HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2010-05-03 Special 05/03/2010 3324
MAY 03, 2010 )(
Mayor Smith cailed the meeting to order.
"� A discussion was held regarding recommendations from Staff for changes to the City's bid process and
amendments to the Purchasing Policy. Administrative Services Director, Cindy Edge stated that a few
months ago, Council asked Staff to review the bid process. A review committee was established by the
City Manager. The committee is made up of Staff members who are responsible for the bidding process
and representatives from Administrative Services Office (ASO). Members included City Manager Roger
Roecker, Community Development Director Mo Kabiri, Community Development Project/Developmental
Manager Rene Ibarra, Public Works Director Kaz Hamidian, Community Services Director James Toney,
Administrative Services Director Assistant to the City Manager Nick Haby, Administrative Services Deputy
Director Katina Hampton and Cindy Edge. Staff reviewed existing policies and changes/additions to the
Local Government Code. The advertisement includes a description of the work; location of bidding
documents, plans/specifications; date, time and place of bid opening. It must be published at least finrice
in one or more papers of general circulation. The second publication must be on or before the 10th day
before the first date bids may be submitted. The City may require each prospective bidder to attend a
mandatory pre-bid conference for the purpose of discussing contract requirements and answering
questions. Departmental management of the contract includes payment, performance bonds and change
orders. In Section 252.043, if the competitive sealed bidding requirement applies to the contract for
goods or services, the contract must be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or to the bidder who
provides goods or services at the best value for the municipality. Before awarding a contract under this
section, a municipality must indicate in the bid specifications and requirements that the contract my be
awarded either to the lowest responsible bidder or the bidder who provides the best value. Such criteria
will be identified in the bid proposal. If the award of the bid is not obvious and apparent, a sub-committee
(representatives from department outside the bidding department) will be asked for input regarding the
determination of the bidder who provides the best value. The Code states that any real property, personal
property that is not affixed to real property, or services, if a municipality receives one or more competitive
sealed bids from a bidder whose principal place of business is in the municipality and whose bid is within
,,,,,,, five percent of the lowest bid price received by the municipality from a bidder who is not a resident of the
municipality, with a contract expenditure for less than $100,000 the City may enter into a contract with the
lowest bidder or the bidder whose principal place of business is in the municipality if the municipality
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determines (in writing) that the local bidder offers the municipality the best combination of contract price
and additional economic development opportunities for the municipality created by contract award
including the employment of residents. Contracts must be funded out of current year revenues or by a
tax debt services fund. Contracts must have a provision allowing the government a continuing right to
terminate the contract at the end of each budget period. The government must make every effort to
continue the appropriation for the contracts. Mayor Smith asked if a 501C3 committee (such as Keep
Friendswood Beautiful (KFB) in the future) became a vendor and others put the exact same bid in would
pick KFB since they would have more value since they know Friendswood better than outside vendors,
how does this thinking fall into the layers the committee worked with and Cindy Edge stated there is
something for not-for-profit entities and stated the manual is in final stages, will then give the manual to
the City Attorney and will bring it sometime during the budget process with financial policy, this one is
linked to financial policy. Councilmember Rivera asked when Staff presents the manual he would like to
know which are legislative changes and which are practice changes. Councilmember Barr stated when
the bid on the monument signs were done by James Toney it was challenged because there was not
anyone in the Historically Underutilized Business (HUB). The State has a larger list but it is dependent on
businesses signing up for the list.
The invocation was given by Pastor Mike Ross with Friendswood Church of Christ.
Mayor Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
City Manager Roger Roecker gave a presentation of the Government Finance Officers Association's
Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and presented the award to Administrative Services Director
Cindy Edge and Administrative Services Deputy Director Katina Hampton. The City Manager provided
history regarding this organization and the different awards it gives out. The City has received the
Government Finance Officer's Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award for
21 years straight and this award for 7 years straight. When an entity receives the designation, a
certificate of recognition is given to the department and appreciates Council's support to help with
receiving this award. Katina Hampton stated she could not do it without the help of Staff, Executive Staff
and Council and appreciates them all. Cindy Edge stated she would like to introduce the quarterly budget
report that will show trends and revenues that Katina Hampton got together. Cindy Edge stated that
Council will be seeing it soon and thanked Katina Hampton for getting it done.
