HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2003-06-02 Regular OG/02/03 2021
JUNE 2, 2003 )(
Mayor Brizendine called the meeting to order.
Discussion with Galvesto.n County Consolidated Drainage District was held regarding a Drainage Plan for
Buyout Properties. Discussion continued with Gary Harris and David Charvoz representing Galveston County
Consolidated Drainage District, Imperial Estates Subdivision Buyout Properties, regarding how this would
develop to be a sub-regional detention pond with high water bypass for the buy-out properties, re-forestation
project, nothing is cast in stone, is a very preliminary plan, there is no timing or cost estimate at this time,will
��� strictly be on funds avail��bility, aesthetically pleasing, includes FEMA transfer, plenty of time for Council and
Staff input, minimizing firog ponds, help create other amenities,jogging trails, and multi-uses. A question and
answer session ensued regarding Lot 39 bought with a partnering project between the City and Galveston
County Consolidated Drainage District. Discussion was held with a question and answer session regarding
will there be any other plan for this lot than the other properties, with Galveston County Drainage District
responding no, it will be in the middle of the proposal by the Drainage District, overall project of detention pond
will lower the properties approximately eight feet, vegetation planting, small or larger trees, 4 to 6 inches
around, time-frame, not until all properties are deeded over, what type of process are looking at, as more
planning, keep city involved, some sub-regional detention in place, plan to do detention first, would alleviate
downstream problems, look forward to progress and the next step. Carl Horecky, Chair of Galveston County
Consolidated Drainage District, arrived during the discussion period.
Discussion was held with City Attorney John Olson and the Sunmeadow Homeowner's Association Board
regarding Special Districts—Tax IncrementReinvestmentZones(TIRZ), Municipal UtilityDistrict(MUD), and
Public Improvement District (PID). Mayor Brizendine stated that this is still in information-gathering mode.
Cify Attorney John Olson provided written information and presented four comments. Denise Meredith,
President of Sunmeadow Homeowner's Associafiion, stated she cannot answer for the whole Homeowner's .
Association, and tl�ere were four members fotal present. A q�uestion and answer session followed regarding
the Homeowner's Association's goal to not have homes built on the golf course, does the Homeowner's
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Association have any legal representation,yes fl�ey do,will he be involved in gathering and deliberation, legal
counsel, do not want to lose golf course community, daing same as city, just gathering information for
Homeowner's Association, Mayor asked if on any particular issue do they want more information and how can
we help you, Denise Meredith stated at this point doing a pretty good job, they do appreciate workshops,
tonight is a bit ill-prepared because she did not get information until late Friday and they have not been able fo
get Eogefher to discuss and put together questions, Mayor stated make sure Homeowner's Association does
not feel left behind, want to make sure they hav�e as much information as needed, unfortunately Miltennium
Corporation has not provided information and to perhaps put this on the back burner until information is
received, wants everyone comfortable, will take as long as needed. Denise Meredith asked if there are any
other alternatives to Special Districts, if Council decides to proceed, other that can be discussed, if so where
would that le ve Sunmeadow. Mayor Brizendine stated that the City is looking at a funding mechanism but
that may not be fihe solution, may be other pro.spects to be considered, provided history of requests from
Miliennium C rporation, all of that is key to what Council is looking at,if the Homeowner's Association has any
ideas Counc�l would like to hear them, land trust foundation, Homeowner's Association still in information-
� gafhering mo�de, yes there are other things-that could be done, Sunmeadow could buy the property and then
there would �e no issue, could look at Municipal Utility District and let new owners pay for new infrastructures,
think outside he box, are other possibilities, nex:t is to have input from Millennium Corporation, look into public
land trust, ca not do anything until Millennium Corporation presents plan, the next step is from Millennium and
then let Hom�owner's Association meet with C�uncil again to workshop.
Renee Field I, property owner in Sunmeadow, stated they are already served by the City of Friendswood and
asked if it w uld be necessary to de-annex the area to have a Municipal Utility District: City Attorney John
Olsan stated that no it is not necessary and only includes undeveloped area.
