HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 2004-12 Amended 7/23/04 ORDINANCE NO.2004-12 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING APPENDIX C OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE, SAID APPENDIX C BEING CTTY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 84-15, AS AMENDED, ORIGINALLY ADOPTED THE 19� DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1984, AND BEING THE ZOl�TING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, BY DELETING THEREFROM ALL OF SUBSECTION J OF SECTION 7 AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR A NEW SUBSECTION J; PROVIDING A DESCRIPTION AND ENUMERATING THE GENERAL PURPOSE OF THE PLANNED LTNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (PUD); AMENDING THE PERMITTED USE TABLE CONTAINED IN SUBSECTION P OF SECTION 7 THEREOF TO PROVIDE PERMITTED (P)AND NON-PERMITTED (NP)USES IN A PUD; AMENDING SUBSECTION H OF SECTION 8 BY ADDING A NEW PARAGRAPH 3 TO PROVIDE FOR APPLICATION STANDARDS AND CRITERIA FOR A 1VIII�ED USE PUDS; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. * * * * * * � BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, STATE OF TEXAS: Section 1. City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally passed and approved the 19th day of November, 1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, is hereby amended by revising Subsection J of Section 7 thereof to provide as follows: "J. PUD, planned unit development, general purpose and description. This district allows for greater flexibility in the desi�n and coordination of mixed uses than in other districts. In no case shall a PUD be used for the sole purpose of circumventin� the intent of citv ordinances flr pians. ITnless standards far elements of site design are snecificallv described in a rezonin� ardinance for a PUD, the desi�n and develonment standards �f this Sectic�n shall appl�� tcr all land devela�ment within a PUD district. The Citv has three types of PUD dis�ricts; General, Cluster�Iome, and M�ed Use. The p�rposes of of the PUD districts are further deseribed in Section 8.H hereof. The eneral purposes of all�PUD,planned unit development districts, is are several-fold: (�1. To encourage unified design and development of tracts of land incorporating a variety of uses including, but not limited to, residential, commercial, office, and institutional; � �2. +�,.,+ �,.ao,.�, +,,.,,,�;.;,,,, �,o,�,00,. ..:,,. � ...,+,,,�,...;,,� �.., To accommodate innovation in development bv modifving the City's land use and development re�ulations; (�3. ; To provide for and protect the public health, safety and general welfare of the City by assuring quality development in accordance with the City's Comprehensive Plan and other related goals; 4. ..+ � o�+..:..t.�.7 1..� � nl, �nt....c .. n.t� 1.....�ti..., �eTo minimize the negative impact of developments, especially those related to drainaEe, environment, traffic, and a public services and related facilities; 5. To qrotect and enhance the aesthetic and visual quaGties of development; � 7�6. To provide development of sites in a suitable fashion when such development is restricted by such factors as site location and shape; 7. To promote economic develoument in accordance with the City's plans for such. The PUD--Miged Ilse District described in Sectian 8.H.3 hereof is not designed for solelv residential or solelv ca�m�►ercial develoument, but is specifically for mixed use deveia�ments cantainin� some combination af retaii, office, residential and public snace. Residential development mav be restricted based on these nolicies and the overall PUD plan. 2 8. Permitted uses. Uses permitted in a PUD, planned unit development district, the PLTD and PUD—Mixed Use�are set I forth in section 7-P, Permitted Use Table. ��-��--be��-s�-�d-;�p ;.. �.,. ;:;�e�--�t�i� �� The approval, approval with conditions, or denial of planned nnit development districts, and the combination of uses presented therein� shall be as determined by the plannin� and zanin� cammission and Citv Council, based upon compliance of the proposed district as related to the stated purposes of�ach district. I 9. Prohibited uses. Citv Council has determined that certain uses are inappropriate in a PUD, and sueh uses are set forth in section 7-P, Permitted Use Table, in the column "PUD-M�xed Use".by the desi�nation "NP" (not nermitted). 