HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2003-08-04 Regular 08/04/03 2048 STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY O� FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( AUGUST 4, 2003 )( MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 2003 AT 7:00 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS,WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR KIM BRIZENDINE MAYOR PRO TEM JERRY ERICSSON COUNCILMEMBER 7RACY GOZA COUNCILMEMBER DAVID J. H. SMITH COUNCILMEMBER SHANNON KIMMEL CITY ATTORNEY LOREN SMITH CITY MANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE Counciimember Ewing and Councilmember Measeles were absent from the meeting. Mayor Brizendine cafled the meeting to order. The Invocation was given by City Manager Ron Cox. Mayor Brizendine led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas. � PUBLIC HEARING � Mayor Brizendine called the Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the public, either oral and/or '` written regarding applications for Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funding. No one spoke in favor c�f or against the request. . COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS Councilmember Kimmel and Councilmember Ericsson had no repork. Couricilmember Smith reported he attended a meeting of the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership which was held last week,was very informative and helpful to meet with other elected officials and to listen to those that manage Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership and the guest speaker which was the Director of NASA. Councilmember Goza r�ported he attended the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting last week where they met with a Developer in Harris County to discuss a proposed subdivision, the proposed Tree Ordinance and reported that a large committee was formed. Mayor Brizendine reported he also attended the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership meeting,there is a Houston-Galveston Area Council representatives meeting tomorrow from 6:00 pm — 8:00 pm in Council 08/04/03 2049 Chambers to discuss regional transportation needs for this area and surrounding HGAC areas, looking for citizens and officials to participate, hoping for turnout of 40-50 people, unfortunately they were a little slow getting information out for the meeting, our citizenship could have taken more participation if they had known in advance, asked City Manager possibly get this on the Readerboard, had the pleasure of ciosing on the property for the new Public Safety Building on FM 528,very high point in this new Council's goals, and a high _,__ point for the Police De�artment, is adjacent to Galveston County Drainage District and Texas New Mexico Power Company, met with the Windsong Homeowners Association's Ed Sherrill with City Manager and discussion was held regarding communication with the public, Mr. Sherrill was very positive of the City, City Manager and Homeowner's Association liaison which is a good representation of Council COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Cheryl Damewood, 2307 Airline, stated there are currently 18-20 seniors in the adult swim/exercise class in the pool every morning, their complaint is that such a short of time of two months is allowed for seniors and since the pool is heated would like to request Council to extend the period allowed for these swimlexercise sessions. COMMUNICATION FROM COMMITTEES AND SPECIAL REPORTS City Manager Ron Cox made a�special presentation of the Five Star Award for the Second Quarter of 2003 to Brian Mansfield, Assistant Fire Marshal, who has been with the City's Fire Marshal's Office, since 2000. During that time, Brian has shown all the attributes of the Five Star Spirit that we have come to know. His is very competent in the work he does, both in the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management areas. He is very courteous both in the field,when making inspections, and among his fellow employees. He is an enthusiastic member of the team,working with fellow employees on the Five Star Committee over the last two years, and with his fellow employees in leadership development. He is a reliable person, who will always do what he commits to do. In all, he is a true professional. The City appreciates all that Brian does, and congratulates him on his nomination by his fellow employees. Brian thanked the City and his fellow employees for this Five Star Spirit Award. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT , City Manager Ron Cox reported that Friendswood was recently recognized as one of America's top rated smaller cities. Grey House Publishing has recently printed its fourth edition of a voluminous book on cities that meet their criteria of being one of the "top-rated cities in America." This rating is based on four national statistics from the most recent U.S. Census data. These inciude population growth, income, crime rate and unemployment rate. Grey House Publishing says in its Introduction that, "these four measurements were selected 6ased on twn assumptions. 1: most people want to live in a community with low crime, low unemployment and high income. 2: if a city's population is growing rapidly, there's a compelling reason why." Grey House listed 60 of those cities, but emphasized these are not the top sixty, and listed them in no rank order. They are simply listed as meeting the criteria they set out as being"top rated." For whatever reason, it is good to be recognized as among the best in the country. Friendswood Police and Fire Departments are participating in National Night Out, Tuesday, August 5, 2003. This is the twentieth year for the nationwide event and Friendswood has been participating for more than 10 08/04/03 2050 years. The event is a means for neighbors to gather and get fio know each other in an effort to combat crime. The general premise being that if neighbors know each other, they more readily know who or what is out of place in their neighborhood and will call police to report suspicious activity. Crime Prevention Officer Judi Pree _ is coordinating activities with several Friendswootl neighborhoods with visits from members of the police and� fire departments. Crime prevention information, educational handouts and giveaways for children are being provided. The local event is also registered with the Nationa'I Association of Town Watch. ACTION ITEMS `*Councilmember Smith moved to approve action regarding approval of Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Assessment Contract with Freese and Nichols Engineering Inc. for Brittany Bay Boulevard. Seconded by Councilmember Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously. ORDINANCES , ""`Councilmember Ericsson moved to table the Second and final reading of Ordinance No. T2003-11, an Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix C being City of Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19th day of November 1984, and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing the Zoning Classification of a certain 2.04 acre tract of land from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Planned Unit Development District, said 2.04 acre firact located at No. 8 Queen's Lane within the City, and by granting a Specific Use Permit authorizing the use of said PUD for "Single Family Residential Dwelling" purposes; providing for the amendment of the official zoning map of the City providing for severa6ility; and providing a penalty of an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof. Seconded by Councilmember Kimmel. The motion to table was approved urianimously. CONSENT AGENDA *'`Councilmember Kimmel moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A. Payment of Capitai ---� Projects��Second Elevated Storage Tank with payment in the amount of$3,110.00 to Landmark Structures for construction services. This amount includes retainage in the amount of$3,500.00 and a credit balance change order in the amount of$390.00.A,2�"Sanitary Sewer Force Main Replacements with payment in the amount of$17,090.50 to SCL Engineering for engineering services. To date, 69 percent of the contract has been expended. 3!San Joaquin Sanitary Sewer Force Main with payment in the amount of$2,858,.20 to SCL Engineering for engineering services. To date, 85 percent of the contract has been expended. �4`�Longwood Utility Improvements with payment in the amount of$6,516.75 to SCL Engineering for engineering services. To date, 79 percent of the contract has been expended. 5%Surface Water Pump Station with payment in the amount of$93,932.85 to T&C Construction for construction ervices. To date, 99 percent of the contract has been expended. Total payments were $123,508.30. 6�Approve purchase and conveyance of Utility Easements for San Joaquin Sanifary Sewer Project. C. Authorize Police Department to submit Applications for LLEBG Program with. a ten percent cash match. D. Approve appointment of Elisabeth Wagner to the Zoning Board of Adjustment to fill a vacancy left by Judy Kimbail. E.Approval of Minutes of July 14(1:00 pm), July 14 (6:30 pm), and July 21, 2003 Meetings. Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion was approved unanimously. 08/04/03 2051 A motion was made and approved to adjourn at 7:23 PM. � � ` � � -- Mayor Kimball W. Brizendine Attest: , c 3 Deloris McKenzie, TRM City Secretary