HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2011-07-25 Special 07/25/11 3624
JULY 25, 2011 )(
Councilmembers Barker and Scott were absent from the meeting.
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order and, with concurrence of Council, recessed to the City Hall rear
parking Iot for a demonstration of the "vibe" truck performed by representatives of Denbury Onshore,
LLC., and stated he will ask for public comment after the demonstration.
Mayor Smith reconvened the meeting in the City Hall Council Chamber at 6:23 PM to receive
communication from representatives of Denbury Onshore, ILC. Trevor Richards, a geophysicist with
Denbury Resources, Inc., explained their process through a PowerPoint presentation. He stated they
have been in the process of planning this survey for about a year. Denbury operates in the Northern
United States, Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming and South Dakota, and are interested in the Gulf Coast;
particularly Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. He stated they have a carbon dioxide (COZ) field in
Mississippi and the pipeline goes through Louisiana to Houston. CO2 is a tertiary development by which
they inject COZ into old oil fields to make more oil. All of the old oil fields need a seismic shot on them in
order to be mapped and put together an appropriate development plan. They induce a seismic wave into
the ground, it bounces off the layers in the earth and they record it on the surface. Once recorded it is
processed into an image of the subsurtace layers just like an ultrasound. The maps help to develop
reservoir. The injected COZ mixes with the oii and the oil attaches to the COZ which cleans ali of the oil
from the reservoir. He stated they are part of several consortia and government projects funded mostly
by universities and government agencies. Hastings Field will receive funding from the Department of
Energy to shoot multiple seismic surveys which wiil not involve Friendswood but they may want to shoot
the Friendswood area later, showed an example of their work in Delhi, Louisiana, stated they have Iooked
for different equipment for several years and they have concluded that this system works as well as
anything else. Seismic is traditionally shot with cables across streets and yards but this system a battery,
data recording box and a geophone. He showed where they plan to shoot and stated it will take a matter
of days to go through Friendswood. He showed a door hanger that will hang on every property they plan
to cross which includes a number for residents to call if they have questions. He thanked Council for the
time to offer the presentation.
Mayor Smith explained the process of the seismic testing through the use of the mini-vibe trucks and
measuring devices. He stated the mini-vibes will be escorted by Friendswood Police officers as they go
around on the streets. Councilmember Enochs asked if the red on the outside of the map is the outer
boundaries in whicfi Denbury Onshore LLC, will be conducting the survey and Trevor Richards with
Denbury stated yes. Councilmember Enochs asked what the green lines represented and Trevor ',
Richards stated they are the preplan for the streets they would like the mini-vibes to use. ',
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Councilmember Enochs asked what the other points are on the map and Gary Patterson, Petroleum
Engineer with Denbury Resources, Inc., stated they are receiver points and source points, and some are I
on the road and some are on private property. Gouncilmember Enochs asked if the door hangers will be �
put on homes of all residents or only those impacted and Mr. Patterson stated it will be for only homes �
that wili be affected. Couneiirnernber Hiii asked if anyone has stated there has been foundation damage
in the areas where seismic testing has been done and Mr. Patterson stated there have been claims but
none have been substantiated. Councilmember Hili stated as dry as it is now it wouid not take much to
affect foundations. Mr. Patterson stated they just did this test in Jackson, Mississippi and they had no
problems because they are not putting enough energy or force into the ground to cause any damage. Mr.
Richards stated they did a test in an open field in Pearland and showed PowerPoint slides with the results
and measurements. Mayor Smith stated they test to see how far away from a structure they should stay
and Mr. Richards affirmed Mayor Smith's statement and stated they do these tests for themselves and
they back off it the measurements get too large, and they stay well below the industry standard for
damage. Mayor Smith asked the difference between this new technology and the old technology and Mr.
Richards stated these vibes send more energy into the ground versus laterally. Mr. Patterson stated the
monitoring equipment is much more sensitive so they can reduce the impact of the sweeps.
