HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2004-05-03 Regular 05/03/04 2151
MAY 3, 2004 )(
Ivlayor Brizendine called the meeting to order at 5:55 PM
Discussion was held regarding Mixed Use Zoning Concepts. A slide presentation was given by City Planner,
Diana Steelquist. During the presentation, City Manager Ron Cox gave an overview of.what she presented
and stated that City Councii, Planning and Zoning Commission, Community and Economic Development
Committee and the Main Street Steering Committee have heard presentations from developers representing
_ . the Whitcomb property on FM 528 and the panhandle area of our City on FM 2351. Both developers
discussed the concept of mixed-uses within those areas. The Main Street Steering Committee has discussed
this same concept for downtown. More recently, the developer for the Whitcornb property has officially
presented the conceptual plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission. With that presentation,the project is
officially underway for City review. The current zoning ordinance does not address mixed use zoning in the
traditional sense. The closest it comes is the zoning requi[ements of the Planned Unit Development(PUD).
The current regulations for a PUD call for each use within the PUD to be subject to a Specific Use Permit
(SUP). All developers who are dealing with the mixed-use concept agree, and Staff likewise agrees, that
accom plish ing the goals on any of these three projects will not be possible under the current set of regulations.
The regulations need to be changed,. Toward that end, a Mixed-Use Design Team was appointed,consisting
of Mike Hodge, Karen Capps, Dan Johnson, Diana Steelquist, Christal Kliewer, a representative from the City
Atiorney's Oiiice, and myself. This team has been meeiing weekiy ror the last 30 days. During that time,we
met with both developers and gave extensive review to the various approaches to mixed-use zoning around
the country. Because of City Atforney Kim Mickefson's expertise in land use and planning, she has provided a
tremendous amount of information and has now begun drafting an ordinance that wilf ineet our needs for both
fhe Whitcomb property and the panfiandle area. The Main Street area will likely require a little different
approach. Staff is ready to make a presentation to both Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Staff seeks input to defermine if the concept is acceptable from Council's perspective. If acceptable, itwill be
discussed further at the Pfanning and Zoning Commission meeting the following Thursday. In order to
proceed in a timely manner and not be a detriment to the schedule for the Whitcomb project,we are hoping to
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schedule a public hearing at the first meeting in June.
An informafion presentation was held regarding Legal Non-Conforming Uses. A presentafion was given by
City Planner, Diana Steelquist. During the presentation, City Manager Ron Cox gave an overview of what she
presented and stated this item was carried over from the last Work Session. The intent is to brief Council on
this subject, as it is defined in the Zoning Ordinance, and the philosophy behind it. This is informational only.
City Attorney John Olson aiso gave information to make the information clear orto give a better understanding
to Council.
The Mayor asked if they could charge fhe Planning and Zoning Commission with putting together information
for Mixed Use and Non-Conforming Uses.
Planning and Zoning Commission Chair, Bob Bertrand, spoke to Counci! about his opinion regarding the
above issues and stated he feels these are�Downtown issues and that there are other areas that may have
issues also.
Mayor Brizendine stated he feels this is an issue that needs to be looked at and the Planriing and Zoning
Commission needs to be involved.
Councilmember Smith commended Diana Steelquist for these presentations to help them have a better
The Invocation was given by Pastor Mike McAfister from Friendswood Church of Christ.
Mayor Brizendine led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
To receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding amendments to the Zoning Ordinance:
A. Zone Classification change for 6.5401 acres, tract one and two, located at Woodland Trails and FM
2351, Galveston County, Texas, from Single Family Residential(SFR)to Office Park District(OPD).
No Public Hearing was held due to lack of a quorum by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Mayor Brizendine explained that there is not a quorum with the Planning and Zoning Commission and tfie
meeting cannot open because of this. The Mayor explained that citizens are welcome to speak to the Council
at the meeting but it would be better served if they wait for the next meeting. He then addressed the
vandalism of the Notice of Zone Change sign and that it cost the City money and it is making every effort to
find the person who is responsible and they will be held accountable, stated he would like to discuss this
process and further stated if the Homeowner's Association or anyone would like to hold a meeting to discuss
this he would be happy to meet with them in the next week for any explanation they need, the meeting tonight
was about addressing the classification by the developer and then the public would speak,which will occur in
two weeks, if anyone is interested in hearing any additional information they are welcome to come to the next
Planning And Zoning Commission meeting where then they can hear more, the date of the next Public
Hearing would be June 7, 2004, citizens will have input at the Public Hearing and then could attend the
Planning and Zoning Hearing. Mayor Brizendine explained the uses of Onice Park, such as Medical
Equipment, financing, Management Company, educational services, doctors, and.personal services, heard
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specifically that there were concerns of fi(ling stations and so forth and stated those are not uses that can go
there and any ofher use is restricted. The Mayor thanked the citizens for their attendance and welcomed them
to speak at the Council meeting this evening if they would like.