A proclamation for Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month was presented by Councilmember Holbert to the
Bay Area V-Twins President(BAVT), Rick Nizoll.
A proclamation for Municipal Clerks/City Secretaries Week was presented by Mayor Smith to City
Secretary Melinda Welsh.
Jeff Moser, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is speaking regarding item10, a
consulting contract for former City Secretary Deloris McKenzie and stated Council should table the item
until after the election is complete. Citizens are not happy with the decisions Council is making so it
should wait, Council can budget for next year, is not needed now and recommends tabling and letting the
new Council take care of this.
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Curt Roberts, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he lives in Boca Raton subdivision
and wants to keep Council aware of the hotel issue, stated there are special hotel task forces to deal with
crime and hotels and is against the hotel.
Donnie Johnson, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she works for a Home Health
nursing home, is the oldest nursing home in Friendswood and citizens have a hard time finding the facility
and asked for the nursing home to have a sign under the First Baptist Church sign.
An annual report was given by the Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) Chair
Brett Banfield. Mr. Banfield introduced himself and committee members Kirk Lippert, Pauline Moore, and
Troy Waters who were in attendance. CEDC reviewed and recommended approval of a new tax
abatement policy that includes abatement provisions for"green" development. City Council approved the
new tax abatement guidelines in May 2009. Businesses can apply for the standard tax abatement of the
alternative green abatement. Under both, there is no application fee and city property taxes may be
abated for a period of 10 years as allowed by State law. CEDC hosted the 7th Annual Broker/Developer
Day at Timber Creek Golf Club in coordination with the Friendswood Chamber's Annual Golf Tournament.
More than 50 attendees listened to representatives showcase development opportunities in Friendswood
which included featured guest speakers, Dr. Bob Hodgin, Councilmember Bill Holbert, and Bob Mitchell of
the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership. In May 2009, the Economic Development Administration
(EDA) awarded a $2 million grant to the City of Friendswood that will fund a 12-inch waterline, an 8-inch
sanitary sewer gravity line, a lift station, and an 8-inch sanitary force main, which will allow for commercial
development along the northwest side of FM 2351 at Beamer Road. For the second time in three years,
�„ Friendswood made the CNN/Money Magazine list of"Best Places to Live in the U.S." Friendswood came
in at Number 32 out of 100 cities and was one of only six Texas cities and the only community in the
greater Houston area to make the list. CEDC has placed three Live Here Work Here billboards on FM
2351 in order to get the message out to residents and commuters that Friendswood is a great place to
live and work. The Live Here Work Here ad was also featured in last year's Movies in the Park. Business
testimonials have been included in the quarterly e-newsletter and website. A logo was created for the
campaign and was trademarked by the State of Texas. CEDC members are delivering t-shirts and
window decals for all business owners who live and work in the city. CEDC made a recommendation to
support the recent local option election to allow the legal sale of beer and wine for off-premise
consumption and for the legal sale of mixed beverages in restaurants by food and beverage certificate
holders. Friendswood voters approved both measures in November of last year. Since that time, the City
has seen an increase in alcohol permit requests. A new retail recruitment flyer was created in October
2009 as an innovative way to show the city's retail market potential to prospective retailers, real estate
brokers, and developers. The ad is based on the latest consumer expenditures from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics and ESRI to estimate current spending patterns for retail goods and services in a three-mile
market area. A real Friendswood family volunteered their time to pose for the ad which involved a half-
day photo shoot with props. The ad demonstrates Friendswood families' incredible spending power,
educational attainment, and personal income, a perfect blend to capture new retail development to the
city. The advertisement was publicized in the November 2009 issue of Texas Real Estate Business
magazine that was distributed to 12,200 subscribers and 35,000 readers. Another paid ad was placed in
the Greater Houston Restaurant Association's newsletter to over 1,300 subscribers. On March 9, the City
presented a $30,000 municipal grant check to Crystal Creek Developers and PE Square Engineering for
the completion of the Park Plaza building located across the street. The two-story $2.2 million building
consists of 20,400 sq. ft. on an acre of land. The building is 86 percent leased and is currently occupied
by 21 businesses with 58 employees. The CEDC visited Ace Hardware, VARC Solutions, La Vino Clozet,
Park Plaza, Parkwood Animal Hospital and Texas Sites Properties. The CEDC has been engaged with
,,.o„ Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership (BAHEP) regarding the Ike Dike and the future funding of NASA
since this affects our entire region.