Councilmember McGinnis asked if they would use the same level of energy to test that they used for
tonighYs demonstration and Mr. Richards stated yes, every reading stayed the same with all the testing
they did there, and set buffers at 60 feet, 80 feet, and 100 feet. Mayor Smith stated it looks like they are
staying on the streets and Mr. Patterson stated yes. Mayor Smith stated Wiiderness Trails subdivision
has the smallest lots and the setback is 37 feet from the front of the house to the curb so 40 feet is the
closest they could get to the slab. Gouncilmember McGinnis stated they showed a string of geophones,
asked how many they have set up and Mr. Richards stated the plan is to lay them out at 220 foot inline
and 660 foot crossline. Councilmember Brown asked why the testing is being done and Mr. Richards
answered that the reason is to image the subsurface of Hastings Field and map out the layers to develop
the field as efficientiy as possible for the purpose of making more oil. Councilmember Brown asked who
else was involved and Mr. Richards stated Denbury Resources, Inc., is shooting the project right now but
Brazoria County will receive funding from the Department of Energy for repeat monitor surveys for a '
monitoring, verification, and accounting project. Councilmember Brown asked about other energy I
companies involved and Mr. Richards stated none are involved in the seismic shoot. Mayor Smith asked
if oil companies will come in and get oiI and Mr. Richards stated only Denbury Resources, Inc.
Counciimember Brown stated there are different soil types and is concerned about if that has been
considered as part of the testing and Mr. Richards stated that is why they do testing, do the same Peak
Particle Velocity (PP� testing on every field they shoot before the project starts. Mr. Patterson stated
they do not take soil samples, energy is consistent with engineering standards and are also concerned
about the foundations. He stated that Denbury Resources, Inc., would not be in business long if they
went around destroying people's homes, at the same time they are fully indemnified the City on its assets
and individual homes so that if there is a problem Denbury Resources, Inc., stands behind it.
Councilmember Brown asked if the dryness of the soil will cause a problem and Mr. Patterson stated the
wetter the soil the more vibration, the dryer the soil the energy dissipates more quickly. Councilmember
Brown asked about the indemnification of homeowners and cited examples in Galveston and is
concerned from a homeow�ers perspective because they are the Iittle guy and how do they notify and
recover if damage is done, and wants to make sure homeowners will be protected. Gommunity
Deveiopment Director Morad Kabiri stated there is an analysis in the packet provided to Councii. The
City is requesting bonding of City facilities if this is approved. Councilmember Brown asked if other
companies who have pipelines in the affected areas have been notified and Mr. Kabiri stated no.
Mayor Smith asked if anyone would like to speak regarding Denbury Onshore, LLC's, proposed seismic
testing within the City of Friendswood, Texas. He stated this item can also be discussed during the
Communications from the Public section of the regular meeting. '
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Janis Lowe, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated seismic testing is not new to
Friendswood, has never been approved in the past, there is proof that foundations have been affected
because of the clay soil, what happens if the COZ is effective and oil is found, asked if there will be
' drilling, COZ technology is so new that the standards have not been proven yet so a less residential area
might be a better way to test, stated when a request was made years ago the Council asked the
requestor to sign the same kind of permission slip he had asked affected residents to sign and he
refused, asked how many homeowners to which has Denbury Resources, Inc. has talked.
Mayor Smith closed the Special Session.
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order.
The invocation was given by Public Works Director Kaz Hamidian.
Mayor Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
City Manager Roger Roecker presented the Five Star Spirit Employee Award for the second quarter of
2011, to Karan Barrera, Administrative Secretary in the Community Development Department. Karan has
worked for the City of Friendswood since 2009, and has been a member of the Internatio�al Association
of Administrative Professionals since 2008. She also received her Certified Professionai Secretary
designation through this organization. Karan was nominated by a Friendswood business owner who
wanted to compiiment her on making them feel welcome in City Hall and for being very professional. The
business owner's Ietter of nomination stated "of ali the City Hall's, to me, you are the best". The City
Manager stated he cannot think of a better representation of City Staff. Through Karan's day-to-day
work, she continuously dispiays all five elements of the Five Star Spirit which includes being courteous,
competent, reliable, professional, and enthusiastic. He thanked Karan for providing that type of service to
the community and congratulated her o� being the recipient of the Five Star Spirit Award for the second
quarter of 2011.
