HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2011-29 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2012021163 8 PGS RESOLUTION NO.R2011-29 A RESOLUTION OF TH� CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, DETEI2NIINING THAT A WATER-LINE AND DRAIANG� EASEMENT IS NEEDED ��t'Oi�STRUCTIDN A1V73 �A�'`i'�NA�+ ��F�J��I� -- ---- ' . _IMPROVEMENTS _NEAR _MISSION ESTATES AND SAN � JOAQUIN ESTATES; APPROVING THE ACCEPTANCE OF ', SAID EASEMENT FROM YELLOWSTONE HILL ! COUNTRY RANCH,PROPERTY OWNER. I x � � x * I WIIEREAS, the City Council of the City of Friendswood fmds and deteirnines that public convenience and necessity requue that the City acquue a ���ater-line and drainage easement (the � "EasemenY') over, across and under a certain propeily located along Whispering Pines, mare � specifically described in Exhibit"A" as being 51,243 square feet out of and being part of a called I 194.21 acre tract of land known as "Tract A", described in deed in Galveston CounTy Clerk's File � No. 2010059686, comprised of a poi�tion of Lots 1, 16 and 20 of the David Fahey Subdivision as i recorded in Volume 118, Page 417 and being situated in the Mary Fabreau Survey, Abstract Number 69, Galveston County, Texas;and I WI3EREAS, the City of Friendswood, through its duly autharized representative, has III negotiated with the owners of said tract of land for the acceptance of such Easement for the herein ' i stated puipose and has been able to agree with such owners as to the dedication thereof; now, !, therefore, ', BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, �I TEXAS: ' Section L The facts and matters set forth in the preamble of this Resolution are hereby found to be hue and conect. Section 2. The City Council of the City of Friendswood finds that bona fide negotiations have been conducted by the authorized representative of the City for the acquisition of the Easement over the herein described h�act of land, and that said negotiations were successful, and that the acquisition of the Easement for the negotiated price is approved. Section 3. The Mayor is authorized to execute any documentation necessaty to accept, dae�meat,ari�i�eeor�sai�Easement. — _ ——– -- - _ . . _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ PASSED,APPROVED,AND RESOLVED this 12th day of September,2011. David J. H. Smith ' Mayar � i ATTEST: ��F ¢����AS� II i� o ��ti^�� � L�� � � I Melinda Welsh, TRMC ' City Secretaiy s�'qr� �� ��.�,P�' � R2011-29 2 i TH E STATE OF TEXAS 4 § KNOW ALl MEN BY7HESE PRESENTS COl1N1Y OP GALVESTON § I —_ _— . — --- __ — _ . THAT Yeliowstone Hiil Country Ranch ("Granto�"J, for and in consideratton of the sum of Ten _ .. . . . Dollars ($10.Ob} and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid to Grantor-Gy the C(ty of Prlendswood,Texas, a 6ome rule municipai corporatlon of the State of Tekas("Grantee"j,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledgeB and confessed, has GRANTED, SOID, and CONVEYED, and by these presents does hereby GRANT,SELL, and CONVEY unto the said Grantee, its successors, assigns and legal representat+ves, a perpetual easement for ihe purpose of conseructing, reconstructing aftering, and ma(ntaining underground potabte water and surface/subsurface dralnage facilities in, under, over, along, upon,and across that certain 51,243 square foot tract of land,more or less("EasemeaY'),same being more particularly described in Exhibit"A"and shoavn In Exhib(t"6", both attached hereto and for all things made a part hereof. Grantee may do and perform alf acts necessary to construct, reconstruct, repatr, relocate, or maintain underground potabie water facilities within said Easement and to operate thereon aIl necessary machinery and equipment to eificiently prosecute the work. Grantor retains, reserves,and shal[continue