HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2004-07-19 Regular 07/19/04 2189
JULY 19; 2004 )(
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Discussion was held regarding Governance in regards to Visi�n. City Manager Ron Cox made a PowerPoint
presentation regarding City Council's vision for Friendswood, outlined the Governance Agenda format
including subject overview(environmental scan), public comment, Council dialogue to develop draft policy and
adopfion or revision policy end statement or goal, Retreat"60 Day"items, update existing vision, validate the
citizens' vision is in alignment witn Vision 2020, Council discuss vision and message, acfively pursue
development that meefs the City's vision, determine how the City deals with development and specific
business, develop a plan to delegate and develop Councilmembers in leadership roles in these issues,
determine communication and inforrnation sharing process between Councilmembers and determine the pros
and cons of commit�ee/board term limits for Council Policy. Discussed Governance Agenda to update existing
Vision and read the Vision statement from 1997, "Togefher we build our fufure in a friendly place to live,work,
play, learn and worship" and 2004 Mission Statement, "The Mission of the Council and Staff of the City of
Friendswood is to provide the highest level of service to our citizens af the greatest value." City Manager Ron
Cox gave a history and overview of the developrnent of Vision 2020, stated the Economic Development
Committee (CEDC) has been in:piace since 1989, tried to have a presence with the City Council to help fhe
City grow eco�omically but were never very successful as there was no real vision for the City, in 1998 the
CEDC determined fhe City needed a strategic vision ior economic development and City Councif agreed.
Over 150 peopie participated in four public meetings to look at the City's future needs, provided refiable data
from which to set out our pafhs, prouided consistenf buiid-ouf scenarios for growth to the year 2020, Vision
2020 goals were to improve the tax base, improve infrastrucfure, retain values such as quality of life, maintain
qualify of schoo(s, improve drainage, maintain high level of public service, be a whole life community such as
homes,jobs, and amenities, fhe goal was for an 80/20 Residenfial/Commercial mix, what is important about
this mix is that Friendswood is a residential community, tax base, both the City and Friendswood Independent
School District are dependent on the taxes paid on houses, to improve fhe tax base for 2001 was an actual
87/13 mix for fhe fax base, an average household does nof pay for cosfs of schools or City services provided
fo fhat residence, the average appraised value -$134,000 in 2001, the break even poinf-$265,000 in value
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for the City, the break even point for the school-$313,000, to im�rove the fax base for 2004 is an actual 83/17
mix for the tax base(subject to further verification), fhe average taxable value-$134,610,the break even poinf
-$267,231 in value for the City, fhe break even point for the school - $313,000 (unverified), 80/20 is just as
important now as then, to improve fhe tax base and closing fhe gap, providing the proper infrastrucfure such
as school buildings, roads, drainage, water and sewer services, providing proper planning—land use plans
anticipating where the growth will be and steering it in the direcfion we need it to go, providing proper
development codes — building codes, zoning ordinances, streamlining the processes, providing proper
incentives which some are now in place, tax abafement, fax incremenf financing, grants, ofher methods of
closing the gap are zoning changes, Development Review Committee, rezoning, partnering with Bay Area
Houston Economic Partnership (BAHEP), Galveston Courty Economic Developmerf �I!iance (GCED,A),
Chamber of Commerce and developers, other Vision 2020 goals are to improve infrastructure such as fhe
2003 Bond Issue, retain values such as maintaining quality of schools, improve drainage such as the 2003
Bond Issue, maintain high level of public service with Police Department development, Homeland Security;
Emergency Nianagement, be a whole life community with nomes, jobs and amenities, had discussion on
exisfing vision and any modification thaf mighf be needed and direcfion on next steps.
Councilmember Ericsson stated is going in right direction, goals and efforts of the City not micromanaging the
. 80/20 goal, fhere are a variety of ways to measure this goal, not an absolute number, Mayor Brizendine stated
previously Ehere was not a lot of support for economic development, thinks it is working now for fhe City, is
ailowing fhe Cify the abilify not to restricf but to influence, creates cerfain environments that is important to the
City, thinks the City has done a good job, thinks 80/20 is a viable goal as a guiding principle, with Council
support of innovative thinking, think can reach or come very close to reaching this goal, think City Staff has
rinna a nnnri inh ctill fhinkc it i.c rPlg�iant an�i�r.hiau2hla,�jth ram�in� un with inr_.entive to do, �ouncilmember
_.�___.,__, _.... ... ..
