HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2003-10-20 Regular 10/20/03 2074 STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( OCTOBER 20, 2003 )( r MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MON DAY, OCTOBER 20,2003 AT 5:30 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS,910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS,W(TH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR KIM BRIZENDINE MAYOR PRO-TEM JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER LAURA EWING COUNCILMEMBER TRACY GOZA COUNCILMEMBER , DAVID J. H. SMITH COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES CIT'Y ATTORNEY JOHN OLSON DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ROGER ROECKER CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE Councilmember Kimmel and City Manager Ron Cox were absent from the meeting. 5:30 PM — bEDIGATION OF THE EVELYN B. NEWMAN AMPFiITHEATER AT CENTENNIAL PARK ON FM 518 REGULAR SESSION Mayor Brizendine called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The Invocation was given by Councilmember Laura Ewing. ^' Mayor Brizendine led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of 7exas. JOINT DOCKETED PUBLiC NEARING Mayor Brizendine and Vice Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Tom Burke called a Joint Docketed Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding a request for a Zone Classification Change for 1.63 acres located at 1505 and 1507 Winding Way, from Planned Unit Development (PUD) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC). (adjacent to Village on the Park) Ronald Baden MD addressed Councii and stated he is the requestor and has been in practice in Friendswood for '15 years as a gynecologist, has outgrown the current facility and needs to. build a new medical office to expand his business. He is in favor of the zone change. Collin Fox addressed Council and stated he is working with Dr. Baden with this project, it would be a good thing for r=riendswood,wili bring in tax revenue, knows the building will be very professionally designed and a quality buiiding, there will be 6.5 parking spaces for 1000 Teet and there is a proposed elevation site plan available. He is in favor of the zone change. Sandie Poulson, Retiremenf Center representative addressed Council and s;ated she feeis this is an exc211�nt 10/20/03 2075 use for this land, is selling the land to Dr. Baden, are good neighbors and will add asset to the area. She is in favor of the zone change. No one spoke in opposition of fhe request. Chairman Burke confirmed that the access road is outside of the two lots. This is on the Planning and Zoning — agenda for this Thursday. 7he Joint Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:07 pm. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember Measeles reported that this Saturday is Fall Hau{-A-Day at the Old City Park, no hazardous materials will be allowed, the Clear Lake Area Council of Cities meeting is this Wednesday at 6:30 PM and the Army Corp of Engineers will be guest speakers and urged Council to attend. Councilmember Smith reported on a message from Eveiyn B. Newman that she wanted to correct the press in that she served on Council from 1982 to 1992, and, again, congratulations to Evelyn, attended a Homeowner's Association meeting with Forest Bend HOA, Brian Mansfield in the Fire Marshal's office gave an excellent presentation along with Christal Kliewer in the City Manager's office. Mayor Brizendine commented on how important the Homeowner's Association Liaison program is that began last year, takes City government to the public by attending HOA meetings and presenting issues that pertain to various areas, has been well received, the HOA contact is Councilmember David Smith. Councilmember Goza stated he had no report. Councilmember Ericsson asked for everyone to pray for City Manager Ron Cox who was taken away by ambulance when he feli off the stage at the Evelyn B. Newman Amphitheater dedication ceremony and wrenched his knee, the Houston-Galveston Area Council meeting is tomorrow and plans to attend. Councilmember Ewing repor�ed on the successfu! Community Economic Development Committee Brokers _ Event held last Thursday, attended the Senior's Harvest Fall Dance, Fall HauI-A-Day is coming up and � encourages residents to par�icipate and reported they will just about recycle anything, reminded everyone about the Seniors Health Fair on October 29th from 10:00 AM 'to 2:00 PM. Mayor Brizendine reported that with City Manger Ron Cox out we can take a few more liberties during the Council meeting tonight, metwith Galveston Health Districtto discuss Friendswood's Senior Program and how to enhance it, asked them to do a survey of the Senior's needs, Galveston Health. District services the Friendswood area