Janis Lowe, Frie�dswood resident, continued her earlier communications by stating she does not
remember the last time seismic testing was done in Friendswood but she does remember a number of
times it was denied. Community Development Director Morad Kabiri stated a seismic testing event was
approved in 1999 mainly on the eastern side of the City, and explosives were used to generate the
vibrations. Janis Lowe stated home inspectors have toid her that it is hard to prove damage after the fact.
Mayor Smith stated that he is familiar with the explosive technology and the seismic readings that have
been done for years, but this is new technology, and is much less intrusive than before. There were two
or three people who brought possible damage issues to the City, does not think Ms. Lowe's research
correlates to the new COZ technology that is being used, asked Denbury Resources, Inc., representatives
if the COZ injections wiil happen regardless of whether or not the seismic testi�g will be done and Trevor
Richards stated they have been injecting COZ into Hastings Field for the past seven months. Mayor
Smith stated oil exploration is going to happen, is a matter of effioiency and the way in which it will be
extracted and Trevor Richards affirmed.
Councilmember Hill asked how come it was not done before De�bury Resources, inc., built the pipeline
and Trevor Richards stated there were seismics shot in the area in 1999, the idea is there is a well on
Hastings Field every ten acres and the company believes that the current data is sufficient for mapping
the field laterally, now see that the reservoir varies more than between the ten acre well spacings which is
approximately 330 feet; therefore there needs to be more detailed mapping done.
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Councilmember Hill stated he heard that they are losing COZ a�d do not know from where they are losing I
it and Trevor Richards stated aIi of their current data shows the COZ is staying in the reservoir and is
reacting as expected. Counciimember Hill asked if they are producing oil yet and Trevor Richards stated
the COZ will come up with the oiI and the idea is to pressure up the field to a minimum pressure in order
for the oiI and the COZ to mix appropriately and come up together.
Councilmember McGinnis asked if the physical space of the oil field expands radially beyond the surface
space and Trevor Richards explained that the field is at most points three to four thousand points inside
of the red outline on the diagram, have to shoot a certain distance outside of the outline to get the
aperture. The reservoir is at 5,000 feet so the distance is about half of that outside of the Iast oil well.
Councilmember McGinnis asked if there is any chance that they will have to drill additional wells in
locations other than the Hastings oil field and Trevor Richards stated Denbury Resources, Inc., owns the
land, the lease and the mineral rights anywhere within the field. As they map they may determine that
there is oil outside of that area and if there is they will attempt to lease that area. Councilmember
McGinnis asked if Friendswood property owners own the mineral rights to their property and Mayor Smith
stated they do not, and added that existing oil companies or very old Friendswood families could own the
rights, an oiI rig could not be placed in Friendswood City limits anyway without some sort of permit.
Community Development Director Morad Kabiri stated there are spacing requirements and rules in place
in Friendswood that make it very difficult to place an oiI weil in Friendswood City limits.
Councilmember Enochs asked if Denbury Resources, Inc., had data that shows estimates on damage
Ieveis and Gary Patterson stated there is a supplemental letter from an engineer in the presentation
package that describes the energy that will be put in the ground and how they can operate safely within
any cultured environment, and further stated they just shot seismic in a heavily populated area of
400,000+ in Mississippi and possibly twenty to thirty peopie called the City Public Works department with
inquiries. He stated they have not permitted anyone in Friendswood yet because they did not want to be
presumptuous and begin the permitting process without going before Council for their blessing.