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Councilmember Barker stated he has been involved in the Community and Economic Development
Committee (CEDC), has made a lot of progress and appreciates their hard work.
Councilmember Barr stated he agrees with Councilmember Barker and stated CEDC is doing a great job.
Mayor Smith commented regarding the question of why CEDC exists and stated if anyone wonders the
committee is there to help diversify the locai economy, is currently shouldered by the homeowners, in
order to dissipate this burden from homeowners should diversity and CEDC is striving to work for this to
bring new programs and improve the ones the City has.
A report was given by Mayor Smith regarding the possible creation of a Public Transportation District with
Galveston County Commissioner Ken Clark and Rick Elizondo with the Gulf Coast Center. Mayor Smith
explained again why Council is discussing this. There is a proposed Galveston Countywide Transit
District, a process is beginning to see if the public is interested in creating or has a need to consider the
possibility of moving forward to create this district. The next step is public discourse and that is what
Council is doing, the job now is to gather more information and allow citizens to become aware of the
issue and to have the knowledge needed for the next County meeting. Right now the federal dollars
Friendswood contributes that come back to the State, goes to Metro, leaking $1.5 million dollars a year to
them. Creation of this district will put those funds back in the area and could tap into these funds. A
countywide meeting will be June 3, 2010. Mayor Smith introduced Galveston County Commissioner Ken
Clark who introduced Rick Elizondo with the Gulf Coast Center and Barry Goodman, CEO of Goodman
Corporation, who brought this to the County. Mr. Clark stated this is to recapture dollars from Metro,
census will tell the story. Friendswood and League City and maybe even Texas City would be in the
Houston urbanized area and those funds will go to Metro. A rail on Highway 3 has been discussed,
Commissioners Court thinks its important to bring Galveston County entities together to get the money
back to the community, each area knows their area best and will not be a taxing jurisdiction, the board will '""�`
be made up of the Commissioners Court and local authorities.The only way it would be taxing if it was
voted on by citizens if they would like to do that, it is important to prepare for a possible rail, it will be an
expensive project.
Councilmember Barr asked how Friendswood would benefit and Ken Clark stated it is too early to tell, the
districts can come together, work with the Gulf Coast Center and that would benefit residents, is not
getting any benefit right now, if it is in Galveston County there is a better chance of getting benefits.
Councilmember Barr stated a mass transit in Friendswood would be hard to do because it is only 20
square miles and asked would the money be set aside for Friendswood and not have the same situation
as now where the City gets no benefit. Mr. Clark stated it is hard to answer at this point, cannot promise
or commit yet to say Friendswood money is only spent in Friendswood.
Mayor Smith stated a representative for Friendswood would sit on the transportation board and Council
would let them know the City's needs, the board will then apply for the needs and it would be similar to
the grant programs, would have to have a match from the City. An example would be Friendswood's
senior bus. Rick Elizondo with the Gulf Coast Center stated the bus and/or the driver of the bus could be
Commissioner Clark stated he is trying to get the district started but cannot really say what it would be
spent on.
Councilmember Holbert stated he received a letter from the Committee of Transportation Chair for the
State of Texas. To get a buy in from him would like them to say up front that it is not a taxing entity.
Friendswood has fewer number of citizens in Galveston County and appraisals are higher in
Friendswood. Friendswood citizens would contribute 3 times more, parity is wrong, if taxing entity is on �
the table then feels that it will be headed that way eventually, will keep an open mind.
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Commissioner Ciark stated Friendswood could opt out of the entity if it became a taxing entity.
CEO of Goodman Corporation Barry Goodman stated Chapter 458 of the Transportation Code states it is
not a taxing entity and does not have an enabling power to tax. There is a growing need for
transportation in Galveston County. Gulf Coast Center through Connect provides services from rural
funding, needs to find a substitute for this if paying for transportation for senior services could reimburse
the City, commuter rail is an expensive proposition, looking at bus rapid transit on Highway 3 and
Highway 45. There is no money right now to expand Highway 45. Friendswood does not have to
participate, there is a growing need for park and ride services, with aging population there is a need to
reach medical services, there are federal resources to fund that.
