HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2011-08-15 Special O8/15/11 • 3651
AUGUST 15, 2011 )(
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order and asked if anyone would like to speak regarding the Closed '
Executive Session issues of Tatum vs. the City of Friendswood or Wight Realty Interests, Ltd. vs. the City '
of Friendswood. No one spoke. '
� Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Govemment Code, pursuant to ,
Section 551.071: Consultation with attorney concerning pending or contemplated litigation; a settiement '
offer; or a matter in which the duty of the attorney requires it. (1) Tatum vs. the City of Friendswood in the
District Court of the 127'" Judicial District of Harris County, Texas; and (2) Wight Realty Interests vs. the
City of Friendswood in the 405'"Judicial District Court, Galveston County, Texas.
Council closed the Executive Session and convened into Regular Session with no action taken later in the
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order. I
The invocation was given by Public Works Director Kaz Hamidian. . I
Mayor Smith led the Pledge of Aliegiance Yo the United States and to the State of Texas. 'i
Evelyn Timmons, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she would like to speak regarding
seismic testing. She stated she has researched seismic testing and sees a lot of potential problems and
sees no positive benefits to her family or the City unless there is a potential tax income that she does not
know about. Denbury is based in Plano and City of Plano denied a permit, owns stock in the company �
and stands to gain but still opposes it.
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Zach Wilson, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he refused to approve seismic testing ', ' '
because of the damage that could be done to his home especially considering the dry soil conditions. He ',
further stated that nobody knows exactly what wili happen, not even Denbury and they do not have the
right to risk homes, are looking to make profit on their investment and are not interested in protecting
citizen's investment, has heard arguments about how the City can take a proactive approach to reducing
dependence on foreign oil and agrees with that but not at the risk of destroying homes. He asked Council
to please vote"no" on this agenda item.
Kathy Rogers, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is against seismic testing.
Council has never wanted a big box store so why they would want to be a wildcatter or oil town seems I
completely beyond the pale. Peariand and Alvin have bought into this but they do not have the character �i
and the small town thing going that Friendswood does. She stated she is concerned about subsidence
after the drilling, what happens if they pull a bunch of stuff out from underneath the City, and is asking for
a "no" vote. She stated she also wants to speak regarding the Charter Review Commission, and stated
nobody who is involved in continuing litigation regarding Charter violations should be appointed to the
committee, and at least one person who is on the side of defending the Charter should be appointed.
The Friendswood Five should be one and suggested Phiilip Webb or Janis Lowe, and please do not
appoint someone whose committee attendance has been spotty, if nonexistent, over the last year. Mayor
Smith stated regarding the seismic testing, the company aiready owns the wells and can drill or extract as
they please and they are appiying for seismic testing only. ,I
Fred Krch, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he does not know what to say about
seismic testing because he does not know whaY authority or legal precedence the City has to control
seismic work, spent several years in the oil patch and they can put a weil anywhere they want to out of ,
the City limits and then drill under the City by drilling horizontally and nobody will know it. The drilling I
fluids used today are synthetic and bio-degradable. Mayor Smith replied that the City has permitting , I
authority to allow them to do seismic testing and Councilmember Brown stated there is an ordinance that !
gives the City authority. I
Faye Roberson, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and asked that Council not give Denbury a
permit for seismic testing, lives in Sunmeadow and the damage done to her home during seismic testing
in 1999 was terrible, had the foundation of her home repaired and her driveway is still damaged. She
further stated there is a lot of unrest in the community because of the seismic testing issue, has neighbors
who have lived there a long time and are scared, is not fair for companies to think that they can come to
town and do whatever they like. She stated she would like to know if Denbury has given money to any ',
Homeowners Associations behind the home owners' backs, is a bad thing that they are going into
neighborhoods and harassing people. Pearland has a contract with Denbury where Denbury is paying
them through 2018. She read a quote from Thomas Jefferson, "Government big enough to supply
everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. The course of history shows that as
government grows, liberty decreases".