A proclamation was read and a presentation of awards was given to Miss Jennifer Johnson, age 11, for a
lifesaving 9-1-1 call. Mayor Brizendine gave a speech regarding Jennifer's situation and how she called 9-1-1
while babysitting her sister and stated it was nothing less then spectacular for her to do fhis. Betsy Godwin,
Friendswood Police Depar�ment Dispatch Supervisor, played the 9=1-1 tape of Jennifer calling in. Greater
Harris County 9-1-1 presented Jennifer with an award.
Rick James, 1004 Acorn Ct., addressed Council and stated he is neutral and supports growth in the
community and to please give fhoughf to how the City progresses because of the quality of life in
Mr. Kent Barton, 403 Trail Bend Ct., addressed Council and stated he is opposed because they were led to
believe that there would never be anything built out there, he misunderstood what the sign was for and now
sees what it is for and is against this happening.
Robert McCabe, 302 Tall Timber Ct., addressed Council and stated like everyone else he is disappointed that
they did not get to speak to the Planning and Zoning Gommission but feels it is an opportunity to speak to
Council. The 3 weeks they have until the nexf ineeting is good to figure out what really should be done in this
neighborhood, stated he is opposed because they can abandon the buildings,which would make the area and
neighborhood look bad based on.the rest of FM 2351 and how many businesses there that are closed.
Brent Faulk, 805 Hidden Woods Lane, addressed Council and stated he read the City's website and Vision
2020 and Main Street, quoted Goal One of the vision of Council, stated that quality of life is what Friendswood
, _ . is all abouf and why we must preserve this quality, implored the City Council to lool<for what taxpayers have
paid for in City studies and how there is scattered development in Friendswood and they do not want it in their
neighborhood, is concerned about abandoned buildings in Friendswood now and fix that problem first and
further stated Council has the opportunity to say no and focus on redevelopment in the town center.
Faye Roberson, 422 West Castleharbour, addressed Council and stated this is the same old story as the
Sunmeadow Golf Course, would like to pass pictures she has brought, there is an ongoing probiem with Ray
Tigi and his company who is waiting until the elecfion is over to submit to Council again, feels they are all
honorable people and that they will do the right thing.
Dr. Nat Barnes, 606 Timber Trail, addressed Council and stated he would like to thank Council for hearing him
but is disappointed 'thai ihey could not speak to the Pfanning and Zoning Commission, moved back here to
Friendswood after medical school because of the quality of life in Friendswood, he was the first family in his
section, has one way in and one way out and there is not enough room for more traffic especially if a business
park would be put in, feels the Council's task is to represent the City's best interest, would like to know what
members did not show with the Pianning and Zoning Commission and why, did they request an absence,
sfated he loves living here and would like to go on living here, there are many things that could go there and
that concerns him because if will take away from their property values, there is every reason not to do this and
asked if there could be a larger venue for the next meeting.
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Kirk Stevens, 208 Trial Bend Lane, addressed Council and stated he is disappointed that so many people
came from the community and they did not get to have the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, is an
architect and as it stands the City of Friendswood is known as having too much watershed and that would be
detrimental to The Forest to put in virtually a 90%watershed in their community and would also like the venue
to be in a larger area for the next meeting because by that time more people will come to the next meeting.
Charles Kelly;603 Tall Timbers Lane, addressed Council and stated he is representing some very important
people and named his family, would like to thank the City and the process, the Staff, the City and the
community, reported his meeting with the Mayor was wonderful and he has let people know this, he is sure on
June 7 at the next Public Hearing they wil! have the opportunity to speak and let them kno�v that they do not
want this green space converted into Commercial, they do not think fhat it is appropriate to make this change
from Residenfial to Commercial and fhere has been no change in this area that would justify making this
Comrnercial from Residenfial and please take into consideration how many voices do not want this.