7he Work Session adjourned at 6:05 pm.
Mayor Brize �dine called the Regular Session to order at 7:00 pm.
The Invocation was yiven by Pastor Mike McAli�ster from Friendswood Church of Christ,
Mayor Brize dine led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States and to the State of Texas.
Mayor Brizer�dine and Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Bob Bertrand called a Joint Docketed
Public Heari g to order to receive comments from the public, either oral or written, regarding a request for a
Zone Classif cation Change for 9.409 acres at 500 W: Parkwood (FM 528) from Single-Family Residential
(SFR) fb Mul i-Family Residential-Garden Home District(MFR-GHD).
Peter Gorma , 522 Pine Ridge Court, owner and developer of tlie property, addressed Council and stated the
request is to allow a multi-fami�ly 24-lot garden home subdivision, is also the developer of Parkwood Village
which wil(be ery similar, 10%to 15°/o will be Park, home sizes 1800 to 2800 square feet and 60 x 120/125 ft.
lots. The exi ting home on the site will remain.
Discussion v�as held that with a Garden Home District the maximum number is six and the developer is
planning between three or four, 9.4 acres is e:ntire tract, about three acres in flood plain, Public Hearing
notification I�tters were sent within 200 feet and sign placed on property and it was stated there is no access
to t=f� 528 fr i m tnis project Lut there iS all �XlSting driveway on FM 528.
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Chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission Bob Bertrand stated they received three letters,one from Sylvia
and Vern Hammersley, their concerns are flooding, traffic on FM 528, intersection of FM 528 and
Briarmeadow, drainage issues, is not in favor of the request, second letter from Thomas F. Lay lives on
__. Layfair, is in opposition to changes, concerned with flooding, concern about trees destroyed, the impact on
areas downstream, third letter from David O'Farrell, is in favor of change like Parkwood Village, another
No one spoke in favor of the request. �
George Offenheuser, 1002 Briar Creek, addressed Council and stated he has no opposition to garden homes,
is concerned about traffic, especially from school, possibly route subdivision traffic from FM 528. Is not in
favor of the request. .
Shirley Meyer, 804 Balmoral Court, addressed Council and stated she is very opposed, concerned with
flooding issue, has seen property flood at least twice,would lil�e to see it stay Single-Family Residential. Is not
in favor of the request.
Bob Sugg s, 901 Layfair, addressed Council and stated his major concern is traffic, also concerned with runoff,
loss of trees, could support if entrance is not off of FM 528, existing driveway is confusing. Is not in favor of
the request. '
Ms. Janet Burtzlaff, 932 Layfair Place, addressed Council and stated her concerns are that it is to be
apartments, if entrance or exit on FM 528 would not be happy about removal of trees, noise, biggest concern
is danger of traffic. Is riot in favor of the request.
Horacio De la Fuente, 904 Layfair Piace, addressed Council and stated his concern is loss of trees, confused
about where the exit and entrance will be,zone runs with property and is concerned with that proposal. Is not
in favor of the request.
__ David Meriau, 1509 Windsor, addressed Council and stated he has the same concerns, has flood map fr�m
when he purchased his property, there is little change, and surrounded by much larger property seems
inappropriate. Is not in favor of the request.
The Public Hearing was ��djourned at 7:23 pm.
Mayor Brizendine and Cl��air of the Planning and Zoning Cormmission Bob Bertrand called a Joint Docketed
Public Hearing to order to receive comments from the pubfic, either oral or written, regarding a request to
amend a Specific Use Permit-Church (Good Shepherd) for 4.773 acres at 1207 Winding Way, Galveston
County, Texas. ,
Tom Grace, 211 Leisure I_ane, addressed Council and stated he is from the church and did not have a master
plan submitted to the city, planning at least one more phase, �sking for a permit at this time to expand to 8500
square feet, hofd up to 360-370 for future plan, is for family life center.
No one spoke for or against this request.
The Fublic Hearing was adjourned ai 7:27 pm.
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Councilmember Measeles stated the Galveston County Consolidated Drainage District held an election of
officers, re-elected were President Carl Horecky, Treasurer Gary Harris,Vice President David Charvoz, and
Secretary Noel Truitt.