Janis Lowe stated mineral rights and surface rights are different. Section Four of Friendswood Lakes
subdivision was developed with no release of surtace rights so if there is a green space around that
subdivision and the company retains the surface rights then there can be drilling rigs in the area of the
subdivision, asked if Council has to vote for every dri�ling rig or can companies access by drilli�g rights if
they have them. Mayor Smith stated he does not want to stray too far from the subject matter because
the item is about seismic testing and not about drilling, stated she is suggesting that this is a slippery
slope and that if is allowed to do seismic testing then oil rigs will pop up around town. One does not have j
anything to do with the other. Council is not opening the door for things to happen that are not going to
happen. If someone wants to drill for oil in their back yard there is a process that they have to go through
that has nothing to do with seismic testing. Ms. Lowe asked what Denbury Resources, Inc.'s,
expectations are if the COZ does loosen the oil and Mayor Smith stated it will come out of existing oil rigs,
is just a more efficient way to extract it. Ms. Lowe stated her final comment is that Hastings Field is
undeveloped, would seem like residential development would preclude further seismic testing.
Ruth Peifer, Friendswood resident, addressed Gouncil and asked how oId the current seismic testing
process is and Trevor Richards stated this type of recording equipment is less than ten years oId and the
mini-vibe technology is new and becoming more and more mainstream because it is less intrusive.
Mayor Smith asked if the new technology is Iess intrusive than what was used in the past and Trevor
Richards stated yes. Ruth Peifer stated a seismic test done close to her home years ago was a concern.
Mayor Smith told her that explosives were used in the last test that was done in 1999. Ruth Peifer asked
how Denbury Resources, Inc., wouid notify the residents and Gary Patterson stated they would notify
residents within the source and acquisition routes ahead of time along with a way to contact the company.
Mayor Smith stated they gave the City a map of the streets they were rendering and Community ��
Development Director Morad Kabiri stated the map is on the City's website.
' i
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Sharon Parks, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is very concerned because the
' seismic testing done in 1999 split her garage floor, is concemed and does not want them in her
subdivision, understands this is newer technology but what will it do to the existing crack and what will
happen if the testing is done on a fauft line. Trevor Richards directed the question to Jan Moles, with
Urban Seismic Specialists, who stateci in 1999 the trucks they used weighed 62,000 pounds and the
current trucks weigh 17,000 pounds so they can get the same information with a lot less energy in the
ground. Mrs. Parks asked what makes them think they are going to find anything differe�t from the last
time they were here and Jan Moies answered they have new technology that produces better imaging,
can do more with less than industry standards, can do a photo inspection of the house and identify cracks
before the seismic testing and if something happens during testing Denbury Resources, Inc., wiii fix it.
Robert Schlyer, Friendswood resident, addressed Councii and stated he lives on Butier, keep hearing
them talk about industry standards and what the government has decided is not destructive, what needs
to be talked about is the definition and perimeters of industry standards, how is it determined that they are
functionally effective, at this point they are just words. Lawsuits are expensive and homeowners are the
Iittle guy, would like these questions to be answered, asked what protections do the industry standards
Councilmember E�ochs asked Community Development Director Morad Kabiri if he had spoken with
Gordon Revey, who is the engineer whose Ietter Council received tonight and Morad Kabiri stated no he
has not. Councilmember Enochs asked Mr. Kabiri's opinion of the contents of the letter and Mr.Kabiri
stated the science makes sense, is Iogical and finds no fallacy in the report, concern is that engineer
Gordon Revey is licensed in Canada and not Texas so there are differences in the licensing
Councilmember Brown stated one of Staffs recommendation is that a Iicensed, professional engineer
look at this, does not know Canada's rules for licensing petroleum engineers but this report states Gordon
Revey is a registered engineer, not a licensed engineer so this still does not support Staffs
Councilmember Enochs asked why Staff is recommending a third party inspector to be hired by the City
at the company's expense and Community Development Director Morad Kabiri stated a third party hired
by the City will be more objective. Mayor Smith stated the third party engineer would be potentially more
objective and Mr. Kabiri stated that is correct. Councilmember Enochs asked if the referenced seaied
engineering statement is the one in the packet or is there one to come and Mr. Kabiri stated it is the one
in the packet but Staffs bulleted items will need to be provided if Council approves the item.