Vince Coiangefo, 201 Trail Bend Lane, addressed Council and stated this is very important to him because his
house backs up to this property, he would have never built there to begin with, knows this is Residential and
could understand them buiiding houses but not Commercial, said the developer told him The Forest of
Friendswood does not own this property, they feel misled about this, needs some type of mock-up of what
would go in there, the developer has never given that and is concerned as to whether the City has anything
from him or not, wished that the developer had come around and spoken to them first, there will be much
depreciafion to their houses if the office park is built,opposes completely and would have never bought there if
he had known.
Mayor Brizendine told him that the City Manager would address his questions and make sure some of this is
Nancy Dower, 206 Trail Bend Lane, addressed Council and thanked Council for letting them speak, is
disappointed that Planning and Zoning members David Brakebill and Jim Gibson did not attend tonight, it is
irresponsible for them not to attend and this was handled poorly, from her experience once something is
zoned Commercial it becomes easy to rezone to other types of Commercial, moved here from California, her
family looked all around because they have 4 children and wanted good schools,that is why they moved here,
loves Friendswood and is in a very nice neighborhood, reads all of the articies concernit�g the City and is so
happy they are working on beautifying Friendswood,would be very disappointed if Commerciai came into their
neighborhood, mentioned the empty eyesores on FM 2351 and stated there are too many vacant businesses
there, sees so much potential in Friendswood and this would not benefit the neighborhood in the long run.
Mayor Brizendine addressed her and let her know that Council was in a Workshop from 4:30 PM until minutes
before this meefing and just found out there was not a quorum and she needs to address the Planning and
Zoning Commission about this and not hold Council responsible.
David Dasier, 611 Timber View, addressed Council and stated he got married and moved away from here and
decided to move back, she wanted to move to Friendswood so they moved back and he liked The Forest
community and is so impressed with the community, takes pride in The Forest and what they have built with
the City, is concerned about what has taken place so far tonight,feels as if the communitywas accused of the
vandalism regarding the sign and he feels the community was hurt by that,further stated he hopes the Mayor
did not mean it that way, hopes the people who left early did not misunderstand that once it is changed to
Office Park it could be changed again, would encourage his community to stay involved.
The City of Friendswood has been involved in an informal consortium with the Galveston County Consolidafed
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Drainage District (GCCDD), the City of Pearland, and Brazoria County Drainage District #4 (DD#4).
Representatives of this group met recently with Colonei Leonard Waterworth,the Commander of the Corps of
Engineers' o�fice in Galveston; regarding the status of the General Revaluation and Review (GRR) of the
Clear Creek Watershed. The Corps expanded the scope of the project to study the effects of the tributaries in
_. our area on Clear Creek,which included Mary's, Cowards, and Chigger Creeks. This provided more data and
more certainty in the predicted outcomes. With all fhat, they have arrived at over 20 alternatives tor
improvements to Clear Creek. Additional data and the large number of alternatives have once again delayed
the project. The project has been earmarked for completion in June 2005 now for almost a year but it appears
the GRR will not be completed until sometime in 2006. The Corps staff is not predicting yet when the
compleiion will be. Once completed, it will be at least two years before the Corps can get any congressional
authorization for the project, and two more years before the project coufd start. Bottom line, if the GRR is
completed on schedule and accepted by all parties, we probably will not see construction until 2010. As you
know, we worked hard last year to lobby our congressional representatives, Congressmen !ampson and
veLay to ensure that the funding for ine comp(etion of the GKR was secure. .That effort was successful and
$1.2 million was added to the appropriations bi{I. We learned that we will now have to.do this each year, until
the project is funded for construction to ensure that it continues.to move forward. It is disheartening to learn
that, but it is good to know it now, so proper preparations can be made. In the future, we will be working
closely with Congressman DeLay as his new district now covers the entire watershed.
City Manager Ron Cox introduced Scott Derr, a Friendswood resident, who contracts with TxDOT, METRO
and others to paint bridges and overpasses in the Houston-Galveston area. The painted bridges over
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on the FM 518 bridge over Cowards Creek. His work is very good and adds a)ocal heritage and colorFul touch
to an otherwise drab site. We appreciate his work and his one hundred percent volunteer donation to the
beautification of our community.
