HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2011-07-11 Special 07l11/11 3616
JULY 11, 2011 )(
Councilmember McGinnis was absent from the meeting.
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order and asked if anyone would like to speak regarding the proposed
Fiscal Year 2011-2012 General Operating Budget. No one spoke.
Mayor Smith opened the discussion between Council and Staff regarding tlie proposed Fiscal Year 2011-
2012 General Operating Budget for the City of Friendswood. City Manager Roger Roecker explained the
handout that Administrative Services Director Cindy Edge provided to Council and noted that it is also on
the overhead screen. He stated that these are the proposed Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Departmental
Decision Packages. Staff is not asking for decisions tonight but asking for input. Administrative Services
Director Cindy Edge further explained the handout by reviewing the electricity and stated the City is in an
aggregation group called P3 which keeps the City's rates low but they are still researching further
conservation efforts. The Galveston County radio service cost covers all radios for the Police Department
and the Fire Marshal's Office. The City of Friendswood has an agreement with Galveston County and
they have increased the rates in the amount of �3,700, discussed needs for the new Animal Control
faciiity that are needed for the larger facility. She stated that fuel is a big cost and there will be an
increase in the proposed budget, are looking for fuel alternatives such as putting tanks in the ground as
other cities seem to be trending to. Mayor Smith stated he heard recently that school districts are
changing to natural gas to fuel their buses and if they have a supply then it may be cost effective to
consider changing vehicles to natural gas and looking into it for the long term. City Manager Roger
Roecker referenced Cindy Edge's mention of P3 and clarified that it stands for the Public Power Pool
which is a purchasing cooperative the City of Friendswood belongs to that is made up of other cities and
counties that joined together to negotiate electricity pricing. It has been successful but the City will
continue to look at other ways to reduce needs as well. Mayor Smith stated the estimates provided are
more of what the City will need on top of what is aiready spent. Cindy Edge stated Staff looks at the fuel
every year and adjusts based on perceived future needs. She stated Staff also looks to see if there is
any funding available to put into the street maintenance program, is looking to see if it can be funded with
$500,000. She stated a significant portion of the Fire Marshal's budget is grants and this year funding is
tied up because the federal budget has not been passed so this year's budget will appropriate it if it
comes in and next year's funding will be moved back to the General Fund balance when or if the money
is received. City Manager Roger Roecker stated the two options are either banking on the grant ,
happening and budgeting appropriately or trying to fund the department with the City's revenues and if ;
the grant comes, put the money back in the General Fund. If the grant does not happen then Staff will
retum to Council with a recommendation to look for altemative funding sources.
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Mayor Smith asked where the City would find money if Staff came back to Council in four months stating
the grant did not happen and the City Manager stated the money wouid come from General Fund �
reserves and budget the money the next fiscal year. Cindy Edge stated the notification of the grant
approval is coming later and later every year. She stated the Drainage Division of Public Works is
requesting a new mowing tractor to replace the current one which was purchased in 1987. The Police
Department is requesting to extend the maintenance agreement for the digital in-car video, stated this
was a grant funded project that included one year of warranty. She stated the Warrant Round-Up has
been a successful program which brings in revenue but would like to fund more resources such as door
tags, officers, and jailers to keep people moving through the system, last year's Warrant Round-Up
generated $90,000 and this year's event generated �70,000. It gains from the publicity of other cities that
participate in it at the same time as Friendswood. Community Services is requesting an increase for
Concerts in the Park for a compliance fee for the music rights of the musicians who perform. The Adults
Program cost increase will be covered by an increase in fees. The Teen Court is a new program this year
and is currentiy being coordinated by a volunteer but there is a need for overtime for the court clerk that
will need to be there as well as a police officer. The Prosecutor Pool supplies attorneys for daytime and
evening courts and magistrate duties. Someone will need to go to Galveston County Courts to act on the
City's behalf. Zumba is a new program that has become overwhelmingly popular and although there
shows a request for funds their fees cover the cost. The net proceeds of the Fun Run go to the Laura
Smither's Recovery Center. Previously the funds were shown as income but was not shown going out.
