HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2011-02-28 Regular 2/28/2011 3508 ,�.�.. STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( FEBRUARY 28, 2011 )( MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2011, AT 7:00 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR DAVID SMITH MAYOR PRO-TEM JIM HILL COUNCILMEMBER MICHAEL BARKER COUNCILMEMBER JIM BARR COUNCILMEMBER PAT MCGINNIS COUNCILMEMBER BILL HOLBERT COUNCILMEMBER DEIRDRE BROWN CITY ATTORNEY BILL OLSON CITY MANAGER ROGER ROECKER CITY SECRETARY MELINDA WELSH 7:00 PM—REGULAR SESSION Mayor Smith called the meeting to order. �.... No invocation was given. Mayor Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. SPECIAL RECOGNITION AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Community Services Director James Toney and Keep Friendswood Beautiful committee member Loretta Murphy presented Amoco Federai Credit Union with the Gold Star Supporter Award for being the title sponsor of Santa in the Park. Mayor Smith stated Amoco also hosted the Council Retreat this past weekend and thanked them for their hospitality and all that they did to help make the retreat a success. Mayor Smith presented a proclamation to Aditya Saini with the Houston Dynamo for Soccer Night Out on March 07, 2011. Mr. Saini thanked the City of Friendswood for the honor of the proclamation, stated they have been planning to come to Friendswood since they started in 2006, the event will take place in Centennial Park and are looking forward to partnering with other great events in the City. With concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 11A, Ordinance T2011-05. ORDINANCE "*Councilmember Hill moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance 2011-05 — An Ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 93-21 and Ordinance No. 2003-02, which granted a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for religious organizations for property located at 1804 S. Friendswood Drive (to be used for Hope Lutheran Church), by allowing Hope Lutheran Church to expand „� existing and proposed buildings, shift the footprint from the existing SUP, and add additional parking; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. 2/28/2011 3509 � Seconded by Councilmember Barker. The motion was approved unanimously. With concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 8, Approving a license agreement with Autumn Creek Development, Ltd., related to the use of property within Centennial Park and to authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. ACTION ITEMS *"Councilmember Barker moved to approve a license agreement with Autumn Creek Development, Ltd., related to the use of property within Centennial Park and to authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement. Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously. '`*Councilmember Barr moved to approve a license agreement with Texas-New Mexico Power Company related to the use of property within Centennial Park and authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement. Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. Community Development Director Morad Kabiri explained the license agreement and stated the power lines will remain and will be maintained by Texas-New Mexico Power Company in perpetuity once installed. Discussion was held between Council, Community Development Director Morad Kabiri and Adam Lambert with Friendswood Development and Project Manager for West Ranch. ***Councilmember Brown moved to table approving a license agreement with Texas-New Mexico Power Company related to the use of property within Centennial Park and authorizing the Mayor to execute the ""�'"° agreement until the March 7, 2011, regular Council meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Barker. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Hill opposed. With the concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 5, Public Hearing. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Smith called the hearing to order to receive comments from the public, both oral and written regarding the consideration of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Recreational Outdoor Grant application for the future development of Lake Friendswood. Mayor Smith opened the Public Hearing and asked the City Manager to explain to the public the changes that were given to Council at the Saturday, February 26, 2011, Council Retreat. City Manager Roger Roecker stated that the project was presented at the February 17, 2011, meeting as a $493,000 project with an in-kind match coming from in-house labor and the Park Land Dedication Funds. He stated that Staff and Grant Administrator Sherry Riveron came up with an adjusted plan that will not use Park Land Dedication Funds but will include the land value in the project, adjustment will change the grant amount from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to $305,757 with project totaling approximately $611,500, if approved there will be no cash out the door but will still have the in-kind match with labor from Staff and the use of City equipment. Mayor Smith asked if anyone would like to speak. Bobbie Jones, Friendswood resident, asked what the City employees will do. � 2/28/2011 3510 � Mayor Smith explained that the employees will be taking their time and expertise to