10. Application requirements are listed in Section 8.H hereof." I Section 2. Said City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, is hereby further amended by revising Paragraph 2 of Subsection P of Section 7 thereof to provide as follows: 2. Permitted use table. The permitted uses in each specific zoning district are shown by means of symbols in the permitted use tables on the following pages. The letter "P" in the zoning district column opposite the listed permitted use means the use is permitted as a use of right in that district « » � « �� �eH�#e�se. The letter "S" in the zoning district column opposite the I permitted use means the use is permitted in the zoning district only after{-�} « » � « » � obtaining a specific use permit as set forth in section 9-G. No primary use shall be permitted in any district unless the letter"P"or the letter"S"appears opposite the listed permitted use. The letter "O" in the OPD zoning district means that the permitted uses is for office functions only. Parking requirements are in section 8-F hereof. The letters "NP" in the PUD mized use zoning district column means those uses so suecified are not permitted under anv circumstance. 3 . . , P � . « Section 3. Said City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, is hereby further amended by amending the Permitted Use Table contained in Section 7 thereof by adding a new column, entitled "PUD Mixed Use," as shown on the permitted use table attached hereto as "Attachment A." Section 4. City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, is hereby I further amended by adding thereto a new paragraph 3 to subsection H of Section 8 thereof, to provide as follows: "H. Planned unit development standards and requirements... 3. Mixed Use Development. To initiate a zoning change to PUD-miged use, planned unit development district, a �eneral land use and densitv plan must be submitted to the planning and zoning commission. The plan shall include a schematic land use plan and an illustrative master Alan identifving qroposed general uses, densities, maior open spaces, circulation and access features, ezamples of typical elevations reflecNn� the �eneral architectural and landscaping features, a statement indicating uroposed phasing of development and the proiected timing of each phase and the purqoses for which the proiect is to be utilized. The applicant shall pay a processing fee as established in section 14. Advertisement and public hearings shall be held bv the planning and zoning commission and Citv Council in accordance with the notification procedures set forth for a rezoning application. a. An anplication shall consist of the materials and informallon I described below, in as �reat a detail as uossible. Unless specified below as bein� required in a specific format, the information I shall consist of drawin�s and written documents nrovidin� the information requested. � A �eneral master qlan, and an illustrative master plan, both drawn usin� a star�dard en�ineerin� scale. Electronically formatted drawings and coqies (24"g 36") and smaller (11"g17") shall be provided, and shall be in color. The master nlan representations shall identifv the land use miz that is prouosed in the overall development, and shall be accompanied bv sufficient tables or additional information to identifv the densitv of uses, or the aaprogimate acrea�e and gross floor area for each use. The list of uses shall include the land area estimated 4 to be dedicated to parking, streets, parks, trails or open s�aces� and other privatelyo uwned or pubGc faciGties, � such as drainage. No more than thiirty f�ve uercent (35°l0) c�f the tfltal acrea�e�ha�b�allocated ta residential uses. � Information for proposed development standards for each__type of use, includin� setbacks, height, bulk, coverage, placement, confi�uration, number of buildings, minimum landscaping and screening requirements, if these standards proposed to be different from the standards in the City's current zonin�ordinance. � Information on the proposed qreservation and protection of environmental and natural features, includin� significant trees. �4 Egamples or typical descriptions for the desi�n and exterior aupearance of the buildin�s,bv use or phasin�,if appropriate. � Declaration of intent to follow the Citv's sign ordinance, I or submittal of sign standards that are more stringent than the City's ordinance. � A �eneral description of G�hting within the proqosed � development, such as use of ballards, decorative lightin�, limitations on overhead or other types of lighting. All lighting must meet or exceed citv li�htin� regulations. � Proposed location of maior streets, drives, and possible ( parkin�, pedestrian and bike-ways, or other transportation methods that interconnect the nroposed uses. All design of these elements must meet the City's Design and Construction Specificationss at the time of I platting, or, if standards are not specified therein, design specifications must be identified no later than the final plat• � A �eneral statement identifying the potential timing, � sequencing and phasing of the develonment, includin� coordinatin� the tvpe, location and intensitv of development nermitted with the construction and availability of public facilities and services. 