to enJoy the use of the surface of the easement property for any and al�purposes which do not Interfere wtth or preventthe use by Grantee ofthe Easementforthe purposes stated herefn. This conveyance is expressly made subJect to any and all restrictions, mineral and/or royalty reservations, covenants, and easements appearing of rec.ord relative to tne Easernent, bue only 4o the extent that the same are stil(in force and effect and enforceable against the same. The Easement,along with ail righFs and privileges relating thereto,shall terminate when the Easement, as descrl6ed above, is abandoned by adoption of an Ordinance abandonfng or vacating such by Grantee. TO HAVE AND 70 HOLD the ahove described Easement,together with all and singuiar the rights and appurtenances thereto in any w(se belonging unto the said Grantee,its successors and ass(gns forever, and 6rantor binds ltself, its successors and assigns,to warrant and forever defend aif and sfngular the said easement unta Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully ctaiming or to claim the same or any part thereof, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to conveyance and warranty,when the clafm is by,through,or under Grantor,but not otherwise — . .— .iM1tWtFNESS{h/ F�his{ns4rumenEisexeet�Eed#His — �_Zti�_da}w€Septernbe�,�84�,_ ---- GRANTO gy; �V� �- L.Ye�n��1� FNamel �J�, �U �Q,��lJk3���' ��i (7(flel --� I ACKNOWLEDGMENT THE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF GALVESTON § --.__— ...__ _ _... .. _.. . .... ..... ._._— ..... ..... ..�Ath6�_5rra+$'(/�_ __—__—___—_- BEFORE ME,the undersigned Notary Public,on this day personally appeared , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregaing instrument and acknowledged,ta me that HE OR.SH� executed the same for the_purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated,and as the act and deed of said Yellowstone Hill County Ranch. GIVEN under my hand and seal of office,this ��day of m 2011. MICHEL��ANN PEREZ Notary Public In and For the State of Tex NOTARY PUBLIC ' STA7E OP TE�AS My Commission Expires: �� �� � _ •'�� MY����Expiresll•18-2014 ACCEPTED BY GRANTEE: ATTEST: n ( ''_``�I r `�1� 'U�'W \� wd 1. .Smi , Mayor Melinda Welsh,TRMC .�`'p��F��•., e� ( " OS1 City Secretary •�Q ,(�• ',� , •.0�. ' �,0�: '/�r ':C3 . ADDRESS OF GRANTEE: :U: • CityofFriendswood,Texas •��• •, •' Q°�• 910 South Friendswood Drive � )'�><��;��`�rG�.°` Friendswood,Texas 77546 - � EXHIBIT "A" FMS SURVEYING�INC. 46943-20'WLB�DB 19701 ffiGHYJAY 6,MANVL�L,77578 281-519-8530 niE�CFS ANA BOUNDS➢HSCRIPTION OFA20'tiVATERLINEEASEMF,NT ' &DRAINAGEHASEMENf A tract of land containing 51,243 squara fzet ofiend out ofa�beingpartoPa celled I4A.21 ape - -�ractoflandknoimas"IYact�A",descdbeddndeedinGalresronCOUnty�C7e&'sFile2�o. ��� 2010059686,<ompdsedofaporttonofLo�s1,16and29ofiheDav[dFaheySubd63sionas ��� ���� ��� ������ ���� ����� -- --� ----xewcdedinVolumeLt8yPage4t7and-bafngsituatc8�tn�hc�fary-Fa6mauSUn�ey,Ab5tr2etNumber --- -- --- --- --- � 69,Gaivufon County,Taxas�vlth ssid 51,243 squara feetbeNgmo»particulartydessdbed 6y � MetessndBoundsasfollows; . � COMMHNC1MQata5/8inch3eonrodfoondetihocalledAorthcomexofSOrtcersetPtece Subdivlsion az recotded iu Vo]uma 18,Page 302 otthe C3alres(on CounryMapRecords; TRBNCE:S45deg,-22mtn:26sec.