Councilmember McGinnis asked if Community Development Director Morad Kabiri had concerns about
any neighborhoods because of age or closeness to the street and Mr. Kabiri stated the concerns with the
older subdivisions are that the houses are closer to the roadway and therefore closer to the homes,
however, older homes' foundations have settled about as much as they are going to settle so they are
better than a newer house that has not yet settled into its groove. Councilmember McGinnis asked if the
science, engineering, and government standards make sense to him and Mr. Kabiri stated it does but he
wants an engineer Iicensed in the State of Texas to concur with him.
Councilmember Brown stated her concem is damage to residences, asked if Community Development ,
Director Morad Kabiri has ever seen a surety bond that protects private residents that is administered ',
through the City's process and Mr. Kabiri stated he has not and deferred to City Attomey Amoid Polanco �
who stated it is akin to a payment bond that is required for unknown and unnamed beneficiaries, can be i
acquired but his guess is that sort of thing is substantially more costly than a bond that specifies the I
beneficiaries. Councilmember Brown stated just a certificate of liability policy would not make her feel
comfortable, stated the Iiability insurance is oNy with Denbury Resources, Inc., and asked if there is I
liability insurance for the third party working with them and Morad Kabiri stated no and that is why Staff is I
recommending a contract. II
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Gouncilmember Enochs asked what type of involvement Staff will have if this is approved and Community
Development Director Morad Kabiri stated the City does not have the resources to have an employee
work this project full time during the two-week period so there will be a Project Manager that will monitor
the project and check it once or twice a day.
Mayor Smith stated he wouid like to sum up and stated the technology is new, better, less intrusive and
less invasive, the energy is dissipated more downwardly than outwardly, there are no explosives, they
have had good experience with the new technology and they have seen it improve over the ten year
history. Trevor Richards stated there have been no damage claims in the ten years he has been with
Denbury Resources, Inc. Mayor Smith stated on the other side of the coin there are real folks who are
worried and his concern is families having a claim and going against a big company, asked if there is
anything that immediately comes to mind that would aileviate some of those fears and Jan Moles stated
his company is Urban Seismic Specialists and they have been in business since 2000, currently doing
projects in Los Angeles, California and Dallas, Texas, does 80 of these projects a year and does them all
the time, understands concerns and can offer pre-inspection services for people on the route. He stated
the standards they use are based on the United States Bureau of Mines. The mining industry sets off
about twelve million pounds of explosives daily, the bureau is dissolved because the data is consistent
and therefore redundant but the data is on file.
Councilmember Hill asked if the inspections would be a walk-around or would they go inside the house
and Jan Moles stated the company would like to look both inside and outside the house but it is up to the
Councilmember Enochs asked if Staff had spoken with any other cities who have gone through this and
Community Development Director Morad Kabiri stated Pearland is the only local city going through this
and it is through a grant and is affecting a small part of the City.
'"Mayor Smith moved to approve the seismic permit application for Denbury Onshore, LLC.
Seconded by Councilmember Enochs.
Counciimember Brown stated she would Iike to table this item because she is not comfortable approving j
or denying it at this time, stated she needs a petroleum engineer's report from a Texas licensed engineer,
wants certifications or no objection letters from utility providers stating their intentions to repair damages,
and further stated property owner inspections are a double-edged sword because more damage can
become visible in time, would like to do more research on the Fort Worth representations, would like to
see a better claims resolution process, asked if there are models for seismic testing, received an e-mail
from someone who states the current processes are better and trucks are lighter.
Councilmember Enochs stated he would like to hear more about getting homeowners' permission, asked
what happens if they do not get permission and Jan Moles stated they will do a mailout of a permit first I
and then a home visit if they do not receive the permit. If the permit is denied they mark it as a no and
they operate around the property. He stated in Friendswood they will use the right-of-ways for the trucks
and easements for the monitors and the other areas are the ones where residents will be notified.
