HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2010-08-23 Special 08/23/2010 3396
AUGUST 23, 2010 )(
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve authorizing acceptance of paving improvements associated with
West Boulevard and Falcon Ridge Boulevard for the contractor's one-year maintenance period.
Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously.
A discussion was held regarding the proposed FY2010-11 General Operating Budget for the City of
Friendswood. Mayor Smith stated that there is no perceived goal for tonighYs meeting but rather this is
an opportunity to move forward and give Staff direction. He then asked City Manager Roger Roecker to
present any expectations Staff may have of Council that could assist in moving the budget process
forward. The City Manager stated he should never say there are no expectations of Council. Staff looks
forward to receiving as much direction tonight as possible, provided a salary survey, an attached
supporting memo and a water and sewer rate handout to Council. An explanation of the water and sewer
handout was presented, showing single family water rates at$15.50 for the first 3,000 gallons and $2.90
per thousand gallons afte�that, sewer rates are $15.00 for the first 3,000 gallons and $2.90 per thousand
gallons after that. Single family rates were reduced by finrenty percent at the beginning of this fiscal year.
The current rates were developed by using excess working capital in order to take the rate reduction and
to hold the rates for another year. The City plans to do the same this year. Rates are based on the City's
utility and what it takes to provide the service. Mr. Roecker provided comparative information from
surrounding cities, pointing out that most cities use consumption usage for their rates and Friendswood is
very competitive when it comes to those cities. Moreover, the rates are reviewed each year and changes
in rates are reflected in the Multi-Financial Year Plan. Mr. Roecker also presented a review of the salary
�.�. survey and stated sixteen positions that were easily comparable to other cities' Staff was represented as
well as the average and median salaries for the Houston regional area and cities across the State for
each of those positions.
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Councilmember McGinnis pointed out that in 1990, thirty-one percent of the budget was assigned to
personnei, in 2000, forty-six percent and in 2005, forty-one percent of the budget was assigned to
personnel, and then asked Mr. Roecker what the percentage was for 2010 and he responded that forty-
seven percent is assigned to personnel for 2010, while the proposed 2011 budget shows personnel at
forty-one percent. The annual percentage increases or declines are based on bonds, grants and the
City's infrastructure.
Mayor Smith added that the fluctuations in personnel's percentage of the budget is not a reflection of the
City's revenue increasing, but rather reflects the capital improvements of that budget year.
Councilmember McGinnis questioned the process for renewing contract services and Mr. Roecker stated
that the City does have a process for renewing contracts and offered IESI as an explanation. IESI are at
the end of their allowed renewals without going through a bid process next year. If there is not an existing
contract the City goes out for bids as needed. However, contracts in which the City is a joint owner such
as the Blackhawk Water Treatment Plant, will not be subject to the bid process. Each department is
responsible for administrating their own contracts.
Councilmember Brown pointed out that Council was responsible for monitoring the Riveron contract.
Mayor Smith responded that contracts that are Council's responsibility are presented to them annually
and at that time Council can choose not to renew, go out for bid, or to discuss their services. For
example, the Riveron contracYs process is that they send any updates or information to the City Manager
for presentation to Council.
Councilmember Brown stated that her previous discussions with Staff regarding Riveron led her to
understand that it was Council's sole responsibility to monitor their contracts, has not received any
updates on the contract's status since being on Council and questioned if there were ways that City Staff
could perform more cost effectively.
Mayor Smith asked Councilmember Brown for clarification regarding her understanding of Council's
schedule for renewing contacts.
Councilmember Brown stated that she suggests having a list of all contracts and their end dates. For
example, the Riveron contract's end date is September 30 and has not yet been discussed, after
September 30 it reverts to an hourly rate and has fallen through the cracks.
Mayor Smith stated he does not believe the Riveron contract has fallen through the cracks, but is being
addressed during the current budget process.
Councilmember Brown referred to a memo she provided regarding the Riveron contract and stated she
will contact Riveron representatives directly if Council is responsible for administrating their own
Councilmember Barr stated that he would direct his questions to the City Manager because there is
communication between City Staff and Riveron representatives on a regular basis and would like for
Riveron to provide Staff with a schedule of grant opportunities so that it can be researched earlier and
quicker, is more concerned with Riveron's effectiveness than the amount of hours being billed and
requested a report from Staff outlining the strengths and weaknesses of Riveron's performance.
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Councilmember Holbert stated that the Riveron issue has gotten very complicated. In the beginning, the
contract term was one year and the City paid a flat fee for grant writing assistance. The issue tonight is to
approve or deny $65,000 for grant writing assistance. If it is approved, it is Staff's responsibility to
administrate the contract. He stated that he is opposed to micromanaging the City Manager and Senior
Staff. He added that this is the fourth budget meeting in a row and has not seen any significant budget
Councilmember Hill declared that a 2008 salary survey of surrounding cities determined that some Staff
are underpaid and the City is losing valuable employees because of salaries and added the Riveron
contract will, both currently and in the future, generate considerable revenue.
