HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2011-11-04 Special 11/07/11 3800 STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( NOVEMBER 07, 2011 )( MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 07, 2011, AT 6:00 PM AND A REGULAR MEETING AT 7:00 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR DAVID SMITH MAYOR PRO-TEM JIM HILL COUNCILMEMBER BILLY ENOCHS COUNCILMEMBER JOHN SCOTT(Arrived at 7:00 PM) COUNCILMEMBER DEIRDRE BROWN CITYATTORNEY ARNOLD POLANCO CITY MANAGER ROGER ROECKER CITY SECRETARY MELINDA WELSH Councilmembers Barker and McGinnis were absent from the meeting. SPECIAL SESSION Mayor Smith called the meeting to order and asked if anyone would like to speak regarding the City of Friendswood's Fair Housing Activity Statement-Texas(FHAST)statement and application to the General Land Office in accordance with Round 2 of State Disaster Recovery Funding. No one spoke. Mayor Smith opened the discussion regarding the City of Friendswood's Fair Housing Activity Statement- Texas(FHAST)statement and application to the General Land Office(GLO)in accordance with Round 2 of State Disaster Recovery Fundi�g by turning the discussion over to Assistant to the City Manager Nick Haby, who provided a presentation. Mr. Haby stated the FHAST group members,some of who are present tonight, I are Pastor Ralph Hobratschk, Andy Rivera, Ann Whitaker, Katherine Yee, Councilmember John Scott, Assistant to the City Manager Nick Haby and Director of Community Development Morad Kabiri with Friendswood Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator Terry Byrd offering Staff support. Mr.Haby further stated that the group has worked very hard over the past month or so on this endeavor, gave the history of the Texas Department of Rurai Affairs(TDRA)Grant also known as Community Development Biock Grant(CDBG)which is part of the Hurricane Disaster Recovery Program,and reported that the City received $2.5 million dollars in Round 1 of the Hurricane Ike Disaster Recovery Program. Round 1 projects included repairs to Fire Station No. 3, emergency generators for three fire stations, emergency generators for Water Plant No. 2 and Surface Water Plant No. 1, and emergency generators for twenty-nine lift stations. With Round 2 of the Hurricane Ike Disaster Recovery Funding, there is 5969.5 million in CDBG funding that has been made available to this area. Of this�969.5 million, a total of�647.4 million is earmarked for a variety of housing recovery programs and �322.1 million will be allocated to non-housing projects. The Ciry of Friendswood is scheduled to be allocated $4.5 million of the non-housing project funding amount and is receiving no housing recovery program funding under this proposed distribution. Potentially eligible projects include a new community centedshelter, new fire station, new fire truck, and drai�age projects. Other allocations in Galveston County cities are Bayou Vista with $805,119, Clear Lake Shores with $577,297, Dickinson with $12,838,214, Galveston with $87,854,043, Kemah with $1,849,119, La Marque with $4,950,153, League City with $8,246,716, Santa Fe with �2,337,719, and Texas City with$13,277,159. 11/07/11 3801 i i With Round 2 of the Hurricane Ike Disaster Recovery Funding,cities that are eligible for an allocation of funds must create a Fair Housing Activity Statement working committee and submit a FHAST form to the State for approval,then the State still must approve the City's application for funding. Application for Round 2 funding is due December 09, 2011. On August 15, 2011, City Council voted to form a FHAST working committee that would submit the FHAST form to the General Land Office(GLO),which was due September 23, 2011. The FHAST committee and City Staff attended regional FHAST form training, met on several occasions,gathered relevant data, completed, and submitted the FHAST form by the deadline. After the Cirysubmitted theirform, the GLO sent back a letter with their comments, asking the City to change or clarify five responses. The FHAST form is designed as an"anti-discrimination"form that focuses on the"protected classes". It identifies sixteen "impediments to fair housing choice" and requires jurisdictions to perform assessments of said impediments and plan actions to address them. The FHAST form is required to be submitted with the Round 2 application in order for Friendswood to be eligible for a�4.5 million allocation. For Friendswood to receive � an allocation, the City must follow through with the commitments laid out in the FHAST form. Onty ' impediments that require Iocal action will be discussed tonight. Consistent with the Fair Housing Act, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), the Texas Department of Rural Affairs . (TDRA),and funded sub-recipients should continue to promote and conduct events to celebrate April as"Fair Housing Month", and direct sub-recipients to do the same. These events can demonstrate support for fair housing and build awareness. Friendswood will commit to undertake Fair Housing Month activities, such as the passage of a resolution by the governing body,and placing posters in public buildings. The Citywill do so by 2013. TDHCA, TDRA and funded sub-recipients have historically conducted fair housing activities at various times of the year a�d should continue to fund, depending on sufficient appropriations, or collaborate with public and private agencies, organizations and groups to plan and conduct fair housing activities. The City will conducUsponsor/fund fair housing activities at