HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2003-12-01 Regular 12/01/03 2090 STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( DECEMBER 1, 2003 )( ^ MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 1,2003 AT 5:00 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS,WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR KIM BRIZENDINE MAYOR PRO-TEM JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER LAURA EWING COUNCILMEMBER TRACY GOZA COUNCILMEMBER DAViD J. H. SMITH COUNCILMEMBER SHANNON KIMMEL COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES CITY MANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE Mayor Brizendine called the meeting to order. 5:00 PM—WORK SESSION Discussion was held with the Planning and Zoning Commission Chair Bob Ber�rand,Co-Chair Tom Burke and Member Stephen Yeretsky regarding Cluster Homes, Landscaping/Screening amendments to the Entry Overlay District/Downtown and the Development Process Steering Committee recommendations for Commerciel Site Pfan approvals and amended Plat Process. Council reviev��ed the recommendations made by Planning and Zoning Commission to amend the Cluster - --� Home ordinance. However, there was much concern about the recommendation to allow the density to increase up to six units per acre if ihe underfying zone was Single Family Residential(SFR). The Commission stated that the density increase was to promote actual use of the ordinance. Commissioner Burke related a couple of projects�vere not feasible bvCC�wUSv of the smali acreage involved, t"e lot yield made the projects economically non-viabfe. Cauncil was concerned about large acreage tracts where an allowance of over 2.7 units per acre would have a significant impact on city services. A question and answer session was held with no conclusion, will review at a fater meeting; need charts, Council to submit comments. The Mayor asked that this item be discussed further at a future workshop. Chairman Bertrand stated that the recommended changes to the Entry Overlay District/Downtown Overlay District were macte to close some holes and answer some questions regarding interpretation. The Mayor questioned why the requirement for mature screening shrubs had been set at three feet six inches. Commissioner Burke responded by stating the height was taken from a textbook and that it was sufficient to screen parked cars while still allowing for some visibility for safety. He added that it would be measured from ground level. Councilmember Goza recommended that the language be modified to state that the mature , height should be maintained at three feet six inches. 12/01/03 2091 There was some discussion regarding the fa�ade requirements in the EOD/DOD. Commissioner Burke stated that the modifications were to allow more creativity in use of architectural metals. Councilmember Smith inquired about the garage bay language and how it might affect mini-storage buildings. Commissioner Burke noted that the language was directed at openings designed for automotive or industrial work, or designed for vehicles to drive info therefore it should not affect mini-storage rollup doors. _.._ There was also some discussion regarding the placement of trees in the EOD/DOD where the Gommission has recommended that the clustering of trees be allowed. The Council felt that the term 'clustering' shouid also be defined in the ordinance change. Mayor Brizendine stated there appeared to be a consensus to move the recommendations for the EOD/DOD forward in the process with the changes that had been discussed. Mayor Brizendine began the discussion regarding PlatApprovals by stating that the City Staff was capable of meeting the Development Process Steering Committee's recommendations to allow Staff approvals of Commercial Site plans and Amending plats. However, he felt there was a political question of the level of public involvement in the development process which needed to be recognized. The City needs to maintain open communication with the public. Councilmember Goza agreed that public involvement was important to the process. A lengthy discussion followed regarding public involvement with determination being made that public input was not received during the plat approval process, only during the zoning process. There appeared to be a consensus between the Councii and Commission that Amended Plats could be approved at a Staff level. However,Administrative plats generated some controversy,as the Commission had not recommended them. Comments included need for tfie public to have knowledge of all plats and the usefulness to the Commission to review these smaller, sometimes controversial type piats. The Mayor noted that the discussion needed rnore background information and he would like to continue the discussion at a later Workshop with graphs and maps. Council was requested to submit any comments to the City Manager. 