Measeles thinks 2020 is a good goal and that has helped to reach, some people do not have a buy into 2020,
was not here, does not understand, Council carry the message, is a good tooi and has served the City well,
only concern is with educating the public as to the concept as to where Cify is going to achieve buy in,
Councilmember Smith stated he agrees with Councilmember Measeles to continue to work on education, 2020
was a validation of fhe spirit of why people come to live in Friendswood,thinks fhe people recognized the need
to subsidize wifh commercial taxes, education component is key, if we want to keep a bedroom communify,
Councilmember Goza stated he believes it is still valid, but maybe should be 70/30 or more, Councilmember
Ewing stated this is valid and more education is needed, Councilmember Ericsson stated he is 100% in
agreement, is not a literal document, a guidance and reason 2020 is the name of the document is that this is
when build out is proposed to happen and then that will be the commercial base that we will be stuck with, City
Manager Ron Cox stated it will be discussed with Council at a later meeting"What is the message to take to
the public", Mayor Brizendine sfated it is not only economic development, there are other goals that make up
the package, City Manager Ron Cox to validate and educate.
Discussion was held regarding Mixed Use. City Planner Diana Steelquisf made a presentafion, recapped
v✓here we are at and reviewed the changes to be considered by Council at fhis meeting wifli an amendment to
the Zoning Ordinance. She stafed fhat Mixed-Use development is a combination of different but compatible
land uses within a single building, site or districf, the combinations are in signir"icant proportions of each use
�vifhin the mix,focus on convenienf and safe pedestrian access within fhe developmenf. Friendswood's mix is
Residential, Office, Retail and Open Space/Public Space. The recommendation is to create a third fype of
PUD, General PUD, PUD—Cluster Home, PUD—�vlixed Use. The new PUD-Mixed Use process�vould be that
no Specific Use Permit is required, Master Plan approval required, go through Public Hearing process,
elements of desired mix must be present such as refail, office, residential and public/open space and allow
each new PUD fo establish set backs, use mix, parking etc., specific fo fhe Master Plan which could be less
restricfive than currenf ordinance requirements. Council retains legislative discretion in defermining
appropriate uses and sife design, allow Stan level approval of minor changes in the Masfer Plan (25%
variation in either land area or gross square footage), prohibit landfills,sexually orienfed businesses; chemical
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or manufacturing planis and more than 35°/o residential development. City Planner Diana Steelquist ouilined
the PUD-Mixed Use process and stated the changes are fhaf the Zoning Ordinance will have 3 types of PUDs,
which is PUD—General,.PUD—Clusfer Home, PUD—Mixed Use, new language listing application requirements
for PUD-Mixed Use, add column to the Permitted Use Table (PUT)for PUD-Mixed Use, which mirrors PUD
but all�ws all uses with a few exceptions, Staff approves commercial site plans after Master Plan is approved.
The Pfanning and Zoning Commission's recommendation is to require a Development Review Commitfee
(DRC) and Conceptual Plan, requir� iilustrative and written documentation, allow flexibility in street design,
assure lighting meeis or exceeds currenf regulations and no 35% limif on residential component. Staff's
recommendation is to Iimit the residential component. A residential limif is needed to focus,is on Commercial
Development and achieving Vision 2020 goals, a general PUD can be used if more residential is needed for
fhe development and research on Mixed-Use indicated a limit on residenfial use is consistent with ofher mixed
use ordinances. Council agrees witl� the Staff recommendation.