$alongthePasterlylirteofiheakremenHonedSomerset . Placa,Rfission Estates,recoeded in Votuma 18,Paga 9l and San Soaquin&lala Seclion'iko(2j,as xecocded irt Volome 17,Pago 69,of iha Craheslon County Map Records,and acaUed27.63acra - tract of�and kno�vn an pmposed Steding Cttek,at a distance of575.67 feet,pz:s en iron md with cap found stampe.d"IKC 5580"ai iha li'esterly mmer ofsa!d called I9{.21 aaes andttse Nescedy comecafsaid ycopo:ed Stedtng CYtek,a tmat dtstmxe of I856.78 izcl to a SB"Imn xod»iih qp Coand Intho L�astedy lino of San Joaquln Estates SecttonT���o(2),andtfie SoutLedy wmero£satd proposed Sted(ng Ctzek aud being tha SomhwesE comerazid PlaceoFBe�Wngofthaheaztn - . describedtrzcg � 7HeNC[i:N 2d deg:35 min:IO sea.8,along the Southeasiedyltneafsatd pmposedSted'mg Crezk, . a dislanca of 2I.16 feet ro a point for wmer irt said Southeasfedy l�re ofpioposed Ste�tingCaekfo� theNonMeesterly wmerofUtistraU; 7HHNC&S 46 dag:22 mtn;25 aea.H,pazal[el to tlia Northeasteriy UneoFtUe aforementia�zd San JoaquinFslafes Secllon'L\vo(2),e[a dlstance of 2505b1 Fezl,cross a 60'rvideCommunirykubllo Serdea E(ectrtoEasement,described in deedtn Yoluma 1715,Page 64 ofGats�eston Covnty,Texas, a tolal distanca of 2565,61 feet to e point Carcomec in the}y¢sledy li�ofa26 footwfda water line and aenttary sa�ser easemtnt,ducribed in deed to the GYtyaf£rie�k�eood tn flUn code'ro. � 008•85•2447,c1etx'sfileno.9316397,IDmwdeno.01Ud74247a�Mcie�ksHteno.9523632of . Galvuton County,Texas and 6eing iheNodheasterty comernFtheh.•aindeunbedtracl; 7H9NCB:S43dag:45roi�:17seaN,zlongthaNestedyltneoF�d26'iddt�vateel(ne � easemeN,a dislanca oF20 feet io apotnt far comer In�heA*onheastedy itneof�heaForeroer,tloned San Jaaquin&tatu Section 1\vo(2)for ifie Souticeasteriycameroftfiistrnei; THBt�CB:N A6 deg:22 min:25 sea W,along satdNonheastedy IirtaofSaaJoaqu(nPStata , ScetionTwa(2),ad�slanceof2558,66feetrotheplaceofbeginninga�dconlawngL2acresoP Iand. `--t��°___-�`� . DATE:Aueust22.2Dt1 . RHVISH6 AueuSt 31.2a11(D�, , SCOTTR.SHBRmAN �� � REOISIHRED PROPESS[ONAG L1ND SURVBYORt�O.6I71 t �p e ' 4P �Y��kt,• �i,.p� .�o: ...�......�.......�... SCOTT R. SiiERiDAN � �u�.���..8177.������n *,. lqNF$§�1a`'yOQ' SUR�E �p ����� C�A � AOe {RA Gv� ��Vm� M��r���������0�� ���" �� � y �20 0�= r � °�g�y nsC�� ------_- ��,7 ?��� � � ��-�+ ��� ���'o n f m� � � �°�'��� °�"°�°c� � � ��� �$ � ���������m����� . . .� Bo�a� 8 m !�"z i i a � _ �yy ` � � a � � �e���� �� � .... � $ � ..... DRkNfiE FAYJM1ehT ... �o ri�. ��� � � z y � .... .... ...... ... �8 S � o�€ � z ����'� @� � ..���� O �%t6 N.. (Jr � ._ . � y�n ._ � � ... �'F� ��.�. o ..� �..$�� � �� .. _.. .... ... m °��� � � ����°_� 2� � � � ���� � m� ������ �� m � _... ...5Qi;2���� °�3��d_ ..._ Z� .�. _... ..._ ..._� _._ .__. ..___...._ _.... o� ...._ . -lQ.i�3 bg �Og�n� C � L � h � � �i���^ r�� Z9^ ,/ � �� '� n <� �,� z �� � B� Q�� � �� 30' ROAO'XAY ' F �U�9Si%$OVEDJ � � FAHEY SU80.Y6�0.Y � ( YOL. 718r Po.417 . � U.CILR. (p � a^ b� � .�.Sr,9 5��m_� i .�. • =:�1,�� ¢�,c.t �§�^_' —� � � fg a x „� � ; �r �jtig y� �-� �i . � � Z z � � s5 � � i �0' tvas P�[U�:E � O � `�-0°5„•o y+"' � covamn'ensm!�rrr , Z � � . 'P �g�'��i � � W1.599, �. 378 &C.F. �� � I+� � � N0. 8450653 m (V � O.RP.ROF. N � ' I'� N�'' ° z� � � � � ' �`�-� =• 1 � C� � � 1 � � � �n'� � �� 8 �� � � � zl ZF� � O � ; � �tn e`� g �� �° ��-� y � H f� � � N �a� - �� � �' � � °}��� 9 s� l� � � O Nd�'�z '� 'm ° � • ��,. s N N N � �" @a�� N �� I v-r r� � 1"n �OI . '��. _m irn w � . R � m❑ �� F, � ��'P'-.ttl t��7° �N S ' ' � .. �itl:"'�'A��+� { i ry ������ a�� 1 � � � � �`��`�����° � � `�����°��i �a��+ � o�G['��o�ag%nt�.�yy.� � ; . �. z"�'�'G�`�� `.d (y 3 �20' CfIY 0£ FkEN9S15000 W.I.E,&S.S.E, n. y H�N� � p i F.0. 6D08-85-2447 &C.$ �931 W97 of.' ay�J��m y o s j F.C. 1'OIO-4T-2247 &CF. �9523682 `yG O�4 �tl�.j� O � � O.R.P.RC.C. � . w�4]��9."y- OH �'+f $ I v� tl � yo�� O � = BE__ � `�?'� �73 ���'7u�io�OO �_`y � � m �� �. �� � L2 � �,�� �C.�n '�TJ'� I � �ElECi1GC FASFYEy�FRJ:CE � �.�'4 t�eD y +.'�. _ � WL 77�9. PG. 68 � � H m tA''a� ' G.C.D.R. tl W� �. . M FILED AND R�C��DED S,�pSE o O,c ,�� OFFICIRL PUBLIC RECOROS .. ..._ .._.. ..... __ �h' �� _ �.a� � �, 2 2�271fi3 ...._ ..._ _... .__. ._...May 25�_g012 -09:01:14 8M .__ _... ._._. .._. .._. ..... ..... FEE: $40.00 DwighE D. Sullivan, County Clerk Galveston County, TEXRS