HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2003-07-14 Speical, Work Session 07/14/03 2041 STATE OF TEXAS )( CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( . COUNTIES OF GALVES�TON, HARRIS )( JULY 14, 2003 )( ~ MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, JULY 14, 200�3 AT 6:30 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS,WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: �AAYOR KIM BRIZENDINE A/IAYOR PRO TEM JERRY ERICSSON C;OUNCILMEMBER TRACY GOZA C;OUNCILMEMBER DAVID J. H. SMITH C;OUNCILMEMBER SHANNON KIMMEL C;OUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES C;ITY MANAGER RON COX C;ITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKENZIE Councilmember Ewing w�,�s absent from the meeting. Mayor Brizendine called the meeting to order. WORK SESSfON � Discussion was held rega�ding a presentation from the Library Board on the Library Expansion Plan. Dr.John Heard, Library Board Ch��irman, gave a brief history of the goals and 5-year.plan for the expansion of the Library. In attendance were Staff inembers Mary Perroni and Debbie Werlla, Board Members Ruth Lay, Larry Seelig, Stephen Huffman, Elizabeth Finger and Dee Dee Race,and Architect Steve Lucchesi of Hall, Barnum, Lucchesi Architects. Furtl�er discussion ensued regarding Hall, Barnum, and Lucchesi having been involved �- in this planning project for the last two to three years, Larry Lucchesi was involved in 1993 which was the first phase and is very honoreci to be involved in this phase, discussed master planning and working with Staff and Library Board, outlined expansion, presented a PowerPoint presentation of the proposed master plans, a considerable amount of tirne has been spent on planning,,is seeing an increase of usage, increase of about 9 thousand square feet,follt�wing timeline schedule very Close, next step is to get commitment from Council for funding and to have plan:; drawn, two years down the line begin construction in July 2005, feels ties in very close with the Main Stree� project, Library Board is committed to work with Council to find funding and gave thanks to Mayor and Council. Mayor Brizendine thankeci the Library Board for their hard work Discussion was held with the Planning and Zoning Commission and Millennium Corporation regarding a proposed development acljacent to Sunmeadow Subdivision and Golf Course. Tim Green, attorney, and Ray Tiedge with Millennium Cc�rporation presented a newly revised conceptual plan, providing for Garden Homes and a master plan for new homes, with plans to retain the go'If course and green space. Further discussion was held with Mayor, City�Council, City Manager, Planning and Zoning Commission,and representatives from Millennium Corporation rE+garding financing possibilities including Land Trust; concerns about the proposed exit off of Windsong which is a two-lane road and concerns ak>out increased traffic and drainage. Discussion was held that it was best to refer drainage to the Galveston Caunty Consolidated Drainage District for review. 07/14/03 2042 Mayor Brizendine thanke�everyone for being here,will circulate any information gathered to developer and to the Sunmeadow Homeovvner's Association. Staff recommendation is that at some time this needs to be back into the hands of the Plar�ning and Zoning Commission and until.drainage is worked out and definite details, there is not much more Fhat Council can do, would not be fair to Council to make a policy decision about Municipal Utility DistricYs; or.Tax Increment Reinvestment zone, should be handled by the Planning and _, Zoning Commission and Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District. � Discussion was held with the Main Street Implementation Task Force and Lewis May, consultant with PageSoutherlandPage, r�garding the Main Street Enhancerrnent Plan. Alton Todd, Chair of Main Street Task Force, presented history beginning with Vision 2020 in 1998, Task Force discussion included the need to improve Main Street, st�3ted they were formed in December of 1999, sent out a citizen survey in 2000, comments received statE�d that appearance is poor and not pedestrian-friendly, civic facilities could be an asset, the Task Force diatermined that the City would be the driving force and completed the final report February 2003. Lewis May, consultant wilh PageSoutherlandPage, discussed the update of the Conceptual Plan, outlined the area of study, the Town C;enter on left and right of FM 518, and presented animation of the conceptual plan. Bill Finger, Main Street �ask Force committee member, provided a.report on public response, discussed reports on meetings with stakeholders, committees, board�, school districts, the Community Appearance Board, Planning and Zorning Commission, Community Economic Development Committee, Library Boa.rd, Galveston County Drain.age District, Heritage Gardeners, Friendswood Historical Society, Friendswood � Chamber of Commerce E3oard, 4�h of July Steering CommittEe, the media, developers, City Council and has received very positive re;sponses. Alton Todd, Chair of Main Street Task Force, stated the Task Force recommends moving forward,discussed future steps, Phase III 17evelopment strategy, outcomes and resources, communication plan, financial analysis, measure of suc�ess, planners, media, consultants, citizens,what the citizens deserve,Vision 2020 citizen survey, conceptu�l plan, development plan, budget request of$200,000 for investing in the future, to allow job that started to t�ike the next step, allow this plan to take place, and stated this is what the citizens of Friendswood deserve. Council discussion took ��lace regarding looking at private funding for projects such as this, the City should sponsor and encourage, there are risks, there are national companies that do these types of developments, Lewis May has been succ;essful with prior developments,weUdry issue will have to be addressed,will identify expectations and pros and cons,will have profound effect on plan, may or may not impact timeline of project, but will have a plan that may track on a much longer scheclule, serving alcohol in dry areas getting a little easier and Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission is loosening rules. Mayor Brizendine thankFd Lewis May with PageSoutherlandPage and the Main Street Task Force for the leadership theyhave pre�sented with this project. i i i J 07/14/03 2043 A motion was made and <�pproved to adjourn at 8:53 PM. �- l (.�^ � -�._.�, Mayor Kimball W. Brizendine Attest: , � � � ' � /' Del ris McKenzie, TR C City Secretary