HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2012-11 RESOLUTION NO. 2012-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF THE MAY 12, 2012, CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD GENEI2AL ELECTION FOR THE POSITION OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL POSITIONS NO. 1 AND NO. 3. X X X 'if Y % % % X X Whereas, on May 12, 2012, there was held within and throughout the teiritory of the City of Friendswood, Texas (the "City") an election (the `Blection), for the puipose of electing the hereinafter named officials, a copy of a sample ballot being attached as Exhibit "A" and it appearing from the returns duly and legally made, there were cast at the Election 3,766 ballots. Each voter received one (1) ballot for candidates from which each of the candidates received the following number of votes: MAYOR (Term expires May, 2015) Kevin Holland 2,358 Janis Lowe 1,367 COUNCIL POSITION NO. 1 (Teirn expires May, 2015) Tom Timmons 1,324 ', Steve Rockey 2,201 I COIJNCIL POSITION NO. 3 (Term expires May, 2015) I Jim Hill 2,250 i Carl W. Gustafson 1,336 ' NOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ! FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS: ' Section 1. The facts set forth in the preamble of this Resolution are true and correct. Section 2. The Election was duly called, Notice of the Election was given in accordance with law, the Election was held in accordance with law, and the following persons received a majority of a11 votes for the respective offices and was elected and is declared to be elected to the respective offices, subject to the taking of the Oath of Office as provided by the laws of the State of Texas and Article VI, Sections 6.04 and 6A5 of the City Charter: MAYOR Kevin Holland (Term expires May, 2015) COiJNCIL POSITION NO. 1 Steve Rockey (Term expires May, 2015) COLTNCIL POSITION NO. 3 Jim Hill (Term expires May, 2015) Section 3. It is found that by virtue of all positions on the ballot receiving a majority of all votes for the respective offices, a iunoff election is not required. Section 4. It is further found and deteirnined that, in accordance with the order of the City Council, the City Secretary posted written notice of the date, time, place, and subject of this meeting on the builetin board located in City Hall, a place convenient to the publiq and said notice having been so posted preceding the date of this meeting. A copy of said posting shall be attached hereto as Exhibit`B." Section 5. All resolutions or parts of resolutions inconsistent or in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such inconsistency or conflict, hereby repealed. PASSED, APPROVED, AND RESOLVED this the 21st day of Mav, 2012. `I V��� David J. - ith Mayor ATTEST: �,....,, �.•` FtIEN ''•. /� � � � � � p�,/� , FF. •OS . ����^�--d� IJ�Y e-e`6 � • O. •.� •. .'�, •' ';p: �~ �.0: Melinda Welsh, TRMC :U : . City Secxetary �,�r�• '*' � •. N' ;Q.t7: • j,�' . . '.� • ��•�TF OF'��... •.... ..• R2o12-11 2 Exhibit A R2012-1'I Voi�.__�... -•--- -- — _ __ _ �s de/a Pagina � OPFIqALBALLOT 80LETA.OF/C/AL � � GENERALELECTION ELECCIbNfiENERAL ' �� � � CITY OF FRIEN�SWOOD,TEXAS . � � C/UDADDEFR/ENDSWOOD, TEXAS . . �� May:12,2012- 12demayode20f2� � � � Precirmt Precinto 655 � = MsWCtion Texl• ' ChaAerAmendment Proposition 2 Charier Amendment Proposidon 5 � Please use a Ciack orblue Ink pen onty. 'Shall SeCtlon 2.OS,Tort liabllity,"be "Shall Settion 3.10'RUles of PfpCQdU�e" '� Completety fill in iha boX prohded Io Ne le%Of deleted in i45 entirety and repiaced by a ba amended to p�ovide more ClarifiCaUOn .