HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2011-06-06 Special 06/06l11 3599 STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( JUNE 06, 2011 )( MINUTES OF A SPECIAI MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, JUNE O6, 2011, AT 6:00 PM AND A REGULAR MEETING AT 7:00 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTWG A QUORUM: MAYOR DAVID SMITH MAYOR PRO-TEM JIM HILL COUNCILMEMBER MICHAEL BARKER COUNCILMEMBER BILIY ENOCHS COUNCILMEMBER JOHN SCOTT COUNCILMEMBER DEIRDRE BROWN CITY ATTORNEY BILL OLSON (Arrived at 7:00 PM) CITY MANAGER ROGER ROECKER CITY SECRETARY MELINDA WELSH Councilmember McGinnis was absent from the meeting. SPECIAL SESSION Mayor Smith called the meeting to order and opened the discussion between Council and Staff regarding the City of Friendswood Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). Community Development Director Morad Kabiri explained that for the benefit of the newly elected Councilmembers they will begin the discussion with the General Fund Capitai Improvement Projects (CIP). He pointed the Councilmembers to a list of all CIP projects and explained the four components: Two General Government components—one for a five year period and one for beyond a five year period, and two Water and Sewer components—one for a five year period and one for beyond a five year period. He stated the list of the CIP's General Fund for the current five years have either been completed or are soon to be completed; therefore it is time to begin creating another five year project list. He stated most of the General Fund has been depleted and so a new funding source must be found to support the new list of CIP's. City Manager Roger Roecker stated most of the General Funds above the ninety day reserve has bee� depleted, but the ninety day reserve is in good standing. Mayor Smith asked Mr. Kabiri to differentiate betwee� the description he just gave and the status of the Mud Gulley detention and Mr. Kabiri stated that Galveston County had a Road and Drainage Bond Election in 2008 and $10 million was set aside for a detention pond and conveyance improvements to Mud Gulley and also funds were assigned to improvements on Dickinson Bayou. The project has not moved far off center except that Harris County has acquired the property, the City of Friendswood has pledged $1 million toward the project improvements and the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District has pledged $1 million per operating year for three consecufive years. Mr. Kabiri moved to a discussion of the CIP projects beyond five years, and stated that the Annalea project was first introduced to the CIP in 2003 at an � estimated project expenditure of $1.3 million, in 2005 the first phase was begun, and so much of the il scope of the project was completed. In 2007, the same project was included with the cost diminished, ', was taken out of the CIP Manual in 2009 as a resuft of a Council retreat and was retumed to it in 2011. , Mr. Kabiri continued to go over items on the CIP projects history such as the drainage projects which inGuded AnnaleaM/hitehall/Kingspark, Shadowbend Phase 2, downtown (FM 518) Phase 2, ' Sunmeadow, West Edgewood (FM 2351) Drainage Outfall-Wegner Ditch. Councilmember Brown asked if there was flooding in Annalea and Mr. Kabiri stated there is considerable street ponding but no structure flooding. He gave a detailed history on facility projects that are currently on the CIP list including the library, records retention center, civic center, a new fire station, Phase 2 of the Public Safety building, Public Works building renovation, Fire Department training field, and the Parks maintenance building I Phase 1 and Phase 2. !� 06/06/11 3600 Mr. Kabiri gave a detailed history on the CIP projects, history of the street projects which includes the Pavement Management Master Plan, Phases 1 and 2 of Brittany Bay Boulevard, Friendswood Link Road Phase 2, and San Joaquin Parkway reconstruction. He gave a detailed history on the CIP Parks projects including Imperial Estates Parks, Lake Friendswood, OId City Park, the Friendswood Sportspark Phase 2, and the parkland acquisition. Mr. Kabiri gave a detailed history on CIP projects along with history of the i water and sewer projects, with the sewer projects i�cluding the Beamer Road sanitary sewer improvements, Blackhawk Treatment Plant capacity, EI Dorado-Lundy Lane Sanitary Sewer, FM 528- Falcon Ridge to Windsong sanitary sewer, FM 528-Lundy Lane to Tower Estates sanitary sewer, and Windsong sanitary sewer. Water projects included an automated meter reading system, Beamer Road water, San Joaquin water Iine replacement, a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system upgrade, the South Friendswood service area water loop, water distribution replacement upgrades, Water Plant No. 1 rehabilitation, Water Plant No. 3 rehabilitation, and Water Plant