various times of the year other tha� April as "Fair Housing Month". The City will do so by 2013. Impediment No.4,"Not In My Backyard"(NIMBY) may be an � impediment to fair housing in Texas communities. To mitigate defensive and reactive responses, planning should include strategies for education, outreach and marketing that provide accurate information and , promote the positive aspects and benefits of affordable housing to build support among community residents. The City will develop an anti-NIMBYism action plan by 2012. Possible plans might include a resolution detailing the City's commitmentto not permit NIMBY-influenced development decisions,and set plans fortown hall meetings to discuss future projects with residents. Certai� City policies and practices may not meet current U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)policy concerning a�rmativelyfurthering fair housing. Jurisdictions should act to ensure that their policies and procedures affirmatively further fair housing, address mal-distribution of resources and that they do not unnecessarily impact housing choice. Jurisdictions that have long-term infrastructure plans shouid review them to determine if the plan promotes racial concentrations or otherwise inadvertently results in disparate treatment of inembers of protected classes. The City has a long-term infrastructure plan and will review the plan to determine if it promotes racial concentrations or othervvise inadvertently results in disparate treatment of inembers of protected classes as it relates to the availability of housing. The City will do so by 2011. Fair housing should be considered in all activities for all local communiry planning staff. The City has determined that consideration of Fair Housing impiications has already been incorporated into all aspects of pianning in this jurisdiction. it would be beneficial for Iocal elected officials to require senior Staff of any sub-recipient such as a city or county- including managers and attorneys to receive available fair housing training within the first tweive months of their employment or engagement. The City does not have such a policy and will develop and implement one by 2013. Local communities should consider Iimiting the concentration of infrastructure improvements like wastewater treatment,solid waste disposal,or similar necessary, but not desirabie, infrastructure projects in residential areas where there are concentrations of protected classes. The City of Friendswood will adopt a policy that will co�sider limiting the concentration of infrastructure improvements like wastewater treatment, solid waste disposal, or similar necessary but not desirable infrastructure projects in residential areas where there are concentrations of protected classes. The City's primary factor in determining the location of I infrastructure is to ensure its functionality and will do so by 2013. � 11/07/11 3802 If a jurisdiction is a non-entitlement community, when working in Low to Moderate Income (LMI) areas to replace roads or other infrastructure,thejurisdiction should consider making application for additional sources of funding to provide assistance to repair substandard housing associated with the project(i.e. TDHCA or HUD). The City has not consistently done this in the past and wiil develop a process to formally consider making housing funding applications when funds for infrastructure projects are sought. The Citywill do so by 2012. Most infrastructure projects take into account items like curb cuts, sidewalks, hearing and visuaily impaired indicators at intersections. When approving non-federally funded projects, similar special needs construction should be required for infrastructure improvements. Projects should also address other legacy discrimination issues,such as accessibility in public areas Iike courthouses,community centers and other high traffic areas. The City currently requires that applications for non-federally-funded infrastructure projects are American With Disabiiities Act(ADA)compliant and address other legacy discrimination issues. Impediment No. 5 is that certain governmental policies and practices may not meet current HUD policy concerning affirmatively furthering fair housing. As part of the non-housing disaster recovery program,jurisdictions should consider low-income areas and areas populated principally by members of protected classes to determine the potential for flooding and consider making infrastructure expenditures to help protect the impacted communities—including colonias. The City has not done this in the past but will conduct such a review and consider these infrastructure projects in the future by 2011. Consistent with the process established in the conciliation agreement, Iocai jurisdictions and state agencies should work together to determine a demographic and economic profile of victims of the natural disaster and estabiish goals for assisting these , populations in no less that the proportions they were impacted by the disaster. These goals should be pertormance goals and disaster recovery funds should be extended incrementally in a manner to ensure that these populations are equitably assisted with benefits. The City will cooperate with state agencies to carry out this action step by 2011. All infrastructure programs funded with disaster recovery funds should be designed so that any publicly accessible infrastructure projects and associated facilities are fully accessible to persons with disabilities. The City has established clear policies and procedures to