HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2010-04-19 Special 04/19/2010 3314
APRIL 19, 2010 )(
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order.
� Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.087 - Deliberation regarding Economic Development Negotiations with Community and
Economic Development Committee; to deliberate the offer of a financial or other incentive to a business
prospect and Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters; to deliberate the appointment, employment,
evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a
complaint or charge against an officer or employee. (City Manager)
Council convened into Regular Session at 7:00 pm with action taken later in the meeting.
The invocation was given by Pastor David Bridges with Friendswood Friends Church.
Mayor Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Judge James W.Woltz administered the Oath of Office to new City Secretary Melinda K. Welsh.
City Manager Roger Roecker gave a special presentation of the Five Star Spirit Employee Award for the
First Quarter of 2010 to Kim Ramirez, Administrative Assistant to the Community Services Department.
Kim Ramirez worked for the City of Friendswood from 1995-97 in the Utility Billing office, and then
returned to the City in 2003, starting out in Utility Billing, moving to Accounting, and finally to the
„_,.. Community Services Department in 2007. She is instrumental in helping organize events such as Spring
Sparkle, KidFish, the City's Summer Day Camp, and other events throughout the year. Kim received
accolades from co-workers and residents alike, noting that she "handles each situation with confidence
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and grace" and "is consistently patient, courteous, helpful and takes care of requests right away". Kim
exhibits all five elements of the Five Star Spirit, including being courteous, competent, reliable,
professional and enthusiastic. The City appreciates the service that Kim Ramirez has provided this
community, and congratulated her on being the recipient of the Five Star Spirit Award for the first quarter
of 2010.
Mayor Smith presented a proclamation for Crime Victims Rights Week to Monica Montoya, Criminal
Investigations Victim Assistance Liaison with the Friendswood Police Department who accepted the
proclamation and spoke words of thanks.
Mayor Smith called a Public Hearing to order, to receive comments from the public, either oral or written,
regarding the Zone classification change request for 2.648 acres, located at 910 Cowards Creek Drive,
Galveston County, from Single Family Residential (SFR)to Single Family Residential- Estate(SFR-E).
No one spoke in favor or against the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance and hearing no
further comments, Mayor and Council closed this Public Hearing.
Timothy DeMarco, Friendswood resident of 13 years, addressed Council and stated he is a volunteer
board member of Little League and is involved in sports activities of children. There are 9 fields at
Renwick Park and has 216 to 232 players a night with parents, concession workers, fans and others. The
current parking space is beyond capacity with 500 plus petition signatures received to expand the parking
at Renwick Park. The petition was handed to the City Secretary. "`""�
Drew Scroggins, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is speaking against the retired
City Secretary's contract and stated he has nothing against Ms. McKenzie but believes it would be a
waste of taxpayer's money and a slap in the face to the new City Secretary who was just sworn in. The
contract seems like it is something to benefit someone close to Council. If the new City Secretary was not
qualified then the City should have looked outside for a City Secretary candidate.
Fred Krch, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he would like to bring a Certificate of
Recognition he received from the State of Texas. The City does not recognize that he has qualifications
even though he has filled out a volunteer application. Also discussed prayer at the beginning of Council
meetings and read statements from different authors regarding prayer.
Becky Adam, Friendswood resident, addressed Council regarding hotel regulations that is on the agenda
for tonight, read from a previous City ordinance that prohibits sex offenders from residing near schools,
hotel will have to prevent sex offenders from staying overnight, schools have a software program to
screen for sex offenders and hotel will need to do that to comply with the ordinance.
Nancy Drobniak, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is cautiously optimistic about
the items Planning and Zoning Commission and Council passed regarding the hotel. The City can pass
laws but cannot make peopte abide by all the rules. Hotel regulations are on the agenda tonight and
would need to remember that.
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Bobbie Jones, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she has lived in Friendswood since
1983. Is concerned about the Forest Bend Fire Station in her area. When the City begins work on the
station what will happen, what is the timetable to complete construction, understands work will take 6-8
months and thinks should be done quicker, hopes that plans have already been drawn up to speed things
along, a lot of residents are being covered by this fire station with new residents on Bay Area Boulevard.
The Fire Station needs to be built and ready to go in 6 months.
Charles Prendergast, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he would like to discuss
agenda item 17 and 14 and asked Council to pass the Permitted Use Table (PUT) change unanimously,
stated item 14 troubles him regarding hotel regulations, sounds like Council is still considering, hotels
should be prohibited within 2000 ft. of schools, day cares and others, should assure drainage issues are
resolved before construction starts and should notify residents nearby when changing zoning to
Commercial. The Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) should only entertain a 3
star hotel to be built in Friendswood.