This recognizes the money leaving the budget. There is a request for $35,000 to resurface the tennis
courts, are placeholders for the IT Strategic Plan in case there is not funding in this year's budget,
communications cabling for the Animal Control Facility and for an Assistant City Manager. City Manager
Roger Roecker stated the Assistant City Manager is a need that he identified some time ago in the Muiti-
Year Financial Plan. He reports to seven elected officials and ten direct reports to him and there is a
need. The General Fund total is $791,649. Cindy Edge stated the next item on the list is health
insurance and explained the estimated costs.
Public Works Director Kaz Hamidian explained the Water&Sewer Fund list, explained the placeholder for I
the City of Houston and the amended cost sharing agreement, are still in negotiations and the City j
Manager stated they have met with the co-participants in the case for fees due for increase in which the i
City of Houston sent an invoice, and will be coming back with an agreement. Kaz Hamidian explained the
Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment PlanYs operational cost increase. The plant is getting old and as the
population increases more flow goes to the plant but it must be used until a new one is built. There is a
purchase water rate increase, the City has increased the capacity which is good because of
preparedness for the drought, and water treatment costs have gone up due to an increase of Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) mandated tests. There is an eiectricity cost increase for
the three new lift stations that are added this year, the more water used, the more electricity used and the
costs are considered to be Forces at Work. He stated the following items are requests, replace a broken
backhoe purchased in 1992, are trying to repair it because there is a jackhammer connected to it that is
needed to repair water leaks but they have not been successful. The Public Works Department has only
one air compressor and it is being used by the Street Department, the current portable sewer camera is
old and parts are not available anymore, it helps the City determine who is responsible for repairs to
broken water and sewer lines. Cindy Edge stated the Utility Biiling Department would like to reformat the
utility bill and to use a service rather prepare them in-house, and there may be a cost saving because the
service has mail carrier route which uses the zip plus four. Utility Billing is also requesting a new payment
processing equipment and software which would scan and download data rather than do batching.
Administrative Services Director Cindy Edge explained the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department
funding requests, listed in order as presented by the volunteers which are the pension increase of
$14,400, medical supplies and drug cost increase of $25,000, Galveston County radio service fee
increase, $4,000, vehicle maintenance cost increase of $10,000, cellular service for the MDT's cardiac
monitors cost increase, replace fire bunker gear, training cost increase, Fire Station No. 4 cost increase,
fuel increase, carpet replacement for Fire Station No. 1, architect fees and specs for a new fire station
headquarters for �4 million, modular building for storage behind Fire Station No. 1. From the FirelEMS �
Donation Fund the requests are a vehicle replacement of a 1990 4x4 brush truck at$120,000, and squad �
truck at Fire Station No. 2, and the Court Technology Fund for the officer for Teen Court. �
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Mayor Smith asked about the training increase and Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department Vice
President Greg Otto said there have been more members join within the past three or four years so there
are additional training costs. Mayor Smith asked if the requested carpet for Fire Station No. 1 is going
into offices and Mc Otto stated yes. Mayor Smith asked if the requested modular building needs to be air
conditioned and Mr. Otto answered yes.
City Manager Roger Roecker thanked Staff for the work done on the budget.
Councilmember Enochs asked if the requests were prioritized in order of preference and Cindy Edge
replied that they were prioritized by the senior Staff which is the budget team. Mayor Smith stated these
items are not funded in the current working draft budget. The City Manager stated these are the needs
that have been identified by Staff, and the Administrative Services Office is working on the funding side of
the equation and Staff is close to knowing if any of the Decision Packages will be funded. Mayor Smith
stated that a coior coded chart was presented to Council noting what had been funded and Cindy Edge
stated the chart is still in black and white. Mayor Smith stated the Friendswood Volunteer Fire
Department (FVFD), the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) and the Municipal Court were lists that were
provided and are not necessarily in her order but he confirmed that they are in the FVFD and EMS's
Mayor Smith cailed the meeting to order.
The invocation was given by Public Works Director Kaz Hamidian.
Boy Scout Troop 442 led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and Mayor Smith led the Pledge of
Allegiance to the State of Texas.