insure that all infrastructure programs funded with disaster recovery funds will be designed so that any publicly accessible infrastructure projects and associated facilities are fully accessible to personswith disabilities. The State and sub•recipients should implement a robust and effective structure for identifying and pursuing suspected violations. The state, or local jurisdictions combining together, should consider conducting tests in areas that include steering in sales and rental,the denial of and different terms and conditions based on race, national origin,familial status, and disability in sales and rental, predatory and disparate terms and conditions in lending and insurance,and foreclosure modification schemes targeting minority neighborhoods. The state should also considereducation to applicable entities on self-testing and self-correction. The City of Friendswood will not be establishing a testing program. However, it will look for partnerships with other organizations that are quaiified in this area by 2013. The State and sub-recipients should implement a robust and effective structure for identifying and pursuing suspected violations. Each community should place on its website,if one is available,the contact,at the local, state, and federal levels,for reporting a Fair Housing complaint, if citize�s believe they were victims of housing discrimination. The City has not done so but will do so by 2011. Impediment No. 7 is that many Iocal jurisdictions have zoning codes, Iand use controls, and administrative practices that may impede fair housing choice and fail to affirmatively further fair housing. Locai jurisdictions seeking Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery funds from the State of Texas should consider offering expedited permitting and review processes for affordable housing projects within high opportuniry targetzones. The City of Friendswood will establish a timeframe to consider adopting incentives by 2013. Impediment No. 13 is location and Iack of housing accessibility and visitability standards within political jurisdictions Iimits fair housing choice for persons with disabilities. TDHCA should require that all federally funded housing construction be built to accessibiiity standards found in Texas Government Code, establishing incentives for affordable housing developers to create an increased set-aside of housing units for persons with disabilities or persons who are elderly without violating the existing TDHCA Integrated Housing Rule; providing point incentives for units in proximiry to medical facilities for competitive programs using federal funds;and requiring new housing builtwith federal funds to be built with structures that allow for accessible features,regardiess of whether the original occupant needs the features, as called for by State law. 11/07/11 3803 � The City of Friendswood will establish a timeframe to consider adopting incentives by 2013. Impediment No. � 16 is that many jurisdictions do not have adequate analysis of impediments to fair housing or fair housing plans,and do not keep sufficient records of their activities. Recipients of GDBG funds from HUD for housing should maintain records as required by the Fair Housing Act, HUD regulations, and the Conciliation Agreement in order to document that they are carrying out their commitments and affirmatively furthering fair housing. Should the City of Friendswood receive CDBG funds from HUD for housing, records will be kept in compliance with TDRA and TDHCA guidance and will do so by 2013. The next steps are that the next application for funding is due December 09, 2011. Council approval of the application and FHAST form are required and can be done at the same time. Direction from Council is requested on whether to move fonvard with the application/FHAST form, and the priority of potentiaily eligible projects. Mayor Smith asked if the committee members would Iike to speak and FHAST member Pastor Ralph Hobratschk stated there was a Iot of Iegalese as a resuit of a lawsuit,tried to couch the responses in order to satisfy although much did not apply to Friendswood, is frustrating but wise to jump through hoops to get a ' carrot of that size. Mayor Smith stated it sounds to him that the City is not broken, but are trying to fit into a mold. Pastor Hobratschk stated Friendswood does not have public housing and the Citywill not tell a private homeowner what to do with their individual property. Mayor Smith stated the wording on the PowerPoint presentation is similar to what he has seen as a realtor, and a real estate agent is held to a higher standard and thinks that is what is being talked about here. It looks as though there is a need for a vehicle to educate and the City is not far off from meeting the expectations. Mayor Smith asked if there could be another round of funding and Mr. Haby replied yes. Pastor Hobratschk stated if some of the other cities do not apply for the funding the money could be given to Friendswood. A lot of effort goes into this and the deadline is soon so it needs to be on the next Council agenda. FHAST member Katherine Yee stated the specific projects that were previously funded with Round 1 were i important pieces of equipment,this would be a positive and proactive step for the City of Friendswood and it wouid benefit the entire community. Councilmember Brown stated she did not vote to go fonvard with the first part due to the time constraints and the types of policies. Her concern is that these are policies that must be implemented and will allow