Kirk Lippert, Friendswood resident, addressed Councii and stated he wouid like to refer to an email he
passed out to Council from Counciimember Brown that he stated is malicious, fuil of lies, innuendo, and
misrepresentations and feels he needs to defend himself, and further stated he wants to combat some of
Councilmember Brown's issues, referred to his poor attendance record on the Community and Economic �li
Development Committee (CEDC) and her request for him to resign. He stated he has the best i
attendance record on the CEDC, and the allegations that he has missed meetings and is unreliable are
completely unfounded and he resents it. He reported that Councilmember Brown sent him an email I
similar to this one about two years ago that stated that he was too close to Mayor Smith and that he was ',
walking a slippery slope and he had better watch his back because people in Friendswood were talking ',
about him. He took the email to be a threat and avoids her in the neighborhood and at the grocery store, ,
and any indication that he has had any conversations with her about the CEDC is a fantasy, a fable, and , ',
is untrue. As a citizen of Friendswood he wants Council to do what is best for Friendswood and if that i
does not include him, he understands, but does not want to be disqualified based on lies.
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� '
Councilmember Brown left Council Chambers at this time. She returned briefly and left again.
Mc Lippert stated he would like to read from an email he received from Councilmember Brown that
stated, "I have no issues with you personally and know you are a nice guy". He stated he has personai
observations about her but will not share them because they are inappropriate for this forum.
Ruth Piefer, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she would like to discuss the possible
agreement between the City and the Red Cross. From September 11, 2001, the Red Cross had a certain
amount of money they needed to raise and they keep asking for more, does not think they do everything I
in a real ethical way, knows of a local group who will help people after Hurricane Ike and maybe Council ,
could consider working with them. '
Tina Woods, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is the President of Friendswood I
Animal Advocates (FAA), and stated while FAA is dedicated to supporting Friendswood Animal Control ,
and its animals they are also committed to helping local rescue groups build their capacity to save I
animals in the community, additionally they fund critical veterinary care including sterilization of homeless I
animals and then they network them through social media to increase the animals visibility, 71 animals '
have been re-homed this year through Facebook. She referred to agenda item 14, Consideration and
possible action regarding authorizing the City Manager to partner with Friendswood Animal Advocates,
Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit to establish a voluntary contribution campaign for funding the construction,
improvements, and/or equipment for the new animal control building. She stated they are not sure what
this agenda item entails and they are leaving their options open as to their involvement.
David Carlisle, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is from the Terra Bella
Subdivision and is against the Heath Vargas memorial being placed in front of their community any
', longer. It has been there four months and that is more than enough, is affecting the quality of some lives,
are different cultures in the neighborhood that tolerated it because there is great sympathy for the Vargas
family and wanted it there for a period of healing. Citizens from Terra Bella and the neighborhood across
from Terra Bella have signed a petition, all over the age of eighteen and all voters, there is a public right-
of-way and not for individual use and is located where a school bus stop will be. He stated if the City of
Friendswood decides to have a formal allowance of inemorial in the future, it should mimic the State of
Texas law that recognizes the victim of a drunk driver and not someone who was impaired, and it can be
located there for a brief time. He suggested to let Mr. Vargas rest, has a marker at the cemetery, please
pay respects there and let the community get on with living.
City Manager Roger Roecker stated in light of the length of the agenda and time expected for the meeting
that he would like to dispense with giving the report aloud unless Council has questions. He reminded
Council that the report is in the agenda packet for them to read. �
The City Manager's Report stated that as the drought conditions continue, so do the corresponding water �
main breaks. The Public Works Departm�ent continues to repair water main breaks daily. Crews have
been busy repairing water leaks one after another, as many as fourteen leaks in one day. The water
main leaks started occurring in May and the number has been on the rise ever since. There were 30
main breaks in May, 113 in June, 169 in July and 28 so far as of August 10, 2017. The highest amount of
water ever delivered to the City's system occurred in July in the amount of 309,689,000 million gallons
taken from surtace and ground water sources. It has always been the City's goal to provide uninterrupted
service to our citizens. Staff has been able to minimize interruptions as much as possible by repairing the
leaks as quickly as possible and usually the same day. Citizens are asked to report the water leaks as
soon as they are discovered and appreciates their understanding of the situation that the Public Works
Department is experiencing.
