HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2003-05-12 Special, Work Session 05/12/03 20"�Z STATE OF TEXAS )( ' CITY OF FRI�NDSWOOD • )( COUNTIES OF GALVES`T'ON/HARRIS )( � MA.Y 12, 2003 )( MINUTES O� A SFECIP,L MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWUOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY,. MAY 12, 20U;3 AT 6:30 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSVVOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS,WITH THE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: f�IAYOR KIM BRIZENDINE f�/IAYOR PRO TEM TRACY GOZA � C;OUNCILMEMBER LAURA EWING � C,OUNCILMEMBER JERRY ERICSSON � C;OUNCILMEMBER DAVID J. H. SMiI-H C;OUNCILMEMBER SHANNON KIMMEL (:,OUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELES . C;ITY ATTORNEY LOREN SNIITH C;ITY MANAGER RON COX (:ITY SECRETARY bELORIS MCKENZIE Mayor Brizendine called the meeting to order. . � SPECIAL SESSION � "`"Councilmember Goza ��oved to approve acfion regarding approval of a Contract with Claunch & Miller for engineering services for tl�e Sunmeadow Drainage Project. 5econded by Councilir�ernber Ericsson. The motion was approved unanimously. _'. "'"Councilmember Measetles made a motion to adjourn the S!pecial Session. 5econded by Counciln�erriber Goza. The motion was approved unanimously. WORK SESSION � /biscussion was held with a represantative from Millennium C�orporation regarding a request from Millennium /� Development Corporatior� to evaluate the merits of a Municipal Utility District (MUD) for ihe River Oaks,afi Friendswood Subdivision, Discussion continued regarding fiinancing in-city Municipal Utility Districts (MUD) and Tax'Increment Rein�restment Zones (TIRZ). A Municipal Utility District is a political subdivision of the State, and has powers to perform many governmental functions that are also pertormed by cities. A Municipal Ufility Districf would take �bout 12 months, would have a se�arate board, the city could dissolve it and take over the debt, a Tax IncrE;ment Reinvestment Zone vvould be created by the city, there would be a Board of Directors, is based on ta;x increment process, it is not a political subdivision and the-City has total control, would be on the local leviel wikh no Sfate oversight, preliminary cost would be $14 million for the project, without special iinancing cannot make this project work, feels rehabbing golf course is the right way to go, questions have come u� abouf Public Improvement Distric;ts (PID) and the effects of PID bonds, is no collection process, and is.seeing developers backing off of P(Ds. • Mayor Brizendine stated [he City did not know where the City fits in this process, 'tne Ci'ty i�as to protect the citizens, information gath�ring is the first step and will follow up with questions, information provided by City Staii, and ihen VVorkshop with citizens, is looking at a minimiam of 3 maybe more meetings, the goal is to be . � 05/12/03 2013 deliberat�, factual and I<now what the options are and if the City has a role. A question and answer session took place betv�een Council, Mayor and Ms. Cool, the representative from Millennium Development Corporation, regarding if a vote is required from citizens to�reate a Municipai Utility District, responded that boundaries would be determined, would have to get,consE;nk from Council then to State authority, then a confirmation election is held within the boundaries of the Municipal Utility District, and would envision that both parties would work together to devefop boundaries, asked hc�wwould this compare to Municipal Utility Districts on the south side of League City, responded that Leagu� City does rebate some portion of taxes to help.citizens defer taxes, is�Pry similar in South 5hore Harbor, E3oard of Directors make decisions, the City wouid not have authority, wouild have to own land in the district, bG�ard would be appointed as temporary board until after confirmation fhen an election then four year terms, 5 pz.�rcels must be deeded to gain residents,water and waste, contracting with City of Friendswood,wholesale coi�tract, golf course would make it a viable project, it would take$4 million tc�make this work, leaving 200 homes undeveloped, to make fhis deal work the public/private parinership that fhe Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone offers is probably in the best benefit to the City, the developer and residents. The residents would h<ave more opportunity to interact on the board and be involved and have some say, the City also would be involved and they would control what would be developed, and the dev�eloper would save the initial cost of�setting up the Municipal Utility District, the difference befween a Municipal Utility District and Tax Increment F�einvestment Zone is the Municipal Utility District has water, drainage, anc] sewer authority only, no other infr2i�tructures, cannot zone and has no police power. A Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone does not really have power but has the ability to finance water, drainage, sewer, and could, if needed, roads, lighting, landscaping, u�ther amenities and all of the power flows through the city, asked if this is tc�potentially finance loss of profits fo,r the developer because they will not make as much money, responded y�es fhat essentially is the case. Furfher discussion was held between Council and the representative from Millennium Development Corporation, Ms. Cool, regarding the specifics of Municipal Utility Districts and Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones,who presented information with handouts. Mayor Brizendine stated he attended several meF�tings with citizens and heard concerns regarding open space and not necessarily a golf course, entertained otraer open space projects,asked the I�4'lillennium representative to pass on Eo ihe developer to piease consider open space, he and Council woul(� be interested to see a broader spectrum of consideration other than thE golf course, understood that the nuVriber of rounds of golf for a course to be feasible is a certain amount and wanted to make sure this issue wou�d not be re-visited down the line five years from novd� look afi economics and past hisfory, and look at different options. He further sfiated he would like Millennium to not solicit individual Councilmembers but to� use open avenues of discussion and have information flow through City Manager Ron Cox. __.._, Discussion was held regarding the Main Sfreef EnhancEment Plan. Alton Todd, (:,hair of the Main Street Implementation Task Force, introduced member:s of the committee and gave an overview of the process. The City Council approved a budget of $75,000 in the 2002-2003 budget for the develt�pment of a Main Street Enhancement Plan. PageSoutherlandPage, ani architectural/planning firm, were cp�osen as consultants to help develop this plan. Dr. Lewis May is Ehe project representative and manager far the firm. He and the Main Street I mplementation Task Force have been wcirking together on a conceptual plan. Dr. May gave a detailed presentation of the proposed Enhancement Pian. A question and answer session and discussion took place between Mayor, Council, Alton Todd, Chair of the Main Street Implementation Task �orce and Dr. Lewis May regarding fhe plans for the Main Street Enhancement such as enhanced streetscapes, pedestrian-friendly sidewalks, a to�ivn center with gatheri�g places, shopping villages, contemporary architecture, canopy of trees, a town garden, etc., discussed concerns regarding the overhead utility lines bPing ugly, couid find a cost to get therr� below but thaf is not the problem, it needs vitality, the next phase could address the overhead lines unless ii is cos't prahibitive, the beauty of esplanade aesthetics gives a feeling oT being tnere, the commif�ee is foc;�s2d on functionality and 05/12/03 2014 wanfs to have a place to stop,and shop and bring families f�gether. The next steps include meetings with businesses and property ewners from within the Main Street area, completion of the conceptual plan, and a series of ineetings for the; public, prior to seeking approval di the plan from City CounciL Councilmembers expressed excitement abbut the concep't, the steps to be takEn, meeiings with�different committees,there is a — great interest by a lot of dGvelopers, concems from existing b�usinesses such as the cost to them to meet the requirements, plans to in�clude these people in decision making, concern is fear of the unknown, has had encouraging input, and w�ould hope existing businesses see tl.�is as a benefit. A motion was made and ��pproved to adjourn at 8:06 PM. . ./ C F ` . � �L May�or Kimball W. Brizendine Atfest: �: , Deloris McKenzie, TR C • City Secretary