but is not taken advantage of and is very sensitive of getting the correct information out, attended Saturday night's Habitat for Humanity fundraiser, this is an effort the City should get behind and support, volunteers are needed to help load for the Falf HauI-A-Day this Saturday,would like to recognize an old, old man celebrating his 53�d birthday, City Attorney John Olson, and thanked him for all that he does and presented him a Friendswood History Book. The Mayor also recognized the police officers in attendance who are always there for us and are greatly appreciated, and stated he would like fo honor each one of them. COPdiMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Galveston County Sheriff Gean Leonard,who is a former Friendswood resident of 24 years and v,�ho nov��lives in League City, gave a historical overview of the Crime Prevention Task Force and introduced Chief Deputy 10/20/03 2076 Freddie P_oor and Drug Enforcement Agency Officer Tim Jennings, and stated there are drug issues across the County and is looking for cooperation and partnership, reviewed prior team efforts such as the Drug Task Force, asked for an Officer to be assigned from Friendswood, Tim Jennings spoke to Council and reminded them that he had spoken to the City in January, Federal DEA Task Force, the purpose is to address drug � problems in the area which includes Friendswood, drugs are being made and distributed in Friendswood, requests the City's cooperation in this process. The Mayor stated the City will pian to workshop this proposal at a later meeting. Friendswood Independent School District Superintendent Trish Hanks and Hazel Johnson presented certificates in recognition of Mayor and Council's par±icipation in the annual FISD Education Foundation event ancl stated a tribute to Evelyn Newman is an example of what this City stands for,the partnership from the City to FISD and all facets of City government has a positive statement to all of FISD, City Manager Ron Cox and Mayor Brizendine attended a TASA Workshop and participated in a City/School partnership program, certificates were presented to Mayor, City Council and Police Chief Wieners for their efforts as celebrity waiters, Mayor and Council were very competitive and talented,begging for tips for the Education Foundation, raised over$50,000 and thanked them for their participation, also Councilmembers for rotating the monthly meeting with FISD. Kathy Rogers, 207 Charleston, addressed Council and stated she is very happy about the medical facility proposed in the Public Hearing, urged everyone to vote in the upcoming Friendswood Independent School District el�ction and is a candidate for Position 6. , Friendswood Police Chief Bob Wieners reported on a meeting with Mayor Brizendine and City Manager Ron Cox regarding the Task Force, reported plans to assign an officer temporarily until a Workshop with Council, hopefully in the next 30 days, appointing Simon Anguiano who has been with the Friendswood Police Department for 1 '/z years and has the maturity and professionalism to do this job. Chief Wieners presented the Five Star Award for the Third Quarter of 2003 to Niki Bender, Patrol Officer for the Friendswood Police Department, who has been with the City since May of 2002, and stated she exhibits the Five Star's criteria, and stated Officer Bender is a relatively new merriber of the Police Department, having -- _ joined the City in May 2002. Before working with the Police Department, she worked at Disney Worid's Wilderness Lodge. Officer Bender received her Bachelor of Science degree in Hotel/Restaurant Management. Since then, however, she has been very busy in a variety of ways. She was nominated by several citizens she made an impression upon as she assisted them. She even changed a fla; tire for a citizen rather than call someone who would charge for that work. Officer Bender truly exhibits the defining traits of being Courteous, Competent, Reliable, Professional,and Enthusiastic. The City appreciates the work she does, and the example she shows to others as the Five Star Spirit Award winner for this quarter. C09VIMUNICATIONS FROM COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL REPORTS Mayor Brizendine thanked the Chamber for partnering and helping the City host the Developer/Retailer event. Carol Jones, President of the Chamber, stated it is an honor to hold this position, stated the Chamber Mission Statement, reported they have rescheduled the Golf Tournament to this Thursday, reported they work closely with Chambers in surrounding cities, they bring visitors to the City with many planned events, wants to work with the F�istorical Society to help bring an enhanced festival, reported on the new Chamber office, is very proud of the new facility, introduced Chairman Rebecca