HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2010-03-01 Special 03/01/2010 3287
MARCH 01, 2010 )(
Mayor Smith called the meeting to order.
A discussion was held with the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District (GCCDD) regarding
Tributary 2 of Cowards Creek-the Wegner Ditch. Mayor Smith introduced GCCDD members and invited
Drainage District President Harold Whitaker to call his portion of the meeting to order. Harold Whitaker
introduced Directors in attendance, GCCDD Operations Manager Joseph Anderson, Engineer AI Lentz
and Surveyor Chuck Davis. Mr. Whitaker spoke and stated as a result of a meeting last July they were to
work on this and come back to Council, no funds but need to get design and easements in place, if came
up with money with local funds or grant funds then would be shovel ready, completed survey and
developed three options to look at. Last year there was one option that homeowners preferred, only finro
homeowners stated it was not their preference. Alternate 1 starts out at FM 2351 and comes south to
Shadowbend, culvert box, underground, with inlets at frequent points, goes to Shadowbend and does not
follow the bridge. The existing channel would have a box or pipe that goes into the creek. Mr. Whitaker
gave alternate route information and location for Alternatives 1, 2 and 3. Option 3 is the most expensive
option of all. Mayor Smith stated there are three alternatives with preliminary and cost estimates on them,
red is most expensive, blue is least and green alternative is in between cost wise but has the straightest
shot, is all underground. Community Development Director Morad Kabiri stated the green route was
revised from the last meeting. Mr. Whitaker stated two of the homeowners objected and that is why the
route was changed. Several audience members and affected homeowners spoke and asked questions,
discussed all of the alternative routes and how it would effect each property. An audience member asked
what alternative works better than another and GCCDD Engineer AI Lentz stated all alternates would be
the same and swales would carry water away from the properties. Audience member asked if it is 25 ft.
easement total or 25 ft. a side and Morad Kabiri stated 25 ft. easement. Mayor Smith explained the
easement acquisition process. Mr. Whitaker stated it is usually an improvement to the owner's property
so most would want to and would expect owners to donate those easements. An audience member
stated how could an easement in the middle of her property be an asset or improvement, would like it to
.— be in the back of the property which would be an improvement. The Mayor used a recent Sun Meadow
drainage project as an example. Even though it was more expensive the City put in box culverts and
covered it up to look better. The extra money spent putting it underground would be offset by the
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property owner's donating the easements. Councilmember Rivera stated the tradeoff is getting more
usable land and an audience member stated is now getting more land pooled in the front of her house,
will fixing the back help the front. AI Lentz stated if Alternate 1 is chosen will relieve the pressure on the
back side, the water in the front along Garden Drive may not be effected. Councilmember Hill stated box
culvert will be dropped about 6 feet under, will help all the area drain better if a culvert is placed at the
end of Garden Drive. Morad Kabiri stated it could be grated to flow out better. Mayor Smith asked if
anyone would be interested in Alternatives 2 and 3 and no one in the audience held up their hand. Mr.
Whitaker stated if anyone wants to come talk to the engineer individually to let them know and they can
arrange. Most of the homeowners in attendance were willing to give their easement for this project.
Mayor Smith asked Surveyor Chuck Davis if the green route is staying true to the ditch and he stated it
meanders. Audience member asked for assessment in writing and Mayor Smith stated Joseph Anderson
at GCCDD would be willing to help and answer questions, audience member asked for survey to be given
to them. Councilmember Rivera stated should give them pictures of before and after of prior projects.
Mr. Whitaker stated they do not have pictures but engineer could draw something to show them what it
would look like.
Council convened into Executive Session in Accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant to
Section 551.071 — Consultation with attorney concerning pending or contemplated litigation; a settlement
offer; or a matter in which the duty of the attorney requires it(AT&T/Clover Acres Drainage Project).
Council convened into Regular Session at 7:00 pm with no action taken later in the meeting.
The invocation was given by Pastor Pete Patterson with Friendswood Community Church.