Councilmember Hill stated he believes the technology is better but wishes there was some easier method
for homeowners to present claims if needed, is concerned about the older homes and is concerned about
our people. j
Councilmember McGinnis asked if there is a strategy where they can adjust where they can do the vibe in
the older subdivisions and Morad Kabiri stated the strategy is for the truck to go down the center of the ,
roadway and the third party engineering firm contracting through the ciry therefore we have additional j i
insurances and liability, cannot make guarantees. ',
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Councilmember Brown stated one of her concerns is that homeowners have an attorney review any
documentation they are asked to sign.
Mayor Smith stated he wants to find a way to say yes to this but at the end of the day they need more
information, on one hand wants the citizens of th� Unit�d States Yo enjoy oil from their own country before
they enjoy it from somewhere else. He stated he appreciates the investment they have made to do that;
however, the new technology does not wipe away fears and anxiety, wants them to be able to do this in
Friendswood and other areas of the Texas Guff Coast, he is giving them back the questions and concerns
expressed tonight and suggests that they explore the ways to offer some security for those at risk such as
ciaims resolutions, securiry bonds and other possibilities that can alleviated those concerns, citizens
should be protected.
Councilmember Brown asked about the time frame and would two months set them back and Trevor
Richards clarified that the Iast testing that was done in Friendswood in 1999 was a different field in
Dickinson, not this one, stated they are on a schedule for the first shooting to occur in Iate August. Mayor
Smith stated there is another Council meeting next Monday night and may also have some Special
Meetings in August. Council will try to accommodate as best as possible for them to be able to offer
solutions timely. Trevor Richards asked if they can at least have access to the roads to do a hazard
survey because there is a lot of up front work that needs to be done before the project starts, they can
begin now, is foot traffic oniy, are aiready doing the permitted places right now, can do the seismic testing
the next day if approved.
Councilmember Brown stated there is �o way she wouid be prepared to vote on permit at the next
meeting, may not be ready by the second August meeting, may need to work on the scheduling and allow
them to go elsewhere and to work there and them come back to Friendswood.
Councilmember Enochs stated he appreciated them coming here tonight and providing a demonstration,
would like to hear from other cities to see what their experiences were. Mayor Smith asked if a hazard
survey is part of the permit process and Morad Kabiri stated is alI lumped together and is simply foot
traffic only to do visual inspections and they do not need a permit to do that.
'"'Mayor Smith amended the motion to accept a limited hazard survey permit application for approval
and tabling ali other considerations.
Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The amended motion was approved 4-1 with Cou�cilmember
Brown opposed. '
Community Development Director Morad Kabiri stated they wiil need to mark their points but is not
opposed to that.
Mayor Smith asked City Attorney Arnold Polanco if the motion was appropriate and Mr. Polanco
answered yes.
Councilmember Enochs asked for clarification of the tabling and Mayor Smith stated ail of the other I
considerations including seismic testing and anything else they may bring back to Council to soive the �
raised issues will be tabled, will Ieave it up to Staff to determine when it is ready to come before Council. I
Councilmember Brown stated she has concerns that the hazard survey will create an uproar with
homeowners, has already had calls from homeowners asking about the need for a permit.
Morad Kabiri stated the first call to homeowners was put.out last week to those who will be affected. i
Councilmember Brown asked if there was some other seismic testing going on and Morad Kabiri stated II
he is not sure if seismic testing was occurring in neighboring cities that may have caused vibrations in ,
Friendswood. Counciimember Brown stated she is concerned that if homeowners see this hazard survey '
occurring they will assume that seismic testing has been approved. I
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Mayor Smith stated the more people paying attention the better. Councilmember Brown stated there
needs to be some education to residents. City Manager Roger Roecker stated the City can do another �
caliout to Iet residents know that the permit is not yet approved and issued.
Mayor Smith thanked Denbury Resources, Inc., for their time and for showing their equipment and
thanked the citizens who came to speak to the issue.
Jen Yandell, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated her recycling bins are overloaded,
would Iike the opportunity to buy another one from the City or provide some other solution so that she can
recycle more. Mayor Smith explained about the Recycling Committee and their efforts to make a
difference soon.
