HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2012-30 RESOLUTION NO. R2012-30 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING FUNDING FOR FALCON RIDGE BLVD TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS, TO INCLUDE A BIKE LANE LEADING TO FRIENDSWOOD JUNIOR ffiGH SCHOOL, AS A PART OF TxDOT'S TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM. df X� 'it de X X % X X iF WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Transportation issued a call for nominations in September 2012 for communities to apply for fimding assistance made available through the Transportation Enhancement Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Friendswood intends to submit the City's Falcon Ridge Blvd Bike Lane/Pavement Marking project to TxDOT in consideration for this program, and the City proposes to submit a nomination requesting federal funding for assistance in the amount of $50,324; and WHEREAS, the program requires a minimum 20% local funding match and the City has allocated and will provide $12,581; thereby pledging 20% local matching fimds, plus 100% of , any overruns above the total project estimate of$62,905. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV�D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: Section 1. The City of Friendswood supports funding this project as shown in the nomination budget and commits to the projecYs development, implementation, consh�uction, maintenance, management, and financing. The City is willing and able to enter into an agreement with TxDOT by resolution or ordinance. Section 2. That the City adopts this resolution approving the submission of the piroject nomination; and the support and funding of the project should it receive federal funds. Section 3. That the City Manager is hereby autharized to act on behalf of the City in all matters relating to this funding nomination and to execute all necessaiy applications, assurances, certifications, and other documents, relative to the submission, later acceptance, and adininistration of such funds. Section 4. That it is hereby officially found and determined that this meeting at which this resolution is passed is open to the public as requued by law, and that public notice of the time,place and pwpose of said meeting was given as required. Section 5. Nominating the City of Friendswood suppoi�ts funding this project as shown in the nomination budget (including the 20% local match) and commits to the projecYs development, implementation, construction, maintenance, management, and financing. The nominating entity is willing and able to enter into an agreement with TxDOT by resolution or ordinance should the project receive funding. PASSED, APPROVED,AND ADOPTED this the St'' day of November, 2012. � i \�I V U�°"� - I�evin M. Ho`ll -�`"� �` �V Mayor v ATTEST: .�iYY1Y• ���a��N��� . . . . i��� �`��-�`� •.� � •.o• � ti:' ' •:o: Melinda Welsh, TRMC �V ' ;�; City Secretary 'o* '• :�aj = oe�s��TE OF'��^�'Po >,, ,, R2012-30 �2 ��n�jsVnRrjTJp\ ols@oiz TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM � NOMINATION FORM 2012 RY].• b �ya��BAtFNT j`� Additional information can be found in the Transportation Enhancement Program Guide: www.fxdot.gov/bu si n ess/governm ents/te.htm 1. Project Name Falcon Ridge Boulevard Bike Lane&Pavement Marking Plan 2. Project Location I Galveston County, City of Friendswood, Texas ���County: i Galveston ��F� TxDOT District:.. �Housto� � Project Limits(point to point): Falcon Ridge and FM 528 to Hawkhiil Dr. and Falcon Ridge 'Project Length (feeUmiles), if applicable: j 4,320 FT i Building Dimensions, (size in square feet), if applicable: 'N/A State of Texas/Legislature House of Representatives District#: 24 Name:IL. Taylor District#: Name:: District#: Name:, State Senate District#: 11 Name;!Jackson Distric4#:' Name:' District#:I Name:; Federal Congressional ' House of Representatives Districtr#:! 14 Name:rPaul District#:: Name:' District#:: Name:' 3.Qualifying Category -----------� — �� (1)Proviston of Faciiitles for Pedestrians and Bicycfes � 4;Nominating Entity ; :�� �City. . . � :��. 5.Nominating Entity Contact Information Contact Person: Morad Kabiri, PE,AICP ' Title: I Assistant City Manager ' Mailing Address: i 910 S. Friendswood Dr. r City: Friendswood State: Texas Zip Code: 77546 Fax: ' 281-482-3722 ` DaytimeSelephone: 281-996-3203 EmaiC! mkabirirfc�ci.friendswood.tx.us 1 of 8 6. ProjectDescription (Limited to 3500 Characters wifh spaces) The City of Friendswood, Texas proposes to install pavement striping for defined bicycle and travel lanes by incorporating the use of an engineer designed pavement marking plan on Falcon Ridge Boulevard. The striping will begin at the intersection of Farm to Market Road 528 and : Falcon Ridge Boulevard and then continue on through to the intersection of Hawkhill Drive and Falcon Ridge Boulevard. The existing roadway conditions create not only dri�er confusion, but also pose a threat of danger to the school children that currently attend the Friendswood Junior High School located on Falcon Ridge just passed Hawkhill Driee. Falcon Ridge Blvd is used as one of the major access points to the Jr. High for not only the current residents that li�,e in the ` neighborhoods off of Falcon Ridge but also for the rest of the City of Friendswood since there is : just one Jr. High School in the City. During the school year, the times just before and after school, the Boulevard becomes congested with�t;hicles, buses, 6icycles and pedestrians