the City to receive the funds but they must be followed consistently over time so is not supportive of rushing through this, interned in law school on this, there are secret shoppers that do check compliance, there is low housing in Friendswood,there needs to be a fair housing officer to meet the fair housing requirements,this is an intense Iegal area and there are Iiabilities if laws are not followed. Councilmember Enochs asked how the $4.5 million dollar amount was reached and Assistant to the City Manager Nick Haby answered it was part of a method of distribution that they determined and Fire Marshal/Emergency Management CoordinatorTerry Byrd explained further. Councilmember Enochs asked what the likelihood would be that the City would be approved for this funding. Mr. Haby stated Friendswood will get the money if theyjump through hoops, but they still must approve the projects for which the moneywill be used. Councilmember Enochs asked if the deadline can be met and Mr. Haby stated it can, it has been a rushed project and some cities have thrown their hands up and refused to meet the stringent deadlines because it is such a challenging timetable. City Manager Roger Roecker stated this is a rushed process the Texas Department of Rural Affairs gave this to the General Land Office to administer, were given specific deadlines, and are trying to get through this process as well. Staff does not k�ow if the FHAST form will be approved but the committee responded in such a way that does not overly commit Council except to consider a lot of things. The deadline for approval is December 09, 2011, and Staff has not yet seen an appiication. I I 11/07/11 3804 Mayor Smith stated the sentiment is that this might be overly ambitious and there is a concern about the obiigations being met. He believes that the goals can be met and does not see anything that is overly onerous, is implementable and the phrasing gives latitude to accomplish. Pastor Ralph Hobratschk stated tried to do that and not increase the workload. Mayor Smith stated training on Fair Housing for senior Staff is a good idea anyway. Mayor Smith thanked the committee and stated he is satisfied with the work they did. Pastor Hobratschk stated it is very difficult to suggest turning down the$4-plus million because the City can use the funds. FHAST member Katherine Yee stated a lot of resources were made available at a special workshop they attended such as talking to executives with credit unions and asked, if approved,wouid they be wiiling to help in education of the community. Ciry Manager Roger Rocker stated since this is such a rushed process, Staff would like to knowwhat Council thinks would be potentially eligible projects because whenever Staff receives the application theywill need to knowwhat Council is interested in. Mayor Smith stated he believes the order they are Iisted is a good priority. Councilmember Hill stated he would Iike to make sure there is enough Staff to follow up on these and the Ciry Manager answered that there is enough Staff and during the grant process will have assistance from an administrator, has not had Staff teli him they cannot create this or maintain it. Gouncilmember Hill stated his priority is a new fire station to replace Station No. 1, then the shelter, and finally one drainage project. Councilmember Enochs stated he likes the list, consider what the needs were during Hurricane Ike, library could be prepared as the backup shelter to the community center because they were used during Hurricane Ike, asked if the fire truck was paid for out of the�6 monthly fee. The City Manager stated that Staff found out the Iibrarywould not be eligible for a shelter,there is other funding for the fire trucks so this would be overand above that and would expedite the purchase. Councilmember Enochs suggested moving the purchase of the fire truck to the bottom of the list. Fire Marshal Terry Byrd stated what Staff found out recently is that some of the suggested areas they are looking to approve are in fire protection, drainage, and possibly wastewater and the community center idea may be second tier and be considered later. Councilmember Brown stated she agrees with Councilmember Hill and would do reverse order,fire protection is paramount to a community center,if the new pumpertruck is for the new fire station and if sowould support that, drainage is next, fully supports adopting FHAST but it is notjust approving the grant but also approving the permanent constraints and is strategic to put a quick deadline on accepting the funds. Her priorities are the fire station, truck, drainage, generators, and the communiry center. Fire Marshal Terry Byrd stated generators are for the Public Safety Building and Junior High School and are still on the list. City Manager Roger Roecker stated only four Councilmembers are here and there are two who have the community centedshelter as the top priority and lwo who have the fire station as the top priority, and the ', priorities of the absent Councilmembers might need to be considered in order to get a clear priority list. Mayor Smith stated it can be revisited at another meeting. The City Manager stated the committee has jumped through hoops and thanked them. Councilmember Enochs asked what the next step is and City Manager Roger Roecker stated there will be an approved FHAST statement from the State at the first meeting in December and an application with a list of projects. i 11/07/11 3805 I REGULAR MEETING Mayor Smith called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Pastor