Mayor Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Deirdre Brown, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she would like to announce her
candidacy for Position 6, communications with the public is important, when the City has a Mayor that
said it does not matter who the City sues then something needs to be done. Ms. Brown stated that she
would not have let the lawsuit happen if she was on Council and further stated that she would be filing in
the morning and is ready and eager to have a good, fun and respectful campaign.
Sandy Burchsted, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is a member of Animal
Advocates and has a Facebook page, stated was disappointed to learn that the meeting on March 15,
2010, was cancelled. Ms. Burchsted the animal shelter was approved last week so why cancel and
asked if Council is trying to divert and asked why the Stadium Lane project was moved up.
Tina Wood, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is an advocate for animals, was
coming to praise Council for approving funding but found the meeting was cancelled. For some reason
Council has decided to put a parking lot above a much needed animal shelter and asked why Council in
the same place as a year ago.
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Bill Buccella, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he lives in San Joaquin subdivision,
moved recently from Rhode Island. Mr. Buccella stated if he knew that a motel was going to be built he
would not have moved to Friendswood. How did Friendswood go from being a great place to live to this
and why is this debate taking place. Council is charged with protecting citizens, will not vote for anyone
who says they cannot do anything to stop this.
Vincent Detmer, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he lives in the Boca Raton
subdivision and has spoken several times. Mr. Detmer stated he went back into the Community
Newsletter and finds no mention of this hotel construction and feels as if it was being hidden, would like
Council to put the hotel on the next agenda so Council can discuss.
Curt Roberts, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated he is the president of Boca Raton
Section 1 Homeowners Association (HOA), is echoing that Council put the hotel on the agenda so they
can discuss. Is upset that they were not notified when it was rezoned, is unethical and immoral, was slid
in under the rug. City of Friendswood has an ordinance against sexual predators, read the ordinance
about distance they have to live away from a school. Please put this on the agenda. The way the
residents found out about this does not add up.
Mindy Comstock, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she lives in Keystone Meadows
subdivision and at every ball practice the subject is the hotel. Ms. Comstock stated her daughter went to
school the next day after speaking at the last meeting and talked about the hotel. Ms. Comstock did not
see the hotel in any publication and stated she will be at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting
and School Board meeting. Is learning the names of who stands for what, is a voting person and is not
.�., sure she is being represented well.
Rebecca Adams, Friendswood resident, stated she lives in Boca Raton subdivision and is not in favor of
the hotel, hopes they are convinced of the negative effect of the hotel, there is no room for compromise,
who will police even if Council puts in restrictions. Ms. Adams stated she would like to know why Council
is in favor of this, does not understand the secrecy, where does all of Council stand on this issue, is
concerned also about property value and safety of children in nearby school. Council is providing a place
for predators and criminals to camp out.
Jackie Gibson, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she lives in the Boca Raton
subdivision and there are many reasons why the hotel should not be built but most of all because of the
safety of the children. There are ways to minimize risk, provide the safe haven for children and not the
people in the hotel, speeding in subdivision is out of control, FM 528 is a known corridor for drugs so why
would Council give criminals a place to stay, would like to know when can be made a Specific Use Permit.
Charles Prendergast addressed Council and stated he is on the Boca Raton Homeowners Association
(HOA) and is speaking in opposition to the Sleep Inn hotel near the subdivision. He stated he is
concerned about the safety of children, crime increase, hotel being used to house people with
government vouchers, adding problems to the existing drainage problems, water pressure issues, and
property value decrease. Mr. Prendergast stated he would like to change the City ordinance to put under
a Specific Use Permit and had asked to put stop signs in the neighborhood because of the speeding
issue and nothing has been done. The City put eight more speed limit signs but they are being ignored,
listen to their appeal, is not going away and will only escalate if it is not stopped now.
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Margaret Maddox, Friendswood resident, addressed Council and stated she is the attorney for the Boca
Raton subdivision and lives in Eagle Lakes subdivision and is opposed to the hotel. The primary concern
for most residents is safety of children. In 2006, Friendswood passed an ordinance not to allow sex
offenders to live near schools. Allowing this hotel to be built flies in the face of that and Council should
vote against it, questioned the legality of not notifying residents when Accommodations was added to
Permitted Use Table back in 2001.