Discussion�vas��eld reyardir�g a rey-uest ior a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zoneiiviunicipai iJfiiity Disiricf rrom
Friendswood Developmenf Company for West Ranch properfy. City Manager Ron Cox previewed a proposal
and introduced participants in this development, discussed Special Financing District on fhe West Ranch
Developrnent located on FM 518 east of FM 528, 718 acres on FM 518, 47 acres on Bay Area Boulevard,
owned by the West Interests, development proposed by Friendswood Development Company West Ranch
Development, majorfeatures of proposed development are Residential—54%, Commercia(-8.6%(13.6%of
usable land), Parks, Recreation and Drainage—33.2%, mobility improvements—4.2%, major features of the
proposed development are Residential will be Single Family Residential (SFR)—32.2% (825 units), Garden
Home Disfrici 'Gri^u -2 i."io '^075 units� vverall der�sit L.GH9 UI Ill'S -CI dci e, uon5isieni wiif�Cii siandard
t ) l l, - Y—� N Y
for SFR—2.7 units per acre, Commercial—8.6%with traditional Commercial—28.1 acres, Village Center—
26.6 acres, usable space increases wifh multi-story development , increase total esfimated percentage of
commerciai to 15.1% of usable area when con.verting to square footage, total commercial acreage — 54.8
acres, is consistent with Vision 2020, Parks, Open Space and Drainage — 33.2%, Parks - 62 acres along
Chigger and Clear Creek on West Ranch, 47 acres along Clear Creek on Bay Area Boulevard, public use
pathways along thoroughfares and in parks, private parks and community centers, exceeds ordinance
requirements, drainage - 55 acres of subregional detention wet lakes, consistent with Parks and Drainage
Master Plans, mobility improvements—42%, major thoroughfares with landscaping and extended right of way
-� enhancements,West Boulevard, Brittany Bay, consistent with the Major Thoroughfare Plan, rezoning of West
Ranch and Bay Area Boulevard property, SFR, MFR-GHD, PUD — Cluster Home, CSC, Municipal Utility
District-$8.15 million such as Nature Park improvements-$1.OM, looped water lines - $0.9M, Lift Stafions
(2) -$0.6M, Sanitary Trunk and Force Main -$1.OM, Detention and Storm Sewer- $4.5M and other costs -
$0.15M. MUDs were originally created to finance infrastructure where not available, but powers have been
expanded over the years, authority is fhe Political Subdivision of State, like City or School District, Texas
Water Code Chapters 49 and 54, created by order of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
(TCEQ)following petifion by 50% of property owners in proposed district, "In-City" MUDs cannot be created
without the consent of Cify,Adminisi:ration-5 member elected Board of Directors,TCEQ oversighf, Municipal
Consent Ordinance, Powers-construct and operate:water,wastewater, drainage improvements and facilities,
Solid waste services and nafurai resource conservation, Parks and recreafional facifities, which cannot be
funded by bonds, ofher services; issue bonds and levy Ad Valorem taxes, Financing-District levied property
taxes, bonds backed by District revenues, 40 year maturity maximum, fees ror service, Creation-majority of
property owners petifion TCEQ for creafion, City consents to creation by ordinance, approve improvement
plans and specifications and inspect construction, outline terms, provision, and purposes for bond issuance,
utility agreement for City's accepfance and operation of facilities, other reauiremenfs as City deems
necessary, TCEQ reviews petition, hofds hearing, and appoints a temporary Board of Directors, MUD hoids an
election to conrirm creafion, appoint Board and authorizes taxes and bonds, Dissoluiion-by ordinance of City
Council. For Tax Increment Reinvestmenf Zone - $6.08 million, Wes� Boulevard and landscaping -$2.9M,
Briitany Bay and landscaping-��'1.2fv1,Village Center public infrastructure-��'0.7NI, Village Center amenities-
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$0.5�v1 and other costs - $0.78M and whose purpose is a tool to finance needed structural improvements to
hefp develop or redevelop a defined area, Authorify - Texas Tax Code Chapter 311, created by City
Ordinance, initiated by Council or petition of majority of property owners, Administrafion - City Council, 9
member Board of Direcfors, representative of each participating county and school district,State Senator and
Representative(or appointees), remainder appointed by City, must own properiy in zone or be agent of owner,
Powers of City: prepare, approve, and implement Project Plans,acquire property for public works construction
or other public purposes, restorafion, conservation, and beaufification, including streets, walkways, and
pedestrian malis, water, wastewater, and drainage facilities, parks and recreation facilities, issue bonds,
powers of Board are to make recommendafions to City Council, exercise"Powers of City"unless restricted by
City, accept issue bonds, imaose taxes or fees, or use eminent domain, City car� authorize other Zone
administrafion or management powers, restrict use of property in the zone if City grants authorify, enter into
