HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 2003-05-06 Regular 05/OG/03 2007 STATE OF TEXAS )( CfTY OF FRIENDSWOOD )( COUNTIES OF GALVESTON/HARRIS )( MAY 6, 2003 )( . � � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL THAT WAS HELD ON MONDAY, MAY 6, 2003 AT 7:00 PM AT FRIENDSWOOD CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 910 S. FRIENDSWOOD DRIVE, FRIENDSWOOD,TEXAS,WITH THiE FOLLOWING PRESENT CONSTITUTING A QUORUM: MAYOR HAROLD L. WHITAKER MAYOR'PRO l"EM TRACY GOZA � COUNCILMEMBER KITTEN BRIZENDINE COUNCILMEMBER KIM BRIZENDI�E � � COUNCILMEMBER SHANNON KIMMEL COUNCILMEMBER MEL MEASELE3 � � CITY ATTORNEY LOREN SMITH CITY MANAGER RON COX CITY SECRETARY DELORIS MCKE_NZIE Counciliriember Jer�y Ericsson was absent from the meetiny. Mayor Whitaker called the meeting to order. REGULAR SESSION The Invocation was given by Pastor Rick Baldwin from Frien.dswood Comi�unity Criurch. Mayor Whitaker led the Pledge of Allegiance to fhe United States and to the State af Texas, ��- COMMUNIGATIONS FRQM THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMiEMBERS Councilmember fVieaseles stated that he has enjoyed serving with Councilmei�nber Kitten Brizendine siilce � 1991, He stated he has served wifh 3 Mayors and Mayor Whitaker has been an inspiration and;has held the office of �ayor in the highest integrity and thanked hirn for liis service to tf�e community, offered congratulations to the newly elected oificials, David Smith who he metwhen he wo.rl<ed with the Friendswood Fine Arts Council and helped start Concert in the Park �nd is looking forwarr� to working with them, Councilmember Tracy.Goza who was re-elected and .is glad to work with hirr� again, newly elected Councilmember Laura Ewing who worked with ihe Community Appearance �oard, has always been impressed with her energy and enfhusiasm and looks forward to working with her, Kim Brizendine will be the 4"' Mayor for him to have served with and looks forward to working with him to accomplish the dreams and goals of this Council and the citizens and can count on him for support in these endeavors. Councilmember Shannon Kimmel thanked everyone that ran, welcomed newly elected officials, stated candidate Robin Hall ran a good campaign, looks forv✓ard to working with CouncilmE�mber David Smith, hates to see Mayor Whitaker anel Councilmember Kitten Brizendine leave and is looking fc�rward to working with the new Mayor, Kim Brizendine, and everyone on Council. Counciimember Kitten 3�izendine stated she wanied to re���ember her father for his patriotism and the desire to serve he instilled in her, her Mom for her compassion and gentle spirit that she p<�ssed on to her, although 05/06/03 2008 � there are some who would say that there is a tige�r there also,thanked daughter Heather for herwillingness to share her Mom, especially during the early years,and their husbands James and Joe who came into their lives and held their hands, ancl both of their wonderfu.l families who have so fully embraced them, thanked fellow Councilmembers for the many shared experiences, two wonderful Mayors, Evelyn Newman, who was her mentor, and Harold Whitaker for the strong yet fair leadership they have sbown, the declicated Staff of fhis unique City, City Manager Ron Cox for his professionalism and especially City Secretary Deloris fVlcKenzie for all of her guidance and enduring friendship and finafly thank fhe cifizens of Friendswood for having enough faith to allow her the privilege of serving them and for this she is truly grateful and blessed. To the new Mayor and Council she wished wisdom to make needed decisions and the strength of characfer to uphold the duties of the office to which they have been elected, and stated God bless you all in our Cii:y. ��`' Mayor Whitaker made a special presentation to Councilmember Kitten Brizendine, presented a bouquet of spring flowers, s�oke aboufi her 11 years of seruice to the Cify, stated she was leaving Council because of the � term-limits policy and further stated that in all of her years in Council she was the conscience of.the Council. She always knew everything they did and alwa�� reminded them they had to look at it from the side to malce . sure that what they were doing was in the best interest of every citizen, and stated to her that she is loved and appreciated for what she has done for fhe Cify. Mayor Whita{�er than{ced �veryone for their sup;port for the last 6 years and st��ted Ehat when he began as Mayor he said he wanted t.o be a resource for City Staff and Council so they could reach the levels that each of them aspired to, to drive decisions to the