�.� rourchoice.Makenostraymarksonine newSecdon2.O6enlitled"L(mitallonof ofihecitizens'opportunitytobefieard r� balloG oo iwt use(nks Ihat soak through Ne �iabllRy for tlama9es,"to update ihis before Coundl on any matter,and notJust �� Pa��' � SectioninconformitywiththeTexasTort ihosemattersunderwnsitleretion?" � � 7eMadelnsWCCi6n: � ClaimsActandlaw,andtoprovide MOD1F/CAC/6NALAPROP05lCl6N5 '� PorfavorusescYamenteunap7umadetinfa � � ' � oegraoazoii/enecamp/etamenfeeJespapo Provisionsforsu�Ge�tnoticetotheCity DELALEYORGQNlCA �: = cvadraeaalaizqulerda0esuseleui6n.NO ofclaimsthatmaybemadeagainstit?" �Sedeber,Smodifica�/aSecd6rz3.10, _ : haga marcas e�NaWadas. No nse Untas qyese MOOlF/GAC/6NA[A PROPOS/C16N2 Reg/as detp�ocedimlento'para ada�ar� . � puedenpenetra�e/pape! �� OELALEYORGAN/CA . m9s/aopodunidaddelosGudadanos � �. LSe deberd elimloarla Secd6n 206, para serescuchados ante e/Consejo . O � �� � Responsabi/idaddeagravias;ensu sobrecua/qo/erasunto,ynos6/osobre � . folalidad y�eemp/azarse poruna nueva /os asun(as qae esfsn bajo . � �� � Secci6n 2.06 titWada'Limifacibn de conslderacl6nY � � Correct tncorrect o --- �esponsabllldadpo�danas°pare � Q For AFavor� . GENERALELECTION� actua/iza�eslaSecci6nenconfavnidad � � �:O �. ECECCl6NGENERAL � wnlaLeydeReclamadoaesde!{gravias �Against EnConf�a � �. ��0 ����� �. ylaley,yp�oueeresUpu/adonespa�ada� � �� � �N ��ayo� � � Charter Amendment Proposdio�6 r � .�� aNsosuhcientea/aCiudadsobre � Vote for none orone "Sha�I SeGion 3.11,"Ordinances in � �. � reGamos quese pueden haceran su � � Alyd/de � general,^be amended for more efficiency, . cont�al" � to provide that maJoriry approvai of City . � t/oteporningmro�uno �� : .. . Q Kevin Nollznd �� �� �� �For AFavo� Council is.required forotifainin9 Ciry � �.. �� �. Q Against En Contra Atiomey approval as to the fortn of a �, Q Jan(S Lowe �. proposed Ortlinance4' �� � � � � < CharterAmendmentProposflbn3 MODIflCqC/6NALAPROPOSlC/6N6 � Council,Postlion t °Shall Section 3.05,"Mayor antl Mayor.� DELA LEYORGANICA � � Votaforrwneorone � � �� ConcilioPoslci6nt �� PloTem°beamendedtoprovidefor ��� �Sedeber8mod6icar/aSecc16n3.11, � '�"' � clarificalionandFle�bilityregardingthe Ordenanzasengenerdl;paramayor.' '� � ✓olepornuyuiroouno � � � � — � Ume of appWntment of ihe Mayor Ptq .� acla�aci6n yesGpu/a�qae se req�terela — f4 QTOmTimmins �� TematthenextregularCityCouncil ��� ap�o6acidnmayoritanadelConsejo -�� tti � � m : meeUngfollovfingihecanvassofeleGion Municipa/pa�aob(ene�laaprobau6nde/ m � � � [�Steve Rockey . . . .. ��. d ° returnsorassoonthereafleraspracUcal7' AbogadodelManicipioenloqae � d . '�. Q Councll,�Position3 ` � MODIFICACf6NALAPROPOSlC{6N3 �espectaalatoimadeunaONenanza �Q, ��� � ' � Votetorrroaeorane � � DELALEYORGdNlCA ptopuesla?` . � � � I� Conci/io,PosIU6n 3 Q For. A Favor��. � � � "LSe debera modi6carfa Seca6n 3.05, (n votepornrngunoovno . � %!caldeyA/q/de/nledno"paraada�aiy ��.�. �� � (n �. QJimHiil ofiece�flexibilidada/tiempode �Against EnContrd � designad6ndelA/cdlde/ntednoen/a � CharterAmendme�tPro�osition7 Q Cad W.Gustafson � � � � � � P p�6xlmaasamblearegolardalCOnse/o � � i . °Shall Section 3.11,"Ordinances in SPECIALELEC710N ��� � � ti1unlUpa/despuEsdetdictamende. yeneral,"beamentletltoallowformore �� ' � EGECCI6N£SPECIAC �esultadosdetae/ecrld2okmJspronto y��iency,toprovidethalOrdinances . � '� � � quesea fac66/e1° �� shall he(urNshed to the C Coundl, ChaderAme�dmentPropositionl � .