An annual report was given by Keep Friendswood Beautiful (KFB),Vice Chair John Merrifield who
announced the names of board members present and Staff and spoke on the many different activities
that KFB handles such as the annual tree giveaway, Spring Sparkle, Fall Haul-a-Day, Santa in the Park,
entrance signs and more. There are a total of 2163 volunteer hours worked, averaging out to the value of
$39, 042. KFB projects and goals are to continue with beautification projects such as pavers for
Stevenson Park, waterway cleanup and entrance signs (lighting, landscaping, irrigation), to continue with
Community Service Projects such as recycling & cleanup projects and Adopt-a-Spot. Continue to seek
funding avenues for projects such as Keep Texas Beautiful, Governor's Community Achievement Award
and volunteer recruitment. Thanked City Council for their continued support and Kaye Corey of KFB
presented a plaque of the Gold Star Supporter Award to Corey Kirkland of Cornerstone Maintenance who
has helped children and donated trees. Mayor Smith asked KFB members to stand and stated he looks
forward to their continued work. Councilmember Reid stated KFB's volunteer hours are much
City Manager, Roger Roecker reported on the 2008-09 Equity Return-Workers' Compensation, Liability
and Property Funds. The City of Friendswood has received notification from the Texas Municipal League
Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TML-IRP) that the City will receive a return of equity in the amount of
$36,875. This is in effect a refund of insurance premiums paid previously and is based on the City's
successful loss prevention efforts and length of inembership. Since 2003, Friendswood has received
$187,926 in equity returns, which is based on low liability loss ratios and tenure within the Pool. TML-
IRP, a self insurance fund, provides liability, property and workers' compensation coverage to Texas local
governments. The City is pleased to be a part of this self insurance program and are proud to have a City
staff that practices safety so diligently in our community.
The City Manager reported on Fire Station#3 grant and repair status. The City of Friendswood continues
to await a contract from the Texas Department of Rural Affairs (TDRA) for the approximately $2.5 million
in disaster recovery grant funding. The funding that was applied for will install natural gas generators to
critical water and sewer infrastructure and Fire Stations 1, 2, and 3, while also making repairs to Fire
Station #3 (FS#3). Approximately $367,000 of the $2.5 million in the City's application is to be used to
repair FS#3 after it was damaged during Hurricane Ike. These fire station repairs include a generator
with slab and electrical work, roof replacement and hardening, interior wall replacement, new flooring, and
window and door hardening. As a result of the TDRA funding opportunity, the City plans to make
improvements to Fire Station # 3 that will create a facility that is much better prepared to handle
emergency conditions than the one that existed before Hurricane Ike hit. Council may recall that as a
result of the "friendly condemnation" that the City completed with the Forest Bend Homeowners
Association (HOA) in April of last year, TDRA had a number of questions that related to the City's
acquisition of that station as it applies to the Uniform Relocation Act. These questions arose at the end of
January. Grant Consultant Sherri Riveron's office prepared a very thorough response to all of TDRA's
questions regarding the acquisition of that station. Since that time, TDRA has acknowledged that the City ,..,
did a good job on its response and that they are very close to making a final determination on whether to
award the City the money for FS#3. However, as of the deadline for tonight's Council agenda, the City
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has not yet received a final determination from TDRA. Recently, some publicity, including a story that ran
on Channel 13 news, has highlighted the condition of this station and the need for repairs. The City
wants to emphasize at this time that while FS#3 is not suitable to house a dorm resident, the Volunteer
Fire DepartmenYs necessary vehicles and equipment are stored safely and securely at the facility.
Should the VFD be called out, FS#3 continues to be equipped appropriately and is responded by our
volunteers. Statistics for fire-related calls from FS#3 remain similar when comparing the year leading up
to Ike versus the year after Hurricane Ike hit. In fact, seven more runs have been made from FS#3 in the
year post-Ike versus the 1 year before Ike. FS#3 continues to be an asset to the community as the City
works toward the repairs and eventual improvements to the facility. These repairs will occur soon, and
the City is still hopeful that State funding will take care of this need. City Staff will continue to keep
Council and the community updated on the Fire Station's status throughout this process.