Councilmember Holbert stated Mayor and Council did not bring up the hotel regulations to place on the
agenda but was put on the agenda by the City Attorney to impart information he learned from a land use
conference he recently went to.
An annual report was given by the Fourth of July Steering Committee Chair Core�r Kirkland. The Fourth
of July Steering Committee and the City of Friendswood will be holding the 115t annual Fourth of July
Celebration. The day long celebration will take place on Monday, July 5, 2010, with entertainment, food
and fun for the entire family. The theme for this year's celebration is"Red, White & Blue Go Green, Keep
Friendswood Beautiful". The day will kick off with the Grand Parade that will travel down Friendswood
Drive. The parade will begin at 10 a.m. and will feature over 100 entries from Friendswood and around
the State of Texas. Our very own Friendswood resident astronauts will be honored as Grand Marshalls
for the parade for their many years of service to the Community. The parade will conclude at Stevenson
Park where rides, games, food, live entertainment and fun for the entire family will take place. The
Zydeco Dots Band will be the featured entertainment along with other performers throughout the day.
The activities will begin shortly after the conclusion of the parade. Over 50 booth entries will provide the
backdrop for the daytime activities. The Evening Program will take place on Sunday, July 4, 2010, at
7:00 p.m., located at Centennial Park. This year's program should be one of the most patriotic shows
ever to be witnessed in Friendswood. At approximately 7:35 p.m., Hamilton Loomis will take the stage.
The Texas sensation is at the forefront of bringing roots music into the 215t century and redefining it for a
contemporary audience. Touring non-stop since 2001, Loomis has brought his "funk-i-fied" Texas music
to audiences all over the U.S. and the world, recently earning two "Best Artist" awards in England and
Wales. The main act for the night will be Rick Trevino. Trevino began his career in 1994 with the release
of his debut single, "Just Enough Rope", the first mainstream country music single to feature separate
English and Spanish-language versions. The song was included on his debut album Dos Mundos; a self-
titled album followed a year later. Trevino has charted a total of fourteen singles on the Billboard Hot
Country Songs charts, and recorded seven studio albums. His highest-charting single, "Running out of
Reasons to Run", spent one week at number one in 1997. A fantastic fireworks extravaganza will light up
the sky beginning at approximately 9:20 p.m. The fireworks will be choreographed to patriotic music and
is guaranteed to be one of the finest fireworks displays in the Houston area.
City Manager Roger Roecker reported on Keep Friendswood Beautiful hosting Spring Sparkle.
,_., Volunteers from the Keep Friendswood Beautiful committee teamed with the City's solid waste services
provider, IESI, and the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) to provide the
community with a clean-up day at Centennial Park on Saturday, April 10, but Mother Nature refused to
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cooperate. Due to thunder, lightning, and the resulting rain, the event was forced to close one hour
earlier than expected. Even with the dark skies, 300 residents brought their car loads of trash items to
dispose of to the 15 volunteer workers and eight city employees at the park. In all, 42.13 tons of
compacted waste, 41.22 tons of loose debris, and 60 yards of inetal was collected. Items that were
accepted included green waste such as tree limbs and grass clippings, appliances, furniture,
miscellaneous wood, metal, and plastic. No household hazardous waste such as tires, paint, batteries, or
oil, was accepted. The seven GCCDD employees had a chipper at the event to shred all the wood, trees,
and branches dropped off to turn into mulch. IESI and their 23 employees had several roll-off containers
set up throughout the Centennial Park parking lot along with cranes to remove metal, trash, green waste,
furniture, and plastics from the citizens' cars and trucks. The entire process was drive-through so that
those attending the event did not even have to get out of their cars. What a way to get that dreaded
spring cleaning done!
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve the annual evaluation of the City Manager.
Seconded by Councilmember Barker.
Councilmember Hill stated City Manager Roger Roecker has done a good job of managing the City and
Mr. Roecker has told Council he does not want more raise than what other Senior Staff receive.
Councilmember Barker stated Roger Roecker has done a good job with the City.
Councilmember Barr stated Roger Roecker has stated he does not want more than what Senior Staff
receives for a raise, has done a great job.
