HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 16-68 No. 16-68 RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNICIL OF THE GITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS APPROV- ING AND AI?OPTING A STA '�EMENT OF POLICY OF THE LIBRARY OARD OF THE FRIEND5WOOD PUBLIC LI RARY WHEREAS, the City Council of the ��ity of Friendswood, has in the past, appointed a library committee to over,see the functions of the Friends- wood Public Library and WHEREAS, said committee, acting previously followed a written policy audit of books, annual report, meetings or and WHEREAS, the said Library expansion has foreseen the need for establi studied and drafted such policy; now ther BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS: That the City Council adopt and the Library �ard, has not terms of office, o£ficers, functions ofthe said Board; in view of imminent library policy and has met and OF THE CITY OF the policy recommendations submitted to the Council on May 16, 1968 as an attachment to a letter from Ruth W. Maloney, Chairman, Library Boare a copy of which letter is affixed hereto and that said policy recommendations shall her� Friendswood Public Library, ed E�ibit "A''. Further r be the established policy of the Library Board of the City of Friendswlood, until such time .as changes or modifications are made thereto. A copy of the Library Board policy, as submitted by Ruth W. Maloney is also affixec�l hereto and marked E�ibit "B" The established policy, structure Friendswood Public Library, as r and approved by this Council in this res I. The pusposes the library board A. To establish generallibx local responsibility. B. To select and supervise , it is local responsibility C. To determine the purpos long-rage plans for libr� � purposes of the Board of the by the said Board and adopted shall be as follows: serve are as follows: policy insofar as it is rary personnelinsofar as of the library and develope service. D. To secure support from the Friendswood Public E. To interpret and presen Friendswood to the City F. To provide an annual fis and to the community. G. To review the annual bu dations to the City Coun H. To act as the city's age ty library system. II. The library board shall consist City Council. Each member s� three years and may be reappo Terms of the members of the b basis with two members to be � only one vacancy exists in whic III. The board shall hold regular the members of the board. people of Friendswood for rary. needs of the people of statement to the City Council and forward with recommen- ' in matters relating to the coun- �f five menbers appointed by the ,11 be appointed for a term of lted to serve consecutive terms. ard should expire on a staggered �pointed each year except the year I case only one shall be appointed. meetings as designated by IV. At the regularly scheduled Janu ',ry meeting, the board shall re- organize and elect a chairman nd a secretary-treasurer to serve for a one year term. Th '�Se officers shall not serve more than three consecutive terms. j To be eligible to serve as chaix as a member of the board for a Upon resignation of the chairrr term of office, a special elect: for the remainder of the term. V. The treasurer's books shall be audited by January 15, and upoi books shall be audited before a This audit shall be conducted b VI. The chairman of the board submitted to City Covncil. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXA5 this �day Voting aye, Council members '�,'Uj �.. � Voting nay, Council members ��,_,,,,Q , ATTEST: ��C/ . Q �(', � City Secretary a member must have served st six months prior to election. before the completion of his ' shall be held to fill his of£ice alosed December 31 and shall be resignation of the treasurer the iew treasurer assumes office. a person designed by City Council. prepare an annual report to be HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ���� , 1968. 410 N. Shadotisbend Ave. Frier.dswood, Texas 775�-N6 Ma.y 16, 1g68 City Council of Friend.s�rood. Cit,y Hall Frier.�d_swood, Texas '77S1k6 Dear Sirs : In t�?e past there has been no written st�tement concernin� the librarJ board. Lde are a com�nittee ap- pointed by council, but have no Iaws governing our terms of office, officers , audit oi' books, annual report, meetings, et,c. The board feels that taith the im.minen.t liUrary e�Dansion. ar_d the departure of P4rs. Pesman, a statenzent of puspose and structure should eaist., Tde have prer,ared such a statement. It has the a�proval of Mrs, Alwina D. Bailey, Di_rec- tor, Extens;on Services Division, Aosenberg Library. I submit this statem.ent herevaith ior �our approval or sug�estions. Thank zroi� for considerin� ii. Yours very truly, G�-� � �� Iiu�h W. Maloney Chairman, Library Board Friendswood Public Libra.ry Enc_losure . � . ��� :� Y. 2'he purposes the library board shall serve are as follows : A. To establish general library policy insofar as it is local responsibility. B. To select and supervise library personnel insofar as it is local responsibility. C, To determine the purposes of the ��ibrary and develope lorag-range plans for library service. D. TA secure support from the people of P'riendswood for the Fsiendswood Public Library. E. To interpret and present the needs of the people of Friendswood to the City Council. F. To provide an annual fisaal statement to ihe City ounc and—Eo t"Yae com�rttxn-tt . G. To review the annuai budget and forward with recosn- mendations to the City Council. H. To act as the city's agent in matters relatir� to the county library system. II. The library board shall consist of five members appointed by the City Councii. Each member shall be appointed £or a term of three years and may be reappointed to serve consecutive terms, Terms of the members of the board should expire on a sta�gered basis with two members to be appointed each year except the year only one vacaracy exists 3n which case only one shall be appointed. III. The board shall hold regular monthly meetin�s as designated by the memabers of the board. IV, At the regularly scheduled January meeting, the board shall re-organize and elect a chairman and a secretary-treasurer to serve for a one year term. These officers shall not serve more than tYaree consecutive ierms. To be eli$ible io serve as chairman a member maast have served as a aaember of the board for at least six months prior to election. Upon resignation of the chairman beiore the completion of his ierm of office, a special election shall be held to £ill his office for tYse remair.der of the term. V. The treasurer' s books shall be c3osed December 31 and shall be sudited by January 15, and upon resignation of the treasurer the books shall be audited before a new treasurer assumes office. This aezdit shall be conducted by a person designed by City Council. VI. The chairman of the board shall prepare an annual report to be submitted to City Couneil.