Councilmember Reid asked if they charge for services they provide and Rick Elizondo stated yes they
charge $1 each way and $3.50 for VA Hospital, demand for services increase each year, needs a better
forum for cooperation from the cities in Galveston County. Have provided services since 1982 and
provides fixed route services in Texas City and LaMarque and will do in Dickinson, covers Galveston and
Brazoria Counties. Cities have signed interlocal agreements for this, State funds are drying up so have to
come to cities to get funding.
Councilmember Rivera asked if it was Galveston County only that they are asking for this district to be
made up of and Commissioner Clark stated yes. Councilmember Rivera asked about other cities buy-in
and Barry Goodman gave figures on other entities such as Texas City and Galveston that already do.
Councilmember Rivera stated he wanted to make sure it was not just supported by 3 cities and the rest of
the County will benefit with little benefit to Friendswood and Barry Goodman stated no.
Councilmember Hill stated he likes that Friendswood could opt out. Rick Elizondo stated most are funded
� by Federal and State funds, users only make up a small percentage of funds.
Councilmember Barker stated these dollars would replace a shortfall in funding of the State.
Barry Goodman stated the Gulf Coast Center is currently providing Friendswood with services but needs
to replace rural funds with urban funds to remain compliant. Councilmember Barker stated this would be
a purposeful use instead of paying money for studies and stated he will remain optimistic and open
minded at this point.
Councilmember Rivera stated he likes redirecting money from Metro to a local source, does not agree
with having another taxing entity, rail would not necessarily benefit Friendswood but will keep an open
mind as others have stated.
Councilmember Reid asked what is next and Commissioner Clark stated another public meeting will be
June 3, 2010, in LaMarque, wanted to open the dialogue tonight.
Councilmember Barr stated Council needs to have a meeting before June 3, 2010, to get feedback from
citizens and educate, will be hard to do since it is not sure where it is at, lived in an area where Metro
came in and the area became not as nice, will also keep an open mind.
Barry Goodman stated after June 3, 2010, will bring back to local Councils for input again.
Councilmember Barker stated mass transit can also bring crime to the area as well, please keep that in
,M,,, Mayor Smith stated a lot of the comments tonight were brought up at the transportation meeting he
attended, is not going to be put on us but Friendswood will have input on what they want, is not big
brother, will not be a replacement of Transit Authority that is studying rail already, is an opportunity to
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support them later from what he understands and will ask Council after the meeting in June whether they
want to be part of the district. He further stated he would like to get input here at City Hall and bring to
Galveston County. The first decision is whether to create the district, not be a member.
Commissioner Clark stated he does not support another taxing jurisdiction either and will not be, is
hesitant to answer program issues, does not know what all is out there yet and cannot make promises,
can come back for the public meeting and will have handouts.
City Manager Roger Roecker reported on the Mitch and Artha Wright Concert in the Park Series. This
year's Concerts in the Park will begin on Friday, May 7, 2010, and will continue every Friday night during
the months of May and June. Concerts will take place at Stevenson Park in the gazebo. All concerts will
begin at 7 p.m. and end at approximately 9 p.m., with the exception of the first concert on May 7, 2010,
which will begin at 6 p.m. The first Mitch and Artha Wright Concert-in-the-Park of 2010 will feature the
Friendswood High School Jazz Combo and the Clear Brook High School Jazz Band and also on air
personalities (DJ's) from Radio Disney AM 1590 entertaining the crowd with games, challenges and
crowd performances with all participants being eligible for give-a-ways and prizes. In addition to the
City's association with Radio Disney, the City will also display a banner from the gazebo acknowledging
the newly named concert series to recognize Mitch and Artha Wright for their vision of what has now
become our present day Concert-In-the-Park series.