Councilmember Kimmel stated he had nothing to report. ,
Councilmember Smith stated he would like to re:cognize the Mayor and fellow Councilmembers who attended -.�.-_..
a Council Retreat last Friday and gave compliments to the process and participation.
Councilmember Goza stated he had nothing to report.
' Councilmernber Ericsson stated he attended the Houston Galveston.Area Council meeting and chaired the
Audit Committee meeting.
Councilmember Ewing announced the Community Appearance Board has met and worked on the Main Street
project and the Fall Haul-a-Day for October.
Mayor Brizendine stated he attended the Clear Creek Steering Committed hosted by the Galveston County
Consolidated Drainage District, along with a number of people involved in the project, attended the Council
Retreat which was very productive, and the Main Street Task Force meeting and has had a very busy agenda.
Elizabeth Wagner, 4427 Peridot, stated she is President of Wedgewood Homeowners Association and
thanked Community Development for street rep:airs, the Police Department for their presence on Tibet, and if
there is anything they can do for the City, please let them know.
Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department Fire Chief, Jeff Smith, presented plaques and stated he would like to
thank City employees for an outstanding job behind the scenes to provide for safety such as Fire Marshal
Terry Byrd and Staff for their support to the Fire Department, is doing an outstanding job with "how can I help _..._.
you"attitude. Fire Marshal Terry Byrd accepted the thanks and recognized his staff. For security after 9/11,
Fire Chief Smith thanked Police Chief Bob Wier�ers for his behind-the-scenes community policing, thanked
Chief Wieners and Staff for supporting the FirP Department, and presented City Manager with the Chiefs
Award for leadership and guidance for supporting the Fire Department and helping to get things done.
Councilmember Ericsson reminded everyone that the majority of the Fire Department is volunteer, is second
to none and is measured against paid departments, they want to be volunteers, give a heartfelt thanks.
Dan Morgan, Chair of thE; Fourth of July Steering Committee, made a brief presentation on the status and
activities of this board and activities for the annual Fourth of July Celebration, reported that this is the second
year to hold the ever�ing event at Centennial Park, the theme is "Children Today Heroes Tomorrow", is the
108th celebration, parade will begin at 10:00 am at FM 518 at Heritage to Stevenson Park, evening program at
Centennial Park, there will be no parking, run shuttle buses from various areas, 7:30 pm night program, will
have truck raffle, the band Kendrick will be part of the entertainment, 9:20 pm the fireworks extravaganza will
take place, booths ar�d parade entries contact Community Services, and recognized members of fhe Fourth or
July Steering Committee.
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DARE Officer James Dement gave special recognition to fhe winners of the DARE Program Essay contest
. which were Brandon Taylor a 5t" grader from Bales Intermediate who read his essay, and overall winner
_._. Kimberly Branch from Windsong Intermediate who also read her essay. This contestwas for participation in
this year's Friendswood fndependent School District/Clear Creek Independent School District DARE program
for elementary student, in Friendswood. Friendswood has three elementary schools, in two school districts,
which parficipate in the City-supported DARE program. At the end of the 16-week program, Officer Dement
asked the students to write an essay on the impact of the DARE program on them personally. A student with
the besfi essay was selected from each school,
Mayor Brizendine thanked Officer Dement, Friendswood Independent School District and Clear Creek
. Independent School District. Councilmember Ewing encouraged the confinuation of the program and it's
success. Councilmember Goza reported he attended reco.gnition of students in the DARE Program and
congratulated them.
The Fifty Club of Galveston County gave special recognitior� to Officer Dennis Senter. The Fifty Club was
created for the dependents of officers in Galveston County. When an officer is injured or killed in the line of
duty, the Fifty Club is there with immediate financial support. Every year the club honors officers and/or
civilians with awards for outstanding achievement.