Lilley, members Allan Rasmussen and Greg Crinion, and stated Lucy Woltz is her right hand. The Mayor thanked the Chamber for all that they have done. The Annual Report was presented by the Delinquent Tax Attorney, Robert Mott, with Perdue, Brandon, Fielder, Co((ins, &Mott, L.L.P.,who have represented the City since 1987, reported 32 new lawsuits were filed ' 10/20/03 � 2077 in the last year, 25 suits have been paid in full, 12 suits taken in litigation, oniy 16 remain pending, the City is fortunate with the collection rate, delinquent taxes from 1987 have been collected, a number of payout agreements have been entered into, some senior citizens deferred tax payments with Council expressing concern,would be happy to help with education for seniors, have an outstanding Tax Department and Becky Carbone is an excellent Tax Coilector, very small bankruptcies, collected 77% of accounts this year for first year past due, paid by a fee from.amount coilected, no cost to City, passed on to taxpayers that owe accounts, some is written off but very few. Mayor and Council held a question and answer session and stated senior education is needed, the Mayor stated he agrees and believes the past Mayor presented some of these same comments, asked Mr. Mott to follow up and report back to Council, Council thanked them for excellent work, Council commented that the City has an ordinance passed regarding increasing fees, Mr. Mott stated this is the first increase since 1982 and very much appreciated to help cover costs. CIT'Y MAtVAGER'S REPORT Director of Administrative Services Roger Roecker presented the report for the City Manager and reported that Kimberley(K.C.) Rodgers and Estella Muniz were recognized as Telecommunicators at the 9-1-1 Conference for their outstanding work and service. They were recognized for keeping their cool when they received an emergency call from a woman home alone with her two-week old infant reporting a burglary in progress. As Ms. Rodgers kept the.woman on the line, advising her to hide and reassuring her, Ms. Muniz dispatched officers to the scene, and relayed information to them as the intruder made his way about the home. As police approached, the suspect's allies waiting outside warned him, and all fled the scene. The location was quickly surrounded and all three suspects were taken into custody. The apprehension of the suspects resulted in solving multiple residential burglaries in the Friendswood area, and the recovery of many stolen credit cards and thousands of dollars in stolen jewelry, tools and home electronics. It is this example of professional response that continually demonstrates how well trained and dedicated our City employees are. We are proud. � to say that is the reason they are being recognized by their peers. RE:�OLUTIONS *"'Councilmember Smith moved to approve Resolution No. R2003-41 -A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Friendswood, Texas, authorizing and directing Kimball W. Brizendine, Mayor, to act as the City's representati��e in accepting eligible grant funds under the Texas Department of Transportation 7raffic Safety �-� Program Step Wave Grant for Fiscal Year 2004 ("GranY'); and authorizing the acceptance of such grant funding. Seconded by Councilmember Measeles. The motion was approved unanimously. COI�SENT AGENDA "'`Councilmember Ewing moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Payment of Capital Projects — 1. New Fire Station with payment in the amount of $1,650.00 to Envirotest for Phase 1 environmental site assessment. To date, 100 percent of the contract has been expended. 2. Longwood Park Utility Improvements & Connections with payment in the amount of $30,335.13 to Pennstar, Inc., for construction services in the amount of$28,889.50 less$1,444.48 withheld for retainage. To date,4 percent of the contract has been expended. Payment to Remington Support Services, Inc., for testing services in the amount of$1,445.63. To date, 25 percent of the contract has been expended. 3. Friendswood Link Road Engineering Study with payment in the amount of$32,749.78 to Claunch &Miller for engineering services in the amount of$32,749.78. The City wili be reimbursed by Texas Department of Transportation the sum of . �26,199.82. The net cost to the City is $6,549.96. Total payments were $64,734.91. B. Disposition of Bid No. 2003-14: Lighting System, Phase II, Renwick Park. C. Approve renewal of Contract with Friendswood Chamber of Commerce with amendments. D.Approve the September 2003 P�operty Tax Report. E.Approve 10/20/03 2078 Minutes of October 6, 2003 Meeting. Seconded by Councilmember Smith. The motion was approved unanimously. A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:13 PM. � �. � � ""L Mayor Kimball W. Brizendi e Attest: � ��� � � De oris McKenzie, T MC City Secretary