Lynn Colby of Galvary Chapel. Mayor Smith Ied the Pledge of Allegiance to the lJnited States and to the State of Texas. SPECIAL RECOGNITION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS City Manager Roger Roecker read some of the Five Star Spirit Award nomination comments and presented the Five Star SpiritAward for the third quarter of 2011 to Senior Program Manager Genie Balderaz. The City Manager presented the award to Ms. Balderaz's daughter Rosemarie Padilla who accepted the award in her absence and stated that Ms. Baideraz has worked for the City of Friendswood since 2003. She started with the City as a Recreation Aide,and was promoted to Assistant Program Manager before moving to her current position. Ms. Balderaz was nominated by a number of residents who frequent the Senior Program. She was complimented for being a great teacher,trustworthy,friendly and for her enthusiasm that"make it a delight to be involved in Senior Program activities". The City Managerstated the community appreciates the service that Genie Balderaz has provided,and congratulated her on being the recipient of the Five Star SpiritAward for the ' third quarter of 2011. Mayor Smith asked Rosemarie to pass on congratulations to her mother. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Troy Elmore,Friendswood resident,stated he lives in Northfield Estates and wants to make Council aware of i a traffic problem to get into old Forest of Friendswood subdivision. He stated he would like to know the process to have an agenda item in order to discuss the issue more fully. Northview, Mary's Creek, and Southfield subdivisions are being utilized as a thoroughfare for Melody Road to get to the old section of the Forest of Friendswood and it is creating a problem because the streets were not made to be a thoroughfare. Residents are seeing excessive speeding and increased traffic and with 46 children Iiving in the neighborhood, they added speed Iimit signs, a"chiidren playing"sign and other actions. This is a traffic issue and notjust a speeding issue, and is requesting help to figure out a way to sever vehicular tra�c between Northfield Estates and the Forest of Friendswood. He stated they do not want to separate the subdivision because it has been separated previously, emergency vehicles are not faster going through their neighborhood and the four entrances make it more difficult to controi crime, there is a perception of convenience but it is in truth less convenient, it is not more advantageous to emergency services, and is trying to find a way to make this an important issue. Mayor Smith referred Mr. Elmore to the Ciry Manager's office to get his item on the agenda. Fred Krch, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is trying to think of a word to start his matter out, stated this fiasco started in 1990 when the City purchased 42 acres with a lake in it. A master plan was designed but there was a problem with a titie and grant funds were lost. The Police Department used the lake for safety training, the water was tested and it was pristine and there has been no development of the lake for twenty years despite Texas Parks and Wildlife stocking the lake with fingeriings. The City has stated it had no funds but it had three quarters of a million dollars to fight a pipeline and used the Zoning Commission to pay Iegal fees and a land purchase attempt in Brazoria County, has heard there needs a fence around the lake but it does not need one and it is too costly. If the City took down the gate, manywould go fishing,people already go around the gate, some people go around the lake on a four-wheeler and he cannot fish. � 11/07/11 3806 COMMUNICATIONS FROM COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL REPORTS Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership(BAHEP)Executive Director of Special Initiatives Dan Seal gave an annual report and stated it has been busy year and a pleasure working with City of Friendswood, has been working to promote the business climate of Friendswood and to preserve the high quality of living that aIl enjoy. The BAHEP contract stipulates that they accomplish a number of things each year and recapped those accomplishments. He stated advocacy has been a fundamental prioriry of BAHEP's since its inception twenty- five years ago,took trips to the State capital and to Washington, DC,to brief Iegislators on issues important to this region, worked ciosely with Friendswood Independent School District as the district worked with a constrained State budget, met with freshmen congress members about continuing NASA funding and were pleased that Councilmember Brown could join them for that trip, went again in June for the annual space exploration trip where eighty-eight travelers as well as Councilmember McGinnis were able to attend the second trip for the citizens advocacy trip. BAHEP is fortunate to have this Council involved and appreciates Council's strong support. He stated they worked with eight national site consultants and exhibited ata number of expos and conferences,continues to work with national retailers with the goal of bringing more business to this area,just returned from a State Conference in San Antonio where Economic Development Coordinator Karen Capps attended,and there is a link to the City of Friendswood on BAHEP's website and it is included i� ail print publications. BAHEP works hard to get the City of Friendswood's information in all major print publications, spoke last year about working to recruit Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and