No. 4 rehabilitation. Councilmember Scott asked about the estimated cost savings for the automated meter reading system and City Manager Roger Roecker stated it would take years and the City is not likely to pursue it in that time frame. Mr. Kabiri clarified that the inclusion of a project on the CIP list does not indicate that it needs to be done immediately but simply as food for thought for Council. Councilmember Brown asked what the top priorities for Staff are at this time for the five year window and what wouid it be if Staff was given $10 million today and Mr. Kabiri answered the list of General Projects are ranked in order of importance by Staff. Mayor Smith stated he would suggest that there is a significant, Iarger influence with the CIP in the General Fund side from Council interaction through the years and there is a greater degree of influence from Staff on the water and sewer side. Councilmember Brown asked if sidewalks were part of the Pavement Plan or the CIP and Mr. Kabiri stated that they are not. Councilmember Brown asked for clarification as to funding for sidewalks and Morad Kabiri agreed that funding would come from General Fund or it can be added to the CIP, he stated that Staff has looked extensively into grants for hike and bike trail grants to help fuifiii the need for sidewalks but there would still be a need for funding above and beyond that. City Manager Roger Roecker talked about the Safe Route program through the school district and stated they have compieted sidewalks around Blackhawk. Mayor Smith stated some sidewalks were in the plan that was not actually created at the request of the � residents of the pertinent communities. Community Development Director Morad Kabiri stated there are five projects not in the water/sewer list within the five year window such as Lift Station No. 3, Lift Station No. 6, Water Plants No. 2 and No. 7, the Blackhawk Wastewater Treatment Plant rehabilitation, the elevated storage tank rehabilitation, east FM 528 water line, and a 42 inch water main replacement. Councilmember Brown asked if the other projects would not be funded unless there is a bond election, and stated the City does not have an extra $6 million dollars in the general revenue to fund a new library so a General Bond election is the only way to pay for everything. The deadline for notification of an election is September 7 for a November election so there will have to be a task force of citizens working every week with Council Iooki�g at the projects. Mayor Smith clarified to Councii that Councilmember Brown stated that a General Revenue Bond election is one source of funding these CIP projects, he added another way is to save the money as a pay-as-you- i go option, sales tax dollars have some application for CIP projects but there are Iimits as to use, or 'I perhaps a hybrid of all. �I Councilmember Brown stated the City has a balanced budget so there can be no plan to save but can only unexpectedly have an overage and Mayor Smith stated that in the past when a budgeted project has � not come to fruition or Staff was able to save money from their budgets the money went into reserves and is used to fund special projects each year such as an environmental study one year and engineering requirements the next ; ' I i , 06/06/11 3601 City Manager Roger Roecker stated that the water and sewer projects for the City of Housto� well water system buy-in has no money set aside for it yet because the City is not the driver of fate with this project, ' it is a great source of water and because of it Council has enabled the City to have water during times of I drought. Councilmember Enochs asked how often does the CIP project update occur and Morad Kabiri stated it is normally updated every year but the economy has caused the current update to have occurred in two years. REGULAR SESSION Mayor Smith called the meeting to order. The invocation was given by Pastor Ralph Hobratschk of Hope Lutheran Church. Mayor Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Fred Krch, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and read a quote from an editorial written by the late Tom Jacobs, former editor of the Friendswood Journal. Joanne McCall, Friendswood resident in the Annalea subdivision, addressed Council and welcomed new Councilmembers, and stated her issue is flooding in the Annalea subdivision, home has flooded nine times since 1979, with the last time being in 2008 during Hurricane Ike and would Iove to put a stop to it. Two other homes near hers have flooded also, the City has replaced drainage pipes in her neighborhood, other streets need new drainage pipes as well, and would Iike to thank Public Works Director Kaz Hamidian for putting a new inlet on her street. COMMUNICATIONS FROM COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL REPORTS Fourth of July Steering Committee Chair Corey Kirkland gave the