This year's award goes to Patrol Officer Dennis Senter,who�chieved his six-month anniversary with the City
on March 1, 2003. Officer Senter was honored for his "I<een eye for the unusual" and numerous letters of '
commendation from both citizens and his fellow officers. His peers described him as being very dedicated
and a loyal police officE;r that serves with distinction and honor. Officer Senter was attributed to displaying
attention to detail and dedication to duty far and above the normal standards set by law enforcement. To his
credit, some examples of his outstanding service are 2 fe;or�y narcctic arrests, 12 other felony arrests, 53
misdemeanor arrests ranging from possession of narcotic paraphernalia to selling alcohol to minors, 8 DWI
arrests, in eight months has issued 568 citations which average 71 per month — well over the Police
DepartmenYs average, participated in two alcohol stings and two tobacco stings in which arrests were made
for selling to minors, established Crime Prevention Assistance programs at Bay Meadows, Baywood and
Bridgestone Apartment complexes, received commendation from Wedgewood Village Homeowner's
Association for assistance in several traffic problems, assists with the Field Training Program, uses his past
knowledge at Rice University Police Department to enhance the City's program, is a Certified Crime
Prevention Officer, consistently volunteers for special assignmenfs such as providing security at the Concerts
in the Park, tours of the Police Department and special events regarding crime prevention. We appreciate the
work of this fine young officer, and appreciate the recognition given by the Fifty Club of Galveston County.
Friendswood Police Chief Bob Wieners also recognized Corporal Kelly Freeman who was recognized by
Galveston County last year for valor in an armed standoff.
The second anniversary of Tropical Storm Allison is approaching. Allison occurred in Friendswood and
Houston the first week of June 2001, during the first week of hurricane season. Since then, this storm has
been responded to, studied, and reported on extensively. Recentiy, one of the Staff was asked to serve on a
panel of experts. The Nafional Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is hosting the Houston Flood Forum on June
3, 2003, to discuss the aftermath of Tropical Sfiorm Allison. Dan Johnson, Deputy Director of the Community
Development Division of the Public Works and Community Development Department, has been asked to
serve on a panel. Nis topic v}�ill be the Buyeut�ragram implemented under the Hazard Mitigation Grantfurded
by FEMA in the aftermafh of,Allison. 1�ie appreciate Dan's v✓ork for the citizens of Friendswood, and the
recognifion he and the City received from the NFIP for his work.
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As of May 27, 2003, Friendswood's water usage registered above 9.5 miilion gallons for the third consecutive
day. According the Drought Contingency Plan adopted by fhe City Council in July 1999, the current level of
use exceeded 65 percent of the City's operatin:g capacity (13.8 million gallons) for three consecutive days
resulting in Stage 1--Mild Water Shortage Conditions. Effective May 28, the City implemented the Drought
Contingency Pian's Stage 1 Response. The response calls for voluntary conservation to reduce usage by 20
percent. Residents and businesses were ask�ed to fimit watering to every other day - even numbered
addresses on even days-odd numbered addresses on odd days. All watering should be limited to midnight—
10:00 a.m. or 8:00 p.m..-midnight on the designated days. Residents were also asked to limit or discontinue
nonessential water uses such as washing vehicles and filling swimming pools. Notice was posted on the __...
City's website, AM 1650, the electronic reader board, and sent to area media. If system conditions do not
improve, additional stages of the Plan may trigger further restrictions and rationing.
Special recognition was c�iven to Terry Byrd, Fire Marshal/Emergency Management Coordinator, who was
- recently honored by the Texas Gulf Coast Emergency Management Association. Terry received the Lou
Harrell Award for Outstanding Service in Emergency Management. The award was presented by Tesa
Duffey, President of the Association, at the Annual Hurricane Preparedness Conference in Pasadena on
Wednesday, May 28, 2003. Terry continues to be honored and recognized by his peers for his exceptional
service. As always, we appreciate his excellent work.