5 . � T+. �• ! � Provision for the construction of public improvements � and utility facilities on-site or as may be otherwise required to serve and benefit development within the district, or as required to mitigate impacts resulting from I the development or on other properties and uses outside of the district. (10} Preliminary information re�ardin�future ownership and � maintenance of proposed common areas within the district. Develoners shall nrovide for the perpetual maintenance of such areas, and shall submit restrictive I covenants providing for such maintenance no later than the fmal plat application. b. Applicallon and Approval Process (1) A Development Review Committee meeting with staff is required. Following,such conference, a conceptual qlan application must be submitted to the planning and zoning commission, which shall review the plan, but shall not take action on it. Such plan shall be for informational purposes for both the planning and zoning commission and developer, for identifyin� ma_ior issues with the proposal. � An applicallon, containing three (3) copies of the documents described in subpara�raph 3 above, shall be submitted to Citv staff prior to schedulin$ the public hearin�. � Joint public hearing, following which an ordinance rezonin�the property shall be required. � Action by planning and zoning commission, then City Council, and readings of the rezoning ordinance as required by the state law, the Citv Charter and this Ordinance. � The rezoning ordinance shall include as exhibits the � master plan, and all components of the anplication or other conditions and information necessarv to provide complete documentatic�n of the regulations applicable to I the specific district. 6 c. Site plan requirements. A site plan shall be required at the time of buildin� permit application for everv commercial and multi-family use located in a PUD—Mized use district. The Director of Planning, or this desi�nee, shall review the site plan to verify compliance with the snecific PUD—Miged Use Ordinance adopted bv Citv Council, all attachments, and other applicable City ordinances. If the site plan complies with such requirements, the plan shall be anuroved and such recommendation shall be forwarded to the Building Official. d. Modification of standards proposed within a PUD Mixed Use District. Followin� adoption of a PUD--Mized Use ordinance pursuant to this section, all subsequent plans prepared for the development or any portion of the property within a PUD-- Miged Use must substantially conform to the approved plan in accordance with the standards of the PUD--Mized Use ordinance, this Section, and all other applicable ordinances of the Ci . Provided, however, the City reco�nizes that market conditions may alter the development of a lar�e PUD--Mixed Use, and hereby provides that alterations in the land area or square foota�e, as apuronriate, covered bv a category of use, mav be varied bv not more than twenty-five percent (25%). In no case shall such variations change traffic or circulation natterns, substantially alter the number or arran�ement of buildin�s, increase the height of buildings, lessen the amount or effectiveness of open space or landscaped buffers, or result in a greater impact on adiacent properties or neighborhoods. Percentage chan�es specified herein shall be the ma�mum change allowed; multiple changes ezceedin� those percentages shall not be approved administratively, but shall require the owner to submit an application for an amendment to the district standards. In no cas� shall �he ner�enta�e of tt�tal acrea�e devatecl tp residential use e�c+�ed thirtv-five nerceut{35%). e. A PUD--Mixed Use is a unique zoning classification, and shall be granted onlv when the planning and zoning commission and City Council determine that the applicant has submitted a complete anplication containing sufficient detail re�arding the mix of uses and the overall development plan and how such proposal is consistent with the nurposes of this district. However, unless specifically described and addressed in the application and resultin� ordinance, all other design standards of the zonin� ordinance shall auplv to a PUD-Miged Use. 7 Section 5. Any person who shall violate any provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense. Section 6. In the event any clause, phrase,provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, declares that it would have passed each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declared to be invalid or unconstitutional, whether there be one or more parts. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading this l9th day of July 2004. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED on second and final reading this 2nd day of Au�ust 2004. CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS c `��` � � Kimball W. Brizendine Mayor ATTEST: , �' � loris McKenzie, TRMC City Secretary MOTION: Councilmember Mel Measeles 2ND: Councilmember David Smith APPROVED: Unanimously g � � � � � � F�+ �--� r-+ � I� � � �--� F-+ �..� N N � vi c/i � W W N � � W � Sy W a � �-�s C � ►ys � p O � .-�i r• � \O � �, � �, � p� � � �.� � �' C�D � O, (�p � �' r��+, �'• � J n � � n � � n � � UQ UQ !.. � b � � ,.�'�. '.��'� � � � � O � '�"' � (T1 Z � ,� p� ,� � � �, A� p a' � � � � � � co � � � � io c`�o � C.� � n lD cD � �. <� A) C• � � � " '-r. � C/� "� "� � O ,� p, ,-; �' r ci "t � O F�1 �rJ �. O O A� � (D� � �D� dq � �� C � � C „� N � � � O N O O. � �.�C ■ ny,�„ � G. G. � `� � `� � � �C� tXJ!(� ,. �'� O :�`�'� � :�'��;c C� r'� � � , ��� � � �f� z.x � �' � �. � �� � ,� ��� � � a � � � n ,;� �xr" N � � �' ` � �d � � O °� ', � � � v�c a; ;� : a � � � � '�� `iC� o ... o � � � � � � b � � ;,� � � � � � Z � ,. n � �+ � o � � � •.. � � � •.. �` � o � �� �' � � �d c�o ~ N � +� O ` �; � N "� l�.. 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M�R M�?I�R�11hH� �S� ��>i.,1�G�3�'�} �BD 1Vit�ecl ..� �.�i L1: � , BP�;� 1997 NAICS � * ���=Use'' � ` ining, except oil and p S 12 as � 13 inin su ort activities O S S S 2 tilities O P S P P S 3 Construction uilding, developing and O O O O P S P P P 33 eneral contractin – 34 ea construction O O O O P S P P S Special Trade O O O O P S P P P 3 5 ontractors – 1-33 anufacturin 311 ood Mf O P S S S S everage and Tobacco O S P S S S S 312 roduct mf – 313 Textile mills O S NP S S S 314 Textile roduct mills O S P S S S S 315 arel Manufacturin O P S S S S eather and allied O NP S S P S 316 roduct mf — eather and Hide tannin O NP S S 3161 and Finishin — 321 ood roduct mf � NP S S P S Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 2 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use# 713990 Other Amusement and Recreation changes to # 44112 Used Car Sales : changes to #531 Real Estate, �F�8� MFR . : � ' ` S�R E =GkI� �R�' ��R N�°�'�t�� CS� �i� LN�4��C?BI) rged rCJD A�� L� y T ,$F ��� 1997 NAICS ` '�� �Vse:� � 322 a er mf O NP S S rinting and related p O P S P P P 323 su ort activities – Commercial S O P S P P P 323110 itho ra hic Printin – Petroleum and coal O NP S S S 324 roducts mf — 325 Chemical mf O NP S S S harmaceutical Preparation O NP S P P P 3254 anufacturin lastics and rubber O NP S S P 26 roducts mf — ubber Product O NP S P 3262 Manufacturin — onmetallic mineral O NP S - P 327 roduct mf — 331 rima metal mf O NP S - S Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 3 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use# 713990 Other Amusement and Recreation changes to#44112 Used Car Sales : chan es to #531 Real Estate, �. � � �: _ .' �►� x � ����� �'R 11�FR.T, ��i.M`M�R T� ��t.�Si �� ��G Ea!�'D E�BI�M�ed ��ID A-1 L� ; I - .BP� �� �S�i�E G�I3 ; � � 1997 NAICS a , _�,; , , �.;� , �.... , , �. �...� �`.� , ;; se� �1� abricated metal product O NP S S P 332 f — 333 achine mf O NP S S P S Computer&Electronic - - O - P S P P P 334 roduct Manufacturin – lectrical Equip, appliance and O P S P P P 335 om onent mf 33591 atte Manufacturin O NP S - ransportation O NP S S P 336 ui ment mf — Furniture and related O P S S P 337 roducts mf – 39 isc. mf O NP S P P S edical Equipment& S S P P P S P P P 3391 Su lies Manufacturin – 42 holesale Trade O P S P P P 44-45 etail Trade otor Vehicle and Parts O P S P P 41 ealers – Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 4 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use # 713990 Other Amusement and Recreation chan es to #44112 Used Car Sales : changes to #531 Real Estate, � r � � r : ^l�. . ���� � . 7� �.�qa}��s " ' j�,. , ��� ��� ��� ��� i�l�g 'a`����"'� .K�lkr- ����� �� id� �� �.� ��.� � ; ��,. 1997 NAICS �: � �: ..��r; . , ; ��.���: , �,.