Councilmember Barker stated that Staff has presented a well disciplined budget that fulfills the needs of
the City. His position is to support the proposed budget with no deductions, no additions and no decision
Councilmember Brown agreed with most of Council's comments but is not getting straight facts and
answers. She questioned whether to set aside $65,000 for grant writing or use some of that money for
other wants or needs within the City and has a concern with the forty percent of the City Manager's
budget being assigned to the Economic Development Department, wondered whether the money that is
not used for contracts in one fiscal year should be rolled over to the next fiscal year or should it be
reallocated to meet another need during the fiscal year to which it is assigned and suggested that
concessions sold at the pool and Music in the Park could generate extra revenue.
Mayor Smith commented that he supports continuing to use Riveron as a resource to the City because he
believes that the City has missed opportunities for grant revenue by placing the burden on Staff. He
stated he thinks the contract with Riveron is a good one because they are a new law firm and are based
in Friendswood. Mayor Smith suggested Staff investigate whether or not the contract is the same one as
last year and reminded Council that the decision is whether or not to budget the funds, not to decide
whether or not to have a contract.
Councilmember Barr asked Mr. Roecker if the City would have the two million dollar Panhandle grant
without the Riveron contract and Mr. Roecker replied no.
Councilmember Barr stated that spending $65,000 to receive two million dollars is a good return.
Councilmember Brown responded that the City of Nassau Bay also got a two million dollar grant but they
spent only$30,000 to get it, supports grant writing but wants to get the best value.
Mayor Smith asked for a consensus from Council on whether or not the $65,000 should stay in the
budget for the Riveron contract.
Councilmember Barker stated yes.
Councilmember Barr asked Mr. Roecker if there is any outstanding debt associated with any current
grants that the City would be obligated to pay if the Riveron contract was not renewed.
Mr. Roecker replied no, the current grants are being paid for by the State.
,__, Councilmember Barr stated yes to the funds for the contract staying in the budget.
Councilmember Hill stated that he would like to see the amount for the contract be reduced to $50,000 or
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Counciimember McGinnis stated he agreed with Councilmember Hill.
Councilmember Holbert stated he supports the grant writing service but commented that Council is
spending too much time on a line item tonight that is one quarter of less than one percent of the budget.
Councilmember Brown stated she agreed with Councilmember Holbert.
Mayor Smith stated that there is no consensus on the amount to budget for the Riveron contract.
Councilmember Barr stated that more streets need to be funded, $2,000 was cut from the Public Works
Department last year and does not want to cut more in the proposed 2011 budget, also supports more
police officers and the teen court project, believes that the City should adopt that the City charge for
ambulance services, suggested that Staff work to get the cellular tax and commented that concession
stands do not make much money.
Mayor Smith asked Councilmember Barr about a suggested amount of funding for streets.
Councilmember Barr suggested $400,000.
Councilmember Barker stated that three fourths of the bond money is allocated for streets.
Councilmember Hill asked Mr. Roecker what the effective rate per year is on a basic house and stated
that he is not in favor of charging for ambulance services and wondered if there was not another avenue
of funding for streets, expressed concern about implementing funding processes that would significantly "'"""
raise taxes.
Mayor Smith asked Councilmember Hill if he approved of the submitted budget with the slight change in
tax rate.
Councilmember Hill stated he did, is an inopportune time to raise taxes but there are purchases really
needed such as a senior bus.
Councilmember McGinnis agreed with Councilmember Hill that Staff has done a great job on the budget,
and supports Councilmember Barr's concern of funding for streets, reminded Council that the nation is in
a recession and would like to hold the line on the budget this year and investigate more effective ways to
handle contracts.
Councilmember Hill stated that he has been through the budget and understands that the City has gone
up on the effective rate, disagreed with the issue that fifty percent of the decision packages have to do
with Public Safety, which is counter to what the citizens expect. There is a 1.5 ratio of police officers to
every one thousand citizens. Every community that surrounds Friendswood has an average of 2.5 police
officers to every one thousand citizens. The Police Department has foregone new hires voluntarily for
two years and the Fire Marshal's Office has to replenish supplies due to Hurricane Ike. There are 2,000+
lots being developed for new homes and a new junior high school. These show that there are several
issues that have to deal with Public Safety. The closer you get to Friendswood being built out, the more
crumbling infrastructure and Public Safety become an issue, will propose to set aside$3.25 million dollars
out of General Reserves for streets and crumbling infrastructure, supports that Council has spent a million
dollars out of General Reserves for Animal Control, but if Council can spend that then Council can spend
a significant amount on streets and Public Safety issues. Council has to look for other forms of revenue.