agreements to complete plans, Financing -Tax Increment Fund, each participating entity dedicates all or a
portion of their tax increment captured in the zone, the tax increment is the amount of property taxes levied
and collected in the zone by the entity minus tne tax increment base as set in the year of creation. City issued
bonds, the City may issue bonds backed solely by the Fund, not general obligation bonds, do not affect fhe
debt of the City, 20 year maturity maximum, can fund capital costs, financing and special services costs,
administrafion and operating costs, other payments made by fhe City deemed necessary, Creation-majority
of the property owners in the proposed area petition the City, the Cify, if support creation, must prepare a
preliminary Financing Plan and:Project Plan, provide nofice and meet with aii of fhe taxing entifies, provide a
formal presentation to each county and school district, hold a public hearing on the zone creation, designate
the zone by an ordinance and appoint Board, accept final plans by Ordinance, the Board must prepare final
Financing Plan antl Project Plan, ensure"3 year" benchmark met,participating entities must enter into funding
�nntra�t;niith ('.if J TArminatinn _ flufiA cot in rrcafinn nr�Ijnan�A nr nrriinanro PnartAii IatAr nr iiatA ��I �nctc
bonds, and interest are paid in full. Need direction to Staff on preference for proceeding, could be either or
MUD or TIRZ, as long as County participates, Staff preference is TIRZ; has falked with Sue Darcey, potential
consultant for advisory, Cify Manager Ron Cox stated fhe City has more control over TIRZ, Councilmember
Smifh stated he has his opinion of MUDs, discussed resale value of property in MUD District, is purpose for
infrastructure or is if for additional profit for developer, needs understanding, Mayor Brizendine stated he is
concerned with creating a second class of citizens, do we even need to be in this process at all, support for
TIRZ, does this serve the basics for the good of fhe entire community, should be a participant that will best
serve the entire community tying West Boulevard to Brittany Bay, finds support for TIRZ but very little for
MUD, believe TIRZ is where City should be and believes City should move forward as quickly possible,
Councilmember Goza asked for clarification from John Hammond regarding Parks and paying forwith bonds
through a MUD, Mr. Hammond stated everything is set out in the consent document, limits term and what rate
of bontls, if bad district it happened with consent document, some very successful examples of MUDs,
Councilmember Kimmel stated he knows some people that have relocated in MUDs and did not have a
problem and knew this going in to the development, Counciimember Ericsson asked Mr. Hammond if you
finish a TIRZ in 8 or 10 years how long to be out of MUD in 20 to 30 years, not anxious fo break new ground
without a better comfort zone than he has now, Councilmember Ewing stated she has lived in MUDs unfil
moving to Friendswood, looks like TIRZ would be for the community and the MUD would be for the location
onfy, Councilmember Measeles is this not what a true MUD normally does, City Manager Ron Cox stated the
developers are calling it a limifed p!�rpose MUD, proposal is for both or one or none,this is for educational on!y
tonight and to gef directions from Council, Councilmember Measeles looking at pros and cons of combining
bofh and wants more information, developer advised MUD can only fund Parks, T1RZ cannot fund Parks,
suggest Council talkwith financial advisor, developer do an economic model and developer can provide fhaf.
Mayor Brizendine stated the projecf is a good one, City wants to parficipate in some way and does not feel it
has enough information fhis evening on which way to go. Cify Manager Ron Cox sfated he would be talking fo
Sue Darcy fo look at financial for three options which are 100% TIRZ; 100% MUD or half and half.
Councilmember Smifh staied is trying to have che best interesf of everyone, asking questions or developer in
order to make a decision, asks respectfully, Mayor Brizendine would be helpful, Staff recommendation for
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financial in wriiten form and would fike to have the PowerPoint presentation to review.
Council convened into Executive Session in accordance with the Texas Government Code, pursuant fo
Secfion 551.072 to discuss real property.
Council convened into Regular Session at 7:00 pm with no action taken.
The Invocation was given by Pastor David Ruzicka from Crossroads Community Church.
�ayor Brizendine led fhe Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Mayor Brizendi�e and Chair of fhe Planning and Zoning Commission Bob Bertrand called a Joint Docketed
Public Hearing to order to receive commenfs from the public, either oral or written, regarding Zone
Classification Changes from Single Family Residenfial(SFR)to Community Shopping Center(CSC), 74 acres
being Tracts 3 & 7, and Multi-Famiiy Residential — Garden Home District (MFR-GHD) 240.19 acres being
Tracts 2, 4 & 6 and Singie Famii_y Residentiai (SFRI 404.5 acres being Tracts 1 & 5; known as the West
Property along FM 518.