The City Manager reported on the City's Warrant Roundup. The City of Friendswood Municipal Court is
one of 300 Texas jurisdictions participating in the "2010 Great Texas Warrant Round-Up", which officially
begins this Saturday, March 6. No amnesty is being offered in conjunction with the Round-Up, but this
campaign presents an excellent opportunity for persons with outstanding warrants to clear them, so that
they no longer face the chance of being arrested at any location, including the defendanfs home, school
or workplace.
The City Manager reported on the 9-1-1 upgrade. New software and upgrades to the City's 9-1-1 system
make up the newest improvements to Friendswood's emergency services. The City is in the process of
receiving new phone units that are designed to back-up the current 9-1-1 phones. In addition, the new
software upgrade being installed will allow the Police Department dispatchers to take advantage of
...... transmitting over a computer-based telephone network (VOIP), instead of over a traditional "land line"
telephone system. The upgrade is being funded by the Greater Harris County 9-1-1 network. This is all
in preparation for what has been termed by some as "next gen 9-1-1", where dispatchers will have the
capability of transmitting and receiving different types of inedia such as text, video, photo and voice over
computer-based communications systems. While these advanced communications systems are not yet
available, these software and hardware upgrades set the stage for Friendswood to implement an even
more advanced 9-1-1 system in the future.
"*Councilmember Barr moved to approve and adopt the City's Parks Master Plan.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved 6-1 with Councilmember Barker
Councilmember Barr stated they are looking at a trails grant and a grant for Lake Friendswood (Lake
Windemere). $100,000 was saved for the City in getting these grant funds.
Councilmember Barker stated he would like to take 45 days to study this document, took them a while to
complete and would like to have more time to study.
Community Services Director James Toney stated he would like to recognize the Parks Board who
worked on this for 18 months, named all the members and thanked them.
Councilmember Reid asked James Toney if there is any jeopardy in waiting and James Toney stated they
would lose 15 points on the grant if there were not a Parks Plan on file when they apply for grant.
-- Councilmember Rivera stated he has been studying it for a week and will vote to approve this hard work,
can change it if needed.
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Councilmember Barr stated the grant process and 15 points are important to get it approved, this
document can be amended and revised if needed.
Counciimember Hill stated he did not see anything significant and asked James Toney if there is anything
that needs any extra attention and James Toney stated the surveys were sent out and the plan reflects
Mayor stated to please note that Lake Windemere is in this plan.
*'`Councilmember Reid moved to approve suspension of the City Council's Rules of Procedure, Section 1,
Rule 11. Reconsideration of a subject.
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved 5-2 with Councilmembers Barker and
Hill opposed.
Councilmember Barker raised a point of order, under Roberts Rules of Order can only be made by a
member that voted against.
Mayor Smith stated Rules of Procedure overrules Roberts Rules of Order.
City Attorney Bobby Gervais stated the City Charter does not adopt Roberts Rules of Order so if there is a
conflict then rules of procedure prevail. The City of Friendswood rules of procedure does not get specific
about who is allowed to make the order.
Mayor Smith stated Council adopts Roberts Rules of Order under the rules of procedure. Council could ,,,,,,�„
suspend the use of Roberts Rules of Order under the rules of procedure.
Councilmember Reid stated when she saw there was a 3-2 vote at the last meeting on the Clear Creek
resolution she wanted an opportunity to weigh in on that and she would like to vote since she left the last
meeting early.
Councilmember Barker stated needs to do this the right way and not just ignore the rules.
Mayor Smith stated he is not ignoring the rules and believes he is doing it the correct way.
Councilmember Barr stated he had to leave the last meeting early because he was recovering from
surgery and would like an opportunity to weigh in, would hate for something to not be done the right way
because he could not make it.
Councilmember Barker asked if the previous motion on the Clear Creek resolution passed and City
Attorney Bobby Gervais stated it failed because it did not get the four votes necessary to pass.