Mayor Smith and Planning and Zoning Commission Vice Chair Mark McLean calied the hearing to order
to receive comments from the public, both oral and written, regarding the consideration of the adoption of
the new official zoning map in accordance with Ordinance No. 84-15, to replace the existing zoning map
as adopted on September 18, 2006.
Community Development Director Morad Kabiri explained a recent change that was made to the map and
was handed to Council.
Planning and Zoning Commission Vice Chair McLean asked if anyone would like to speak regarding the
proposed zoning ordinance and no one spoke.
Hearing no further comments, Planning and Zoning Commission Vice Chair Mark McLean closed this ',
portion of the Joint Docketed Public Hearing and adjourned their regular meeting to the upstairs
conference room at City HaII.
Council's portion of the Joint Docketed Public Hearing remained open.
Charles Prendergast, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated at the Iast meeting
Community Services Director James Toney presented a proposal from the Recycling Committee, one of
the proposals was to cut back garbage collection to once a week, is against doing that even if it means
increasing fees and the majority of his neighbors agree. He stated it is prudent to collect proposals for
comparisons but is against reducing the number of pickup days. He stated he supports the City's efforts
of recycling and the City shouid include batteries and other types of hazardous waste. �
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Margaret Limmer, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she would like to thank Council
for the Fourth of July celebration, had a recent concern and Counciimember Hill returned her call within i
ten minutes, spoke with City Manager Roger Roecker and he handled her concerns very well, and it is
her opinion that Friendswood has the best City Manager in the country. She stated she has a guest from
Wisconsin who is undergoing cancer treatments at MD Anderson Cancer Center and the Police
Department was very helpful to get him to the fireworks so that he could enjoy them with his chiidren.
She stated she appreciates everything the City does for its citizens and thanked Mayor Smith for coming
to Reading Day to support the children.
Library Board Chair Pamela Beeth gave the annual Library report. She presented a PowerPoint and
gave a handout of the annual report to Council. She stated it is a lot of work to prepare this report but it is
fun, read the City's Vision Statement and stated the library is a friendly place to work, play, and learn.
She stated the library's business is providing information and resources for entertainment and
enlightenment. The library's customers are Friendswood residents and what is of value to them depends
on age, gender and what they need or want, and varies widely. The library communicates with the public
through newsletters, booths at gatherings, library newsletter, flyers, Groupbuilder, website. Some nice
things have happened with the Iibrary this year such as Keep Friendswood Beautiful donating roses,
trees, and bushes to the library as well as manpower to plant them when the FM 518 drainage work
occurred. There are nine different kinds of electronic databases available iisted on the website including
one for repairing cars and all one needs to do is put in the library card number to access. The library's
programs are phenomenal with children's programs and all ages, book clubs, computer classes, reading
classes, performances, movie nights, and many others. The library does need more comfortable chairs
so the library needs to be larger to accommodate them. The library is wonderful and there is no end to
what it can supply. According to citizen input, the universai request was a Iarger or new facility, have had
to turn away little children because the room was full. The activity room is in use almost all of the time so
they need a larger room, need a teen area, children have said they need an area where they can work �
together and where productive noise is not a problem, teachers have said that they would welcome
collaboration with the library for these kinds of activities. A citizen will use the library for many more years ; ',
as an adult than as a child or teen so adults need more from the Iibrary such as new books, can only buy
new books as space becomes available such as when a book is lost, will be more baby boomers to use
the library, needs to be more reading area for adults that are comfortable with coffee and drink machines
nearby, needs more computer space, and training. People are bringing laptops now so there needs to be
tables and chairs for them. The Iibrary was operational fast after Hurricane Ike and people used the wi-fi
even while sitting in their cars. They also need presentation rooms. The Library Board asked citizens for
suggestions and they have implemented alI that they can. Should the time come for a new Iibrary they
have tons of information about a building plan. She stated she loves the Iibrary and is grateful that the
City funds it. They have a new parking lot and two new natural gas generators so if there is another
hurricane people can come to the library to cool off. She stated the parking Iot was paid for out of Library
Board reserves and the generators were from a grant. The Iibrary brings in about$40,000 a year and it
does not cost much compared to what is given. She gave Council a handout for the budget and
explained the handout. For the purpose of the study, the library is compared to Parks and Recreation,
and using the sports park as a comparison, the money spent on each child is two to one. Councilmember
Brown asked about the 173,000 contacts and Mrs. Beeth explained that over 500 people walk through the
library doors every day. Councilmember Brown asked about the Parks and Recreation comparison.