The City Manager reported on the ongoing FM 518 Drainage Project. The City's FM 518 Drainage
Improvements Project began on March 1, 2010, and is scheduled to last approximately nine months,
weather permitting. It is designed to improve drainage conditions in Friendswood's downtown area along
FM 518. The underground portion of the drainage work on Stonesthrow is virtually complete and the ""�°�
contractor is beginning their work in the median of FM 518. Both inside lanes on the north and south
bound sides of FM 518 from Spreading Oaks to Stonesthrow will be closed for approximately two weeks,
depending on the weather. As a reminder, the crepe myrtles that are impacted by this project are being
moved to other locations in the City. New crepe myrtles will be planted when the construction is
completed. As a safety precaution for motorists driving through Friendswood, the City will continue to
keep residents updated on the City of Friendswood website, the City's information board at Stevenson
Park, the City's e-mail notification system and Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT's) Transtar
**Councilmember Barker to Hometown Bank moved to approve a Chapter 380 Business Incentives Grant
application for economic development and authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
Economic Development Coordinator Karen Capps stated this is a $15,000 grant for Hometown Bank who
applied in March, will occupy part and lease out the remaining amount.
Councilmember Hill stated the downtown drainage project will help downtown development.
Karen Capps spelled out specific things that this development has to adhere to.
Councilmember Reid asked if it was a grant or tax abatement and Karen Capps answered that it was a
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Councilmember Holbert stated he is in favor of doing this but would like to review the grant process, a
million dollar building will bring $5900 to the City. Buildings will not bring dollars, would like to talk in more
detail about the program in place.
**Councilmember Barr moved to approve disposition of RFQ No. 2010-01 for the Design of a new Animal
Control facility and award to Edward Associates.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera.
Community Development Director Morad Kabiri stated he received and reviewed the Request For
Qualifications (RFQ) and recommends the highest ranked firm which is Edward Associates PLLC.
*""Councilmember Barr amended the motion to allow Staff to go forward with highest ranking firm which is
Edwards Associates PLLC recommended by Staff for this type of project
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera.
**"*Councilmember Barr amended the amended motion to allow Staff to go forward with the highest
ranking firm which is Edward Associates PLLC, if the firm does not work out then a different contract will
be brought back to Council for approval.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Mayor Smith moved to approve a consulting contract with former City Secretary Deloris McKenzie.
Seconded by Councilmember Barr.
Councilmember Barr commended Councilmember Holbert for working with Deloris McKenzie to clean this
„__ contract up and read parts of the contract, aloud respects what Council Candidate Jeff Moser stated
earlier, Ms. McKenzie has provided her services for free for the last 2 plus months.
Councilmember Hill stated he thinks this contract is worse than the other one, elections are only 2 months
out of the year, thought it was fair to pay for the hours Ms. McKenzie worked, what if she needs 10 hours
a week, would not like to pay for services the City may not need.
Councilmember Reid stated if no services were provided then the City would still have to pay $1000 and
have a bill every month to see where the money is going towards.
Councilmember Barker stated hourly makes more sense and asked City Attorney Bobby Gervais if he
would like to review.
The City Attorney stated he looked over the contract and within the scope is good.
Councilmember Barr asked Councilmember Barker if he would like to have a cap on it to not go over
Councilmember Barker stated it sets a bad precedent, if the City needs services then we pay for the
services as we give them.
Councilmember Holbert stated several of the concerns were an open ended contract, suggestion of
hourly rate, if the City gets into hourly without a cap then it can be more expensive, a fair hourly rate is
about$75 an hour, this is not a contract for services for Council, this is if the current City Secretary needs
the services then she may request them, where do you strike the balance with hourly contract if more or
less hours are needed, if this is put back on City Secretary Melinda Welsh then this issue is practical and
'� not political with Council, would like Deloris McKenzie to get paid for the hours worked and the hours that
are needed.
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Mayor Smith asked what the hourly rate would be if that is the best way to handle and suggested to
eliminate the sentence that states 3 hours a week and suggest if it is abused the consultant can cancel
the contract.
Councilmember Hill stated he is fine with $75 an hour but wants to pay for hours worked and not just pay
$1000 a month.
Councilmember Barker recommended tabling the action and go hourly.
Councilmember Barr stated to put a cap, if the City has a runoff and it reaches more than $1000 and
compared it to the Riveron consuitant contract, suggested to remove the 3 hour limit.