Mayor Brizendine and Chair of the F'lanning and Zoning Commission Bob Bertrand called a Joint Docketed
Public Hearing to order io receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding Zone
Classificafion Changes from Multi-Family Residential-Garden Home District(MFR-GHD),240.19 acres,Tracts
2, 4 & 6, and Single Family Residential (SFR) 404.5 acres Tract 1 &5 to Planned Unit Development-Cluster
Homes (PUD-Cluster Homes), known as the West property along FM 518.
-• Mayor Brizendine and Chair of the F'lanning and Zoning Commission Bob Bertrand called a Joint Docketed
Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, either oral or written,' regarding Zone
Classification Changes from Single Family (SFR) 47.3 acres, Tract 8, located off Bay Area Boulevard to
Planned Unif Development-Cluster Homes (PUD-Cluster Homes).
John Hammond with Friendswood Development Company reviewed requests for items A, B and C and
reviewed zonings, open spaces and parks approximately 100 acres, proposed West Boulevard, will be no
outlet from P.ancho Viejo or Polly Ranch into the proposed subdivision.
Stuart Siedman, represenfing the West family from Housfon, staied this has been a family owned property
since approximately 1932, decided about 8 years ago to begin iooking at what[o do with it and "two years ago
the family decided to develop it, interviewed counfless developers and decided the best fit was Friendswood
Development Company who exceeds the highest expectations. •
Doug Knopka, real estate represeniative for fhe West Family, served the Cify of Friendswood on the Open
Space Task Force, has a❑ undersfanding of what the City's goal is, began with 30 developers on the list that
were interviewed, is sensitive to �he land and neighborhood and to the City's goals, prob.ably 20 of fhe
developers were cut immediaiely, impressed wiih Friendsv�rood DcV2IO�i"il2il� COiil�aily, proven examples,
sensiiive fo areas, proven with amounf of open space dedicated, taken total of lots that could have been
developed and decreased fhat total, rather ambitious Town Center proposed, passed the test with fhe West
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family, definitely feel Friendswood Development Company is the right choice.
Scott Aitkens, 3105 Autumn Leaf Drive, stated he is on the board of the Autumn Creek Homeowner's
Association and has lived in the area since 1988, has lived in Friendswood since 1994, he further stated in his
workings with Friendswood Development Company recognizes they are strong leaders, quality subdivision
and open space, several amenities, Friendswood Development Company is a leader in developing a strong
board to govern that community, architectural guidelines were enforced, has a proven frack record and a
strong base in Houston.
Charles Bludworth, 314 Live Oak Lane, stafed he has been in the area 16 years, garden home lots need to be
limited, possibly smaller percentage or senior, was drawn to Friendswood for the schools and lot sizes.
Edward Perkowski,404 Rancho Circle, stated he is pro-development, lives in a million dollar home,woufd like
to see open spaces, opposed to cluster/ga�den homes and does not wanf to see $80 to$90 thousand dollar
Rebecca Mercado, 2904 Autumn Creek Drive, stafed she served on the Homeowner's Associafion board and
likes the proposal of the ranch properfy, having a planned community is attractive, retail support, knows thaf
FM 518 is going fo be developed and will have a retail draw from all of the FM 518 development. Friendswood
Developrnent Company is very liands on, stays on all the way through, Friendswood Development Company
stays involved, those that are concerned with the GHD should come over and see what is being built now, is a
strong developer and does not see how it could be any better.
George Schilfer, 306 Sierra Madre, stated he would like to point out the home adjacent to a 40-acre lake
owned by the City, is a tremendous asset to the City, there is clear water and �ots of fish, the Police
Department frain in fhe lake, if developed the property next to it we are stuck with this area that is not
developable, if we develop this with PUD Cluster homes, the zoning of SFR now is good, of course we need
Commercial for sales tax, Friendswood Development Company has an excellent reputation,West have been
excellent neighbors, everyone expecfed the property to be sold and developed, need to consider the lake in
this development, opposed fo higher density homes and asked Council to reject this part of the proposal.
ScoYt Njaa, 1105 W.Viejo, stated he is very concerned wifh the lake, on back of W.Viejo is Windemere Road
undeveloped, likes a lot of things fhat the Friendswood Development Company proposes, likes intentions,
such as 65 ft. homes, would like to see it in writing, came because of large lots, choose to live with large lots,
looking for open space, realize development is coming, 1500 homes coming into this area will the new school
be adequate, will the infrastructure be adequate to support fhis development.