�: ��.I7se 4111 ew Car Dealers S O S P S P P 4112 sed Car Dealers S O S P P 4122 oat Dealers S O S P S P P ecreational Vehicle S O S P S P P 4121 ealers — 41221 otorc cle Dealers S O S P S P P utomotive Parts, ccessories and Tire 1' S O S P S P P P 413 Stores urniture and home p p O P P S P 42 furnishin stores — Electronics and p p O P P S P 43 liance stores — ldg Material& Garden P P O P P S P P P 44 e ui & su dealers 45 ood&Bevera e stores P P P O P P S S S ealth&personal care p p p O P P S P P 46 stores — Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 5 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use # 713990 Other Amusement and Recreation changes to # 44112 Used Car Sales : chan es to #531 Real Estate, '�FR.& �u1FR u ` . r `" , PTJD ;' � , SFR E �Ht? Nt.�R.� MFR lY� M�`,�.H MHIt G�G N� �,�IC t��l� U�BI3 M�ed z .A:� L1 ' � `BP 1997 NAICS z " �. �i,TTse��'� 47 Gasoline stations P P P O P P S P P Clothing and clothing p p p O P P S P 48 accesso stores — Sporting good, hobby, p p O P P S P 51 ook&music stores — General merchandise p p p O P P S P P 52 stores 53 isc. store retailers P P O P P S P P sed Merchandise p p p S p p p 533 Stores — anufactured(Mobile) O O 5393 ome Dealers 11 other Misc. Store p p p p S p p p 539 etailers — 53991 Tobacco Stores P P P P S 54 on-store retailers S S O P P S P P lectronic Shopping& p p S p p 541 ail-Order Houses — ending Machine p S p P 542 O erators — Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 6 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use # 713990 Other Amusement and Recreation chan es to #44112 Used Car Sales : chan es to #531 Real Estate, ��t� 1�� ° " �: ` � ; ` ��R � G� ��'�' �R.Ni �v�,I-�MHR:��G NG, �,1���P� Q�ll Mixc� o� A�1 Ll t � z BP, 1997 NAICS <F� � -����Use Other Direct Selling p S p p 543 stablishments — 5431 uel Dealers O P S S O ransportation& 8-49 arehousin 81 ir Trans ortation O P S 82 ail Trans ortation O P S S P S 83 Water Trans ortation O P S S 84 Truck Trans ortation O P S P P P gs Transit& Ground S S O S P S S S S assenger Trans ortation 86 i eline Trans ortation S S S S S S S S S S S P S S S S S Scenic& sightseeing S O P P S P 87 Trans ortation — Transportation Support S S O S P P P 88 services 884 otor vehicle towin - S O S P S P P O 91 ostal Service P P O P P S P P P 92 ouriers& Messen ers P P O P P S P P 93 Warehousin & Stora e O P S P P P 51 nformation Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 7 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use# 713990 Other Amusement and Recreation chan es to #44112 Used Car Sales : changes to #531 Real Estate, SFI�.B� M�R ,.= �`.; ° _ ` } FiTl3 �, SF�R� �I� �`1�R I� iVt�l�.M L'1�FR H MHR�S� �lC LNC Q�'I}U��3 uc d PCJ`D �, � �L,�;- T B�' 1997 NAICS , � ���Vs�. �` 511 ublishin Industries O P S P P P otion Picture& Sound S O S P S P P P 512 Recordin industries rive-In Motion Picture S 512132 heaters roadcasting& S S O S P S P P P 513 Telecommunications — Telecommunication p p O P P S P P P 51333 esellers — nformation&Data p p O P P S P P 514 rocessin services — P P P P P S P P 52 inance&Insurance 11 Other Non- depository Credit S O S P S P P P 522298 ntermediation Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 8 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use# 713990 Other Amusement and Recreation changes to #44112 Used Car Sales : chan es to #531 Real Estate, . _ � : 7 �,� �� $ � � 5��� �R � �, � � � � � � � �''ri,".� �� ��.� :��!��.���� ��+<�."'� g��r ����������E a� �� �.+� - � `�� . 1997 NAICS �' ` ��� � � � �`� ��se�,. �� , _ � . , . . , .,, (Pawn shops) eal Estate&Rental& 53 easin eal estate P P P P P S P P P 531 Miniwarehouse Stora e P S O P P S P P P 532 ental & leasin services essors of other non- P P P P P s P P 533 financial intan ible asset rofessional,Scientific P P P P P S P P 54 &Technical Services esearch, development S O S P S P P P 5417 &testin services — anagement of Companies& P P P P P S P P 55 nter rises Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 9 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use # 713990 Other Amusement and Recreation chan es to #44112 Used Car Sales : changes to #531 Real Estate, S�i$� MFR °' � : : , 1"� z > ��� .