City Manager Roger Roecker reported that for the second year in a row, the City of Friendswood received
the State Comptroller's Gold �eadership Circle Award, recognizing the implementation of financial
transparency. This year, Friendswood scored 17 of 20 possible points in the ratings criteria. Specifically,
the State of Texas is recognizing Friendswood for opening the books to the public, providing clear,
consistent pictures of spending, and sharing information in a user-friendly format that lets taxpayers easiiy
drill down for more information. The Texas Comptroller's Office has applauded Friendswood for stepping
up efforts to give taxpayers a transparent look at where their money goes. The Leadership Circle Gold
Insignia will be found on the City's website as well as on the Comptroller's Texas Transparency website.
The City Manager recognized Director of Administrative Services Cindy Edge, Deputy Directors in charge
of IT, Todd Yeager, and Accounting, Rhonda Bloskas, and their Staff, for their ongoing effort in achieving
this recognition for our City. I
The City Manager reported that efforts to install a traffic signal at FM 518 and West Ranch Drive are I
nearing completion. Components of the signal have been put in place with Staff anticipating activation of
the signal the first week of August. Council may recall that an amendment to the Utility Services
Agreement (developer agreement) was approved in August 2010, for the signal's construction. The
placement of the signal should improve traffic circulation in and around the new Junior HighNVest Ranch
The City Manager reported that beginning Tuesday, July 19, 2011, the Interstate 45 southbou�d frontage
road at Dixie Farm Road will close for construction. This closure will last six months. Traffic will detour to
the west access roads to the intersection of Dixie Farm Road. Traffic can either turn left on FM 1959,
right onto Dixie Farm Road or continue through the intersection back to the Interstate 45 South
southbound frontage road. This closure is part of a Proposition 12 funded project that will widen
Interstate 45 from six lanes to ten lanes from just south of Beltway 8 to EI Dorado Boulevard. An
additional frontage lane will also be added on each side. The Dixie Farm Road Bridge will also be torn !
down and reconstructed at street level. This project is scheduled for completion in 2015. Staff is aware
that many Friendswood residents use Dixie Farm Road in their morning, daytime and evening commutes
and Staff will continue to monitor this construction. For more information on this project, residents can
visit the Houston TranStar website at www.houstontra�stacora. ,
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve concurring with the Mayor's recommendation for Kevin Holland I
and Jim Gibson to be reappointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved 4-1 with Councilmember Brown ,
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Lengthy discussion took place betv✓een Mayor, Council and Planning and Zoning Commissioner Mark
'*Councilmember HiII moved to approve the disposition of Bid No. 2011-13 for the City Hall and City
Public I�ibrary installation of H-VAC retrofit and to award the bid to Clear the Air, �LC, in the amount of
Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion was approved 5-0.
'*Councilmember McGinnis moved to approve the disposition of RFP 2011-11 for the City of Friendswood
Group Fuily Insured Medical, Dental and Life Insurance and award medical insurance to Blue Cross Blue
Shield of Texas and dentai, life and AD&D insurance to Guardian.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 5-0.
"Counciimember Hill moved to approve Resolution R2017-16 — A Resolution of the City of Friendswood
approving the settlement agreement between Texas New Mexico Power Company ("TNMP") and the
cities served by TNMP regarding TNMP's request for approval of an Advanced Metering System ("AMS")
deployment and AMS surcharge, filed on or about May 26, 2010, and finding that the meeting was which
this resolution is passed is open to the public as required by law.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved 4-1 with Councilmember Brown
'*Councilmember Hill moved to approve Resolution R2011-17—A Resolution of the City of Friendswood,
Texas finding that CenterPoint Energy Entex's ("CenterPoint's" or"company's")cost of service adjustment
("COSA") filing; within the City should be denied; finding that the City's reasonable rate case expenses
shall be reimbursed by the company; finding that meeting at which this resolution to the company and
legal counsel.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved 5-0.