� �Y °Shall Section 1.04,"Glossary of Terms," 0 Fof A FaVO�� .� � . � posted and made available to ihe pu611C �. be amended to correU the definition of Q Againsi En ConGe. �. at least 72 hours prior to first reading or � �� "DeparimentHead"�oState"Direc[or" � amendmentihereto (nsteadof one � �. I instead of the erroneous term"City ; CharterAmendment ProposAion 4 week,as arrentty providedl" �� Mana9er;as ihe person appointed by the `Shali Sectbn 3.09,"MeeOngs of the City MOO/F/C/C/6NALAPROPQS/C/6N7 ' �.n– City Manager or City Council for a . �unciP be amended to provide more DELALEYORGANICA �� `N partici�larDeparimentoFtheCity,andto nezibilityforCityCounGlines[a611shing LSedeberdmodihcaNaSeccrbn3.if, �� OO ailovr rtaving and renumbering this en6re the days and times of its regular O�de�anzas engeneral"para pe�mil/� �} � p SeclionesSecUOn1.00?' ���� meetings,bydeletingifierequirement � mayo�eficienctayeshpo/arquesedeben � I thatthisbeecco �ishedsolei b . suministrarlasOrdenanzasalConseo '_ Q MOO/F/CAC/6NALAPROPOS/C/6N t � :� 1' 1' �. . . ... .,/ M p OELALEYORGi(NlCA � �� �esolution7° ,.. � Municipat,p�blica�seyponelsea � ��� M �Sede¢e�amodibcaila5eccidoL04, MOO/F/CACl6NALAPROPOSlC16N4 disposid6np6b1/capoNomenos72ho�as � � Glosydo de lerminos;para conegiNa �ELq LEYORGQN/CA �� :�� antes de/a p�me�a/eclu�a o modifrcaci6n ^ �. ���.. definiaqn de yefe de depaRarrlento' iSe detier3 modilwNa Seccl6n 3.09, de esfas en luga�de una setpana,camo : O � '�, ` paralndica�0irec/or'eqlugarde! "�'amb/easde/ConsejoM�NClpat;para seeslipWaaclualmenle?" 'i � tArmino en6neo de Administ�ado�de/ ol�ecermfis Jlexibdidad pata que e/ I �� ConseoMUnici �For AFaVOf �� � = Municipio;co�ino 1a pe�sona designada J Pe�esfab/ezra/os dlas y '�. .� porelAdminls(iadordelMunldp/oo �'� »ho2riosdesusasamb/easregu/ares, �A9ainst EnCo�ira . :� � ��'� CoRSejo R9unicipa/pa�a on Departamenlo e//mtnando e/requlsilo de qae se debe �. ��.+ '� aRicWacdelaCiudad, 9 �� � hacerunicameniemedlanferesoluci6n7' � � �� '� :�, p ype�mitir ue se � .. � = muevayreenumerees[asecd6nenlera Qpp� AFavo� � � � � � '��. � Cvmo Seccidn 1.00?" � — . � � Q Agalnst En ConUa �� :� QEor AFavo� . . . . . ��. :� '�.. �� .. . . . � � — , = QAgainst EnContra � � . . � � _ '' �,� . ... � � `° .'. � Vote Both Sides Vote enAmbos Lados dela Pagina Vote Both Sides l/ote en Ambos Lados de la Pagfia � OFFICIAL BALLOT ��-BOLETAOFlC/AC � ' �� GENERAL ELECTION ELECC/bNGENERAL �� CITY OF FRIEN�SWOOD,TEXAS � � � � C(UDADDEFRIENOSWOOD, TEXAS . � � �. . � May12,2012- f2demayode2012 � � � Precinct Precirito..655 � . � � Chade�Amendment ProposiUon 8 �� CharterAmendment Proposition 10 Charter Amendment Proposilion 12� � ° 'ShallSec�on 3.11.°Ordfnances In "Shall Section 4.01,°City Manage�"be "Shail SecUOn 11.02,°Official newspapet' m general;be amended,to allow for more amended to provide fora supermajorityof be amendetl to provide(ordesignation � efficiency,lo provide a reduction in ihe Cdy Council to appoint pr remove the City biennially by City Coundl of tha officlal m time elapsing behveen required readings Alanage�,instead ofthe wrrent provision newspaper instead of the curtent � � of Ordinance5,to provide for at least one requiring on�y a majorityvote,and to provision requiring an annual � _ (1)week behveen such readings,instead wrrect existing typographicaBgrammatical contracUdesigna6on?" � � �� �� � = of the wrreN requirement thaf ihere be at errors in this SectionY' �� � MOO/FlCAC/6NALAPROPOS/C/6N f2 '.