all arriving or Ieaving the school grounds at the same time. It is at these times where residents in the area haee expressed to us the possible dangers existing for school children and also the dri�,er confusion in the roadway. The ultimate purpose of this proposed striping plan is to create designated lanes of tra�,el for both eehicles and 6icydes while reducing the risk of possible incidents between roadway users. The first half of the boulevard is proposed to contain designated parking, bike and tra�,t;l lanes while the second half of the roadway will just haee designated bike �- and tra�el lanes with a striped center median. The portion of Falcon Ridge Boulevard, from FM 528 �. to just past Middle Creek St., is composed of two 24 foot cur6 and gutter roadways diNded by a raised median with a posted speed limit of 20 miles per hour. Homes along this portion of the '� roadway ha�,e frontage property and many residences park their�.ehicles on the road. Pro�iding a definite parking, bike and tra�,zl lane in this area will reduce dri�,er and bicyclist confusion by providing�isual markers for both dri�rs and cyclists. The second half of Falcon Ridge, the portion �.� between Twin Oaks St. and Hawkhill Dc, consists of a 40 foot wide curb and gutter roadway also with a posted 20 mile per hour speed limit. Vehicles haee been obsen,�d dri�ing on this section as though it was intended to ha�,e four lanes of traffic when its original intent was just to ha�two. ' The proposed striping in this section of roadway would decrease dri�er and cydist confusion by pro�iding a designated bike lane along both sides of the street and a striped center median to keep the original intent of the roadway as true as possible. Homes in this section of roadway do not ha�t;frontage properties and therefore roadside parking is not an issue in this area. The City of Friendswood has consulted a Design Engineer with roadway striping experience. The design is cumently in the final re�iew stage. The design will meet the latest required AASHTO standards ���� and wili use the guidelines set for the in the TxDOT MUTCD for any signage required. In condusion the implementation of this project will not only create safer passage ways for both . t �zhicle and bicyclist alike, but will also decrease dri�.er confusion and allow for less strenuous tra�ls to and from the Friendswood Junior High School. 7. Project Information Directional Maps, Site Maps,General Floor Plans, and Photographs (Label Attachment as'Project Information-Attachment A') (No more than 10 pieces) 8. Official Local Government Funding Resolution ' (Label attachment as'Certification of Funding and Support-Attachment$') ; (No more than 10 pieces) 9. MPO Letter of Support(if applicable) ' (Label attachment as'MPO/COG Letter of Support-Attachment E') (No more than 10pieces) 2of8 i 10. Evidence of Public Involvement and Support (Label attachments as'Evidence of Public Involvement and Support-Attachment C') (No more fhan 10 pieces) A.Attach Ietters of support and other documentary evidence of,public interest. (No more than 10 pieces) ; B. Provide dates and information about public meetings and events held to discuss the projecL ` (Limited to 1,640 Characters with spaces) - — _ ' On April 19, 2012 the City of Friendswood held a meeting to discuss the concems that Falcon � Ridge Boulevard residents had with Falcon Ridge Boulevard (please see attached City of Friendswood Meeting Sign-In Sheet). The purpose of the meeting was not only to discuss the concems that the residents had, but also address possible solutions. Some solutions discussed were to add more four way stop signs, install speed bumps and install more signage. 7rie most feasible options was to implement a pa�ment marking plan that would make the roadway safer and decrease dri�er confusion. C. Ranking by Nominator 9 of 1 11. Property Ownership and Acquisition Information (Label attachmentsas'Property Ownership and Acquisition Information Attachment D') (No more than 10 pieces) AII proposals must provide documentation of the Nominator's property rights by title of ownership,' lease, or easement for all property within She project limits. Is the property needed for the project already acquired? ; � ves Q No ' If No-'How will it be acquired? Describe.!(include commitment letter by current owner that the property's interest wrll be transfer�ed upon approvalJ ' lf Yes-'When was;the property acquiredand how? Describe. Faicon Ridge Boulevard is a public right-of-way that lies completely within the city limits. The ��� entirety ofthe project is within the public ROW of Falcon Ridge Boulevard. Dedicated ROW Na ��: subdi�ision plats for Falcon Ridge Sections One, Two & Three. �.. Was the property acquired in accordance with the Uniform RelocationAssistance and Real Property Acquisition Act? QQ ves Q No 12.SHPO Certificate of Eligibility-National Register of Historie Places(if applicable), (Contact the State Nistoric Preservation Officer thrpugh THC) ' ; (Label attachment as'SHPO Certificate of Eligibility-Attachment F') 3of8 13.'Scenic EasemenUHistoric SiteDesignation (ifapplicable) Projects proposing acquisition ofscenic easements and scenic or historic sites, must provide I documentary evidence from the appropriate oity, county,state or national entity indicating official designation. (Label attachment as 'Scenic EasemenUHistoric Site Designation Attachment G') 14:fvaluation of Work Involving Environmental Mitigation (if applicable) 'Projects