City Manager Ron Cox stated that many across the City have asked for a status report on projects funded
through the 2003 Bond Election. This has been reported recently in the City newsletter, Focus on
Friendswood, but wanted to give a brief overview of the timing of the projects. Proposition One, Public
Safety Building and Fire Statibn Property-$7,380,000. The property for both the Public Safety Building and
_. Fire Station has been purchased. The Public Safety Building will be Iocated on FM 528. Sufficient property
was purchased at that location to construct a fourth fire station within 41ie next ten years, looking toward build-
out of our community. The building itself is nearing design completion, and construction is expected to begin
in the next 60 days. The contract for the construction of Whitaker Drive, a joinE project with the Drainage
District, has already been let and construction is expected to begin by early May. The building for the third fire
station is not scheduled to begin until 2005. The land for the third fire station is located on FM 2351 and
Woodlawn. In both those cases, fhe City purchased more land than was necessary, so some portion of each
of these properties, primarily the frontage, will be sold for commercial development. Proposition Two,
Drainage Improvements - $5,575,000. Council earmarked these funds for six affected areas of the City,
Sunmeadow Subdivision, Annalea, Kingspark, and Whitehall Subdivisions, CloverAcres, and in the area of
Shadowbend/1Noodlawn streets, Mission Estates Outfall, and Glershannon Subdivision. Each of these is a
major construction project, requiring extensive surveying and engineering to ensure the projects meet the
needs in those areas. The Shadowbend/Woodlawn project is on the. agenda for this meeting, and
construction is scheduled to begin immediately following the end of the school year. Annalea, Kingspark and
Whitehall Subdivisions drainage improvements are next, with bidding expected in late May and construction
beginning in June. The Sunmeadow project is nearing design completion and is expected to begin
construction in July. Engineering for the Glenshannon project is scheduled for June this year and Mission
Estates engineering is scheduled for rebruary 2005. Proposition Three, Improvements of Streets and
Thoroughfares-$4;055,000. Because Council placed high priority on the public safety building and drainage
improvements,the design of the street replacement projecfs has not begun with ihe exception of Shadowbend
due to its link with the drainage project there. The preliminary engineering study for Friendswood Link Road is
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nearly complete, with the public information meeEing having taken place on April 27. The final draft of the
Planning Study Report should be complete by mid-May. The Brittany Bay Boulevard planning study began
only a few months ago a�ter a long delay due to coordination problems with League City's engineering
consultant. Other major streets in this bond issue are Melody Lane, Briarmeadow, West Winding Way, and
West Spreading Oaks, all scheduled for 2006. Proposition Four, Cenfennial Park Project Completion -
$3,075,000. The design for completion of Centennial Park has been completed. It is now going through the
bid process. This will utilize the Competitive Sealed Proposals form of bidding that integrates a factor for
contractor quality and past project performance info the selection process while leaving a 50 percent emphasis
on the competifive pricing for the project. The process was more fully described in the May 3 Work Session
on this subject. Construction is expected to begin in June and will probably require approximately nine to
twelve months to complete. Although not a part of the bond program, it is worthy to note the recent activity on
the Asphalt Street Program for FY2003-04. Over 50 percent complete, it includes improvements to these
streets: Merriewood, Oak Drive, Butler Drive, McKissick Drive, N. Clear Creek Drive, S. Clear Creek Drive,
Leisure Lane, Pecan Drive, Shady Nook, Baker Road, Deepwood, ihe Activity Building and Renwick Park.
Streets in Longwood Park Subdivision included are John Drive, Myrtlewood Drive, Crawford Drive, Thomas
Drive, Steele.Drive and Judy Avenue. We have already begun making significant repairs to Blackhawk
Boulevard, although these repairs are nof paid from bond funds.
**Councilmember Ewing moved to table the First reading of Ordinance No.T2004-07 and refer this ordinance
back to the Planning and Zoning Commission, an Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City
Code, said Apnendix C beina City of Friendswood, Texas; Ordinance No. 84-15, as �mended, originally
adopted the 19}h day of November, 1984, and�being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by deleting therefrom all
of Section 7.5 and substituting therefore a new Section 7.5: providing screening and barrier, architectural, and
tree planting requirements for the Downtown Overiay District; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed
$2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof; and providing for severability. (Tabied March 1,2004)
Seconded by Councilmember Smith.