Library Director Mary Perroni stated she estimates 9,000-10,000 range of card transactions within a fiscal
year. Counciimember Enochs asked how these numbers compare to other cities and Mrs. Beeth stated
she has no idea but does know what the numbers from the National Library Associations suggest, but this
just represents the City. Counciimember Brown asked about the Friends of the Library and she
suggested that the Friends of the Library can put together a plan for growth. Councilmember Enochs
asked if there has been any impact with the Junior High moving and Mrs. Beeth stated there has been a
decrease in attendance and parents have complained that there is no way to bus them to the library.
Mayor Smith stated Council appreciates the work the Library Board does for them and to please pass
along thanks to the other Board members.
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City Manager Roger Roecker reported that the 116`h Annual Fourth of July Celebration took place over
: Monday, July 04, 2011, and once again, it was a great success. Thousands came out to celebrate our
nation's Independence Day. The Grand Parade started down Friendswood Drive at 10:00 AM, ending at
Stevenson Park, and the daytime festivities at Stevenson Park were well attended. The evening program
at Centennial Park featured the band Radiostar, and the evening was capped off with a spectacular
fireworks display. There are many unsung heroes that make our Fourth of July celebration so successful.
Our community has high expectations every year, and the many men and women who work on this event
make sure nobody is disappointed. Thank you to the Fourth of July Steering Committee members, the
many parade participants, parade judges, City employees, and many volu�teers who give up their holiday
to help make this annual event the best Fourth of July celebration in the State of Texas.
The City Manager reported that the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool has informed
the City of Friendswood that it will be receiving an equity return this year in the amount of $17,473 -
$4,642 for Workers Compensation, and $12,831 for Liability insurance. The board has elected to
withhold a decision regarding a return from the property fund until after the hurricane season. This is in
effect a refund of insurance premiums paid previously and is based on the City's successful loss
prevention efforts and length of inembership. The credit will be applied to our annual billing statement in
October 2011. Since 2003, Friendswood has received $270,933 in equity returns, which is based on Iow
Iiabiiity loss ratios and tenure within the Pool. The City is pleased to be a part of this self insurance
program. This $17,473 return to the City is a testament to the excellent safety practiced by our
empioyees. Employee safety has helped save taxpayer dollars, and is very appreciative of the work that
City empioyees have done to achieve this high safety rating.
The City Manager reported that Friendswood has been named #5 on the list of the Top Ten best towns
for families in the United States, according to Family Circle magazine. Friendswood is the only town in
Texas to receive this designation. The results of the comprehensive survey appear in Family Circle's
August 2011, issue, on newsstands now. With the help of Onboard Informatics, a New York City
research firm that provides real estate, demographic and other data, Family Circle initially assembled a
list of 2,500 cities and towns with populations between 15,000 - 150,000 and assessed which places best
met the family-friendly criteria—including Iow crime rate, affordable homes, quality schools, financial
stability, access to health care, green space and volunteerism — and ranked them from top to bottom.
Family Circle selected the ten winners from among the highest-rated towns. According to Family Circ/e's
survey, the ten Best Towns are in order of the following, St. Charles, Illinois, Peachtree City, Georgia,
Liberty, Missouri, Fairhope, Alabama, Friendswood, Texas, Novi Michigan, Trumbull, Connecticut,
Germantown, Wisconsin, Oviedo, Florida and Maple Valley, Washington. The article describes
Friendswood as a community rich with academic ambition, support for our kids, beautiful neighborhoods,
and specifically cited Friendswood's new Veteran's Memorial adjacent to City Hall as an example of one
of our community's "good deeds". Of course as our Vision Statement says, we already knew
Friendswood was a great place to Iive, work, play, learn and worship. The City Manager stated he knows
that Council has goals they want Staff to achieve such as keeping citizens and visitors safe, providing
recreational and cultural activities, being helpful to business and development community, protecting
property values through zoning and code enforcement efforts, providing excellent City services at a good
value to taxpayers. However, he thinks it would be difficult to think of a more important goal than doing aIl
possible to make this City one of the best places for families in the entire country. He personaliy thinks
Friendswood is number one, but number five is not too bad. He thanks Council for the time to discuss
this, this is not an award that Staff wins but an award that the City has obtained and that is the citizens,
volunteers, Staff and elected officials, he commends them for their leadership and thanks citizens for their
efforts in attaining this recognition.