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Staff is pleased to announce repair and leveling efforts at the Library Parking Lot are nearing �
completion. Councii may recall this bid/project was awarded in April to fix problems attributed to time, high ,
use, and failure of the sub-grade resuiting in significant pavement degradation. Concerned with safety, � ,
City staff undertook the in-house preparation of a set of construction plans and contract specifications
identifying the areas of failure and a proposed method of repair for each. In addition to the repair efforts,
the parking lot has been restriped to improve traffic circulation and enhance safety. ',
Mayor Smith asked if any Councilmember had questions about the report and no one spoke. ,
'*Counciimember Barker moved to deny the approval of a seismic testing permit application for Denbury I
Onshore, LLC.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion to deny was approved unanimously.
Lengthy discussion was held by Mayor, Council and Staff.
Councilmember McGinnis left Council Chambers at this time.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 11. �I
**Councilmember Brown moved to approve a license agreement with Stacie Burci related to the '',
placement of a memorial marker within the right-of-way of West Bay Area Boulevard and authorizing the
Mayor to execute with the amendment that the license agreement end November 2011.
Seconded by Counciimember HiIL ,
Lengthy discussion was held by Mayor, Council, Staff and the applicant ,
Councilmember McGinnis returned to Council Chambers during this time.
**Councilmember Brown amended the motion to approve the license agreement without the requirement
of insurance and requiring that the memorial be at the furthest end of the right of way closest to the �
neighborhood and be limited to display through November 30, 2011.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The amended motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Enochs
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 14.
**Councilmember Brown moved to approve authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Memorandum of
Understanding and/or a contract with the Friendswood Animal Advocates for fundraising opportunities for
the new animal sheiter with final approval by Council.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion failed 2-5 with Mayor Smith and Councilmembers
Barker, Enochs, Hill, and Scott opposed. -
Lengthy discussion was held by Mayor, Council, City Manager and City Attorney.
"**Councilmember Hill called the question. ;
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 7.
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i **Councilmember Hill moved to approve awarding Bid No. 2011-14 for the Friendswood Junior High
� additional parking lot project to D&J Construction, Inc., in the amount of the base bid of$194,274.00 and
authorizing the approval of testing in the amount of$5,900.00.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved 6-0 with Councilmember McGinnis absent
for the vote.
Councilmember McGinnis returned to Council Chambers at this time.
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve the third amendment to the License and Lease Agreement with '
Friendswood Independent School District for acreage within Centennial Park adjacent to the new Junior I
High site to accommodate a new parking lot and authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement.
Seconded by Counciimember Scott. The motion was approved unanimously. 'I
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 10. Ii
**Mayor Smith moved to approve the Parks and Recreation Board and the Charter Review Commission ,
appointments as submitted, with the appointment of Mary Giles—Wise to the Parks and Recreation Board '
for a term ending November 2012 to fili a vacancy due to John ScotYs resignation, and the appointment ',
of Leola Hill Hancock, Robin Hall, Kirk Lippert, Jim Nye, Kitten Brizendine, Jay Horecky, and Jim Barr to ,
the Charter Review Commission. '
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. ,
Councilmember Brown stated this appointment is for people who have not even applied prior to the !,
deadline for submitting the agenda items, so how can it be Mayor Smith's agenda item if it is not identified
i as his agenda item and Mayor Smith replied because he is the one making the recommendations.
, Mayor Smith stated the Parks and Recreation recommendation that has been made has gone through the
liaison process so any questions can be directed at him or the Parks and Recreation Board liaison.