�� iV� � M�R A��F'R�t�R CS� �C L�IG t�PI? �?BA u�ed�?T,� �i..t Ll�� � : � B�'`�� 1997 NAICS �'i7se-. dmin/Support Waste p p O P P S P P gmt/Remediation 56 Services Services to dwellings S O P S P P P 5617 nd other buildin s — Waste Management& O P S S P S 562 emediation services — 61 ducational Services 611 ducational Services P P P P S S P P P lementary& Secondary S S S S S S S S O S P S S S S S 6111 schools — 6112 unior Colle es S O S P S S S S P Colleges, Universities& S O S P S S S S P 6113 rofessional schools Computer,Business& S O S P S S S S S 6114 Secretarial Schools — Other School and P P P P S S P P P 6116 nstruction Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 10 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use# 713990 Other Amusement and Recreation chan es to #44112 Used Car Sales : chan es to #531 Real Estate, S�R& lt��. ', ; x ' ; '� ' �R E �GH�? 1VI�R.L M��t N�.MFR�-I�4�R.'�C�C �iC �l�i� +�tI�I�L)�I�1VI�ed PI7U � 1 ���� I _BP, �� 1997 NAICS '� ��� � � `� �� � `�� � =i�se- Health Care & Social 62 ssistance Ambulatory Health care p p p p p s p 621 services — P O P P S P P 622 Hospitals Nursing &residential S S O S P S 623 are facilities Community Care p p s 6233 Facilities — 624 Social Assistance P O P P S P S S S S P S P O P P S 6244 Child Day Care Services Arts,Entertainment p O P P S P 71 and Recreation — Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 11 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use # 713990 Other Amusement and Recreation changes to#44112 Used Car Sales : chan es to #531 Real Estate, SFR� M�R ' - <,4 =� � .; , ��`1Z E U� M�'R�, M��1�I�MFF�H I��. �S� 'N� �N�C�i�U 4BU M�e P�TA A,l L1� I BF: �'� 1997 NAICS �` �<�� „,: �< °°.�� � .. ... ,��. ,_,� ;�-�se�. .. � �. Sports Teams, clubs, racetracks, other S O S P S P 7112 spectator sports Museums, historical sites S S S S S S P S O P P S S S S S 712 & like institutions All other Amusement and Recreation S S 713990 Industries Accommodation & 72 Food Services 721 Accommodation P O S P S P P Food services & 722 Drinkin places P P o P P s P P Drinking places P P P P 7224 Alcoholic Beverages Other Services(except p p O P P S P P 1 Public Administration Automotive Repair 8111 Shops P S O S P S P P Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 12 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use # 713990 Other Amusement and Recreation chan es to #44112 Used Car Sales : chan es to #531 Real Estate, S�R 8� � j: ° : x; p� ` ' f ��:L M:�B Iv���l��.�i�1�R ��� �T� �N�C�Pp tJ�BT�Mr�ed �! A � .�.� � � r�BP.�_ 1997NAICS ���t.E G� n ��� ; � � �., ,� � � r � w,� � > �,,� .., � y x, r �� Us�� S O S P S P P P 8113 Weldin Sho s 8121 ersonal Care Services P P P P P P S P P S S O S P S P S 8122 Death Care Services 8129 ther Personal Services P P P P P S P - P Religious/Grantmaking/ rof/ Similar P P O P P S 813 r anizations 8131 eli ious Or anizations S S S S S S P P P O P P S S Civic, social and S S S S S S P P S O P P S P P 8134 fraternal associations — Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 13 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use# '713990 Other Amusement and Recreation chan es to #44112 Used Car Sales : chan es to #531 Real Estate, S�R& IUI��i. ' ,: a � FUI3 ° ; S�t�E G�ii? MFI�� M�� M��.�MHR GS(� �C T.�NC ��'��i�i�iV1�ed i�U � � L,1 � � BP 1997NAICS ;.�. .,, .�, �� ., .� ,.,r_ �� u�� :��. �'tls�, �. . ; _� � � ,.�. �� , . �� „,. _ : �. � � , : � � _ � P P P P P P P P 814 Private households 92 ublic Administration P O P P S P P 92214 orrectionalInstitutions S esidential Uses P P P P �P luster Housing P obile Home Parks odel dwellin unit P P P p P P p S ulti-famil dwellin s P P P P P S Sin le famil dweliin s P P S S S S P S P S S Townhouses P P P P P Two famil dwellin s P P S ccessory Building P p P P P P Structure or use Cable Television P p P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P ansmission line — lectrical Substation S S S lectrical Transmission P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P ine — Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 14 Changes to the Permitted Use Table For Mixed Use PUDs; Removing Prking Requirements adding Use # 713990 Other Amusement and Recreation chan es to # 44112 Used Car Sales : chan es to #531 Real Estate, �r'[� j�. < :'p �.� � 3 £ �� ; P : s; � K ^b � , ��1� ,^.�. . `.. . *?.L��t%G �#�. r '` ��. 1J . v, .> ._. . ,: F,: ' z _ _. ��Z.� GE� ��.�.' M.��t.��l��F�,.�i MH,�.;�,.'�G 1�1G L�� CiPU���Ci�3U 1VII%�tl � A 1 I.� :- I $F" 1997 NAICS x.�_ �` � '�� se, � „ . . _ ome Occu arion P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P S rivate Recreation Facili Servants or caretaker P P P P P P p P S P P P uarters — P P P P P P P P Swimmin Pool Telephone exchange, switching relay or S S P P P P P P S P P P S P P P P ransmittin station tili Business Office P P P P p S P P P tility service or storage p S P P S ard or buildin s — Exhibit A Ordinance No. 2004-12 Page 15