Councilmember Rivera stated Roger Roecker has proved to Council that it was worth hiring him and
agrees with the rest of the Council that hiring Mr. Roecker has been the best decision Council has made
Councilmember Reid stated Roger Roecker talks the talk and walks the walk, gives patient consideration
of every person he speaks to and deals with and would like to thank him for all he has done.
Mayor Smith stated it has been a pleasure working with Roger Roecker and knows Council set forth an
ambitious schedule that pressed him and Staff to get done, has done a fabulous job and thanked him for
the sacrifice he and his family has made to the City.
"**Mayor Smith moved to amend the motion to approve the annual evaluation of the City Manager with a
pay increase of 2.75%.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Mayor Smith moved to approve appointments to the West Ranch Management District Board and
nominate Donna Broom.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
"*Councilmember Barr moved to approve a grant application to Texas Parks and Wildlife for a Hike and
Bike Trail System and authorizing the Mayor to execute it.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
Community Services Director James Toney stated this authorizes the City to commit $50,000 to match
80/20 with $200,000 in grant money. This will give connectivity to all parks, would start at 1776 Park, ,,,�
working with Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) and Forest of Friendswood.
Drainage District has cut in trails around this area and with use and permission of the residents in the
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area can tie in and continue. Pearland received this grant last year and built a trail going to FM 2351 and
hopes to have Friendswood tie into this. Will apply for other grants to complete hike and bike trail system
to go along the creeks.
Councilmember Holbert asked what$200,000 will construct and James Toney stated the trail will begin at
1776 Park and will go to Forest of Friendswood.
**Councilmember Hill moved to approve to direct the City Manager to interview law firms for legal
Seconded by Councilmember Barr. The motion was approved 6-1 with Mayor Smith opposed.
Councilmember Hill stated the last year has been difficult for the City, has received comments from
citizens as to when Council will address this issue. Olson and Olson has represented Friendswood for 25
plus years and the time has come to at least interview other firms and see where it goes from there or
maybe have in-house counsel.
Councilmember Barr stated this is a good time to review to make sure Olson and Olson is still a good fit
for Friendswood. May consider in-house counsel. Council can discuss this in workshop when the new
Council is seated, likes how Roger Roecker had researched legal firms last time it was needed and
narrowed down and brought to Council. It is time to review and see if a change is needed.
Councilmember Reid stated it is a good idea to review. The City has had the same attorney for 25 years
and is a good use of taxpayer dollars to look at again.
,,�, Councilmember Holbert stated the motion is for the City Manager to gather info to discuss at next
Councilmember Hill stated yes that is what he is asking. Roger Roecker did research on in-house
attorney, it is something to be discussed and will take a lot of work to gather information but needs to be
Councilmember Rivera stated as Council looks toward the future, needs to make sure the representation
is the best the City can afford whether it is in-house or outside counsel, is a good exercise for the City.
Councilmember Barker stated the City should have an in-house attorney for everyday needs with an
outside firm for bigger items would be good. The legal opinions need to be better documented in writing
rather than verbal, needs to hear what Council needs to hear and not just what Council wants to hear.
Mayor Smith stated if discussions are in a workshop setting then he is interested in getting information.
Many cities larger than Friendswood have the same type of representation, why has the time come, why
does the City want to replace, would like specific reasons the City needs to change, is City growth a
factor, has not had a Staff member or member of public complain about the way they write ordinances
and resolutions and that is 90% of what legal does.
**Councilmember Barker moved to approve a consulting contract with former City Secretary Deloris
Seconded by Councilmember Hill.
Councilmember Barker stated Council should not ask current City Secretary her opinion, is not fair to her.
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Councilmember Hill stated he would not have voted to hire City Secretary Melinda Welsh if he did not feel
she could do the job. He called the Secretary of State when he had an alcohol question at the November
2009 election and got a free answer quickly. If the new City Secretary needs a question answered there
are other free resources.
Councilmember Barr asked what the City was getting for$1000 a month.
Mayor Smith stated consulting contracts can be paid out in a lot of different ways, is a $12,000 a year
contract with elections, 26 years of Friendswood historical experience, foremost Ms. McKenzie is an
expert in elections and open records, this is not a reflection on current City Secretary, would also be
providing other Staff members a resource of information.
Councilmember Barr stated everyone loves retired City Secretary Deloris McKenzie and is not a reflection
on her.
Mayor Smith stated Deloris McKenzie is available for special projects, if requested to help with
construction of a new Records Center then it may go beyond the$1000 rate.
Councilmember Reid asked if there was a minimum amount of hours that had to be worked.
Mayor Smith stated no, City has not done many consulting contracts, more a matter of paying for
someone's expertise.