Counciimember McGinnis stated he does not question the Parks and Recreation Board recommendation
and suggested voting on that appointment separate from the Charter Review Commission appointments.
*�*Mayor Smith amended the motion to approve the Parks and Recreation Board appointment as
Seconded by Councilmember Hill.
Councilmember Scott stated as Council Liaison to the Parks and Recreation Board, he has not had
conversations about this appointment and is not comfortable voting on the appointment at this time.
*""'"Councilmember Brown moved to table approving the Parks and Recreation Board appointment as i
submitted. i
Councilmember Barker seconded the motion. The motion to table was approved unanimously. �
***"*Mayor Smith amended the main motion to approve the Charter Review Commission as submitted in
the Mayor's memo. �
Seconded by Councilmember Hill.
Mayor Smith explained that this list is a compilation of the recommendations given to him by each
Councilmember, feels it is a balanced list and thought it was important to put together some from past
Charter Review Commissions, other committee members and former Councilmembers. �
Lengthy discussion was held by Mayor, Councilmembers and the City Attorney regarding the appointment
policy and process for choosing the Charter Review Commission members and the legality of interviewing
applicants in Executive Session. I
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City Attorney Arnold Polanco stated if there is a policy that Council has adopted that states candidates
wili be interviewed then it is fine to interview them. He stated that appointments to boards and
commissions such as the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Planning and Zoning Commission can be
done irr Executive Session because they are regarded as"public officials". I
'*"**Mayor Smith amended the main motion to appoint Leola Hill Hancock to the 2011-2012 Charter
Review Commission.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill.
Further discussion was held by Mayor and Councilmembers regarding the appointment process for
choosing the commission members.
"'""****Councilmember Brown called the question.
*'�"'"*Mayor Smith objected to the question being called, stated it takes a supermajority so the vote will
be for the original motion which is for the entire list then vote yes for the question to be called, if no then
discussion will continue.
The question being called failed 1-6 with Mayor Smith, Councilmembers Barker, Enochs, Hill, Scott and
McGinnis opposed.
Further discussion was held by Mayor and Council.
*"*'*�*"Mayor Smith moved to table the motion to appoint Leola Hill Hancock to the 2011-2012 Charter
Review Commission, workshop together and have Council contact each person individually before the
next Council meeting.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion failed 3-4 with Councilmembers Barker, Brown, Enochs
and Hill opposed. ,
I �
Further lengthy discussion was held by Mayor and Council.
"**"*'*'Mayor Smith amended the main motion to appoint Jim Barr to the 2011-2012 Charter Review I
Commission. I
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion failed 3-4 with Councilmembers Barker, Enochs,
McGinnis and Brown opposed.
*"*`**"*`*Counciimember Barker called the question.
****'"`*****Councilmember Brown objected to calling the question. Mayor Smith reminded that it takes a
. super majority to approve.
The question being called failed 6-1 with Councilmember Brown opposed.
"***"`***��*`Councilmember Brown amended the main motion to appoint Renee Blevins to the 2011-2012
Charter Review Commission. •
Seconded by Councilmember Scott.
��"��"""�*Councilmember Brown moved to table to appoint Renee Blevins to the 2011-2012 Charter
Review Commission.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion to table was approved 4-3 with Councilmembers Barker,
Hill, and McGinnis opposed.
**Mayor Smith moved to approve the appointment of Kitten Brizendine to the 2011-2012 Charter Review ' ',
Seconded by Councilmember Brown. The motion was approved unanimously.
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"Councilmember Scott moved to approve the appointment of Donna Broom to the 2011-2012 Charter
Review Commission.
�� Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion failed 3-4 with Mayor Smith, Councilmembers
Barker, Enochs, and Hill opposed.