proposing environmental mitigation must provide documentary evidence from the <Texas Commision on Environmental Quality,or the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department indicating f their technical evaluation of the project. (Label attachment as!'Evaluation of Work Involving Environmental'Mitigation-Attachment H') 15.'Railroad Right of Entry LetteMAgreement(if applicable) Projects proposing to encroach or cross railroad right of way, must include documentary evidence ' 'from the railroad granting a right of entry oran executed encroachment agreement. (Label attachment as'Railroad Right of Entry Letter/Agreement-Attachment I') 16:'Local Bicycle Plan (ifapplicable) Projects proposing to build facilities for bicycles must include documentary evidence from the city or county stating that the project'has been included in the entity's bicycle plan;if applicable,or the bicycle'element of the transportation componeot of the entity's;comprehensive plan. (Label attachment as'Local Bicycle Plan-Aftachment J') 17.'Projected Time Estimate Estimate the amount of time it will take to complete the'project from start to finish. Approximate the >time required for each activity. The activities can run concurrently causing the total time to be different from the total of the activities. Consider time for(but not limited to): Months �:;04 PlanningActivities (Executing contracf, hiring consultant,planning, schematic and design, utility relocation,etc.) '�4 Environmental Clearance �.� (Assessments,possib/e mitigation for Hazardous Materials,permits,review by:THC, COE„etc.) ���ROW Acquisition (Surveying, appraisals, title transfer, clearance...) ���6 Project Design and Plan Preparation of PS&E Package (Including PS&E��Review by�TxDOT DisMct,Austin Divisions, TDLR,and other agencies.:�:�) � 12 ProjectConstructionllmplementation '�� (Advertising/hiringcontractor,�:demo6tion,�construction;inspection.;��.) �2 Other Executing Documents i �:� Projected Time in Months 24 � -� 18:Maintenance and Operations ` Estimate maintenance and operations costs of the project. If applicable, determine the amount of any anticipated income derived from the project{yeady basis) Maintenance$ 5,000.00 Operations$'�.0 ���:Income $��.-0 Identify all parties responsible for the maintenance and operations of the project: The Public Works Department of the City of Friendswood will be responsible for maintaining the road striping and signage once the project is out of the designated warranty period. 4of8 19. Project Budget Summary List all construction costs to be incurred by the nominating entity on pages 6-8 for a complete r itemized cost estimate. Generally,preliminary engineering (including planning, design, and plans,specifications,and estimates)are not allowable costs. Total Construction Costs '�:1 '. 54�,700 Planning Costs(Category 2,4,.9, 10 Only): �.���. ;��2 �. � 0 Right of Way Costs:(Category�3 bnly): '�3:f 0 Subtotal of Expenses(Li�e 1 Line 3): `��4;�� 54,700 TxDOT:Administrative Expenses(15%of Line 4) ��:5: 8,205� TotalProjectCost �.��. '�.6: � $62,905� Loca6Match: ���. 20°/a of Total Project Cost(Line 6) ;7: $12,581� Federal Funds Requested. ; : 80% of Line 6.�� �:8, $50,324 'The minimum amounf of local cash match required is 20%. Sponsors are�ot limited in their maximum local match. If a larger local match is provided, please adjust fhe percentages accordingly. 20. Project Commitment By submitting an application,the nominating entity commits that if this project is selected for funding, it will be brought to a successful bid award within four years from selection. The construction plans far this project are currently: � Complete I 90 %Complete ❑ Not Started l ��. SignaNre Y`'�� � M�v�r Kevin M. ftolland PnntedName 1U05/12 Date ?The nomination form must be signed by a representative of the local entity that has signature authority. Complete nomination packages must be received at the district by the final due date and include one signed original,three additional copies and three CDs containing an electronic '- file of the nomination form in a'Microsoft Windows`Excel 2010 format(.xlsm),including !PDF versions of all attachments. FINAL SUBMISSION DUE DATE FOR ALL DOCUMENTATION - Friday, November 16, 2012 by 5:OOpm CST 5 of 8 Itemized Consfruction Costs: Work Activities: Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Mobilization 1.00 LS 1,500.00 1,500 ' Surface Cleanin & Pre erafion 17,480.00 LF 0.50 8,740 ' Install Bikelane Stri ing/Designs 8,680.00 LF 2.00 17,360 Install Median Striping 8,800.00 LF 2.00 17,600 s Install Roadside Si na e 40.00 EA 200.00 8,000 Demobilize 1.00 LS 1,500.00 1,500 0 ` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 '- 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 ' 0 0 ' 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal: $54,700 (6 of 8) Construction Costs: Work Activities: Quantit Unit Unit Price Amount 0 ` 0 ` 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 ' 0 0 0 ` 0 ' 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ' 0 0 0 0 o ` a Tota4 $54,700 (7 of 8) Remember that Planning Costs are allowable ONLY for,projects'in category 4,4, 9&10: Work Activities: Quanti Unit Unit Price Amount 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;'' 0 ` 0 ' 0 0 Total; $0 Remember that Right of Way costs are allowable ONLY for projects in category 3: Work Activities: Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � li 0 ; ' 0 ' 0 ! 0 - 0 , 0 0 0 ' 0 ? Total: $0 (8 of 8)