For instance, Friendswood is the only local community that has not adopted a 46 sales tax. He stated he �
does not support charging ambulance fees for people who do not have insurance or indigent people.
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However, over fifty percent of Friendswood residents have insurance that would pay for the ambulance
service at no additional cost to them past the premiums they currently pay. There were over 1,500
ambulance calls last year. If half that number were considered as insurance paid services, it would
generate $562,000 in revenue that citizens would not have to pay for. That is more than raising taxes by
three percent. Council does not want to raise taxes but also do not want to denigrate the citizens'
expectations for Public Safety and street repair.
Councilmember Brown stated she read a headline from the National League of City's publication, "Report
Shows Significant Cuts to Local Government Jobs and Services". The City's proposed budget shows an
increase in services, which is a testament to how far Staff is making dollars go. However, the condition of
the nation's economy shows that people are scaling back, agreed with Councilmember Holbert's
comments but the proposed budget raises taxes and is not in favor of raising taxes above Staff s
proposed budget, which shows an increase to .5897 and that shows cuts of$100,000 from the prior year.
She stated she has no concerns with Staff salaries but there are some previously discussed items that
are not in the budget, such as an increase in park space. The City does have a savings account that
belongs to the citizens and that account could be used to fund Capital Projects. One police officer costs
$100,000 and there is that much in savings. There should be consideration to adopt a 46 sales tax and
take a step further to make a plan to bring in services that would generate funds for the 4B sales tax. The
City needs to come up with alternative funding, budget its money better and use funds effectively. She
stated she would also like to investigate what items can be put in a General Bond for next year, is not
comfortable with spending other people's money when services and buildings can be funded through
volunteers and grants as other cities have effectively done and reiterated that she will agree to the
proposed tax rate and nothing further.
Councilmember Barker stated that making knee jerk reactions by tagging actions on to the budget quickly
and without investigation will cause problems in the long term, believes issues such as the ambulance
charges should be thoroughly investigated.
Councilmember Holbert stated he does not disagree but issues keep getting pushed back every year and
agrees that the ambulance issue should be investigated, does generate significantly more funds than
raising taxes three percent over the effective rate.
Councilmember Barr stated he does not think Council can make these decisions without investigation and
the consideration of citizens' opinions. For example, citizens did not agree with the bond issue and he
attributes that to the City not educating the citizens well enough to make them feel comfortable with
supporting it. Galveston County raised taxes by three percent but there was no backlash because
citizens understood the need after Hurricane Ike, does not want to keep from raising taxes at the expense
of Staff or Public Safety, does not like riding people's backs to get more accomplished for less money.
Councilmember Brown stated she agrees that the ambulance fees should be investigated and does
support merit increases and the funding of a police officer.
City Manager Roger Roecker responded to several comments made during the meeting by stating that
the City went below the effective tax rate last year. The percentage of the Economic Development
budget is 30.7 percent as opposed to 40 percent and believes the City's labor pool is used effectively and
would welcome a comparison to other cities. The McKenzie contract is not in this proposed budget. City
contracts are routinely bid out and do follow State bidding laws.
„_,_ Mayor Smith stated he would like to make two observations. The first observation is directed to
Councilmembers and believes that the Council's discussions are not focused on the issue at hand. Every
point that has been discussed is important. However, time is the primary factor in all of them. This
budget is one part of a five year financial plan.
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This budget is one fifth of the plan and will affect the remaining four years. The future needs to be
considered with a grander view. Further, this five year plan will affect the next five years after that. There
is a need to have a master plan workshop and to discuss many things that have been left on the table for
months and for years. There has been virtually no tax increase or long range planning for the last five
budgets, even when the economy was doing well. He continued that he did not want to leave a legacy of
problems for future Councils and future citizens. The only way to protect the heritage of our community is
to plan for it. He cautioned Council not to use the budget process to take things out of context and try to
further the projects that they want. Secondly, Mayor Smith stated he would like to address the citizens
regarding the proposed tax increase and further stated that on average, Friendswood residents pay an
average of $100 a month to receive the services the City provides, such as public safety, the library,
parks and the list goes on. Believes Friendswood's level of service is the by far the best compared to the
other taxing entities. Friendswood's monthly tax rate can compare to the cable bill, so all the City
services cost about the amount of cable television. Citizens have asked for Council not to raise City
taxes and Council has complied for years. However, the other taxing entities continue to increase year
after year, encourages citizens to pay close attention to what they get for their tax dollars. If citizens want
an additional service, then they must help decide how it will be funded.
Mayor Smith thanked Council and Staff for attending the meeting and for their hard work.
This meeting was adjourned at 8:26 PM.
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