two weeks ago, the academy named Ellington Field as their location of choice for a multi-year expansion program beginning in the Fall of 2012. Airports are catalysts for economic development but the real win is that the Embry Riddle expansion, coupled with alI of the other military and construction activity that is undenvay at Ellington,will bring more business growth to this area. Ellington Field is adjacent to Friendswood's Panhandle ' region,which is poised for significant growth. BAHEP was part of the program to present the region recap of ' activity at the ninth annual City of Friendswood Broker a�d Developer Day event on October 20,2011. it has been a very busy year for BAHEP,collaboration is the key to successful economic development and BAHEP is very proud of their successful relationship with the City of Friendswood. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Roger Roecker reported on the FM 518 Texas Department of Transportation(TxDOT)Overlay Project. Staff is pleased to announce a future project to overlay FM 518, between FM 2351 and E. Castlewood. TxDOT recently advised of a project currently in design for a�asphalt overlay of FM 518. At this time,the project is anticipated for letting in April of 2012 with construction to start in June. The project shouid take approximately two to three months.to complete,weather permitting, and should there be any questions regarding this project, please contact the Community Development Department. The City Manager reported on Stevenson Park Rotary Pavilion improvements and stated Friendswood Rotary Club recently teamed up with Keep Friendswood Beautiful (KFB) to complete this year's Rotary Club Community Project, which consisted of repairs and improvements to the Rotary Pavilion and the grounds nearby. Staff assisted the Rotary members and volunteers with identifying items that were in need of repair and potential improvements. The Rotary Club made numerous repairs to the pavilion including patching several small holes in the roof, repairs to the skylights,cleaning and re-staining a few of the pillars, repairs to electrical outlets, and they paid for repairs to the wooden Rotary sign. They also installed two new pillar- mounted Rotary Wheel signs displayed on the front and rear entrance, paid for new plants, soil and mulch which were planted by KFB, paid for two pole banner signs, three new barbeque grilis, a pergola and for the installation of a stamped concrete sidewalk. Thank you to the Rotary Club. , 11/07/11 3807 I The City's Community Services Department and Keep Friendswood Beautiful also made repairs and � improvements to the pavilion including repairing and replacing pillar mounted fans,assisting with repairs to the electricai outlets, designing, planting, mulching and irrigating three new flower beds at the pavilion, installing Rotary Wheel signs on the pavilion and banner pole signs adjacent to the pavilion, and paying for the installation of a stamped concrete e�tryway to the pavilion. The City Manager reported on Keep Friendswood Beautiful and volunteers cleaning up City parks. The lo�g, summer drought and extreme heat has impacted our community in many ways, not the Ieast of which has been the effect on City parks. Several local groups have been working to save as many trees and as much Iandscaping as possible, but also to clear out and clean up the trees and foliage that were Iost as a result of the harsh weather this summer. Keep Friendswood Beautiful(KFB)has been working with several volunteers and Eagle Scout candidates to cover the many parks, medians, and green spaces to Iiteraily "keep ' Friendswood beautiful". In Stevenson Park, KFB is indebted to a number of volunteers, including KFB Board member Loretta Murphy, for many hours they have spent watering the trees in the park. Eagle Scout Roy Bradley and his family have been working diligently to completely revamp the Compassionate Friends Garden in Stevenson Park. They reworked the benches and stones, and added new grass—aII donated to beautify this area of the park. At the City's 1776 Park on FM 2351, some major cleanup work has recently been completed. Two Eagle Scout candidates contacted City Staff and specifically requested the opportunity to work on this park. As part of their project, they are required to solicit the help of fellow scouts and others to demonstrate their ability to coordinate the project from start to finish. The scouts and volunteers cleared out brush, removed dead trees, which were a result of the drought,woody debris and cut dead branches. They also had a chipper truck onsite thanks to Brady Mora of Friendswood Firewood, so they were able to spread that mulch on the traiis to redefine them. There was such a large response of support from their church community that the 120 volunteers were divided into lwo groups and one group actually tackled another � project,the Nature Center at Westwood/Bales School. KFB members were able to workwith both groups and I credit the two projects toward required volunteer numbers and project hours to maintain their eligibilitywith the ; Keep Texas Beautiful organization. The City appreciates the ongoing beautification efforts of KFB and City staff. If anyone would like to voiunteer or donate to KFB projects, please contact them at the Community Services Department at City Hail, 281-9963220. KFB is an active group and last Saturday was Fall Haui a Day and was a successful event. "Councilmember Brown moved to approve a contract with Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership in the amount of$14,000 for economic development services. Seconded by Councilmember HiII. The motion was approved 5-0. '*Councilmember Hill moved to approve a fuel partnership agreementwith Friendswood Independent School District. Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion was approved 5-0. *'Counciimember Hill moved to approve the purchase of two vehicles for the Emergency Medical Services Division of the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department (FVFD), to replace Medic 499 and Medic 43, as approved in FY2010-2011 Budget, and in accordance with the FVFD Vehicle Replacement Policy and authorizing the auction of Medic 499 and Medic 43. Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion was approved 5-0. II 11/07/11 3808 RESOLUTIONS "'Councilmember Brown moved to approve Resolution R2011-34—A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood,Texas,Galveston/Harris Counties by casting 137 votes for Evelyn Timmins to the Galveston Central Appraisal District Board of Directors for 2012-2013. Seconded by Councilmember Hiil. Mayor and Council had a lengthy discussion regarding the vote for Evelyn Timmins to the Galveston Central Appraisai District Board of Directors for 2012-2013. Mayor Smith explained that he has learned that it takes over 800 votes to take a position on the Board and believes Ms. Timmons does not have the support from other cities and school districts to get those additional votes. There is another Friendswood resident named Walt Syers who is on the nomination board and does have enough support from other municipalities and school districts to take a position on the Board. Further discussion ensued on the quaiifications of those , nominated. *"*Councilmember HiII moved to table Resoiution R2011-34—A resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Galveston/Harris Counties by casting 137 votes for Evelyn Timmins to the Gaiveston Central Appraisal District Board of Directors for 2012-2013. Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion to table was approved 5-0. **Councilmember Brown moved to approve Resolution R2011-35—A Resolution of the City Council of the Ciry of Friendswood, Texas, Gaiveston/Harris Counties casting its ballot for the election of Ed Heathcott to the Board of Directors of the Harris County Appraisal District for 2012-2013. Seconded by Mayor Smith. The motion was approved 5-0. *'Councilmember Brown moved to approve Resolution R2071-36—A Resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas,hereby designating Michael Barkeras Representative and Deirdre Brown as Alternate to the Houston— Galveston Area Council 2012 General Assembly and Board of Directors. Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 5-0. '*Councilmember Scott moved to approve Resolution R2011-37—A Resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas,Galveston/Harris Counties,awarding Bid No.2011-18and designating the Official City Newspaper as the Friendswood Journal. Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 5-0. A brief discussion was held between Mayor,Council and City Secretary regarding the decision for the Official City Newspaper, and the merits and differences of the newspapers that submitted bids. '**Councilmember Enochs called the question. No objection was made. �`Councilmember HiII moved to approve Resolution R2011-38—A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, approving the third bond issuance of the West Ranch Management District, for the proposed amount of$4,790,000. Seconded by Councilmember Brown. The motion was approved 5-0. "Councilmember Hill moved to approve Resolution R2011-39—A Resolution of the City Councii ofthe City of Friendswood, Texas, amending Rules of Procedure for the conduct of City Council Meetings by amending Rule 16 in order to implement time limits for Communications from the Mayor and City Councilmembers;and repealing all other resolutions inconsistent or in conflict herewith. Seconded by Mayor Smith. 11107/11 3809 I The Mayor, Council and City Manager had a lengthy discussion regarding the need to amend the Rules of Procedure to implement time limits for Communications from the Mayor and Councilmembers, which was discussed at length at the Iast Council meeting and approved, and Staff was instructed to have a resolution prepared by the City Attorney and placed on this meeting's agenda but can wait until a full Council is present. ***Councilmember Brown moved to table approving Resolution R2011-39—A Resolution of the Ciry Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, amending Rules of Procedure for the conduct of City Council Meetings by amending Rule 16 in order to impiement time limits for Communications from the Mayor and City Councilmembers; and repealing all other resolutions inconsistent or in conflict herewith. Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion to table was approved 5-0. ORDINANCES **Councilmember Brown moved to approve the First Reading of Ordinance T2011-34 —An Ordinance providing for increased prior and current service annuities under the Act governing the Texas Municipai Retirement System for retirees and beneficiaries of deceased retirees of the City of Friendswood, and establishing an effective date for the ordinance. Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved 5-0. **Councilmember Hill moved to approve the First Reading of Ordinance T2011-35—An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix C—"Zoning", Section 7, "Schedule of District Regulations," Subsection J, "PUD, Planned lJnit Development, General Purpose and Description'; Section 8, "Supplementary District Regulations,"Subsection H., "Planned Unit Development Standards and I ', Requirements"; Section 9, "Administration and Enforcement— Building Permits and Certificates of Zoning i Compliance,"Subsection H.,"Site Plan Process";Section 7.Q.,"Permitted Use Table"and"Regulation Matrix —Residential DistricP'; by providing for the adoption of amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinance;providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed�2000,or as otherwise provided by law;repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith and providing for severability. Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved 5-0. Mayor Smith closed any open Public Hearings. "Councilmember Hill moved to approve the First Reading of Ordinance No. T2011-36 — An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix C —"Zoning", Section 7, "Schedule of District Regulations,"Subsection 7.Q., "Permitted Use Table,"by providing for the adoption of amendments to the City's Zoning Ordinance allowing NAICS use No.6116,"OtherSchool and Instruction"and NAICS use No. 6244, "Chiid Day Care Services," in Neighborhood Commercial (NC) Zoning Districts; Providing a Penalty for violation in an amount not to exceed$2000, or as otherwise provided by Iaw;repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith and providing for severability. Seconded by Mayor Smith. The motion was approved 5-0. **Councilmember Hill moved to approve the First and Final Reading of Ordinance No. 2011-37 — An Ordinance amending City of Friendswood,Texas, Ordinance No.2011-31, passed and approved October 3, 2011,same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year2011-2012 by approving"Budget Amendment I"to the"Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood,Texas,for the Fiscal Year 2011-2012"; provid ing for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds;providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject. Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion was approved 5-0. I � 11l07/11 3810 COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember Enochs stated he would like to defer his item,Participation in the TexasAir National Guard,to the December 05, 2011, meeting, and thanked all for Halloween in the Park, was a great event and well attended. The Veteran's Day Iunch at the Senior Center is this Wednesday, November 09,2011,at the Senior Activity Building at 11:00 AM. Councilmember HiII thanked Community Development Director Morad Kabiri and his Staff for completing the parking Iot at Centennial Park,was a great accomplishment and thanked Friendswood Independent School District for footing the bill. Councilmember Scott agreed with Councilmember Hill and thanked aII Staff for what they do, thoughts and prayers go out to Administrative Services Director Cindy Edge and her family for the struggles they are going through with their mother. Councilmember Brown reported that a Homeowners Association (HOA) chat is scheduled for January 14, 2011, at the Forest Bend Homeowners Association Center. The Galloway School is having its Winterfest on December 03,2011, and is open to everyone. The Holiday Hustle 5K run/walk is also December 03,2011,at ' 8:00 AM and those interested can get the Holiday Hustle application online and all of the proceeds go to the Laura Recovery Center for missing children, is time to start training now,participated Iastyear and challenged other Councilmembers to participate,thanked Senior Citizens Advisory Committee for the Veterans Day lunch but cannot attend, and expressed sympathy to Leslie Roque for the passi�g of a family member and local dentist Ed Roque. Mayor Smith thanked the members of Keep Friendswood Beautitul(KFB)for the Fall HauI-A-Day event,there was a lot of participation, KFB and Staff did a great job, well done, thanked IESI for their participation, and almost 500 cars came through for Fall HauI-A-Day. He wished his father, uncle, cousin, and fellow veteran Councilmembers a happy Veteran's Day,some members of Staff are veterans also and thanked them for their service as weli. Happy Thanksgiving and hopes all enjoy time with their families. City Manager Roger Roecker stated Councilmember McGinnis asked him to pass on his thanks to thosewho worked on Halloween in the Park. Mayor Smith reported that Councilmember McGinnis is attending United States Air Force reserve training. CONSENT AGENDA *'Councilmember Hill moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.A. Ratifying and confirming the Mayor's execution of the Notice of Sub-recipient Emergency Management Performance Grant(EMPG)in the amount of �43,709 from the Governor's Division of Emergency Management. B. Authorizing the Police Department to dispose of one Patrol vehicle, one seized vehicle, and other property through Houston Auto Auction and PropertyRoom.com. C. Approving a request for an excused absence from Counciimember Pat McGinnis from the November 07,2011,City Council Meeting due to United States Air Force orders.D. Accept September 2011 Property Tax Report. E. Approve Minutes of September 12, 2011, City Council Meeting. Seconded by Cou�cilmember Scott. The motion was approved 4-1 with Councilmember Brown opposed. f 11/07/11 3811 �I ii The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM. r David J.H. Smith Attest: ����� �� FR���!/ a n . i� �� s *. , :�—�� � ` � i � ���� Melinda Welsh, TRMC �s �E,a` Gity Secretary � � S�j,q�� oF ����,Gi � � � I �