° leasthvo(2)weekshetweenreadirgsl" . MODlFlCAC76NALAPROPoS(Cl6N>0 DELALEYORGQNlCA � : � `� MOOIF/CAC/bNALAPROPOSlC/6N8 DELALEYORG,4N/CA � LSedeberemodilcaNaSecci6ntZ02, � OELALEYORG,4N/CA LSedeberdmodiAca�/aSecdCn4.07, �Pen6dicoaBcial;pa�aprovee�un . . �.���� �Se debera modi6carla Secci6n 3.11, %IdmiNstrado�delMonldplo;pa�a penodo de cada dos anas de la ��..00 O�denanzasengeneraJ;parepe�mi6r estipNarunag�enmayo(iade/COnsejo designaci6ndelpen6dicoofipa/porpa4e �� .r mayo�ebcienciayesG'pu�aruna . MualGpa/paladesigna�ydesfito{ral delConse/oMUnrGpa/en/oga�dela ��N� �educU6n de Uempo entrelas lectu�as Adminislredor delMuolcipio,en lugarde disposiU6n ac(ua/que requrere un ��.�M requendas de las Oidenanzas,paia fa estipulaci6n actualque eXlge s6/o un conbato/deslgnaci6n anua!?" �� pro�eerpoNO menos pna(1f semana vato mayorilat7o,ycvdegiNas e�rores � �O � � Q For AFavor � �.p e�treuna/ectorayof�a,enluga�de/ Lpogr9tcosygramaL'ca/esexistentesde �o requisitoadaaldequedebehabe�poNo estaSeccidn?' QAgainst EnCo�tra ���r menos dos(2J semaoas enf�e unalecfuia. O Fof A Favo� � � � Y oUaY QFor AFa✓or � � DA9ainsi EnCOntra .. . QAgainst EnContra � CharterAmendmentProposiUon11 � - "Shall SeC6on 6.02,'Filing for OKce�be �. � ChaderAmentlment ProposlHon 9 �� amended to inaease ihe amount from � . . 'Shali SecUon 3.74,°AUlhentica�ion arid 570 to 550 for the required amounts of � recortling,cotlification,pr(nting'be .��� . �. disdosureoFcandidatesforelecWe amended to allow tbe Council;wilhout �� office,with Such disdosufe to inGude � � approval of ihe voters,:to adopt an �� �.` fees,salaries or gifts received fmm O — ordina�e that provides onty for ��. companies w Indivlduals under contract �����tC non-substantive rev(shns/reorganizations with ihe Ciiy duAng the 12 monihs prior to (C � " �m in the CliaAel?Currenqy ihere is no �� � filing for public office,aswell as conectirg m . :�:y provision ihat allows Council to correct ��. rypographicaV9rammaUral ertors io this y ,� � '�:Q, errors in spellin9,aoss�references,� � �� SecGon7' � � .£ punctuafion or numbering of Adides or MOOIFICACl6NA LA PROPOSlCl6N f 1 � � �:� SecUansintheChaAerwi�houtapprovai DELALEYORGffN/CA � ���.fn oflhevoters" ZSedeber3modificaNaSec�lon6.02, (n '. � MOD/F/CAC76NALAPROPOS1C76N9 P�esenlaci6nparau�digootrcial;pa�a DELALEYORGdNlCA � � � aumenla!/acanUdadde,6>Oa350de/os �. �Se deberd madTcaNa Secd6n 3J4, montos requeddos de�evelacJbn de . AUIenL'ficaci6n ytegis4o,codi�caci6q ' candida(os pa�a ca(gos ofrcia�es,con . � Impresl6n;pa�apem�iti�alCOnseJ¢sin dicha�eve/aci6nqueinc/uya�otas, � � �. . aprobaci6n de/os votantes,adoptarona salados u obseqotos<ecibidos de. �� � . � �. � � ordenaoza qve estipute tinlcamenfe � tompanias a individuos bafo conGato con �� � � � ��. � ievislones/�eo�gaNzacionesno . laCiudaddu�antef2mesesantesde � � � �� . . . suslanbYas enla LeyOrg3nlca? hacer ona piese�taciqa para un caiga � .� . � . . Actualmentenohayntngunad/spos/G6n pt36/ico,as/comocairegiNOSerrores . '�. ��� quepe�mRaelCOnsaJocoaegtrenores bpog�aficosygramaticalesdeesla � � - � � � ', .�. �� de ortog�a{ia,fefe�eitctas cruzzdas, � � SecGdnl" . . � . � � ' .�!� punf4aG6n ynume�aci6n de Adlcu/os o �Fof A Favo! � �. . � ��N Seccionesen/ateyOrgaoicasin ..:o : ��. Q Against En Conl�a � � apiobaGon de 1os votantes" � . j ���� QFor AFavo�.� � . . . � � . . '— ' . �:O � . +— �.. ,. o m o �Asamst en contra o M . . � .. � . � . . . � . � � . � II . � � � . . � . . . :� I . . . . �. . . O '��, := . . . . � . '�,. _ . � .. . . . � � � ��. . s . . . .. . . . . . _ il �..� . . . . . . . � � � �, ..