City Attorney Bobby Gervais stated the adoption of Roberts Rules of Order is in the rules of procedure
and it does not say in the rules of procedure that that cannot be waived. Council could suspend Rule 19
which would adopt Roberts Rules of Order. The Mayor is correct that Council can suspend that specific
rule in addition to the one that is on tonighYs agenda for reconsideration. Council adopts its own rules
and polices its own meetings. Mr. Gervais stated the agenda does not have suspending Rule 19 for the
Roberts Rule of Order and should defer until next meeting, the agenda just specifies Rule 11 and could
not be amended while in the middle of the meeting.
Councilmember Barr clarified with the City Attorney that Council would have to suspend Rule 11 and Rule ,�.,..
19 in order to reconsider the item and bring it back to surface and legally Council cannot reconsider the
item at tonighYs meeting and the City Attorney stated yes.
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Mayor Smith stated he disagrees with the City Attorney and believes Council only defaults to Roberts
Rules of Order when Council's rules of procedure does not specify what it takes to do something and
thinks Council's rules are very specific in the rules of procedure. Section 1, Rule 11 states to reconsider
an item the rules have to be suspended. It does not specifically say Council has to suspend Roberts
Rules of Order. Mayor Smith stated that was his standpoint as the prevailing executive of the meeting
and that is the way he is going to preceded with it unless three other Councilmembers agree that it must
be done a different way.
Councilmember Barker stated in the City Charter it states Olson and Olson is the legal representation and
the City is bound by their opinion and have to use their legal opinion, believes the Council is going to be
in jeopardy if Council goes against the legal representation.
Mayor Smith stated it is overkill to suspend the entire rules of procedure to get what Council wants when
clearly the item is there and the issue is a technical one and is a time sensitive issue.
Councilmember Rivera stated because previous Councils have been able to do this they should be able
to do it as well.
Mayor Smith asked if there is any more discussion.
,_— ""Councilmember Rivera moved to approve Resolution R2010-11 -a Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, urging the Texas Congressional Delegation to request and support continued
funding for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers General Reevaluation Report on Clear Creek for the fiscal
year 2011.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved 4-3 with Councilmembers Barr, Hill and
Barker opposed.
'"`Councilmember Barker moved to approve Resolution R2010-12 -a Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, designating the Mayor as the City's representative in seeking eligible grant
funds under VX — General Victim Assistance — Direct Services Programs Solicitation for Planning Year
2011; and authorizing the submission of such grant application to the Criminal Justice Division of the
Office of Governor.
Seconded by Councilmember Barr. The motion was approved unanimously.
*'`Councilmember Rivera moved to approve Resolution R2010-13 -a Resolution of the City Council of the
City of Friendswood, Texas, accepting the donation of the Friendswood Veterans Memorial from the
Friendswood Memorial Fund, Inc.; approving the project and site plan for the placement of the Veterans
Memorial on City property.
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Holbert moved to approve Resolution R2010-14 - a Resolution of the City Council of
the City of Friendswood, Texas, declaring urgent disaster recovery needs resulting from Hurricane Ike
and stating the City's intent to continue to seek alternate funding sources to meet these urgent disaster
recovery needs, and to prepare for and mitigate the effects of future disasters.
Holbert made a motion
Seconded by Councilmember Rivera. The motion was approved unanimously.
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**Councilmember Barker moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. 2010-09; an ordinance of
the City of Friendswood, Texas amending Chapter 10, Animals, of the City of Friendswood Code of
Ordinances, by adding a new Article VII, "Animal Shelter Advisory Committee"; creating an Animal Shelter
Advisory Committee; defining the committee's purpose; establishing the composition of the committee;
having a severability clause; providing for codification; and providing an effective date and for publication.
Seconded by Councilmember Holbert. The motion was approved unanimously.
Councilmember Barker stated he had no report.
Councilmember Barr reported he received an e-mail from Mrs. Wood about the Stadium Lane project and
animal shelter. Mr. Barr stated if he had a choice befinreen the Stadium Lane and animal shelter it would
be the animal shelter. These items come from two funding sources, the animal shelter comes from the
General Operating Fund and the Stadium Lane project come from street bonds. The only thing that got
approved for Stadium Lane is a survey only. The only special interest group he represents is the Parks
Board who has worked hard on the Parks Plan. The Stadium Lane project did not pop up right away.
