, S 61 DEG. 19 MIN. 40 SEC. E,GENERALLY ALONG I�CALLED CENTERLINE OF SAID MARY'S CREEIS� FOR A DISTANCE OF 54.46 FEET(CALLED) TO A POINT FOIZ CORNER; THENCE, S 30 DEG.43 MIIV.39 SEC. E,ALONG A NOKTHEASTERLY L1NE OF THE HERETN DESCRIBED TR.ACT,FOR A DISTANCE OF 209.04 F�ET TO A 1 INCH GALVANIZED IRON PIPE FOUND FOR CORNER; TIiENCE,S 40 DEG. 03 MIN. 39 SEC. E,FOR A DIS"I'ANCE OF l22.00 FEET TO A'/. INCH PIPE FOUND�OR CORNER,ON THE SAID NORTHWESTERLY LI�I�OE EAS'�' �R.�TAGB DRZVE; THENCE, S 52 DEG.44 MIN 00 SEC. W(CALLED), ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF EAST HE�'�A.G�DRIVE,BEII�(G A CALLED CHORD OF A CURVE WITH UNKNOWN RADZiJS,FOR A DISTANCE.OF 123.00 F�ET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, OF A TR.ACT CONTAININ�G 3.15 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. 0,...,. . ..,.,J T;.,., I_., t � C . � nnt� DESCRIPTION OF FIRST BAPTIST CI�URCH 0�FRtENUSWOOD 3.15 A.CRE TR.ACT .A�T�A.CT OF Lr�.ND CONTAINING 3.15 ACRES, MORE OR LESS,BEING OUT OF LOT 1 AND 2, BLOC�2 OF FRIENDSWOOD,A SUBDIVISION OF LAND ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED Il1 V�LUI�IE 254,�,A,GE 37 IN THE OFFICE OF TKE COLJNTY CLERK, GALVESTON CUtJNTY, TEXAS; SAID 3.15 ACRES, I�ORE OR LBSS, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY L�ESCRIBED BY Iv�ET�S A,ND BOUNI)S AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT'I'�TE SOUT�i CORNER OF LOT 1 OF SAID BLOCK 2, SAME BE1NG ON THE CALLED CENTE�tL�O�EA,ST HBiZ['Z'AGE DRIVE; THENCB, N a5 DEG. 00 MIN.00 SEC. WEST,ALONG THE COMMON LINE 0� SAID LO�'S 1 AND 2, A CALLED DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINN�NG, ON THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF EAST' HERITAGE DRIVE(CALLEA 60 k�ET WIDE), FROM WHICH A FOUND %z INCP:� IRON ROD BEARS WI"�`NESS AT S 67 DEG. 20 MIN. 08 SEC. W A D[STANCE OF 0.37 Fl3ET; TT-�FNCE, S 45 DEG.40 MIN. 00 SEC. W,ALONG THE SAID NORTHWESTERLY L1NE O�EAST HERTTAGE DRNE,FOR A DI�TANCE OF 227_00 FEET TO A %2 INCH IRON PIPE FOUND FOR A CORNER,SAME B1:1NG THE INTERSE�'ION OF TF� NOR'�'HE,ASTERLY L,INE OF PECAN DRNE (CALLED 6d FEET WIDE) WITH THE SAID NO�Z�'HWESTERLY LINE OF EAST HERITAGE DRIVE; THENCB,N 45 DEG. 00 MIN. 00 SEC. �1', ALONG THE SAID NORTHEASTERLY L�.NE OF PECAN DRZVE, �OR A A�STANCB OF 360.00���'�TO'��MOST WESTERLY CO�tNEIt OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE,N 45 DEG.00 M�1_ 00 SEC. P,FOR A DIST.ANCE O� 395_55�EET TO`�'HE CENTERLINE OF MARY'S CREEK; THENCE,S 61 DEG. 19 bfIlV. 40 SEC. E,GENERAI.LY ALONG 1�3E CALLED CENTERLINE OF SAID MARY'S CREEIS�, FOR A DISTANCE OF 54.46 FEE'T(CALLED) TO A POINT FOR CORNER; THfiNCE, S 30 DEG.43 MIN. 39 SEC. E,ALONG A NOKTHEASTERLY LINE OF THE kT.ERE�N DESCRIBED TRACT,FOR A DISTANCE OF 209.00 FEET TO A 1 INCH GALVANIZED IRON PIPE FOUND FOR�ORNER; THEIVCE,S 40 DEG.03 MIN. 39 SEC. E,FOR A DISTANCE OF 122.00 FEET TO A 3/. INCH PIPE FOUND FOR CO�ZNE�t,ON THE SAiD NORTHWESTERLY LI�IE O�EAST �RZTAGB D�VE; THENCE, S 52 DEG. 44 MIN 00 SEC. W(CALLED), ALpNG THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF EAST HERi�',A.GE I�RZVE,BEII��G A CALLED CHORD OF A CURVE WITH UNKNOWN RADIUS,FOR A DISTANCE.OF i23.00 FEET TO THE POII�IT OF BEGINNING, OF A TRACT CONTAININ�G 3.15 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS. D,...,. , ..,.J T; _„ i.., t � C . � nnu