""Councilmember Smith moved to table the First reading of Ordinance No.T2004-08 and refer this.ordinance
back to the Planning and Zoning Commission, an Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City
Code, said Appendix C being City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally
adopted the 19th day of November, 1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by deleting from
Subsection R of Section 7 thereof ail of Paragraphs 5, 6, 8, and 9 and subsfituting therefore new Paragraphs
5, 6, 8, and 9; providing screening and barrier, architectural, and tree planting requirements for the Entryway
Overlay District; providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any
provision hereof; and providing for severability. (Tabled March 1, 2004)
Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved unanimously.
Councifinember Ewing reported on the Friendswood Relay For Life and stated rr�any were involved to raise
money for cancer, reported their team raised �1,100, Jerry McCoy and City Employee Ted Beason were
applauded as cancer survivors and thanked everyone on the team for attending, attended 4th of July Steering
Committee meeting, a Chamber of Commerce luncheon honoring Friendswood Independent School District
and Clear Creek Independent School District graduates, the Safari Sparkle Banquet for Friendswood
Volunteer Fire Department, the Community Appearance Board meeting, reported on the bowling award and
thanks to Councilmember Smith for putting together this social function and that the award is for Position One
high score.
Councilmember Ericsson reported on the upcoming Galveston County Mayor&Councii meeting which meets
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next week, the speaker will discuss economic development and the agenda will be out tomorrow.
Councilmember Goza stated he had no report.
Councilmember Smith stated he would like to remind citizens of the upcoming Concerts in the Park that begin
next week, congratulations to Mary Queen Church and their success, attended tv✓o meetings, Falcon Ridge
Clean Up Day and Galveston County Drainage District's Candidate's night. If was very clear that the members
of Drainage Districf did not have information about the City's work with Clover Acres.
Councilmember Kimmel commented on Jennifer Johnson,would like to commend City Manager Ron Cox and
Police Chief Bob Wieners for the excellent job they did and stated EMS did a wonderful job with the Johnson
�ouncilmember Measeles reported on the Clear Lake Area Councif of i,ities meeting on l�prif 2is and ihe
speaker was Carl Horecky who spoke about the LiDAR System and what happens to the Clear Creek
floodplain, stated he felt energized doing the Relay For Life and did 5 laps, and did so with the Mayor, reported
the Mayor kept going and maybe put in 20 laps and commended him for that, the Volunteer Fire Department
Banquet was on April 24, honored Fire Rookie of the Year which was Tyrone Clarlc, Fire Fighter of the Year
which was Jennifer Maxwell, EMS Officer of the Year which was Kris Kern, EMS Medic of the Year which was
Helen McFee, Fire Officer of the Yearwhich was Roy Hunter, EMS New Member of the Yearwhich was Jack
Walker and Department Member of the Year which was Jennifer Maxwell.
"""Councilmember Ericsson moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Payment of Capital
Projecfs-1. Longwood Park Utility Conversion with payment in the amount of$610.35 to SCL Engineering for
engineering services. To date, 91 percent of the contract has been expended. 2.
Annalea/KingsparklWhitehall Drainage with payment in the amount of$17,354.68 to Lockwood Andrews &
Newman for engineering services. To date, 79 percent of the contract has been expended. 3. Friendswood
Link Road-Engineering Study with payment in the amount of$12,832.84 to Claunch & Miller for engineering
,__ services. To date, 78 percent of the contract has been expended. 4. Sunmeadow Drainage Project with
payment in the amount of$6,987.25 to Claunch &Miller for engineering services. To date, 59 percent of the
contract has been expended. Total payments were $37,785.12. B. Award of Bids and Contracts and
authorize the Mayor to execute all documents: 1. Bid No. 2004-05 and approval of contract with Kraftsman
Playground &Park Equipment for the Playground equipment for Leavesley Park and Old City Park. 2. Bid No.
2004-06 and approval of contract with Conrad Construction Co., INC.for Shadowbend Street and Woodlawn
Drainage Project. C. Approve Interiocal Agreement with Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District for a
Water Conservation Program in conjunction with Friendswood Independent School District and Clear Creek
Independent School District. D.Approve Resolution R2004-08, a Resofution of the City Council of the City of
Friendswood, Texas, approving the Public Funds Management and Investment Policy. E.Approve Minutes of
April 5, 2004, Speciai and Regular Meetings.
Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion was approved unanimously.
A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:29 PM.
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M�"yor Kimball W. Brizendine
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Deloris McKenzie, TR
City Secretary