plan and do the work for improvements for access to the park as far as constructing the road. Community Development Director Morad Kabiri's office would design and Public Works Director Kaz Hamidian's department would construct. Bobbie Jones asked what happens in those departments when they are doing this. Councilmember Holbert stated there is a circumstance where if the State awarded the grant the City would match the grant amount in cash or in-kind services, building the road access with equipment and Staff would equal a cash contribution and Staff would do the work as time is made available without impacting the normal City services they provide. Ron Dyer, Friendswood resident, asked if there is a certain amount to be set aside to submit the grant application, asked if funds still need to be obligated. City Manager Roger Rocker replied that the purpose of the land donation was to keep from having to set aside funds and that is the purpose of it being on tonight's agenda. Ron Dyer asked if the use of Staff will preempt any other City services that are on the calendar. The City Manager answered no, nothing calendared or scheduled, but perhaps the grass will grow a little bit taller. If something significant or urgent occurs will pull employees off the project and do the regular work. ,,,,�, Ron Dyer asked how the City employees' value is equated as it relates to meeting the granYs � requirements. The City Manager stated the City is in a 50/50 partnership. The grant is $611,000 so the City has to provide $306,000 of value which will be represented as in-kind services such as labor, time, and materials. Mr. Dyer asked how it is pro-rated and Mayor Smith stated every City employee is paid a certain amount and the City would extrapolate those numbers based on the pay and the use of the equipment. The City Manager stated is based on employee pay. Councilmember Barr stated the State's funding portion could be used for materials and other items. Ron Dyer stated he would love to see Lake Friendswood developed but is conservative and wants to make sure the City is in a position to do this expenditure and not go into debt. He stated this proposal sounds better than the last proposal. City Manager Roger Roecker stated there is an in-kind mach in labor and equipment of $188,000 and also the donation of the property underneath the road that gives a credit of up to $120,000 so that is the City's match, there is no cash outlay. Ron Dyer stated the road is an improvement since the last proposal with no cash outlay. Hearing no further comments, Mayor Smith closed the public hearing. ..-.. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no communications from the public. 2/28/2011 3511 ..� CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Roger Roecker reported that the Teen Court program was approved in the 2010-2011 operating budget. This voluntary program assists teenage offenders, ages 10 to 17 in assuming responsibility for their behavior through involvement in the judicial process and work in the community. The program is being implemented and coordinated by volunteer coordinator Rochelle Barr. Ms. Barr, Municipal Court Judge Jim Woltz, and Municipal Court Administrator Karen Renfrow have been working on the development for the past five months. There were many issues, policies, and other details to work through in order to create a sustainable program. The target goal to hold the first Teen Court is April, 2011. The program was introduced to Friendswood Independent School District (FISD) staff last week and they are very eager to participate. The success of the program depends on juvenile and adult volunteers. The City Manager reported that the City of Friendswood Municipal Court is joining over 300 jurisdictions to participate in the 2011 Great Texas Warrant Round Up. This is the fifth year of the program and the second year Friendswood has participated. The participating entities have found it beneficial to work together on this annual event in order to increase media awareness. The week-long event is not an amnesty program, but a concentrated effort to clear warrants. In addition, the program serves to promote respect for law enforcement as well as the court and will enhance the City's existing collection efforts. Through the collection agreement with Perdue, Brandon, Fielder Collins & Mott, L.L.P., 1,598 letters were mailed, which represent $1.4 million in outstanding fines and court costs. The Round Up begins on Saturday, March 5, 2011, and ends on March 13, 2011. Staff participation includes the Municipal Court, Fire Marshal, and Police Department. The City Manager reported that the Beamer Road project is being worked on and good progress is being made. � Councilmember Holbert noted that the Great Texas Warrant Round Up is not an amnesty period so please take care of outstanding warrants. RESOLUTION **Councilmember Barr moved to approve R2011-07 — A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, designating certain officials as being responsible for, acting for, and on behalf of the City of Friendswood ("applicant") in dealing with the Texas Parks &Wildlife Department("department")for the purpose of participating in the Local Park Grant Program ("program"); certifying that the City of Friendswood is eligible to receive program assistance; certifying that the City of Friendswood's matching share is readily available; dedicated the proposed site for permanent (or for the term of the lease for leased property) public park and recreational uses; and certifying that the application has been submitted to the appropriate regional Council of governments for the Texas Review and Comment System (TRACS) review. Seconded by Councilmember McGinnis. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Barker opposed. ORDINANCES "*Councilmember Holbert moved to approve the First and Final Reading of Ordinance 2011-06 — An Ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2010-28, passed and approved October 4, 2010, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General budget for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 by approving "Budget Amendment III" to the "Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2010-2011"; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or "'"""'' transfer of certain finds; providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject. 2/28/2011 3512 �. Seconded by Councilmember Barr. The motion was approved unanimously. **Councilmember Barr moved to approve the First Reading of Ordinance T2011-07—An Ordinance of the City of Friendswood, Texas, amending Chapter 54, Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas and adopting a new Article VII, Illegal Smoking Products and Ingestion Devices to prohibit the use, purchase, possession, and sale of illegal smoking products containing certain plant, plant products or derivatives, chemical compounds applied to plants, and plant products and their derivatives or other substances, and ingestion devices used in connection with the illegal smoking products, and to prohibit the use, purchase, possession, and sale of the synthetic cannabinoid products; dispensing with a culpable mental state; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing a repealer clause, a severability clause, a savings clause, and an effective date. Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously. ""`Councilmember Barr moved to approve the First and Final Reading of Ordinance 2011-08 — An Ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2010-28, assed and approved October 4, 2010, same being an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 by approving "Budget Amendment IV" to the "Original General Budget of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2010-2011"; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject. Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously. No action was taken on the First and Final Reading of Ordinance T2011-09 —An Ordinance amending City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 2010-28, passed and approved October 4, 2010, same being ,,,�,* an ordinance approving and adopting the City's General Budget for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 by approving "Budget Amendment V" to the "Original Budget for Fiscal Year of the City of Friendswood, Texas, for the Fiscal Year 2010-2011"; providing for supplemental appropriation and/or transfer of certain funds; providing for severability; and providing other matters related to the subject. With the concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 12C, Discussion with Thomas Wall, Consultant Beck Disaster Recovery regarding participation in a Severe Repetitive Loss Grant Program. WORK SESSION Discussion was held between Council and Beck Disaster Recovery regarding participation in a Severe Repetitive Loss Grant Program. Fire Marshal Terry Byrd stated there are 39 homes in Friendswood that may be eligible for this program. Galveston County is working to mitigate the areas to reduce flood losses, county is going to Commissioners' Court this month to present the proposal for approval. He introduced Thomas Wall, Deputy Division Manger, and John Buri, Regional Program Manager, both with Beck Disaster Recovery. Thomas Wall stated that Galveston County has engaged Beck Disaster Recovery to do a feasibility analysis of the properties that are on the severe repetitive loss list. These properties have multiple flood losses reported through the National Flood Insurance Program. The interest of Galveston County is to try to elevate the property rather than to do acquisitions and demolitions, or mitigation and reconstruction, will first meet with the homeowners to determine structural integrity of the homes before beginning the application phase. Council and the appointed Staff member will be involved throughout the process so that no decision gets made in Friendswood without approval. Mayor Smith stated the backup material was very informative and succinct. He further stated that since he has gone through this process personally he would provide a quick synopsis. It looks similar to the � program put in place after Tropical Storm Allison but is different because Galveston County is involved. 