7:00 PM— REGULAR SESSION The Invocation was given by Pastor Norman Fry from First Baptist Church. Cub Scout Troop 445 Webelos led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. PUE3LIC HEARING Mayor Brizendine called the Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public,eitheroral orwritten regarding the termination of Community Development Block Grant Contract No. 721007 with the Texas Comrnunity Development Program. No one spoke in favor of or against the request. Councilmember Smith stated he is a former resident of Imperial Estates and is a beneficiary of a Bfock Grant funds used to buy out his home, thanked the Block Grant Program and Staff of the Community Development Department, especially Public Works Director Mike Hodge and Deputy Director of Community Development Dan Johnson, and is very thankful to the City. 12/01/03 2092 CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Ron Cox stated that by now everyone should have noticed work on iwo specific intersections on FM 518 within the city limits. Bath are traffic signalization related as follows: Clearview Avenue -There has .._. been a succession of signal work at this intersection. Several years ago, a flashing yellow beacon was put in place which was followed by the replacement of the flashing light with a fully actuated traffic signal. Now, TxDOT is placing turn bays, going in both directions at that intersection. They are placing a turn bay into a parking lot driveway on one side of the street,which is a little unusual, but invariably traffic is turning into and from that area, and in fact the traffic signal is set to work for vehicles from that parking lot. In addition,TxDOT is now placing emphasis on limiting access of driveways onto major thoroughfares such as this one. In the future, if the driveways on that side of the street are connected,this will provide a single safe access. Chelsea Lane - For many years the City has requested a traffic signal at this intersection. September 6, 2001, a vehicle/pedestrian accident at this intersection resulted in the death of the pedestrian—a child. TxDOT finaily approved a reduction in the speed limit to 45 mph and a flashing yellow beacon for the location. Construction has started at this intersection also. Even though it is not a fully actuated signal, the installation will have all the electronics installed to make the conversion when it is appropriate. The City Manager's office received notification from Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department President Rick McFee that EMS Chief Lisa Camp has won the EMS Administrator of the Year award. She was presented this honor at the state's annual conference in Austin this past week. We are very proud of Chief Camp; she is a dedicated leader for the City of Friendswood and is most deserving of this honor. Congratulations Lisa! Thanked Council and stated he appreciated his evaluation and merit increase, has enjoyed the last 13 years and hopes to enjoy more. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember Measeles reported that he hoped everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving, the Texas Municipal League(TML)91St Annual Conference in San Antonio was held,all members of Council attended to learn how to be more effective, he attended a number of workshops and seminars. Councilmember Kimmel reported that he would fike to praise Emergency Management Services for their assistance with his little boy, they did a great job, attended the TML Conference, the opening speaker was - Ric!c Risby and�vas an exce!lent speaker r�vhe talked about helping,:hanked Mayor BrizenCine for tel�ing abc;�t a lady in need of clean up, Councilmember Kimmel got volunteers from the Baptist Church youth group to help clean up, thanked Mayor for telling him and for being there helping out and urged others to help. Councilmember Smith reported that the TML Conference was a great success, formalized speakers were absolutely top notch, attended pre-conference, had the opportunity to interact and learn from other elected officials and Municipal League employees and appreciated the opportunity to attend. Councilmember Goza reporfed that he hoped everyone had a good Thanksgiving, congratulation to Lisa Camp and all of Emergency Management Services for a job well done. Councilmember Ericsson reported on the comments about helping neighbors and that Mayor Brizendine was visifing those fhat were hit by tornadoes, helped with chainsaws and it is good that others help neighbors. Councilmember Ewing reported on the Friendswood United Methodist Church being hit by a tornado and thanked Friendswood Independent School District for stepping up and helping out with a location for meetings, TML Conference was very impressive, thanked City Secrefary Deloris McKenzie and Councilmember 12/01/03 2Q93 Measeles for serving in leadership roles at TML, congratulations to the Community Appearance Board for getting banners up for the Holiday Season and then year-long banners wiil go up. Mayor Brizendine reported that the Friendswood Seniors sent care packages to soldiers in Iraq and was well done, returned from TML Conference to acknowledge a $25,000 donation from Boeing employees to Hope Village, attended the Giris Volleyball tournament in San Marcos, attended Brokers meeting to promote the .....