highest level and to ask everyone to be accountable for what they did and to do the best job they could, stated hP feels everyone did a great job and i;� proud of every one of them, is pa'rticularly pleased Eo sit beside the next Mayor, Kim Brizendine,who is a great man, is glad the City has someone of his caliber leading the City which makes tne decision to leave easier and is proud of him. He stated I�e is also proud oi e;veryone that ran, it is a special person that would step up and serve, these are fihe greatest Councilmembers in the world and the best Staff in the State of Texas. Mayor Whifaker reporfed i:haf Courci!member'Ericsson is serving in Washington, w�311<ing the halls with Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership on NASA's Keep It Sold Program and sent his rE�grets that he would not be able to attend and is doing his duty and has done that for several years and done a greatjob. RESOLUTIONS **Councilmember Kitten Brizendine moved to ap�rove Resolutio.n No..R2003-23-A Re�solution canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the General Election held May 3, 2003,for the purpose of electing a Mayor and two (2) Councilmemb�rs to the City Council of the City of Friendswood, and canvassing the retums and . declaring the results of the Special Election held:on May 3, 2003,for the purpose of elE�cting a Councilmember for an unexpired ferm ending May 2004 (Position No. 4). � For the position of Mayor-�Jeffrey Lee Branscome 1059 and Kim Wayne Brizendine 2.116 votes. Position No. 1 -John Co'le 357, Robin Hall�1111, Laura Ewin,g 1577. Position No. 3 -Tracy Goz�2325. Position No. 4 - David J. H. Smith 2291. Seconded by Councilmerr�ber Goza, The motion was approved unanimously. OATHS OF OFFICL The Oaths of Office were,administered for the Mayor and Council Positions No. 1, �lo. 3, and No. 4. Judge Woltz administered the oath and swore in David J.H. Smith for Council Position No.4, Laura Ewing for Council Position No. 1, Tracy Goza for Council Position No. 3, and Kim Brizendine for Mayor. Mayor Kim Brizendine introduced himself and the new Council. 05/OG/03 �� �2009 Mayor Brizendine made a special presentation to Mayor Whitaker and Councilmernber Kitten Brizendine in which he presented each with a Key To The City. -" City SecreEary Deloris McKenzie staEed tliat she would like ta thank Mayor Whitaker from the depths of her heart for his leadership, mentoring and support. Ms. McKenzie further stated that he supported the employees when they were at the lowest and taken them to the top, empowered them and�gave them strength and he is leaving them strong. The City Secrefary's ofiice will miss his humor, kindness, generosity and coming in every day and geiting M & M's at 3:30 pm, thanked his wife, Ann, fo:r being kind enough to share him 6 years ago wl�en she could have been traveling the Caribbean and going on trips. She further stated that she has served wifh Coun.cilmember Kitten Brizendine for 11 years and they became very good friends, shared many Mother stories, being-single days stories, their happiness in finding the loves of their.lives, their husbands, as a Councilmember she has been very wise and has done so mu;ch for, the citizens of Friendswood, thanked her for all of her 11 years with City Council and as her true friend. ' City Manager Ron Cox stated he has been able to work wifh a lot of Councilmember;s over tfie last 25 years as a City Manager in Texas, there have been 40 or 41 during that time. Little did he knc�w half of his careerwould be in tl�e City of Friendswood. In November of 1990 when he:came to the City; KittE�n Brizendine was not yet on Councii buf was elecfed in May of 1991. She has been true to Friendswood, herself, and to the employees , of this City. On behalf of the employees of the City, he woulcl lilce to thank her for her service, kindness and grace. He further stated he wouid like to thank Mayor Whitaker for his service, displays great integrity,wisdom and advice. There are f�w peopie in your lifetime you can rank as a mentor and friend and has now added Harold Whital<er to his list. He thanked Mayor Whitaker for his leadership a�nd counsel, what he said 6 years ago is wl�at he did, he allowed Staff to have vision. � Mayor Brizendine thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve as the next Mayor, is confident and optimistic about his tenure as Mayor because of the qualily, fntelligence and commitmer�t of this Council, thinks tl�is Council is a great group of people who have great sacrificial hearts and show an uncanny commitment to do what is best for the City of Friendswood, there