2/28/2011 3513 ...A The goal is to have fewer and fewer structures at risk of mitigation or demolition in the future. There are still homes in Friendswood that are eligible. John Buri stated that is true except for the five properties located in Harris County and it would be up to the City to determine which properties to include. Mayor Smith stated he believes it is a worthwhile endeavor because insurance will be lower for everyone else in the community if potential losses are removed. Councilmember Barker asked if Harris County is pursuing a like project for the other five properties and Mr. Buri stated he is aware of a type of program initiated by Harris County but is not sure if it is the Severe Repetitive Loss Recovery Program. Councilmember Barker asked if the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) has anything to do with this and Mr. Buri stated that the GCCDD has an interest in a couple of the properties for access purposes to do maintenance on canals but it is up to the City of Friendswood as to maintenance agreements with them once the properties are acquired; otherwise it falls back on Council as to how the program is managed and what is best for the City. Councilmember Brown asked about mitigation banking and Mr. Buri stated he is not familiar with that program. Councilmember McGinnis asked if the decision is stacked one way or the other for homeowners to choose mitigation and reconstruction rather than the buyout and Mr. Buri stated the mitigation and reconstruction is the most difficult to qualify a home to receive because the portion of the home that is non-compliant is torn down and the portion of the home that is above base level elevation stays intact. He stated that mitigation and reconstruction is tapped at $150,000 so the median value of the homes must be considered to determine if it is feasible or a benefit for the homeowner. Mayor Smith stated the likelihood of that portion of the program being taken advantage of is small so most will be buyouts. Mr. Buri stated the same program is active at Virginia Beach and finro out of the 112 evaluated properties may qualify for mitigation and reconstruction. Councilmember McGinnis asked if there is a law that prevents ""�"�' those properties from being reconstructed and Mr. Buri stated that once a property is applied it has to go in the open space for perpetuation Councilmember Brown stated the whole purpose of the program is to return it to the natural state to assist with the drainage, and is basically a conservation program. Councilmember Barr stated most residents that did not participate in the program the last time have since come to Council requesting it, and is a second chance for those who are now interested. He asked if this a voluntary program and Mr. Buri stated yes. Councilmember Barr asked if the City's liability is far reduced from the original program and Mr. Buri stated yes. Mayor Smith asked to whom is the ownership deeded for those who participate in the buyout and Fire Marshal Terry Byrd stated the City would own the properties. Mayor Smith stated there is an impact to the City because these would be additional properties the City would be responsible to maintain and Terry Byrd agreed. Councilmember McGinnis stated he noticed that one address is listed in his neighborhood and has seen the flooding come through to nearby homes, asked how the homes are chosen. Mr. Buri stated the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) compiles the list based on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) claims. Mayor Smith stated he appreciates the heads up and for letting Council know the potential is there, is glad the ones who got left behind from the last opportunity now have a second chance to reconsider. With concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 14, Consent Agenda. � 2/28/2011 3514 � CONSENT AGENDA *`Councilmember Holbert moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented: A. Approving participation in a federally funded Severe Repetitive Loss Grant Program through the Galveston County Office of Emergency Management. B. Approving a new license agreement for the property located at 108 Cherry Tree Lane and authorizing the Mayor to execute the agreement. C. Approve minutes of January 24 and February 17, 2011, City Council Meetings. Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously. With concurrence of Council, Mayor Smith moved to Agenda Item 12A, Discussion regarding disposition of RFP No. 2010-11 for Contract City Attorney Services and 12B, Discussion regarding the Capital Improvement Projects for the City. WORK SESSION A discussion was held by Council regarding the disposition of Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 2010-11 for Contract City Attorney Services. Mayor Smith explained where Council is in the process, this subject was discussed at length at the Council Retreat held on Saturday, February 26, 2011, where the decision was made for the City Manager to schedule appointments with the applicants with the first appointment being March 21, 2011. A discussion was held between Council and City Staff regarding the Capital Improvement Projects for the City. Community Development Director Morad Kabiri explained a Project Description Sheet that has been added for projects needed, and distributed to Council a project description sheet for each project of discussion. He stated the first sheet is the five year Capital Improvement Project list and they are all soon '� to be under construction and will be completed this year. He stated the Melody Lane reconstruction project will start in two to three weeks and is a Galveston County funded project through the 2008 bond program. The FM 518 Drainage Project is complete with partial Galveston County funding through the 2008 bond program plus a