"Councilmember Brown moved to approve authorizing the Mayor to execute an interlocal agreement with
Houston-Galveston Area Council for a sub-regional transportation planning initiative.
07/11/11 3621
Seconded by Mayor Smith. The motion failed 3-3 with Councilmembers Barker, Hill, and Brown
opposed. �
**Counciimember Barker moved to approve appointments of the City Council Liaisons to the Boards, I
Committees, and Commissions for 2011-2012 i
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 6-0.
Mayor Smith explained that this item was discussed at length at the July 07, 2011, Council Workshop.
"Councilmember Barker moved to award Bid No. 2011-12 for the Fire Station No. 3 Rehabilitation to
RAM Build + Design.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 6-0.
'"Councilrrlember Hill moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance T2011-20 — An ordinance
amending Appendix C of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix C being
the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing the zoning classification of two tracts of land located
southeast of W. Parkwood Avenue (FM 528) at Lundy Lane (A 46.384 acre tract of land being part of Lot
8 and all Iots 9-12 of the Von Pelt Subdivision with a 60' wide access easement as described in a map
under File No. 1002070886 of the Galveston County and an adjacent 2,346 square feet tract described at
Volume 1891, Page 689 of the Galveston deed records)from single Family Residential(SFR)to Business
park (BP); providing for amendment of the City's Official Zoning Map; providing a penalty in an amount
not to exceed �2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability.
(Previously tabled 6/20/11)
Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion failed 3-3 with Councilmembers Barker, Brown, and
Scott opposed.
Lengthy discussion was held between Mayor, Council, Staff, owner-applicant and agent for the rezoning
""Councilmember Barker moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance 2011-21 — An
ordinance altering the prima facie speed limits established for vehicles under the provisions of§545.356,
Texas Transportation Code, upon the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation, upon certain
streets and highways, or parts thereof, within the corporate limits of the City of Friendswood as set out in
this ordinance; and providing a penalty of a fine not to exceed$200 for violation of this ordinance.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott.
"**Counciimember Barker moved to amend the motion to change the fine from$200 to$500.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved 6-0.
"*"The main motion, as amended, was approved 6-0.
'*Counciimember Barker moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance T2011-23 — An ordinance
amending Appendix C of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix C, being
the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by providing for the adoption of the City's Official Zoning Map.
Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion was approved 6-0.
Community Development Director Morad Kabiri stated the Planning and Zoning Commission notified him
that they unanimously recommended approval of this ordinance in their meeting upstairs.
Mayor Smith closed Council's portion of the Joint Docketed Public Hearing.
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**Councilmember Hill moved to approve the First and Final reading of Ordinance 2011-24—An ordinance
amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2010-28, passed and approved October 4, 2010,
same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's Ge�eral Budget for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 by
approving "Budget Amendment X" to the "Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for
the Fiscai Year 2010-2011"; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds;
providing for severabiiity; and providing other matters related to the subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Barker. The motion was approved 6-0.
Councilmember Barker stated he had no report.
Counciimember Enochs stated he will be attending the Texas Municipal League (TML) Newly Elected
City Officials'Orientation this Friday and Saturday, July 15 and 16, 2011, in Austin.