is much to celebrate in the City�of Friendswood, the City Sfaff are excellent and have done an excellent job and hopes this Mayor and Council will continue to support them in pursuing an even higher level of excellence for the citizenship, wou(d like to thank City Secretary Deloris McKenzie and her Staff who prop them up and who direct the:m on almost a daily b7sis and they could not be as effective as they are if they did not have that kind of support, has full �onfid€�nce in tl�e Friendswood Volunteer Fire Departrri�:nt, the Police Department under the leadership of Chief Bob Wieners and his Staff, the City has a great Chamber of Commerce, the City has great relationships with Friendswood Independent School District and Clear Creek Independent School Districi:, with room for improvement there has been a betterjob of coi�nmunicating and taking information to the citizens, the effort wiil be continued to bridge some of fhe communicafion issues fhat were raised in fhe recen�campaign. He further stated he would like to tell everyone a little about #�imself, his philosophy is patterned from the Rotary Four-Way Test, which is 4 statements, wi#h the first being, Is It The Truth. We pledged as a Mayor that he�will always tell the truth even if it is not what someone wants to hear, will get fo the boftom ofi things to fhe truth, will also ask Is It Fair To All Concerned, and stated this is his guiding principle to always treat citizens with respect even if their opinions differ, also ask Will It Build Goodwill And Better Friendships, which is the crux of gpod City government, this Mayor and Councif wifl work very hard fowards devefoping fhaf goodwif(and developing the relationships that will endeavor to help Friendswood move into the future, also ask Will It Be Beneficial To All Concerned, and stated he always looks sacrifieiaily to do what he thinks is bes:t for the greater good,i:hat is coming to each and every decision or issue, no matter how comolicatecl, with no agenda and seeking what is besf for all, he pledges this and speaKs o„ behalf oi Council, he is ep�osed to whatever tends ta degrade Friendswood's citizenship, cifizen5 should rise above judging those based on political affiliaiions or whether they are conservative or fiberai from a religious sfandpoinf and citizen�shou(d nof be sw.ayed by fhose outside the City 05/06/03 2010 that have some sp�cific �genda with information that would bring harm and slander to those that offer � fhemselves fo public servic,e,thanked candidafes Robin Ha((, John Coie and the ofhers that stepped fonn�ard fo ofi�er themselves for public service, there are many downsides and a lot of positives too,thanked everyone for his 5 years of being a City Councilmember and is blessed beyond belief with who he has met and worked with, can only be only as effective as the Council thai�tands beside you, and to do what is best for the community, is very blessed to have vf�ry strong supporters and very strong supporters i'n his family and City Council, mal<es a commitment to vvork very hard to communicate and take the brilliance that his mentor and good friend Harold Whita{<er broughf to the City and take it beyond,will do everything he can to preserve all Ehat is good about the Cify, being it's heritage and the honor of whaf is foved about this City and thanked everyone for this opportunity. Councilmember Tracy Go;ra stated he would like to recognize his wife Kim, his children, and his Mom and Dad for giving him time away from home and work to serve the citizens of Friendswood and has really enjoyed it, thanked Mayor Whitaker who he served with for 2'/z years and has come to appreciate his ability to effectively lead this Council, has learned a tremendous amount and feels privileged to have had the opportunity to serve • with such a great and well-respected man, recognized Councilmember Kitten Brizendine for her many years of service Eo the City and told the story of when he was first elected Councilmember Kitfen Brizendine took him aside and outlined some additional freshman d�uties that were not told to him by the City Manager or City Secretary in the orientation for new Councilmembers and that was, according to Kitten, it was his job to make sure at every Council meeting that the pitchers of water on the dais were full, there were cups, and that the candy dishes were full, and stated that to be assured he would pass on that same fist of responsibilities to Councilmember Laura Ewing and Councilmem!ber David Smith and add a few of his own to those duties, and now seriously, thanked Kit#en for all that she has done, it has meant