James Feith,402 Chappel Hill, stated he moved to Friendswood for low density, pays high taxes,these will be
low entry homes and we will ail be paying for these homes, Friendswood Development Company is a good
company buf they are about making profit and high density mal<es more money.
Bob Deluca, 203 Rancho Viejo, stated he is for some of the development, he is an apartment developer and
realizes that everyone would be against it, lived here in 1980, involved in development for RV's, why would
you consider Cluster Homes/GHD. Friendswood Development Company is probably the best around, �n�hy
change the characfer of the City, presenfafion said no ouflet from West Boulevard, wants reassurance.that
there would be no connection, developer made a big deal that it could have 2065 residents buf are only
making for 1500 residents, asked Pianning and Zoning Commission and Council to hold them to it, green
space is not all configuous to property and all along creek land, is sure projecf will go forward, but with City
Bill Leverich, 204 E. Viejo, stafed rie is concerned with drainage, drains towards Chigger Creek and wouid
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have an adverse effecf.
Larry Spencer, 1203 Hawkhill Drive, GHD/Cluster hornes are cfose to a school, more trafFic, is concerned with
the safety of children atfending adjacent school, concerned with drainage, has heard there is a utility
. . easerneni behind him supposedly going.to be a thoroughfare, concerned with the effect on property value and
has no problem wiih SFR.
Aline Dickey, 903 1N. Viejo Drive, stated she has the same concerns, drainage, this was once rice fields,
developed in late 70's, early 80's; concerned east and west sides;West Boulevard connecting or traffic going
into Viejo Drive, concerns regarding pipeline that traverses this property, did not hear a fazing, opposed to
Multi-Family, property was zoned SFR would like to see it remain, EntryWay Overiay Ordinance that was
adopted by a prior Council fhat�would not allow Commercial in fhis corridor, would like to see fhe changed
docurnenf, owned property since 1988 lived there since 1990, some 30 homes on large !ots, not opposed to
SFR to be deveioped but is opposed fo �Vuiti-I=amify, Ciuster HomesiCommercial.
Catherine Hafenmaier, 706 Oak Drive, stated she lives in Polly Ranch, several homes lived in and flooded,
there is a problem with flooding in Friendswood, this development will drain into Clear Creek and the other
major developmenf that is planned, in Vision 2020 in 1998 needed more Commercial, why approve more
residenfial, why continue to permit large developments, hopes for consideration to Polly Ranch subdivision.
Susan Cochran Olsen, 1922 Rolling Stone Drive, stated she lived here when she was 10 and moved away
and carne back, concerned witn GHu, iarger iots are seiling betier in Friendswooci Lakes suLiciivi5iun, woul�
like to see to continue 90 ft. lots, Friendswood is not known for smaller lots, adequate open space, further
stated 47 acres not connected to fhe property should not be considered as 30% green space.
Jim Hill, 2404 S. Friendswood Drive, stated he has (ived on West Ranch since 1946, has the I�ighest respect
for the West Family, only trees were on the creek, people are attracted to Friendswood for large lots and
schools, have best landowner and developer, forget about smal( lois, build large and they will come.
� Bob Reidenbach, 2203 Pine Drive, sfated he lives on the creel�, since the development of Autumn Creek,the
- - faster the water rises, is not against development, ask what has been to study the assessment of the
developments planned and floodina.
Martha Cotton, 110 Eagle Lakes Drive, stated the creek rises faster with Hunters Creek Development,
speaking as a reaitor, 90 ft. lots are a big drive along with school,Autumn Creek only has 14 garden homes,
are slow to sell,something draws people to Friendswood, if you use up all of the land you lose the uniqueness.
Eric Wilson, 2104 Butler Drive, stated he lives in Polly Ranch subdivision, there is an airstrip and all new
residenfs need to be advised of this.
Don Stran, 302 W. Viejo, stated he i�as been speaking to Stuart Stedman, who has the highest iniegrity and
picked the besf developer, concerned about drainage and impact on property,traffic and traffic lights,20 mph
sfreets and hard to maintain, concerned wiih water pressure, concerned with commercial property adjacent to
property,�1�ants to be done in�he right way, exactly what is planned,w�ants to maintain the good schools, large
lots and good people thaf draw people to Friendswood.