__ City, closed on Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department property to be located on FM 2351, reported on a benefit for the Dyke family at Friendswood Frame and Gallery this Saturday to help a family from Friendswood, a Friendswood po�ice officer was hurt recently and Council sends regards and concerns for his well being, commented on the Band competition and thanks to the Heritage Gardeners who helped to decorate City Hall. Councifinember Ericsson reported on the tree lighting ceremnny tomorrow evening at 7:00 pm at the Brown Museum and this is a good way to kick off the iioliday season. COMMUNICATIONS FROM 7HE PUBLIC Cheryl Johnson, Director of Information for Galveston Central Appraisal District, presented The Galveston Profile 2003 Edition, provided an overview of capabilities of GCAD and the program for the last three years, this inciudes a survey that she would ask that the City complete and return. CONSENT AGENDA **Councilmember Measeles moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented with the exception of Item B-2—B. 2. Approve Resolution No. R2003-40, A Resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas, designating the Official City Newspaper. A. Payment of Capital Projects. 1. San Joaquin Gravity Sewer with payment in the amount of$19,195.20 less$959.76 retainage to Huff&Mitchell, Inc.for construction services. To date,3 percent of the contracf has been expended. Payment in the amount of$154.64 to SCL Engineering, Inc. for engineering services. To date, 89 percent of the contract has been expended. Total payments are $18,390.08. 2. Ratify-Renwick Park Concession Stand/Restroom with payment in the amourit of$7,000.00 to Camelot Plumbing for underground plumbing. To date, 100 percent of the contract has been expended. 3. Ratify-Sidewalk from City Hall to Castlewood with payment in the amount of$7,450.00 to Salinas Construction for cbnstruction of sidewalk. To date, 100 percent of the contract has been expended. 4. Public Works .._._ Vehicle Storage Building with paymer�t in the amount of$4,450.00 to Randall-Porterfield Architects, lnc. for design services. To date, 89 percent of the contract has been expended. 5. Longwood Park Utilities with paym_ent in fhe amount of $320.50 to Remington Sup.port Services, Inc. for testing services. To date, 31 percent of the contract has been expended. Payment in the amount of$422.19 to SCL Engineering, Inc. for engineering services. To date, 98 percent of the contract has been expended. Total payments are$742.69. 6. E3ooster Pump Station.Wells#3 and#4 with payment in the amount of$1,381.25 to SCL Engineering, Inc. for engineering services. To date, 100 percent of the contract has been expended. 7.Sunmeadow Drainage Project with payment in the amount of$10,403.60 to Claunch &Milier, Inc.for engineering services. To date, 48 percent of the contract has been expended. 8. Friendswood Link Road—Engineering Studywith payment. in the amount of$15,883.04 to Claunch&Miller, Inc.for engineering services. The Citywill fund 20 percent of this amount($3,176.61) and wiil be reimbursed 80 percent by TXDOT($12,706.43). To date, 42 percent of the contract has been expended. Total payments were $65,700.66. B. Disposition of Bid No. 2003-15: 1. Award bid for Official City Newspaper. C. Approve Resolution No. R2003-49, A Resolution of the City of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing and directing Kimball W. Brizendine, Mayor, to act as the City's representative in seeking eligible grant funds under the Safe And Drug Free Schools and Communities Act for fiscal year 2005 ("GranY'); and authorizing the submission of such grant application to the Criminal Justice Division of the Office of Governor. D. Approve a change order in the amount of $85,480.84 for the San ,foaquin Gravity Sewer Main. E. Approve acquisition of a perpetual easement for purposes of installing a 12/01/03 2094 sanitary sewer force main at Friendswood Link and Whittier Oaks. F. Approve a contract for engineering services for the Annalea, Kingspark-Whitehall Drainage Improvements and authorizing the Mayor to execute the contract. G. Ratify and confirm purchase of 3.6019 acres at E. Edgewood/Woodlawn for a new Fire Station. ---- Seconded by Councilmember Kimmel. The motion was approved unanimously. ** Councilmember Kimmel moved to approve Item B-2 of the Consent Agenda - Approve Resolution No. R2003-40, A Resofution of the City of Friendswood, Texas, designating fhe Official City Newspaper. Seconded by Councilmember Ewing. The motion was approved unanimously. A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 7:45 PM. �1 �J� �`'►�,�T.,1�� � � �._..�-( � .L..- � Mayor Kimball W. Brizendine Attest: / � ) !�_�!��-.���1Ct:. '� %�`��� ��, Deloris McKenzie, TRMC City Secretary