annual report. He invited all to the 116'� � Annual Fourth of July celebration which is full of fun and food for the entire family. This year's theme is ' "One Nation, United We Stand", and anticipates over 100 parade entries from around the state of Texas and fifty booth entries. He stated the daytime activities will end at approximately 3:30 PM and the evening program will begin at 7:30 PM at Centennial Park with the band Radiostar from Austin, Texas. He stated the fireworks extravaganza will begin at approximately 9:20 PM. Public viewing will be available at the HEB and 24 Hour Fitness parking lots. He thanked committee members Dan Morgan, Nicole Morgan, Thomas McDonald, Renee Rives, Anthony Scarpa, Christine Scarpa, Michelle Scarpa, Stephanie Scarpa, Stacy Scarpa, Skip Redding, Robin Hall, Darrell Fales, and Steve Pate. Luci Woltz is the Chamber of Commerce Liaison, Rachel Williams is a volunteer, City Staff James Toney; Director of I Community Services, and Community Services Staff Michael Boyett, Kimberly Ramirez, Drew Pennywell, and Gary Williams. A video presentation was shown and Mayor Smith expressed thanks to the Fourth of July Committee for the time and effort they put forth on the celebration. City Manager Roecker thanked , Corey Kirkland and all the committee members and stated the City could not do a great program such as ' this without them, and stated the Fourth of July event may break the drought since there is a threat of rain i every year. �, CITY MANAGER'S REPORT I City Manager Roger Roecker stated Friendswood Police Officer Kevin Crouch was awarded the Fifty Club of Galveston County's Officer of the Year Award at their 40`h Annual Luncheon, May 9, 2011, at Moody , Gardens in Galveston. Officer Crouch has served with the Friendswood Police Department since 2002. ', He is being recognized for outstanding law enforoement efforts and his extensive accomplishments in ; Crime Prevention. i II 06/06/11 3602 Officer Crouch implemented Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) for women, a program designed to raise the situational awareness of women and to provide women with the capability to fight off an attack. The � implert�entation of this program was no small accomplishment. He arranged the training of instructors, faciiities for instruction, equipment acquisition, and community participation. Since the program's inception in 2008, Officer Crouch and his team have hosted and/or instructed more than ten 4-day i classes, including two for adolescents. Because of Officer Crouch's hard work, dedication, professionalism and personal commitment, the program is one of the most highly successful and sought after department programs in 2010. After each session, the department receives community accolades about the program and instructors. Officer Crouch is a certified child-safety seat technician and a lead instructor for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. He routineiy educates the public in this subject matter and has coordinated and participated in numerous safety seat events and inspections. Officer Crouch is an instructor for Safe Kids Greater Houston and conducts classes and training on bicycle safety and safe babysitting. He also teaches Internet Cyber Safety to the students attending schools in the City of Friendswood. Officer Crouch serves as the police department's liaison to homeowners' associations. In that capacity, he has revitalized the Neighborhood Watch program in several subdivisions. He has aiso helped to coordinate directed patrol efforts to reduce speeding in residential areas and to address problem houses where nuisances exist or breaches of the peace occur. He also oversees the department's tobacco compliance grant and conducts compliance inspections for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products. Officer Crouch is a 12-year veteran of Iaw enforcement. He , began his career with the Freeport Police Department in 1999, joined the ranks of the Friendswood Police Department in 2002 and became the Crime Prevention Officer in 2006. Officer Crouch is an Advanced Peace Officer and a Crime Prevention Inspector. He is also a veteran of the United States Army and served during Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm as a combat engineer. He currently serves as president of the Friendswood Police Officers Association, and is married to Dijana, his wife of 15 years. The City Manager reported that Staff has been working closely with The Riveron law Firm and LJA Engineering in getting the construction phase of the Fire Station No. 3 Rehabiiitation project underway. This past week, the City received the okay from Texas Department of Rural Affairs (TDRA) to start I advertising the plans for construction. Bids are set to be received the latter part of June with a contract I award the first Council meeting in July. it is projected construction will last