The animal shelter has been on the radar for a while and to him is the number one priority. He stated he
would like to address Boca Raton residents and stated Council cannot do anything yet because of the
process, it will get resolved, just need time and patience.
Councilmember Hill reported he has heard today from Mike Haggerty with Cub Scouts and would like for ,,..R,
Friendswood police officers Kevin Crouch and Jason ives to be recognized. The officers treated these
kids very well and really made an impact on the kids. Thank you.
Councilmember Reid reported she had a Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Summit in DeSoto this past
weekend and thanked Council for the opportunity to go, the kids learned a lot. Councilmember Reid
stated she has decided not to run for Council Position 4 and thinks Planning and Zoning Chairman Kevin
Holland would be a great Councilmember with his experience with Planning and Zoning. She stated
when she ran for Council she was concerned that personal agendas were being overrun, she is proud of
the Council the City has now and is comfortable turning over the reins to hopefully Kevin Holland and
Councilmember Rivera who has done a lot for this City.
Councilmember Holbert echoed Councilmember Barr's comments, finds it difficult to sit here week after
week and not be able to speak about the hotel issue. Council will be talking with City Attorney and City
Manager about putting something on the agenda so Council can discuss. Councilmember Holbert stated
he has not had an opportunity to speak and has legal questions concerning the hotel. He is the liaison for
the Senior Center Advisory Committee and they have new membership kits and they work hard, lots of
effort on their behalf. There are 3400 to 3500 seniors that are in and out of the Senior Center every
month, they are busy, busy with lots of exercise, bridge, weight rooms, Wii systems where their favorite
game is boxing, going on bus trips to all sorts of venues, art lessons, and this is an amazing group. If
anyone knows of a senior that is not a member encourage them to come.
Councilmember Rivera reported he was also a liaison to the Senior Center and they are a fun group.
Thanked Kevin Holland and Deirdre Brown for announcing to run for office, encouraged everyone to
participate in this process.
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Mayor Smith reported that one of the hardest things to do is listen to friends and neighbors when they are
having a problem. Council has a process they have to go through and will work with Councilmember
Holbert in getting something on the agenda. Just because Council is quiet does not mean they are not
listening. He further stated if he thought that his comments to agree or disagree with residents would hurt
what they wanted would they still want him to say those comments. Would rather sacrifice hisself and his
own reputation as was challenged this evening by people in the public about his integrity and about
wanting something going up in his own back yard and to take the chance of protecting hisself politically to
hurt what the public wanted. Be careful where you get your information, please be patient and let Council
work the process they have to go by.
Mayor Smith stated he would like to announce that Council will meet on March 18 with the Planning and
Zoning Commission to move forward with the recommendation regarding PUT so it will not be delayed
further. Will have a public hearing that night to receive input on this issue. There will be one additional
agenda item on that meeting for the budget amendment for the animal shelter.
**Councilmember Rivera moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented A. Approve appointments
of inembers to the Animal Shelter Advisory Committee. B. Approve Minutes of February 01, 2010,
Seconded by Councilmember Reid. The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 9:42 PM.
ayor David J.H. Smith
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Melinda Welsh, TRMC V o
Interim City Secretary * *
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This form must be completed and distributed a minimum of two weeks prior to the first date that the item is
expected to be placed on the Friendswood City Council agenda.
Date requested for City Council consideration: 3/01/10
Prepared by: Sharon Parks Date Submitted: 2/25/10
Subject: Animal Shelter Advisory Committee
Originating Department: CSO/Mayor
Proceeding: Ordinance and Consent Agenda
Degree of importance: Critical ❑ Significant ® Elective ❑
The Mayor endorses Margaret Pickell, Dr. Skip Young, Dr. Donald Stran, Craig Baker,
Captain Jimmy Holland and Tina Wood for appointment.
Will receive input from different members of the community on specifics regarding the
Animal Control facility.
Recommendation Memo
Note: Contact the City Manager's Office when agenda packet information is ready to be reviewed.