� . . � . � . . _ '�.. �� � � � . � � ,�'�. � ....� . . . . � .:� . . . . �.. — . . . . . . . � I _ � ' Vote Both Sides �ote en Ambos Lados de/a Paglna ' Exhibit B . R2012-11 �������� � 9 ��� p� �� ��, STATE OF TEXAS )( CITYOFFRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( MAY 21, 2092 )( NOTICE[S HERESY GIVEN OP A FRIENDSWOOb CITY GOUNCIL.R�GULAR MEETING TO B� HELD AT 6:30 PM ON MONDAY, MAY 21, 2092, AT FR(ENDSWOOD CITY HALL, COUNCIL GHAMBER, 910 S, FRIENDSWOOD DRNE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, REGAR�ING THE ITEMS OF BUSINESS ACCORDING TO THE AG�NDA LIST�D BELOW: 6:30 PM—REGULAR MEETING 1. Call to order 2. Invocation - Father Geoffrev Gwvnne,Good Shepherd Episcopal Church . , 3. Pledqe of Afleaiance — Uni4ed StaEes and Texas (Honor the Taxas flag; I pledge allegfance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible) 4. Communications from the Public (To aomply with provisions of the Open Meefings Acf, the Ctty Council may nof ' deliberate on items discussed under this agenda item. The Council may refer this � item to the City Manager or direct ti�is item to be placed on the next regular Council agenda. PowerPolnt presentations are not conducted during the citizen comment period) 5, Comments from Candidates and Outqoinn and incomina Councilmembers � 6. E2esolutions ( Consideration and possible action regarding the fo[lowing: A. Resolution R2012-19 — A resolutton of the City Council of fhe Cify of Friendswood, Texas, canvassing the returns of the May �i2, 2012, Gity of Frlendswood General Election for the position of Mayor and Council Posltion No. 1 and No. 3. B. Resolution R2012-12—A resolution and order of the Clfy Council of the City of � Friendswood, Texas, canvassing the returns of fhe May 12, 2012, City of ' Friendswood Specia[Election and insfructing the Mayorto cerEify the results of the election to the appropriate State and Federal officials. 7. Presentation of Gertificates of Electlon ' 8. Oaths of Office The Honorable Judge Woitz wlll administer the Oath of Office for Mayor and Council Position No. 1 and Posifion No. 3 9. Communicafions from the Mavor and Counclimembers 90. Adiournment ****'**A RECEPTiON WILL FOLLOW IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COUNCIL MEETING tN THE POYER OF CITY HALL. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND. This facllity is wheelchair accessible and accessible parking spaces are available. RequesEs for accommodations or interpretive servlce must be made 48 hours prlorfo this meeting. Ptease contacE the City Secretary's Otflce at (289) 996-3270 for further informatlon, I, MELINdA WELSH, CITY SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD DO HEREBY � CERTIFY THA7 THH ABOVE NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD GITY GOUNCII, WAS POSTED IN A PLACE GONVENIENT TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC IN GOMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 551,TEXAS GOVERNMENT COpE,ON MAY 17.2012,AT 2:00 PM. �1�� �-��� ` '���. MELWDA WELSH,TRMG CITY SECRETARY **All meetings of City Council are open to the public,except when there is a necessity to meet in an ExecuEive Session{closed to the public)under the provisions of Section fi51, ' Texas Government Code. The Cify Council reserves the right to convene into Executtve I Session to hear any of the above described agenda Items thaf qualify for an executive session by publicly announcing the applicable sectlon numberof the Open Msetings Acf. � i � I I I I i '