Councilmember Hill asked if there could be a situation where it would be more than $1000 a month.
Mayor Smith stated the City has had past employees that have done consulting, does not want to lose
this person to outside entity, knows Ms. McKenzie has already been contacted to consult for others and
does not want to lose her.
Councilmember Barker stated there is danger that the new City Secretary may feel she has someone
looking over her shoulder or micromanaging, would serve the City's interests better to manage the time
better, style it differently and not make it one-sided, hourly would be better.
Councilmember Hill stated he appreciates Ms. McKenzie's knowledge, has a sister that retired from Shell
and now consults and gets paid hourly on an as needed basis, get an hours work for an hours pay.
Councilmember Reid stated she does not feel City Secretary Melinda Welsh is offended by what Council
is trying to do, would say $125 an hour is good, the City is fortunate to have Deloris McKenzie, she is a
valuable asset.
Councilmember Barr stated he would like to have the contract to have a little more structure with number
of hours to be performed, both sides have a 9 day out clause, would like a little more meat and potatoes,
the contract is too open.
Mayor Smith asked how it can be done with no time clock punching for consultants.
Councilmember Barr stated he does not have the answers, cannot evaluate since he does not have the
knowledge, 26 years is hard to measure and asked what will Deloris McKenzie be doing and how will she
help the City.
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Mayor Smith stated an exampie of services is a run-off election and the new City Secretary has no
experience in this since it has been many years since the City has had one than she has been with the
City, also practices for Open Records Act (ORA) and Open Meetings Act (OMA) requirements. Deloris
McKenzie plans to be active in the City Secretary field and does not want to lose that expertise, thought
this was a bargain with no long term commitment.
Councilmember Holbert stated he thinks Council is getting off track, concerns and issues originally raised
were contractual issues and needed clarity, does not like the way the contract is written, is ambiguous
and would like to take additional time and address questions and resubmit, is not a conceptual problem.
Would like to table with a more clearly defined contract.
"**Councilmember Holbert moved to table a consulting contract with former City Secretary Deloris
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve discussing hotel regulations.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid.
City Attorney Bobby Gervais stated he is looking at other Cities ordinances and gave a brief description of
different regulations that can be put into place which could alleviate some of the issues presented.
Councilmember Barr asked if any other cities have the screening software that the school district has to
screen customers and Mayor Smith suggested contacting the vendor.
„_, Councilmember Holbert stated he appreciates the information but is putting the cart before the horse and
would like to move on.
No motion was taken on consideration and possible action regarding authorizing the Mayor to dedicate a
tree on City property in recognition of civic contributions by a former elected official.
*"Councilmember Rivera moved to approve Resolution R2010-15 - a Resolution of the City of
Friendswood, Texas, authorizing aerial spraying over Friendswood by the Galveston County Mosquito
Control District for the County-Wide Mosquito Control Program.
Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously.
""Councilmember Reid moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance 2010-06 - an
Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix C being City of
Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19th day of November,
1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing the zoning classification of a certain
1.6554 acres located at 1108 Coward Creek Drive within the City from Single Family Residential (SFR) to
Single Family Residential - Estate (SFR-E), such tract also being Lot 5, Coward Creek Subdivision,
Section I, as recorded in Volume 15, Page 11 in the office of the County Clerk of Galveston County; also
being 1.6554 acres out of and part of Lot 2 and 4, Block "F" of Central Park Subdivision, Sarah McKissick
or J.R. Williams League Surveys, Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas; providing for the amendment
of the City's official zoning map; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of
violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability.
,.... Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously.
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"*Councilmember Barr moved to approve the Second and Finai reading of Ordinance 2010-08 - an
Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Chapter 14 "Building
and Building Regulations" by adopting the 2009 International Building Code, 2008 National Electrical
Code, 2009 International Plumbing Code, 2009 International Mechanical Code, 2009 International Fuel
Gas Code, 2009 International Energy Conservation Code, 2009 International Property Maintenance
Code, and 2009 International Residential Code for one-and two-family dwellings, with local amendments
thereto; providing other matters relating to the subject; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed
$2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance 2010-11 - an
Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix C being Ordinance No.