Counciimember Hill stated the City had a great Fourth of July celebration and was asked to recognize the
armed forces at Centennial Park and recognized the Air Force, Navy, Army, and Marines but failed to
recognize the Coast Guard. He apologized to them and stated they do a great job of protecting the ports,
lakes, streams, making sure boaters are safe, and rescuing many people. The celebration was a great
Councilmember Scott stated he knows that Staff does a tremendous job of deflecting praise when they
are deserving, such was the case during the discussion of Friendswood being named the fifth best place
to live in the United States. He stated Councilmembers and Mayors come and go but it is the full time
empioyees in the community and volunteers that make this the best place to live and all of the credit goes
to the volunteers and Staff so thank you to City Manager Roger Roecker and Staff for aIl that they do.
Councilmember Brown stated she agrees with Councilmember Scott, was a great accomplishment to
have the City named in the Famiiy Circle award. She thanked Rick James and his family for representing
the City weli in the article, and they highlighted what is great about Friendswood. She stated that the
Homeowners Associations (HOA) representatives have met to plan the next forum. There have been
eighteen Iegislative changes to HOA Iaws and they want to review the legislative changes, and are trying
to schedule the meeting in Iate August or early September. She thanked the Library Board for their
presentation. They do a Iot of great work and appreciates their work. She stated she was sorry she ,
missed the Fourth of July celebration, heard it was great. She thanked Harris County Commissioner EI '
Franco Lee's office for sending Harris County Challenger 7 Park Program Director David Mathews as a
representative, is glad to see that Harris County is reaching out to Friendswood.
Mayor Smith stated Council should prepare for the Charter Review Commission. The West Ranch
Management District has tv✓o openings that will need to be filied so asked Council to please put their
thinking caps on for possible applicants and send those names to him or to the City Secretary's office to
fill out an application. Let him know if there are any questions about what the positions entail. He stated
they need to start the process for the Charter Review Commission and to have it in place by the end of
August in order to place any issues before the voters in the spring, has talked to a couple of inembers �
who served on the Iast Charter Review Commission and they have expressed an interest in serving
again, might be good to have some continuity such as Leoia Hill Hancock who was Chair of the
committee last time. He will recommend some former members but there are still four positions that need
to be filled and asked Councii to have a recommendation in time to make the appointments at the first i
meeting in August.
Councilmember Barker asked if suggestions can be taken now and Mayor Smith stated no because this
is not an action item.
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Mayor Smith stated the Fourth of July celebration was awesome, thanked Fourth of July Steering
Committee Chair Corey Kirkland and City Staff who played a big role. He stated the fact that I
Friendswood was named the fifth best place in the United States to raise a family has a lot to do with the
people who live here. There is a great Staff and many years of Ieadership that everyone has benefited I
from but ultimately the support of the citizens is the reason Friendswood is what it is, congratulations to
the schools and the teachers because that is the reason the majority come here to Iive and to stay.
"'Counciimember HiII moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Authorize acceptance of
public improvements associated with the West Ranch Lift Station project, and accepting the project into
the contractor's one-year maintenance period. B. Authorize acceptance of public improvements
associated with the Creekwood Estates Lift Station (formerly Jacobs Landing) and accepting the project
into the contractor's one-year maintenance period. C. Authorize acceptance of public improvements
associated with the Sierra Madre Extension and accepting the project into the contractor's one-year
maintenance period. D. Approve an interlocal agreement with the City of Santa Fe as a co-participant in
the City of Friendswood's debris management contract with Crowder-Gulf. E. Approve concurrence with
Friendswood Development Company's re-appointment of Joe Stunja to the West Ranch Management
District Board. F.Approve excusing the absence of Councilmember Pat McGinnis from the July 11, 2011,
Council Meeting. G. Accept the May 2011 Property Tax Report. H. Approve Minutes of the June 6, 2011,
Council Meeting.
Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion was approved 6-0.
Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Govemment Code, pursuant to
Section 551.071 - Consultation with attomey concerning pending or contemplated Iitigation, a settlement
offer, or a matter in which the duty of the attomey requires it. (Wight Realty Interests, Ltd. vs. City of ,
Friendswood, in the 4051h Judicial District Court, Galveston County, Texas)
Council reconvened into Regular Session at 11:15 PM with no action taken Iater in the meeting.
A motion was made a�d approved to adjourn at 11:15 PM.
Mayor David J.H. Smith
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Melinda Welsh, T MR C (C �
City Secretary � �
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