Sue Robicheaux, 707 Eagle Lakes Drive, stated he moved to Friendswood 3 years ago, moved here because
of schocls and la�ge lots, large lots are unique to Friendswood, great schools, need fo plan for increase in
population in schools, sfill need more parks in t=riendswood and more for kids to do, look at V��indemere Lake
as additional park space.
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Carol Benson, 1104 W.Viejo, statecl she agrees with most of people fhat have spoken, is concerned with the
school and the impact of deveiopm�nt on the schools, truly believes with high density it will impact, save the
90 ft. lots.
Mr. Hammond, addressed several issues including the lake and has been fold the City wants a park around
the lake, has been in the works as part of the Park Plan, the school has been met with and looking for anofher
10 acre sife,will be making a site available fo them, stub streets into W. Viejo, has to line up with ofher sfreets,
stub streets not realiy vital to development but is up to the City if street is needed, 12 year project, 150 home
sales per year, Staff very focused on drainage and also drainage district.
Mayor Brizendine and Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Bob Bertrand called a Joint Docketed
Public Hearing to order to receive commenfs from the public, either oral or written, regarding Zone
Classification Changes from Neighborhood Commercial(NC)to Office Park Districf(OPD)for property located
at 1505 and 1507 Winding Way, 1.63 acres at Parkwood Crossing Subdivision. Dr. Baden, a full service
imaging service proposed by Memorial Methodist.
No one spoke for or against.
Catherine Hafenmaier, 706 Oak Drive, addressed Council and stated Vision 2020 is curious as to why in 1998
that commercial was needed yet ii seems that most properties are being rezoned as residential,why were nof
more nroperties considered commercial, Ma.yor Brizencline a.sked her to s;�eak tn the Gify Manager and he wi(I
let her know what the City has done and hopes to do.
Larry Spencer, 1203 Hawkhill Drive, expressed his concerns regarding right-of-way ownership and upkeep of
property, rodent populafion and snakes, need more open area, heard thaf right-of-way would become a
thoroughfare in conjunction with Wesf property development, Mayor Brizendine referred him to the City
For many years, the City has been awarded the GFOA award for the presentation of its annual financial report.
This year,the City has received the GFOA's Disfinguished Budget Presentation Award for the presentation of
the budget. This award is fhe highest form of recognifion in governmental budgeting, and represents a
significant achievement by our organization. When this award is granted to an enfity, a Certificafe of
Recognition for Budget Presentation is also presented to the individual or department designated as being
primarily responsible for having achieved this award. We are very pleased that Staff has been able to develop
this document in accordance with GFOA standards and would like to recognize the Staff at this meeting for
this accomplishment. This is a testimony to fhe professionalism and quality of work dispfayed by our
Administrafive Services Staff under fhe direction of Roger Roecker and recognized Budget Coordinator Lynn
�`*Councilmember Goza moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2004-11, an Ordinance
amending Appendix C of fhe Friendswood City Code, said Appendix C being Ordinance No. 84-15, as
amended, originally adopted the 19`�day of November, 1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City; by
providing in the Permitted Use Table contained in Section 7-P thereof that fhe uses described in the category
44 i 12, entitled "Used Car Dealers," may be aliowed in the Community Shopping Center ("CSC'), Original
Business Disfrict("OBD"), and Planned Unit Developmenf("PUD")Districts pursuant to a Specific Use Permit,
07/19/04 2197
and by adding to said Permitted Use Table and new use category 713990, entitled"All Other Amusement and
Recreation lndustries", which use may be allowed in fhe Light Industriai ("LI") and Industrial ("I") Districts
pursuanf to a Specific.Use Permit; by delefing the Off-Street Parking Requirements from Section 7-P,
Subsection 2 thereof, and from Section 8, Subsection F,Subparagraph 1 thereof;and by adding a sentence to
Section 8, Subseciion F, Subparagraph 1 fhereof, requiring Off-Street Parking Requirements to comply with
the recommended guidelines of the current Design Criteria; providing other matters relafing to the subject;
providing a penalty of an amount not fo exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and
providing for severability.