84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19th day of November, 1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance
of the City, by amending the Permitted Use Table contained in section 7-P to amend the permitted uses,
descriptions and/or NAICS use numbers for: medical equipment & supplies manufacturing, lessors of
non-residential buildings (Banquet and Event Center use only), accommodations, drinking places
(alcoholic beverages), single and multi-family dwellings in Downtown District on second floor, home
occupation and swimming pools in Agricultural District, and restricting where such uses are permitted;
correcting inconsistencies and typos in the current Permitted Use Table and adopting a new Permitted
Use Table; providing other matters relating to the subject; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed
$2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance 2010-12 - an
Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix C being City of
Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19th day of November, '�
1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing the zoning classification of a certain 2.648
acres located at 910 Coward Creek Drive within the City from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Single
Family Residential - Estate (SFR-E), such tract also being known as Tract 8-A, out of Lot 3, Block B,
Central Park Subdivision, according to the map of Central Park Subdivision recorded in Volume 105,
Page 151, in the office of the County Clerk of Galveston County, J. B. Williams or Sarah McKissick
League, Galveston County, Friendswood, Texas; providing for the amendment of the City's official zoning
map; providing a penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision
hereof; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Hill. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve the Second and Final reading of Ordinance 2010-13 - an
Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Friendswood, Texas, Chapter 30 "Fire
Protection and Prevention", Article III. "Fire Codes" by adopting the 2009 International Fire Code and the
2009 Life Safety Code; adopting local amendments thereto; providing other matters relating to the
subject; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision
hereof; and providing for severability.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
Councilmember Barker stated he had no report.
Councilmember Barr thanked the Girls Softball Association for letting Council and Staff play softball
against them and stated it was a lot of fun. Announced that early voting starts in one week and
encourages early voting, get educated and do your homework on the candidates, let's have a large „�
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Councilmember Hili stated the work has begun in earnest on the Veterans Memorial and hopes to have it
up by Memorial Day as long as there are no more unforeseen problems.
Councilmember Reid stated that Robin Manison passed away and further stated she went to Camp
Manison when she was a child and extends her condolences to the family. Announced that Art in the
Park is May 1, 2010, where there will be booths doing any kind of art, invited everyone to come, this is
part of the Friendswood Art Alliance. Councilmember Reid stated she enjoyed the softball game but it
was a 4 Tylenol night.
Councilmember Holbert stated he would like to wish City Manager Roger Roecker a happy birthday and
stated it is a pleasure to go through the review process and reminded Mr. Roecker that its okay to say no,
I am busy or if one or more Councilmembers contact Senior Staff to go on a field trip with them that
Senior Staff can say no, there is no reason to see Senior Staff's cars at City Hall late at night.
Mayor Pro-Tem Rivera reported on the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) and Round Two of the
Community Development Block Grant Funding Allocation and stated as an H-GAC board member he has
voted on actions of a total of$4.8 million in grants for the City and is in the process of getting $4.5 to $5
million within the Community Development program, is important when the money goes into the City and
does not cost the taxpayers a cent.
Mayor Smith stated he was invited by Galveston County Commissioners Court to discuss a Public
Transportation District. Council will soon be asked to make a decision on whether to join this district, will
have a limited time to gather information and the next meeting will be June 3, 2010. Please come to the
next transportation meeting, and will have an item on the agenda at the next Council meeting to have
Commissioner Ken Clark give a presentation on what this is. Friendswood and League City are leaking
money to Metro which is a transportation district. Council decided a long time ago not to participate.
Income tax goes to Metro since this area does not have a transportation district, is an opportunity for
Galveston County to create an entity to do this, census will reallocate again, money will continue to go to
Metro, wanted to inform Council of what is going on, the district will not have the ability to tax but could
become one by a vote of the legislature only if Galveston County voters chose to, can drop out of the
district any time the City chooses, is usually a 20% match involved by the City, can hold our own public
session and can do in the month of May to get input for a June meeting. Thanked Friendswood Girls
Softball Association for allowing Council and Staff to play, need to practice 2-3 times a week, appreciates
what those board members do for the kids. Expressed condolences to Robin Manison's family, was a
great loss to the community. Robin Manison is now with her husband Tom.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented A. Approve acceptance of
streets, drainage and utilities in West Ranch Estates, Section II, for the contractor's one-year
maintenance period. B. Authorize the Mayor to execute agreements with Friendswood Area Swim Team
(FAST) and the Vic Coppinger Family YMCA for the use of the Sesquicentennial Swimming Pool. C.
Ratify and confirm the Mayor's signature on the Texas Department of Rural Affairs (TDRA) Contract for
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Non-Entitlement Grant Program. D.
Accept March 2010 Property Tax Report.
Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously.
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A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 9:03 PM.
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