"*Councilmember Measeles moved to approve action rega�rding approval of the appointment of City Liaisons
for 2003-2004 as follows: Mayor Brizendine was appointed to be the City's Liaison for the Brio Site Task
Force, Emergency Management, and the Clear Creek Coalition. Councilmember Ewing appointed to the 4t�'of
July, Community Appearance Board, Library Board, and Senior Citizens Advisory Board. Councilmember
Ericsson appointed to the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership, and Houston Galveston Area Council
(HGAC). Councilmember Goza appointed to the Planning &Zoning Commission, an alternate to the Houston
Galveston Area Council (HGAC), and the Economic Developmen"t Committee. Councilmember Smith
appointed to the Friendswood Homeowner's Associations, and Parks& Recreation. Councilmember Kimmel
appointed to fhe Clear Lalce Area Council Of Cities. Councilmember Measeles appointed to the Clear Creek
Advisory Committee (HCFCD), Galveston County Consolidated Drainage bistrict, and Clear Creek Regional
Watershed Steering Cornmittee. '
Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion was approved unanimously.
**Councilmember Ericsson moved to approve action regarding approval of the transfer of Lot 39 in Imperial �
Estates Subdivision to thE� Galveston County Consolidatecl Drainage District.
Seconded by Councilmember Kimmel. The motion was approved unanimously.
"`�`Councilmember Measeles moved to approve the Second and final r.eading of Ordinance Number T2003-07,
an Ordinance amending Appendix C of the Friendswood City Code, said Appendix C being City of
Friendswood, Texas, Ordinance No. 84-15, as amended, originally adopted the 19t"day of November 1984,
and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City, by changing the Zoning Classification of a certain 0.62-acre tract
of land from Single-Family Res,idential (5FR) to Multi-Family Residential-Medium (MFF2-M), said tract being
situated in the Mary Sloan Survey,Abstract No. 184, Galveston County, Texas, and within the City; providing
for the amendment of the Official Zoning Map of the City; providing for severability; and providing a penalty of
an amount not to exceed $2,000 for each day of violation of any provision hereof.
Seconded by Councilmember Goza. The motion was approved 6-1, with Councilmember Ewing oppesed.
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*"Councilmember Goza moved to approve the ConsentAgen'da as presented. A. P��yment of Capital Projects
. , — 1. Surface Water Pump Station with payment in the amount of$64,742.50 to T&C Construction, LTD, for
construction services. To date, 95 percent of the contract has been expended. 2. �econd Elevated Storage
Tank with payment in the amount of$7,408.56 to Klotz Associates, Inc., for engineering services. To date, 96
percent of the contract has been expended. 3. Blackhawk Ground Storage Tank with payment in the amount
of $2,455.55 to SCL Engineering for engineering services. To date, 87 percent of the contract has been
expended. 4. San Joaquin Gravity Sewer Main with a total payment in the amount of$10,554.60,which was a
payment of$1,980 and $8,574.60, to SCL Engineering for engineering services. To date, 81 percent of the
contract has been expended. 5. Booster Pump Station Replacements with payment in the amount of$354.90
. to SCL Engineering for engineering services. To date, 92 percent of the contract has been expended. 6.
Longwood Park Utility Improvements with a total payment in the amount of$59,562.50,which was a payment
of$50,873,50 and $8,689, to SCL Engineering for engineering services. To date, 61 percent of the contract
has been expended. 7. Sanitary Sewer Force Main Redirect in Wedgewood Village/Forest Bend with a total
payment in the amount of$25,839.30, which were payments of$9,766, $4,883, $7,359, and $3,831.30, to
SCL Engineering for engineering services. To date, 30 percent of the contract has been expended. Total
payments were $170,917.91. B. Approve disposition of Bid IVo. 2003-05 for the 2003 Right of Way Mowing
Project. C: Approve Resolution No. R2003-35, Aufhorizing signatures for City Officials for the City's Bank
Signature Card at JPMorgan Chase Bank for Payroll, Consoli:dated and DisbursementAccounts. D.Approve
Grant Application for FEMA Phase II Emergency Operations Cenfer grant program for EOC equipment. E.
Approve Minutes of May 6, 2003 Meeting: �
Seconded by Councilmember Kimmel. The motion was approved unanimously.
A i�notion was made and approved to adjourn at 8:25 PM.
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Mayor Kimball W. Brizendine `�---
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De oris McKenzie, TRMC '
City Secretary