approximately five months. The City Manager reported that the first two sessions of Teen Court were held May 24, 2011, and May 31, 2011, and went very well. At the first session, four defendants were sentenced by two juries of their peers. The combined sentencing of 134.50 hours of community service and seven jury terms were given I to the four defendants. The jury also came back with an additional sanction of writing an apology to two teachers for one of the defendants. Locations where community service hours wili take place are: Friendswood Sportspark (13 hours), General Park Cleanup (44 hours), Friendswood Municipal Pool (35.5 hours), and Renwick Park (42 hours). Community Services' Recreation Coordinator Michael Boyett will be coordinating the community service for the Sportspark, general park cleanup, and municipal pool. Volunteer Linda Marsh wili be coordinating the community service for Renwick Park. The program requires the teen's involvement in the judicial process and community services in order that their offenses may be dismissed. Their sentence is handed down from a pre-established discipline grid plus any additional sanctions that may be appropriate. Offenders will also take their turns at serving on the jury. Special thanks to volunteer Teen Court Coordinator Rochelle Barr and Municipal Court Staff for their work in establishing this valuable program for juvenile offenders. This opportunity to assume responsibility for � their own actions before a jury of their peers would not have been possible without Ms. BarPs � perseverance and dedication. Anyone interested in volunteering with the Teen Court program can e-mail TeenCou rtCc�friendswood.com. The City Manager reported that he had an item to discuss that is not on the agenda and stated that the I continued drought means the City has implemented the Stage 1 Contingency Drought Plan, which occurs � when 65 percent of the available water supply for three consecutive days, or 80 percent on a single day j has been used. He stated neither of those criteria has been met but 11 million gallons were used on a , single day this weekend, and stated the City of Houston has discovered a leak in the 42 inch water Iine along Highway 3 which is a major take point for Friendswood. They do not know how long it will take to do the repairs but the City will notify residents through every means possible. ' il ; � I 06/06/11 3603 The City Manager showed a draft of the first video clip created under the new contract Council approved with YourtownN.Com,which is an explanation of the Capital Improvement Projects. ACTION ITEMS '*Councilmember Brown moved to elect Jim Hill as Mayor Pro-Tem for 2011-2012. Seconded by Councilmember Enochs. The motion was approved unanimously. *`Councilmember HiII moved to discuss the appointments of City Council Liaisons to Committees, Boards, and Commissions. Seconded by Counciimember Brown. The motion failed unanimously. "Councilmember Hill moved to authorize the Mayor to execute a license agreement with the Fieldcreek Forest Homeowner's Association (HOA) relating to the installation and maintenance of traffic signs within the City's right-of-way. Seconded by Councilmember Brown. `*'Councilmember Hill moved to amend the original motion to state that the license agreement be subject to the City Attorney's approval. Seconded by Councilmember Brown. The amended motion was approved unanimously. '""'Main motion, as amended,was approved unanimously. '*Counciimember Brown moved to approve authorizing the Mayor to execute a license agreement with Carmac Tayior relating to the installation of subsurtace drainage pipes and above ground flower beds within the City's right-of-way at 210 Stanley Court. Seconded by Counciimember Hiil. The motion was approved unanimously. "Councilmember Brown moved to allow public comment at ali Special Meetings with it to be noticed on the agenda and is Iimited to items on the agenda. Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 5-1 with Mayor Smith opposed. Lengthy discussion was held between Mayor, Council and City Attorney Bill Olson who stated an Executive Session is part of a posted meeting and can be held at a Regular Meeting or a Special Meeting, the City Charter states that people have the opportunity to comment, and there is no right or wrong but is a policy decision by Council, does not feei this is hearing from the public twice because each meeting is a meeting in and of itself and a Speciai Meeting topic may not be in conjunction with the Regular Meeting. City Attor�ey BiII Olson stated that his understanding is that the motion was to add public comments but limit it to the subject matter of that Special Meeting and Councilmember Brown agreed and stated she would like a formal resolution at the next meeting, if it is approved. Mayor Smith ' clarified the motion to include any meeting but at Special meeting it is limited to