contribution from the State. The Sunnyview Avenue and Skyview Terrace project will have the preconstruction meeting on Friday, March 4, 2011, and construction will begin within two to three weeks and is included in the 2008 Galveston County bond program and is at no cost to the City of Friendswood. The Animal Control facility is under design, the final plans have been reviewed and returned to the architect for corrections and last comments and have also been submitted to the State. The bid will be let on the project within the next finro weeks and the contract for construction will be presented to Council in April, 2011. The Animal Control facility will be funded from the General Reserves. Harris County has gone through eminent domain on the Mud Gulley improvements and is moving forward but is not ready to begin construction. Friendswood's portion of the funds for this project will come from the General Reserves. The Blackhawk improvement plans will be completed within the next two months and will be funded with leftover money from the 2003 street project funds. The Stadium Lane parking project and drainage improvement have been completed and Council will be requested to accept it at the March 21, 2011 Council meeting. This project was funded out of the General Reserve. The last project is the Texas Department of Rural Affairs (TDRA) grant project which includes enough natural gas powered generators for all of the utility facilities, water plants and lift stations. He stated he will sign the plans later this week and have it advertised within finro weeks, and this project is funded by grants. Councilmember Brown asked if there is a plan to put the Animal Control facility through the Planning and Zoning Commission and Community Development Director Morad Kabiri stated there is no plan. He stated the Planning and Zoning Commission does have visibility on the City's Capital Projects. m._.. 2/28/2011 3515 � Councilmember Barr asked if the $1 million is making the difference of whether or not Harris County moves forward on the Mud Guiley project and Community Development Director Morad Kabiri deferred the question to City Manager Roger Roecker who deferred the question to Councilmember Barker. Councilmember Barker stated the City's commitment was to Galveston County to get them to commit$10 million and believes it would be unethical and a betrayal to them. Councilmember Hill stated this was part of the 2008 bond issue which passed by 80 percent and of going to Commissioners' Court they designated $10 million for the Mud Gulley project and the City agreed to put in $1 million and the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District has put in up to $2 million and that is enough money to encourage Harris County to take steps, and believes the project will move forward. He stated this is the only thing the City can do to help the situation with Clear Creek and thinks it will move forward. Councilmember Brown stated that Friendswood is in the top five areas for flooding. Councilmember Barr stated he heard that Galveston County was looking to do something else with the funds that were set aside for Mud Gulley so he would like to see the project move forward. Morad Kabiri stated he cannot speak for Harris County because it is a large, expensive project. Mayor Smith stated that time will tell what their timetable will be. They are experiencing financial constraints just like most other government entities are right now and depending upon how the Harris County Flood Control budget looks will probably dictate when they will begin this project. He stated that it always looks better when there are partners in a project. It will have to be watched and pay attention to make sure it moves forward. Councilmember Brown stated Harris County residents can contact their commissioners to get this moving, does not think Harris County commissioners hear much from Friendswood residents and that is something that could be done better. Mayor Smith stated that Council will have to examine the big list again and decide what is needed for the next five years. Community Development Director Morad Kabiri concurred with Mayor Smith and directed Council's attention to the beyond five year general projects and Mayor Smith stated that everyone has seen the information and he believes Staff is asking that Council accept the responsibility of review and ""'� consideration to help move the process forward and the better job Council does of giving Staff direction the more likely is it that something will come to fruition. He stated Council needs to review and eat away at it through discussions and believes it needs to be addressed every month, so begin to make a list of questions. Councilmember Brown asked if the numbers have been updated since the last Capital Improvements Projects list was published and Morad Kabiri replied yes. Councilmember Brown asked if the spreadsheets could be posted on the website and Morad Kabiri replied yes. Councilmember Barr stated he likes the direction Councilmember Brown is going because in looking for alternate funding mechanisms it is good for the public to see what is needed. City Manager Roger Roecker asked if Council would like Staff to put a Capital Improvement Project discussion on the second meeting of each month from now on and Mayor Smith stated it can be made part of the