**Mayor Smith moved to approve the appointment of Robin Hall to the 2011-2012 Charter Review
Seconded by Councilmember Brown. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Barker
**Mayor Smith moved to approve the appointment of Leola Hill Hancock to the 2011-2012 Charter
Review Commission. '
Seconded by Councilmember Barker. The motion was approved unanimously. ',
*"Mayor Smith moved to approve the appointment of Jay Horecky to the 2011-2012 Charter Review ',
Commission. I
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved unanimously. !i
**Mayor Smith moved to approve the appointment of Kirk Lippert to the 2011-2012 Charter Review I
Commission. I
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. �i
*""Councilmember Barker moved to table to approve the appointment of Kirk Lippert to the 2011-2012
Charter Review Commission.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion to table was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Hill
Councilmember Brown asked City Manager Roger Roecker if he is opposed to Economic Development
Coordinator Karen Capps retrieving the Community and Economic Development Committee attendance
record right now for member Kirk Lippert and the City Manager stated only if all of Council wants the
record. No further comments were made by Council.
Councilmember Brown left Council Chambers at this time. i
"*Councilmember McGinnis moved to approve the appointment of Janis Lowe to the 2011-2012 Charter I
Review Commission.
Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion failed 3-4 with Mayor Smith, Councilmembers Barker, '!
Hill, and Scott opposed. I
Councilmember Brown returned to Council Chambers at this time.
*'Councilmember Barker moved to approve the appointment of Jeff Moser to the 2011-2012 Charter
Review Commission. � '
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved unanimously. '
*'Councilmember Barker moved to approve the appointment of James Nye to the 2011-2012 Charter I
Review Commission.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion passed unanimously.
**Mayor Smith moved to approve the appointment of Bill Provenzano to the 2011-2012 Charter Review '
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 4-3 with Councilmembers Brown, Enochs,
and McGinnis opposed.
O8/15/11 3658
Councilmember Brown left Council Chambers at this time. � I
Councilmember Brown returned to Council Chambers at this time. I
*'"Councilmember Brown moved to table approval of the appointment of Bill Provenzano to the 2011- II
2012 Charter Review Commission.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion to table failed 3-4 with Mayor Smith,
Councilmembers Barker, Hill, and Scott opposed.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 9.
Councilmember Brown left Council Chambers at this time.
'"'Counciimember Hill moved to approve an amendment to the construction contract for the Water Plant
No. 5 Rehabilitation Project.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved 6-0 with Councilmember Brown
absentforthe vote.
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 12.
Councilmember Brown returned to Council Chambers at this time. '�
**Mayor Smith moved to approve the appointment of a working committee required to qualify for future
federal funding including Hurricane Ike Disaster Recovery Fund. '
Seconded by Counciimember HiIL The motion was approved 6-1 with Counciimember Brown opposed. I
Councilmembers Brown and Scott left Council Chambers at this time.
ii i
Discussion was held by Mayor, Council, City Manager and Fire Marshal/Emergency Management I
Coordinator Terry Byrd. ,
Councilmember Brown returned to Council Chambers at this time. I
Councilmember Scott returned to Council Chambers at this time.
**Councilmember Barker moved to approve the appointment of Deputy Chief Luke Loser to the positions
of Animal Control Director and Rabies Control Authority.
Seconded by Councilmember HiIL The motion was approved unanimously. �
With the concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 15.
"Councilmember Brown moved to approve allowing the Portable On Demand Arts Project to display in
Friendswood and approve the contracts required by Portable On Demand Arts Project(PODA).
Seconded by Councilmember Scott
Discussion took place between Mayor, Council and City Manager regarding liability insurance.
�'*Councilmember Brown amended the motion to base approval on the availability of insurance. '
Seconded by Councilmember Scott.
Discussion was held between Mayor, Council, City Manager and Deputy Director of Administrative ,
Services/Human Resources/Risk Management Director Bill Bender regarding location, security of the site, '
and emergency events. '
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I ****Councilmember Brown amended the motion to allow for as many PODS as the City Manager
determines can fit in the site selection that he chooses and the contract agreement with PODA must be
� approved by the City Attorney.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The amended motion was approved 5-2 with Councilmembers
Barker and Hill opposed.