"Councilmember Brown moved to approve Resolution R2011-18 — A Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Friendswood, Texas, determining that land is needed for construction and maintenance of
Blackhawk Boulevard; accepting the dedication of said land from the Galloway School, property owners.
Seconded by Gouncilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved 5-0.
"'Councilmember Hiil moved to approve Resolution R2011-20 — A Resoiution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, approving a second amendment to the September 8, 2003, Waste Disposal
Contract by and between the City of Friendswood, Texas and the City of League City, Texas; and
repealing all other resolutions inconsistent or in conflict herewith. (Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment
Plant). ,
Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion was approved 5-0. li
"'Councilmember Brown moved to approve Resolution R2011-21 — A Resolution of the City Council of I
the City of Friendswood, Texas, amending Rules of Procedure for the conduct of Ciry Councii meetings '
by amending Rules 15 and 17 regarding Citizens' Right to Be Heard; and repealing aIl other resolutions
inconsistent or in conflict herewith.
Seconded by Councilmember Hili. II
�'"Councilmember Brown amended the motion to include the changes to Rules 15, 17, and 19. ;
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 5-0. I
"Councilmember Hill moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance 2011-23 — An '
Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix �
C, being the zoning Ordinance of the City, by providing for the adoption of the City's Official Zoning Map. ',
07/25/11 3633
Seconded by Councilmember Brown. The motion was approved 5-0.
Councilmember Enochs reported that he attended the Texas Municipal League (TML) training in Austin �
for newly elected City officiais, attended the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee and it is a healthy, active
and involved committee who is proud of their facility, and they will have two new committee members. He
stated the Fourth of July Steering Committee met for an after-action review from the Fourth of July event
and will bring the new ideas discussed to the next Council meeting. He stated the library Board met,
have been working on an ambitious five-year plan with noble goals and will bring the finalized plan to
Council. He stated the Keep Friendswood Beautiful will meet tomorrow night, July 26, 2011, and further
stated he could not attend and asked Councilmember Brown to attend as alternate Council Iiaison.
Councilmember Hill reported on the last Planning and Zoning Commission meeting where they discussed
coming up with a new process so that they can get a nod from Council on a proposed Pla�ned Unit
Development (PUD) without a lot of investment. He stated he went to the Galveston County Mayor and
Council's meeting along with Counciimember Enochs and City Manager Roger Roecker, and it was a
good meeting.
Councilmember McGinnis reported he was away for two weeks so he could not attend meetings as
Gouncil Liaison, the date for the Town Hall meeting to discuss a proposed foundation for the City is
Wednesday, August 31, 2011, would Iike an agenda item on next agenda to discuss fully.
Councilmember Brown reported that there have been many legislative changes for Homeowners
Associations and some take effect in September and is trying to get a meeting together to discuss,
thanked the Friendswood Animal Advocates for raising money by selling pavers, congratulated Ruth
Peifer for winning the Lunar Rendezvous 10K for her age division, wished a happy retirement to
Friendswood Police Captain Jimmy Holland. i
Mayor Smith stated it was heartwarming to attend Captain Jimmy Holland's retirement reception, the City
owes a great debt of gratitude to him and wishes him all the best. He reminded Gouncil that he needs
recommendations from them for appointments to two committees with a vacancy on the West Ranch
Board and appointments to the Charter Review Committee, has some applications and has two
recommendations but needs other names so he can get it solidified by August 2011 so they can get
Councilmember Brown stated she would like to recommend Janis Lowe and Patricia Rosendahi for the
Charter Review Committee.
'*Councilmember Hill moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Approving disposal of a ',
Police Department undercover vehicle in accordance with the guideiines for seized assets sale of used
vehicles at Houston Auto Auction.
Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved 5-0.
The meeting was adjoumed at 9:25 PM. �
Mayor Dav d J. . Smit
Attest: F R�ENp
. O� s'�y
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Melinda Welsh, TRMC �
City Secretary * � * ��I
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