a lot to him and made a great impact on him, offered congratulations to Laura Ewing and stated he looks forward to working with her and getting to know her, thanked candid�tes Robin Hall and John Cole for running a good, clean race, congratulated David Smith, thanked City Manager Ron Cox and 'City Secretary Deloris McKenzie and City Staff, offered congratulations to new Mayor Kim Brizendine for what he considers one of the most successful campaigns he has ever been involved in, not based on 'the vote count but on the fact that he brc�ught groups of people together who at times had different goals and ideas about the City and looks forward to his effective leadership and serving wifh him as Mayor. Councilmember Laura Ewing stated this was.a hard race and hard campaign but it taught her a valuable lesson in life, there were three people who ran positive races, but there seemed to be some who wanfied to lurk in the shadows who decided the way to mold decision making was to spread rumors, tell untruths and to fix labels to names, her best qualifications are that she cares about all�people, it does not matter what type of - home they live in, neighboi�hood or socioeconomic status, she cares about all people. On FM 2351 there is a Mefhodist church and the ia6el fhey affix fo that.is Chrisfian, wears many hafs at work and one of fhem is to oversee the charact:er education program for st�adents at Pearland Independent School District, there are 6 pillars of character and tr�ose 6 pillars transcend and permeate all religious affiliations:, her challenge to herself, other Councilmembers, City Staff, citizens and business people of the City are to model those 6 traits for students and young �eople. The 6 traits ar�trustworthiness, respect, responsibi(ity, fairness, caring and citizenship, she stated she is a good listener and if someone has something they want to say to her they can have a face to face discussion and will make jur�icious decisions, would like to havE a 3-year term in which those 6 pillars are truly respecfed, than{<ed John�Cofe and Robin Half for running a good campaign, John Cole is a fine young man who went door to door in several neighborhoods seeking citizen's support, is also in serninary school and wished him a very positive career as a minister, Robin is also a very fine individual and it was fun to see her 2 girls campaigning and her husband campaigning by her side, Robin worked very hard on her campaign, she studied and listened and ho;pes she will be running again in the future, recognized her family, John, 6enjamin a�id iviillice��t for ;heir heip ar,d support during the campaign, has had �vonderful support and guidance, th«nked Kim and Jo Beth Brizendine, Harold and Ann Whitaker, thanked a strong 05/06/03 2011 group of people that came together to help guide her campaign, including her family, long-time citizens, Community Appearance Board,the Methodist church, co-workers, neighbors, City SECretary Deloris McKenzie and her staff Linda Thornton, Karla Foster and Melinda Welsh, City Manager Ron Gox, Karen Capps, Police Chief Bob Wieners and Fire Marshal Terry Byrd, thanked everyone for their support and will try her best to be �� � a good representative for the City and knows she was elected because of some v�ry special people behind tl�e scenes, Councilmember David Smith stated on behalf of he and his wife Danyel he woufd like to thank Friendswood for being a wonderful community, and as cifizens felt thaf it is fim�to give back,thanks for lhe support,there were many people influential in liis decision for being here, thanke.d Kim Brizendine for his encouragement and guidance, Haroid Whitaker for his words of wisdom, most of all there is a line of people that have been involved in many civic organizafions, charify evenfs, Rofary Clubs, Chambers of Commerce that have been influential not just in him being there but in the way thaf he thinks and the way that he knows, thanked Friendswood Chamber of Commerce President Carol Jones and Events Coordinai:or Lucy Woltz, Justice of fhe Peace Judge Jim Woltz, Joe and Mary Prihoda, and most of all fhanks to a lady that has guided his life inany years, Evefyn Newrnan, who has given many years o�service to Friendswood and given back to lhe coi�nmunity, looks forward fo serving wifh Mayor Brizendine and other Councilmembers and giving back to the City as much as was given to him. A reception was held immediately following the.meeting. A motion was made and �pproved to adjourn at 8:00 PM. �--�..,��-� ��� �1��...c�--�Q---_.__ u.� Mayor Kimball W. Briz.endin—e U-- � Deloris McKenzie, TRMC City Secrekary