**Councilmember Brown moved to approve that the City Council direct the City Manager to send a notice
of the upcoming Homeowners Association forum on August 20, 2011, via the City email system.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion failed 1-6 with Mayor Smith, Councilmembers Barker,
Enochs, Hill, McGinnis, and Scott opposed.
Lengthy discussion took piace between Mayor and Council, City Manager and City Attorney.
"*Councilmember Barker moved to approve Resolution R2011-325 - A Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Friendswood, Texas, determining that land is needed for maintenance of Lift Station #38;
accepting the dedication of said land from Creekwood Associates, LLC, property owners (Creekwood
Estates Lift Station, formerly Jacob's Landing).
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
"Councilmember Hill moved to approve the First and Final Reading of Ordinance 2017-26 — An
Ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2010-28, passed and approved October
; 4, 2010, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year '
' 2010-2011 by approving "Budget Amendment XII" to the "Original General Budget of the City of '
�. Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2010-2011"; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or �
transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject. I
Seconded by Councilmember Barkec The motion was approved unanimously. I
With concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 20. II,
**Councilmember Barker moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Approving a I!,
Memorandum of Understanding with the American Red Cross for emergency management services and ',
authorizing the Mayor to execute; B. Approve the minutes of the July 25, 2011, City Council meeting. I
Seconded by Councilmember Hiil. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Brown opposed. '
With the concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 19. I
Counciimembers Barker, Enochs, and Hill stated they had no report.
Counciimember Brown announced that there is a Homeowners Association meeting on August 20, 2011,
from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM at the Amoco Federal Credit lJnion, speakers will be Lorie Hayley and Pam
Bailey, please RSVP as soon as possible. She reported that she and Karen Capps attended the
Commercial Real Estate Women luncheon this month and Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership
(BAHEP) was making presentations with two other economic development committees, and BAHEP
acknowledged Karen Capps. The Laura Recovery Center is getting the Toyota they were awarded
tomorrow and anyone can attend the presentation.
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Councilmember Scott stated that football season is right around the corner, this Friday at the high school � !
is the Alvin scrimmage, and the booster dub is putting on a lot of events to help raise money. The I
Friendswood Youth Football Association and Broncos have partneYed with Head Athletic Director Steve '
Van Meter to put together a punt, pass and kick for 9-10, 11-12, and 13 year olds.
Councilmember McGinnis stated Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership (BAHEP) had a recent town
hall meeting with local legislators. The Library Board has issued an updated draft of its long range plan
and is looking for input. The Town Hall meeting will be held on August 31, 2011, for the consideration of
a Friendswood endowment or foundation, and three experts will speak. He commented that tonighYs
discussion regarding the Charter Review Commission was a heated discussion but it was in good faith, !
and thanked Councilmembers for their knowledge and passion. There were two applicants that did not i
get considered but thank you to them and the other applicants for their willingness to serve the City. ',
Mayor Smith reported that someone is missing tonight for the first time in four years which is the �
videographer who recorded the Council meetings. He stated that Wendy Deats Cumberland passed �
away suddenly this past week. She leaves kids behind and just wanted to mention that she has served I
this City and the company that she worked for extremely weil in providing this service, and not once in ,
four years has he ever heard a complaint about the work she did, she was quiet and unassuming, and 'I
was a true professional in her job in that she went unnoticed as she went about the work of providing ,
these Council meetings to the public over the Public Education and Government (PEG) channel and he
wanted to publically mention to her family that the City appreciated the work that she did and to let them I
know that our thoughts and prayers are with them as they mourn the loss of their mom and their family
member and he wishes them the best. j
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 PM.
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or Davi J. . Smith
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Melinda Welsh, TRMC � �r
City Secretary
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