*�"Motion made by Counciimember Tracy Goza
Seconded by Councilmember Smith. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Measeles moved to approve the First reading of Ordinance No. T2004-12, an Ordinance
amending Appendix C of the Friends�vood City Code, said Appendix C being City of Friendswood, Texas
Ordinance IVo. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19'"day of November, 1984, and being the Zoning
Ordinance of the City, by deleting fherefrom all of Subsection J of Section 7 and subsfituting therefore a new
Subsection J; providing a description and enumerating the General Purpose of the Planned Unit Development
District (PUD); amending fhe Permitted Use Table confained in the subsection P of section 7 thereof fo
provide permitted (P)and non-permitted (NP) uses in a PUD; amending subsection H of section 8 by adding a
new paragraph 3 to provide for application standards and Criteria for a Mixed Use PUDS; providing a penalty
of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for
Secor�ded by Cour�cilmember Kir�irnei.
**Motion to amend by Councilmember Smith to include the 35% cap on residential mix..
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved unanimously.
*'Main motion, as amended, was approved unanimously.
...._. Councilmember Ewing reported the Community Appearance Board's Business quarter yard of the month
award went to Luna's Mexican Resfauranf, attended a Senior Advisory Board meefing, the Galveston County
Mayor and Council meefing last Wednesday, is glad Mayor Brizendine is back and good luck to Shirley
Councilmember Ericsson reported he attended the Galveston County Mayor and Council meeting, invited to
nominate to tne Gafveston County Health District, needs to recommend at the next Galveston County Mayor
and Gouncil meeting, does not have to be elected, look for names, is aftending Houston-Galveston Area
Council meeting tomorrow.
Councilmember Goza stated he had no repori.
Councifrnember Smifh reported he echoes the sentiments about Mayor Brizendine being back and continues
to wish JoBeth Brizendine the best and Shirley Measeles the best of luck,is bothered about several comments
about the City, �ENIA buy-out program, it was not a requirement but a choice given fo the eitizens and as a
homeowner is eternally gra�eful to fhe Cify, respect to statements, no one wants to flood,drainage has always
been very imporfant.
Councifinember Kimmel reporfed he is glad io be back,wishes everyone wifh health concerns the best of luck
and wiil keep everyone in his prayers.
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Councilmember Measeles reported he attended some meetings that have been reported, attended Clear
Creek Steering Commitfee meeting, need to set up a meefing with Friendswood Congressman regarding the
Clear Creek Projec't and put the emphasis on getting this project started, City Manager Ron Cox is already
working on setting up fhis project wifh Congressman Tom DeLay and also with Congressman Ron Paul and
has asked consultant Ray Holbrook to set up meeting with new Corps of Engineers, attended the Harris
County Mayor and Council meeting, the speaker was Metro, looking at new priorities, want this to be a
regional program, need total community fo participate, work to get surrounding cities to join, Friendswood is
not a parficipant.
Mayor Brizendine re�orted he would like fo thank Mayor Pro-Tem Ericsson for a great job, thanked Council
who has been more than kind, continues to be shocked as to Eime and effort by Staff and Council towards
communications and ways to better communicate and then people stand before Council and do not know how
the Cify operates, takes very personally having been involved on many initiafives, wants to offer again any
time there are issues thaf are City related,+r✓e are here to serve you and serve on your behalf,want to engage
you and aiso welGomed Councilmember Kimmel back.
**Councilmember Ericsson moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Paymenf of Capifal
Projects - 1. Public Safety Building — Phase I (Bond Fund) with payment in the amount of $1,040.00 to
Randall-Porterfield Architects, Inc., for consulting services. To date, 12 percent of the contract has been
expended. 2. Brittany Bay Boulevard Extension (General Fund)with payment in the amount of$3,450.00 fo
Freese & ivicnois for engineering services. TxuuT wiii reimburse the Ci'tV $2,7b0.00 of ii�is payment. To
date, 10 percent of fhe contract has been expended. 3. Contractor Inspector for Multiple Projects �roith
payment in the amount of$287.50 to Shailer Vinsonhaler for contracf services from June 26 to July 2, 2004.
To date, 10 percent of the contract has been expended. Another payment in the amount of$775.00 to Shailer
Vinsonhaler for contracf services from July 3 to July 9, 2004. To date, 12 percent of the contract has been
expended. 4. Public Works Vehicle Storage Building with payment in fhe amount of $21,655.00 less
$1,082.75 withheld for retainage to L&M Contractors, Inc.,for construction services. To date, 43 percent of
the contract has been expended. Total payments were $26,099.75. B. Property Tax Report for June 2004.
Seconded by Councilmember Smith. The mofion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 9:09 PM.
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