workshop program but what part to take needs to be decided. For instance one by one or base it on Council questions after reviewing the list. Councilmember Barker stated it needs to be done but there will be a new Council soon so it may need to wait. Mayor Smith stated that if someone is running for City Council they should be paying attention now. He stated previous Councils have bent over backward to take new Councilmembers into consideration so nothing is done for two to three months out of the CounciPs calendar which takes up 25 percent of the annual meeting time. He stated candidates should be paying attention now and taking advantage of the opportunity for public comment. Councilmember Barker stated it is not a long time period and listening and having input are two different things. He stated he sees Mayor Smith's point but to make hard and fast decisions may not be in the best interest of Council. Mayor Smith stated realistically the earliest it can be placed on an agenda is late March or April so it is safe that no decisions will be made before the new Counci� convenes. Councilmember Barker stated that Council should not stop moving forward but decisions should not be made until a few months down the road. � 2/28/2011 3516 ,�. Councilmember Brown asked the City Manager and Mayor Smith to be cautious about how much is put on the agendas that is non-workshop related. Councilmember Hill stated he thinks the items on the list should be prioritized because there will be some financial constraints, a lot of items were dropped off the list this year so add two or three more for next year that are achievable. Mayor Smith stated Council should provide a list of priorities to the City Manager at the next meeting. Councilmember Brown stated perhaps there should be a scheme on how to attack the issues to move forward. Councilmember Barr stated this list of items is dependent on how much money the City has, and stated the Records Retention building comes first for him. Mayor Smith reminded Council to remember that luck happens when opportunity and preparedness come together so the list should not be ignored just because there is no money right now, things can change in five years. City Manager Roger Roecker asked Council if City Attorney interviews would be presented as one applicant per meeting at each second meeting of the month beginning March 21, 2011, and Mayor Smith stated yes. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmembers Hill and Barker stated they had no report. Councilmember McGinnis reported on the Town Hall meeting that the Library Board held which occurred this past week, was unable to attend but Councilmember Brown was there, about 40 people attended and it was a success, and on-line survey is completed. The Town Hall meeting is completed so the board is continuing the momentum to come up with a strategic plan for the Library Board and thanked Library Director Mary Perroni and her Staff for keeping this moving. � Councilmember Holbert reported on the Livestock Show and Rodeo. The children from Friendswood's Future Farmers of America (FFA) and the 4-H groups will be participating, and wished them luck on the competition. He stated the FFA took several trailers of animals to the elementary schools to give the children the opportunity to take pictures with the animals and was a success. Councilmember Brown stated she attended the Library Town Hall meeting and encouraged donations to the Friends of the Library, saw donations to the Animal Control facility on the budget amendment and she appreciates those efforts. She stated a Homeowners Association (HOA) subcommittee met to plan the next quarterly meeting which will be either April 9, 2011, or April 30, 2011, at the Amoco Federal Credit Union on FM 528, and the date will be solidified soon. She stated that they are looking for a different location to hold the meeting after this one and anyone interested in sponsoring should contact herself or Sharon Parks in the City Secretary's Office. Topics for discussion will be economic development, insurance issues, code enforcement issues. She stated March 7, 2011, is the next Council meeting and also Soccer Night Out and Lundy Gras, will go to Washington DC with the Bay Area-Houston Economic Partnership next week for the introduction to the Freshmen congress on the NASA funding issues. Councilmember Barr thanked Economic Development Coordinator Karen Capps for speaking at the Keep Friendswood Beautiful meeting. The Boy Scouts helped in the park last Saturday, thanked Community Services Director James Tony, Community Development Director Morad Kabiri, City Manager Roger Roecker, the entire City Staff and Riveron Law Firm for working so hard on the grant application for Lake Friendswood and hopes to have a park soon on the east side of town. ,...., 2/28/2011 3517 ..�.P Mayor Smith thanked Council for the work done at this past weekend's retreat. He stated every time Council thinks outside the box they can accomplish just about anything. He thanked Staff, City Manager Roger Roecker and Facilitator Joe Gonzalez with the Management Connection, Inc., for their efforts. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM. �� � '. ayor avi J.H. Smith Attest: � f ROEry�s O �y �1 l. 1 /� ` O -E_ �C M..�!� — l.�'�l.�°�' C ' C� O Melinda Welsh, TRMC City Secretary * * s'�' Py qrF oF .��� � �