Councilmember Reid stated she does not want to cap if it is hourly and asked about the 120 days
termination ciause and if Deloris McKenzie will still get paid. Mayor Smith answered yes.
Councilmember Reid stated she would like to change it to 60 or 90 days.
Councilmember Barker asked if the Riveron consultant contract was a 30 day termination clause, this
contract has evergreen where it can renew automatically.
Councilmember Holbert stated the contract is not an evergreen because it may automatically renew
subject to a budget appropriation. That determination will be at the discretion of City Secretary Melinda
Welsh and she indicated to all of Council that she would like to have access to Deloris McKenzie if
***Mayor Smith moved to amend the consulting contract with former City Secretary Deloris McKenzie to �
remove a sentence in Section 2 stating a 3 hour limit and amend the termination clause from 120 days to
30 days.
Seconded by Councilmember Barr. The motion was approved 5-2 with Councilmembers Barker and Hill
*"Councilmember Rivera moved to approve a request from Texas-New Mexico Power Company to allow
authorized Texas-New Mexico Power Company employees to remain in the City in the event of an
ordered evacuation and authorize the Mayor to execute a letter to that effect.
Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve authorizing the Mayor to dedicate a tree on City property in
recognition of civic contributions by a former elected official.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
Councilmember Hill thanked former Mayor Kim Brizendine for helping to create the West Ranch
Management District.
**Councilmember Barr moved to approve authorizing Staff to request construction bids upon completion
of design for Stadium Lane project.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Barker
Councilmember Reid asked what is Council authorizing and Mayor Smith stated once design is finished
would authorize to go out for bids.
Councilmember Rivera stated once the bids come in Council would have to approve it anyway just a way
to keep moving forward.
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"*Councilmember Barr moved to approve Resolution R2010-16 - a Resolution of the City of Friendswood,
Texas, formally adopting and approving the City of Friendswood Park and Open Space Master Plan;
making findings of fact; repealing all other resolutions inconsistent or in conflict herewith; and providing
for related matters.
Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously.
Councilmember Barr thanked them for their time and effort.
Councilmember Holbert stated without the adoption of the plan cannot submit for grants for State or
Federal monies.
""Councilmember Reid moved to approve Resolution R2010-17 - a Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing the Mayor to execute, and the City Secretary to attest, an
amendment to that certain Municipal Maintenance Agreement between the City and Texas Department of
Transportation, adopted as part of Resolution No. 8-68.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve Resolution R2010-18 - a Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, designating the Chief of Police as the City's representative in seeking eligible
grant funds under the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Tobacco Compliance Grant in an amount to
be determined; and authorizing the submission of such grant application to the Texas Statewide Tobacco
Education and Prevention (STEP).
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
Councilmembers Barker and Hill stated they had no report.
Councilmember Barr stated the voter turnout has been good and encouraged everyone to vote tomorrow
which is last day of Early Voting and to vote on Election Day 7pm — 7pm, has been an honor and a
pleasure to work with Councilmember Reid.
Councilmember Reid stated this Saturday is the Prayer Breakfast honoring the top 10 seniors at Clear
Creek Independent School District(CCISD) and Friendswood Independent School District(FISD).
Councilmember Holbert stated he would like to talk about Trevor Rifle and Councilmember Hill for their
help with the Future Farmers of America (FFA) Program, kids that participate are all about business,
facility has been put together by volunteers such as Councilmember Hill, had 31 swine that were entered
in the county fair, has fine heifers and steers in that barn, daughter was up early every morning to go to
the barn before school and after school, is a life learning experience.
Councilmember Rivera stated that silence is golden.
Mayor Smith thanked the Friendswood Arts Alliance and commends them for bringing arts to the
community, thanked Councilmember Hill for working so hard on the Memorial Day dedication project, will
be a fine memorial, attended the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department and EMS awards banquet and
as always is humbled by Friendswood's quality firefighters that work so hard.
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**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented A. Approve a license
agreement for buyout lots located at 111 and 113 Cherry Tree Lane. B. Authorize Council to invoke Rule
1(A) of the Rules of Procedure to schedule the second regular Council meeting in May for Thursday, May
13, 2010.
Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 9:05 PM.
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