items on the agenda '*Councilmember Brown moved to establish a City Technology Committee in accordance with the City I Committee policies. i The motion died for lack of a second. "*Councilmember Brown moved to discuss Council establishing, with input from Staff, an annual action plan scheduie for Council meetings and items requiring Council decisions which Council knows or Staff knows will arise in the coming year. Seconded by Counciimember Hill. The motion failed unanimously. No action was taken regarding an item which may be subject of an Executive Session which is called for ! June 6 and which Council has not been advised will be called. �i I Councilmember Brown stated this item is moot since there is no Executive Session on the agenda. �I I I 06/06/11 3604 **Councilmember Brown moved for the City Attorney to provide an update on the litigation status or pending litigation to the extent that it is not attorney-client privileged information. The motion died for lack of a second. � *'Councilmember Brown moved for the City Manager to immediately let Council know what litigation is �' currently pending in the City in addition to the Wight litigation. Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The motion failed 2-4 with Mayor Smith and Councilmembers Barker, Enochs, and Hill opposed. *`Councilmember Brown moved to retain Ross, Banks, May, Cron & Cavin, P.C. as the City Attorney. Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved 5-1 with Mayor Smith opposed. Councilmember Brown explained why she chose this firm and stated that they came out at the top for her. Councilmember Hill stated the City went through a Iengthy interview process of the top three firms and he was very impressed with Ross, Banks, May, Cron & Cavin, P.C., and further explained his decision and stated he has a lot of respect for Olson & Olson but considering the current situation he thinks it is time for a change, did not take the decision lightly,would hope for a 30 day transition period between firms. Mayor Smith stated he would prefer that this decision be made with all of Council present because it is too important to do otherwise. Olson & Olson is one of the most well respected municipal attorney services in the State of Texas, have done an outstanding job for Friendswood and it is due to them that most of what Friendswood does is right and not wrong. Council spends a Iot of time talki�g about the five percent. The day-to-day work between the City Attorney and the City Staff has been beyond reproach, means no disrespect to the other attorney firms that applied because it is clear to him that each had unique and varied experiences to bring to the table for good services but does not think there are any that have the depth or breadth that Olson & Olson has. When examining in totality all the legal issues that have been presented it would be very difficult for any attorney to be placed in the position in which Olson & Olson was places, was not the Iead on the Wight case and got biamed for the decision, thanked Bill I Olson and stated he feels in his heart that Olson & Olson did the best job with what was available to work with and Mayor Smith does not blame them, maybe a few eggs need to be broken in order to make an omelet. Councilmembers Enochs and Scott stated they had no comments. Councilmember Brown responded to Mayor Smith's comment that Oison & Olson was not the lead on the Wight litigation by stating that pertinent information and fee statements show that Olson & Olson was the forefront counsel that was involved. She stated that she did a Public Information Request in 2008 that resuited in sensitive documents given to her by an erroneous Attorney General opinion. She has the utmost respect for Bill Olson and they are a good firm but 35 years of representation can cause it to , become too comfortable and given the issues it is appropriate to get fresh eyes for the ordinances and the City Charter, for instance there had to be an action taken to put Harris County on the City Charter and that should not be. Councilmember Hill stated he spoke to Councilmember McGinnis Iast night and he is for changing to Ross, Banks, May, Cron & Cavin, P.C. Councilmember Barker stated there is no good avenue on the Wight Iawsuit, without written Iegal opinions that are used for a foundation to make a decision, does not know how good decisions can be made and it looks like it is going to take changing Iaw firms to get that. He stated Council needs to move forward with this and does not know how decisions can be made without something being written to show citizens, has respect for Bill Olson and Bobby Gervais is a very good friend, has regrets but must move forward. Councilmember Enochs asked for the City Ma�ager's comments, and Roger Roecker stated he has !, I appreciated working with Olson & Olson over the years but he leaves the decision to Council. I 06/06/11 3605 "Councilmember Brown moved to discuss a transition between City Attorney's. The motion died for lack of a second. No action was taken regarding scheduling time for when tax collection counsel can provide quarterly updates on pending tax litigation, if any, and/or requesting written litigation reports on status of aIl litigation be provided to Council. RESOLUTIONS `*Counciimember HiII moved to approve Resolutio� R2011-13—A Resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Galveston/Harris Counties, endorsing the appointment of one (1) new member to a thirteen (13) member board to the Galveston County United Board of Health. Seconded by Councilmember Brown. The motion was approved unanimously. `*Councilmember Hill moved to approve Resolution R2011-15 — A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, approving the City's Public Funds Management and Investment Policy. Seconded by Mayor Smith. The motion was approved unanimously. ORDINANCES *�Councilmember Hill moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance 2011-13 — An Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix C being City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19th day of November, 1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by amending Subsection D of Section 15 , "amendments" to clarify language regarding the notice of Joint Public Hearings; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. Seconded by Mayor Smith. The motion was approved 5-1 with Counciimember Brown opposed. i "Councilmember Hill moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance 2011-18 — An Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Appendix C being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing the Zoning Classification of a .4821-acre tract of land, Iocated at 307 E. Edgewood Drive, out of Lot 4, Block 9 Friendswood Subdivision in the Sarah McKissick League of J.R. Williams League; providing for the granting of a new Specific Use Permit (SUP) to allow the use of the property for NAICS use No. 621 —Ambulatory Health Care Services, NAICS No. 52 — Finance and Insurance, NAICS No. 531 —Real Estate, NAICS No. 54 — Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, NAICS use No. 55 — Management of Companies and Enterprises, and NAICS use No. 8121 — Personal Care Services, and providing exclusions; providing for amendment of the official � Zoning Map; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed �2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. (Bergamos—Real Estate Office) Seconded by Mayor Smith. The motion was approved unanimously. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember Brown thanked the Fourth of July Committee for the annuai report, will not be able to � attend the celebration but all who can attend should attend. She reported that she attended the Harris i County Mayor and Councilmembers Association meeting. The Harris County Central Appraisal District ' representative was there and provided a CD on Harris County property values which she will share. Councilmember Hill stated he thought the Memorial Day Ceremony was excellent. Colonel Shriver was � an excellent speaker, honored all veterans, was a nice service and the weather was good. He stated ' density was discussed at the June 2, 2011, Planning and Zoning meeting and based on current standards I the prediction for population at buildout is 62,622 and are considering ways to reduce density. I � 06/06/11 3606 Councilmember Enochs thanked Mayor Smith, Council, and Staff for the warm reception as a new Councilmember. i Councilmember Scott agreed with Councilmember Enochs' sentiments and stated he is Iooking forward to i being part of the leadership in the community for the next three years. � Mayor Smith stated he echoes Councilmember Hill's sentiments regarding the Memorial Day ceremony, thanked former Councilmember Leslie Reid and an Eagle Scout for getting the City back on the track of having a ceremony. City Staff did an outstanding job of pulling it all together. Thank you to the Horecky family and the voiunteers who made the setting of the memorial. He reminded all that this date is the anniversary of "D-Day' and to thank those who fought for freedom. He wished Happy Birthday to Councilmemtier Enochs and welcomed he and Gouncilmember Scott to the City Council. CONSENT AGENDA `*Councilmember Hill moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A, Approve disposal of Court-awarded assets and surplus property in the Police Department. B. Approve excusing the absence of Councilmember Pat McGinnis from the June 6, 2011, Council Meeting. C. Accept April 2011 Property Tax Report. Seconded by Councilmember Scott. The mofion was approved unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM. � � rofaye avid J.H. mith ! Attest: � f Ftl�b� O� S`�y � ! l�� � B Melinda Welsh, TRMC � � City Secretary �A Py °4p� oF '��$ � il I il